Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/867136-Dragon-Lords
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #867136
The Dragon Lords were almost destroyed, but now they're back. One slot open!
3000 years ago, the Dragon Lords kept the peace in this land, but 2000 years they were completely eradicated by a Dark Dragon Lord, well all except one Dragon Lord, an Elf who lived in desguise for a millenia. His name was Merlin. The Dark Dragon Lord, or Galbatorix, hunted down and killed all of the chosen Dragon Riders, until Merlin found one before Galbatorix, a boy, 16 years old. Merlin in desperation took the boy and they fled to the north. Mean while all of the Dragon eggs were either destroyed or kept for Galbatorix's new Evil Dragon Riders. This is when the story starts.

Ok heres the deal people,
see Merlin runs off to the north with the boy, Eragon, and he begins the boys' training to become a Dragon Lord, but Galbatorixs' minions pursue them all the time so they are constantly having to look out for dangers. But while Merlin is training the boy they meet several people that help them and become their companions. Their goal to train Eragon as a Dragon Lord with his Dragon so that they can defeat Galbatorix.

You must choose a character that is already open, you can't make up your own character.

The Characters:
Eragon §onny-

Merlin Daizy

Murtagh AngelinTwilight


Brom Jared

Arya Tela Kobie

Zashon White Tiger


I only want a few people in this cf, so if you don't see any characters open then please don't ask for invites cuz' I'll be full.


NOTHING SEXUAL (kissing and hugging's is ok)

I am a Christian so this cf will be a Christian oriented cf.

No going off into lalaland ok keep this on the story line.
Hey guys I hope this helps you out a lil bit, me and White tiger are gonna be the only ones with dragons, but if you have complaints about this please email me about!
Sonny <><

Name: Eragon

Age: 16

Race: Half Elf half Human.

Appearance: Tall, lean, blue eyes, brown hair, when he cuts his hair he is quite handsome. He weighs 130 lbs, 6'0 but still growing.

Personlity: He is sometimes rebellious, he is angered quickly, but Merlin is teaching him not to be so explosive and quick tempered. He always has an answer, and has a quick wit, and as Merlin said if he put the smart mind he had to work, he would be a genius pretty soon, but he is still learning the ways of magc and of lore and of weapons and war.

Weapons: Two swords with silver hilts, Sapphire blue blades, tear drop pommel, enlayed with Sapphire stones, black handle with silver wire for grip. Also a heavy bow and quiver full of arrows, and a dagger.

History: He grew up on a farm with his father, his mother dying soon after he was born and grew up in a small village, his father taught him all he could, and then he found a Dragon egg and it hatched, and he received the mark of Rider on his hand, and then Merlin came and found him, and took him away, and the next day his father ws brutally murdered. Now Merlin is trying to teach him everything he possibly can. He has given him a huge amount of lessons of history and magic and weapons and war, and Eragon has gotten immensely smart.

Other: They are now in the north mountains training for fighting against Galbatorixs minions. Eragon is now finally mastering the techniques of the sword, and is learning the ways of magic and the words of power.

Dragons Name: Firestone. A pure Sapphire blue Dragon.

