Challenge Two: Write *something* that answers these questions:
Would you rather be an animal or a toy? Why? MUST be at least 500 words (OR 20 lines for a poem) to be eligible!
How to complete: Post your finished item in the forum below with the subject "Challenge two Complete"
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Challenge Three:Choose two completely random items and use them as sources of conflict in a 1000 word story.
How to complete: Post your finished item in the forum below with the subject "Challenge three Complete"
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Challenge Four: Write a letter of complaint to the Government about something totally ridiculous.
How to complete: Post your finished item in the forum below with the subject "Challenge four Complete"
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Challenge Five: Write about a time when you did something you were afraid to try. What was it? How did you feel afterward? MUST be 500 words or more to be eligible!
How to complete: Post your finished item in the forum below with the subject "Challenge five Complete"
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Challenge Six: If you could set a world record, what would it be for? Why?
MUST be 500 words or more to be eligible!
How to complete: Post your finished item in the forum below with the subject "Challenge six Complete"
What you'll get: A

and a

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Challenge Seven: Write a story about a potato that comes to life and his exciting, new adventures exploring planet earth. MUST be 1000 words or more to be eligible!
How to complete: Post your finished item in the forum below with the subject "Challenge seven Complete"
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Challenge Eight: List 100 different uses for a pencil
How to complete: Post your finished item in the forum below with the subject "Challenge eight Complete"
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Challenge Nine: Use as many words as you can to describe your dream tree house.
How to complete: Post your finished item in the forum below with the subject "Challenge nine Complete"
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Challenge Ten: Write a poem/story using these words: world, pizza, fingernail, comb, sleep, hilarious, hair, tweet, friends, freckle.
How to complete: Post your finished item in the forum below with the subject "Challenge ten Complete"
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Challenge Eleven: Use as many words as you can to describe your fantasy day. Starting at 7am and ending at 11pm
How to complete: Post your finished item in the forum below with the subject "Challenge eleven Complete"
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Challenge Twelve: Most of us describe the world in the way that we see and hear it. Write something from the perspective of taste, smell and touch instead, skipping all the usual visual and auditory imagery.
How to complete: MUST be at least 500 words (14 lines for poetry). Post your finished item in the forum below with the subject "Challenge twelve Complete"
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Challenge Thirteen Write a short piece blending two drastically different genres, such as fantasy and self-help, or science fiction and haiku.
How to complete: Post your finished item in the forum below with the subject "Challenge thirteen Complete"
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Challenge Fourteen: Write a story about a mad monkey without using "and" once.
How to complete: Post your finished item in the forum below with the subject "Challenge Fourteen Complete"
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Challenge Fifteen: What if you had a pair of magical, emerald-green, curly-toed slippers? Write about your first adventure without repeating any word twice.
How to complete: Post your finished item in the forum below with the subject "Challenge Fifteen Complete"
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Challenge Sixteen: What is one of your bad habits? Invent a character who has the bad habit, but a much worse case of it than you have. Write a story where this habit gets your character into trouble.
How to complete: Post your finished item in the forum below with the subject "Challenge Sixteen Complete"
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Challenge Seventeen: Write a story (at least 500 words) without "the". Yep, you can't use the. I've seen it done, it's possible, just quite difficult!
How to complete: Post your finished item in the forum below with the subject "Challenge Seventeen Complete"
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry Fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Challenge Eighteen: Create an acrostic poem using "COFFEE SHOP DISCUSSIONS".
How to complete: Post your finished item in the forum with the subject "Challenge Eighteen Complete"
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry Fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Challenge Nineteen: Select a book at random in the room. Find a novel or short story, Copy down the last sentence and use this line as the first line of your new 500+ word story/poem.
How to complete: Post your finished item in the forum with the subject "Challenge Nineteen Complete"
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry Fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Challenge Twenty: Write a 500+ word story to include the line, “Sorry, we can’t insure you for a journey like that.”
How to complete: Post your finished item in the forum with the subject "Challenge Twenty Complete"
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry Fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Challenge Twenty-one: Elvis still gets 100 Valentines each year. Write a story (min 500 words) or poem about one of the people who sent one.
How to complete: Post your finished item in the forum with the subject "Challenge Twenty-one Complete"
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry Fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Challenge Twenty-two: Y ou wake up with a key gripped tightly in your hand. How did you get this key? What does it lock or unlock? Write a 1000 word story or 14+ line poem
How to complete: Post your finished item in the forum with the subject "Challenge Twenty –two Complete"
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry Fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Challenge Twenty-three: Write a story or poem that ends with the line, “The silver dust of moonlight settled coldly on the night.”
How to complete: Post your finished item in the forum with the subject "Challenge Twenty-three Complete"
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry Fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Challenge twenty-four: Pretend you’re a cartoon character. What type of a character would you be? What would a day in your life be like?
How to complete: Post your finished item in the forum with the subject "Challenge Twenty-four Complete"
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry Fee: 3000GPs (free for full members)
Mini Challenge One: How many Emoticons can you find in "
Invalid Entry"

, "
Invalid Entry"

