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Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Fantasy · #917660
Pitiful creature of darkness crawling, desperate to fly
Shadows run deep,
Ombre fanno funzionare

Lies line the words of our Emperor
Linne profonde linea parole nostre imperator.

He sank into shades,
Che si è affondat in ombire.

Colour faded.
Colore delle Tonalit si e siadit.

The one companion
Unus compagno,

All that mattered
Tutte che abbiano impotato.

Friend or foe?
Amicusque hostes?

World is shatttered.
Monde o dell'e frantumetit.

Will you fight? Will you come and provide us with an escape? Who will help? Pitiful creatures of Darkness... Beasts, humans who have learnt to be lonely... Coming from the abyss of time... Immortal, ageless, marred and hated... Whom will come. Alaskia needs the service... Help us.

Combatterete? Verrete fornirci una fuga? Chi aiuterà? Creature pietose di nerezza... Bestie, esseri umani che hanno imparato essere soli... Abyss di tempo venii... Immortel, infinite, guastato et odiato... Chi verrà. Alaskia ha bisogno tubi servare... Auxilium nostre.

(so you see where I'm going???? In this campfire there are six 'creatures of darkness' with are the Shadows Fallen and are the six character each writer is one of the characters. Please write a bio block for your character in you first addition. Please do not swear, make up a word or use a foreign like I tried to use a mix of mainly Latin and Italian. For the native language of Alaskia. Romance is allowed of any kind and is welcome as long as it does not get extreme. Oh yeah and write quickly or email me to tell me why you cannot other wise i will skip you after three days. Literally. Okay then, have fun!)

Name: Isama Mataya
Gender/Age : Male - 19

Race: (Shadow) Dark Angel (fallen) Gaurdian Angel

Apearence: Isama is tall and incredibly thin, sometimes it looks like he could be blown over but despite this he is amazingly strong and resiliant, just like the mightly black feathered wings that carry him through the skies tirelessly. He has cerulean blue eyes that he lines with black coal, bringine out their depth even when he becomes cold and his eys become an emotionless grey. Longish blond hair falls over his face in a constantly perfect messed up sorta style, his skin in fairly pale but it works on him and he usually wears all black. (His face can be found on the Shadows Fallen image.) People say he appears an angel but it only comes through in looks.

Personality: Cold, a loner, appearing to care little for anyone else around him. People have said that he murdered his own parents when he was eight and that when he was born the Ice Lord of the Norns exchanged his heart for an ice encased stone. However the only reason he is like that is because he is afraid of laetting people in, that they will hurt like he's be hurt before. He never smiles, never laughs, the closest he comes is a smirk. He's different from everybody else, alot of the time Shadow over powers the world around him and they do terrible things to the ones they don't like, he has never been in that grip, he has never succumbed to the will of darkness and becuase of that he pushes everyone away. Often he cna be very bitter, more often he is simply lonely and sad and scared. A boy trying to be brave.

Weapons/ Skills: Just like everyone else, he is traned in the art of hand - to - hand combat, however unlike the majority he took it seriously and is a powerful Master of three different sorts. He carries knives out of routine but he also has a family sowrd he only uses when he is practising or when he has been in serious trouble. The sword is called Yagami and is said to have propeties that can only be reached with the spirit of the first Mataya.

name: ali

Race: vampire


appearence: tall and thin, with a cold, distant beauty. she has super model looks, but her eyes are scary how deep they are. she is pale, and has black hair streaked with violet, and very pale, icy blue/grey eyes. (which signifies that she is a wanderer) she wears a gothic black leather corset and a ripped black silk skirt that's longest tendrils reach to about ner knee, covering the stake that is strapped to her leg. she also has permanantly smoky eyes.

Weapons/skills: she is skilled with daggers, knioves and stakes, and is good at throwing knives. She is good at hand to hand combat, and has hypnotic eyes. She doesn't kill her meals, but only takes what she needs, healing the bites after with her tears. She is very skilled, but is deathly afraid of getting blood lust. she is not alergic to garlic (stupid myth) she simply thinks it smells, but has to be invited in, and can't let bare skin touch sunlight, though she has ways of getting past that.

