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Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Other · #993678
Need people for a vamp hunt Tragedy or Romance Blood lust and Chaos
Name: Jeanna Garling
Age:675(born in 1330)She apears no older than 18
Race: Vampire

Description: Jeanna’s wavy Dark Brown hair hangs just above her waist. Her eyes have lost all there color all you see is Black Irises and the white around them but in the modern times she wears color contacts to blend in. Her skin has lost all pigment she appears Albino and avoids the light but tries to keep every shred of humanity left. She wears normal everyday clothes Not anything Gothic or Subject to much criticism she does wear a crystal given to her by Raphael that will give her limited time in daylight if recharged on a regular basis. (method of Recharging is to stick it into the blood or a dying person and it will suck the life force out of them causing them to Die faster to give the wearer The time , it would have taken them to bleed to death from the wound, to be technically alive.)

History: Jeanna was alive during the Renaissance at the age of 18 was struck by the “Black Death” or in other words She was sired at this time there was a Dramatic increase in Vampires causing the “plague” known as the “Black Death” to take out 1,000 of innocent people some of which were brought to the side of the Vampires but many left for dead. She was one of the lucky who was loved dearly and thus saved from Death. Though She was Sad to leave her father’s Chosen husband She was glad to be with Her chosen lover Raphael. Hundreds of years have gone by without aging a day “Me or my lovely Raphael”. She is a devout Christian and believes that she has Damned her self for eternity for love and will not allow her self to die for fear of Hell and leaving her Lover alone. The Vampires numbers have seriously diminished since the time of the “Black Death” Because rumors of there existence caused hunting parties and persecution to become popular. But now in there small numbers there presence has become nothing but myths and legends and things for people to dream and tell stories about. Personally Jeanna likes it this way.

Special ability: can alter appearance (this is how Vamps are know to turn into Bats) have a thirst for blood.

Name: Talon
Race: Vampire
Age: looks 21
appearance: Five foot seven, dark skin with glowing green tattoos covering her right half. Green eyes that glow like a cat's, and long black hair usually worn in cornrows and beaded with jade stones.
History: One of Raphael's closest friends and advisors. Even tempered, but wickedly fast and accurate in battle.
Special abilities: Fire starter.

Name: Laurence (Laurie)
Age: Born in the 1800’s (looks about 19)
Race: Vampire
Description: Laurence is 6’1” with olive skin. He has messy brown hair with
golden highlights and his eyes are a deep dark blue with flecks of green.
Laurie has an athletic build and is very strong. He wears baggy jeans and tees,
mostly black and blue. He always has his black stetson and boots on,
occasionally adding his black trench coat to the mix.
History: A renowned musician and dancer, Laurie grew up in a very famous
family. They owned a large theater in Austria and one evening a beautiful woman
caught his eye at the performance. Her name was Danica and he watched her
perform one of the dances they had done that night. He was in awe by her talent
and they fell in love. After revealing the truth to him some months later she
went to leave but he chose to be with her. It was then that Dani sired him and
they settled in the coven.
Special Ability: Laurence is excellent with blades, swords and daggers alike.
He has the ability to change his form into a wolf at will.

Name: Danica (Dani)
Age: Born in the 1700’s (looks about 16)
Race: Vampire
Description: Danica stands about 5’5” and has long black hair to her mid-back
that she wears in a ponytail. She has dark stunning green eyes and fair skin
but it works for her. Dani is athletic in build. She has delicate curves but is
much stronger then she looks. She wears jeans and tank-tops, even in the winter.
She wears cowboy boots and most always ventures out with a worn out black
History: Dani grew up in a wealthy family in France. She wasn’t the ordinary
girl and learned to hunt and fight with her father and older brother. But she
processed grace and beauty that showed in her dance and singing. This caught
the eye of another wealthy man who wanted to make her his own. But Danica ran
away to avoid marrying him and was jumped by a group of thieves. Thankfully for
her, someone else was out on that road that night. He fought off the bandits and
they fell in love. Soon he made her his eternal bride. But he was killed only a
few years after by vampire hunters and she roamed the world alone for some
centuries. She ended up falling in love again and finally settled down with
this coven.
Special Ability: Danica is a wonderful fighter, specializing with her bow and
daggers. Dani recently has found she has visions. This is all new to her and
has been trying hard to figure out how to use it.

Name: Isac Flamel
Race: Human
Appearence: Light, wavy brown hair, and blue eyes. He's tall and slightly
muscular. Overall, a very handsome guy. He just wears normal clothes.
History: This will be the guy who falls for Jeanna. He's never met a vamp
before, and doesn't belive in them at all. He's an artist. His work isn't
very popular, but it sells for a good enough amout to give him a good living.
He's not religous at all.

Name: Mikaela Hamilton

Age: 26

Character Type: Vampire Hunter, Human

Appearance: Brown hair, goes midway down the back, usually half tied up at the
back. Her eyes are deep blue and are very pentrating. She is of average height
for a woman, and thus, smaller than most vampires she tends to come up against.
She is very nimble and athletic; fast because of her smallish frame, and this
more than enough to make up for her lack of height.

Background: Mikaela had a perfectly normal, upper-middle class upbringing,
through schools and normal family and friends until her graduating year of high
school. It was then that she met a stunning, early 20s seeming man who showed
her affection and captivated her as she had not been before. Living a
previously sheltered life up till that point, Mikaela had never had a
boyfriend, and so the affection this boy put over her was something new and

It wasn't until one night while he walked her home that she even thought
something might be up about him. When he kissed her goodnight, she felt the nip
of something sharper than ordinary teeth against her lip. Pushing it aside, she
hugged him goodnight and felt his breath against her neck. Next thing she knew,
she was screaming and pushing away the pain that held her like iron against this
seemingly nice guy that she had met. Looking up at him, she saw the monster
inside, before he growled at her and backed away. Not knowing what to do, she
had run inside and told her parents.

