Free ideas:
~Do a review
~Do a mini port raid
~Make an image
~Post in their notebook...You might tell them that they are a WDC

~Post a song on the newsfeed which reminds you of that person
Ideas which will cost you gps or money
~Order them a Gift Certificate from an image shop
~Order them an image
~Send a cNote
~Send some gift points (...Add to an email, or add to a cNote)
~Make them an entire cNote shop, and transfer it to them
~Send them an Amazon Gift Certificate (send it right to their WDC email address)
~Order something from their WDC Wish List
~Order WDC Shop Merchandise for the person
~Give them a membership upgrade
~Buy the person a raffle ticket
~If available, gift them a Costumicon
~Credit a few of their reviews
~Give them a Merit Badge
~Give them a Merit Badge, along with a Physical one
~Give them an Awardicon
Creative writing ideas
~Write them a personalized poem
~Write them a personalized story (...A story with their name as the main character perhaps?)
~Write a tribute to the person
~Write a fun 'roast' article about the person