Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/863361-Puppet-Love
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Comedy · #863361
A story about sock monkeys in love.
Padilla and Francois are a pair of sock monkeys whose story is to unfold in this campfire creative. There are no restrictions to where it can go.
Padilla and Francois were the 'it' couple of Paris at the turn of the century. Padilla's flair for fashion and Francois's unerring eye for art were always the hit at any party. One day, Padilla came home in a gorgeous skirt of feathers and rhinestones. Francois was so taken aback that his little sock monkey mouth was hanging open! He loved that skirt! Wondering where Padilla got the money for the skirt, Francois walked around Padilla in circles, wondering if she had made it in her secret studio. In any case, HE LOVED IT! Francois told Padilla how beautiful she looked over and over, until finally,
Tokyo Tommy. Tokyo had his finger on the pulse of the textiles industry, especially the newest fabrics coming down the line. He was also involved in some sweet under-the-sewing machine deals, and could get Padilla and Francois all of their supplies for much less money than it would cost them to do it themselves. Thankfully, Tokyo had a partner in the Paris area who would be willing to receive shipments for the loving monkeys. So, Tokyo called
were busy combing through fashion magazines and attending swanky parties, preparing to launch themselves into the limelight of success and fame. Padilla was extremely happy because they had received a call from Columbus Valentino, the famous inventor of the sock monkey, inviting them to attend a champagne luncheon on the Rue d'Singes. Padilla was searching her closet for something to wear and came upon
"OH, good! You found it!" and explained to Padilla that it was his favorite accessory, but that it had been lost for a while. He was ecstatic, because now he could wear it to their luncheon with Columbus Valentino! Now the problem was finding a top. Padilla had just the thing,
realized that Steven may have been the last thing they expected, but he was the best they could hope for! This was their chance to get on his good side, so they plied him with fancy champagne and high-dollar food. When Valentino arrived, Steven, Francois, and Padilla were behaving like old friends, exchanging gossip about the fashion world and admiring each others' fashion sense. Valentino took one look at Francois and decided he MUST have a matching outfit made, in contrasting colors. To Francois and Padilla, it seemed that their fashion business was off to a great start (except that they didn't have any textiles or workers). Their next step was to
told Paddy and Franny that he would help, but only if they could guarantee that he wouldn't have to interact with that Steven character. Of course Paddy and Franny quickly agreed, knowing that keeping the two of them separated couldn't be that hard. Franny's next call was to the robotic puppets, whose names were,
square dance and tumble. But all of that aside, T Mitty knew he was invited for a reason, and that his work was cut out for him. He set about preparing the meeting area for the impending fight, he knew there would be a fight.

He began by purchasing two
give one shirt to Steven and one to Rascal. Surely this would help unify them! T Mitty set about getting things ready. He placed a Hawaiian Shirt and a Frito Burrito across from each other at a card table festively decorated with freesia and lilies. Then he took the barrel of monkeys and put it in a very serendipitous spot. He knew that when the time was right, he would be releasing the monkeys, and the atmosphere would be desperately
by jumping up and down 13 consecutive times and holding his nose, while rubbing a candy cane counter-clockwise around his belly button. Once he had everyone's attention, he turned the floor over to Francois, who began the meeting by expressing his vast appreciation to each and every person who was attending the meeting. Soon, Padilla began to speak, and the room grew extra silent.
Pierre Ginnaweewee, back from his trip to Chicago. Pierre was just as excited as everyone else, and was ready to start the first fabric order. So, after the meeting adjourned, Padilla, Francois, Pierre, Tokyo Tom, Steven, and Rascal sat down with a sample book and started the order. Their first choice was so simple. It was a festive pattern, a bright orange background festooned with lincoln log houses and hacky sacks. Their next pick was a little tamer, but not much. It was
"Do you want to get out of here?" Francois, surprised, nodded, and they headed out the door.

