Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/985900-Fires-and-Infiltrators
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Action/Adventure · #985900
Just Bad luck or Government screening. A New Government Force.
I would like YOU to request an invitation.

I would like YOU to post a Teen Bio a normal everyday teenager.

These Teens who are in the story are going to have traggic back grounds that I will provide some help with if you like. These backgrounds that seem like unforchant luck on the same people over and over again is really the governments way of testing to see how these Teens they have picked out with there great system all these teens have one thing in Common they come from 4 person families. ( some of tem one parent 3 kids 2 parents 2 kids. Two parents one biological one adopted what ever any combination of 4 persons in any one household)

My Bio.

Name: Crystal Michelle Lee

Age: 17

DOB: 2-11-88

Gender: Female

Family: Dad (Steven Lee) Mom (Shannon Morrison Lee) Younger Brother (Daniel Lee)

Appearence: Long naturally Blonde hair hangs to mid back. Neatly trimmed eye brows. Eyes that change colors ( Green Grey blue any combo of those three ) Rounded face. Peirced ears once at each lobe and once on right side cartilage. Straight white teeth. Red lips. Tan clear complection. Thin and Curvacious. Stands at 5'4. Likes to wear Big Baggy pants that hang on her hips and tight shirts that modestly show of her cleavage. Allways wears jewelery. Never wears makeup

Personality: Strong, Sweet, kind, Authoritative, Apoligetic, Empathetic, Caring, flirtacious, talkative,ect...

Hobbies/skills: painting, writing, talking, acting, Rpgs (exp. D&D Doungeons and Dragons), cooks, guns/hunting, making things fixing things, Great at aquiring things, great with people and gathering information by reading into and talking to people. SHe can tell allot just by the way you walk.

History: I grew up with two parents who hardly ever had problems in a Christian home sharing a room with her Brother living a fairly normal life in a fairly small house with the exception of all of dad's friends that came over once a week to play D&D. This was normal untill 95 when the house burned down (Struck by lightning said the firemarshals report). Everything seemed to fall back into place except the family delt with it differently. dad became controlling Daniel became younger and I became older. I became the secondary parent in Daniel's Life and Dad's best friend and suport. Then in 2000 the new house burned down (power surge exploded lamp said the fire marshals report). Dad was in this one he became weeker I became stronger not the financial suport of this family but the structure of the family. In 2002 after we had turned things around rebuilt and was living in the dream house that we built with our own hands. We all happend to be out of town I was on a Choir trip my parents and brother decided to go vist some relatives. We came home to find we had no home ( Faulty wireing when the house was built said the firemarshal) <Arson said the insurance company>. Came home to the old Hotel room we had been in only two years ago. We started over we brought things together then the insurance company started screwing over my parents. THey finally arrested my fathers Best friend. When My parents couldn't take it anymore after being jerked around on chains too and from jail too and from security. When the only sanity left was in MY HEAD thats when they came. My mother the night before had dreams of cops chasing me arresting me chasing me with tazors but what really happend....


There was a polite knock at the door.

It was my day off Wednessday. Mom was at scool with the kids. Dad was in the city at his desk bored out of his mind. Daniel was visiting realitives to avoid the stress.

I got up from the tv trying to pass the time and answered the door.

"Hello...Can I help you" I said.

I opened the door to find three handsom men probly in their 20's standing silently in full suits at the door.

"Yes Ms.Lee?" one asked

I nodded a little disturbed.

"Are you home alone?" the same man asked.

I contemplated saying No to this question.

"Yes. Why?" I replied calmly.

"We need to talk. May we come in?" The same man asked politly.

The four of them went into the dining room and sat down at the table.

"Now sirs I have been very patient and invited you in. Yet you have been so rude as not to introduce yourselves. I still have no idea who you might be." She said matter of factly.

" Well excuse me I am very sorry Ms. Lee. I am Mr.Bryant and this is Mr.Toal and this is Mr. Ford" Bryant said

" Well its a pleasure to meet you all now would you like something to drink and then we can get straight to the point of why you came here now..." I said a trying to be polite but quite proturbed

Toal and Ford graciously declined and Bryant asked for a glass of water.

"Ice or No Ice? Crushed or Cubed? Filtered or bottled?" Were the following questions and when all were answered and a Glass of filtered water with cubed ice was in front of Mr. Bryant did I finally sit down and listen intently for Mr. Bryant to explain himself.

"We came to apoligize to you and offer you a job oprotunity of a lifetime. unforchanetly you will leave everything here behind and a nice check will come your parents every two weeks in an envelope from you. You will also recieve a handsome check after every task as well as room and board for at least the first year."

"Now this all sounds like sugar and salt with out a main course to be seasoned if you know what I mean." I said

"The room and board is just during your job training as long as that takes afterwards arrangements can be made if you would like to continue living under our provided roof instead of on your own." He continued as if I hadn't interupted his pause

" Now the first thing you said was apoligize apoligize for what?" I asked.

"For the inconvience our screening has put you and your family through." Toal spoke for the first time.

"There were others also screened some made it and some didn't if you accept the job and come with us you will meet the others who screened positive." Bryant continued

"You said I had to leave everything behind. Like walk out the door now or say my good byes and then walk out." I stated concerned

"You will be aloud to say your good byes as long as you tell them something other than the truth. You could say your turning yourself in. You could move in with some relatives in another state You could get a job offer and free college oprotunity. What ever suits you." Toal spoke again

"Well here is the plane ticket be here at this time and if you have any questions call." Said Bryant

"We hope to see you if we don't we must have been completly wrong about you." said Ford

"See you soon Crystal" said Toal and he smiled and winked as they filed out of the house.

I followed them card and tickets in hand I closed the door behind them and cleared the empty glass off the table. I started to pack my bag.

"No she couldn't what would she tell Katie..."

I continued packing my bag

"I got an offer I couldn't refuse and I have to go out of state for my futures sake I will call you.We wont be living together right away but I promise I will be as close as I can and as soon as I know a consistant number she will have it. As soon as I can get back or move you with me I will. You have been my bestfriend forever and despite a short seperation I will be back as soon as possible...... No I will say I am going to Montana as a vacation and I don't know when I will be back. Call you when I can. That would go over much better." I had decided I was taking a trip. To get away from hell. I wouldn't tell my parents I would make them deal with that I would just get Katie or Robert or Deb to drive me out there and boom gone. To do what who knows but it would be away from the stress... and my friends.... and my family.....and my life............Maybe it would be that start of something Grand. A change of pace finacial stability. Life"

I finished packing and Shoved the whole duffel under my bed so no one would notice. CLothes electronics tools crafts paper everything I have ever written for pleasure. The only things other than Katie that I wanted to go with me.

I want everyone to Post a bio and maybe explain how you were asked to come and when it gets to my turn we will go over the plane trip and meeting everyone.
Name: Shauni Manson

Age: 17

DOB: 6-17-88

Gender: Female

Family: Dad (Peter) Twin brothers (Jake and Jared)

Appearence: Bright green eyes, tan skin, short straight black hair. She's skinny, but is not at all weak. She has natuallyShe normally has a stern look to herself. There's a tatoo of a lily on her ankle that she got from a neighbor who was once in prison. She can look kind when she wants to, but prefers the look of a warrior.

Personality: Strong, can be motherly at times, won't put up with any crap. Sometimes is over assertive and protective. There is a softer side to her that no one ever really sees.

Hobbies/skills: Works at a gym place for exchange of free classes in gymnastics and self defense. She's completely obsessed with challenging herself in both areas.

History: My mom was never around. Just me, my dad, and brothers. My dad has never worked a day since I was born. Not because he hasn't tried. But because no one has ever hired him. Ever. I've lived in poverty my whole life. Among the thieving gangbangers and crack addicts, we've been forced to steal our whole lives. For that we've wandered around for many, many years from town to town. My dad taught us basic math and how to read and write. But that's all I know. My dad has no hope and attempted suicide twice that I know of. He lost his mind two years ago. He drifts from fantasy to reality frequently. My brothers are total trouble makers and I've been forced to mother them both. My hobbies, my family, and will to be strong is the only that keeps me going. Besides I have to protect my family. I can't help but think we're being watched.

I walked down the street coming home from work with my hands in my pockets. I hate this time of day. It forces me to think. And I don't like to think. It's too depressing.

"Shauni," said someone behind. This alone is a shock to me. Barely anyone knows me. I jerk around and see a black car with two well dressed men. I sped up and the car raced up on the curb and in my way.

"What do you want!" I barked defensively.

"We want to offer you something that will help out your family a great deal," said the guy in the passenger seat. I stared at him. Had he said anything else I would have bolted the other direction. "Get in and we'll talk to you."

Hesitantly I looked at the car and then back at the guys. He smiled at me and shook his head. "We're not with Child Protection Services." That was it. If there was one thing my family needed it was help.

"Just do it," I told myself. Then found myself opening the door and sitting down.
Name: Shoshannah Richards. (Shosh- pronounced "Shaw-sh")

Age: 16, almost 17

DOB: 7/15/88

Gender: Female

Family: Dad- Kevin Richards. Younger brothers- Tyler Richards, Derrick Richards.

Appearence: 5'5", very slim and toned body. Long legs and a pronounced bone structure. Shosh has slightly wavy dark brown hair, almost black, which reaches almost to the middle of her back. She has large, emerald green eyes, pale, fair skin, and her lip pierced with a silver hoop on the ride side. She usually wears ripped, worn out jeans and her converse shoes. She wears many silver rings on her thin fingers, and lots of plastic bangle bracelets, some black and some white. She also has a small tattoo of a black heart on her shoulder blade.

