Happy 23rd Anniversary, Writing.com!
In honor of this great milestone, the Senior Mods have returned to give you a taste of that game we all know and love...MONOPOLY!...with a twist! Here's our Writing.com version, which is much easier and less likely to have you broke or tossing the board in anger because...well...some people just are too greedy (and the banker is almost never your friend) *shakes fists*
The rules are pretty simple and straightforward, so please read them thoroughly.
1. Pick a token of choice (listed below). It doesn't matter if two people pick the same thing. This will be yours for the duration of the week.
2. Roll the die. You have to pick a number between 1 and 12 and post it in the forum. Your header should be as follows: Token-Number. e.g: Thimble - 8
Disclaimer: Please note that 'tokens' have no real purpose except keeping them in the spirit of the game!
3. Mods will close the round either at the end of the day (or at random). Winners are picked via Virtual Dice.
Based on time of posting:
Top three winners (if with the same numbers) will "Pass Go" and get 10,000gps.
Next three winners (if with the same numbers) get to pick from "Community Chest" and will have to do whatever task is assigned to win 5,000gps.
The next three (if with the same numbers), will get to pick from "Chance" and will also have to do whatever task is assigned to win 1,000gps.
Note! You CANNOT participate in the next round until your tasks are complete!
4. All participants will be given raffle tickets daily - where three lucky winners will win the grand prize packages at the end of the event (other grand finale prizes might be given out at our discretion).
"Pass Go" winners get 3 tickets
"Community Chest and Chance" winners get 2 tickets,
Everyone else gets 1 ticket.
In other words, the more you get to play, the higher your chances of winning!
(From L - R) Thimble, Wheelbarrow, Shoe, Scottish Terrier, Automobile, Iron, Top Hat, Battleship
Round #1 ▼
Round #2 ▼
Winning Number: (2)
"Collect 10,000gps as you pass Go" winners: No Winners
"Community Chest" winners: (4) Amethyst Angel 🍀
"Chance" winners: (3) 👼intuey
Round #3 ▼
Round #4 ▼
Winning Number: (6)
"Collect 10,000gps as you pass Go" winners: StephBee
"Community Chest" winners: (12) No winners
"Chance" winners: (11) 👼intuey and Innerlight Author
Round #5 ▼
Round #6 ▼
Winning Number: (3)
"Collect 10,000gps as you pass Go" winners: Lornda
"Community Chest" winners: (4) NO WINNER
"Chance" winners: (9) Ẃeβ࿚Ẃỉtcĥ
Round #7 ▼
Do Not Pick!
Daily challenge to be revealed after dice has been thrown. |
Round #1 ▼ Review two items that deal with Birthdays. Review must be at least 500 characters.
Round #2 ▼ Create a word search related to birthdays/celebration.
Round #3 ▼ Participate in another Writing.com Birthday Activity. Provide link to that activity and your submission/entry/contribution to it.
Round #4 ▼ Create a crossword puzzle dealing with birthdays/celebration.
Round #5 ▼ Create a quiz dealing with birthdays/celebration. (Minimum of 10 questions)
Round #6 ▼ Create a madlib dealing with birthdays/celebration.
Round #7 ▼ Participate in a Campfire Creative. Provide link to activity and your entry.
Do Not Pick!
Daily challenge to be revealed after dice has been thrown. |
Round #1 ▼ Visit a new notebook today. Leave a message inviting them to participate in this activity.
Round #2 ▼ Send a c-note to someone.
Round #3 ▼ Stop by " Noticing Newbies"  and leave a welcome message in reply to a newbie's post.
Round #4 ▼ Write a blog entry dealing with a birthday celebration.
Round #5 ▼ Use your sliders to create something fun.
Round #6 ▼ Deliver a merit badge to someone. (if you do not have enough gps, let us know)
Round #7 ▼ Create a notebook entry talking about the 23rd Writing.com celebrations.
Round 2: ▼
Virtual Dice Result: (3)
Culprit: 👼intuey
Challenge: Hop into " Noticing Newbies"  and welcome two new members - psst! bonus points if you invite them to participate in this activity
Deadline: 4 p.m. WDC Time!
Prize: 5 tickets for " Olivia's Birthday Bash"
Round 3: ▼
Virtual Dice Result: (1)
Culprit: Robert Waltz
Challenge: Write a birthday-themed related item with the word 'GAMBLER' in it somewhere.
Deadline: 4th of September 11:59 WDC Time!
Prize: The brand new Gambler MB
Round 4: ▼
Virtual Dice Result: (10)
Culprit: Nobody’s Home
Challenge: Review a birthday-related item in any two Senior Moderators' portfolio. No less than 500 words.
Deadline: 5th of September 11:59 WDC Time!
Prize: 20,000gps