Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/851145-Through-the-Eyes-of-Another
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Teen · #851145
Experience the world through the eyes of someone different from yourself.
See our world through the eyes of another.

An elven girl, exiled to our world for 3 years, Shayla is to learn our ways. However, she is kind and gentle and believes everyone to be the same. Naive and innocent, she has much to learn of the ways of the world of Man and the world in general. She was sent on this experience to learn to be tougher, but she spends most of her time helping people in whatever way she can. The people in her life are touched in extradinary ways as they teach her the hard facts of life.

An elven boy, Kenofer is a bit of a hot-head. He likes gangs and all the troubles that come with them. He smokes and drinks and has a cocky attitude. But under his rough exterior, is a young man looking for a soulmate. Someone who understands him and justs lets him be himself. (it doesn't necessarily have to be a girl) Of course, that's probably wrong. Kenofer doesn't need anybody.

He's a human. Charming and boyish, Brennan is shy. He's a looker but smart too, and because of that people aren't sure how to treat him. A person full of hidden passion and vision, Brennan yearns to tell the world what he knows. But insecure and unsure, he spends most of his time hiding. While walking home, he sees two men taking advantage of Shayla. Struck by her innocent air, he immediately feels protective of her. He talks with her and the two form a strong friendship. In the case of Brennan, though, it may be more than friendship.

She's human. Coarse and biting, Angel's had a rough life. She's a fire-cracker, a little unstable. Street-wise and a smart alec, she's a member of the gang Kenofer's in. A tough cookie to crack, she's loyal when you get through the outer shell. Protective to a fault, there may just be more to her than meets the eye.

All characters are in their teens, but you don't have to use one of these. Feel free to make your own up. (I would like a character who is bad. You know the snooty girl, the overpowering boy, but it would be nice if they weren't a sterotype. If anyone feels like creating one, go ahead. If not I'll make one.)

No cussing except for darn, dang it, drat, crud, blast... You get the idea. No real cuss words or taking God's name in vain.

People can kiss and hug, but that's it.

Please include the following about your characters, whether you make them up or use the ones I've made.

Physical description:
Brief history:
Any Secret/Special Powers:
Hope this doesn't bother anyone but I've decided it would be fun to write this in first person.
Physical description:She has curly black hair, and amber eyes. She's a slim 5'10". She'd be pretty if she took care of her appearance.
Brief history:Angel's parents were drug addicts. When she was five, her mother killed her father after he tried to beat her. Angel's lived on the streets ever since. She isn't a drug addict, but has spent her life battling the pressure of following in her parents' footsteps.
Personality:Strong. She doesn't take anything from anyone. She is very protective of her friends, but likes to get on people's nerves. She doesn't have many friends.
Any Secret/Special Powers: The ability to force people to realize that they're lying to themselves. (what kind of powers did you think I meant?:)

Stupid teacher. Had to give us this stupid assignment. "Write about what's going on in your life." What does she care what's goin' on in my life? She don't. Nobody does.

If there's one thing I've learned in my life, it's nobody gives a darn about you. And you have to rely on yourself. I guess, I'll do the stupid assignment. No harm in it. And just maybe I'll get a decent grade for once.

She said to write about what happens in our 'day to day' lives. Well here's what happened today. I got this stupid assignment and I hung out with the gang.

Don't think I'll be tellin' you anythin' about the gang. That's just what the teacher's hopin'. I'll spill and she'll get everyone arrested. But the gang's my family and you don't rat on family.

I guess I could tell you we got a new member today. His name's Kenofer. Strange name if you ask me. But I shouldn't be talkin' I suppose. Angel ain't much of a name, either.

I've seen this Kenofer around. Come to think of it, he's in my english class. He's gotta do this assignment too. As I was sayin', I've seen him around. He's got a strange look to him. Kinda out of this world, if you know what I mean. Been in a couple of fights, that's what got him into the gang. Can't join the Reds without havin' some street credit.

He kinda reminds me of another strange one I've seen around. Her name's Shayla and she's got the same outa this world look to her. She's a wimp though. Always helpin' people out, lettin' um walk all over her. To bad. She be an asset if she could fight. She's real smart.

Just like that Brennan fellow. He's in my english class too. He's a looker that one. Sweet on that Shayla though. He's always makin' goo-goo eyes at her, though I doubt she notices.