Name: Nariel
Gender: Female
Age: unknown~equivalent of around 20 for her race
Race: Souldancer (rare race whose dancing takes the souls from their victims and leaves their bodies empty shells to wander)

Appearance: Tall, long limbed with the lean muscles of a dancer. Long, bone-white hair and deep purple eyes framed by long black lashes. She's graceful, but very quick.

Personality: apathetic and tired. She is tired of trying to be liked and known by those who fear her kind and she is tired of fighting her natural instincts of movement since honor runs deep in her and she refuses to rob others of their souls. She is happy when she dances, usually under the light of the moon when no one else is around. She is usually rather quiet, just because she is used to travelling and living alone, but she does much of her talking with her eyes. She can be warm and friendly enough when accepted, but still keeps her distance because she is afraid of the dance.

Weapons/Skills: unarmed combat only. Her katas and her dance sometimes flow together making her incredible dangerous. This happens often when she is not paying attention or absorbed in what she is doing.
Name: Mariah Yami
Gender/Age: Female 15

Race: Yami Tigris - a Night Tiger, known for their amazing fighting skill and ability to control the Black Tiger. But Mariah's is slowly changing to become what is believed to be the original tigris spirit. the White Tiger.

Appearence: She has pink hair, that is tied back in a long ponytail, she is small and very agile, with deep pink tatoos up one arm in the sign of the Tigris. On her face are two pink trigangles on each cheek as a symbol of her Warrioress status. She has eyes exactly like a wild cats, deep colours that never seem to stay the same. When she fights the pupils narrow to slits of black in angry scarlet. She usually wears the garb of a warrior, simple dark rose trousers underneath a sleek black and gold tunic.

Personality: She is ferocious and a willing fighter. She does not care for killing but she will and she deffinately possesses the gifts of a cat. She loves the hunt, thrills in the catch and loves to play with her prey. She is merciless and seemingly cruel. She smiles alot and is perfectly happy and can be very kind but she is known for her ruthless temper. Underneath however she really does care about people, she wants to help them, she does not wnat to be hated and distrusted. She loves her few friends dearly and will never give up on them. her greatest trate is her willingness to learn and percive.

Weapons: Her claw gloves and spurred shoe are her usual weapons as well as her natural strenth, agility and stelth. She does carry a spinning blade and can use most weapons but only in basics.

Rain pattered down of the dull grey roads, the tall glowering buildings staring down at the few passing people. The air was cold, the freezing stones creating mists from the splattering rain. It was early morning but the skies were so dark and over cast that it was still as gloomy as the night had been. As people walked they did not notice the rest of the world, it was just another day to be dead, another day to forget. Just another day in the lives of the Shadow.

A creature skimmed just above the ground, skipping in and out of the passers by, not showing any sign that he knew that the rest of the people existed... or was it the other way round... no one knew and no one cared. The world hated him and he hated world. That was all that mattered.

"HEY!!!!!!!! STOP THAT KID!!!" someone shouted.

The creature turned slightly, blond hair flickering in the wind and he made to go straight up, this was not his home.

Heads watche d him go but no one tried to stop him, he was nothing to do with them.


Isama sat in calm silence, chewing on his hunk of stolen bread. The world was so far below him, far away beneath the cathedral's shadow. The stone angels around him seemed to be smiling and he wished for a brief moment that he was happy like they were, even in their grey tombs they were warm and vibrant, the gold that tarnished them, that touched their magnificent wings lit the anciant ruins... This was his place... His sanctuary. He hoped beyond hope that it would not be renched from him like it was before. He was alone, he had no friends, he had no family. He had been chased from the city he was born in and now he sat here, numb. Wishing that maybe he could end it all soon...
i forgot my personality and what she morphs into (vampire power)!! oops:

personality: Ali is dark, brooding and unreachable, except to those she takes a shine to,to whom she is fiercly loyal. she has human emotion completely worked out, and can read peoples thoughts like an open book, enabling her to 'hypnotise' people (although she is actually manipulating them). Her fear is that she will break down, she fears nothing else, being immortal and all that. she sees killing as pointless, and realises that lesser beings are needed and must be kept alive, (unlike SOME demons) for the food chain, if nothing else. she has not lost her principles, but cannot remember her life, only her unlife. this makes her broody, as she feels lonely.

