A sanctuary for weary writers, inky wretches, and aspiring professional novelists. |
Wait-when was I being merely argumentative? If I was I am sorry about that. (However, now that you mention it, how do we know black isn't white? Perhaps I see the world like you would see a photographic negative, and I don't notice 'cause it seems normal to me.) It semms to me, then, that the argument is confusing the questions "what are you?" and "what do you make money doing?" No you're not a doctor, but a doctor is someone who has earned a certain degree by fulfilling certain obligations, none of which is ambiguous in the least. A doctorate is a specific degree stating that you are qualified to do certain things. (I would go so far as to call you a healer, however. You are a mother, after all.) Being a 'writer' on the other hand, has many ambiguities. There is no 'writing' degree, and as far as I know no decided on list of qualifications. Perhaps others may think me delusional, but then, others don't get to define me. It isn't that a person is more than their labels, it's that a person is not their labels. If labels were an intrinsic part of who a person was, then they wouldn't be so easy to don and shed. Perhaps you are right; perhaps I would be delusional to call myself a writer after putting up the pen. But then that means I wasn't a writer in the first place, at least not really deep down. No more than I 'am' that pair of shorts that I really liked that got torn up and I had to throw away. I mean, I could consider myself a jabberwocky if I wanted to, and no one would have the right to stop me. |