Alone now, she wanders, killing other vampires for the wrongs done to her by
that one and hoping to stop the more fatal occurances of the same nature. She
knows full well she could have found herself dead that night. Through all her
hunting, she searches for the vampire who led her on 8 years before.

Name: Eponine Rose

Age: 18

Race: Vampire Hunter, Human but has Vamp blood

Description: Eponine stands around 5’7. She has shoulder length jet-black hair
and bangs about half that length. Her eyes are blue-gray and she is blind. Her
features are fair, enhanced by her youth. She is solemn and innocent in
appearance, often causing prey to underestimate her. She usually wares dark
colors with a black leather trench coat over.

History: Eponine was born and lived in Southern France. She lived with both
parents; her mother possessed the Vampire blood. When she was 5 her father was
killed by a Vampire, and her mother died 3 year later in a automobile accident,
the cause of which is still unknown. Eponine was sent to live with her
spiritualist aunt, Claire, who told her stories of vampires and how they killed
her father. Eponine swore revenge and had her aunt teach her all she needed to
know about killing Vampires. She also learned to hone her senses to the point
where her blindness no longer mattered.

Name: Cronus
Race: Vampire
Age: Looks 20
appearance: 6'0" and 130 lbs. He has an assortment of black tattoos on his
back. He has cold blue eyes and long, black hair that usually covers his right
eye that has a scar around it like a crescent moon.
History: Other than the fact that he was born a vampire, Cronus's history is a
great mystery, even to himself. He roams the world, usually alone, searching
for answers.
Special abilities: Can blend into shadows to remain hidden from sight. Also a
great fighter.

Special ability: Eponine has the ability to sense vampires.

Name: Avenante Cavalier

Race: Vampyre

Age: Appears late teens, very early 20s, say 19ish

Description: She is a Creole Southern Belle. Standing at 5’8 and 119 lbs.,
Avenante has a curvy silhouette with an innocent yet mysterious face. Through
the many years of evolution from Colonial Louisiana to the 21st century, she
has gained a modern disposition in her personality and dress. She loses her
silky chestnut curls for sleek straight espresso tresses that falls to her
thighs. Her eyes are like the Southern full moon itself: big, bright, and a
pale, milky gold. Her skin is tanned porcelain. (Her mother was a mulatto from
France). She is very fashionable and one fang always edges out over her lower
lip. She plays the violin and is couture fashion designer & sculptor.

History: Born in the days of gentlemen callers and moonlight walks through the
willows, this Creole Cajun grew up during the days of the Civil War. Her father
and brother went off to fight for the Confederacy, while she stayed home with
the other servants and looked after their successful plantation. Her father
died in battle when she was just 17, her brother returned soon after. As the
influence of the war died down in New Orleans, she was received by many
gentlemen callers from the French Quarter, one being a mysterious but handsome
Vampyre, Roux L’ange. She was intrigued by him: his mystery, and his ‘bad boy’
temperament. However, she also intrigued him, because he knew she was a born
vampyre. He told her that her mother had been a vampyre from France, centuries
old, a survivor of the Black Death. She had Avenante with her true love, who
was killed by her betroth (Avenante’s father), who she married and moved to New
Orleans to live with. Those secrets were hid from her from fear of suicide,
rebellion or utter insanity. She embraced being a vampyre whole heartedly; now
living by herself in French Quarter, she is still looking for Roux and her
mother, to find out the complete truth.

Special Ability: Avenante has the ability to see in the dark. She is very sly
and can easily get her own way. She can use swords, but her specialty is
fencing, and the saber, and anything with a blade (like throwing knives). She
is very light but very strong, a person who should not be underestimated.



[Gremlin] Raphael loaded everyone up and onto the airplane.

"My Lord I really think it would be better to take ship across."

"Thank you for your advise Talon but there is no need to repeat your self to me.We discussed our options and yes your right but this plane will get us there before sunrise."

Jeanna walked up behind Raphael and wraped her arms around his waist and kissed his neck playfully.

"Jeanna my Dear" Raphael said smilling.

Talon walked up to the plane followed by Raphael and Jeanna at his side.

[charlie murdoc] They boarded the plane, just as the sun was going down, He sqeezed Jeannas hand as he strapped in. "Ready my love?,". Jeanna nodded as she strapped in and the plane took off.

After a few minutes, he got up. "Alright, he are some rules for this, the window shades are be closed at all times, we never know when sunrise might be, and an hour before the plane lands I want everybody suited up, in case we are not inside before sunrise, is that clear to everyone?," . The whole coven nodded. "Also, remember these americans are distrustful of any outsiders, so do attract attention to yourselfs, the last thing we need is bring attention to our kind or the coven, now get some rest it's going to be a long flight,".

Everyone began to rest as he sat back down. He had a worried look on our face. "Jeanna I don't know if this is right, jsut running away from all those hunters, will we really be safe in this new place, I mean have I made the right decision here?," Jeanna put a hand to his lips, "My dear you are the leader, whatever decision you make, they will follow and we needed to get away from those vampire hunters, we would not have survived if we had stayed and fought and I cannot bear the thought of losing you,". She leaned over and gently kissed him.

Her words had put his mind at ease, the battle between the coven and the hunters had taken half of his coven. They were all ready for a change, so they could live in relative peace. He sighed and went back to reading his bible, a bible he had found near a preist in his village that was killed by one of his own. He kept it as a reminder to keep his faith and remember the reality of death.

