This contest is judged on "creativity related to the prompt" so be unique! Don't write about what you merely see in the picture prompt. Write the scene or story it inspires.

Don't use my name, or any other judge's name. It really feels weird to read.

Don't use an "author" based theme. *She opened her laptop to write a story.*

Unless it's a really unique entry, don't use the prompt picture as a "photo" someone looks at.

Don't put a word count or start/stop time in your entry. The contest is based on time, on your honor.

If you used a specific poetry form, feel free to add that at the end of your post.

Don't expect me, or any other judge to remember each day's entry as chapters to one story. Volume reading prevents retention.
Feel free to chapter-write or use the same characters, but don't expect me to remember.

Don't "explain" your entry. It should speak for itself.

Talk about what inspired your entry over in the chat forum, not your entry message.

Some prompt images are meant to be hard! Don't get worked up if an idea doesn't come to you right away. Static image prompts are meant to make you reach inside.

Don't be offended if I don't pick your entry - it's nothing personal or that you're a bad writer. With so many entries to read and choose from, the stand out entries will win each day. Keep plugging away through the contest, writing each day is good discipline, even if you're not a winner. That's the real purpose of this contest - discipline.

Participate in the chat forum if you have time, the contestants and I like feedback. Cheer our contestants on! We're all here to learn and grow.