Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/805522-Before-the-Mystics
by Ksena
Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Novel · Other · #805522
This was before the Mystics. It traces lineage of those in the novel.
Worst Enemy:
(Consult me if you need help with a descendant of your character. You don't have to go with what I suggest.)


Vampire: The traditional version with a little twist. They age at the rate humans do until they find a point where they don't want to age any longer. When they are aging, they are more similar to humans than vampires. After fixed age, they can still shift at will.
Elf: Again, small twist. Their aging rate slows down as they age. So they stay young for an extremely long time.
Human: You should know.
Takani: An ancient race similar to the Aztecs or Mayans. Even the weakest of them can control lightning/electricity. High Priests/Priestess' have slight psychic powers.
Repsaj: This race is fabled to have risen from stones. They draw powers from stones.
Imanust: This race, that are usually Spanish, controls water.
Shape-shifter: You should know this too.
Witch/Warlock: Magic user. Can be mixed with anything in this list.
Singran: Can fool anyone. They know when others are lying. Those who are experts in this art can tell what the truth is when someone lies about it.
Nocitome: These people are incredibly intuitive to people's feelings.
Eneles: These beings draw powers from the moon.
Rehcra: These beings draw powers from the stars.
Suninac: Usually have important connection to wolves. (Can speak with wolves, become them, etc.)
H'trea: These beings draw power from the earth in emergencies.
Dwarf: Typical dwarf. Likes earth. Strong, short. Yada yada yada.
Daughter/Son of God/Goddess: Whatever you want really.
Animal: Err... This is self explanatory isn't it?
Demon: Evil people.
Werebeings: Those who turn to animals intentionally or otherwise. Time doesn't matter.

And, of course, you can mix and match any of these.

          It's 1709. This is in a time where humans have decided to rid the earth of all magical beings. Most died. The others came to a haven of the elves. This is where the story takes placed mostly.

Name: Keira Rulan
Nickname: K
Age: 128
Gender: female
Race/Powers: Elf
Description: Tall, brunette. Well built. Eyes that change color frequently.
Personality: She's quiet, conservative, but always nice to everyone.
Likes: Riding, reading, her brother Nick
Dislikes: sibling rivalry
Outfit: always wears a light, cotton t-shirt and comfortable denim jeans
Weapon: Whenever in an actual fight, she uses daggers/juttes
Descendant: Ksena Rulan, Nico Rulan, Kaelin Rulan
Worst Enemy: Vampires (like all elves)
Other: Owns a unicorn named Starfire
Name: Darien Kaiser
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race/Powers: Son of Goddess/Werebeing/Repsaj/Vampire. He sucks blood, and transforms into a half crow, half gorilla monster. He also has stone powers, along with psychic, telepathic, electric, flying and enhanced eyesight powers. Basically, he’s almost omnipotent.
Description: He has blue hair that stands up, gold eyes, and a pale complexion.
Personality: He’s sad most of the time knows few people and wishes he could meet someone. He can be happy and jolly, contrary to popular belief. DO NOT MAKE HIM MAD!
Likes: People, humans, worms, fighting, flying, Witches and Eneles people.
Dislikes: frogs, chimps, demons, large dogs.
Outfit: Black robes or travelers clothes.
Weapon: Magic and swords.
Descendant(s): None at the moment.
Worst Enemy: Himself, and frogs.
Other: His mother was a Goddess, and his father was a Werebeing/Repsaj/Vampire guy. He has no friends, and no one really talks to him. He’s also an Elf Atheist. When he sees an Elf, he pretends it’s not there.
Oops... I forgot my sub character...