He began to read verses, but quickly fell asleep shortly after.

[Kami] Laurence cuddled up closer to Danica. She sighed as he laid his head on her shoulder, stroking his messy brown hair gently. “I love you Dani,” he whispered. She smiled down at him and nuzzled his cheek.
“I love you too Darling,” she replied.

The few vampires in the coven around them just rolled their eyes. The two were normally like this whenever they got to really be together. But that was most of the time. The two lovers just ignored them. Jeanna turned around in her seat to look upon the two.

“Are we almost there?” Dani asked innocently. Jeanna just shook her head at her good friend, giggling a bit. The girls had a good bond since Danica came to the coven.
“Just try and keep it down,” Jeanna laughed before turning back around.

“Well in that case…” Laurence whispered seductively in her ear. He started to nibble on Dani’s neck gently, without piercing the skin.
She just giggled, “You are so much trouble.”
“I know,” he replied, the sound muffled by her hair.

Danica shook her head. She loved her mate dearly as he did her. Laurence had been by her side for over a century and their bond only grew stronger. When Dani thought she could never love again she found him and they had fallen instantly.

Laurie wrapped an arm over her and she nestled into his side. The two settled down again, soon both falling asleep. By the time they would awaken they would have arrived at their destination. A calm rippled through the coven, everything seemed to be safe once more.

[fernandi] A few hundred miles away, Isac flipped through his sketch book until he found an empty page. He tried to draw the landscape before him, but it didn't work very well. He was far to excited to draw right now. Tonight he was meeting Mr. Austurine an art collector who was intrested in his work. It seemed like he had been waiting for the bus for eternity.
Finally, the bus appeared. He rode silently to the airport, barely able to hide his excitement.
He got to the airport in a couple of minutes and found where he was supposed to meet the Mr. Austurine. Just as he got to the spot, his cell-phone rang. The woman on the other end informed him that Mr. Austurine had not been able to get to town. The man had been missing since last night.
Isac sat down in a chair. He had just wasted an hour thinking this might be his big break.
He sat, staring at nothing until she walked by. She was in a large group, and her long brown hair moved a little as she walked.
He got up to get a better look at Jeanna.

[Rowan- Cleaning Port] Talon's sharp green eyes watched everything around her. Every person was a threat to her master and it had to be neutralized.

"So much for not standing out," she whispered dryly to no one in particular. Their group looked like a bunch of fashion models no matter what they did.

Jeanna and Raphael were absorbed in each other, as usual. The rest of the coven seemed unduly relaxed as well.
Everyone stared as they walked through the airport. One pair of eyes caught her attention though, a boy sitting stunned, sketch book in hand.

He was watching someone in the group but Talon couldn't be sure who. She moved to block his view and he seemed to jump a little.
"Do you mind if we walk a little faster my Lord?" she asked gently and her words made Raphael look up.
"What's the matter now Talon?" he asked wryly.

"I'm not comfortable with you here among all of these humans, we aren't protected enough."
Raphael sighed and moved a little quicker, if only to humor her.

Meanwhile, Isac sketched furiously on his paper. the form that emerged in moments looked exactly like Jeanna, though it went unnoticed by most.

[Dark Tala] As they walked though the airport Talon kept pushing Raphael to move faster but he wanted to take in the sights. Jeanna walked obediently beside him, looking at the people. She spotted someone watching her, a male. He was beautiful as far as humans go. Of course all her kind was beautiful.

He smiled at her and she felt her cheeks flush. Laurence and Danica walked behind her. Dani followed her gaze to the stranger. She hit Jeanna in the back of the head, laughing a bit. Jeanna fell back next to her. “What was that for?”
“I just thought you might want to know you were drooling,” Danica joked.
“Was not,” Jeanna retorted before going up next to Raphael again.

Dani giggled, shaking her head. Laurence wrapped an arm around her waist. He nuzzled her neck gently. “So when do we get to this new coven house? I wanna see the bedroom,” he whispered in her ear, giving it a nibble.
“Behave yourself,” Danica chastised. “We’re still in public and we need to keep a low profile.”

She was worried for the coven. They had barley escaped the vampire hunters before and now Danica was paranoid. She spotted a man in a long black trench coat, leaning on the wall reading a newspaper. He took one glance at the large group and started to follow at a discrete distance.

Talon seemed to notice this too and pushed Raphael even more. Dani and Talon gave long looks to each other, one of knowing. The both suspected him as a vampire hunter. Suddenly a searing pain shot through Dani’s head. She winced in pain, Lauri holding her up.

Raphael, Jeanna and Talon stopped too. Danica was starting to have a vision and they looked around panicky. “Over here,” Talon said. Laurence scooped her up and the group walked over to one of the terminal seats. The other coven members scattered a bit, trying to make a loose protective circle around them.

Raphael knelt next to Danica. “What is it?” he said. Dani thrashed out a bit before the vision took her in.

The man who followed was indeed a hunter. He caught the group with many others as night fell. Gunfire opened upon them…

Danica gasped as she jumped out of the vision. She had forced herself out from the horrible scene. She panted heavily and Jeanna rubbed her hair while Laurence stroked her cheek. “I saw the future,” Dani said. It had been the first time that had happened; she had only ever saw the past. The rest of the group looked at each other with interest.

“We need to get out of here,” she said. “He’s a vampire hunter.” Dani said this to Talon and the vampire nodded, they had been right.
“We need to move Raphael,” she said, hustling the coven together. He nodded, after being assured Danica was fine.