Name: Zashon
Age: Unknown (looks about 24)
Gender: Male
Race: Noireda (Though, no one knows what race he is, most think him to just be an elf)
Apearance: Long thick hair that falls straight to his mid-back. It is the color of black that seems almost to shine dark blue. His skin is light but also slightly tan. His nose bares a single silver ball in the right side. His lip and tongue are also pierced. He has native symbols on his upper arms that stand for 'the courage to fight in all situations (seemingly regardless of the situation, rather good or bad).
He is 5'11" in height and quite muscular at 185 pounds.
Personality: Zashon has a morbid side to him that he greatly tries to balance with positive thinking. He has a hard time trying not to lie to people or use them for games, which is something he refuses to do no matter how hard it is for him. He greatly struggles with life in general and his meaning for being there. He has a great pain in his heart and blames himself for many things. As far as he is concerned he wishes that he was never born.
Weapon Skills: Long sword, he also has a skill with twin blades. He is a very strong foe to cross. His swords are both a beautiful silver, as his dragon is.
History: Zashon was a prominent leader among his people. He was not always good nor bad but was easily led astray by his best friend, Dirthyn, and his sister, Hallein.
Because of this Zashon blames himself, for his turning to the dark side created a rift and caused his people to trust in the Dark Lord. Because of this most people do not even know who the Noireda are, and those that do know them to be quite evil and hate filled.
Zashon and his sister just recently learned the errors of their ways. However, Dirthyn is still leading the Noireda into their treachery.
Other: Zashon found a dragon egg a few months after he left his people. He had pretended that he died, and as far as they know he is. But for some reason it seemed to him as if this dragon choose him. So he took it and nursed it till it hatched.
Dragon’s Name: Ryna (ren a)
Name: Arya (means Moonlight)
Race: Fairy
Gender: Female
Age: 500 (looks to be 18)
Appearance: 5'11" about 130 pounds, tall and etheral looking with large violet eyes and waist-length pale blond hair; wears loose, flowing dresses and always has a flower in her hair; tucked under her cloak are two iradescent wings which scatter violet light when struck by the sun/moon; she can fly
Personality: quiet and cool, Arya is much like her namesake. she loves to tell stories and sing songs. a gentle spirit, she has a understanding heart and listening ear. whenever you are in need of advice, she is has the best counsel.
Weapon Skills: none; Arya defends herself using
the plants, which obey her bidding, and with her pets
History: Arya is the only one of her people who has ever been seen by humans. she is essentially a record keeper, full of the histories of the Dragon Lords and those that have come before. because of her understanding of history she knows that Galbatorix must be defeated, and has chosen to help train Eragon. Arya has her own agenda though and there is a reason she has revealed herself.
Other: Arya has two pets, a solid white direwolf with pale blue eyes called Snow and a white tiger with amber eyes, by the name of Blaze; Arya's pets are trained to kill and if surprised or sic'ed on someone they will not stop attacking until either everyone is dead or Arya commands them to
Name: Chi, also goes by Freya
Race: Elf
Age: several millenia
Appearance: 5'10 with a small frame, very long pale lavender hair (the very tips fade to white..course the tips of her hair are about a foot long) and very bright amethyst eyes. Definetly cute. She has a very innocent beauty, which is odd considering her age. She likes wearing rather short dresses with big bows in the back. Never ever ever every wears shoes, but she will have ribbons tied around her ankles and lower leg.
Personality: Very wise, but easily confused. Has zero common sense. In other words, she walks of cliffs and jumps into bad situations easily. Has a hard time understanding hate. She has been alone a lot, mainly because she spent all her time learning of the world.
Weapon skills: magic. bow and arrow. Being plain scary when she wants to.
History: Freya was a princess a long long long long time ago, but her kingdom was taken over and destroyed and she started going by her middle name Chi. She then went into hiding to learn everything she could, but she got sick of being alone. She was blessed by her mother to eternally have the appearance of a younger elf (around twenty one), however it also gave her the common sense of a two year old (ya know, touch the stove to see if its hot. multiple times)
Other: Chi can be really hard to understand at times. You have to be very smart to understand her. And she has a pet wolf..and its a good judge of character so be careful.
Name: Murtagh

Race: Elf

Age: 1500 (he looks 18)

Appearance: Scruffy black hair with a white fringe. Pale blue eyes. A tight black tunic with a emlem of a moon and stars on the chest. black pants with the same emblem on the side of the leg. A long black robe with the hood up. Archers gauntlets with a white flame patturn. A large quiver over his shoulder. A coat of chain mail under his tunic. a old black leather belt with a silver buckle. Three scars on his chest and another three on his back. A set of throwing knifes strapped to the back of his belt.

Personality: fun loving. Bit of a loner. Likes to ride horses. Likes the rain. Not overly talkative.

Weapon skills: A enchanted Long bow, 9 very sharp throwing knifes, Katana with a blade blessed with the elements of ice and lightning and some elemental magics.