Personality: Shosh is a very angry person due to her background. However, she has a calm nature so anything she says is said very carelessy, and not really said with an angry nature. She's brutally honest, very much against labels, racism, sexism, basically any kind of ism, and eating meat. However, inside, Shosh is really just a timid teenager that has never experienced love or comfort, making those two the only things she longs for. She hardly shows emotion and always seems to be uncaring, and she very rarely smiles.

Hobbies/skills: music, skate boarding, playing guitar, sketching.

History: My mother died when I was very young, and I am the only one out of the children that remembers her. When I started maturing, my father told me that everytime he looks at me he see's my mother. He told me it hurt too much, and with that, handed me a plane ticket. I was to go live with my aunt, uncle, and cousin. Looking at pictures of mom when she was my age, it's hard to belive we're two different people. The only difference now is the piercing I have, though I got that after moving away from my family. As soon as I started to get settled with my relatives, the repo man showed up and took absolutely everything, leaving me with nothing at all. With the own money I had saved up, I flew back home in search of my father and brothers for help. However, when I got to the doorstep, my father shut the door in my face. Right before he did so, he said that he never wanted to see my face again. I don't even know if my brothers knew I had come back or not. All I know is that my father no longer loves me, and my brothers can't help me.


I walked away from my fathers house, kicking a rock as I went. I had my electric guitar in it's case hitched over my back, and my duffel bag with clothes, sketch pads, charcoal, discman, and my other necessities in hand. They were the only things the repo man hadn't taken away from me, and the only things the I couldn't live without. I had already proven that I could live without my family. And I guess they had proved that they couldn't live without me.

My light blue jeans were a little loose and ragged, torn at the knee and at various other little spots. They were held on with a studded belt. I wore a white wife-beater in the summer heat, and my rings glinted in the sunlight. As I kicked the rock in front of a fast food joint, I decided to go inside and get a drink.

I had hardly sat down before three men in what looked to be their mid-twenties wearing suits sat down with me. They looked strangely out of place in this restaurant, and I looked at them curiously.

"Can I help you?" I said coldly.

"Shoshannah, we are here to make you an offer that can change your life. It will help your family; your father, brothers, aunt, uncle, and cousin a great deal. They are all suffering."

"How the hell do you know this? I'm sure my father and brothers are fine."

"Naturally, not having lived with them for five years, you wouldn't know that your father was laid off quite some time ago and they are quickly getting further and further in debt."

"Who are you?" I asked.

"We're with the government. We apologise, but you have passed the screening and therefore you are being offered the job of a lifetime. A check will be sent regularly to your family, as well as to you. It has very good pay."

"What kind of job is this?"

"Those matters will be discussed with the others who have passes screening."

"What do you mean by screening?" I asked, starting to get a little frustrated with this odd group.

"Come with us and everything will be explained," one of the men said, setting something down on the table. I looked at it. It was a plane ticket, and my heart skipped a beat. I flashed back to the time when my father had done the exact same thing. Blinking, I looked coldly up at the three of them.

"You said I'll get good pay?" I said. My life was shit right now, surely nothing worse could happen. And hey, these guys seems okay. A little creepy maybe, but okay. And if they're paying for my plane ticket, it must not be a hoax.

"Exellent pay."

"Fine." I shrugged. I picked up the plane ticket, put my guitar back over my shoulder, picked up my duffel bag and headed out of the Five & Dime, leaving the three men sitting at the table.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Taylor-Marie Silver Deming

Age: 16 (d-o-b December 3rd)

Sex: Female

Family: Steven Deming, Pamela Deming, and foster brother, Mikey Deming

Appearance: Tall with shoulder-length brown hair, brown eyes, kind of chubby, naturally long nails, and a birthmark of a heart under her lower lip, just above her chin.

Personality: Taylor is very quiet, she loves to write and sing, read fantasy books, and she likes to daydream. She has trouble opening up to people because she doesn’t fit the Barbie-doll image. She has a few friends at her school, but she only has one really close friend that she can hang out with.

History: She was born and raised in Lisbon, NH. About 60% of her family lives in the same area. She doesn’t talk to them much though, her mother’s side of the family didn’t want Pamela to marry Steve, so the families don’t really speak to each other. Taylor escapes the chaos of her life by typing on her new computer and making friends on the internet. When she was thirteen her parents adopted Mikey because they wanted another child, but were unable to. Mikey is two years younger than Taylor.

*Flower5**Flower5**Flower5*~ ~ *Flower2* ~ ~ *Flower5**Flower5**Flower5*

I hate science. We just had a ten page biology test and half of it the stupid substitute teacher didn’t even review. My normal biology teacher, Mr. Perham, had to take 6 weeks vacation because he had to get surgery on his back. After he left Ms. Parker came to teach us in his absence. She is a nice person, but she isn’t a great teacher. She gets the lesson plans from Mr. Perham and then she covers only half of what he tells her to, and then the whole class fails the next test.

I was really upset the rest of school and I needed to do something to vent my anger. I had chorus the last block of the day and since the spring concert was over I decided to use the time to write about how I felt. Then, guess what happened. The fire alarm rang. Everyone dropped what they were doing, including me, and filed outside. There were quite a few dark clouds in the sky and the wind was really picking up.

I saw a flame in the science lab and I figured one of the chemistry experiments must have gone awry. Then, a bolt of lightning lit the sky and all the students began complaining that they were going to get caught in the rain. Then, it did start to rain. I got soaked because all I was wearing was a tee shirt and skirt.

I ran over to a tree and tried to use it as shelter and I heard a car approach the house behind the tree. It was actually two black Subaru cars. I looked close and then turned to see if any of the students had seen them. No one did, and then I saw the science lab was catching even more on fire.

“Taylor Deming?”

I turned to see a man in a black suit standing next to the tree.

“Yes? That’s me,” I replied. I wasn’t sure what he wanted, but it couldn’t be that important if it was me. I was the last person anyone cared about.

“You’re coming with us. This is a government screening. If you pass, you’re lucky, if you fail,” he paused to look at the school, “then you can come back here.”

He held his hand out and I was apprehensive to take it. What would my parents think if I didn’t come home?

“What about my parents?” I asked.

“You can call them from the car, let’s go.”

I didn’t take his hand, but I did walk over to the car. I was soaking wet and I didn’t want to get their car messy, but there was no time to change clothes. There were other people in the car and one of them handed me a towel. I dried my hair as best as I could and the car sped out of the driveway and off School Street.

“Can I call them now?”

The man handed me a phone and I dialed the number to my mom’s work. My dad worked nights and needed to sleep during the day.

“Don’t tell them the truth. Say you went to a relative’s house because of the fire.”

“Hey, mom? There was a fire at the school and they sent us to live with relatives. I got sent on a bus to go live with Carly and Michael. I know, that’s farther away than any of our relatives, but they wouldn’t listen to me. I’ll call you when I can. Bye.”

Dial tone.

How was I going to explain it if my mom drove all the way to Whitefield and I wasn’t there? Would I get a chance to explain it? What if I never got to see my parents again? “Don’t be silly,” I told myself, “these people can’t keep me forever.”
Crystal Called Katie.
"Hello.. " Katie answered her phone
"Hey sweety whats up?" Said Crystal
"Not to much what ya need?" Katie asked.
"I was wondering if by any chance you had the car I need to talk to you can you come get me at the house?" I asked.

I had waited till the very last minute to tell her.

"Well is something wrong..." Katie said sounding worried

" I will talk to you when you get here ok?" I said

"Ok I will be there as soon as I can" She said.

The phone hung up.

Katie showed up.

"Hey Lets take a drive" I said

I put my duffle in her car and she seemed suspicious.

"where you going..." she asked.

" I need a vacation. SO I need you to take me to the Airport and if my parents ask about me say you haven't heard from me. But I have to get away from the stress and craziness of my parents and the insurance companies...." I explained.

"where are you going?"She asked

"Montana... The Prettiest state on earth. I promise to keep you updated as often as possible." Crystal said reasuringly

We arrived at the Airport I hugged her tightly. "IM Going to miss you sooo much. I wish you could go with me" I said crying,

"Me too have a good time" Katie said

she kissed me on the cheek like a sister would I smiled at her. Not having any idea when the next time I would see her.

I walked into the Airport and showe da desk clerk my ticket they said that private plane is waiting out side. They grabbed some worker and had me excorted to the plane. I was the first one there aparently I was a little early. So I sat quietly to myself wiping away the tears pulling myself together before anyone could see.

The car pulled in front of the homeless shelter where Jake came out running with Jared on his tail. Jared pounced on his brother and they both tumbled to the floor.

"Ow! Get off me!" Jake screamed. He twisted on top of Jared bending his arm backwards.

"Both of you get off each other," I said.

"Shauni!" they both said getting up and attempting to tackle me.

"Guys, guys stop," I said. They didn't listen. Of course. They never listened and we all went barreling to the ground. "Guys I have something important to tell you. I'm really serious." The boys got off knowing I wasn't joking.

"Is this a trick?"

"No, Jake. There's something I have to say. I'm going...away. For good," I said. The boys stared at me with matching green eyes. They weren't going to make this easy on me. "I got a job offer in Canada as a professional gymnist. They want me to train with the best and when I'm old enough, maybe even compete in the Olympics." There I was dreaming out loud again.

"You said that would never happen for real," Jared complained. I shrugged. "You can't leave us! You said we do everything for the family! Remember?"

"They're going to pay for medicine for Dad to make him normal again. You two will live away for awhile until they decide that Dad's all better. Then he can watch you and you all can live together. I'm going to be making lots and lots of money that you all will be getting. You can go to school, get your own house with your own rooms, and a dog," I said dreaming out loud again.