, and "
Invalid Entry"
How to compete: Post your answer in a email to
Fran 🌈🧜♀️ 

with the subject "Mini challenge one Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Two: Go forth and find me 10 WDC items that are/could be connected to GOLD. If the connection is unclear, be ready to explain yourself. If one of your chosen items has already been put forward by someone else, you'll need to find another.
How to compete: Post your answer in the forum below with the subject "Mini challenge two Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

and a

by your name (on the score sheet).
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Three: Spread the word. Tell everyone and anyone how great this activity is.
How to compete: Do whatever you can to encourage people to come and get involved. Tell them to mention who sent them if they make a purchase. I.e.
Fran 🌈🧜♀️ 
sent me. Tell me how you're spreading the word.
What you'll get: A

and a the person who sends the most people over by 1st July will get a

by their name (on the score sheet).
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge four: Tell me, which WDC emoticon best describes your mood today!
How to compete: Post your answer in the forum below with the subject "Mini challenge four Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Five: ohsoquiet has hidden 10

in her port – find them!
How to compete: Post the links in a email to
Fran 🌈🧜♀️ 

with the subject "Mini challenge five Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Six: Andy~hating university 
has hidden 10

in his port – find them!
How to compete: Post the links in a email to
Fran 🌈🧜♀️ 

with the subject "Mini challenge six Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Seven: Tedious link: How would you link the following words together… Tennis, pool, money, lemon, phone, chair, route?
How to compete: Post your answer in the forum below with the subject "Mini challenge seven Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Eight: Find three people with WDC anniversaries this month and tell us three facts about each of them.
How to compete: Post your answer in the forum below with the subject "Mini challenge eight Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Nine: Tell us what your favourite song of all time is. Explain why.
How to compete: Post your answer in the forum below with the subject "Mini challenge nine Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Ten: If you had access to the Dr. Who Tardis for a day, where would you go? Why?
How to compete: Post your answer in the forum below with the subject "Mini challenge ten Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Eleven: Click the WDC “Read and Review” link on the left hand side and review three people you’ve never reviewed before. Reviews must be 750 Characters W/O WritingML
How to compete: Post your answer in the forum below with the subject "Mini challenge eleven Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Twelve: Create a word search using words relating to WDC and/or coffee.
How to compete: Post the link to your word search in the forum below with the subject "Mini challenge twelve Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Thirteen: Tell us… Today’s: date, first thought, breakfast, best moment, favourite TV show, treat, book, challenge, shoes, gossip, best conversation, joke, achievement, best text/email, good deed
How to compete: Post your answer in the forum below with the subject "Mini challenge thirteen Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Fourteen: Tell us… 10 things you’d like to do this summer
How to compete: Post your answer in the forum below with the subject "Mini challenge fourteen Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Fifteen: List your top 20 favourite words… if there is a reason why you like specific words, tell us
How to compete: Post your answer in the forum below with the subject "Mini challenge Fifteen Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Sixteen: Write a list of all the things you’ve always wanted to do but have never found the time or courage.
How to compete: Post your answer in the forum below with the subject "Mini challenge sixteen Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Seventeen: Find at least five WDC groups that welcome GP donations
How to compete: Post the links of the groups you’ve found in the forum below with the subject "Mini challenge seventeen Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Eighteen: You look in your pocket and find a miniature unicorn. Describe it in 50 words.
How to compete: Post your creation in the forum below with the subject "Mini challenge eighteen Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Nineteen: Write an advertisement in 67 words for a product called Gloppo.
How to compete: Post your creation in the forum below with the subject "Mini challenge Nineteen Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Twenty: What if you had a pet potato? What would you call it? What would it look like, sound like, do, love to eat? Ask someone to choose a number smaller than 100 and write this many words about your pet potato.
How to compete: Post your creation in the forum below with the subject "Mini challenge sixteen Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Twenty One: Describe the messiest bedroom you can imagine without once using the letter "m"
How to compete: Post your creation in the forum below with the subject "Mini challenge twenty one Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Twenty-two: Pick a letter of the alphabet. Now imagine two aisles of your local supermarket. List everything found in those two aisles that begin with that letter of the alphabet.
How to compete: Post your entry in the forum with the subject "Mini challenge Twenty-two Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Twenty-three: Take a reader behind the wheel with the worst driver you’ve ever known.
How to compete: Post your entry in the forum with the subject "Mini challenge Twenty-three Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Twenty-four: If we assume ghosts are real, what type of ghost would you like to see? (Write at least 100 words)
How to compete: Post your entry in the forum with the subject "Mini challenge Twenty-four Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Twenty-five: Create a character profile of someone who is falsely accused of a crime.
How to compete: Post your entry in the forum with the subject "Mini challenge Twenty-five Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Twenty-six: Set a timer for 10 minutes and just write. No planning or editing. Show us!
How to compete: Post your entry in the forum with the subject "Mini challenge Twenty-six Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
Mini Challenge Twenty-seven: Dictionary Definition: Open up a dictionary to a random word. Define what that word means to you. (50-100 words at least)
How to compete: Post your entry in the forum with the subject "Mini challenge Twenty-Seven Complete" by whenever.
What you'll get: A

by your name (on the score sheet)
Entry fee: FREE for all
If you wish, you may go back and complete older challenges. But you will get less of a reward by doing so - I.e. It'll be harder to get recognition. See here for the older challenges: "Invalid Entry"