Printed from https://writing.com/main/forums/item_id/2295952-Welcome-My-23rd-Anniversary-At-WDC
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Rated: E · Message Forum · Activity · #2295952
You give me a Merit Badge, you get one to help me celebrate my 22 WDC Anniversary Party!

2023 Quill Nominee
My 23rd WDC Anniversary is May 21,2025. Wow. This is my second home and I love it here. I am having a celebration. You give me a Merit Badge and I will give you one. You send me a Merit Badge and pick out one of mine from the pages below or I can give you or choose a Community Merit Badge you want instead. I will give you one when your WDC Anniversary comes around and I won't want a badge in return. There is a million things I could say. I took up writing because of WDC and have made a lot of friends. I have good memories and I love it here. I love Downton Abbey, Frozen, Elsa, Jane Austen and there are a variety of things in my Port to read. Come for a read or say Hello. Leave a message after the beep. This Forum is always open if you want to exchange Merit Badges.

It has been a great 23 years. Thank you for looking and I hope you will participate. Thanks everyone. I love you!

Thank you ♥HOOves♥ Author IconMail Icon for the beautiful Awardicon!

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My Trinkets, Special Page 2 Open in new Window. (E)
Another Page of Trinkets, Awardicons, Merit Badges and What Ever I Make.
#2291433 by Princess Megan Rose Author IconMail Icon

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Princess Megan Bank Open in new Window. (E)
A personal, special page to keep track of commissioned Merit Badges and Awardicons.
#2228436 by Princess Megan Rose Author IconMail Icon

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My Merit Badges and Trinkets Page Open in new Window. (E)
Merit Badges I had commissioned and Trinkets friends helped me make. I made some as well.
#2123111 by Princess Megan Rose Author IconMail Icon

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/forums/item_id/2295952-Welcome-My-23rd-Anniversary-At-WDC