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Rated: 18+ · Message Forum · Entertainment · #823820
Screenplay Writer! Come to share your talent!
A Perspective Contest
Screenplay Writers

In this contest, we will explore various perspectives by using the prompts below.

Your task is to write a screenplay from the perspective of one of the characters.

I have developed seven characters with basic plots as prompts. Choose one to bring to life.

This character should convey his/her perspective on the prompt provided with the outline of the character.

You can name, dress, place or do anything you want with this character within the confines of the prompts.

You have full control of the catchy
title of your choice (with respect to the Writing.com's title post ratings).

Use Writing.Com's search engine for guides on writing screenplays. Keyword: screenplay

Here is a site that offers free downloads of scripts. You can read the samples:


*Right* Approximately 8000 words

*Right* Post according to Writing.com rules of rating. Those that are not will be deleted.

*Right* Post bitem links only.
See Writing.com ML Tag illustrations.

*Right* Feel free to express yourself
using any rating with discretion.

*Right* Post the number of the scenario
you choose. Example: Number Four-YOUR TITLE

*Kiss* Erotica is welcome since it is
adult characteration. POST ACCORDINGLY=GC

*Note1*(There is a distinguishable difference in Erotica and
Pornography*Question*Please do the research if you don't understand. Smut will be deleted.)

Let the show begin NOW! Ends April 5th
*Idea* ONE


Tammy is an African American, 24-year-old woman, from a small town (your choice). The town is predominately African American, diverse incomes; all ranges.
She has finished college.

Since she has never dealt with racism and discrimination, her tasks to gain employment she moves to be quite difficult. She is applies to one major law firm that is adjusting to
Affirmative Action Laws.

*Idea* TWO


Elizabeth Conrad is the heir of a Conrad Hall & Williams Law Firm. She is 30, a graduate of Harvard Law, and from a small rich village in Wisconsin. She has never interacted with people outside of her race. She is aware of the laws to diversify her inherited company that has never in its’ 50 years of existence had to do before now. Her only knowledge of people outside of her race and socio-economic status has been through media; negative and positive.

A lawsuit is pending against the firm for discrimination. Her colleagues have the same background as hers and are against hiring based on the new laws implemented by Congress.

*Idea* THREE


Mayon VanClark is a 34 year old, African American male. He has a GED, a felon on probation for the distribution of narcotics. He is from a poor family where violence, drugs and alcohol riddled his family on a daily basis. His mother was an addict. His life revolved around hustling and trying to survive as he grew up, for himself and two other siblings.

He attempts to pull his life together after spending five years in federal prison. He has no skills, no money and no job. He does manage to maintain a relationship with one of the women he was semi-dating before his sentence. She lets him move in with her and her children since she has known him for over 15 years. This woman is established, educated and loves him. He is not accustomed to love and misuses it.

*Idea* FOUR


The night is young and certainly full of possibilities. You’re young, beautiful/handsome, educated and horny. Your last lover had to leave when he/she realized that you were not going to be his/her doormat. You can deal with most of your problems with a pretty level head. Your major issue is how horny you are night after night. You shop till you drop by day for the sexiest/hottest outfit that New York? has to offer.

*Note1* Here you can choose male or female and location. To make it interesting and to get real practice in writing from a character’s perspective, I suggest you write from the opposite sex’s perspective.

*Right* Female: By dawn, you relax in your candle lit, hot and bubbly bath with some champagne you extravagantly splurged for. The hot bath only made your carnal desires worse.

*Right* Male: By night, you realize that the cold shower, beer and sports channel just wont do the trick.
*Idea* FIVE


You're a stripper. Occasionally, you moonlight fulfilling your client’s fantasies. You were abused as a child. As part of the emotional abuse that normally assists in being abused, you were always told that you would be nothing more than a low-life. Your esteem is low. You want to change this image of you. You attend seminars, and self-help events in the attempt. Memories of what you have done in the past are discussed as a part of this therapy you part-take to help yourself.
*Idea* SIX


You are a white male. A bigot. You are rich and own stock in many companies, which allows you to call shots within these companies. You and your family are traveling one sunny afternoon when someone cuts in front of you, landing your vehicle upside down. You are the only one conscious.

Your family members are whisked off to the hospital by ambulance. Both of your children need transplants. You use your money to advertise for these organs. When the public finds out that it is you that needs these parts, they don’t want to help you because of your reputation. To make things worse, the only matches are from African American donors of families you have destroyed or in someway helped to with your bigotry ideas.
*Idea* SEVEN


You work for a company that has some really sexy/handsome employees. The atmosphere is amazingly beautiful. You are married but this one employee that smells and look so good always seems to be in the elevator with you, alone. You can feel the tension, the chemistry between you two. So can he/she. You fantasize this person. You try to fight the feelings…

Number Seven has been inspired by MagnoliaQueen

Gift Points

First = 10,000
Second = 5000
Third = 2500

*Note1*((Gift points will increase with donations))*Note1*

*Exclaim*Donators: WANTED*Exclaim*
*** *** ***
**** **** ****
The Honorable Judges
Magnolia Queen

Kindly Thank the Contributors!
PoeticSyble Author IconMail Icon
LLL Author IconMail Icon


*Note1* The minimum entry requirement before choosing a winner is TEN.

HAVE FUN! *Bigsmile* *Bigsmile* *Bigsmile*

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by Sugaree-Serial_Writer Author IconMail Icon  •  04-03-04 @ 5:07 pm

Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/forums/item_id/823820-Screenplay-Writers