animal: a grey cat

climbing out of the window of the tavern, ali crawled onto the roof. She was seeking to get away from all the noise, lest someone see her. With catlike agility she lept over a small alleyway on to the nearest building, swiping at the collar round her neck with her paws.

the moon's light dappled the thatch under her pads, Silhouetting the buildings against the night sky, her form wavered, the sleek feline body shimmering as the silent rays reached out to touch its furs, and it was gone. replaced by the tall body of a woman.

the collar round ali's neck was even tighter now, so tight that someone would have died, but no, she'd already done that hadn't she! she reached around her neck with her human fingers, fiddling with the catch and casting it into the darkness of the street below. she had chosen to do her feeding in her feline form tonight as for some reason people found it less weird to be bitten by a cat than a 'human'.

Strange humans.

ali slinked through the streets to the graveyard, and opened the door to the crypt that held the portal to the realm of unlife, slipping through the vortex to her comfy red silk bed. she thought the idea of humans that they were alergic to garlic strange enough, but that one where they slept in coffins? that's just plain weird.

Just because there was one vampire (who happened to be a count) had some strange tendencies, didn't mean they were all phsycotic. Imagine if we were all that judgemental! no species would like to be all classified as having a fear of something so pathetic as a vegetable!!

she looked in the mirror, but alas, there was no reflection, as she had forgotten to wear makeup and spray her hair. picking up one of the shoes that had been haphazardly chucked across the floor she aimed at the glass, smashing it with her super human strength.

7 years bad luck would have been nothing to her, but she had learned long ago not to be superstitious, as a couple hundred ears ago she had broken a mirror (just after she was sired), and hence, no bad luck. hmm, maybe even those things were opposite to the undead, as she had had relatively good luck since.

She jumped back into bed, snuggling into the sheets, and waiting fir dusk to arrive.

Name: Selsa

Age: in human years about 700, in mercurse years about 11 (which is young)
Gender: Female

Race: Mercurse (it is said that these creatures were once mermaids but, because of an arguement between two brothers they hid away at the very bottom of the darkest parts of the ocean, they have the ability to change into something that almost resembles human form so they are adaptable to both land and sea.)

Appearence: Selsa (like all her kind) has very smooth greenish white skin and long black hair which is never cut so trails out behind her when she swims, unlike mermaids, the mercurse tail not made of scales but what feels like rough material, Selsa ties seaweed and shells into it and her hair which is black. Her eyes are green and she has a thin, serious face. In her other form she is very tall, with webbed hands and feet,she wears a black sari thing that wraps around her body and somewhere seems to interlink with her hair.

Personality: Selsa looks very mysterious and she enjoys the affect this has on people. She is just a playful child at heart and does not really understand cruelty or pain as she has never witnessed or felt them properly. She needs a protector and she has romantic ideas in her head about love etc. She becomes very distressed when people around her are unhappy and although quiet at first, is always interested and ready to learn.

Weapons: Selsa carries around with her almost no weapons, she does always keep with her a small jewelled dagger which no one else can touch without getting an electric shock, this is because Selsa has magical power in the electricity area, but her parents deemed it too dangerous and locked the power in the dagger, to be freed only when she learnt to use it properly.
In the dark of the night, bathed in moonlight, she danced. She moved lithly and gracefully not caring the steps, only feeling the deep rythmn of the dance. It was powerful and in its loving comfort she slowly began repairing the chips and dents in her cloak of apathy.