Once out on the street, Padilla explained that she was just too excited to sit in and drink, and she wanted to walk all over Paris, taking inspiration from the sights and smells. Then Francois passed gas, and they melted into giggles. Soon, they arrived at Columbus Valentino's flat and decided that they had to share their progress with him. He was, after all, their creator. They rang the bell, but the last thing they expected was who answered the door..... It was
making a custom dress for Helen. Everyone knew that she was styled exclusively by Donatela Chimpanzee. Paddy and Franny were agape at the vista that met their eyes. Columbus stood, stuttering, and tried to explain.

Apparently, Donatela had been going downhill for years. Columbus was saving her reputation and her business by doing the stars that were "Exclusively Chimpy" for her. He swore Paddy and Franny to secrecy, and ushered them into his library, where they began to talk about the new fashion label that they were coming together to create. Maybe Donatela would let them
the dryer at La Lessive de l'Etoile, or the Laundromat of the Stars. Everyone knew that only the finest of clothing was washed and dried there. The lint had to be fabulous! With this plan in mind, Paddy and Franny snuggled close for the night and went to sleep. They knew that tomorrow their plans would take shape. The next stop, La Lessive de l'Etoile!!
Paddy turned to Franny and threw her arms around him. She was overcome with emotion, and couldn't wait to start work. On the way to the studio, Franny phoned Donatela's "people" and asked for an appointment. Due to some crafty palm-greasing by Columbus, their appointment was made for the very next day, and they were off!

Soon after arriving at the studio, Padilla disappeared into the back, presumably to work on her latest inspiration. This creation was loosely based on the work of Donna Douglas as Ellie Mae Clampett, and she knew it would be her finest yet! Francois was so impatient to see the newest creation that he
the day you broke into Sight and Sound and shaved Linda's head. It was the end of a very successful commercial career for Ms. Soundtrack, and YOU KNOW IT!"

Paddy and Franny balked at the idea of the world knowing their secret, but they were horrified at the thought of working with Gold Monchichi. They were in a tight situation, and didn't know WHAT to do. Finally, Paddy was able to sidle up next to Gold Monchichi and calm him down. What Gold didn't know was that Paddy had been working, and she had a seam ripper in the palm of her hand. She pretended to hug Gold, in a gesture of comfort, and RIPPED OUT HIS SEAMS! Franny quickly figured out where Paddy was going and told Gold that they would only put him back together if he burned all proof of their association with Linda Soundtrack.

Gold Monchichi's answer to that was
When they arrived at the studio, they were surprised to see all of their crew already there, and already at work. How wonderful that they had such great workers helping them out!

The time for Donatela's visit was quickly approaching, so Padilla began cleaning and setting up the studio for her arrival. Suddenly, a shriek was heard from behind the curtain that separated the work area from the show area! Franny rushed out with tears running down his face. Apparently, the creations were so beautiful that he couldn't look at them without getting emotional.

At promptly 10:17, Donatela arrived with her entourage, and Columbus Valentino was with her, too. Franny and Paddy breathed a silent sigh of relief, for they knew that
pack of orangutans on spring break! By the time the show was over, there wasn't a person in the audience who wasn't hoping to buy a Padilla & Francois original for their own sock monkey. And Paddy's Donna Douglas dress was a sure fire hit for next year's Oscar awards - Gwyneth had already called and asked for a human version!

Soon, the accolades began to taper off, and the studio began to empty and quiet down. Paddy and Franny turned to Donatela, who had tears in her eyes, and began to explain their plan to her in earnest. While talking, Paddy began administering to Dona's ruined youth, bringing out the Clorox and whitening her cheeks, using the Oprah Lint (which Donatela LOVED!) to fill out her wrinkles, and dying her brown spots so that they were once again the true sock monkey brown. Of course, the red of Dona's lips and butt had never faded, because sock monkeys just don't fade in those places!

Dona appreciated their help so much that she
Thanks to Meowderpuff and Stewpot for making this campfire a success! We hope everyone enjoys reading the story of Padilla and Francois.....

The End!

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