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Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Fantasy · #929278
Its the italion rennisance the vamp population is rising what will happen
ntroduction] Name: Jeanna Garling
Age: 18
Race: Italian Human
Description: Jeanna’s wavy Dark Brown hair hangs just above her waist. Her eyes are the brightest shade of Green. Her skin is very soft and pale in color. She wears Beautiful dresses blues and greens and reds depending on the day and the occasion with bodice tops. Italy was on the top of fashion of this time period.

History: Jeanna was alive during the Renaissance she is 17 her 18th birthday is coming very soon. At this time there is a Dramatic increase in Vampires causing the “plague” known as the “Black Death” to take out 1,000 of innocent people some of which were brought to the side of the Vampires but many left for dead. She loves her father dearly and respects his decisions. He is currently trying to find her a husband. She is a devout Christian and believes hell is a fearful place. Rumors of Vampires are everywhere by there is no proof that these rumors are true. Jeanna is the only child to her Mother and Father her mother has just became very ill and they are afraid it may be the plague that is starting to befall on Italy. Her father still strong fears that he may loose his wife and daughter to this plague.

Name: Raphael Montenegro
Age: 20
Race: Human Italian
Description: Dark black hair cut short just above his ears, as was the custom for upper-class boys at this time. He wears the latest fashions from all over the Italian Territories. His skin is bronze and his skin is silky and soft to the touch.

History: Coming from the upper class in Rome, it was hard for Raphael to have any sense of belonging with the country he loved. He was taught all his life to look down on the lower classes than ran through the streets of the city he loved. During the Renaissance, around his 19th birthday, he became interested in the forms of art and music that was being created, and for a while was seriously interested in undertaking. But his count father Vito disallowed it and threatened him with expulsion from the family if he ever did anything other than run the families shipping business when he was old enough. Around his 20th birthday , he became quite depressed and fell in with a small band of occultists, believing in the coming of the end of humans and the coming of a much stronger race, only when he realized it was dangerous, it was too late.
It was 1348 and Jeanna was sitting at her mom's bed side her dad had to run to town to get more of the medicine and to pick up any letters that may have come into the main town up the road a ways from where she lived. She held a warm wet towel to her mother's head as her cool skin cooled the towel rapidly. She looked up at Jeanna. She smiled softly.

"You have grown up to be a beautiful young woman and I am sorry I did not get to see your wedding day." she said and with that her eyes closed and her heart beat its last beat her skin dropped one more degree and that was it she was dead and there was nothing Jeanna could do about it.
Jeanna cried over her mothers body until she finally fell asleep she was awoken by her father who thought until he saw her red swollen eyes thought her and her mother had fallen asleep.

"Oh darling..." he said trying not to cry.

He took Jeanna into his arms and rocked her in the chair trying to comfort her and to apologize for leaving her here alone.

"Ill be fine dad are you ok?" She asked trying to comfort her father.

"I will be fine." He said

Jeanna looked out and saw how late it was.

"I must be to bed I have lots of things to do tomorrow I will drive the cart to town and send letters to the relatives and get the things needed for mother." She said whipping away the tears.

"I don't want you going into town." He said matter of factly.

"We have no choice you have work to do and we need things from town." Jeanna said and not having another word left the room.
Jeanna cried to her self all night praying over her mothers death and her father's strength and getting very little sleep. She hoped that tomorrow she could be strong for her father and make him proud and get his mind off the terribles of today and with that thought she closed her eyes a few hours before she must awake again and cook and clean and make the trip to town. She didn't think of those things she had found some sort of peace and as she closed her eyes she fell asleep.
Raphael stood over her bed for a good long while trying to fight the urge of his heart. Jeanna shifted in her sleep getting a weird feeling. Jeanna ignored it thinking it was her emotions on edge and went back to sleep. Raphael leaned towards his pray craving the warmth, intoxicated by her smell and the adrenaline he felt the closer he got over whelmed him. Raphael no longer had control he was running on pure instinct his fangs sunk into her soft flesh not giving any resistance to speak of. She jumped at the attack but by that point there was nothing she could do. She quickly grew week from lack of blood. He drank her blood until he had his fill he pulled away and started to let death take her. Her Beauty over whelmed him she was a star amongst shadows. He thought to his boss and the crystal "stick in the blood of your victim ... they'll die quicker." He thought this over and she was gasping from the pain and she writhed with all the strength she could muster. He contemplated sticking the crystal into her when she finally passed out.
Jeanna started coming around again and when she finally was coherent enough to realize she wasn't in her bed she jumped and wanted to know who this stranger was looking over her.

