A forum designed for researching others' stories about God/Jesus. Post your testimony. |
I hope this is the proper place to post 'My Story.' I am a 63 year old widow, mother of one daughter, grandmother to four grandsons. I became a Christian when I was a young girl of eleven. I was baptized in the Guyandotte River, Logan County, WV. on a cold November day. A deer came and stood in the water while I was there. It was a beautiful day in many respects. I became very active in our little church (an independent baptist church in Virginia) and at the ancient age of 12 became Sunday School treasurer. :) I also got to change the numbers of the little attendance boards which made me feel very important. Through these many years, while I've had a few doubts and q few crises, I've never lost the love for Jesus nor my desire to serve His church. May His name be praised forever. I am dying now from leukemia and complications, or so they say. :) I am in hospice care. So far, it has not affected my mind at all and I still write, read, do computer games etc. It's just my physical body running out of steam. I am not sad, no despair, and I do not suffer too much, mostly fatigue. When my time comes to cross Jordan, I'll probably be singing 'O I want to see him, look upon His face....' if you know the song. Thanks for inviting me to your group, and I hope to get to know you better. I have many stories of His love and grace and lots of tales about myself too. :) Iva Mae I'm grateful for a life full of love, friends, common sense, a little philosophy, writing, reading and a great deal of honest humor... |