Why am I tellin' you about them? Don't really know. But when you get right down to it, my life ain't that interestin'. Just go to school, hang out with the gang and sleep. Since I ain't tellin' you about the gang and don't pay to tell you about sleepin', might as well tell you about them. Well's that all I got for now.
Hey Heather is it alright if I be Kenofer and the guy I'm making? please let me know Sonny<><

Name: Wesley or Demon
Age: 17
Race: Human
Physical Description:
Brief History: Was orphaned at an early age. Placed in a foster home but his foster parents abused him greatly. And still do.
Personality: Rough street smart, fights alot and knows how to fight pretty darn well. Very smart. Sometimes can be sarcastic. Very loyal to what few friends he has and that would be his friends in the gang.
SpecialPowers: Can control and manipulate fire, ice, water, and energy. When he controls the energy, he becomes a fast runner, very strong and able to fly. But he doesnt use them a whole lot.

"Darn that teacher giving me this stupid assighnment." Wesley thought as he walked towards where the gang was meeting. "Hey its Demon!" Angel shouted to the rest of them. "Hey everybody." He said. Then the rival gang appeared at the alley entrance. They were kinda scared of us because we had whupped em up a little bit sometimes but it looked like they had a lot more recrutes.

"Well well. What do we have here? Looks like some kiddies!" They all burst out laughing at the not funny joke. Demon or Wesley made a step towards them, and they took a step back, because he had proved his nickname for all the fights he had been in. "Wait Wes." Angel called.

THen all the Reds scttered as the other gang pulled out tommy guns and start rattling shots out. "Run guys run!!" Demon yelled.

Hey Heather hope you liked the addy. I'll put it in first person next addition. CAn you bring the maximum addition up to 10,000?
Sonny, you sure can and I brought up the maximum. Sorry. First timer. :)

Phuu! That's all I got to say to you. Phuu!

I guess you're wonderin' what I'm talkin' about. Well today after school, the gang was meetin' like we usually do. Wes had just walked up when the Scorpions, our rivals, turned up. They appeared to have gained a few new members and I glanced uneasily at the members of our gang gathered. They outnumbered us by a lot.

Wes started up toward them and I found myself following him. Wes is the type of person people follow, at least in a fight. Then I caught a flash of metal out of the corner of my eye. Sensing trouble, I called, "Wait, Wes."

Too late. The Scorpions pulled tommy guns on us. The gang scattered as Wes yelled, "Run guys run!!"

There was an fire-escape ladder near me and I ran towards it screaming, "This way! This way!" About three guys heard me and headed my way. They had just scrambled up when I heard a moan and looked back. Kenofer had been hit! I jumped down and ran to him.

"Come on, kid!" I grunted, putting his arm around my shoulders. "You have to help me."

Kenofer struggled for a moment and then lay heavily on me. I glanced at his face and couldn't believe it. He'd fainted on me! I shook my head and kept runnin'. We reached the ladder and I started to shove him up. I wasn't strong enough and he fell back on me. Just as I started to topple, I felt someone grab him and lift him off.

Looking up into the face of Demon, I said shortly, "Thanks."

Demon just nodded and carried Kenofer up the ladder. As I followed, I looked back. Several Reds lay dead in the alley and I saw that at least three Scorpions had been killed. I knew Demon had done this and marveled at the change in him.

One minute he was Wes, hard case but stable, the next instance he was Demon, insane and capable of great violence. Now don't get me wrong. Demon's saved my butt a couple of times. I ain't got nothin' against him. I just can't see how a person can be two differently people so completely and remain sane.

When we reached an apartment we thought was empty, we entered it and tried to find the door. Unfortunately, it wasn't as empty as we thought it was.

"Who are you?" We both whirled at the sound of the soft question and I stepped in front of Wes and Kenofer. He couldn't very well fight when he was supportin' Kenofer. I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized it was just Shayla. Somehow we had chosen her house to invade.

I glanced at Wes and then stepped toward Shayla. "Hey." I said. "I'm Angel. You hang out with Brennan right?"

She nodded her head and I continued, "He's in my enlish class. Listen, we just need a place to hide out for a bit. You mind?"