"Who... and where.. and.." that is all she made out.
She reached for her neck remembering the pain. She started muttering prayers to herself for protection and safety.
"Lord please heal me of this curse. Lord please forgive me of my sins...." She continued. Jeanna dropped to her knees and buried her head in her arms, and suddenly felt this strange feeling in her heart.

"ah the lord is removing him self from me I can feel it. Though the devil has tainted my body my soul remains pure in the name of the Father." She said in fear.

The sky was starting to grow lighter.
"If it would cure the taint and set our souls free it may be better to die. "Jeanna said once inside the castle.

"suicide is a sin." The man said.

"I need to return to my father he will just die when he finds me gone." She said

"I am very sorry Milady but I can not let you return to him it would kill you." he said.

"My lord who are you? What is this place?"

"I was Count Raphael Montenegro and this is my father's castle." Raphael said trying to be kind.

Jeanna studied him a moment. There was something soft about him and he was rather attractive.

"OH... My Lord.." She gave a curtsey "You will have to forgive me I am still very disoriented. I am Lady Jeanna the only daughter of Sir Garling" Jeanna introduced her self.

She was still very weak.

"My Lord how long have you been tainted and how did I become? I am all very confused on this matter." She asked curiously still upset that she had Damned her self for all eternity and worst not known how.
after a while she couldn't take it anymore she made her way over to Raphael and she sat in the floor in front of him wrapped in the fuzzy blanket and laid her head on his knee. Just wanting to be close to someone. The hunger from her heart grew through out the day. She didn't want to interrupt his prayer she just wanted to feel safer.
They awoke at night fall and crept out of the castle back to her fathers house. Her hunger had gotten so out of hand she ripped into her own fathers throat drinking every drop she could feel the blood rushing over her. Soothing the holes she felt inside. When it hit her what she had actually done. She collapsed holding her fathers empty corpse.

Raphael helped her back to her feat.
"there's nothing left for you here Milady get your things and we will take them back to the cellar. "Raphael said softly

He brushed her cheek with his gentle hand. If it were possible she would have blushed. She made her way to her room and gathered everything her dresses her jewelry her doll. She packed them they loaded the small cart and traveled back to the castle.

"I will be right back." Raphael said and started running off. He met her back at the castle just before dawn arose. She had unloaded the wagon her self and with the blankets she made a pallet bed on the floor in the corner.
She cuddled close to Raphael and quickly tried to sleep. The sleep was restful but not dreamless nightmares seemed to stroll through both there minds. Night started to fall and they were awoken by the Door to the basement opening. Jeanna Jumped startled not knowing what to expect and she quietly waited for Raphael's reaction incase it was someone he knew or expected to see, but she sensed danger.
Jeanna and Raphael quickly gathered everything together and as soon as the cart was shaded they ran the stuff out by the time it was loaded it was safe to travel and they set off in the direction of the house.

They past through a wood and a deer ran out across the road. Jeanna jumped down out of the cart and stood a short distance away and started clicking her tongue and whispering sweet things in the air the deer stopped and slowly turned and approached the beautiful seemingly innocent girl.

Jeanna stood perfectly still hand out waiting for the deer to approach her. She calmly petted the deer. She slowly hugged herself around its neck. She must have been setting off warning signs to the deer cause he was starting to nervously twitch. Then like a pounce instantly her teeth sank into the poor things neck. When it finally passed out stopped kicking. She called Raphael over knowing he hadn't eaten. They fed and then quickly started to travel again.

Jeanna silently prayed for forgiveness the whole trip there.

"how did you do that?" Raphael asked

"Do what?" Jeanna asked innocently

"Stop the deer, let you eat it?" Raphael specified his previous question

"I have always had a close connection to animals this is the first time I have ever used it in this manner." Jeanna said ashamed.