"But you'll be gone," Jake said. Coming up was going to be the most painful lie yet.

"I'll be back to visit and show you all my gold medals," I said as a tear fell and I forced a smile. I choked on a sob so loud I had to cover my mouth. Jake and Jared both rushed up and hugged me. I couldn't hold back anymore. I cried with the two of them right there on the street in front of a homeless shelter. Finally I decided that things were getting too mushy. I grabbed Jared's bare arm and wiped a long string of my snot on him. He cringed and I laughed out loud.


"Get her!" They tackled me again, but instead of just pinning me to the ground they tickled me. I finally recovered and got up to my feet.

"I'm going to go tell Dad," I said. Jared was wiping his arm on his pants.

"I don't think you should. He's not doing good today," Jake said. I knew what that meant. My father was in one of his moods where he was ranting and raving with paranoia. If I told him that the government was taking me away, he'd flip. I half smiled and looked at the two of them. I wanted to stay there saying good bye to my brothers forever, but the strange government guys were waiting.

"I love you guys. Don't get in too much trouble. I'm going to be watching you all the time making sure you both don't do anything stupid," I said. We all said 'I love you's' and had one last sincere hug. Then I got into the car, not knowing when or if I was going to see my family again.

I sat on the city bus, watching out the window as it carried me to the airport. I momentarily looked down at the plane ticket in my hand.

What the hell am I getting myself into? I thought as I looked back out the window. Who was I to know if this ticket was even real? Maybe I was being lured to the airport by those guys, only to be raped and killed.

But hey, it's not like I've got anything to live for, is there? I thought to myself. I didn't have a family anymore, as long as I was concerned. The only people I knew of who possibly loved me were my brothers, and I hadn't heard from them in five years. They would now be 13 and 14. And as for my aunt, uncle, and cousin, they never treated me as part of the family. To them, I hardly existed. I was just another mouth to feed and object to waste precious money on.

I sighed and looked around the bus. There wasn't many people on it, an elderly woman a few seats ahead of me on the other side, a man with an ample stomach drunkenly falling into a doze, and a mother with a small child just a bit behind me. I sat with my legs crossed on the seat, my guitar beside me and my duffel bag at me feet. It was pathetic to think that I hate spend the time leading up to this trip without a home But then again, how long had it been since I could really call anything a home?

Definately a long time.

I finally arrived at the airport, and was pointed in the right direction by the desk clerk who took my ticket. Well, I had just been proven that the ticket wasn't a fake.

I found myself walking into a private plane. I apparently hadn't been the first to arrive as I saw a girl with long blonde hair and grey-green eyes already seated inside. Her nose was slightly red and her eyes a little watery as if she had just been crying.

"Oh! Hi, I'm Crystal," she said happily. I nodded my head at her.

"Nice to meet you." I said, putting my stuff down and sitting in one of the chairs. She seemed a little put off that I didn't introduce myself in turn, and watched me as I got settled.
A Non-Existent User

I couldn't believe these people. They pluck me from my school while it's burning, take me to my house (no one was there, Dad works overtime), and tell me to pack only the things I need and to hurry. I packed five outfits, a pillow and blanket, and in my backpack I put pictures and everything to remind me of home. I had no idea where I was going.

Once my things were packed they put me back in the black car and drove me to the nearest air port. I was given a ticket and told to not even think of hitch hiking away.

I was in dry clothes and rather content, but the people still didn't make me feel good. One of them escorted me to the desk clerk and told me to give them my ticket and when I turned around he was gone.

I was pissed. I felt like I was walking right into a trap, but I also felt weak and helpless, they were very intimidating.

I got onto the plane with just my backpack and picked a seat in the way back. I had never flown before, and I didn't know what to expect. I watched as other people came on and claimed seats around me. I was in the window seat, so I figured someone was bound to ask to share the isle seat.

A man, probably early twenties, asked if he could sit with me and I agreed. I managed to sneak my CD played and MP3 in my backpack, so I pulled my MP3 out and put the headphones on. I didn't feel like talking, and all I wanted was a chance to think about what was going on.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Eowyn Marsh

Age: 17

DOB: 08/13/88

Gender: Female

Family: Father (Edmond), mother (Peggy), Uncle (Derek, father’s brother)

Appearance: Shaved head, only a hint of any curves, almost looks like a young boy. Wears jeans, a black, gray or white t-shirt or sleeveless with a flannel long sleeve button down over it.

Personality: Angry, slightly unbalanced, sarcastic, and yet can completely surprise you with her knowledge or insight that she habitually hides from the world.

Hobbies/Skills: Can somewhat fight without weapons, with a knife, chain, broken bottle, anything that comes in handy. While having no formal training she fought out of necessity, which was more a game of “hurt the other guy till he gives up” instead of what most think of as fighting. Is very good at surviving on her own. Actually enjoys school, it is the only place she feels safe, she knows it is her only chance to rise above her current situation, and she has a bit of a repressed passion for learning. Because of her home situation her grades are not as good as they could be, but she is smart and knows the material. She is well read and got good at doing math in her head, because she didn’t have a lot of money for calculators, or pencils and paper.

History: One of Eowyn’s best kept secrets is her name. Her mother was a bit of a hippie, so she named her daughter after the Lord of the Rings character. Eowyn just tells most people her name is Wynnie, which is what her father used to call her. She came from a rich family, but that changed when she was around eight and the IRS caught up with her dad’s tax fraud. The ensuing lawsuits put her parents and her only living relative, her dad’s brother, beneath the poverty line. Her dad and her uncle both resorted to alcohol, her uncle becoming violent when her parents weren’t around. He always hid it well, though, because he knew he would be out on the street if Eowyn’s parents knew he hurt their daughter. As the years went by money became harder to come by. Her mother was the only one who worked, while her dad and uncle just drunk themselves deeper into depression. Eowyn often took to the streets for days or weeks on end, learning to fight and survive there. Over her life she watched as one by one her friends died. They died in accidents, murders, fires, everything. Eowyn stopped making friends, because all of them seemed to wind up dead. She had spent a few nights in juvie for minor offenses, none of them her fault, but she got the blame nonetheless. It was just after one of these incidents that her story really begins…


Eowyn had gotten out of the local Juvenile hall after just a few days. It was strange, she reflected, how she was always in just long enough to get harassed but never long enough to get used to it. They always had some reason she only deserved a few days. Her parents probably didn’t even know about this one. Not that they ever noticed her.

As Eowyn walked the city streets she sensed that she was being watched. She casually looked behind her and saw that two men were following her. They didn’t look like any of the street gangs around, they looked too nice. Ties and jackets. Dark sunglasses too. Eowyn started to walk faster, and then broke into a run. The two men pursued her.

Eowyn was able to find a relatively secluded area. “This may be the big city,” she thought, “but no one wants to see the crap-hole industrial area where I live.” The respectable citizens only liked their clean, well kept streets, and the inhabitants were so poor that they spent all their time working, digging through dumpsters, or drinking.

She turned into a blind alley and quickly grabbed the closest weapon she could find; a piece of pipe. The two men barreled into the alley expecting her to be well ahead. They weren’t prepared for an ambush. As the first man ran past her, Eowyn knocked him in the forehead with the pipe. She was almost half his size, and more than half his weight, but he went down hard anyways. She swung at the other man, but he was prepared. He knocked the pipe out of her arm and sent her flying back, seemingly without effort.

Eowyn scrambled up quickly, a look of fury on her face. But even through the anger Eowyn realized that this man knew what he was doing. He was fighting precisely and efficiently, not like the improvised techniques that Eowyn was accustomed to. She pulled her switchblade from her pocket. She always had one with her, and if it got taken she got another one as soon as she could. She charged at the man. He simply grabbed her arm, and was about to strike another blow, but stopped when he heard his fallen partner shout, “WAIT.”

The man stopped his blow, but continued to restrain Eowyn. She kicked, bit and snarled, but nothing seemed to hurt this man. The first man stood up, holding a handkerchief to his bleeding forehead. “Calm down,” he said, “We’re not here to hurt you. We just want to talk.” Eowyn settled down, but still looked dubious. “Let’s talk about this over dinner,” the man said kindly, “my treat.” This erased any doubt from Eowyn’s mind. She had not had a good meal in forever, and the chance at a free one was too good to miss. She followed the two men to their car.

An hour later, Eowyn was sitting outside a café, finishing off the remains of her dessert. The first man ordered coffee. When it arrived, he said, “Now, down to business.”

Eowyn sat back in her chair, rocking it on two legs, the very image of a stubborn youth. She took out a cigarette and lit it. “What do you want?” She asked.

“I’m Mr. Samson, and this is Mr. Ray.”

“Wynnie,” Eowyn said.

“We know who you are, Eowyn Marsh.”

Eowyn sat bolt upright. “How do you know that? Are you guys cops?” She started to get up, as if to run.

“It’s not like that,” Mr. Samson said, “Perhaps I was a bit too dramatic.” Eowyn relaxed a hair. “You see, the government has taken an interest in you for a long time. We watched you grow up. Well not us, we were just put on this assignment a few years ago, we mean our agency.”

“Which is?”

“That’s classified.”

“So, you guys are watching me. Because…”

“We are interested in hiring you. We can make sure your family is well taken care of. Your food, housing, clothes, everything will be provided by us. In return we want you to come and train with us so that you may eventually be of use to us.”

“This is crazy,” Eowyn stood up, “I mean, why me? What the hell’s going on? You were watching me this whole time? I could take you to court for this.” Eowyn was a bit frightened, and she never kept her head when she was backed into a corner.

Mr. Samson placed an airplane ticket on the table. “You will learn more later, but only if you accept.”