Shayla looked at me and it almost seemed like she was going to say somethin'. But she just shrugged and said, "Sure."

As I helped Wes move Kenofer to a chair, Shayla got us stuff to drink. As she handed me a glass over Kenofer's head, she gasped and said, "He's wounded!"

Wes and I exchanged a glance over her head and just shook ours. How could someone be so clueless? Statin' the obvious I replied, "Yeah, he is."

"Well we have to help him." With that she bustled and had him cleaned and bandaged in no time. About then Kenofer came to and we reasoned it was time to go. We thanked her and left.

As we parted, Wes invited Kenofer to his house for the night. Kenofer agreed and they left. I didn't have no trouble comin' home and I came straight up here and wrote this. Guess my life ain't as borin' as I thought it was.

I started to help Kenofer walk to my house. Its funny, I thought, that I invited him over to my house when he would probably be safer in the streets!

When we got to my ''parents'' house I got the door open and started walkin' up the stairs. "Boy what are you doin'?" Said an man sitting in the chair in front of the TV with a bottle of booze in his hand.

"None o' your beeswax." I smarted back. "Boy you better watch your tongue or I'll wail the tar out o' you upstairs!" He shouted. "If you can get up the stairs." I said. This infuriated the idiot.

He stormed off to his room and slammed the door shut. "Come on." I said to Kenofer. When we got to the top of the stairs I started packing my backpack.

"What are you doin'?" Kenofer asked me. "Gettin' ready to leave this dump." I said fiercely. "Why?" I hate questions like that. "Cause I need to get the heck out of here." I growled.

I had a bunch of my clothes and my pistol its ammo, my knives, some food, and a bunch of other stuff when I heard the ogre walkin' up the stairs.

Then I heard a sound that chilled me to the bone. Click Click. The sound of a shot-gun cocking. I grabbed the bag and Kenofer and ran to the window.

Too late!!!! Boom!! Kenofer smashed through the window and fell on to the ground, but he wasn't hurt real bad. The shhot-gun blew a hole in my shoulder and it was bleeding real bad.

I fell through the window and landed on my hurt shoulder, next to Kenofer who got up in a flash tryin' to help me up. "Dang it!!" I cussed at myself.

I was hurtin' real and we got and started runnin' to see if we could find some of our gang.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Kalvin (or Kal)
Race: Human
Age: 18
Physical description: Dark reddish hair, with a few long strands that come across his face. He has light hazel eyes with flecks of green. He has a hardened body from always being out in the street with the people he hangs out with. Stands 5'11", weighs 149 lbs.

Brief history: Kalvin does not mention much about himself, but there's not much to know. He does not ever seem to have parents around and doesn't talk about them too much unless he is saying what they do or why the move from place to place.

Personality: He is pretty nice, but has a cynical attitude at times when people are overly optomistic. He cares about those that are true to him.

Any Secret/Special Powers: He has few powers, mostly healing and defensive powers involving light. His strength comes from his faith.
One shootin' after the other. That's all it's been since I told you I ain't got no life. Sheesh! I otta learn to keep my mouth shut!

I'd just finished writin' when I heard a gun shot. Flashin' back to when Kenofer got hurt, I immediately reached for a knife I keep hidden in my room. Runnin' quickly, I reached the street. I headed in the direction I thought the gun shoot had come from and almost ran over Wes and Kenofer.

I took one look at Wes's shoulder and knew we had to get him to a doctor. Kenofer was tryin' to support him, but not doing to good a job of it. Shoving him aside, I put Wes's unharmed arm around my shoulder and speed to the nearest hospital. Before we got there, we ran into somebody.

"Watch where yer goin' freshee." I growled, trying to keep my balance.

"Uh, Angel." Kenofer's voice was heistant and I looked at him in spite of myself. He wasn't the timid type. He motioned with his head and I looked at the guy I'd run into. Jerk or not, he was definitely no freshee.

"Oh, blast it!" I muttered, knowing there was gonna be trouble and not sure how much longer Wes could last.

"I can't believe I let that old geeser blow my shoulder to pieces!" I said right before I saw the guy that Angel had run into.
"I have no time for this!" I shouted, and to the amazement of the others jumped at the guy.