She saw the fear, she saw the blame, she saw the suspicions as others looked at her. She heard the harsh words, the snide comments. It used to wound her, put a chip in her soul. Then she grew tired of it all and wore a cloak of apathy over her soul and allowed that to get torn rather than her heart.

Now she danced and the moon light washed over her and she felt refreshed and new. She was still tired of handling people's preconceptions, but now she could handle it. She had been fighting it for so long, she could get used to it.

She was bent, her back in what seemed an impossible arch and she felt a twinge in her heart, and surprised herself to discover that it was lonliness.

She stopped the dance, shaken. She thought she had buried that feeling long ago. She picked up her pack and thought to herself, "I need to go home." She froze again, moonlight catching in her hair. That was another thing she hadn't felt the need for for a while.

"It's not like I have one to go to," she gave a bitter smile, shouldered her pack and headed off towards the nearest town, hoping for something warm to drink.

It was cold outisde as she trampled through the terrain, her cat like eyes glinting in the dark. She could see better than most and could have sworn she had seen someone out here... She was however, weak and against her nature... Afraid. She did not know what of, but it was as if magic was being practised near by and had been for a long time. Magic that left tendrils behind and weakened her from the inside out. SHe wanted to know what it was but she did not want to put herself in jeopardy.

Footsteps could be heard somewhere near by... She pricked her ears. Who was the magic user? This had to be it! A woman form was trudging through the grass only a few metres away. Full of stealth she moved forward, creeping dagerously close. The figure froze, tipped her head, moved with a grace she had not seen before that made her whole body turn to ice. She trembled as the face of the stranger turned to her own. Who ever it was was full of energy.

"Who are you?" A voice spoke from where the enshadowed face would be.

"M... Mariah......" Her eyes could not make out the face... HAd her fear been correct? Was this one of the black witchs?

"Why are you looking for me?"

"I'm not..."

"I've been watching you ever since you appeared on this side of that river." The shadow pointed back the way she ahd come, "You creep through ythe grass like a predator. If I had not been at the advantage I would never have known you were there. You made noises though because I can tell you are not at your full strength. You've been travelling miles. Why are you looking for me?"

"I'm looking for the one who left their magic behind."

"That would be me."

"Who are you?" Mariah looked up from her position in awe and amazement.

"I am Nariel...." The face came closer, outlining the slenderness, "You need to rest somewhere. Come on."
Name: Edward St. Clare (Phoenix)
Gender/Age: Male/23
Race: Mostly human, with a little dragon blood (thanks to his great-grandfather who managed to get married while spending 'just one day' in a human skin)

Appearance: Intimidatingly tall, which makes him appear skinnier than he really is (although he isn't fat at all). Phoenix has long, dark flame-scarlet hair which he's oddly vain about considering how often the last few inches get scorched off. His face is a little too sharp and angular to be really good-looking but he has beautiful eyes: large, bright and flame-coloured, capable of burning through most lies. His (mostly black) clothes tend to be good quality and fairly fashionable as they rarely last long enough to get old and worn-through. All the same, it's a rare shirt cuff that isn't noticeably burned.

Personality: 99% of the time, much more open and friendly than his somewhat intimidating appearance would have you believe; Phoenix likes people and finds them fascinating, but only occasionally seeks them out as he can do just fine without company. He does, however, have a very short fuse: quick to love, quick to anger, quick to forgive. Once in a while, though, some seemingly trivial thing blows out of all proportion and sends him into a wild rage, during which time the only safe way to approach him is to knock him out first. The periods of vicious depression that follow can last for weeks; he tears himself entirely down, and finds it harder and harder to feel human again.

Weapons/Skills: Utterly unmagical, which suits him fine: although by virtue of being part-dragon he's largely fireproof. Being the (estranged) son of Persons of Quality also brings benefits, among which was being taught by some of the finest swordsmen in Alaskia - which has paid off. Phoenix fights with a rapier and dagger. Very well.