The two of them eventually ventured upstairs to the bedrooms and Raphael showed Jeanna to the master bedroom and started to leave.

"I will be just down the hall. First door on the right." Raphael said politely

"No!" she said he seemed rather startled. "I would rather you stay here if you don't mind my Lord." She said rather surprised at her rudeness.

Raphael seemed to hint at a smile as he came back into the room shutting the door.

They quietly fell asleep holding each other closely. Jeanna awoke early that evening.

She quietly crept out of bed found her nicest gown and put it on she found a glass and put her hair elegantly up and she noticed her skin had started to pale but it didn’t take from her radiant face, if anything this enhanced it. She started to creep out of the room when Raphael rolled over, startling Jeanna. She went to look around the house.

Raphael awoke to find Jeanna missing it couldn’t have been dark out yet. So nervously he got out of bed and threw on some clothes. He saw Jeanna investigating a painting in the formal dining room. He quietly came up behind her and whispered in her ear.

“My you look lovely tonight, What is the occasion?” He whispered

Jeanna jumped and turned to find herself in Raphael’s arms. He smiled, She smiled and blushed.”

“Why my Lord no occasion. You do flatter me so?” Jeanna said grinning sickly innocent

“I swear 'tis no flattery when it be truth.” said Raphael matter of factly.

He ran a soft finger across her chin her eyes dropped. Raphael took a step back and reverenced and said “will you have this dance my lady.”

Jeanna went into a deep curtsy and said “But of course Raphael.” and she set her hand in the one he was offering and they proceeded to do this complicated dance of twirls and bows and sets and arming crossing and a couple of flourishes they must have made up them selves. They both were having the most wonderful evening.
“Raphael look at me.” She stated plainly.

He looked up and smiled.

“Now lets go to the lounge and sit and I can tell you all about my life.” Jeanna said.

She took his hand and made her way to the lounge and she sat in the corner of the couch. Raphael sat close next to her and ran his fingers over her soft skin. He seemed apprehensive to talk of what he felt he had taken away.

“Well lets see. When I was just a girl I used to love going with my father to town but I almost always had to stay home with my mother and cook or sew. On my 16th birthday my father started to bring Lord Sean around he wanted so much for Sean to ask me to marry. He never did in fact he said I was to opinionated to be any descent wife. To a respectable man of any sort. I went to church every Sunday and Wednesday of every week for as long as I can remember . Then this last year My mother took ill and we had been fighting tooth and nail with death trying to keep her with us. The day before I met you she died it was a peaceful death she was asleep and she just stopped breathing. When father had come in from town that night he woke me up to find the terrible news he fell apart he was so tore up I finally left him with mother to get some sleep so I could make the trip to town to send letters to the family. When I had this terrible dream and I got this bad feeling and tossed then there was someone standing over my bed and then I was attacked. Well I think you know what happened from there. I found this kind loving Lord who has done nothing but the best for me to help me survive this curse. I want you to know I had the most wonderful time last night.” she seemed so happy despite the sad ending to her story.

Raphael just watched her in awe.

“I am kind of tired Raphael its been a long night. “ Jeanna said.

“Oh … Of course. Lets go. “ Raphael said helping her off the couch.

They walked up stairs Jeanna changed into her night gown and laid in bed. Raphael sat next to her till she fell asleep then he noticed something glowing in his pocket he pulled it out. The crystal glowed a deep red. Raphael wondered what it could mean. Raphael put it back into his pocket and fell asleep that evening Jeanna and Raphael got up and got dressed Jeanna looked absolutely gorgeous. There was a knock at the door. Jeanna glanced at the windows to make sure there was no light coming through the curtain and sure enough it was dark outside. Jeanna stood behind Raphael as he opened the door.

“May we come in young count? “ the leader asked politely.

“What are you doing here?” Raphael asked stepping aside letting them into the house.

“We were sure you were dead when you never came back that night. But it would seem your doing well. Come here child.” the leaders last sentence was to Jeanna.

Jeanna hesitated and looked to Raphael.

The leader approached her. She stood still head high. “Such a beauty I can see why you saved her.” He ran a finger around the edge of her face. “Young count do you think your too good for the back that god will redeem loners?” he said harshly.

