A forum for Members of Red Opium SI self help and support group. |
Well, I went for a while without cutting.. But then something huge happen at school, and it was coz of me! and I got a razor went down to the toilets and cut my wrists pretty bad, and went back up with blood driping down my arm, and my counciler and friends seen it and cleaned me up, I couldn't move I just froze.. Then I did it to my other arm when the counciler went out of the room! He then took me down to a dr to get my some help and to look at my wrists. he just put covers over it and talked to me! That happen last Wednesday. Then the next day, I stayed at a friends place that night as I was a mess and don't get along with my parents at the moment.. The next day (thursday) I came to school, I was feeling ok, hadn't cut and I went to my form class, and I got told to go down and see my counciler, I went down and one of my teachers that got me was really upset, so I didn't know what was going on, and I walked into the room, and my mother was in there. My counciler said that they have bad news that my Grandfather had passes away that morning at 1.05am.. So of course I started to cry and was a mess.. I went to Melbourne to two days after! Today, I have not cut my wrists, its been a week, but I cut my legs still.... But its that or my wrist! So I'm getting ready for a break down.. As I don't feel right at the moment!! |