Jeanna followed him and Lauri scooped his mate up. “I can walk,” she said gently. He stubbornly refused as he joined the front with the other three. The group seemed to be filled with questions. Murmurs spread through the coven. Everyone wanted to know what had happened.

They reached the doors to the airport. Outside the sun was on its decline, getting ready to start to set. Laurence finally put Danica down and the five looked at each other with worry. “Come on,” Raphael finally said, wrapping a protective arm around Jeanna. “Let’s go.”

Danica and Laurence checked for their weapons and they spotted Talon doing the same. If the vision was to come true, they’d be ready.

[A Light in the Darkness] Eponine fixed her shades back on her nose bridge, as she walked calmly about 20 steps behind the large group. She had been staking them even before they boarded the plane waiting for the proper moment to strike.

Not yet, she thought to herself as she quickened her pace with theirs. She could tell their numbers better than if she could see them herself. Something most have startled them to cause such an increase in stride she thought again.

Soon there was the sound of doors opening and closing hastily. As she approached the doors herself, a man jumped in her path.

“Eponine Rose,” He asked as he looked at her then out the glass door at the vamps.

“Who cares to know,” Eponine replied as she attempted to walk past the man.

“Darden Drake,” He replied, “heard word that you would be here. Don’t worry about them,” he said indicating the vamps, “I have someone following them, you’ll get you chance at them soon enough.”

By now Raphael and the others had already left the airport ground.

“Got any language to claim,” Darden asked as he looked at Eponine. She shook her head and they proceeded out the door to the car the waited just outside.

[dañiçå hearts RAOK] Mikaela banged hard on the warehouse door. Barely waiting a moment, she banged hard again, and as a small square flapped back, she would have almost punched some guy in the nose if he hadn't stepped back with a look of shock in his eyes, almost as though she were a vampire.

"Let me in, you dolt," Mikaela said, in her standard impatient tone. It wasn't that she was not a people person; it was just that if she didn't have to deal with people day in and day out, she would be a much happier person.

"Uhh, what's the... the password?" the lackey asked.

Mikaela just gave him a look through the square, so that the lackey shrunk into himself immediately.

"Let. Me. In," Mikaela told him. "If you still think I'm a vampire afterwards, you can stake me. Not a lot is going to protect you if I decide to reach through this square and grap your throat while you stand there like a stupid mute."

"Oh.. of course," he said with wide eyes, scrambling away from the square with undue haste. Moments later, there was the sound of metal scraping, and the door began rolling to the side.

Mikaela stalked through lesuirely. "About time," she said, before stepping forward in his face and baring her teeth.

"Mikaela, enough," said a commanding voice to her left hand side.

"Not quick enough," Mikaela uttered softly, before poking him in the side of the throat. "You'd be dead." Then she turned to face the man who walked over to greet her.

"Mikaela, we weren't expecting you until morning."

"I came early," she replied. "And you've been very sloppy."

The man raised his eyebrows very delicately. She knew what it was about. She had just deigned to walk back into his place and start telling him what he was doing wrong. Fairly normal for one of her entrances actually.

"Really," he answered, in a tone that told her she had better be very careful with her next words.

"Cut the crap, Darden. You were seen. They knew your people were following them, and they weren't impressed."

"Well then, Mikaela, do you honestly think you could do a better job of it?" Darden asked her ironically, in his deep, silken voice.

"Why else would I come back here?" she asked.

[Seviour] Isac didn't believe in religion, or God, or demons, however the skecth he held dear to him was that of a demon and when he drew her he became infatuated.
Isac smiled and shook out of it and looked up. "Pete? What you doing here?"
"Those meetings in Boston were cut short. What are you doing here?" He then looked at his sketch pad which was now colored with a soft red glow. "Whos the hot chick?"
"I don't know?" He said and looked back on the picture. "I saw her a minute ago and felt really weird." He folded the sketch book and looked to Pete. "Yeh, I'm here to pick up Mr Austurine but he's not going to make it."
"Mr Austurine the art collector? Have you not seen the news?"
Isac looked at him in confusion. "No."
"This morning he was found in anoher plane with his head split in two, they say it cannot be done without a sergical guidance it was a perfect cut."
"No..." Isac whispered and looked at his phone."Someone told me he was reported missing."
"I don't know some woman, sounded like the same woman that asked him to pick him up." Isac was worried and looked around the airport and picked up his bag slowly,
"Do you want to go Isac?" Pete said curiously.
Isac squinted his eyes and picked up his bag. "Yeah, sorry Pete. Lets go for a beer or something. I've been feeling weird all morning."
He then clenched his sketchbook and they both left the airport.


"You're going to say something. Its only a matter of how far you are willing to go." The cool voice echoed through the hanger as the sun began to rise.
"Why are you doing this? We want a peace." Rachel pleaded with tears.
"Rachel, you know why we are here precious. It was you who we came for but now...." The ex-SAS soldier stood and gazed at the sun. "... they took you away from me Rachel. This has been my quest for seven years." He then picked her up and looked to the horizon. "You were taken from me, turned into this wicked demon, a vampire by these fowel creatures. Know this Rachel, I will not rest until I have killed ever last one of you."
Rachel started to choke and squirm from his grasp as the sun began to rise. "Now my love, we can watch the sun rise together."
The beautiful womans air was set on fire and her robes to ash, she screamed like a wild animal rather than a woman, a screech like a bat.
Michael Weathers lost his wife, the one woman he could find peace with.
"Captain." A masked soldier said point his gun at another vampire. "What of this one?"
Weathers wiped his hands of the ash and felt anger overwelm him.
He ran and booted Dimitri in the stomach and more blood flowed from his mouth and his left eye. "Like I said before, how far are you willing to go and remember the sun awaits you once you tell me."
Dimitri looked at the sunlight and never thought he would be so close to certain damnation and still welcome it to stop the pain he has suffered. He wanted the sunlight.
"Now where is Raphael flying to?"


