Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/957383-A-Journey-Through-Enlassa
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Novel · Action/Adventure · #957383
One person, One journey, And all creatures of another world.
My journey now begining after the next sunrise. My adventure going to be rough, and i'm hoping painless.

I live out in Wierd Woods. My little cottage un-known to all. I have one companion to take along with me when i leave for my adventure across the land of Enlassa. His name is Blizard. I had found him while I was looking for wood on Mt. Snow. I found this little one huddled beside a bush, fighting for his life to survive. So i took him to my home along with the firewood and helped him. Now he has energy to walk, bark and play. The little wolf pup is now my pet.

As i finished making the fire i saw that Blizard was chewing on one of my books. Papers were falling out, and the cover was dripping with drool. frowning in dismay, i took the book from the wolf pups clenching teeth and dryed it with a torn piece of rag.

As i set the dried book on the cabinet, i saw a bieng scamper through the laundry bins beside the living room couches. I watched as the basxet moved again. It couldn't have been Blizard because he's standing right next to me. So it must be another bieng.

I quickly jumped for the basket and threw it off of the bieng. As my eye's adjusted to the creature, i could tell it was an hopalop.

A hopalop is a veary weary creature. They always get into your things and they will only sometimes listen. They are veary plump and veary furry. They have an enormouse tail. Both furry and cute. And these little creatures can even talk.

I picked up the Hopalop and held it in my hands. I was veary intrigued about this creature. It had some sort of aura around it...i didn't know if the creature would hurt me, or if it would just be nice. Blizard walked up to me and looked at the Hopalop with confused eye's.
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"What is that?" Blizard asked
Blizard smiled in happiness..."sure..." said the young pup. Blizard walked up to me and i held the Hopalop a little closer to the ground. Blizard sniffed it, eye'ing it happily. "It looks wierd..." Blizard said with his muzzle a little scrunched up.
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"I know." I replied. "But it is still cute."
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"I am cute aren't I", boasted the hopalop, who had been eagerly following the conversation so far, currently assessing his companions in the hope for food. So far, his looks weren't working, perhaps talking might."My name is Bob, how d'you do?"

"Bob, thats a rather perculiar name for a hopalop, don't you think?" exclaimed Blizard, gently sniffing its soft golden fur.

"What d'you mean by that?" asked the hopalop. "You know I don't have to stick around and take this, I get enough from the other hopalops, all laughing and staring at me. I mean isn't it my fault I have a stupid name?!"

"Of course not, I'm sure Blizard meant nothing by it. I think you and your name is are adorable!" I replied, gently sroking his long pink tail in a poor attempt at comfort, as Blizard growled softly in defiance. I could tell he was jealous and so returned the creature to the crisp forest floor where he sat perfectly before me upon his two hind legs, his eyes open wide with intent.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, unaware of the soft smirk from the creature, as he quietly celebrated the success of his plan for food, the guilt trip.
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"Hungry?" the hopalop repeated. "Well, now that you mention it...."

"What do hopalops eat?" I asked.

"Whatever you're having will be fine," answered Bob.

Blizard glanced at his own food bowl and growled.

"No, don't worry Blizard. I'm not giving away your food. I'll share what I'm having."

Bob and Blizard both watched closely as I added ingredients to a large pot and hung it over the fire. From the looks they were giving, I figured I'd better at least double the amount I was originally planning to cook. Before too long, though, the stew began simmering over the flames. As I sat tending the fire, Blizard asked, "Please, tell me again about Enlassa?"

"No, but I have been told that it is a wonderful place." I said as I sat a plate of roasted meat on the table. "The border-lands are becoming dangerous, so Blizard and I have decided to take a holiday." I knew the little creature would scarcely have understood the real reason, so I embellished a little. Bob, as he called himself, nodded enthusiastically as he eyed the roasted venison.

Blizard, though inexperienced, was taking to the little Hopalop better than I expected. Normally, Wolves would eat them, but Blizard was the exception to just about every wolf-rule. I placed the venison in front of him and he almost immediately began nibbling at it. Hopalops were expensive pets, for they ate nearly five times their body-weight.

Hopalop scarfed his portion down and said, "I need some more I'm so hungry and haven't eaten in quite some time. Please, please can I have some more?"

Blizard growled and said. "He's going to eat all of the stew and not leave anything for the rest of us. Why do hopalops have to eat so much? We need to send him back to his own kind or the rest of us will end up starving."
I shook my head, both understanding Blizard, And understanding the Hopalop. Feeling sorry for Bob, i gave him a bowl of steemed grass. Not only do hopalops eat alot, they also eat anything. "It's no problem Blizard,We'll just feed him steemed grass, and saturated wood. Or mushrooms and worms." Blizard eye'd Bob as it ate the steemed grass. "Thats so disturbing." Blizard said wierdly. He looked at me, then back at bob. " But i still like you, you seem nice, besides, were both Cremoors."

This word is Surtoram, an old language of the other world. Each world has a different language, it just happens that theese two Cremoore's are on the world/land Taffaney.
Cremoore's are talking animals. They naturally come from the land of Pursennath, But There are at least under 100 Cremoore's on each world/land. There are at least seven worlds; Surtoram, Pursennath, Taffaney, Forshoran, Dature, Puresin, and Rommageth.
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Bob didn't reply, but kept on eating. Blizard, who was still feeling strange just ke[t on talking. "Which is a good thing, because its always good to have someone you know around."
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"Er sure," said the Hopalop, savagely rummaging through the bowl of grass, searching desperatly for scraps.

The forest was getting gradually darker, and the fire was burning out. Overhead loomed the shadows of distant clouds, known of but unseen, for our attention seemed to be constantly fixed upon our new friend. It wasn't until the light grew dim that I realised how low we were on fire wood.

"Oh no, I can't believe I did this. The fire's gone out and I didn't think to get more wood. I'll have to go get some; you two stay here!!"

Leaving the two cremoores alone, I trudged into the darkness of the neighbouring forest, with intentions of a swift return. Sadly this was not so...

© Copyright 2005 Missy, the short one, xx-xx, xx-xx, xx-xx, Dio, spiritdancer, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/957383-A-Journey-Through-Enlassa