Name: Mati
Age: 19
Gender: female
Race/Powers: Takani, mild psychic powers
Description: She looks Mexican, is one of the first true Takani.
Personality: She is quiet, but wild at times. Is never angry. Likes to zap mean people with lightning for fun.
Likes: Lightning
Outfit: She wears a simple t-shirt and breeches.
Weapon: blunt things: maces, big hammers
Descendant(s): Dhaali
Worst Enemy: lightning rods
Other: she is a messenger girl/errand girl/meeting people girl
Age:346 in Vampire/ 18 in human
Gender: Female
Race/Powers: Vampire/Demon/Werebeing/Witch/Repsaj/Rehcra/Eneles/Singran/Rehtae
Description: 5'5", Crimson & Black hair that reaches her chest (Usually in pigtails at nape of the neck), Black Eyes, Perfect... pretty much (except scars from whip), black lips, very pale ...:Note:... Can go out in sunlight, can see herself in mirror ...:End Note:...
Personality: Comedian, short-tempered, loner, wanderer, adhd, tough girl, bipolar
Likes: Hand Guns, Bows (Bows and arrows), Darkness, Metal Musiac/Metal Heads (i.e. Slipknot, Disturbed, Korn, Otep, Marilyn Manson, Ozzy, Drowning Pool, Modest Mouse ((Old Music)), Metallica, Mudvayne), Moon, Stars, rain, singing
Dislikes: Skanks (and anything else in that vacinity of "slut"), Clowns, Crows, Rap Music, Pop Music, uptight people, people who act depressed but really aren't
Outfit: A red and black skirt that stops right above the knee, knee high boots with a lot of buckles and straps, a red tank top with black netted sleeves.
Weapon: A leather whip beaded with silver bullets, a 22 pistol, a silver dagger, sometimes a silver stave when neccesary.
Descendant(s): None
Worst Enemy: Her dreams
Other: Owns a Rotweiler named Bartholemew.
Fears: Werewolves/Suninac, whips (though she's mastered, and uses one, herself)
A Non-Existent User
Name: Ellone
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race/Powers: Human once, but some scientists expirmented on her and she is now a
little bit of everything. Even vampire, even though she hates them.
Description: She is well built. She has shoulderblade lenght purple hair with red highlights. She has smokey blue eyes. But she can change them freely. She has a light tan complexion.
Personality: She is a very quiet person. Rarely talks much. Keeps to herself. She is very smart and free. She'll never turn her back on friends.
Likes: pretty much everything
Outfit: She wears a short blue tank top with a black jacket over it. She wears
a knee lenght black skirt and black ankle boots. She wears knee length white
socks with red and purple upper strips. She has a small backpack and a blue,
red, and purple pan hat.
Weapon: She uses different types of magic and a crossbow, along with twin daggers. She carries a few items to kill vampires.
Descendant(s): none
Worst Enemy: Vampires
Other: Was an expirment at a very young age. They changed her into something

sorry took soo long, im in a bind!


          I stood in the lobby of the large building that had become my home. Sighing, I watched as many new people piled in, looking for a haven.
          Briefly, I clasped the stone on my silver bracelet. I saw everyone as they were truly. Mostly Takani were piling in at the moment. I shuddered as I remembered the massacre that had happened over the weekend.
          Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned. My mouth fell open in amazement.
          "Ellone!" I cried and gripped the girl in a hug. After I released her, I said, "How have you been, child?"
          Ellone smiled. "Fine, fine. I wish you would stop calling me child, though," she said with an exasperated look at me.
          "I can't help it. You're a baby! Only sixteen. I can't even remember when I was sixteen," I joked.
          "I know, I know..." she replied.
          I smiled again, knowing I had won a small battle. "How did you get out of there alive though?" I asked after a moment.
          "By sheer miracle actually. A group of the human raiders passed right by where I was hiding. I thought for sure I was going to be caught. Thankfully I wasn't, otherwise... you know what could have happened," she explained briefly. The look in her eye implied more than what she said however.
          I nodded, closed my eyes, and cringed, knowing what she meant exactly.
          "Would you like some tea? I bet Mati-" I turned, looked behind me, and saw that Mati was busy with a new arrival "or someone could get some for us. We have a lot to catch up on..." I trailed off, leading Ellone to my rooms.

          I stood at the door, waiting for someone who didn't need protection to come in.
          After a moment, I felt a dark presense flickering at the outside of my normal vision, and I turned to see what had to be a vampire. Making a face, I quickly walked over to him.
          I smiled and said, "Can I help you, sir?" I asked, trying to get over the natural fear that came when I was in the presense of a particularly strong vampire.
          At first, he looked down his nose at me (I'm quite short). But then his expression softened slightly. "Yes, actually, you can. I was looking for a place to stay and a friend told me that this place offered a safe haven for those who are hunted by humans," he said.
          "Oh, well let me check with milady to see if there are any free rooms for" I cleared my throat, "vampires," I finished. Then I glanced over his shoulder to see Keira with a friend of hers.
          She was busy, and I knew better than to interrupt her good time with news of the vampire.
          So, I decided to fix the problem myself. I faced the vampire again and said, "Of course we have rooms available. Right this way, sir."
          I prayed to the gods that I was making the right decision as I headed down the hall to the rooms to accomodate this new arriver.