He had been watching the two come closer and closer, pink haired girl and what appeared to be a Soul Dancer. He would have known that race a mile away though he supposed the younger girl had not as they seemed to be walking in companionable silence.

"Hang on! You're... taking me to a CHURCH?!" The pink haired girl had interrupted the quiet about them. Disrupting his silence, his time of peace.... and they were planning on coming to his church... His place of solice...

"Actually yes I am. It is empty, safe, the perfect place..."

His perfect place not theirs!

On dark wings his body slid down into the domed roof. He purched on the rafters as the women steeped through the doors.

"Look it's empty." The Soul Dancer pointed to the broken pews and ripped up carpets, "HELLO!" the word echoed about the room with a beautiful resonence.

"Geee - ttt ou - tttt!" He cried. The girl stepped backwards.

"Who's there?"

"Geee - ttt ou - tttt!" He wanted to alone! He did not want to be hurt and tormented again. He wanted to be left alone...

"You're afraid..."
As she woke up ali went to her dresser, and picked up some herbal remedies. A combination of these blocked out sunlight, and even though it was dusk, she wasn't taking chances. Slipping to her portal, she walked through, into the freezing atmosphere of the dirty crypt. She was walking through the older graves when she noticed some creatures coming out the church that definately weren't human.

She began to walk over...

*i hacv e writers block, please excuse me*
Selsa swam through the murky waters, up, ever rising up, away from the depths where her family were asleep, unaware of her flight. She had not really wanted to leave them but she was bored with that way of life, her parents were far to over protective anyway. By tradition all Mercurse youngsters made the trip to the surface when they were about 13, Selsa was just making it a little early that was all. She was failing to reassure herself, sighing she flicked her tail, preparing to turn back but then... she saw something.

Sun-light streamed down on the form of a girl leaning on a rock upon a sandy beach. She was perfectly normal only where her legs should have been was a long black tail that seemed to be made of seaweed shells and black material. She swept her hair back out of her eyes and went back to scrutinising the thin black feather she had found floating on the water. To her sea-bound eyes it was a marvelous thing and must be worth an absolute fortune. Selsa held her breath and muttered the ancient words known to all of her race from birth. She felt her body wracked by little electric shocks-strange-no-one had ever described that to her?! Looking around she glimpsed a building on top of the cliffs behind her. Maybe they would know where the owner of the feather was. Selsa began her walk up to the old building. The old church building.

The voice was echoing about the building, boucing from everywhere, seemingly never in the same place.

"You're afraid." Nariel called up towards the rafters, "Why are you afraid?"

"Get OUT!"
The voice sounded desperate now and she kew that Nariel was right about whoever it was up in the roof.

A definately masculine scent was in the air and she knew that it had to belong to the stranger that was lurking nearby.
She crept off to one side, nose tipped to the breeze. Following the scents she began to move faster, her senses leading her to some stone stairs that spiralled into nothingness... Delicately she s tepped up onto the first step, her blood screamed out at her... This was the way to answers.

The voices of Nariel and the stranger continued as she ascended the stairs. Stains scattered over the floor, dark dry stains that she did not want to recognise. As she went higher she found ebony feathers, white streaked but she did not dare to touch one. She climbed on, until, suddenly the stairs opened up into a small passage way, it traced all all the wall, an open balcony. With caution she started to cross it, this place w as old and she did not want to fall from this height with a ton of stone on her. From where she stood he could see Nariel, and behind her, in the opening of the door she could see a strange creature that wreaked of the sea. Mercuese? She could see the water glimering in the faint beam of sunlight. Who ever it was she prayed that it was not a danger because if she w anted to find out who the voice was, she had to do it in silence so she could not warn Nariel....

At the end of the balcony was a door, with a faint creak she pushed it open. More stairs ran upwards but therre was also a ripped painting, revealing behind it a black square of passage.

