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CLOSED. Go to the auction now instead, FUN FUN FUN! |
(This message was edited by thumbsucker on 02-22-05 @ 5:07 pm EST) Hello, I'm Thumbsucker ![]() AL has dropped some subtle hints recently about me donating myself as a virtual date for this auction. When I asked her what exactly a virtual date was she went on and on about nonstick cooking spray, PMS, various nasty Swedish bastards and a very long "Die MaryLou Die Die Die Die DIE!!!!" rant that sent cold shivers down my spine. Despite AL's explanation, I'm still not quite clear what a virtual date is, so I've decided to humbly offer an 87/13 Thumbsucker Fantasy Story Date for auction instead. What is an 87/13 Thumbsucker Fantasy Story Date I hear you ask? It's like a regular Thumbsucker fantasy story date but with a smidgon of 13% Swedish gibberish thrown in. So then ladies, here's what you'll get for your Thumbsucker auction GP bids... My Thumbsucker fantasy story date is hopefully unlike any other virtual fantasy story date you've ever been on. You pick where we go and what we do. The sky's the limit. This is fantasy remember? I'll then phone you the next day, (ie...write my version of the date, either posted right here in AL's contest item, as an item in my port or as a private email to you) (That's the "story" part) (This would be an original Thumbsucker story starring you) (The more I know about your likes and dislikes, the better the story) I have several suggestions now for you to consider... The Handyman Special Fantasy Date This fantasy date is for the overworked/repair challenged female. I show up at your door, flowers in hand, toolbox in the other...wearing whatever you like, (it's YOUR fantasy afterall), (buttcrack optional). I'll do my best Tim Allen impression if you like as you invite me in...and then begin to show me various leaky faucets, unprogrammed VCRs and lopsided shelves. Oooo kinky. Or perhaps your fantasy date involves me washing your dishes and doing your laundry? (I didn't say this was MY fantasy date) The Fun in the Sun Fantasy Date This fantasy date is for the active/playful kinda gal. Fancy some snorkelling in the Caribbean? Go-kart racing in Nevada? Bungee jumping or playing paintball? No? Skiing in the Alps, Frisbeein' or whitewater rafting in New Zealand? Looking for sea shells in Waikiki? Dancing in Monaco? Horseback riding in Yosemite, playing in your water sprinkler or taking a hot air balloon ride over the desert? Still no? How about we climb some trees, have a pillow fight or a whipped cream fight? (On second thought it's probably best not to have a pillow and whipped cream fight while climbing trees) The Down and Dirty Fantasy Date Oh shame on you! I'm surprised anyone is even reading this one. You naughty vixen you. For this date you supply the sleeze and I'll supply the story. (Don't worry, all my tests came back negative) PLEASE NOTE! This may be your fantasy, bought and paid for, but that's no excuse for expecting oodles and oodles of mad passionate sex. This IS our first date afterall. AL's told me I have to behave like a gentleman...or did she say...a nasty Swedish bastard? I forget. I think it was one or the other. The Slightly Sinister Swedish Fantasy Date This fantasy date is for the more evil and fiendish among you. (You know who you are) We'd meet at some haunted house or graveyard...in the dead of night of course. I'd bring along a flashlight, but you'd call me a big wussy and shame me into venturing inside without it. No doubt we'd hear terrible screams and eerie noises which will only excite you more. Who knows what evil, fiendish plans lurk inside that evil, fiendish mind of yours? You decide. (You evil, fiendish people scare me) (Oh yeah...AL wanted me to say MaryLou has gotta die, DIE DIE in this one) The Cuddle N' Snuggle Fantasy Date This fantasy date is pretty well straight forward. Do you like fireworks? Rollercoasters and bumper cars? Rummaging around garage sales? Going to comedy clubs? Exploring the caves of Thailand or the pyramids of Epypt? Oops. Wrong fantasy date. How about a moonlit walk on the beach then? A picnic in a secluded mountain meadow? Rubbing noses in an igloo or drinking hot coco by a roaring fire? Awww. Ain't you sweet? You sound like my kinda gal. I hope you win me and not a knife wielding psycho. Those are ONLY fantasy date suggestion ladies. Feel free to mix and match or supply your very own. Remember...it's YOUR fantasy. You pick the place, set the time (maybe you're into medieval or Roman stuff), set the mood, etc.. etc. I'll then "phone you the next day", (ie...write about our first date from my prespective) and post or email you. There's always two sides to every story. If you're so inclined you could write your own version also. Depending on the fantasy you choose I may just write my version of our fantasy date wearing only my socks and an impish grin. ![]() I look forward to hearing from you. Thumb (Still unclear of what I have in mind? Then checkout my "Invalid Item" ![]() "Invalid Item" ![]() "Invalid Item" ![]() "Invalid Item" ![]() "Invalid Item" ![]() "Invalid Item" ![]() "Invalid Item" ![]() |