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Short Story Contest About the First Christmas. High GPS awards & growing!**CLOSED |
A Shepherds First Christmas I sit here pondering the night sky while watching the flock of sheep bedded down. The stars shine brightly overhead and it seems some are twinkling at me. My friends sit talking to one another and my thoughts turn toward the greatness of God. It has been spoken by the prophets that Messiah will be born in Bethlehem. Suddenly, I hear a sound that scares me so badly that all I can do is sit and be completely still. I try to speak but words do not come to my lips. Fear grips my soul as I see this brightly shining being standing among us. Suddenly, the being speaks saying, "Fear not, for I bring you great news, which is for all people. This very night in the city of David is born the Messiah, the anointed one. You will find Him in a manger wrapped in swaddling clothes." Suddenly from the heavens, there appeared a host of angels praising God and singing, "Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, and good will toward men." As I sit there trying to overcome my fear, I pondered upon what the angel had spoken. I made up my mind that I was going to see for myself this Messiah. My friends also decided to come with me to see this great wonder which the angels spoke about. We leave our flocks and start our journey toward the city of Bethlehem. We tell everyone we see about what the angels had told us. Some thought we had lost our minds. Others would ask, " Is it possible that Messiah would show up at this time of the rule of the Romans over God's people?" I am so excited, I can hardly wait to see this sight that the angels told us about. I go about the city looking in every barn trying to find the Son of God Himself. In my excited state of mind, I refuse to stop until I have seen Him for myself. It seems to have taken me forever to find the right place, but I found it and I stop suddenly before I go in. I ponder what I might actually see when I enter and what feelings I may have when I see this wonderful child. Slowly I enter into the barn where this child lies. I look around to see all the animals being very still and quiet. I see a young maiden who must be the mother of this child. Her smile shines as brightly as the sun at noon. She nods toward the manger where the baby lies and I approach the manger slowly. What I see in the manger that night is a sight that I will never in my whole life forget. This small child that was born this night looks just like a regular child. There seems to be nothing special about what He looks like. He yawns as I peer at Him. He cries a little as all babies cry. There is something different about this child though. It isn't something that I can see but I can feel it in my soul. As I look at this child my spirit leaps in me. I am reminded of the words of the prophet Micah, "But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting." I smile the biggest smile I remember ever having in my life. I feel as though I am about to burst open I am so happy. I rise and leave yelling at the top of my lungs, "I have seen Him! My eyes beheld the King of kings and the Lord of lords! Come see Him, for I will show you where He is! This is the day that Israel has been waiting for! Freedom and salvation has finally come to the house of Jacob!" I keep going around the city telling people what my eyes have seen. Many people have waxed cold in their hearts and cannot comprehend what I am telling them about. They have lost all hope and are miserable in their minds. They scoff at me as I tell them about this wonderful child. They refuse to believe that Messiah would come as a babe in a manger. They look for a mighty King in full armor to come and destroy the Romans. They are blind to what God has given us this night. Sadness fills my heart as this realization comes to me. Suddenly, I hear a voice that is small and still, seemingly coming from within me. This voice says to me, "I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Hear my voice, for I tell you, this babe you saw in the manger is my Son and He is truly the Messiah. Spread the word of His birth among my people. Fear not if they refuse to believe, for some will truly believe." With that being said by God Himself, I turn to the task, and to this day, some refuse to believe. There are some that are even violent when I tell them of the birth of the Messiah. But oh, for those that believe, it is well worth what I have to endure just to let them know. I will tell them as long as there is breath in my body. Thank you God, for choosing me to spread the word of the birth of Messiah. Thank you God, for the power to tell people about Him. Thank you God, for salvation that comes through Messiah. I am forever in your debt God, and I will always love you with my whole heart. |