History: He has been wandering for the last 900 years learning all that he can about dragons. Has a set of scars given to him by a dark dragon along his chest and back. He has been hunting dark dragons and their riders for the last 300 years. Up until 5 years ago he had been missing and asumed dead. But he had gone into hiding to heal and become a better hunter.

Other: Rides a giant black horse called Bane. He likes dragons but fears what they can do in the wrong hands. He has a wide range of skills when it comes to fighting. Has alot of knowlege about how to kill different types of dragons.

Name: Merlin

Age: Ageless.

Race: Elf and Maia (The Wizard Race)

Appearance: 6’5 and around 190lbs. He has a thin, muscular build and is in excellent physical condition. His eyes are deep and soulful green that hold an immense wisdom within. Merlin has bright blonde, almost white, hair. It is perfectly straight. His features are smooth and youthful.

Personality: Merlin is a mature teacher, a brutal warrior, but he sometimes has a kinder side than usually his gruff nature. He has a quick temper, but only when it is deserved on the receiving end. He is precise, accurate, and thorough in all he does, and will stop at nothing once his mind is made up. When an impulse comes to him, he acts on it, trusting his instincts fully. Merlin is strong-willed and extraordinarily opinionated, but knows when to put up certain pretenses. Though one would never think it at first glance, he can think his way out of any situation and somehow manages to stay composed when things are stressful. The all-around trademark “good guy,” Merlin is protective of Eragon and considers him to be a son. Merlin will trust anyone until he is given a reason not to; after that, gaining his trust again is nearly impossible. He keeps his word and expects others to extend him the same courtesy. Merlin is not a man that one would want to double-cross because he is excellent at settling scores.

Weapons: A tall staff made of birch with a hidden blade at both ends. He is more than apt at the use of a longbow and sometimes sports twin short rapiers. Of course Merlin’s magic is more than enough weapon for anyone.

History: Merlin doesn’t remember anything from his days before being a Dragon Lord. His first real memory is his dragon counterpart hatching from her egg. Since that moment, clichéd as it sounds, he has been keeping the peace and fighting against iniquity.

Dragons Name: A bronze and black colored she-dragon named Shadowstorm (Storm for short). She is the eldest living dragon and one of the strongest.

Name: Brom

Age: 38

Race: Human

Appearance: A very large man, Brom stands at 7’3” and weighs about 425 lbs. He appears to be overweight (and he is), but Brom also backs it up with solid muscle. He also has a hearty constitution and lasting endurance. He is fair skinned with wavy reddish-blonde hair. Brom also wears a bushy beard and mustache.

Personlity: Extremely friendly, kind-hearted and jovial. He loves to laugh and he loves to eat. He is also very loyal to his friends and will do anything to protect them. Although boisterous by nature he know when to be quiet and is very good at consoling others when they are down.

Weapons: He carries a long, thick pole made of ironwood. He uses it as a walking stick in travel and as a deadly weapon in battle. He also carries a short sword and a dagger, but rarely uses them.

History: Brom’s grandmother was raped by an ogre, but she was blessed by a healer that her child of the resultant pregnancy would be free from the effects of the ogre “blood”. Brom’s mother, Romelia, was born completely human and enjoyed a happy, normal life. When she married Lundar and became pregnant with Brom, she grew very large and had to remain in bed for most of the pregnancy. Aided by the same magical midwife who delivered her, Romelia was able to give birth to Brom without being injured or losing her life, however she would not be able to bear more children. Aside from his size and strength, Brom was a normal boy. Romelia was just happy to raise Brom, and she showered him with all of her love. Lundar also loved him and trained him as a worker, hunter, and fighter.

When Brom’s parents were killed in a Dark Dragon Lord attack upon their village, he did not become bitter, deciding to embrace and enjoy life, regardless of its tragedies, as his mother had taught him. However, when he met Eragon, Merlin, and company, he felt a need and desire to protect them and assist in their cause.

Other: Brom loves animals but does not have a pet.

Eragon and Merlin were both sitting by a fire, deep in the northern mountains.
Brom was off somewhere, scrounging for food.
"I hope Brom gets back soon. He is such a joyous fellow." Merlin said. Eragon grumbled something under his breath, he was not having the best day of his life.
"At least he'll be someone else to talk to."
Merlin looked at his pupil sharply, but said nothing. Standing up and drawing his sword, he covered the edges and point with magic, as Eragon groaned and drew one ofhis, doing the same to it.