“I WON’T LET YOU MANIPULATE ME!” Eowyn shouted, and stood up. She realized that she was shaking uncontrollably. She forced herself to sit down slowly. She took a deep breath, and then lit another cigarette. She took a long drag, and then picked up the ticket and looked at it. “If I go with you,” she said, “can I leave this shit encrusted ass-land for good?”

“We will take care of you. We won’t make you come back,” Mr. Samson said.

Eowyn looked at the ticket again. Thoughts and fantasies of all the things her life could be, all the places she could go besides here, danced in her mind. “Okay.” She said.

“Good,” said Mr. Sampson, “If you’ll just come with me. We won’t make you go home; we know you have nothing worth going back for, and your parents are accustomed to you being gone. Besides, we’re a little behind schedule.”

Eowyn sat in the backseat. As they drove off, Eowyn couldn’t stop staring at the back of Mr. Ray’s head. She felt a strong hate toward him. “He has beaten me,” she thought, “but I’ll get him back. Smug bastard, he didn’t even say anything. But I’ll get better, and then we’ll see.” She wanted to hurt him badly. No one had ever humiliated her like that and gotten away with it. Nobody.


As they drove to the airport, Eowyn slouched in the backseat, staring out the window. “You know, you should sit up,” Sampson said, “It’s better for your back.” Eowyn just looked at him and slouched further. “Very well, do what you like,” replied Mr. Sampson, “It doesn’t bother me if you want to throw your back out… Shield Maiden.”

Eowyn suddenly sat upright. “What did you call me?”

“It was the title given to the woman in Tolkien’s novel…”

“I know what it is, I’m not stupid. And I didn’t come here to be made fun of.” Eowyn was nearly shouting by now.

“Relax,” Mr. Sampson nearly laughed, but he managed to stop himself, “I wasn’t making fun.” Eowyn relaxed a little, and went back to staring out the window.

They finally arrived at the airport, and Mr. Sampson and Mr. Ray walked her to the gate. “Good luck,” Mr. Sampson said, “and goodbye, fair lady of Rohan.” Eowyn would have turned and hit him, but she remembered Mr. Ray just in time. She simply huffed and boarded the plane. “Got a lot of spirit, that one,” Mr. Sampson said.

“Yes,” said Mr. Ray, “But she’s a bit of a loose cannon. She could be a liability.”

“Naw, our boys at training know what they’re doing. They’ll whip her into shape in no time.

Eowyn noticed there were several people already on the plane, but she only glanced at them and ignored any attempts by them to be friendly. She swaggered down the isle and flopped down into a seat at the very back of the plane, and then just sat and waited.
The Plane ride was a little quiet for Crystal's taste. Everyone seemed to be a little nervous.
None of them had any idea of what they were getting themselves into.

Since no one seemed real talkitive Crystal reached into her purse and pulled out a Deck of cards.

"Anyone up for a Game Gin, Spades, Rummy..." Crystal asked.

WHen no one responded to her kindness she shuffeled the deck a couple of times put them away took out a note book and started Scribbling furiously her pencil left the paper when she hear the plane coming to a stop. Looking out the small window All she could see was Desert.

Anyone sitting on the other side Saw the Huge Two story Metal building just to the side of the Landing pad.

There was one man Standing there waiting for the girls.

Once they had all gotten off the plane carrying there various Bags.

"Follow Me. Mr.Humphery would like to speak to you." The Man said.

They all followed in tow behind the unknown man. They went through these Huge Oak Double doors that opened as we Aproached.

"10-96 Bigsby Bringing Infiltraters 999 for Briefing. Permision to Proceed." The Man said as we aproached the open doors.

One man standing next to the men holding the doors open looked down at a clip board.

"10-96 permision granted. Confrence room 1." Said the man with the Clip board.

Bigsby and the girls followed him into the Marble Entry Hall there were three doors two wood on the outer edges and a Metal double door in the center. Bigsby aproached the door on the left. He held the door open and revealed a Confrence room with 10 chairs around a wooden Racetrack table. 2 Chairs were allready occupied. One by a girl roughly our age sitting straight up seeming very interested in our arival. She had long black hair brown eyes with dark skin She was wearing a long sleave shirt. Seemingly business atire. Probly wearing Slacks. The other person at the table was a man probly in his early 40's. He didn't even look over as we came in. We each took a seat.

"Hello girls. I was just telling Ms. Michealson that she would be your veteran so to speak. You all I have been informed. Know that you have passed our initial screening and have each been offered a job. We are willing to make sure you make 70,000 a year. Plus I heard you were informed we would also compensate your family They will recieve 30,000 a year. Ms. Michealson will inform you of what we do hear and give you a tour of our facility" Mr. Humphery finished and got up and left us in the room with Ms.Michealson.

"Well Guys our first check should be roughly 8333 dollars which means in a rough estimate we are making 273 dollars a day which is roughly 11.41 dollars an hour For every hour we stay here away from our family's. Granit that is including the Family Compensation Check." Crystal ratteled off absolutly sick of the silence.

Name: Clover Merry Michelson

Age: 16 (currently. When she started training, she was 15)

Gender: Female

Don-15(currently), he's her adopted brother.
Metal-16(currently), he's also adopted.
Sarah-17(currently), she's also adopted.

There was a fifth child who died when Clover was fourteen, leaving only a four member
Daniel-her twin

DOB: September 20, 1988
> Appearance: She has long black hair, she's about 5 feet tall, has brownish-orange
eyes, and dark skin. She has a small but fit body, and uh...a burned hand shaped scar on
her arm from the most recent fire she has been in. It's in the middle of her arm, which is
why she wears mostly long sleeves instead of short sleeves, and almost always jeans.
Their mostly warm or cool (can't remember which) colors that are easily ignored when she
wants them to be.

Personality: Easily annoyed, but her skill is not showing it. She’s tuff, and
strong headed. Always follows her beliefs, and rarely her heart. She’s sarcastically
kind, and very quiet. She often appears to be thinking when her face isn’t full of
anger. She thinks and openly admits she’s the best and can beat anyone. She doesn't
easily trust people, but will trust them if she absolutely has too. People who think
she's weak (becasue she's small) get on her nerves the minute they make a crack about
her, but puts up with them because she knows she'll prove them wrong in the end. Let's
see, she is very determined to do whatever she sets out to do. When she wants to she can
be very quiet, however around friends she talks alot. She's very dependable to her
allies, and would die for any friend.

Skills: She can do a little bit of everything, but her favorite skill is her ability
to spy on people. She’ s very good because she's small and wears those invisible colored
clothes, she can get into anywhere she wants and listen in on any conversation no matter
where it takes place. She is very athletic, thanks to the tragic death of her twin. She
can fight, though it's always her last resort (unless someone says she's weak. Then,
it's on).

Hobbies: In her free time, she writes-about everything and anything that’s on her
mind. She loves to skate, and ice skate. She loves to do anything snow related, because
snow, she feels, is the opposite of fire. Umm, she also reads, so she’s very intelligent
as well.

History: My parents have always had trouble having kids of their own, so adopting was
the best they could do. 5 years before the fire killed them, me and my twin brother,
Daniel, were their only blood kids. I always hated not knowing them, but my older
brothers and sister took good care of us. At first it was easy for all five of us to get
adopted. Amazing considering there were so many of us. We were very happy until the
night the fire started. All three of our adoptive family died, and everyone, especially
the cops, blamed us. We were finally proved innocent, but no other family wanted
anything to do with us. So we took care of ourselves. I was always the weakest. Even
Daniel was placed before me, and they all treated me like a baby-because I was. When I
was fourteen the abandoned building we called home caught fire and while my siblings got
out, Daniel and I were trapped within. At the last minute, before we burn to death,
Daniel grabs my arm and pushes me out the window into my siblings’ arms. Daniel died
that day and I’ve never forgiven myself. Ever since, I have trained my body to be at
it’s maximum ability. Yet, still my brothers and sister treated me like a baby. When
they came for me, I was surprised, but not shocked. My life’s horror did appear planned.
I went though, only to prove to my siblings I could take care of myself. I knew they’d
figure it out when the first check came. I also knew when I finally returned we could
all live happily, taking care of each other instead of them taking care of me.

Base History: Clover has been at the base for over a year now. She’s 15. However,
she has not gone home to see her family. She does not feel she could lie to them about
what happened, and those are the rules. If you go home, you can stay, but have to come
in when they call you for missions. In addition, your family can never know where you’ve
been or what your new profession is. Also, she feels she has not gotten revenge yet for
Daniel’s death. She does not know how she’ll ‘repay’ them for it, but she will, and
after that, then she can finally go home.

There is another group of Teen Infiltrators. Team 888. Clover was working with them,
but she never quite fit in. When the new group is formed, the authorities decide she
needs a new ‘scene’, and assigns her to guide the new team. Her assignment is to work
with Infiltrator Team 999, and be responsible for helping them figure out what’s
important so the group can more quickly be brought up to speed. Clover doesn’t know why
they are so desperate for Ready Infiltrators, but she’s determined to find out, and the
best way to do that is to get along with the newbies.


Clover examined her new ‘team’ as she explained their rate of pay. Not a promising one
of the bunch. Only knowing how strong she was for her small size made her re-think her
last statement, though she couldn’t help thinking, “I could take them in a second.” They
were all taller than her 5’ but she could still take them. Even without the past year’s
training, she could take them.

As her lips continued to relay the normal newbie information, she thought, I can’t
believe they thought I wasn’t getting along with team 888. Sure, I got into fist fights
often and nearly killed our leader, but that’s no reason to think we wouldn’t be able to
cooperate together any longer. In fact, Clover was going to apologize the very next day.
Well, it didn’t matter anyway. Clover would just have to o start over with this team.
She smiled to herself. And this time, she would be the leader. That was the only way
Mr. Humphrey could convince her to come onto this team.