"Kid you have alotta guts, to be comin after me." The man growled. Then I saw the dudes face. It was the second in command of the Scorpions. He pulled out a switch blade and swung in my direction.
My shoulder was hurtin awful bad and tryin to avoid the knife was pretty hard to do. Then he stabbed at me, and I grabbed his hand and twisted the knife out of his hand, then I kept twisting his arm and then with a sharp twist broke his arm.
He fell down and Kenofer and Angel came to help me again.
"How in the heck did you do that!!! You cant be human to do that!" Kenofer shouted. "Kid you have alot to learn and the only reason I don't give you a knuckle sandwhich is because you were supposed to be my friend." Angel stayed silent, which was very weird cuz' she usually had some sort of comment to make.

Walking down an alley when one of our gang members ran out of the darkness. "Wes, Angel, we need your help the cops are all over the place looking for you guys! We need to get out of here now!" He beckoned us to follow him and we went off into an old abandoned building. We went down to the basement and were suprised to find all of the gang in there.

"Guys we need to make a plan to fight back at the Scorpions."
As Demon said, "Guys we need to make a plan to fight back at the Scorpions.", I checked out the gang. They looked terrible. Half of 'em had a wound of some sort and the other half looked frightened out of their skins. None of 'em was gonna be any good in a fight, unless someone on our side intimadated them.

I glanced at Demon. In the short time I had taken to check everyone out, he had calmed down and become Wes again. I shook my head as I remembered how he had jumped that guy, wounded and all. Crazy! Just plain crazy.

Well if Wes was back, it was up to me.

"What a bunch o' freshees! All sittin' in here quiverin' like babies. I'm ashamed to call ya Reds!" I glared at them, as I stalked into their midst. Grabbing the shirt of one of the quivering scareds, I spit into his face, "Yer pathetic." I threw him down and then turned to the rest of them. "No wonder the Scorps attacked us then set the cops of us. They ain't got no respect for us anymore."

I felt more than saw Wes come and stand behind my left shoulder. In our gang this was a sign of agreement. I challenged the gang with my stare, hoping to provoke some sort of reaction. A couple of the guys stirred, but none of them stood up. Snorting in disgust, I turned from them. "You make me sick."

"Lookie here. It's the famous Reds. All holed up and likin' their wounds."

I whirled at the new voice and saw Wes whip out his switchblade. The newcomer just laughed and said, "Put that away. You can't fight me. You're to weak."

"Wanna bet?" Wes growled. I watched him prepare himself, knowing full well in the back of my mind he wasn't strong enough to fight the newbie. I prepared myself to intercede. I wasn't about to let Wes get hurt again. Then the newbie stepped into the light and my body relaxed. I knew this guy.

"Hey Kal." I said. "Nice to see ya again."

"Angel? That you?" Kalvin stepped forward, his hazel eyes searching my face. "Angel!" He cried, reaching my side and giving me a hug. He pulled back, looking into my face, and then kissed me on the cheek. "I've missed you."
A Non-Existent User
*Hi everybody, I'm sorry about holding this campfire up. My schedule is now a little less hectic, so here goes my first addition. ^_^*

Name: Ashlyn Cacaros
Physical description: 5'4, with long dark hair and brown eyes. Freckles sprinkle across her cheeks and pert nose. She is mostly white, but with a slight Puerto Rican cast to her skin and features.

Brief history: Ashlyn was adopted at age 4, and lives in a loving but hectic home. She feels removed from those around her, but she uses that to her advantage. She watches people instead, and has become adept at defusing potentially violent situations and explaining situations to those with problems.

Personality: Ashlyn is thoughtful because she knows that her knowledge of why people do things could be turned to hurt them. She doesn't anger easily, and is not prone to violence (except the occasional shake to knock sense into someone's head).

Any Secret/Special Powers: Ashlyn wonders if her ability to know peoples' secrets is some otherwordly power, but her pragmatic side has decided that it can't be true. Still, she unconsiously searches for the magical aspects of life, hoping that one day her daydreams of magic will prove to be true...


"Ashlyn! Catch Devon and sit him down for breakfast!" At Mother's call Ashlyn sighed and put down the TV remote, moving quickly and catching her younger brother Devon around the waist as he came hurtling around the corner. He screamed in delight, kicking his feet and trying to squirm out of her arms. He wasn't her real brother, of course. Devon was adopted too. The five children in the Cacaros family were adopted since her adoptive mother had never had a child after her first miscarried.

Ashlyn grinned and carried the blond-headed boy to the breakfast table. At three, he was fiesty and delighted in causing mischeif. She set him down at the table, placing a bowl of cereal in front of him before he could escape.

"Now eat," she commanded, "Or else there won't be a story tonight." The spoon was in the bowl faster than Ashlyn could see. She had to suppress a smile. She touseld his hair and moved to help her mother in the kitchen.

Devon didn't like eggs, so Mother only made eggs enough for herself and Ashlyn. The other children were at friends' houses for the night. After everything was clean Ashlyn kissed her mother and headed out the door with a gleeful laugh. This Saturday was movie day!
"Hey Ashlyn!" Shayla cried. "Ready to go check out the movies?"

"Of course! I been excited all week just thinking about it." Ashlyn smiled brillantly at Shayla. "Where's Brennan?"

"Boo!" Brennan shouted from right behind her, causing her to jump.

Shayla just shook her head, as Ashlyn berated Brennan for scaring her. She loved these days, the one time in the month where they didn't have to rush off anywhere at a certain time. They could just hang out all day and do whatever they wanted. She watched Ashlyn and Brennan goof around, Brennan mock punching Ashlyn and Ashlyn blocking. "Goofballs." She murmured. Shaking herself from her introspection, she broke them apart, saying, "Hey. What about me?"

Brennan obligingly punched at her and Shayla rolled her eyes. "You're so stupid some days." Her gentle smile took the sting out of her words. "Let's go check the movies."

"As you wish." Brennan said. Moving between Shayla and Ashlyn, he offered them each an arm. "Come, my ladies. Let us be off." With their noses stuck in the air, and huge formal steps, they were off.
A Non-Existent User
**(Merry Christmas Eve to you all!)**

The day at the movies was great, Ashlyn thought; the movie was funny, and the popcorn perfectly salted. After the credits rolled by, they sat down in the lobby, joking and laughing. Ashlyn sighed happily, reflecting on the day and her friends. She loved hanging out with Brennan, and the new addition of Shayla to their twosome only made the day better. "So, I haven't seen you around too often, Shayla. When did you move in?"

From previous observation, Ashlyn knew that Shayla was shy, and reluctant to talk about her past, but in her opinion talking was the best way to solve problems.

"I've lived in this town almost my entire life, Shayla, and I haven't seen you before." She smiled encouragingly, hoping that she didn't seem too threatening.
As Ashlyn looked at her, Shayla felt pressured. The King had said she wasn't to tell anyone about her past, not even friends she might meet. But Shayla was an honest elf and lieing didn't come easy to her.

"Oh, you know." She said evasively. "I'm an exchange student."

"Yeah, but even exchange students have pasts. Tell us where you lived before you moved to little ole Naveeeeah!" Ashlyn jokingly threw a southern accent into her voice.

Shayla fidgeted a bit. "No where special." She shrugged. "Here and there."

As Ashlyn opened her mouth to speak, Brennan jumped in, gently breaking her off. "Shayla, you do not have to tell us if you do not want to. But you seem sad. We would like to help if we can."

Shayla looked into Brennan's understanding eyes and sighed. "That's really sweet of you Brennan, but I don't think you can help."

"Try me." He urged.

Shayla studied him for a while and then turned to Ashlyn. Ashlyn's eyes weren't as revealing as Brennan's but they were filled with a sincere desire to help. Shayla debated with herself for a bit and then decided it wouldn't harm anything if she told them a thing or two.

"You see," Shayla started. "my dad is rather strict. I've always behaved, but I am a little to trusting for his taste. He and mother decided it would be best if I moved to Naveah for a couple of years. They're hoping it will enlightened me."

"Your parents cast you out?" Ashlyn repeated quietly. Her eyes were shadowed with pain and understanding as they met Shayla's. "No wonder you don't want to talk about it."

Gazing into those eyes, Shayla went one step to far. "They didn't just cast me out, they exiled me from my homeland. I don't even belong in this realm. I'm an elf!"


We worked hard through the night, fixin' whatever Wes had decided needed fixin'. The kid's a real genius when it comes to cars. Seriously, you should watch him jack a car. It's a thing a beauty. Anyways, about half-way through our improvements, Kal came up to me.

"Been a long time, Angel."

"Yeah to long. Whatcha been up to?" I asked.

"Oh, you know. Same stuff..." He started.

"Different day!" We finished in unison.

Kal laughed and then sobered. "Listen the reason I came over is I'm kinda worried about your friend."

"You mean Wes?" I looked in his direction and then glanced back at Kal, my eyebrow raised. "I saw you guys didn't quite hit it off. What's the deal?"

"I'm on his turf." Kal answered.

"His turf? We're not on Red turf. What are you smokin'?"

Kal just shook his head at me. "Never mind. He's looking kind of pale. You better go check him out."

I looked at him, confused and then shook my head. Sometimes males were so hard to understand. Walking over to Wes, I noted what Kal said was true. Wes was considerably paler than when I had looked at him last. Concerned, I went up and addressed him. "Wesley." He didn't answer so I said again, "Hey Wesley! Are you sleepin'?"

He muttered somethin' about being sorry and then looked up. "What?"

I studied his face and said, "We gotta get you to a doctor."

"No." He denied, sitting up. "I'm fine. No doctors."


"No, Angel and I mean NO!" He glared at me, but I just watched him. He didn't have enough fire to turn into Demon so I wasn't that worried.

I knelt at his side. Making sure no one was watching, I leaned in and whispered, "Wesley, you're almost fallin' asleep on yer feet. Yer pale and yer wound don't look so good. Let me get ya some help."

Wesley looked down at me and his face softened. For a second I thought I had him and then, "I meant what I said. No doctor."

"Fine." I said. "Then you leave me no choice." I straightened up and called Kalvin over.

"You touch and I'll have to hurt you both." I said.

"We're takin' you to the Doctor, Wesley."

Wesley. Let them take you to the doctor. I will protect you from discovery.
It was the Elf King speaking to me. They must still be watching me. I thought.

"Alright, alright. I'll go." I said as Kal and Angel to another step towards me. They both helped me stand.

"How are you going to get me there though?"
I asked. "We'll figure something out." Kal said.

Ashlyn's eyes carefully blanked. Shayla knew just by the speed with which they had been blanked that Ashlyn didn't believe her. She felt her heart sinking. Quickly turning to Brennan, she searched his face. Concern was all she could find.

Great! She thought to herself. One of them doesn't believe me and the other thinks I'm crazy. I should have kept my mouth shut. Aloud she said, "Come on, I was just kidding! Smile a little, will you?" She smiled, trying to convince them she actually had been kidding.

Brennan grinned immediately, his eyes shadowed with relief. "Shayla! You're such a kidder!" He gently punched Shayla's arm and turned to Ashlyn expectantly.

Ashlyn just watched Shayla, not quite convinced. She nodded suddenly and replied quietly, "You had me for a moment."

Shayla, meeting her eyes, knew that Ashlyn would not be so easily put off. Nodding her head, Shayla signaled that they would continue this conversation later. She turned to Brennan and started to ask him to walk her home when she heard, Daughter, one of our own needs your help. Follow your instincts. Go now.

From past experience, Shayla knew it was useless to argue when her father used that tone of voice. She said hastily, "I have to go." and turned to leave. Brennan was instantly at her side.

"I'll walk you home."

She smiled at him, hoping to take the sting from her words. "Not tonight, I'm afraid. Maybe another time."

"What's wrong?" Ashlyn asked quietly, coming up behind Brennan.

"A friend of mine needs help that's all."

"We'll come along then." Ashlyn answered and her tone was final. "You may need our help."

"Fine." Shayla started off and they followed.


When Wes agreed to go to the doctor, I said a pray of thanks. Now I don't pray much, but he was hurt that bad. Anyways, Kal and I got him up on his feet and decided to use the car we had been fixin up on to get him to the hospital.

We shoved him in and Kenofer shoved some guns in at us at the last minute. "Ya never know." He said and waved us off.

We drove quietly for a few minutes and then Kal said softly, "You know, if you don't want to take him to the doctor..."

"I know." I interrupted quickly, cutting him off. "But I'd rather not. The less people who know about that the better."

"Right. Whatever." Kalvin's voice was cold.

I winced, knowing I had angered him. But it was the truth. The less people who knew he had healin' powers the better.

"Sometimes, I think you're ashamed of me." Kal's voice broke the silence that had become unbearable.

"Look Kal," I began. "It ain't that I'm ashamed o' ya. I just, well, don't know what to do with ya. I mean really. How many people do ya know that can bring a person back from death? Well?"

"Just me."

"Exactly! And well, it's hard. Havin' a friend like that."

"He thinks we're more than friends."

"Who?" I asked turnin to him. But the next thing I knew, he was slammin' the brakes and whippin the wheel to the left. We fish-tailed and rolled the car. As we shuddered to a stop, my first thought was o' Wes. I immediately wrenched myself free of my belt and crawled to the back seat. When I looked, Wes wasn't there!

"Wes!" I cried. "Oh Heaven no! Wes!" I cried again, scramblin' out of the wreckage.

"He's all right. Relax." Kal came up to me and I whipped around to face him. I checked him out and breathed a sigh of relief. Barely a scratch.

"Where? Where is he?" Kalvin motioned with his head and I looked, my heart in my throat. I realized suddenly I actually liked this guy. What a time, right? Well, what I saw relieved me at first.

Wes was off sittin' by himself. He didn't look to bad off except for his shoulder was bleedin again. Then I noticed that that Shayla was kneelin' next to him. And she'd brought friends!
I have never been so scared in my entire life, I mean to tell ya. Gettin' flipped out of that car wasn't the best high either. Atleast I wasn't screwed up, and Angel wasn't hurt.
Then Shayla showed her face. Wow. Never expected her to show.
"What are you doin' here? You could get blown to pieces." I said to her. She looked real hard into my eyes.
I swore. She was an Elf! Just like me. You just couldn't mistake the strange glint in her eyes, the energy around her.
Angel ran yelling like heck. "Are you ok, Wes?" I shook my head. "Do I look alright to ya?"
That seemed to hurt her. "I'm sorry, Angel." Angel shook her head.
Then I noticed that Shayla had put her hand on my shoulder, and it was glowing with a strange greenish light. Nobody had been looking, thank God. When she pulled her hand away, the shoulder was healed; good as new!
I got up. The car was not able to run anymore. Angel stared at my shoulder. "What the-" "Don't ask, Angel. Remember, the less people know about me, the safer it is for everyone around me." Angel nodded. Then I realized, as she looked up at me, that I loved 'er so much. That I had never loved anyone in my life so much.
I'm gettin' soft.
"Let's get outta of here, fast." I said, and we broke for the alleys.
A Non-Existent User
Ashlyn's mind was steeped in chaotic thought. Shaylyn really thought she wa an elf! She had seen it in the girl's eyes; the hope of being believed, and her sincerity. And for some reason, before disbelief set in, Ashlyn had believed her!

She tried to ignore the part of her that insisted Shaylyn was special and instead focues on studying the girl as they rushed to the aid of Shaylyn's friend. (How did she know someone needed help?) Shaylyn was kind and wanted to help people, but if she was mad . . . might she hurt them instead?

She shook off the thought as soon as it occured. Shaylyn was anything but mad, and if her believe that she was an elf helped her function in everyday life, then it might not be such a bad thing after all. Besides . . . hadn't she once believed in magic?
After I saw Wes's shoulder, I paused for a fraction of a sec. I couldn't believe what I was seein'. I looked into Wes's eyes and as he said, "Don't ask, Angel. Remember, the less people know about me, the safer it is for everyone around me.", I saw a flicker of somethin in his eyes. My, this is embarrasin', my heart leapt at that flicker like I'd been charged with electricity. Before I could think on it too much though, Wes said, "Let's get outta here, fast."

We scattered instantly, headin' to the alleys. I noticed that Brennan kept close to Shayla and Ashlyn. I snorted thinkin' that he wouldn't be much use if it came to a fight. So I motioned to Kalvin to watch 'em. He nodded and flanked 'em.

Wes and I ran on in silence, actin' as scouts checkin' everythin' before leadin' the others in. When we finally got back to where the gang was hidin', we were all huffin' an puffin'. Briefly, I wondered what we'd all been so scared of, but I shook it off. Didn't matter long as we were all alright.