Merlin lunged at Eragon with the sword, and Eragon leaped backwards into the underbrush, disguised, so that Merlin could only sense him, but not see him. Merlin grinned, Eragon is already a master at camoflauge. Merlin had grown very fond of Eragon and, though Eragon did not know, he was doing everything in his power to teach him everything he knew.
The Sapphire blade whistled through the air, and Merling parried, and swung low. His blade whipped through underbrush and bushes, but nothing else.

The forest was quiet, but then the silence was broke by a loud yell of anger, and booming laughter. Merlin rushed towards the sounds, but when he saw what had happened he roared with laughter.

Eragon was hanging upside down by the leg, in one of Brom's' own traps, and Brom was standing close by laughing.
Eragon was grumbling as he unblunted his sword and slashed the rope that held him.
"That's not funny Brom." He said as he walked towards their camp, his face red.
Do not be angry, Eragon. It was an accident, and you did look kind of funny, hanging upside down, with your face as red as a beat! Eragon heard Firestone say to him mentally.
You too, eh? Eragon said mentally back, and addressed all of them, "A right pack of rotters you lot are." Then he stalked moodily back to the camp.
When got back he sat down and began to practice the words of power Merlin had been teaching him.
"Brisinger!" He lit the fire up even bigger, and then set his Blue Swords afire, and he slashed a bush too shreds.
He heard a roar, a deep roar, like Firestone's' only just a little bit different. Then he heard Firestone's' exclamamtion.
Eragon! Come quickly! A stanger is approaching. Eragon leaped up, and ran to where Firestone had led him.
A silver dragon, about the size of a large dog, was walking up the mountain with his master walking beside it. The stranger looked like an Elf, but not quite.
He was muscular, but not overly tall.Eragon drew his bow and notched an arrow, then let it fly, and pierced a tree right beside the mans' face, as a warning.

"What do you want?" He said loudly down the hillside. "Do not shoot, I am a friend. I seek Merlin and Eragon." Eragon revealed himself, and said: "You have the latter, the former is near at hand, come I shall take you to him."
"My thanks to you." The man answered, bowing.
Arya watched silently as the young Dragon Lord talked with the newcomer. Her eyes narrowed slightly when she noticed his dragon. Could he be an Evil Dragon Lord? Crouched beside her, Blaze snarled quietly when she caught the smell of Arya's distrust. Quickly, Arya placed a hand on Blaze's head to silence her, but it was too late. The silver dragon heard and Arya watched in dismay as both of the men swung in her direction.

"Who goes there?" The young Dragon Lord challenged.

Arya held herself still and quiet, hoping he would assume the dragons had been wrong. And he might have, if not for his hunter friend.

"Look what I've found." A voice suddenly boomed out, as a pair of arms wrapped themselves around Arya. "I hope this pretty flower doesn't wilt when I pick her."

Disbelief, confusion and interest warred on the young Dragon Lord's face as his comrade brought Arya out of the bushes. He seemed torn by indecision and then, he hardened his eyes and blanked his face.

"Bring her here." He demanded, while lifting his sword.

This was to much for Blaze, who had not attacked because her mistress had allowed herself to be taken. But a raised sword was a threat and Blaze threw herself at him with a snarl. She was met in mid-air by Firestone and Arya's piercing command, "Blaze! Down!" Immediately she checked herself, landing in a sprawl on the ground. Firestone took advantage of her confusion and attacked her while she was down.

"Call him off, please." Arya implored, turning to the Dragon Lord. "She was only trying to protect me, mi'lord."

The Dragon Lord looked searchingly at Arya's eyes then nodded briskly. Firestone instantly stopped and flew back to his master. The Dragon Lord gave another nod and the hunter released Arya. He looked at Arya and said, "Why don't you tell us who you are."

Arya glanced up at the Dragon Lord from where she knelt at Blaze's side. "If you will allow me to tend to Blaze first, I will gladly tell you what I may." She waited for his nod, then called out, "Snow, to me!"