Realizing she had finished a minute ago, she said annoyed, “well, don’t just stand there
gawking at me. What are your names?”

A blond with neatly trimmed eyebrows said, “Crystal Michelle Lee.” Crystal looked her
over. Clover smiled at her twice pierced ears. Her sister Sarah would say bad things
about her. A sigh escaped realizing Crystal was mostly curves. Did the girl even know
how to fight? “Careful Michelson, don’t forget your own strength under this small

The next girl said, “Shauni Mason.” Clover couldn’t help but sympathize. The girl was
skinny, though she could tell from her eyes, Shauni was very strong. Clover knew what it
was like to be judged by her physique, and knew who she would force to prove their
strength in practice first. “That way, we have no stereotypes,” she thought. “I do so
hate stereotypes.”

“Shoshannah Richards,” was next. As usual, she was taller than Clover, and even though
she looked tuff, Clover still insisted she could beat her in a match. Clover smiled. It
would be interesting to see her fight. Maybe she would be a challenge. Clover liked the
anger she saw in Hannah’s eyes. They reminded Clover of her own eyes.

“Taylor-Marie Silver Deming,” was next. Clover sighed again at her height. Couldn’t one
of them been her height or shorter. Clover thought, taking a closer look, “the training
will take away her chubbiness, hopefully. With any luck, by the end of the summer,
she’ll be as fit as me.” On second thought, perhaps she should make Taylor prove her
strength first. It was bad enough Clover was judging her; she didn’t need the rest of
the team following her example. A heart shaped birthmark or perhaps a tattoo caught
Clover’s attention. Interesting, she thought, and then shrugged it off.

Finally the last girl announced, “Eowyn Marsh,” then noticed the girl flinch. Clover
smiled. Only five minutes after they met her, they had learned they couldn’t lie around
her. Clover said, “I suppose you like another name?” Eowyn said, “Wynnie.” Clover said,
“Then Wynnie it is. I’m not sure I could keep from laughing otherwise.” Ewoyn frowned.

Clover sighed. Not five minutes knowing these girls, and they already disliked her.
Wasn’t she at least going to try and get along with them? “Their making it so hard,” she
thought. “They’re so…new! Like freshly cut grass!” Just imaging being seen with these
pathetic newbies made her shriek from embarrassment. The other infiltrators would laugh
at her! Clover groaned to herself. The last year had been dedicated to earning her
reputation and getting rid of that stupid ‘small girls are weak’ stereotype. Now, she
would be seen with these weaklings. The thought was disheartening.

Clover opened her mouth to speak, then closed it, realizing she had no clue what to say!
What kind of leader had no idea what to say? While Clover tried to think of what to say,
the others met eyes and frowned, knowing immediately they did not like her. For one, she
was younger than all of them, and two, she was a small thing. How could she have passed
any tests?

Clover finally noticed the secret communication and scolded herself for not noticing.
Usually she was better at catching silent conversations. “Any questions,” she gritted,
angrier with herself than them.

Crystal said, “yes, you never mentioned when we see our family.”

“Oh,” Clover frowned. “When you have completed all your training and passed the final
tests, then you will be aloud to see your family again.”

Shauni looked at the other girls to see their reactions. They were the same as her's. Unsure, unwilling, but something was motivating them to think otherwise. Shauni thought about her brothers back home. How her father must be going crazy not knowing where she was. But he was going to get help. He was going to get better and the next time she saw him he would be the same way he was when he was normal.

Jake and Jared? They'd get over her leaving them. They'd grow up in a stable life they never had. This was for the best. There was no getting around it.

Shauni shifted in her seat and cleared her throat uncomfortably. "Sounds good," she said in a voice that was barely audible to herself. The men gave her a reassured nod.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Emma Christopherson
Age: 17
DOB: 9/23/87
Gender: Female
Family: Terese Dylan (aunt, and adoptive mother), Leigh (twin sister), and Paige (sister – 13).

Appearance: Emma is 5’6”, with a little meat on her. She’s fairly comfortable in her own skin, though. She has short, sort of punky auburn hair, creamy skin, and hazel eyes. Emma is pretty all over the place with her clothes. She’s casual, but likes a variety of styles. Has 4 holes in each ear, and a group of 3 angels on her right hip.

Personality: Emma has a deep, emotional relationship with her sister, Leigh. And she feels the highest responsibility to be a big sister and guide for Paige. Emma has always been a polite person, and sociable. But she can get introverted, especially about her feelings. Emma has always been a support for other people, but sharing her feelings with others isn’t something she’s comfortable with. She’s a strong woman, but very unselfish. Emma is very involved in school, and intelligent, but not necessarily a nerd.

Hobbies/skills: Emma works out at the gym to try to relieve stress, so she is physically strong. But one of her biggest skills is cooking. As a young child, the oldest in a big family, she always helped out with meals in the house. She usually does most of the cooking now, so that dinner can be ready soon after Terese is home. Cooking has taught her to make the most of what she has, so Emma’s quite resourceful. She likes to read, write, and express herself artistically.

History: Emma grew up in a large family; she had her mom, Elyse and dad, Robery, her and Leigh, Paige, and twin brothers Ethan and Austin. Ethan and Austin were born when Emma was 6. They were a very picturesque family. The Christophersons weren’t rich, but bills and expenses never overwhelmed them. Four years ago, the family was going out to dinner, a rarity for the large group. On the way home, it was raining badly, they were in a terrible crash. Emma’s father died on contact (they swerved across the highway, hitting at least four cars on the way). Austin and Ethan were very badly injured, and Paige’s injuries were almost as bad. Mrs. Christopherson broke a number of bones, as well. But for some reason, Emma and Leigh walked away from the accident untouched. Except for the many horrible images, sounds, and feelings they experienced during the crash. Ethan, Austin, Paige, and Elyse were stuck in the ICU during Robert’s funeral. Emma’s mother had broken both legs, both arms, and a number of ribs, and was put in almost a full body cast. Ethan and Austin had both experienced internal bleeding, and a number of other issues. Paige had some bad cuts, and broken bones. Paige and Elyse were soon moved to regular hospital rooms, to recover. About a month after the crash, Ethan died, and Austin followed, two weeks later. Paige slowly healed up, and Emma’s mother tried to do so. She stayed in the hospital, hoping to heal and undergo physical therapy. Six months passed, and her body had depleted to nothing. She died in the hospital, her body seeming to have given up. Elyse’s closest friend (and “Aunt” to the children) Terese, adopted Emma, Leigh, and Paige.


What was she even thinking? I mean, three strange men approached her, telling her all this sweet talk, and Emma had actually considered going to that airport, using that plane ticket? Was she insane?!

But Emma had gone to the airport, with her bags packed, and almost got to the Front Desk. “No, I can’t do this. I mean, I’m sure it’s all BS. And, I can’t just leave Leigh like this. Not after…not after she’s lost so many of us. No, forget it, this is stupid.” And Emma made a u-turn, out of the airport, to head home.

It was already the middle of the day, and Emma had missed school up until this point. She found no reason no go back today. Frustrated, she pulled her ratty 70’s VW Bug into the parking lot of one of her favor little spots, Café Carmel. Emma wasn’t a big coffee drinker, but this little coffee shop had the best desserts, Italian sodas, and the most comfortable chairs. After getting a cherry Italian soda and some new, decadent brownie Café Carmel was offering, Emma grabbed an empty chair.

Sinking into the soft, hugging chair, taking in whatever little ditty they had playing – something melodic, jazzy, but a bit ethnic, Emma had paid no attention to her food and beverage for at least fifteen minutes. She had closed her eyes during this time, and now opened them, reaching for her brownie. Not until she had taken a bite of the brownie into her mouth did she realize there was another man in the black suit. He wasn’t one of the three that had come to see her earlier, but he looked like them. He was sitting across from her, his eyes burning a hole into hers.

The man walked over, sat in the closest chair to her. “Ms. Christopherson, you have made a mistake, and now is your chance to change this.” He bluntly stated.

“Excuse me?” Emma said, taking a sip of her drink.

“You heard me correctly. And you now have one day to redecide.” The man handed me another plane ticket, with a boarding time of exactly 24 hours later.

“And who would you be?”

“I apologize, I am Mr. Laird. I have never seen someone get a second chance, but this is it.”

Emma was overwhelmed, “But, Leigh, she needs me. I can’t let her lose…another…” Emma stammered.

“She needs you, you need her. But the monetary support your family will get should cover that, and you are strong. This is the better for the both of you. This is also why we’ve given you a day. Make your final good-byes, do not rush out like you did today.” Mr. Laird finished, laid the plane ticket on the table beside Emma, and walked out of the café.

Emma was ready to leave by then. Gathering all of her stuff, including the plane ticket, she left the café. But, on the drive home, realization hit her. It was time. Emma had never gotten a true second chance before. Now was her time.
Name: Aether Simmons (fist name pronounced like 'A-ther')

Sex: Male

Age: 16

DOB: 1/1/1989

Family: Typical middle class suburbian family at first glance- Father, Christian Simmons; Mother, Theresa Simmons; Older Sister, Lidia Simmons. At a closer glance... Christian is unfaithful to Aether's mother, works a lot and is almost never home. When he gets angry at the children he often takes his anger out on Aether. Theresa has a drinking problem and is almost never around for her children. Lidia is smart. She gets straight A's and yet no one at her house seems to care or notice. Then there is Aether: he gets in fights, hangs around the wrong crowds and so on.