The voice ripped through her skin sending shivers down her spine.

The tunnel lead into a room, cluttered and small, the room had a blanket draped over a bed tucked into an alcove, the floor was litered with the black white feathers of before but beneath them lay the clues she needed, hushed letters, years old, empty food packets and a blue of water. Someone had been living here....

"Who are you?" she murmered as she looked at the space about her, the walls were torned where nails had clawed at their surface...

"Why are you in here?" a voice whispered suddenly very close to her ear. She turned slightly, a boy's face was looking at her with a worry and aner that contorted his face... he pushed her back into the wall, the mighty black wings to much for her own strength, "Why does everyone live to destroy what I have!?" he cried with hatred in his eyes as he looked hard at her, "Why can't you just go away...???"
**It may be an idea to establish what time of day it is. I for one am somewhat confused, but assuming it's sometime in the afternoon**

The stiff, cold breeze tumbling over and around Phoenix as he sat on the clifftop watching seabirds squabble over the waves. Even with the wind dragging everything out to sea, he could still smell the sweet-sick reek of smoke and blood that clung to his scorched shirt; the stink he hated most of all, because he knew that somewhere behind him were the smoking, charred ruins of lives. And he'd never remember who or why or where.

The seabirds paused for a second in their shrieking dance, startled by an apparition appearing from underwater. Puzzled, Phoenix watched... whatever it was... wade unsteadily out of the sea and lean against a rock to catch its breath. Her breath... Phoenix had heard stories of mercurse, but never entirely believed them until now. He rolled over and lay flat, nearly invisible in the scrub, and watched the mercurse make her careful way up to the church on the cliffs.

Phoenix had seen an angel enter that church earlier and had kept away out of respect for the creature's obvious wish for solitude, but as he lay quietly watching now he noticed a pair of visitors; strange, given that this dead church was a largely deserted place. Either this was a meeting place, or a bizarre coincidence.

"...geee - ttt ou - tttt..." the angel's angry shouts rolled past on the breeze.

Bizarre coincidence, Phoenix decided. The young mercurse didn't seem to hear the shouts until she had reached the church; and even then, they didn't put her off.

"Stupid girl," he muttered as she, too, went inside. Urged on by a sort of bleak curiosity, Phoenix got up and stationed himself in a hidden corner just outside the half-open door. The inside was too dark to see, but he could hear everything that happened.

"...why can't you just go away..."

What was wrong with these creatures? This was his only sanctuary. The only place he was safe to be himself and they were ruining it. Why could they not leave him to his own devices? Let him be free.

"Why can't you just go away...?" he said it again, softer, much more quietly. Dropping back from where the girl was staring at him, her eyes were frightened. Hatred flooded out of him almost as quickly as it had come. Anger flickered at his conciousness but it was the resignation that took over. He would have to move on again... He did not want to hurt anymore people to find his peace. He was not like the dark consumed animals that had made him flee... He never wanted to be like them.

"Why can't anyone just leave me alone?" Tears pricked in his eyes, this place had been a home for so long. He turned his face away desperate not to cry. This just was not fair. This could not be happening again....

"We... we're not here to... to... hurt you...." The soft voice of the girl was oddly soothing but, he did not care, he wanted to be by himself. he did not want to be hurt again.

"She's right, we're not here to cause you any harm." the Soul Dancer was standing in the door way, "We just need a place to stay and be safe in."

That pricked his ears. They needed to be safe too? Or was it just the dancer? He had so many questions in his head now adn still that long burning fear that this might be the end of his freedom.

Trust them Tenshi, be their Shugotenshi for me.... that voice, her voice from his past, echoing in his mind...
Ali winced at the pain coursing through her body as she stepped over the church`s threshold. it burned her dead cells, but was familiarly comforting, sending a tiny pulse of life through her now rusted cells.

