Printed from https://writing.com/main/forums/item_id/2232242-The-Whatever-Contest----Closed-for-Now
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Rated: 13+ · Message Forum · Contest · #2232242
This irregular contest will change each round. Nature poem? Horror story? Whatever.

"Sorry Closed" image for the Whatever Contest
Closes at 11:59 pm WdC time on October 2, 2022

TIME UNTIL CONTEST CLOSES:  [Refresh to load countdown.]

This is a Whatever text image for my Whatever Contest.

Be sure to click the Plus button (computer's upper right corner) on this contest so you can find it again! *Wink*
Click until you see the megaphone. Sometimes I reward my contest's fans! *Bigsmile*

This contest will be different each time I post it--different genre, different prompt, different rules, different requirements, etc., depending on my mood and schedule. *Bigsmile*

It's best to click my Plus Sign (preferably twice) so you can easily keep up with me.
Schnujo's Giving Away GPs Author IconMail Icon *Left*
That way, when I advertise this contest, you will see it on your Newsfeed, assuming you are checking it around that time. *Wink*

If you see a Plus Sign by my name, that means you have not clicked it before. I recommend clicking it twice (for the megaphone) to become a Fan so you appear on my Fans list because occasionally I send all my fans GPs, MBs, whatever. *Wink*
Megaphones get mega bucks, but the finger with the string gets nothing.
megaphone = fan = 2 clicks vs. finger with string = favorite = 1 click


Multiple Prompts This Month

Prompt 1: Write a poem of any style up to 22 lines long. Must somehow relate to or include the number 22. Reward: 22K GPs
Prompt 2: Write a short story up to 222 words long. Must somehow relate to or include the number 22. Reward: 22k GPs
Prompt 3: Write a letter to your family asking them to send SM (StoryMaster, the site owner) a copy of your death certificate when the time comes so your portfolio can be preserved at the membership level it was when you passed away and so you can be memorialized and become a white case, forever remembered here on WdC. See the dropnote below for further details, including the address that it needs to be sent to. Rewards: 50k GPs
Note: If you did the letter to your family last year, you can resubmit it this year, after adding any updates, corrections, edits you want/need to make. Rewards: 22k GPs

More Info About the Letter to the Family

Please copy and paste the bold prompt below into your entry (contest request). Note that the length of these prompts are specifically directed at the Best Flash Fiction categories in "The QuillsOpen in new Window.. They require prose to be 1000 words or less. My hope is that there will be a couple of nominations from this round's contest. Below is the prompt for your copying pleasure.

Prompt: Write something with the number 22 as a dominant theme, topic, or idea in honor of WdC's 22nd birthday celebration.
Written for "The Whatever Contest." {e:Right} {item:2232242}
Word/Line Count:

Line or word count not required for the letter.


(Copy and paste everything above in bold blue into your item (not into the forum post) for submission. The ML code will appear correctly after you Save.)

Remember to check the rules as they will change each time

*Starv* Type: Poetry, Short Story, and/or Letter to Your Family

*Starv* Length: Poetry: 22 lines max; Short Story: 222 words max; Letter to Your Family: Unlimited Please specify which item you are submitting in the title of your forum post.

*Starv* Rating: Rated 18+

*Starv* Deadline: October 2, 2022 at 11:59 pm WdC time Late Entries

*Starv* Entry: Post Bitem or Entry

*Starv* New or Used: New items this round

*StarV* Include Prompt, Contest, Word/Line Count/Format: Copy the Prompt Section into Your Item

*Starv* Font Size:You will not be disqualified, but it is greatly appreciated if your item is in 3.5 or 4 sized font.

*Starv* Edits: Allowed until the deadline. Edits after the deadline are at your own risk as we will judge when we judge, regardless of your edit status after the deadline.

*Starv* Prizes: This round every poetry and short story entry will receive 22,000 GPs. You may write one of each. The letter to your family will receive 50k GPs.
You may write this in addition to the poem and/or story or you may only write this, if you prefer.
Previously written letters to the family may be edited and resubmitted for 25k GPs. The first place winner(s) will receive 22,000 GPs in each category (though the letters may not be judged) and usually The Whatever Contest 25k awardicon. There must be at least 5 entries for the selected prompt in order to earn the awardicon.

*Starv* Number of Entries: This Round Allows 3 Entries

*Starv* Judging: See Dropnote for Judging Notes

*Starv* Judge(s): Schnujo's Giving Away GPs (only judge for letters if they are to be judged), LinnAnn -Book writer, and (to be determined)

*StarV* Judging will be completed...eventually. No promises for a timeline, but we will strive to complete judging before the following contest round ends. Extended waits may result in Apology GPs being given to entrants. *Bigsmile*

No promises, but exceptional entries may be nominated for "The QuillsOpen in new Window.. You are encouraged to nominate entries of all sorts from all over WdC. Use the following nomination form. "Quill Nomination Form 2024 - CLOSEDOpen in new Window.

Past and Present Participants, Prompts, Winners, and Judges 2020-2021

Past and Present Participants, Prompts, Winners, and Judges 2022-2023

*Shamrock* GOOD LUCK, EVERYONE! *Shamrock*

** Image ID #2187221 Unavailable **

Please let us know if we forget to give you your GPs or if we inadvertently give you a MB or awardicon too soon! CRs matter to us!

Be sure to check out my challenge at

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The Contest Challenge Open in new Window. (13+)
Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed!
#2109126 by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs Author IconMail Icon

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/forums/item_id/2232242-The-Whatever-Contest----Closed-for-Now