[Geo the Loveable Jester] Cronus watched as the group of fellow vampires approached at a brisk pace.

"Raphael," he called from the shadows.

"Who's there?" a female Cronus didn't recognize demanded.

"It is I, Cronus, the ShadowStalker. I see you are in a hurry, so I will make this quick. I was sent by my coven master to bring you all into hiding."

"And why, pray tell, are we to trust you?" the female demanded, stepping in front of Raphael.

"Lord Raphael, I bring you a token of my Lord's good will, though I know not what it means," Cronus replied, handing an ancient bronze coin to Raphael.

"He speaks true," Raphael replied, recognizing the coin for what it truly was. "This one can be trusted. Now, my new friend, take us to your Lord."

"With all due respect, we must take a detour. We cannot get to my Lord's domain - " Cronus began when he was interrupted.

"We must!" the female in the lead demanded. "We are exhausted from our journey - "

"Jeanna, calm yourself Darling. There must be some good reason for Cronus' behavior."

"You have been followed by Hunters. One of them was even on the same flight as yourselves. So if you'll pardon the delay, you will be escorted to a safehouse by my colleagues," Cronus said, holding up a hand.

"What of you, you're not coming with us?" the one called Jeanna asked.

"I will buy you some time and join you as soon as I am able. Afterall, they don't call me ShadowStalker for nothing," Cronus said as the group continued through the terminal.

He then strode to the middle of the terminal, hands at his sides, facing the Hunter who was stalking his future allies.

"Get out of my way," the Hunter demanded.

Cronus smiled slightly, eager to display his power over the humans that defied the vampire race. "Over my dead body," he shot back in a calm tone.

"Just what I was hoping for," the Hunter replied.

[Gremlin] Jeanna looked to Raphael and the bronze coin smiled sweetly at him. 6 of Cronus's collegues surounded our party and we took off at a brisk pace. Everyone was getting very exhausted as we slowed down.

"We wait here for Cronus." The guy at the front said.

Raphael crouched and Jeanna curled up in his arms and everyone else started to relax save for Talon who never seemed to relax since this "war" between there coven and the hunters. Cronus's men seemed surprised to see Lord Raphael so vulnerable.

Raphael rolled the coin in his hand.
"can I see it?" Jeanna asked curiously.
He casualy handed it to her. Jeanna rolled it through her hands and studdied the coin carefully she had seen this coin before. Only our closest allies over the decade had these there were 12 in existance and 7 were as of now in our possestion.

"Are you giving it back to him or should I put it with the rest?" Jeanna asked nuzzling Raphael.

"put it away and we will reasign one when we meet." Raphael said

Jeanna dropped it into a bag that jingled when her hand was in it and then imediatly stopped when it left. To anyone but her it would seem there was nothing in it.

[Kami] Laurence followed Danica as she went to Talon’s side. “I don’t like this,” Dani whispered.
“Neither do I,” she replied, gripping her blade even tighter.
“What do you think we should do?” Laurie asked them.
“What we can do,” Talon replied. “Wait.”
Dani pulled her trench coat tighter to her, the air was getting colder and they had been waiting awhile. The coven was becoming restless and so was her mate. Laurence’s inner beast hadn’t been let out for awhile. Almost like a werewolf, he had the desire to change every now and then.

“Go ahead,” Danica said gently. “Everyone here knows what you are and there isn’t anyone watching.” Laurie nodded and shifted into that of a pitch black wolf. He sighed gratefully and laid down, Dani at his side.

“Do you remember when we first met?” she asked sweetly.
“How could I forget?” he replied in her mind.
“True,” Dani laughed. “You looked so handsome. Your father was putting on Coppelia at his theater and you were hosting it.”
“You were wearing that stunning long gold dress and when you came down that grand staircase from the balcony I couldn’t breath.”

“I spotted you staring at me and my heart started to pound. I didn’t know what to make of you. You were so different then anyone else I knew. You invited me to that big after party and I agreed.”
“I talked you into staying in New York longer. And the first time I saw you dance. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was falling even more in love with you, if that was possible.”

“And when you found out what I was you didn’t even flinch,” she whispered. “You surprised me Laurie.”
“Well you surprised me too,” he laughed. “But somehow I knew there was something extra special about you.”

“You loved me, you said. And you wanted to be with me not matter what. And I knew you wanted it and that’s what I wanted so badly.”
“And when I asked you to change me, I knew that’s what I really wanted.”

They both sighed and Laurence shifted back to human form as he kissed her. “Feel better?” she giggled.
“Much,” he replied, kissing her more deeply. By then Cronus had caught up to them and they were off, their destination unknown.

