A sanctuary for weary writers, inky wretches, and aspiring professional novelists. |
yeah that's part of the reason I'm doing it - I'm getting so little bites even with GP offers for reviews that I thought I contest with large prizes might pull people in. If you want come in and check it out - when I finish I'll tell you how it went and if you want and it goes well - I can help you sent something up - maybe do a rotate or something - with the winner getting the contest for the next round - but you need to have something completed I think... so that you have lots of chpaters for them to look at. I have two other novels that if it works well with this one - I'll do it a few months down the road with them. So - come in and join us Rose - really - it will be fun! Come on in everyone - as long as you get at least chapter 13 with helpful reviews you'll get awarded GP's at the month's end... - six weeks, that's 5 chapters a week to complete and go for the grand prize - or just over 2 chapters a week for at least recognition GPs. Lon ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |