Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/816254-Dark-Angel
by Remy
Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Other · #816254
Campfire! For Dark Angel Fans
Max sauntered around the room, staring at her pager waiting for Alec to call her back. She usually didn't wait around like this. She natually would just finish the job herself, but this time she needed someone elses help. Her watch finally struck twelve and Alec hadn't shone yet. Finally about to give up, she climbed back on her bike and switched on the engine, angrily feeling the vibration under her. She still couldn't believe that he hadn't shone. He better have had a good reason.

The next morning hse went to work at Jampony. She couldn't wait to confront Alec and tell his dumb ass off. When she entered there he stood talking to Sketchy. She walked towards him and when he saw her he smiled.

" Hi Maxie", he said as he wrapped a encouraging arm around her. Max pushed him away, then grabbing him pulled him to lockers and pushed him into one.
"Where were idiot. I waited all night for your dumb ass to show up, and you never came?,"said Max. Alec looked dumbfounded and finally realizing what she was talking about smiled his very charming smile and said, " Sorry Max. I had other plans, we can do it tonight, can't we?"
Max stood looking very angry at him.
" No stupid, the ship left last night with the money on it, there isn't another chance, all that money went to waste because your dumbass brain overlapped itself and your forgot. Alec looked down at his feet, and finally not having anything to say, walked away. Max threw a book at him and went to grab a package that Normal was waving frantically in her direction.

" About time Missy!" said Normal

"Whatever Normal" said Max as she snatched the package and rolled out on her bike.
Max made it a daily ritual to not deliver any package. She went to Logan's place to try and see if he had any other job she could get any money from, since Alec screwed the first one for her. Not knocking she, she entered the house and found Logan on his computer.
" Hey", she said from behind him. Logan turned and looked up at her
"Hey Max".
A Non-Existent User

          “Got a job for you,” said Logan, as he stood up, holding a parcel.

          “Great. What is it?” said Max, taking a chair and sat backwards in it.

          “You like Chinese food?”

          “It’s not bad.”

          “Great,” he said, as he handed her the parcel. She took it and carefully examined it. She even took a sniff of it. “Damn,” she said, holding the parcel away from her. She looked up at Logan. “What the hell is this?”

          “Heh, that’s for you to know and find out. Go by Chef Chun’s tonight, behind the restaurant. Knock on the door and say ‘yuan’. Someone will open the door and let you in. Then the rest is up to you.”

          “Oh that sounds perfect, just perfect…only, what the hell am I’m looking for and why?!” Max exclaimed.

          “You’ll know, Max. Trust your instincts. Now if you excuse me, I have to get back to my work,” Logan said, and he walked back to his computer and resumed his work.

          Max looked down at the parcel and shook her head. What have I gotten myself into? she thought.

Arriving at Chef Chun's, she knocked on the door.
A fat, sweaty chinese man appeared at the door. Look Max up and down he finally said,
" What do you want?". Max looked at the man and couldn't help thinking, " What have I gotten myself into?"

" Yaun", said Max. After saying this words the fast chinese man jumped a little sauntered out of the way.
" Come in miss", he said very hurriedly. Max looked at the chink up an down. Finally deciding that it was okay to enter, walked in and what she saw disgusted her!

There were alot of chinks in the room, and they were all surrounded something or someone, Max couldn't tell. But what every it was, it was stirring alot of fuss. Max began to make her way towards the group, but before she could get within an inch of them, the chink that had let her in stopped her and very nervously said,
" This way Miss." Following him down a dark hall, she could gravely feel the eyes roaming the back of her head, resisting looking back she kept walking.
A Non-Existent User

          They finally reached the door. The Chinese man opened it for her and Max stepped inside. It was a type of office, with plush chairs, tall bookcases, and a large desk with a leather chair that someone sat in. Their back was turned to Max. The Chinese man closed the door.


          Max cleared her throat to get the person’s attention. No reply.

          “Um, I have this package for you. I mean, at least I think it’s for you,” Max said, noticing her voice echoed in the room.

          Still no reply.

          “Um, hello? Package here? You don’t want it or something? I can always give it to your little fat minions, you know.”

          Finally, the person spoke. “Leave it on my desk. Then you may go.”

          Max did what she was told. “There. You don’t need anything else?”

          No reply.

          “Okay, I’ll let myself out. Thanks for your cooperation.”

          She left the room and walked back down in the hallway. I wonder what’s in that package? she thought to herself, as she left the restaurant. She walked over to her parked bike, when she suddenly saw bright lights. A car. It was parking nearby.

          Max watched from a distance, four men, clad in black leather, getting out of the car. They knocked on the door. Someone peaked through the little hole in the door, but wouldn’t let the men in. The men caught the hint, and busted their way through. By the light of the moonlight, Max could see they carried automatic pistols.

          She watched as they entered the building, and she could hear shouting and chaos forming. “Looks like Chef Chun’s needs an angel tonight,” she said, as she adjusted her jacket, strolling toward the broken-in door.

Gunfire continued to blast as Max entered the room. There were three men dead on the floor and one that was badly injured. A smashing sound could be heard down the hall. Making sure that she coast was clear, Max made her way down the same hallway she travel before, but this time the floors were covered in crimson red blood.

" Where is he, yelled a very angry man. Then came another male voice, slightly smaller in volume.
" He took the package and ran, we couldn't stop him. Max crept closer to the door and slightly pushed the door ajar. What she saw was the fat chink man wimpering on the floor surrounded by the four black leather bearing men around him. They all had there guns pointed at the chink's head, from which he was bleeding severely.

" Bruce, I think he's telling the truth!", said a blonde haired man. He was addressing the dark male doing all the important discussions. Bruce looked back at him and said, " Do you really believe that dumbass. He's lying!, Bruce yelled while slapping the chink with his gun. Max looked on as the chink drew himself into fetal postion. She knew she had to stop this, but in the back of her mind she wanted to know what they were talking about. Thinking against her curiosity, she burst down the door and first going after Bruce necked him in the back on the head sending him headfirst into the desk in front of him. The other men started firing, all there bullets clearly missing Max's fast running. She managed to knock all the armed guys out before they realized that there partner was all on the floor. Max finally stood up and straightened herself up, whipping her mud jeans with the back on her hand. She knew that the guys would be out for a while, so she was in no hurry. The chink, having had realized that he was not in any immediate danger stood. Max couldn't help not feeling sorry for this, for we he stood, he started eyeing her up and down.
" What in the world that all about?, aksed Max. The chink, finally coming to his senses said,
" That motherfucker tricked me, that's what's it about. Max leaned on the desked and looked at the chink intently.
" Who, and for what.", Max said the waited. " You gotta tell me, cause you know if it wasn't for me, you ass would be grass right now, chinky!
" My names Chandler, if you wanted to kn..",
" I didn't", said Max. Chandler looked her up and down. " I was used. My client took the money and left my ass here to take the blame.
" And.." said Max.
" And now my ass 'is' grass, cause if I don't get their, pointed to the four men on the floor, money back, they are going to kill me. And they can't, someone they know will!
" Who, took your money?"
" A guy named 494,he wouldn't tell me his real name. This struck home with Max. 494 was Alec's barcode number. He had stolen this guys money, and Max knew that he was not going to get it back. Frowning yet smiling to herself, Max said,
" I'll get you your money back, but you owe me!"
"What?," said Chandler.
" A year supply of rice and chopsticks, laughed Max...
A Non-Existent User

          The next morning…

          Max arrived at Jampony. She walked briefly past Normal, ignoring his flailing arms, and looked all over for Alex.

          He wasn’t there.

          She walked back to Normal. “Where the hell is Alex?” she demanded.

          “Well, I don’t know,” he said, irritated that she didn’t pay attention to him before. “Last night, he said he had some work to do for the next couple of days, so he might not be in for the rest of the week.”

          Damn. “Do you know where he is?”


          “Do you have a number or an address to contact him by?”


          “Do you know why he left?”


          “Damn it, Normal! Don’t you know anything! God!”

          “Hey, if you need to see him so bad, why not look for him yourself?”

          “What the hell do you think I’ve been doing?!”

          “No, I mean, you’re smart. Think. Where would Alex go? Come on, Max, think.”

          Max sighed. “Well…lately, he said he always wanted to visit a casino…”


          An idea suddenly struck her. “I have to see Logan,” she said, running out the door.

          “You’re welcome!” Normal called out to her.

          Max ran back and poked her head back into the room. “Thanks,” she said. Then she ran off.

Max arrived at Logan's place and to her dismay, he wasn't there. She waited around for about two hours and then decided to go visit Joshua and see if he had seen Alec.

"Knock Knock...Joshua!" yelled Max as she walked into Joshua's home.
"Max?" Came a voice from the living room.
"Hey Joshua, I brought you some little debbies. Joshua looked at the box and then at Max, smiling he said, "What do you need?" Max sit in a chair across the room and looked up at the six foot trangenic dog standing looking at her with concern.
"It's nothing. Have you seen Alec lately?" Joshua looked at the ceiling and laughed.
"Yeah. Alec came by and asked me if I wanted to
do a job for him."
"What,he knows you can't go out!"
"I know, that's why I turned him down."Max cursed at her self and then asked. " Do you know where he went.
"Logan's place!" said Joshua.
" I just came from there!"
"I don't know then!"

Max left Joshua's place and entered Logan's through a window. Creeping against the walls, she looked around the office walls and saw Alec sitting at Logan's computer. "Why was he here? Max thought.

© Copyright 2004 Remy, xx-xx, (known as GROUP).
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/816254-Dark-Angel