Her white direwolf flew to her side, his pale eyes eyeing the crowd supiciously. Seeing his buddy's injuries, his eyes turned hostile and he growled low in his throat.

"Really, Arya. By now you should be able to control your animals."

Arya whipped around. "Merlin?" She questioned.

"Who else, my dear?"

"I wasn't sure if you would show your face." Arya gave him a dazzling smile. "After all you were supposed to marry me."

Merlin's face turned red as the hunter gaffed, the elf looked politely disinterested and the Dragon Lord looked surprised. As Merlin stuttered his denial, Arya spoke a few words to Snow. In a shot he was off,and Arya was left with her wounded tiger.

Merlin, by now realizing that Arya's words had been a diversion, knelt at her side. "Need any help?" He asked gently.

"Snow's off getting the plans I need but..." She trailed off and looked at Merlin expectantly.

"You'll need help caterizing the wounds." Merlin stated. "Eragon, start a fire and when it's hot, place your sword in it. Brom, fetch me some strong vine. We will need it to hold this tiger down." Eragon and Brom obeyed his orders swiftly and everything was ready when Snow finally appeared.

As Arya crushed the roots to make a paste, Brom, Eragon and the elf held Blaze down. She roared when the hot sword touched her wounds and struggled fiercely. Snow tried to rush to her aid, but he was tied securely a tree. Blaze roared again, then subsided as Arya started applying the medicine. When the job was finished, Eragon turned to Arya expectantly.

"Well?" He prompted.

"Forgive me." Arya said. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Arya, record keeper for the fairies."

"You're a fairy?" Brom exclaimed. "I've never seen a real fairy before."

Arya smiled at him. "No human before you ever has." She turned back to Eragon. "Even in our realm, the Evil Dark Lords are feared. The King of the Fairies thought my knowledege might be of use to you in your quest."

"Your knowledge?" The stranger questioned.

Arya turned to him. "Yes lord, my knowledge. I have nothing more to offer. What does a fairy know of war and weapons? Nothing except what we have observed. But I can tell him of the follies of the races that have gone before him, in hopes that he not repeat the same mistakes."

"The follies of those before him." The stranger murmured quietly. "Perhaps you are right, fairy."

"Now that we know who you are," Eragon said, perhaps you tell us who you are."

"Forgive me. I am Zashon."
Chi was wandering around in circles, gazing up at the tops of trees. "lala..lalala..la..la?" She was humming to herself when she found a rather menacing creature on the ground. It looked dead so she decided to investigate. "I haven't seen one of these in..eeek!" She screamed as it leapt at her. She went for her sword but the creature was dead before she could touch it. "Whaaat?"

"I saved you." She heard a somewhat familiar voice say. "Princess Freya."

"I am not her anymore..I am Chi. Just Chi.." She sighed, sheathing her sword. "Murtagh."

"The one and only." He said, smiling halfway.

"I knew I might run into you here..it does rain a lot." She sighed.

"Well..judging by the fact you were about to get yourself killed I'd judge you have just as little common sense as ever?" He asked, looking at her wolf. The wolf walked over to him and poked him in the knee with her nose. "I was wondering when you were going to notice me, Lyra." He smiled, patting the dog on the head. She then proceeded to bark and run in circles. She then went crashing into a circle of people.

"Well well well...if it isn't all of..you.. people.." Chi smiled, forgetting half their names as her scatter brain took over. Murtagh shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"Ditz..." He sighed.

"Yeah yeah yeah..stupid spell..I may be young for eternity but it made me into a real genius in the common sense slash organization department.." She sighed, twirling a bit of hair around one of her long, slender fingers.
"Considering she's a princess you'd think she would be a little more intelligent and coherant." Murtagh thought.

"I thought you where dead." Said Merlin with a frown on his face.

"I've died once already....I can't die twice." He sighed, only wanting to be away from them.

He walked casually to the group not giving much more than a quick glance at them before proceeding to lean against a nearby tree. Ignoring them all he just kept his face hidden and looked at the ground.