Appearance: Aether's defining physical mark is a scar from his forehead streching past his left eye to about the middle of his cheek. He has other scars too, mostly from his father, but he hides them under clothing and such. The one he can't hide is the one on his right arm, from his pinky finger accross the back of his hand wrapping around to the underside of his wrist. He is 5'8 and pretty skinny but tough. His straight brown hair hangs down off his head, his bangs ending just above his dark brown eyes.

Personality: Quiet and yet fierce. Tough and likes to fight, cause trouble, stir up trouble. At first many don't like him, but he is reliable and honest and a good canidate for the program.

History: Aether was taken from his family when he had just turned 12. He was eager to go with the strangers who came for him. They promised him money, a comfortable life for his family and other worldy bennifits. He didn't even need to think twice about it. Before he left, he promised Lidia he would send her the money he made so that she could one day get away from their parents as well. He assumed in his absence his father would need to find a new outlet to get his anger out. He felt horrible for leaving his sister with those people they called 'parents' but he had to. And she knew it, and she let him go. They were close, but it was still not a hard decision for Aether to make, even at age 12. For four years he worked along side other kids for this new government project. He never fit anywhere. He was either too young or too smart. He was so clever, they knew the right team would come around for him. So he waited, patiently. Never leaving the building which he now called home. He befriended many there and gained high levels of respect and security clearances. He was one of the youngest, high ranking agents there.


It was a strange scene. A man clad in a black suit and tie, closely followed on his right by a boy, dressed in blue jeans and a black pull over hoddie sweatshirt, with sandals on his feet. And yet they talked as equals. As they walked down a white hallway, they passed rooms upon rooms, some empty others serving their purposes.

"Like I said A," The man spoke, "this isn't the same kind of team you're used to seeing."
"Look Tony," the boy called A replied, "I know you say that, but you say that all the times we've tried placing me somewhere. It never works, I always go in and something always goes wrong so I get pulled."
"And it might happen again you know, I'm just saying this isn't the same scene you're used to seeing."
"So I've heard."
Silence ensured for the moment as the man pulled out a pass card and slid it into a door which clicked open, into another hallway.
"What if this one doesn't work out either Tony?" A questioned. "I mean, what am I still doing here?"
"The time for questions is later." The man looked down and gave the boy a smirk. "Don't worry A, we know why you're here, even if you don't know it yet, and your time is coming." Tony reassured him.
They stopped outside a door.
"Alright A, this is it... you don't get any sneak preview this time, you just go in, sit down, introduce yourself as Aether, nothing more, no Agent crap and don't pull rank on Clover. She hasn't seen you much so I'm sure she doesn't know where you stand in this establishment. She's in charge."
"I'm under command of a girl?" Aether asked apprehensivly.
"Actually Agent, this whole team so far is comprised of girls, you will be their first male counterpart."
Aether looked at Tony in disbelief.
"Well... good luck." Tony smiled at him as he opened the door to a room full of girls who automatically stopped whatever they were doing to stare in the direction of the now open door and the new boy who now stepped in.

Clover said "What can I help you with?"

" I am suposed to be joining the team you must be Clover?" Aether said

"Oh. ok... whats your name?" Clover asked.

"Aether." he said.

"Well alright lets go on a short tour of the facility show you to your rooms and then we will meet up for dinner." Clover said getiing up and heading for the door.

As she aproached it the door opened. "Sorry I am late." a voice said.

"whats your name?" clover asked a little exasperated.

"Emma" Emma said

"Great lets go on the tour." Clover said.

Crystal noticed Aether fell towards the back.

"Hey Aether...right? my name is Crystal you really didn't get a formal introduction. So when did you get here?"

The walk through was quick

"You will remember you Open the Large Double Oak doors from out side. "
A Large long front entry Marble floors. Three doors down at the end The Far Left and Far Right doors are Identical wood doors. The center being a set of Double doors made out of sheetmetal.

" The Left and Right doors open into 2 Large Confrence Room with a race track table in each room and 10 Large office Chairs at each table. Not unlike the one on the right we just left."

The center door opens into a large Office room there are 10 desks and a smaller round confrence table in this room with several people

There is a glass door to the left that goes to a Pool and Spa area.

Threre is a Door to the right that opens into a Gym.

A spiral stair case in the Back right hand corner that goes to over looking
individual offices. TO the back there is another set of metal double doors.

That opens into a huge hallway The floors here are Carpeted
A door to the imediate left there is a DANGER ROOM. A room that by computers
can be changed to outfit for any purpose (Obstical course one minute a maze the
next or it could apear to be the floor plan of a house for optimum training for
the Infiltraters.

Further down the large hallway to the right there is A Fancy Drawing room and
Library. Across from the library is a another Hallway that leads to a Wing to
the left.

THe wing to the Left is a series of 6 Identical Class rooms.

Back to the main Hallway on the left side past the Library is a Large Living
room with Tvs and Stereo there are 3 couches and several Recliners.

Past the Living room is the Dining Room with 3Large Tables and 10 fancy chairs
at each table. The Dining room has two doors that open into the Kitchen. Inside
the Kitchen is a Pantry.

Back to the main Hallway There are 4 hallways To the left side past The Class
room wing That each open to 5 large Bedrooms.

In the Main Hall Out side the Bedroom halls and the Kitchen Dining area there
is a set of stairs that goes up and another set of Stairs that goes down

Upstairs THere is another set of 4 hallways opening into 5 bedrooms each. A
Large Tailors work shop wear all clothes for missions will be made. There is
also a Washroom.
Downstairs is the Basement and Breakers and a series of small Offices and Labs.

"Dinner is at 7 now unless you hear my name over the intercom nothing should happen until then I hope to have schedules for you at dinner." Clover said.

A Non-Existent User
(So sorry I've been gone for a long time. School is killing me slowly. If you desperately want my addition, email me directly at silver_tt_22@yahoo.com other than that I am too busy to catch up with all the campfires I'm involved in.)
A Non-Existent User
Eowyn pushed, grunting with the effort. Sweat ran down her face and arms. Her tank top was soaked with perspiration. She lifted the barbell into the air. Her arms shook from the effort. She put the wieght back onto the stand on the bensh. She sat up, resting with her elbows on her knees, breathing hard from the effort. A drop of sweat ran down her nose and dripped onto the floor.

Eowyn stood, her tired limbs protesting the effort. She walked out of the gym and down the hall. She passed the pool area and saw a couple of the other girls swimming. She went up to the washroom and turned the shower on. She felt the worm water run down her. It felt good, clensing. She washed herself clean and put her old clothes in the available hamper.

It was actually pretty nice here. Good meals, comfortable beds, and just being able to walk around without fear for her life. There was also the schooling. Never in her life had she been in such an environment. She was actually challenged, encouraged to think. She ate up the information like it was the cure for a deadly disease. She disliked interacting in class, letting the others show off their own talents while she just did the work and let that speak for herself. There were classes on things like combat strategy and weapons, but there was also mathematics, art, literature, and sciences. Eowyn was overjoyed to be able to finally focus on learning such things.

Now cleaned up, Eowyn walked to the mess area. She felt good after the workout, like she had more energy. She was wearing a white tank top and cloth pants, the outfit she had grown used to. Eowyn sat down at the table among her fellows, grabbing some food for herself. There was some scattered conversation around her, but most of them seemed to want to keep to themselves. Dispite this natural lack of trust, Eowyn could sense a bond forming, one that could only come from going through the same traumas and hardships. It was something that was inevitable in such a situation, but the feeling was still in it's infancy.

After dinner they all went back to their rooms. Eowyn's still didn't feel like home. It was bare except for the clothes, and those had been provided for her. She didn't even still have the clothes she came in. She had literally nothing to her name. Eowyn flopped down onto the bed and fell promptly to sleep.

Eowyn woke up early the next morning. They all woke up early these days. It was starting not to even effect Eowyn anymore. That had been the hardest adjustment, not being able to smoke or drink caffeine anymore.

Her fellow recruits were lined up in the gym. Clover strode in front of them, talking about hand combat.

"Skill," she said, "is much more important than size or srength. A fighter who hones their technique with patience and discipline will be able to beat any unskilled individual, no matter what their body type. Take me, for example." Clover stepped back and spread her arms. "If size truly mattered, do you think I would be the instructor?" She looked the recruits up and down. "This first lesson will be to assess your current skill and ability." Clover stopped. "Marsh!" she barked. Eowyn stepped foreward. "You're a self-proclaimed fighter. Show me."

Eowyn put her fists up in a loose fighting stance. She stepped up to clover, quickly but controlled. Eowyn swung her fist, and then she found herself on her back.

Eowyn scrambled back up, this time running at Clover. She found herself yet again flat on her back. Clover laughed. "You see?" She asked the others. Eowyn stood up, this time fury on her face. She held back, however, recognizing the other girl's superior skill.

"What's the matter Eowyn. Scared?" Clover emphasized Eowyn's real name. She smiled, as if she found it funny. Eowyn snarled and tried with all her might to throttle Clover. She suddenly found herself flat on her face with clover resting on Eowyn's back and kneeling on her arms. "You have spirit, but you're anger is counterproductive." Clover stood up, now addressing the whole class. "Did you see that? Marsh doesn't control her passions, and I was able to exploit that to control her. Now She's mine. I know what to say, what to do, and what to make her see to control her. Remember this lesson: You don't need to be emotionless, but your passions will allow others to take control over you. Never loose them."

Eowyn lay on the ground, panting, her teeth bared. She vowed that she would beat Clover. She had been humiliated, and now she wanted revenge.
         "NEXT!" Clover called as Eowyn got up off the ground. Aether could tell Eowyn had been beat badly and was angry about it. He looked away as she tried to make eye contact with him, or with anyone maybe.