She sweeped her eyes up through the niasma of holy air, which pulsed with a sickening energy. there, up in the rafters was a person similar to her, cast out. she from heaven and death, he simply from heaven. He was clearly cnfused and wretched, and if she had been human, she would have been stirred from the deep wallows of her still heart into sympathy, though as it were she could feel nothing, mearly an affinity with him.

She stared up into his cerulean blue eyes, the once blonde hair`s dirtystrands falling infront of his straight, chiselled nose. there was a fairly ramshackle bunch about, and nothing particularly human about. she caught sight of a boy with her sharp eyes, but his blood was impure...it smelt of...of...dragon?? her somewhat oversized canines shraank back into her mouth.

"hey, angel boy, cool down," she said " you didn't abandon him on purpose, there are wore ways to be kicked out, you at least have a second chance" It might have been harsh, but ali didn't hav emotions, so it was kind of hard to tone it down bit.

He looked up sharply, mildy astonished. First he was angry and upset, but he saw her eyes, icy blue swirling through them, and realised who, no what, she was. She had been abandoned by her angel, left to turn into a leech, a parasite, and her dreams of maybe one day being accepted into heaven were long gone. he cocked his head, thinking quietly to himself, and understood.

Selsa was slightly afriad of these people, she had lived her whole life under the sea and was not familiar with the names and customs of the creatures that lived in the sunlight. She had no idea what was going on but she knew she didn't belong here. Turning quietly to leave, she went over what she had done. Maybe her parents were right, maybe she wasn't ready to face the world above the ocean.

*Sorry, writers block!*
Nariel licked her dry lips as she retreated away from the door and back into a corner where no ones judging eyes, full of fear or misunderstanding would notice her. When she first heard the angels voice she had immediately gone stiff and pulled her herself into apathy. Then she realized that he did not care about what she was, he only wanted a place to rest, to sleep, a sanctuary. Perhaps if the angel had found one here maybe she could to. But now there were so many beings she could feel herself growing tired and wary again.

A vampire was talking to the angel in the rafters, a girl creature, with the sea whispering in her hair, had just entered and the shadow of a third person was darkening the door. And where was the tigris? She had taken to Nariel without comment or care and Nariel missed how relaxed she could be around her.

"What are all you people? What is this place? Is it important?"

The questions were so quiet that at first the soul dancer questioned if she had really heard them. Then she feared she herself had spoken, since she had been asking the same questions in her head. But it hadn't been her, it had been the young girl with the scent of the sea.

"This is my place," said the voice of the angel from the ceiling. "It is important to me."

He didn't sound as upset as he did before, Nariel thought to herself. I wonder why...but I don't care. She reminded herself, caring only gets you into trouble.

"I am a weary traveller and this place offers a dry place to sleep," she said softly from her corner. Her words were soft and a only a few ears heard her and only a few eyes turned toward her, then seeing thats all she had to say moved on, to her relief.

She resigned herself to silence and was curious to see what else would come to pass. Although she watched the major players, the angel, vampire and girl, in the center of the floor she also kept an eye out for the tigris and another eye on the shadow in the door.

It was strange that so many were all in this one place... Someone a long time ago had tol him everything was just a game played by the gods... that at the end of the day each coincidence was really fate... that you had to except it. But what was there to accept now? This assortment could bring no good result. He had to hide himself, hide the white feathers that were growing in place of the black ones he was meant to have. He was meant to as dark as the night... And yet his feathers were slowly turning snowy white... He didn't want to be different... What had cursed him to be different?

He could fight the bloodlust... That was the curse of being different. Noone else could with stand the Shadow when it overtook them in a rage. He had never felt it.

But it was this place now. The bloodlust never peirced this place anyway. Some of the Old Magic remained here. He was reminded of that as he saw the vampire flinch. She was strange... She understood him... Maybe... Maybe this was a chance... Maybe this was the beginning of something new?

© Copyright 2004 Dr Matticakes Myra, Flex 5th birthday just gone., WithyWindle, Lascelles in Telos, Staryl free as a Sparrow, Kai Magpies, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
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