“of course not. Your just weak. Show me what your made of if you survive we wont take her with us.” The leader said.

Raphael and the leader both went outside followed by everyone else. Raphael stood teeth bared the leader tried to come towards him and then stopped. A young boy came up with a wood box two wood stakes inside . They both took one. Raphael took a swing right there. The leader laughed Raphael had passed him turned around and the leader was now turning towards him. This was a long fight but it was so fast it was practically a blur. The fight continued till the leader was standing over a bleeding Raphael as he got ready to run the stake through his heart. Jeanna sung out. “NO.” and as the leader turned to look at Jeanna, Raphael ran the steak through his heart and as he screamed he started to crumble into dust. The sun first light started peaking over the horizon all the vampires including Jeanna who was in shock and Raphael holding her hand practically dragging her into the house. They slammed the door shut and slumped to the floor. The group was a little frazzled it seemed he was the first to ever survive a fight like that with the leader and they started to argue over who the new leader would be.

“It has always been he who defeats the leader’s job to take over the position” Said the eldest of the group.

They finally all came to agreement that Raphael should be there new leader. I mean there were a few who thought too much of them selves and rebelled against this idea but not many.
“Raphael I love you and you know that I will spend the rest of my life with you but must we spend it alone. You said the coven wanted to start a war but with you as there leader what other choice do they have but to follow your lead. Please consider it Raphael” Jeanna said and with that she kissed him and headed up stairs.

Jeanna went to the bedroom and got ready for bed.

Raphael waited as Jeanna made her way up stairs. He wanted to Say Your right and hope shed stay but the kiss on his lips echoed through his mind chills tingled his skin. He thought about what she said. “….Must we spend it alone….” is what kept ringing through his mind. He went upstairs and she jumped as he opened the door while she was changing.

“I wasn’t sure you were coming.” she said blushing.

“I thought it over and…” He was interrupted

Jeanna walked over and laid a hand on his face as she kissed him. “I knew you would.”

“and we can go see if the offer still stands tomorrow.” He continued smiling sweetly

Jeanna leaded him to the bed and they laid down for some sleep. To relax after the long journey. Jeanna ran her fingers trough his hair soothingly trying to comfort him in his descision
Raphael's yelling at the door awoke Jeanna with a start. He looked at her and they kissed and he got up threw a robe on and came out and continued yelling at them untill Jeanna could no longer hear them they had gotten so far away.

Jeanna smiled laying on the bed in a relief of exstacy. She slowly made her way out of bed and over to her suitcases she carefully unpacked them and picked out one of her favorite dresses a black velvet under dress with a deep red brocade over dress. Jeanna made sure the crystal was securely tied around her neck. She then proceeded to do her hair in a fancy up do with curls casualy hanging down in a very elegant matter and then she headed out of the room to explore the building itself and eventualy to find Rapheal and to know what all the rucus was about.

Raphael marched off to have a talk about what had happend to the Elders of the coven. Jeanna made her way towards the room she grabbed a guy standing around by the arm.

"Come with me" Jeanna said firmly and then continued on to her room.

A girl followed Jeanna to her room carring a huge book. The guy following Jeanna seemed very nervous about what she wanted not wanting to get on Raphael's bad side. Jeanna went through and found a shirt and a pair of boots

"Please take these to Raphael if he gets upset say she demanded it of you. Now go. Oh Wait Ummm What is your name?" Jeanna said

"Kristian Milady" Kristian said

"Thank you Kristian." Jeanna said

He Bowed deeply and was on his way out the door.

"Jeanna ... Milady you will have to forgive me" Her head was down. "May I come in?" Talon said

"Of Course. Who are you?" Jeanna said

"Talon just call me Talon." Talon said.

Talon shut the door behind her.

"Well there is something I want to share with you." Talon said setting the book down on the bed.
"In this book is your survival in this coven and you must promise not to share this with just anyone. You can only pass it to one person and before you go running to your lover. Hear me out. This has been passed from one Vampire o another for centuries we have not found the connection yet. The vampire who wrote the book had profetic dreams and she had a dream that she gave it to a son of the coven. He had never had a profetic dream but she assured him he would know who to give it to and the day before he died he had a dream of giving it to another. I had the dream years ago of me giving it to someone I had no idea who was until recently. Then I was afraid that the book was to leave the coven especialy when I saw you at Raphael's house. The elders assured me Raphael would come back to lead the coven and well..." Talon went silent.

