Printed from https://writing.com/main/forums/item_id/1295032-Japanese-Sigs-Booth
Rated: E · Message Forum · Arts · #1295032
Convert YOUR name into Japanese!
For AS Club!


Hi! Welcome to my Japanese sigs booth! I hope you guys will have fun in here! n_~* The price is reasonable and the quality is good --- so what are you waiting for? Purchase one or two for yourself or a friend now! ^o^


*Heart* Types of Sig *Heart*

You can have different types of sig. In fact, I have 3 categories for the sigs:

1.) The hiragana type (your name will be translated into hiragana).
*Right* Cost: 1,000 GPs

2.) The katakana type (your name will be translated into katakana).
*Right* Cost: 1,000 GPs

3.) The kanji type (your name will be translated into Japanese phonetic code and I will find suitable kanji that sounds like your name and, with your permission, am going to put the translation too).
*Right* Cost: 2,000 GPs

In addition to the translation, you'll also have a little picture to accompany your name, which will be explained below. n_n

*Heart* Types of Pics *Heart*

As a compensation for the costly sig, I decided to add a pic to accompany your Japanized name(s). Please choose one for each sig below:

Sakura flower.
*Right* Image Number 1: Sakura Flower

Tea Leaves.
*Right* Image Number 2: Tea Leaves

Moon and Cloud.
*Right* Image Number 3: Moon and Cloud

*Heart* Rules *Heart*

1.) If you buy a set of sigs (3 types), you only have to pay 3,000 GPs! ^o^

2.) To purchase, please put the type of sig(s), types of pic(s), and the quantity you want to purchase as the post's title.

3.) Please allow 1-3 days for the making and delivery of the sig(s) purchased.

4.) This shop has a 'pay-later' system. You pay only when you've received your sigs. I'll notify you later for this.


#^o^# !THANKS FOR BUYING! #^o^#

11 Posts · *Magnify*
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by Cat-Claws is 22 Years Old!  •  08-14-08 @ 10:13 am
by *Jenny*  •  08-11-08 @ 10:44 pm
by *Jenny*  •  08-10-08 @ 11:45 pm
by Cat-Claws is 22 Years Old!  •  07-19-08 @ 4:02 pm
by Cat-Claws is 22 Years Old!  •  08-01-07 @ 12:02 am
by Cat-Claws is 22 Years Old!  •  07-31-07 @ 11:58 pm
by E.Jackalo- getin published?  •  07-30-07 @ 11:17 pm
by Just MoW  •  07-30-07 @ 10:28 pm
by Lala  •  07-30-07 @ 8:27 pm
by Momo M.  •  07-23-07 @ 12:46 am

Printed from https://writing.com/main/forums/item_id/1295032-Japanese-Sigs-Booth