         I walked up to the large building, that the other magical beings had taken refuge at. My world was destroyed. Most of my family had died when the pathetic lifeforms... humans, decided to end magical life as we know it. I entered through the large double doors and saw many different types of creatures... But there was one... one that I couldn't decifer the species of.
         After looking through each of the beings I noticed an elf who I thought might be able to direct me to a room in which I could sleep. "Excuse me, Sir?" I questioned.
         He sharply whipped around and looked strangely at me. "C- can I help you, Miss?" He questioned, a bit apprehensive, he knew I was a vampire.
         "Yes," I responded, "I would like a room in which I could sleep peacefully. A room away from any Elven beings if you please." I tried to be nice, as nice as I could... to an elf.
         He gave me an inquisitive look. "Well umm... let me just call my sister and... umm... ask her about it." He turned away, and I sneakily entered his mind.
         He said that there was a vampire, a female, that wanted a room, and if he should. I left his mind. And he snapped back around.
         "Um, yeah. Just follow me." He was apprehensive, still, but he had me follow him to the sixth floor, there were seven in all. And he led me to room F6. Room F6 on the sixth floor. What is he trying to say!?
         "Thank you, umm, I don't believe I caught your name." I responded a bit wary.
         "You didn't catch my name because I didn't tell you, but anyways, it's Nick." He was rude, in a way, but hey I'm not bitter about it. And hey, the other plus side was that he was cute!
         "Okay, thank you, Nick." He had the coolest eyes in the world... I couldn't stop staring at them, they were a strange... I can't even describe, blue? No, Green? Or were they Grey? I couldn't make sense of it.
         He smiled slightly, knowing that I couldn't stop staring in wonder of his eyes. "Hello? Are you still with me here?" He asked playfully. He was the only elf that I didn't ever hate.
         "I'm sorry, I just, I can't figure out your eyes... They're just, they're different from any others that I've seen... and trust me I've seen a lot in my, one - two - three, three-hundred-forty-six, years of life. Or... is it death?" I asked, now in a playful mood... which didn't happen often.
         "Really? You're that old? You don't look a day over One-hundred-twenty-two! I'm just kidding. You look like you're, what? Eighteen?" He said... how was this happening? I was getting along with an- an elf!
         "Well I decided to stop ageing when I was eighteen. So, you wanna come in and talk some more? I really want to know more about the elven race... I guess I've hated them so much, until now, that I never really bothered to find out about them." I really didn't hate him, it was strange.
         "Sure, maybe I can learn a bit about vampires." He accepted cheerily.
         We went into the room, sat on the bed, and asked questions about each other's race. We talked for hours until we both passed out.
A Non-Existent User
Keira lead Ellone back to a room. They sat down and started catching up. Ellone tried to keep her catch up to a limited. She couldn't go telling everyone who and what she was. Hours passed as they talked.
          "Keira," Ellone cut her off, "I'd love to stay and talk more. But you known the deal. I'll try and make it back later! BYE!" Ellone said walking away. Keira yelled bye back to her, as Ellone ran out of the room.
          She ran out of the building and down the streets. It began to rain down heavily as she ran. She ingored the ran and continued running between people. All expect one who she missed and smacked into.
          "Watch where your going!" he complained. Ellone's faced turned bright red. He was quiet cute, but vampire. Her worst enemy, but she wasn't in the mood to fight with him. Him being, big and cute and all.
          "Sorry! I'm so very sorry! I wasn't paying attention. You see I'm kindda on the run from people! And it wont happen again!" Ellone explained. She quickly turned and started away, but the man grabbed her backpack.
          "What's your name kid?" he asked.
          "Ellone... and yours?" Ellone tried to sound pleasant.
          "Darien Kaiser... so you got a las name?" he asked. Ellone thought back but shook her head. Not that she could remember, she didn't.

          Ellone left in quite a hurry, I thought to myself. I wondered what was troubling her.
          I shook my head and began wandering through the halls. I ran into several beings. None of them were talkative, so I went to the entrance.
          For some reason I needed to move. I walked outside and felt the cool night air on my face. Distress rang through my body.
          I looked around in confusion. Then, against the blackness of the trees I saw a figure. It was a horse, with a human draped across its back.
          I made a face. It was a human, I didn't want to help, but some instinct in my gut compelled me to.
          I ran over to the black stallion. He told me his name was Turafore. I moved to his side to try to find a way to get the girl off his back without further injuring her. In the dim light created by the moon, I could see what looked like gashes, but I couldn't tell.
          I saw that her arm was hooked around the saddle horn in a death grip. Gently, I grabbed her wrist and sent messages to her hand to relax. When it did I let go and stood back to see if my plan worked.
          He made urgent nickering noises as the girl draped across his back began to slide off. I caught her effortlessly and looked at her face. She was out cold and covered in bruises and gashes all over her body.
          Making another face, I hefted the girl over my shoulder and headed towards the front doors. Turafore followed me closely, nudging his owner's face every once in a while.
          I headed to the healing ward. Though very good with healing magic myself, I didn't want to risk infection or some other trauma by healing her too quickly or missing an internal wound.
          Quickly but gently, I swung her off of my shoulder and set her on the bed. I lightly took her jaw in my hand and healed the scratches and bruises on her face. Those, I knew, weren't infected.
          I hammered on the healer's door. She opened it, looking tired and haggard. "What is it, dear?" she asked.
          "A girl with very horrible injuries was just at the doorstep. Her horse brought her. I'd deal with her myself, but you know my lack of experience might end up hurting more than the wounds she has now," I replied.
          "I always told you to take lessons, remember? Don't tell me about your lack of experience. Now, where is the girl?" she snapped.
          I showed her. She hissed at the wounds and called assistant healers to help her. I was shooed from the room, along with Turafore.
          The horse headbutted me. I looked at him. "What? I can't do anything about it. She'll have my hide if I even try. Oh, don't look at me like that," I said to him. He snorted and shook his head, a grudging 'okay.'
          A few minutes later an assistant came out. She whispered in my ear. "We found the mark. She's a dragon rider."
          I pulled away sharply with a barely restrained gasp. "Find her dragon. If she's in this state, I can't imagine her dragon's injuries."
          She nodded and turned to walk away. Before she went too far I grabbed her arm and said, "Nothing is to be said of this. Do you hear me? Nothing." She nodded again, I let go of her, and she walked away briskly.
          I let out a long breath and sagged against the wall. Then I opened one eye and looked at the horse. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him.
          He said that he didn't know it was such a big deal.
          I rolled my eyes and thought that maybe Nick would want to know. I used the connection that came with being twins and elves and found him. He was passed out somewhere.
          I woke him with the mind connection and told him about the dragon rider. He told me he'd be right down.
          I released the mind connection.
          Then all of the healers bustled out and the room was clear. I headed into it.
          Turafore walked in behind me. At first I thought about shooing him, but then it occured to me that she'd probably want to see her horse when she woke.
          I waited for maybe a minute when she did wake. She tried to sit up. I shoved her back onto the bed with one hand gently. "Lay still, your body still needs to recuperate from the amount of healing it just underwent," I said.
          She still struggled against my hand. I used the physical connection to paralyze her from the neck down. Sweat broke out on my forehead from the effort. She lay limp, staring at me angrily. Then she began fighting my mind. I threw up my mental shields and she desisted.
          "Can I release this? Are you going to lay still?" I asked. She nodded slowly and I released her.
          She did as she promised. I watched her for half a minute, then said, "Alright, tell me, is your dragon okay?"
I stepped into the building where all the other beings were, and sat in a chair. I watched the vampire walk away, and I was left in a room with non-existent beings. One of them came over and said something to me, and I ignored it.
         "Are you okay?"
         "Mighty strange weather we're having..." I said, oblivious to the 'elf'. Eventually he walked away and I got up and walked outside. I was only out for a minute and a girl bumped into me.

         "No last name? Weird. So where ya' headed?"
         "I'm running from people."
         "I caught that part." I said with a smile. "Well, I'm not going anywhere, mind if I tag along?" She shrugged.
         "Why not."
She was shorter than I was, and had purple hair. I suppose some would find her attractive, I was preocupied by a feeling I was being followed to notice.
         "Nice hair... You dye it?"
         I woke up a few hours after passing out. Nick was gone... but I knew more about the elven race now... quite an intruiging race actually.
         I walked down the other five flights of stairs, and noticed a lot of the beings were still in the smae seats as when I got here. But there was something new in the air. Someone else had been here... Someone who I had not noticed when I came in, it was strange but I overlooked the matter in a manner of seconds.
         I walked up to a female elf, she snapped around and asked, "I'm Keira, can I help you?"
         "No," I responded, "I was just observing everyone around... because... well because..."
         "Because why?" She gave me a stern look.
         "Because I can! Not that it's any of your business!" I snapped. Then I sharply walked away... a bit aggitated yes, but not aggitated enough to bite her neck! I couldn't understand people like that... they seemed, to me, uptight.
A Non-Existent User
"Noo, it's natural. Are you okay? You seem off..." Ellone asked feeling his feeling of being followed.
          "huh? ohhh, I'm fine," Darien answered. Ellone could see right through him, and knew he was lying. That was a trait given after she was transformed...
          "Okay, sure you are... so Darien, hows life for you?" Ellone tried to make small talk. Trying to take his mind off of the thought of being followed.

(would have added more... i have science HW... grrr!)

          I turned away sharply from the vampiress. The dragon rider's arrival had me on end. Perhaps I should have tried to be nicer, but, as I said, my nerves were on end.
          "You could have been a little nicer," said a voice behind me. I whirled around to see Nick watching the vampiress walk away. When she was out of sight, he turned his gaze to me.
          "Don't remind me," I said, annoyed that he had brought it up. I began to pace back and forth.
          "What's your problem?" Nick asked. The look of concern in his eyes made me stop.
          I sighed. "Nothing that is of importance. Scurry along if you will, I've got papers to attend to." Abruptly, I turned and walked toward my rooms.


          Amazingly, I had managed to keep the vampire in one of the rooms a secret from Keira. She didn't need the extra stress with the arrival of a dragon rider.
          I looked at the floor as I walked down the hall. Letting my feet guide me, I wandered into the main servant's hall.
          Then I slammed into someone and fell backwards onto my butt. "Hey, watch where you're..." I began. Then I looked up and saw that I was talking to Nick.
          "Jesus! I'm sorry Mati. I wasn't looking where I was going," Nick said as he offered me a hand up. I gratefully accepted it and he pulled me up with one swift tug on my arm.
          I smiled and said, "Thanks, Nick." Then I looked around at my surroundings. "But, what are you doing in the servant's hall?"
          "OH! So that's where I am. I was really confused. I got lost," he admitted sheepishly.
          I burst out laughing at the thought. It was his castle after all!
          "Sorry, Nick. That was just too rich," I said, trying to stall my laughing fit.
          He smiled himself. "I know, I'll be a sad excuse for a ruler when I'm older," he said.
          I scratched at a spot near my voice box. A vampire had tried to feed off me earlier and whenever vampires touched me, I itched.
          Nick noticed me doing this. "What's up with the rash?" he asked nonchalantly, though the undertone of his voice had nothing of the kind.
          "Oh, it's nothing, I probably just ran into something I'm allergic to. You never know what you'll run into in this place," I said as I shrugged, being as nonchalant as I could.
          Nick didn't look convinced. "The truth, Mati, I want the truth," he said, nonchalance disappearing.
          I sighed. "Alright, a vampire tried to feed off me earlier today. It's nothing. It's nothing," I said to the anger that flashed in his eyes.
          "Like heck it's nothing. Who was he? Where did you give him a room?" he asked angrily.
          "A-Actually," I stammered, "It was a she."
          The color drained from his face for a moment. "What was her name?" he asked, voice controlled.
          "I don't know, something like Deana or something," I said. He looked relieved.
          "Okay, I'm going to have a nice long chat with this 'Deana.' Did you still give her a room?" he asked.
          "Yeah, I'll show you," I said, turning to lead him to a room. I hoped that he wouldn't tear apart the vampire on sight and lose money because of me.
"Okayyyyyyyy.... But it could be better." He swirled around only to see air.
"YOu do see that Elf hailing you, right?"
"Elf? Which is..." Ellone looked at him weird. "I don't believe in Elves, Elf Atheist."

#Writers block stinks#

         My eyes were hot with anger. I walked out side, and pulled a ciggarette out of a pack in my jacket. I pulled out a lighter and lit the ciggarette, it took me a few tries but I finally got it. I took a few hits and put it out on the wall, then smashed it on the ground.
         I sprayed purfume over my body, then walked back into the building. I felt anger throughout the air. It wasn't the elf, it wasn't me, but someone else... someone on a different floor.
         I scanned the upstairs, quickly, and I felt Nick's pressence. He was angry. I didn't bother him. I simply went up to the 6th floor, and into my room.

A Non-Existent User
"Ohhh... why not?" Ellone asked. Darien didn't answer for a while. Then he didn't even talk for a while.
"Are you gonna talk any time soon?" Ellone asked a while later. She didn't looked at him just around. Trying to see if she could hack into another one of her new traits.
Darien still didn't answer he was to preocupied about the Elf following him. Ellone started laughing for some reason.
"Yo!?" Darien finally asked," What's up with that?" Ellone looked at him and shook her head, "Nothing.."


"Ellone Perinta. Age, 6. Birthday, May 8th. Parents, Mr. Erik Perinta and Mrs. Aura Perinta. Been here since... since she was 3 months old," A man said to someother person. Ellone turned her head to looked at them.
"Mommy," Ellone said quietly. They looked over at her. She lay on a small bed with wires attached to her.
"Does she have any siblings?" A female asked. The man looked down at the papers.
"One, Seth. He would be 9 right now. But he died in a accident 4 years ago," The man answered.
"Sethy," Ellone spoke agian. Her smokey blue eyes were wet and weary. The woman walked over and injected something into Ellone's arm.
Ellone's eye twiched before they both closed and she drifted off into a deep sleep.

"Hi Ellone!" Her friend, Richie explained as he ran up to her. Ellone smiled slightly.
"Hey Richie," Ellone said without emontion. Her face was melancholy. Richie sighed and gave her a big hug.
"I get to go home today, Ellone. I'll miss you, here keep this. It's a locket with a picture of you and me. So you don't forget about me. I have one too. So I wont forget you," Richie said handing her one and showing her the other.
"Thank you. And I wont ever forget you Richie," Ellone gave a small smile. She took the locket and held it tight. Richie smiled and ran off leaving her standing there.
She stood there for almost 15 minutes before she sat down and it started to rain around her. She still sat there exmaining her locket. It was a gold heart with her name written on it.
'Richie really cares about me..' Ellone thought to herself.


"YO!" Darien said. Ellone snapped back.
"Sorry... Day dreaming about the past," Ellone replied.


          People began shouting and running around. I whirled around, looking to see what the problem was.
          There, looming in front of me, was the dragon that the dragon rider belonged to. I stepped back a few steps.
          The dragon was obviously injured and looking for the dragon rider, Nikkie.
          People were still screaming and running away from the dragon. I approached it, though.
          The dragon told me her name was Isadora. I looked at her, assessing her wounds. "You need help," I told her. She snorted, blowing away my words.
          "All I want is to see Nikkie," said Isadora. "You can worry about my injuries later."
          I turned at that statement and led the dragon down to the infirmary.
          Isadora stuck her head through the doors and started nuzzling Nikkie.
          I stood there for a moment longer, then left quietly as not to disturb the pair.


          Nico managed not to kill the vampire. He did kick her out though.
          After that experience, I escorted Nico to the kitchens and gave him a drink to cool him off. He was still steaming mad.
          "Calm down," I said for the umpteenth time. "It was in the past, you couldn't have done anything."
          "That is not the point. That shouldn't happen in my castle. No one like that should be allowed here," he fumed.
          I rolled my eyes, seeing that he wasn't getting the point.
          He set down his glass and I got an idea.
I always kept a vial of sleeping potion in my jacket in case a guest got drunk and started throwing things or something. I got him another drink and slipped it into his drink.
          "At least try to calm down, Nick. The problem has been dealt with," I said to him.
          He took a sip and the drink took effect immediately. He swayed on his feet and I caught him. I carried him back to his room.

         I had been sitting in my room for quite some time, then I realized something... I was hungry. My stomach was growling uncontrollably. I couln't make it stop! I walked down stairs, and noticed the elf that I disliked.
         "Look, I'm going to try to get myself credits with you. I need food... and you know what kind of food I need. Please tell me you have some stored in this building somewhere!" I whispered harshly to the elf.
         "Well, I'll see what I can do." I followed her to a cellar looking area of the building, and she looked around. I stood in a dark corner waiting for my food.
         As I waited, I counted the cigarrettes in my pack that I had. When the elf turned to me, I slipped the pack back into my jacket, and gave an innocent stare. She knew I had cigarretees, but oh well.
*Note: Sorry this took me forever, my mind wasn't working.*

          I ran down the hall towards the sound of the dragon and Nikkie calling.
          I skidded to a stop in front of the nurse wing. She stopped calling for aid, a grateful look on her face when she saw me.
          "What's going on?" I asked her.
          "It's Isadora. She's hurt really badly. Can you help her?" she asked, hope in her eyes.
          "I... I don't know. I'm not really an expert at this..." I said slowly.
          "But you've got to help her!" she cried, exasperated. "You at least have to try!"
          "O-Okay, I'll try," I said shakily.
          I walked up to the giant creature. Her great red face turned to me. I saw various large wounds all over her.
          My hands were shaking. I laid them on the great snout, I closed my eyes, and let the healing energy flow from me to the dragon.
          Her wounds healed almost instantly. Though it didn't seem like that much effort to anyone other than myself, I could barely lift my hands from the snout after I was done.
          My whole body was trembling with weakness now. I collapsed onto the smooth floor.
          "Are you okay?" Nikkie asked. I thought she was talking to me, but when I looked up at her to answer her, I noticed she was looking at the dragon.
          Turafore asked if I was well, though. "I'm fine," I breathed, lying as well as an Elf could, which wasn't very well.
          "Jeez, are you okay?" asked Nikkie, her attention turning to me now.
          "Not really. What happened to your dragon?" I asked her.
          She stared at me for a second and didn't say anything.


          Nick was taken care of, I could relax. I told myself.
          But for some reason, I couldn't relax. Something was nagging at me like I had forgotten something.
          I decided to wander, figuring that it would come to me when it would.
          After a while, I had progressed into the lower levels. I noticed a vampire prowling around. She looked like she was hungry.
          "Can I help you?" I asked, no trace of fear in my voice.
          She tossed a sharp look in my direction. "I'm Alexandria. I have a room here," she said, almost defensively.
          "I wasn't accusing you of anything. I just wanted to know if you needed anything," I said calmly.
          "Oh. Well, I guess I'm still a little hungry," she said thoughtfully.
          "All right, I'll get you some blood right now," I said calmly.
          "Thank you," she said, relatively brightly.
          "No problem. It's my job kinda," I said.
          "Hmm... It doesn't really sound like an interesting job," she said simply.
          "It has its good points sometimes," I said.
          "Ah," Alexandria said.
          We walked in silence to the blood room. It didn't bother me to go in there, though it did bother some of the more squeamish Elves.
          I grabbed a bag of blood off of the shelves and tossed it to her. "Help yourself," I said simply, and walked away.
          I walked back up to the main room and people watched.
"hmm. THat's weird."

"What?" Darien wiped his eyes.

"I could have sworn I saw my brother just now...But I've had eye problems, so I'm just seeing things i guess." Darien swung his head around and listened. "We'd better run."