Raphael came into the room.

Talon looked to me "I'll come back." She turned to Raphael "My Lord" She bowed took the huge book and left quickly.

"what was that?" Raphael asked impatiently

"Well dear I'm trying to make friends. Her name is Talon. That shirt does not match those pants even in the slightest." Jeanna said noticing his clothes.

Raphael took off the shirt. Jeanna just smiled.

"What was the problem darling?" Jeanna asked.
Jeanna wondered where he was going but figgured he had leader stuff to do. So she sat there and wondered about that book.

Raphael turned and Jeanna blew a kiss to him as she layed back on to the bed. He turned and left.He wallked down the hall. Talon looked up from the group of girls she was with went to a locked cubard grabed the book and made her way back to the bedroom. Talon knocked on the door.

"Yes. Come in. Talon?" Jeanna said.

Talon smiled weakly and brought the book over to the bed.

"Well lets see... I told you it was passed on and that you will be told who to pass it too. So this is yours. You need to read it if you have any questions you can ask me. Oh and Never order anyone around not even Kristian. Time here allows you a certain rank over others. Milady just because you sleep with the lord Montenegro does not give you any rank. Now here is your book please be wise about who and when you share it with and do not read it infront of Raphael. I have got things to do." Talon had not let Jeanna interupt her at all and she walked out of the door as if she was the high queen of Britain.

Jeanna looked thru the book kind of skiming it she then ripped up a floor board and slid the book under the floor under the bed. She washed her hands in the wash basin and made her way out to meet some of the other vampires. All the girls with Talon ignored her or shot her angry glares. Jeanna saw a chess set and a young girl sitting there by her self. Jeanna sat across from her.

"Do you play?" Jeanna asked the girl.

"Yeah I play with daddy but he hasn't come home

yet..." The little girl said.

Jeanna looked up set afraid her dad would not be coming home.

"you want to play with me?" Jeanna asked.

"sure." The girl said excited.

Jeanna and the girl played until dusk.
The two of them stocked the town for the perfect meal. A street urchin aproached her quietly. Jeanna strocked the boys hair.

"Milady yous look like an angel. My stomach yells something terrible for a bite to eat. You don't have one to spare do you."

"come here my child." Jeanna said quietly and before she realized what she was doing the boy screamed and was silenced.

Jeanna backed away from the body in shock and whiped her face clean.

When from the shadows came a cross bow bolt followed by a man In a long coat and wide brimmed hat.

Raphael seemed angry and Jeanna's first reaction was to hide behind him. But then as if all of a sudden she knew what she was doing she senced an anger growing from with in her nails grew longer and more feirce and her teeth sharper and longer she could taste the blood as they peirced her lower lip. She stepped out from behind raphael and ran at the building beside where the vampire stood she ran up the side and attempted to pounce on the hunter he rolled out of the way turning the cross bow towards Jeanna Raphael yelled and Jeanna darted to the right twisting and running after the man that was more of a beast then any vampire.
Jeanna was hurt not physicaly but emotionaly Her Raphael had actually struck her. Now by no means was a man striking his lover abnormal but Jeanna loved her Raphael and with out more than a kind word would do anything for him.

Jeanna compliently followed Raphael to his quarters where they took bed and Jeanna prayed for the little street Urchin and begged god to forgive his sins and take him into heaven and she confessed her sins as she allways did before bed. Then she went on to Pray for the drunkard and Raphael's sins and then she prayed for the hunter. She had started praying for all the individuals in the coven whom she had ment and after the second one.

