Collect treasures, complete tasks, and win the golden Apple.. |
Ultimate Adventure Task Guide [Please be guided with the following outline of tasks for this adventure:] 1. Before you join, please read and understand the Adventure Rules. 2. Sign up for the adventure through here "Ultimate Adventure Signup" . 3. The host will assign your own Forum thread (only you, the host, and the council can post in your thread). 4. During the adventure (starting June 1): A. Take an oath by filling out "The Scroll [Ultimate Adventure Intro]" . Don't forget to collect the Mainland Pixie Trinket (one of the trinkets needed to access the first realm) B. After submitting you response, an item will pop out containing your Entrance Task (this will be your first task). C. Once verified, I will send to you the Earth Key Trinket (a trinket key to access the first realm). D. With the Earth Key Trinket, you should be able to access "The Enchanted Forest" . Open the item and have fun reading the "short" story about this realm written by eyestar~* . E. Collect the Forest Pixie Trinket (one of the trinkets needed to access the second realm) F. On the end part of the page, you'll find the tasks for the Enchanted Forest Realm. Complete all the tasks. Instructions are provided in there. G. Once verified, I will send to you the Water Key Trinket (a trinket key to access the second realm). And the same steps apply to the remaining realms... The tasks in each realm are outlined like this: Blogging Category Prompt: (can be a Quotation, Music/Video, Giphy Animation, Image, Idiom, Parable, and/or Word prompts) Task: (will require you to blog something about the chosen prompt) NOTE: Response to this task MUST be written in a BOOK/BLOG item. Writing Composition Category Prompt: (can be a Quotation, Music/Video, Giphy Animation, Image, Idiom, Parable, and/or Word prompts) Task: (will require you to write a short story or poem or both about the chosen prompt) NOTE: Response to this task MUST be written in a STATIC item. Reviewing Category Genre: (selected genres based on the above prompt) Task: (may requires you to review two or three items about the chosen genres) And here are the realms with their corresponding needed trinket keys: 1 "The Enchanted Forest" :: Earth Key Trinket and Mainland Pixie Trinket 2 "The Magical Underwater Realm" :: Water Key Trinket and Forest Pixie Trinket 3 "The Burning Lava Land" :: Fire Key Trinket and Water Pixie Trinket 4 "The Magical Floating Island" :: Wind Key Trinket and Fire Pixie Trinket 5 "The Abysmal Realm" :: Dark Key Trinket and Wind Pixie Trinket 6 "The Magical Light Realm" :: Light Key Trinket and Dark Pixie Trinket NOTE: Realms must be accessed in order of priority based on the numbering above. After you completed all the tasks of all the realms, you are invited to visit me in my "Enchanted Chamber" . Accessing my room requires you to have all the trinkets collected and received from your adventure. There will be optional tasks to complete which grants you access to my "Rarest Trinket Box" . For questions and clarifications, feel free to email me In the manGer(vic), He sleeps . Thank you! Have FUN! |