"Who's he?" The DragonRider asked, nodding at Murtagh.

Merlin was about to answer when Murtagh said something loudly in old elvish.

"I'm the midnight watchman. The living death...The Battle brand, Dragons bane...Call me what you will."

Merlin grimaced at him and Murtagh went back to quietly ignoring them.

"He is one of the last watchmen....He is all that remains of a most anicent family. I myself have believed him dead for the last few years. But I should have known that old legends don't die so easily." Said Merlin.

"So does this Legendary elf have a name?" Asked Eragon, with an insolent tone to his voice.

He easily dodged the burning arrow. It landed just to the side of the boys foot. Murtagh was already sliding the bow out of sight under his robe.

"You should show some respect...You may be a chosen rider but I have been around far longer than you can ever imagine...I have seen those monsters desimate entire cities. But I have also taken my share of them to their graves." He said.

"Murtagh! "said Merlin sternly.

Eragon recognised the name and he stopped talking. Murtagh turned and put one hand up and onto a low branch.

"I should kill you for that, fool!" Eragon said, his tone menacing. "Try." Was Murtaghs answer.
Eragon snarled, drawing his swords.
Murtagh drew his sword, lightning crackling up the blade, wreathing it in pale light.
Eragon blessed his blades with blue fire, and they burst to life. "Stop this now!" Merlin shouted. Eragon and Murtagh ignored him.
FireStone leaned forward, looking to aid his master when needed. Murtagh attacked first, smashing his Katana against Eragon's longswords.
Flame and lighting smashed together, and sparks flew from their blades.
Murtagh raised a hand, uttering several words. A huge ball of red flame hurtled towards Eragon, who countered it by let it dissipate its energy into a wall of water.
Eragon threw several bolts of energy at Murtagh, knocking his blade from his hands.
Dragons' blood, he's strong! Murtagh thought, as he blocked a blow from Eragons' fist.
Since Murtagh had lost his weapon, Eragon had dropped his and began attacking him hand-to-hand. He kicked Eragon in the stomach, and drew one of his daggers. Eragon ducked under a slash and drove several fists against Murtaghs' jaw, knocking him down. He grabbed Murtaghs' sword, and held it under his throat. "Take back your words." He said. "Never." Eragon pushed the blade harder against his neck, and blood beaded there.
"Take back your words." He said, his voice cold. "Take back your words, and I will spare your life. You said you cannot die again."
Murtagh snarled, but then said, "I take back my words, but not willingly. Their will be blood between us for this."
Eragon released him, throwing his blade into the woods. He stalked back to his swords, and sheathed them. "You are fortunate. I would've killed anyone else on the spot for saying those words."
Murtagh got up and dissapeared into the forest with Chi to find his sword.
Chi tried to console Murtagh. It almost worked, and they came back to the encampment a few minutes later, with Murtaghs sword.
He disapeared into a tree to keep watch for the night.
From then on Eragon was careful to keep an eye on Murtagh.
Eragon's eyes flew open. Something was wrong. He had heard something. But it was so strange. It was an impact without sound, and he had heard it. Like being deaf and listening for thunder.

Something's out there. Firestone's head came into view. Let's find it. I've been bored for a while.

Eragon unsheathed his blades, and dropped into a crouch. He reached out with his conscienceness, and felt all the living beings of the forest. Trees, animals, insects, plants, all living things were at his disposal. Until he came into contact with a hostile mind.

A mental dagger drove against his minds defenses. Eragon deflected the probe, and launched an attack of his own. His mental probe came into contact with iron wall defenses. He talked to the trees, and found the location of the intruder.

Let's go. I've found it. Time for a bit of fun, but stay on your toes; evidently the thing uses magic.
Firestone growled in ackknowledgement.

Eragon ran towards the strange conscience. Suddenly he burst into a clearing, and almost bowled into the person.

It was a tall shadowy figure, its robe always shifting with its surroundings.

Eragon faced it, pointing his swords at it. "Who are you?"

The thing hissed and said in a raspy voice, "I am Shas'nrik. Fear me!" It pointed a finger at him, and it released a bolt of energy at Eragon.

