Let's unite to share the joys and sorrows! |
Hi, Nathii! Here I am again. Although I can speak it fluently (I even fooled native Americans ) written English is a real challenge for me. I was always affected to English - in the end it's grammar is easier than French. Uäh! My mom was an interpreter for English once and always helped me with homework. From ten years on I started to read English books - fiction and non-fiction - but my problem with grammar's still there. Of course I try to polish items so far that they're readable but in reality I have quite some difficulties. I'm also here to improve my written English language. That people don't complain too much about my written English seems to be my affinity to speech. I play so long with speech until I can read an item out loud smoothly. It isn't correct like you saw after reviewing "Deep impact" but not so bad either. I love being here, because I have the feeling that people really want to help me. That I manage to entertain people although most of my fiction is rather a mental blow in the face isn't so bad either. I don't include myself - that would be narcisstic - but I admire everyone who writes or talks in a language that's not his mothertongue. See you around. "The unnamed should not be taken for the nonexistent." Catherine A. MacKinnon How can I improve this story? Help's really appreciated!
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