Raphael insisted that she get some rest for there would be plenty more time to pray. She reluctantly quieted her prayers and continued them with closed eyes as she layed there in Raphaels arms.
She awoke to a cold bed and a cold heart but she had heard Raphaels words. While he delt witht hings one way she would read the book she would develop her strength and be there for her lover and protect him lord knows no one else is watching out for us.
She calmly read the book and memorized the encantations one at time when she stumbled across "De stille Magie" She studdied the technique as it was discribed and without a word she made the candle across the room come to her. She was terribly excited. She needed to do something other than apear to sulk in her room. She quickly got out of bed Pulled her hair into curls that surounded her face She raised the back off her neck and she placed a beautiful choker necklace lying in the jewlery box. She laced up her corset and hooked the front as it was suposed to be. Normaly you would do this the other way but there was no servent to sinche it for her. So this would have to do. She slid the on over it. She looked like an up standing citizen acceptable for a lord of Raphaels stature but her mind was still daddy's little country girl out side of Florence. She stepped out to find Rapheal and he was leaving the confrence room of the Elders.
Jeanna looked at him first in shock and then a smile crept across her face. She had cards up her sleeves and the dealer was smiling upon her. Raphael seemed harsh and torn and that worried her. If hunting would draw his attention then she would hunt and when they got back her dress would look as good as new. Or so she hoped.

"sundown it is." Jeanna said softly. She layed her head on his shoulder nibling his neck as she mouthed "War it is" into his skin He was so tense with little reaction to her affection she opened the door and walked away. As she stepped from the chamber several vampires went back to what they were doing.

Whispers of their troubles spread like wild fire clearly Jeanna had done something to upset his lordship and there was countless number of women ready and waiting to take her place in his bed.
"Time for your war Raphael darling." She spoke sweetly into his ear.

She got out of bed and started getting dressed and redoing her hair. She watched to make sure Raphael was getting ready and left the room. Running the book through her head.

Two of Talon's girls found them selves draped on Raphael's sides as he left his room.

Jeanna found the small child near the chess game and she beamed up at Jeanna. Jeanna smiled at the young girl.

"I am happy to see you smiling what brought on such a beautiful smile." Jeanna asked worried.

"My father died so that our lord Raphael would continue the war on the hunters." The girl spoke proudly.

"Who told you such a thing child?" Jeanna asked.

"The Elders." The little girl smiled.
Talon smiled at Jeanna and then Whispered to Raphael. Talon quickly made her way to the front of the group point scout was her favorite position she was very fluid and she knew the movements of her people she knew them well; save for Jeanna. Jeanna strove quickly the pages flashing through her mind. She seemed to be aware of more than just her thoughts but everything around her including things she could not see.

"3 and 10" Talon spoke.

Then there were two crossbow bolts. Two men on the outer sides turned and moved swiftly.

The War had begun.
The night started to grow warm and Jeanna knew it was getting close to the end of the first battle. There were three between them and the coven house. Jeanna closed her eyes the center one burst into flames and the other two turned there crossbows and shot each other. Jeanna took Raphaels hand her eyes seemed to have a simular rage to that of the first hunter encounter. It was definently a controlled rage for she walked calmly content. She saw herself as beautiful next to Raphael and it was important to stay there. To hold and to cherish the one love that would be returned. The only thing she loved more than Raphael is God himself. The sun rose as they aproached the front door. Jeanna calm those who had come with them jittery.
Jeanna awoke late that after noon and the buzz around the coven house was thick. Rumors of what had happend. Tales of spontanious combustion had happend in the past but it allways came down to witch craft and that scared people. Only this time Jeanna knew they were right to be scared.

"They say he burst into flames like a Demon on the church steps. I say your faith makes you stronger I have never heard of such magnitude coming from the book alone." Talon said sweetly.

"Rumors say Vampires are Demons too but you still have faith we see your muttered prayers at the end of everyday. How can you love someone whos people forsake you?" Talon continued.

"I love god because that is the meaning of unconditional love I will live forever or untill god accepts me in his home because I am afraid of life and Death with out him." Jeanna said.

Raphael stepped out of there chambers he seemed to have gotten No sleep at all.

"Good Evening Darling what is troubling you so? " Jeanna asked.

Talon bowed and walked off to gosip some more with her girls.
The book she pulled out was her blessed bible.

"well Raphael god has granted me the ability to work miracles. What you saw is a power that the jews believe in God will smite your enemies." jeanna said.

The tone in witch she spoke seemed more to convince herself than it was to convince others. For even as she said it she thought I am no Jew we are not gods people we are the damned and the miracles I work are not blessed by god but granted by the devil himself.

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