         This was a different scene for him, Tony had been right. He felt like he didn't fit here. In his mind he saw these new girls as weak, though stronger than most girls he had known. Aether had seen so many kids come and go through this program by now, he knew good potential from no potential. Most of these girls he had been placed with showed potential, but for Aether potential wasn't good enough. He needed to be with a team that was ready- he didn't feel like waiting anymore, but he did, hoping one day everything would work out.

         "Simmons!" Clover called out.
         "I prefer Aether." Aether retorted in a way that suggested he wasn't going to take any crap from Clover today.
         "I will proceed to call you by any name I want," Clover said in a controlling way, "I'm in charge."
         "Not of me." Aether said in a smooth way. He could tell it was getting to Clover and he liked it.
         "I am in charge of all the kids in this room," Clover went on, knowing she was losing controll and trying to stop that from happening, "Including YOU, Mr. Simmons." She emphazised Aether's last name the same as she had done Eowyn's real name a few minutes ago.
"No," Aether responded so casually, "I don't think you are."
         "Oh Really?!" Clover answered raising her voice a little.
         "Yes, really."
         "Get out here!" Clover ordered, "You're next!"
         "Sorry," Aether said, "I can't."
         "And why ever not, my dear boy?" Clover asked sarchastically.
         "I don't hit girls." Aether said with a small smirk and a raise of the eyebrows.
         "That's it! I've had enough! GET OUT HERE!"
         "Or what? Are you going to call the Sergent or whoever is in charge of you and tell on me?"

Clover had had enough she made a run at Aether. She had lost her cool, she knew it. She threw a punch at Aether hitting him on the left side of his jaw. Without even the slightest hint of a hesitation Aether swung his left fist straight towards Clover, hitting her in the eye. She stepped back a little, stunned, but Aether stood tall. When Clover didn't say anything, Aether turned and walked smoothly out of the gym.

         In the hallway Aether was stopped by Tony.
"You're pushing it Aether. This is not good." Aether could tell he was serious and couldn't even look Tony in the eyes.
         "Sorry." Aether mumbled.
         "But you're not Aether. That's the thing." Tony responded with a bit of annoyance on his voice, "You're never sorry and it's one of your blessings and one of your curses. Right now things do not look good A." His voice trailed off.
"So what then... I'm pulled again. Go back into seclusion in the D Wing never to be seen again until-"
         "No Aether. You're staying in this group no matter what you do to try and sabatoge it this time. I would think you would be happy A," Tony said in a more casual 'fatherly' way, "You get more second chances than anyone I know but you never change the first impression or any of your bad choices. Think about it." Tony turned to walk away, Aether's eyes focused on the floor. "You should see that you can learn from past mistakes kid, the past doesn't define us." Tony called back before slipping around a corner.

A Non-Existent User
Name: Elin Marquez

Age: 16

DOB: 12-12-1989

Gender: Female

Family: stepmom, Dad, Sister, Nephew and dog. Haven't see her mom in a few years but her sister still keeps in contact with her.

Appearence: Tall 6"4, athletic, red hair down to her shoulders and brown eyes.

Personality: Determined, caring, understanding, compassionate, a little bit scared around people that she doesn't know yet. People have been known to call her optimistic, but she's really not, she just has a deep passion for life and is determined to succeed no matter how hard things get for her.

Hobbies/skills: She spends a lot of time watching people to try and find friends. She has a few but she is incredibly picky when she chooses them. She spends most of her time when her friends when she can. She used to be a great writer and could have been a great artist but her history prevented that from happening.

History: Elin lived a wonderful life for the first 14 years of her life, choosing to live with her father was never an easy thing to do but she thought that she needed to give her mother and sister some space. So at the age of 13 she chose to leave their and move in with her father. Her older sister moved out a few months later, got pregnant and had a child whom Elin absolutely adored. She was so happy to be an aunty! Things seemed to be going well in Elin's life, but things were not meant to be. Her father and stepmother started being really cruel to her and she didn't know why. First of all they tried to make her eat seafood, which she was highly allergic to and when she refused they would starve her. Then when she wrote a love story about two women that's when the beatings started. First her father lost control and then her stepmother. Being teased at school for being gay and beaten at home for it she stopped everything that made her happy. First her writing, then her art, until the only thing that was keeping her alive was her nephew. After a while even he wasn't enough. Her sister would still see her and sometimes she'd babysit for her nephew over at her place. Her father started turning violent on her nephew and that's when she found a violent streak in herself and that scared her. She was able to do things to her father that she never thought she could do to anyone. And she needed help. That was when it happened.
Elin was walking down the road one day late again from coming home from school and she knew that her stepmother was going to beat her soundly for it. That was when she saw a black car pulling up beside her. "Elin Marquez?" came a male voice.
"Yeah, what of it?" asked Elin.
"We have been tracing your movements for quite a while Elin, how about you get into the car and we have a little chat?" the man said.
Elin got in the car, I mean, it's not like she had anything to live for anyway, she figured. Except maybe her nephew Jeremy.
"What do you want with me?" Elin asked.
"Well for starters, I am Mr Riles and this is Mr Shol, we are here from a government organisation which has been watching your moves with great interest. We would like to offer you a position working for us. Full board and education as well. I would like to add that as an added precaution we have taken liberty to warn your sister not to leave your nephew alone with your father for his own safety. We would like to take you away from here and into a place where you can learn with like minded people. What do you think?"
"Think? What's to think?" Elin asked, "when can I leave? can I leave now? I wanna leave now!"
"Well there's no question about whether or not she's interested," said Mr Shol, "we'll come with you now to get your stuff and then we'll be on our way."
Clover tried to regain control of the class by calling "NEXT. Lets go this is important to see how much you know."

"I am sorry to disagree with you Clover but with the insident that just happend your anger will get the better of you and you will not fair as well you might want to wait and continue this tomarow." Crystal spoke calmly and logicly.

"Come on Lee show me what you have besides an over worked tongue." Clover spoke coldly.

"You might embarass your self further if you keep this up" Crystal said

She stepped forward to meet with Clover's request. She stood there casually. Her mind running a thousand miles an hour annalysing the situwation like playing chess. She waited.

"Come on Crystal we havent got all day." Clover said.

Crystal swung and Clover blocked and when Clover moved to do the leg sweep she set her self off balance for a half a second. Crystal used the half a second to hit her square in the chest with her open palm. knocking Clover back. Stumbling but not falling.

Clover was pissed. Clover came charging Crystal there was nothing controlled about this anymore. Chaos was the hardest thing to predict in a stranger. Clover had made her self a smaller target. Crystal let clover hit her square in the chest leaving both girls on the ground clover on top. Clover hit her in the face once twice then stopped. regaining her control. Crystal threw her on to her back following her now on top. Crystal picked up her shoulders and let her head hit the floor. Crystal then rolled over Her shoulders. So Clover and Crystal were laying head to head on the floor. Crystal rolled back and kiped up. Brushing the blood from her lip and walking out the door.

"Aether? You really worked her up."

         Aether turned as he heard a voice from behind him.
         "Oh, hi... um... Crystal, right?" He asked as he met the girl's gaze.
         "Yeah, that's right." She smiled and Aether nodded.
"So, like... how long have be you been standing there for?" Aether asked, wondering if she had seen him talking with Tony.
         "Just a few seconds." Crystal answered. But Aether was still unsure if she had overheard anything or not.
         "Okay." Aether said. He looked over at the girl standing before him, wondering why she had felt so compelled to be there talking to him. "You're bleeding." Aether said to her, when the silence told him he should speak.
         "Oh.. yeah." Crystal said and rolled her eyes a little, sweeping the back of her hand over her split lip.
         "So I guess I missed something after I left then?"
Crystal smiled, "Yeah, I gave Clover the old 'one-two'." She said jokingly.
         "Well it looks like she got a bit of you too." Aether stated.
         "At least she'll have that black eye for a few days, thanks to you." Crystal said, "I've never seen reflexes like yours. You were so quick, it almost looked like you guys hit eachother at the same instant."
         "I guess," Aether said, "Well she did get me first, how does it look?" He said tilting his head back a little showing where he had been hit." Crystal walked a little closer to him and put her hand on his chin, as if inspecting his injury.
         "I think you'll live," Crystal said in a friendly way, "It's just a little red, I can barely even tell."
         "That's good." Aether said, stepping a half step back from Crystal. He didn't really like being touched, or getting close to anyone. And he could tell he had already been too friendly to this girl.
         "But really... how did you learn to fight like that?" Crystal asked.
         "I would hardely call that a fight," Aether said but went on anyways, "When you live on the streets, I guess you just pick some stuff up you know?" He lied. Aether had never lived on the streets. His experience in fighting came from his previous infiltrator teams he had been either too young or not ready enough to graduate with them.

         The door behind Crystal swung open with a force, and out walked Clover. Her eye was alredy bruising and she looked really worked up. She turned and shot Aether a dirty look as to say "I'll get you back for this, I can't belive you humilitated me like that." But she kept walking.
         "Let's go this way," Aether said to Crystal motioning for her to follow him down the hallway opposite the way Clover had gone, "I'll take you somewhere."