Wes led the way to everyone else, and as we entered, I checked out the gang again. I noted with pride that they were startin' to get their fire back. Finally! We'd be able to repay the Scorps.

Wes, Kal and I headed over to the gang. As we started makin plans, Shayla, Brennan and Ashlyn, huddled together conversin'. I didn't pay much attention till Ashlyn headed toward us. I looked up at that and asked her what she was doin'. The gang paused, waitin' for her reply.

"What are you doing?" She returned quietly.

I went still, and my eyes were wary as I replied, "Plannin' to attack the Scorps."


"Cause they attacked us first that's why!" Demon burst out. "They ain't got no respect for us anymore. They killed three of our brothers and we're gonna make 'em pay!"

"So you're doing this for revenge." It wasn't a question. Ashlyn watched us quietly, the look in her eyes piting and disgusted. "I should have guessed." She turned her back and walked slowly away.

Enraged, Demon yelled at her, "Don't ya walk away from me." He started toward her and I rushed after him. Grabbin' his arm, I forced him to look at me.

"We need to talk." I murmured, pullin' him toward the door. "And ya need to cool off. Come on."

I really wish I didn't get mad, so danged quick. I really do. But that's just wishin'. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to control my temper. I let Angel take me into another room. I'm not sure if I really would have hurt Ashlyn or not... I kinda hope I wouldn't 'ave done it. But, what happens, happens.
"We need to talk," Angel said again, sitting down on the floor. I sat down with her. " 'bout?" "You." I raised my eyebrow. "What are you, Wes? I keep gettin' a feelin' when I'm around ya that you're not from here....an' I..." She trailed. "Your scared...so am I." She looked at me funny like.
"Huh?" I shifted uncomfortably under her look, man, if felt like she was lookin' right through me. "I'm... I'm not what you think I am, Angel." "Well, let's hear it, Wes. I wanna know who you are, I want to know you."
I can't believe I did this, really... but I kissed her. What surprised me more though, is that she kissed me back!
We pulled apart, and I leaned up against the wall, gosh, I must have been blushin' so bad. thinkin'. "Well, it's a long story... a really long story." She smiled, and her eyes seemed to light up. I'd never seen 'er like this before. She seemed, well, happy.
"I'm not human, Angel, I'm an Elf, sent here by an exile for all the wrongs I did in the Elven world..."
"...and that's how I got here." I finished the long story. Darn. It was a long story. I was around 88 in Elvish years, and had been considered what people call teenagers here. Angel just sat there, she seemed awful surprised. Heck! I'd be stunned too, if one of my best friends, whom I happen t' be in love with just so happens to be an Elf! We're not even supposed to be real... I mean, come on!
"I understand if you hate me for this, for bein' a freak." I said, lookin' down at my boots.
She laughed, though it seemed kinda force. "I love you, Wes, even if you aren't from here."
Dang. She is so awesome.

*Sorry it took me so long! My internet was down for a while.*
Sonny <><
A Non-Existent User
Ashlyn walked away from her "friends" in disgust. How could she have made friends with people who belonged in gangs and attacked out of revenge? Didn't they know that the attacks for revenge and self-defense were a never-ending cycle? Hadn't they listened in history class to the lessons about people who destroyed one another out of senseless revenge for an action that neither party could remember? Who was truly responsible in a case like that?

"I don't know," she muttered to herself, "but they're in a bigger mess than they realize. I don't want anything to do with gangs and shootings. People die!" She paused at the street corner. Perhaps she should go back and explain this to Angel and Demon. It was probably true that no one knew who really threw the first "punch", whether it was a blow to pride or an actual physical action. "I don't want to abandon my friends, but I don't want to be around people who act on their anger and pride. We have minds!"

Then, before she could change her mind, Ashlyn turned back the way she came and ran back to Angel and Demon, where the two stood rather akwardly together, and yelled everything at them that she had just thought.

(I had a hacker accessing my computer, so I haven't been online in a while (in an attempt to block his/her access). My schedule is gettin crammed full again, so if I take a while in replying, that would be why.)

© Copyright 2004 Tela Kobie, §onny-, xx-xx, xx-xx, (known as GROUP).
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