[fernandi] Isac and Pete walked into a small bar. The waitress came up to them. "So," she asked, trying hard flirt, but not doing a very good job. "What'll you have? We even got a few little ladies back here who..."
"I'm fine thanks," Isac interrupted.
Pete, however, ordered a drink that would take him far over the legal limit, and started talking to the waitress. Once she left he tried to talk to Isac.
"What's wrong with you?" Pete asked. "This place has great drinks. And I'm sure that that pretty little lady you drew isn't coming, so you might as well enjoy others company for now."
"Would you shut up," Isac almost yelled at him, "You know where I stand on things, and just because I don't have some God telling me what to do doesn't change the fact. I'm still who I was in high school, just smarter. You knew me then, and the times in between. You know more than anyone that there's less wrong with me now than ever."
Pete swore. "I think you just don't realize there's somthing wrong with you. Your acting like a woman, and man, I don't wan't any of that happening..."
Isac resisted the urge to throw a punch at him.
"I think I should ask what's wrong with you. We have lots to talk about. I only agreed to come here because I need to talk to you, and most of the time your smarter when you're drunk. But you know I wish you'd quit."
"Quit what?"
"You know, the drinking, the people, but right now I need you to tell me some things."
"Like what?"
"Do you know any more about Mr. Austurine's death?"
"Nope, sorry."
"O.K. then. Now I'm probably going to make you think I'm crazy, so you might whant a sip of that," Isac told him, pointing to the drink, "Unless you want to remember this tomorrow."
"Right," said Pete, taking a gulp of his drink, "What is it?"
"The lady I drew, look at it." Pete was fasinated by the glow coming from it and simply stared for a few minutes. "Could you tell me what about it seems...different?"
"She's shiny..."
"Sure, let's go with that. Anyway, she looks looks loke something you see around a certian holiday..."
"I'm gonna buff..." and right on cue, Pete threw up.
"A vampire, don't you think?" Isac kept talking, after all, he was used to it. "Well, as pointless as that all was, the main thing is, I want you to help me find her, catch her alone, that is, without her boyfriend, just so I can talk to her, even for a few minutes."
"Sure, but first, I need a nap time..."
"All I need is for you to write it down so when your conscious I can prove you made the promise."

[Rowan- Cleaning Port] Talon was sickened by their current position. They were helpless and she knew it. Her black braids swung as she walked, green eyes glowing. The urge to fight and protect were almost overwhelming her.

If Raphael had just listened when she had advised him they would be safe. That was not what he needed to hear right now, though. The whole group seemed to accept that they could do nothing, but that just wasn't good enough for Talon. She would wait, but she might as well do something useful in the meantime.

"I'm going to do some scouting." she told Raphael. He looked surprised; she usually wanted to stay within sight range of him.

"Be careful," he told her and Jeanna nodded as well. Talon smiled a little, she was probably the most careful of any of them.

The breeze didn't even stir her clothing as she crept silently along. Something was wrong here, and it wasn't going to go away with waiting.

[Dark Tala] Cronus was leading them through the back roads of the city with his crew. But something stirred around them, something that didn’t feel right. Danica grabbed the butt of her pistol, scanning the area around her. She had been even more nervous since Talon laughed.

“We came here to be safe,” she muttered. “Now look at us.”
“Shh,” Laurence whispered to her. They were right behind Jeanna and Raphael as usual and he knew they were listening in. “You don’t want to frighten the rest of the coven,” he continued. “Besides I won’t let anything harm you.”

Laurie wrapped a protective arm over her shoulder and she nestled into his side. Dani tried her best to believe him but how could she when she felt the presence of those foul hunters everywhere. It was so overwhelming she thought she would scream.

Instantly she knew they had made mistake. The hunters weren’t gone, if anything Cronus had led them into the lion’s den. The auras around her were frightening and over powering. She tapped Jeanna’s shoulder, but Danica became dizzy and was thrown into a vision.

But it wasn’t scenes of horror; it was that of Jeanna and a human. The one from the airport, Dani noted. They were laughing and joking around like old friends. What the heck was that about? Was her friend after a meal, or something more…?

“What was that about?” Jeanna asked. Laurie was bracing her up and they had stopped again. Raphael looked at her with concern.
“What did you see my child?” he asked gently.

“Not now,” Danica said hurriedly. The auras of the hunters were growing stronger, almost consuming now. “The hunters are here.” Talon ran back into the view of the group, but before she could say a word, shots rang down from above. The vampire hunters had decided to play…

[A Light in the Darkness] Inside what she had been told was a warehouse; Eponine sat waiting for Darden to return. He had left to investigate the banging on the door. Now Eponine could hear him talking with someone, a female it sounded like.

Soon she could her two separate sets of footsteps coming towards the room.

“Believe it or not,” a voice replied talking to, Eponine assumed, the person of whom the other footsteps belonged. “It was all part of the plan.”

“So, alerting them of your presences was part of your plan, Darden” the female voice replied sarcastically, coming to a stop a little ways before Eponine.

“You'll see soon enough what I mean, Mikaela,” the fist voice which belonged to Darden replied. “Anyway I’ll like you to meet somebody.” Darden smiled at Mikaela, as he pointed towards Eponine.

“Why would I need to meet her, she just a child,” she replied. Although Eponine could not see her expression, her voice seemed irritable.

“This is Eponine Rose, Eponine meet Mikaela Hamilton,” Darden replied totally ignoring Mikaela’s last comment.

“It is a pleasure to meet you,” Eponine replied as she extended her had awkwardly in the air, Mikaela shock it quickly and let go.

“You two will have time to get better acquainted later,” Darden announced, “Eponine come with me, and Mikaela you can come if you want and see my plan unfold.”

Soon they where on the rooftops alone with many more hunters looking down on one of the cities back roads.

“What is the point of this…” Mikaela began.

“Patience, just have your guns ready,” Darden replied turning to her for a minute them back to the road.

It was not long before the group of unsuspecting vampires came into view. There was some talking between them and one of them walked off. The hunters waited for a bit more, until the vampires came closer, soon the one that had left earlier came back.

“Fire at will,” Darden replied in a voice loud enough for the other hunters to hear.

Eponine had her gun in hand and fired off her first round, then reloaded. She concentrated and shot where her senses told her to shoot.

[Geo the Loveable Jester] Cronus:

Cronus growled with anticipation of the kills that were at hand. He then laughed while the members of the coven stared at him in confusion.