Eragon threw up a barrier around him, blocking him from all attacks. "Norj kinesis." He growled.

Bolts of lightning streamed from his hand, as Firestone blasted fire at it, but Shas'nrik was gone.

Firestone roared in anger. Eragon whirled, and saw Merling and the others pounding towards him.

When they reached him, Merlin asked, "What in hellsteeth's name was that?" Eragon shrugged.

"It said it's name was Shas'nrik. And it was skilled magic user."

Merlin's eyes got a strange look in them, almost fear, but then the light blinked out.

"We should go. Now. We need to move north, deeper into the mountains, to meet the Elves."

Zashon took a deep breath and followed behind Eragon as they traveled towards the mountains, always keeping their eyes sharp in case of attack, not only from outside the group but also within. Zashon kept Ryna close to him. They both were still wary of those they journeyed with, Ryna especially. Her eyes remained on them making sure to protect her master in case they tried anything. The fight between Murtagh and Eragon was enough to keep them both on edge since they were also a dragon and master pair.
          They had been traveling all day, and night had finally set upon the land. The air was becoming colder and as the others set down to sleep it was Zashon and Ryna's turn to keep watch. Zashon didn't mind the cold and in fact reveled in it while everyone else snuggled close in their blankets. He looked up at the clear night sky and sighed to himself. There was much on his mind, much that he knew he couldn't change.
          "How did things go so far Ryna? I wouldn't blame them if they hated me." He grabbed a small stone from the ground and rolled it around in his palm.
          Not everyone will judge you for your past. Ryna told him trying to somehow comfort her master. She knew he beat himself up too much for things that he had no control over.
          "But I did have control over it Ryna. I know you think it wasn't my fault, but it was! I lead them in willingly and now its my fault to pay. And pay they will." He stood and threw the stone. With his superior vision he watched as the stone hit the ground several yards away. He turned around and hung his head. "It is only a matter of time until I lead them to death as I have my own people." He growled. "Perhaps it is not them I don't trust, but me."
          Ryna moved closer with her great silver wings glistening in the moonlight. Have faith Zashon.
          "Faith?" He huffed. "What faith do I have left?"
          If anything, continue on for Hallein, she needs you.
          Zashon finally gave up the argument though he didn't feel any better inside. "I don't deserve to die anyhow." He said under his breath so that Ryna couldn't hear him.
          He stood up straight and watched the camp, it was then that he saw a movement. He looked up at Ryna and her eyes met his, however, for some reason he didn't believe whatever it was to be a threat.
          He approached silently and as he came to the person he stopped in his tracks. There standing in front of him was Arya. He gazed at her for a moment. "At the very least you could have warned me you were out here."
          "I apologize, I was just getting some more herbs for Blaze."
          Zashon nodded. "How is she by the way?"
          "I'm glad to hear that." Zashon quickly noticed her strange reaction to him and he knew why, she recognized that he was much more then just a dark elf. It was possible that she even knew he was a noireda. And if she did then it was likely that the rest of the group would have his head by morn. He only hoped that Ryna was strong enough to keep Firestone and Shadowstorm at bay.
          You do not even have to ask Zashon, I will protect you at all costs. She said into his mind.
"You don't have to be so mistrustful of me, you know." Arya said quietly, answering Zashon's thought. Zashon started slightly and Arya chuckled quietly as she headed toward where Blaze lay. "Follow me, Noireda."

She knows. Ryna whispered wonderingly. How? What do you wish to do?

Zashon shook his head. Nothing. He thought. Let's see what she has in mind.

"Nothing." Arya answered again.

"Can you read everyone's thoughts? Or just mine?" Zashon asked, irritated.

Arya smiled at him as she crouched down beside her wounded pet. As she began to crush the herbs, a soothing scent filled the air and Zashon found his fear and anger disappearing. Softly, almost without thinking, Arya began to sing a wordless melody. Entranced, Zashon sat beside her and listened as she sang. Quickly she applied the paste to Blaze's wounds, and when she was finished she turned to him.