         "So who were you in a previous life Aether?" Crystal asked as they turned a corner.
         "Just some nobody." Aether said vaugely.He didn't really like to bring up his past.
         There was silence before Crystal asked, "So do you like it here?"
         "What is this? 20 questions?" Aether said not really knowing how to answer the question, "I don't know, it's not the best place, but I've seen worse and know there's better out there." He said, "This place is my home now, whether I've chosen it for myself or not, it's kinda too late to go back."
         "Well you chose to come here right? I suppose you could choose to leave, it's only been a few weeks."
         "Those weeks for you have been years for me," Aether said a bit to himself, "I can't go back, this is my life now, if I left, they would kill me."
         "You're not making sense." Crystal said a bit confused.
         "I know too much now." Aether said.
         "What do you mean?" Crystal said. But Aether realized he had already said too much to this girl he hardly knew.
         "Been outside lately?" Aether asked. They had come to their destination and now stood outside a closed door.
         "Where are we? I didn't even notice where we were going."
         "Don't worry. It's okay, I know how to get back. This is where I wanted to take you."

         Aether leaned over to a key pad and pretended to type in a code, but really put his thumb over a scanner. The door clicked open.
         "How did you do that?" Crystal asked amazed.
         "I saw someone do it once. Just memorized it I guess." Aether lied again. "You can't tell anyone though, this'll be our secret." Crystal nodded.
         Aether pushed the door slowly open, and stepped out into the light. He motioned for Crystal to follow, with a small smile to tell her it was okay. She stepped out and Aether closed the door to the hallway behind her. The place they stood was a beutiful outside garden. The day was warm and sunny, and the fresh air felt so good to Aether's lungs.
         "How?" Crystal asked.
         Aether shrugged, "Don't worry about how," He said, "I've been here a few times, no one ever comes but me it seems, I come here when I need to get away. Sometimes I feel so cooped up in there, I'll do something crazy- Like today. I couldn't take it anymore... I know just how to get people too. I could never learn that crap from Clover." He paused, "I just sit here in the sunlight. It makes me feel more free, even though even this garden, too, has it's limits."

Crystal walked around the garden as Aether just sat under a tree with his eyes closed. When the time came to leave, Aether opened the door back into the hallway. Crystal and him walked casually back down the hallway towards the dorm rooms.
         "How long have we been gone? Will anyone have missed us?" Crystal asked, seeming a little afraid that she might be in trouble.
"Don't worry, time always goes slower when you're in that place. It's only been
like twenty minutes."
They got to the rooms and parted ways.
"Hey Aether!" Crystal called back, Aether turned around, "Thanks." Aether just
nodded, knowing he was pushing his limits. And still unsure about whether or not to trust
Crystal... or anybody for that matter.

A Non-Existent User
Eowyn ran a razor over her scalp and watched the small specs of her hair fall into the sink. She looked at herself in the mirror, gazing deep into her own eyes. She shook off her chance and cleaned up. That's one thing that Eowyn wasn't sure if she should be worried about. Ever since she came here she had been scrupulously neat. Of course, before, she never actually had enough stuff to be either neat or messy...

Eowyn walked down the hall toward the classrooms. She felt the tile under her feet. That was one other thing she liked. She could go barefoot except when training or in class. She still wore her accustomed white tank top and loose grey cloth pants.

As Eowyn walked, she passed Aether and Crystal making eyes at each other. Eowyn rolled her eyes. Those two liked to pretend that no one else noticed, but everyone knew. Eowyn thought it was a waste of energy and emotion. She thought that all these ideas about love were illusions created by people. It was rediculous to think that two people could ever become one! In the end everyone was alone, and she could only count on herself.

Besides, she didn't really like Aether. He kept trying to break up the group. One of the most valuable lessons Eowyn had learned was that without a group you were good as dead. She had often seen it before. Aether kept trying to estrange himself from his own group. She also didn't like to see anyone humiliated. She had a score to settle with Clover for humiliating her, but that didn't mean she liked Aether doing it to Clover.

Of course, Aether couldn't tell. Eowyn didn't really like anyone that much. Aether simply represented an opposite philosophy, and Eowyn recognized this.

Eowyn walked into the classroom and took her accustomed seat. She was early-no one else had arrived-but she didn't mind. It gave her time to read. She engrossed herself in her textbook until the others started to trickle in. Soon an instructor started talking to them about modern warfare strategies, and everyone started taking notes.

The lecture finished with the promise of a quiz the next day. Everyone groaned. Eowyn looked around the room. This was a bright group, but they were nonetheless starting to feel the strain. They were all tired from the large workload and the rapid training. They could all use a break, for they had no days off, but none came. This was no doubt to give them a taste of the stress they may encounter in the field. Eowyn still didn't like it.

Eowyn saw Clover across the hallway. She looked a bit dejected. Eowyn actually felt kind of sorry for her; no one deserved that kind of humiliation. A debt was a debt, however. Clover could solve her own debts as she saw fit.

Eowyn pushed her way through the other girls. "Clover!" she yelled. The girl turned her head and looked at Eowyn. Eowyn punched her in the nose. There was suddenly silence around them. Two of the government men were already running up to Eowyn. They grabbed her arms, and she offered no resistance. As they led Eowyn off to the detention area she shouted back at Clover: "Now we're even. Just know what's what." Eowyn actually grinned as they led her to face penalty for her crime.e

         Hours felt like days felt like weeks felt like months. And the months went on and on. Aether had been there for years already, but this group was still new by his standards, and by the agency standards he was sure. They still couldn’t work together as a group. Since his last outburst, Aether had kept to himself. He talked to Crystal sometimes, but even they had grown distant. He didn’t care though. He didn’t feel very strongly about anyone here, and he knew that was the problem. Aether knew that they were not a team and at this rate, they never would be.
         The school subjects they were learning bored him. He was never one of those to take school very seriously. He used to get in fights, get sent home, and get suspended. None of which helped him out at home. His father’s anger was always a thing to be reckoned with. He shook his head. Aether didn’t like to think about the past. As he lay on his bed there came a knock at the door.
         “Yeah!” Aether called in a monotonous way.
         “Simmons.” Came a voice as the door opened, it was Clover.
         “It’s Aether. For the last time.” He spoke without looking away from the spot on the ceiling he was staring at.
          “Can I come in?” She asked.
         “Why would you want to?” She took that as a yes, came in, and sat at his desk.
          Aether was quiet and didn’t say anything; he didn’t care if Clover was there or not. It was her who would feel uncomfortable, not him.
          “We uh…” she started off after a few moments of silence, “we… we’ve been given an assignment.”
          “And you come to me with this because…” Aether said, unimpressed.
          “Me and you might not get along Aether Simmons, but I can recognize strengths when I see them. I know they listen to you.”
          “They don’t listen to me.” Aether said, “I’m no leader.”
          “But they respect you.”
          “As much as I hate to admit it… I need your help.”
          “What’s the assignment anyways?” Aether asked, not really that interested at all.
          “Well… I don’t know if you even know what kinds of things they’ve been training us for-“
          “-Do you even know?” Aether cut in. Then he said, “Don’t answer that.”
          “Well… anyways… they need us to recover something.”
          “What kind of a something?”
          “A boy.” She said.
          “Kidnapping is illegal. They know that. They wouldn’t make us do that.” Aether retorted without missing a beat.
          “Well they are- I don’t know what to say about it.”
          “They wouldn’t assign us to anything important you know. They don’t graduate teams until they’re sure they’ll be successful- able to help the agency.” He spoke calmly and with ease.
          “You think it’s just a test?”
          “Of course. You really think they don’t notice the separation within our group? They’ve done it themselves. They wouldn’t assign us to anything they really needed accomplished because they know we’ll fall apart. They’re doing this in hopes of bringing us together but…”
          “Well maybe it will work.”
          “When do we leave?”
          “Three days.”
          “That’s why they’ve split us up then?” Aether asked, mostly to himself, “And trained us all in different areas. They’ve been planning this for months… they want us to realize each others strengths, they think it’s time we assume our roles.”
          “What roles?” Clover asked confused.
         Aether sat up, now more interested in what was coming out of his own mouth. “Infiltrator teams are more complex then they seem at first. There are- there are… different elements to each team. Tactician, spatial organizer, communicator, overseer, technician, breakers which are the actual ‘infiltrators’ though everyone plays a part in the overall team…”
          “You aren’t making sense.” Clover said… Aether turned and looked at her.
          “What have you been doing this past month?”
          “I don’t understand.”
          “Just answer the question.”
          “Reading books.”
          “About what?”
          “Overseer, tactician. Either of those- that’s you. Don’t you see? This past month, they’ve been making me double up my training schedule. I’ve been training in more advanced situations and combats. I’m supposed to be a breaker. See?”
          “We’re pieces in a game.” Clover realized.
          “Right. This assignment. It is a test of a kind. You see… they want us to figure this out. They want us to find our places. If we all can find our places, if we can all work together and accomplish our task. We pass.”
          “I still don’t understand why they would make us go try and retrieve a boy.”
          “Have you been briefed yet?”Aether asked.
          “No.” Crystal answered flatly.
          “Maybe they have more faith in us than we think. They trust us when we don’t trust ourselves. We need to put differences aside. This could be a test and this supposed kid we’re after is in on this whole thing… but then again, what if it isn’t? What if we really do need this kid for whatever reasons? And if we fail… what then of the consequences?”
          Aether made sense. He knew there must have been a reason they would trust this team with such a responsibility. He gathered that the agency was not bluffing; due to all the information and training regiments they had pushed these kids through in the past months. Aether didn’t know quite what it was they were rushing for. It seemed like they were crunching the time frame between training and assignments. This time it was much quicker than any of his past teams. He was confused because no one was telling him anything for once. And Aether was used to knowing everything.
          As Aether and Clover sat thinking over what was happening, all of a sudden a voice sounded over the PA system:

© Copyright 2005 Gremlin, Ariana the Sequel, she.said, xx-xx, xx-xx, membily-back in classes -yay!-, Agent-409, xx-xx, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
GROUP has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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