"What's so funny, Cronus?" Talon demanded. "They have us pinned down and it's all your fault."

"Fool," Cronus grunted. "I knew the hunters were on our tails, but then if I knew that, why would I bring us here unless I had something planned for them?"

"And what would that be?" Talon asked angrily, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about that, dear Talon. Brother Cronus has everything under control," Cronus replied, with the air of a parent talking to a child.

"Humph," Talon shrugged. "Nobody treats me like that," she said loudly.

Ignoring her, Cronus pulled a detonator out of his black trench coat as well as a cell phone. Dialing a number by memory, the receiver picked up on the first ring.

"Pyre, are you ready?" Cronus asked into the phone.

The reply came and Cronus only replied, "Good, the time is now, Brother," and with that, hung up the phone and activated the detonator.

Explosions ripped throughout the surrounding warehouses. Screams of the hunters shortly followed, but the most important aspect was the lack of gunfire.

"Now! Everybody, run through the back here. The way is clear, but this was only a diversion. We will meet with the rest of my conclave now," Cronus ordered, leading the way out of the building.

[Dark Angel] Few hunters had survived the explosions; the strong still stood. The weak coven ran through a dimly lit cobblestone block where they were met by, as promised, Cronus’ fellows.

They were a small pack, but certainly strong. The click of 4 inch heels echoed through the empty back road as the pack parted slightly. Cronus met the person half way. They exchanged several whispered words and walked forward through the pack, a sign for the rest of the vamps to follow. Several of the vamps looked annoyed, and others looked tired. However, the one who stood as leader was quite calm.

“Come now, I will take you to my Lord.” Cronus began, as they followed. “Avenante!” He called to the girl who was walking beside him. “Do you have the cars ready for their ride? We must make sure they travel in style.”

“Oui, sir. We must hurry though. Pyre sent me news of several surviving hunters comin’ this way.” The sound of her sweet Southern accent filled the air.

Cronus nodded in agreement. “We must hurry now; we will have company soon if we don’t.” Raphael agreed, as did his coven who weren’t open to waiting and fighting off anything or anyone on this night. “We have five limos waiting a block away from here to take you to the House. Now let’s go.”

The group found five sleek black and chrome stretch limos waiting silently in the shadows. “Raphael, Jeanna, Talon, you three, come with me. The rest of you all, evenly fill up the limousines please.” Raphael gentlemanly seated his mate in the opposite seat where the other two vamps sat, and took his seat as well. The driver closed the doors and seconds later the five limousines disappeared silently into the night as the crackle of thunder resonanted over them. This meant the coming of rain, and a very interesting story on the news the next morning. Avenante stood back and watched the limousines drive away. She turned and disappeared into the shadows as well.


The Maybach limos came to a silent halt outside of two large wrought iron gates. The threatening barks of seven large Dobberman Pinchers drowned out the deafening raindrops. The dark tinted window of the front limo slid down as an arm reached out to press the call button on the stone fence. A state of the art surveillance camera followed the limos as the gates opened and the automobiles drove into the large, dark mansion’s courtyard and park beside a sleek Mercedes SLK. Over the limos stood an exquisite but dark estate.

Servants with large blue and black umbrellas met the vamps by the doors. They escorted them inside the hallowed walls of the estate. “Welcome to our Manor.” A sly, Southern voice said. The group had been met by Avenante. In the lights of the room, she could easily see all the faces of her kin. Very beautiful group they all were, but she sensed a difference amongst all of them. They were weak now, but they had strength. Avenante turned and smiled at Raphael and then Cronus, “He will see you now.”

[Rowan- Cleaning Port] Talon started forward but Avenante shook her head. Talon's fists clenched so hard they cut her palms. Her job was to protect Raphael, but it seemed that she was prevented at every turn.

Raphael smiled apologetically at her but she only frowned in response. Jeanna went in after Raphael, unrestrained.

"Don't touch me!" Talon snarled at someone trying to show her to a waiting room. She ripped her arm out of his grasp and stormed off.

"We suggest that you don't leave the building, for your own protection," the man said hesitantly.

"I'll bet," Talon snapped and strode out the door.

The first unfortunate human she came in contact with became dinner. She felt a lot better after that, though she was drenched in blood.

Talon cleaned up in a gas station restroom, sneaking past the owner with ease. She took out her long braids and brushed out her dark hair. She almost looked humans, despite her glowing green eyes and matching tattoos.

She decided to go back, Raphael would probably be done talking by now and she wasn't mad at him. He might do something stupid without her advice anyway, and she didn't trust these people.

The hand that closed on her mouth was completely unexpected, she didn't even shout as she was dragged back into the ally.
Avenante stood outside of the closed double doors for a good while. Her eyes closed and her arms crossed. She knew their conversation wouldn’t be long and would only pertain to small matters of protection and staying hidden away from the vampyre hunters who probably would be frantically searching for the members of the coven now. The young vamp just smiled and continued waiting. After a few more minutes of waiting, the group had finally left. Avenante turned her head towards the door and lightly bowed to the vamps. When the last had come out, she easily strolled into the nicely lit drawing room.

The Head of the coven never kept his place like a scene out of hell but more one of 21st century meets the Edwardian era. His expensive chandeliers hung or more like floated light and expensive crystal over the brilliantly polished hardwood floor of the large receiving room. There were beautiful Edwardian styled chairs and love seats set up in the corner of the room beside the window while a large plasma screen TV had a paused scene on it. Avenante stared at the freezed frame while she walked over to the chairs but quickly returned her attention to her Lord, as the sound of laptop keys clicked away, above the falling rain.

“My Lord.” She bowed down to her. Her eyes low and downcast.

