A raffle to benefit The Newbie Upgrade Grant and some other groups. |
Hello and Welcome to Round Three ! ! ! 3 Lucky winners split 30% of the total proceeds 15% to our 1st Lucky Winner 10% to our 2nd Lucky WInner 5% to our 3rd Lucky Winner Tickets to be sold: Unlimited Ticket Price: 1,000 Tickets Sold: 0 On the Pot: 0 GPs Important ! ! ! Raffle will be closed on June 30 at exactly 11:59 PM WDC Time, regardless of how many tickets are sold. Rolling the die follows immediately. Raffle funds will go to: 30% of the Total Funds To the 3 Lucky Winners 15% (? gps) to Winner 1 10% (? gps) to Winner 2 5% (? gps) to Winner 3 The remaining 70% of the pot will be divided to these awesome groups in their corresponding percentages: 20% To "NEWBIE UPGRADE GRANT" 10% To "The Newbies Academy Group" 10% To "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group" 10% To "Angel Army Fund Bank" 10% To "RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group" 10% To my Upgrade GOODIES FOR GRABS The first person who purchase at least 10 tickets will get 5 free for his/her friend. Technicals: A roll of virtual dice will determine the 3 LUCKY WINNERS. There is no limit to the amount of tickets you can purchase. Each ticket will cost you 1, 000 GPs Anonymous ticket purchases available, just email me to set it up. To purchase a ticket, either post to the forum below or use the review box. Remember to include the GPs. Ticket numbers will be posted here once gp transfer is verified. Please look over your tickets to ensure no mistakes are made. If discrepancies are noticed, I must be notified before the dice roll. Round will close as soon as all tickets are sold. Donations graciously accepted and appreciated. Round 2 Ticket Holders [5]1-5 Shana-Batgirl-Allen ~WeGotThis Gifted by: Elle [5]6-10 Sanita [1]11 Marci Missing Everyone Gifted by: Elle [1]12 Fran 🌈🧜♀️ Gifted by: Elle [1]13 LostGhost: Seeking & Learning Gifted by: Elle [1]14 ENB Gifted by: Elle [1]15 Lina Black-So Far Behind!!! Gifted by: Elle [1]16 Jellyfish is in Egypt 💛 Gifted by: Elle [1]17 ☮ The Grum Of Grums Gifted by: Elle [1]18 ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy Gifted by: Elle [1]19 Lynda Miller Gifted by: Elle [1]20 countrygirl322 - Our Generous Donors: Great thanks to: Round 2 Donators Anyone donating at least 50K will get you an MB of choice! goldenautumn - 10, 000 GPs Nixie 🦊 - 51, 000 GPs :: Published MB Sent Round 1 Donators glo-stick - 10, 000 GPs 30DBC Creator/Founder - 30, 000 GPs Riot - 50, 000 GPs "Vigilante Angel Ranger Team" - 40, 000 GPs Other Great Raffles/Auctions To Join:
GOOD LUCK ONE AND ALL!!! This raffle is previously called Fantastic Raffle Contest |