She gazed into his eyes for a moment and Zashon felt as if she could see to his very soul. Fearful, he allowed the examination, knowing Ryna was close by. "You have a good soul." She pronounced after a minute. "You need not fear me."

"Why not?" He whispered.

Arya smiled at him gently. "I have seen the pain in your eyes, Zashon. You hide it well, but such deep hurt and guilt cannot stay hidden forever. It betrays itself in your movements and your gestures." She placed a soft hand on his shoulder. "All will be well." She promised. "You must have faith. The evils of the world will right themselves. But you must help."

"Why me?" Zashon questioned, his cynical nature resurfacing. "What's so special about me?"

"Just that. That you are you. There is no one else in this world like you, Zashon and no one else who can fulfill your unique destiny." She looked at him, her violet eyes soft with understanding. "Have faith in yourself and don't judge yourself to harshly. You forget the others who were with you. They are to blame as much, if not more, than you yourself."

"How do you know so much about me?" Zashon asked.

Arya smiled mysteriously. "Because I was there."

A low growl reached their ears. They immediately looked up.

"Snow." Arya stated. "Something's wrong."

Zashon leapt up and reached a hand down to Arya. She grabbed it gratefully and pulled herself up. Unhooking the clasp of her cloak, she unfurled her wings. They glittered dazzingly in the moonlight, throwing sparkles onto the ground and trees. Zashon stopped momentarily, speechless.

"Can you actually...."

"Yes." Arya smiled. "I will check by air. We must go quickly though, something evil is near. I can feel it."

Zashon nodded his head in agreement and took off for the main campsite. Behind him, the air swooshed as Arya beat her wings and leapt into the air.
Merlin was standing close to Murtagh. The same sense of power radiated from him as he had remembered feeling.

"Are you ever going to say it Wizard "sighed Murtagh glancing at Merlin.

"I beg you to have patients...Eragon is young. He hs not suffered as you have...he does not understand why you insult his birthrite "sighed Merlin sounding like he was restraining himself.

"More than 300 lives of men I have walked this earth and I still have no time for mortals. Dragons bane....that's what they called me... "smiled Murtagh.

"I searched the feilds of Valinor for you after the western watchtower fell. Orcs, Trolls, elves and Dragons as far as the eye could see. I thaught you dead...the white dragons riders gone and my hope of gathering the last dragons to the side of good gone "sighed Merlin.

"I was...I died upon that feild...900 years ago. But I felt New life in me. The White tower of Celeborn ablaze in the dead of night. The stone of Halidar...was safe in my possession "sighed Murtagh running his hand over the sword hilt.

"The White dragon egg is Safe? Where? "asked Merlin gripping Murtagh's arm?

Murtagh reached into his robe and withdrew a bag of white stones. Fragments of the white egg.

"It has hatched? The White dragon...it lives still? "asked Merlin quietly so the others might not overhear?

"800 years ago...While I was not it's chosen rider it bore me all the same. I kept is safe and hidden. I knew what I must do. I left it with the elves of the mountain where I knew it would be safe "sighed Murtagh putting the bag away.

He drew His bow and slid an arrow into the notch. His eyes glinted with a fire for a brief moment. He rushed foreward to a rocky outcrop and leaped up to the top. He saw what looked like a host of Orc marching towards the mountain path.

"We MUST make haste...Orcs are marching upon the Entrance to the Dwimoll pass. I Will ride ahead. By the Grace of Valinor "he shouted as a giant black horse galloped up between the group and slowed only to let Murtagh on.

He Galloped Alone Towards the host. Bane was one of the fastest horses around. He Fired off arrows so quick that they were like a cloud of rain. Orcs fell before him as the flash of a swords ran amock. His spirits lifted as he saw a winged shadow fly overhead. Fire rained down upon them and He looked about to see Eragon and Merlin joining the fray soon the others had caught up and they made quick work of the orcs. He was Pleased to see that Eragorn did truly have a great deal of control over his dragon.

"Perhaps you will be the one to bring down to dark dragon "smiled Murtagh sheathing his sword.

© Copyright 2004 §onny-, White Tiger, Tela Kobie, BROCC-ZILLA, AngelinTwilight, Daizy, Jared, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
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