The Geographical Fiction Contest
Hello, everyone! This is a novel form of Writing contest which will test your skills of writing outside your comfort zones! We mean this literally! This is a Geographical Writing contest for all of you. It will be sponsored by our own ...
The contest will run from May 1, 2009 up to June 15, 2009.
The contest is open to all case colours.
There is no entry fee. If interested, please post in the forum with the title: Contestant. In the post, kindly let us know your name (optional) and which region of the world you come from.
You need to write a short story not exceeding 2000 words. The main point about the story is that it should have a geographical setting that is not the same as the one you hail from. For example, a writer from the U.S. must not have the U.S. or Canada as the setting of his/her story. Remember, we are talking about region, not state or country. To give you another example, Australia and NZ are in the same region. So are India, Nepal and Pakistan. Likewise, Zimbabwe, Rhodesia and South Africa.
In addition, the story should have all the necessary stuff that will captivate the judges - such as a hook, a plot consisting of well-rounded characters, a conflict and a proper resolution.
The story should be a new one for the contest, and once ready, it should be posted in a {bitem: } format in the forum, with the title: Story: xxxxxxxxx/yyyyyyyyyy/zzzzzzzz - where xxxxxxxx is the Author's region of origin, yyyyyyyyy represents the Geographical region in which the story is set, and zzzzzzzz represents the main Genre in which the story is written. If your story has more than one geographical region or more than one genre, don't worry. Write the one(s) you think is/are the most important of them all. Example: Story:U.S.A./Africa/Romance.
One small point: We want to encourage people to step out of their own regions and write about some place or culture they have never seen or been to. We will trust you, therefore, to not write about some place you visited as a tourist/student/work-place etc. even if that was outside your region. We will respect you all the more if you adhere to this guideline, which is purely based on trust.
We want you to let your imagination run wild. You can choose any genre of writing, but please keep the rating of the contest forum in mind while doing so. We will not accept any work that is above 18+ in ratings.
Judges will be happy if you can point them to links that describe the geographical settings in which the story is set. The more links, the better. However, if the judges discover some facts contrary to the facts in the links sent by you, they alone will determine which is the correct alternative ... hence, the decision of the judges will be final and binding on all the participants.
Use of Writing ML(except emoticons) is okay, but we request you not to colour the text unless it is necessary for the plot. Judges may or may not consider the usage or otherwise of WritingML in judging the contestants' entries. The same is true for using an image in the story. The image should be original, or used with the permission of the copyright holders.
A word count must be inserted at the bottom of the story. Also, please insert the following text at the bottom (without the >> and <<): >>{b}{{c:brown}Written for the Geographical Fiction Contest sponsored by{item:1260405}{/b}{/c}<<
Even after submission, the story can be edited as many times as you wish to, but only until 11.59 p.m. WDC time on the 15th of June, 2009. Items found to be edited after the deadline will be disqualified.
The winners will be declared within 15 days of the close of the contest.
Depending on the response received, we may decide to have more rounds of the contest in future.
Soldier_Mike  , Mikewrites, Colorado, United States  " Hot Rocks In Iceland"
Stargopher  , Steven, Massachusetts, USA  " Invalid Item"
Noa נעה  , Noa, Tel Aviv, Israel  " Invalid Item"
sunshine014, Ashy, Western U.S.  " Invalid Item"
Note: This contest is inspired by an idea from our very own member-cum-judge, Just an Ordinary Boo!  .