“Avenante, I was expecting to see you.” He turned in his chair and folded his arms. This Lord of which she spoke looked no older than many of the vampyres there but that was his choice. His age was ancient; he lived through the Early Wars of the Ages; He had scene the Black Death begin and end. Yet his features where so youthful but mature. His hair silky and jet; his eyes were bright and mysterious as if he had found the secret to life past the crimson blood that he and his fellow kind drank mercilessly.

“No more as I was wanting to see you, my Lord.”

He laughed heartily and gestured for her to sit down in the chair across from him. She keenly obeyed and sat down looking forward at him as he sat staring at his notebook’s monitor. “Avenante, you came here secretly and disposed, correct?”

“Yes my lord, is something the matter.”

“It seems as if you have been stalked.” He unpaused the screen and the sight of a darkly dressed person peering through the gate bars played across the large screen. The figure wrote some notes hiding away from the rain. Quickly and quietly, they retreated back out of the sight of the surveillance camera when the wide gate doors opened and a covered head appeared and walked out of the camera sight as well. Avenante stared up in utter disbelief and she could feel fear begin to bend her eyebrows into an angry stare. “So now, could you tell me, what is the meaning of this?”

“How long ago was that? That’s impossible.” Her gaze never returned to the Lords.

“That was a little over an hour there.” He got up and fixed the cuffs of his blouse. “Look at me!” The command was strong and stern. Avenante only shifted her eyes into his direction. “I want nothing, nothing do you hear me, to stand in the way of this plan. And if you have disappointed me, well you stand no place anywhere in the rise of vampyres again.”

Heatedly, she stood and stared at him. “But I bloody well assure you I had nothing to do with this trespasser or no idea of their existence. I know how much this means to you, do you really think I'm that stupid?”

“And that’s the problem.”

“I didn’t lead them here if that’s what your problem is as well, Julien! Uggg. Your unbelievable. If you think they’re such a threat, then you deal with them. Whatever that case may be and however the hell they got here if they followed me or not, then whatever, like some small human is going to ruin any of our chances for everything everyone of us, in here and out there, has worked for...well your bloody fooled. Go deal with it yourself.” Her accent was heated and burning his ears. Julien just stared at her in disbelief. The young vamp fixed her jacket and left quickly but proudly. “You insulted me as a vampyre, eh. Whatever. I have no time for you right now.” She mumbled under her breathe. Pushing Cronus out of the way, she existed the room. The vamp just stared back at her.

“Uhh huh, right….” He looked up at Julien. “Julien, My lord. I have news.”


Avenante walked down the steps into the den where many of the vampyres were. She saw Raphael sitting alone in the corner near the large brewing hearth of the fireplace. Standing before him she asked, “Where’s Talon?”

He looked up, “I was going to ask you that?”

“Ask me, what for? After I told her she couldn’t enter to meet with the Lord, I haven’t seen her for the rest of the night. Hasn’t she come in yet?”

“No, and I’m worried. I kept the conversation nice and brief and I told Julien we would see tomorrow morning, if anything. We were too tired for anything now.”

Cutting him short, she asked, “Where’s Jeanna?”

“Here she comes?” Jeanna came down the stairs and walked over to her mate landing a quite passionate kiss on his lips.

She sat back and looked around, “Where’s Talon? She hasn’t returned yet.”


“That’s very strange. You think something happened to her?”

Avenante closed her eyes and remember the scene Julien had showed her a couple minutes ago. Could that have something to do with it?
A Non-Existent User
Danica giggled, throwing one of the fluffy pillows at Laurie. “Oh, so it’s like that now,” he growled playfully, jumping on the bed next to her. The accommodations they had been given were wonderful, a full suite just to themselves. Although according to the others, they, Jeanna and Raphael, and Talon, were the only to get as much special treatment.

Laurence nibbled at Dani’s neck, tickling her ever so slightly with his fangs. Right as he bit her she gasped in pain. He pulled back but she had gone into a vision.

Talon was on her way back to the coven house. The hand that closed on her mouth was completely unexpected. She didn't even shout as she was dragged back into the darkened alleyway.

“Talon!” Danica shouted.

”What? Where is she?” Laurie asked nervously, wiping away a trace of blood from his lips.

“I don’t know. Someone’s taken her.”

“Raphael,” he answered her unasked question.

The pair glanced at each other and together jumped up, sprinting from the room. They ran through the halls, down the grand staircase. Dani knocked into Cronus when they reached the bottom. “Why does everyone keep doing that?” he muttered.

“Sorry,” Dani called back as she ran faster to catch up to her mate.

They skidded into the den. The others of their coven were there, sitting around the comfortable lounge. They all looked up at the couple, some with scorn on their faces or displeasure, others with worry or curiosity.

“Laurence? Danica?” Raphael questioned them.

They spotted him, Jeanna, and Avenante in a vacant corner.

“Raphael!” Dani sighed in half relief. They went to his side and she dropped her voice lower so only their small group could hear. “It’s Talon. I just had a vision. She’s been captured. She needs us.”

Jeanna gasped, grasping Danica’s arm. “Are you sure that’s all you saw?” she asked her friend. “Nothing more?”

“I’m sorry Jeanna,” Dani replied. “That’s all.”

Raphael nodded, placing a calming hand on her other hand. Laurence looked at Avenante. The young vampire looked slightly startled by the news, but she seemed to know something. “What are you keeping from us?” he asked her.

It was then Raphael, Jeanna, and Dani noticed her behavior as well. Raphael stood, looking at Avenante expectantly.

© Copyright 2005 Dark Angel, xx-xx, (known as GROUP).
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