*Cant think, must save creativness for sequel to my LOTD series*
A Non-Existent User
"Huh?" Ellone questioned him, but it was to late he had all ready started to run. Ellone sighed deeply before started after him.
After running like a few blocks or whatever they finally stopped. Ellone panted heavily.
"What(pant) Was(pant) that(pant) about?" Ellone finally asked Darien. She rested her hands on her knees, being careful not to topple over.
*God! This needs to start e-mailing me when it's my turn! I've just been checking my e-mail and getting off! Sorry!*

          For a while, Nikkie just stared at me.
          "Are you going to answer me?" I asked, slightly angrily.
          She looked away and shook her head. "I can't tell you," she said.
          "Why not?" I asked.
          "I just can't. Please don't ask about it any further," she said quietly, but I could still hear the pleading in her voice.
          I sighed angrily and stood up. "Fine, how about telling me why your horse brouhght you here? There are dragon rider healing centers all over the place. Why here?" I asked, my voice business-like.
          She sighed audibly. "The closest center was burned down by vampires. They think we've been hunting them when the humans really have. Your place was closer than the nearest center, so I said it would be okay to bring me here since the Elves were so understanding," she explained, obviously doubting if she had made the right decision.
          I smiled at the apparent insult. "I'm not exactly an example of my kin. And personally, I don't like being insulted. Do you?" I asked, in mock seriousness.
          She smacked her forehead. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it to come out like that," she said, obviously agrieved.
          I smiled again. "That's quite all right. Our hospitality wears thin when so many have been coming to us lately. We barely have room to accomodate just the Takani, let alone all the other races," I explained. "The appearance of a dragon disquiets some people." I glanced at the monstrous creature as I said this.
          "I'm sorry for imposing on your hospitality, I really am. It will only be for a short while until I can recover," she said.
          "Did I say I was disquieted by the appearance of a dragon? I am the complete opposite, I love dragons," I said.
          She sort of stared at me with obvious confusion. I only smiled and said, "As long as I can get a good night's sleep, you can stay as long as you want." Then I slipped out of the room and ascended the stairs to my bedroom.
I drank the blood quietly, when I finished I quickly resided to my room. It was hot in the room... quickly putting me to sleep.

"Hi, papa." I said.
"Hi, sweetheart." He responded with a flash of a smile.
"Papa, what happened to mama?" Still a young teenager... possibly twelve - maybe thirteen.
"Mama... had her life taken by something we possibly cannot control... a being with no morals, and no heart." He answered quietly.
"What do you mean?" I asked still vulnerable to the horrible truth.
"Vampires, Lexi. Vampires." He said. The house went dark then... and I woke up.

I gasped for breath... a habbit still waiting to be broken. "Lexi," I say to myself. I haven't heard that name in so long... since the day papa tried to save me... since the day papa died - - so long ago.
Tears swelled into my dark eyes. I felt where I should feel a heart beat... nothing. Papa was right, vampires aren't supposed to be here... they don't belong... and all they do is ruin your life.
I got up quickly and looked into the mirror on the vanity... I had a dim reflection. A silver chain with my mother's wedding ring on it slung around my neck, black hair with pink streaks, bearly noticable pink streaks at that, lie softly on my shoulders, and an outfit that should be covered with sweat, but since I am a vampire... am inacapable of sweating. "I don't belong anywhere."
*Haha, you're welcome Nikster! It appears that everyone is confused, and I'm going to help everyone out with my ending. Mwahaha... Everybody will have to do something and I shall say no more.*
         I paced around my bedroom for a moment before deciding to at least try to go to sleep. A second after I had climbed into bed, I heard a knock on my door.
         I groaned internally. Sometimes I wished I could just be a regular guest and not have to worry about people calling.
         "I'll be there in a minute!" I called, quickly getting out of bed and walking towards the door. My hand was barely on the knob for a second when the door burst open.
         "Okay, where's Mati?" Nick asked as he burst in.
         I rolled my eyes. "Did she beat you in chess again?" I asked, walking back into my rooms a little further.
         "No, she drugged me," he said.
         "Were you being unreasonable?" I asked. I wasn't surprised in the slightest that he would get to the point that Mati would feel that she had to use the drugs on him.
         Apparently, he had expected me to take the news of him being drugged differently. "Well..." he began.
         "I'm going to take that as a yes, which means that I'm not going to tell you. And besides, I haven't really seen her all day. So I couldn't tell you where she might be anyways," I said simply.
         Suddenly, Mati walked by the door and Nick chased after her.
         I rolled my eyes again and went back down to the lobby. I knew that Nick wouldn't do anything. At the most, he would exasperate himself, then she would tell him to go to bed and all would be well.
         After just a few short moments down there, I noticed a vampiress with hot pink and black hair. It was the same girl that I had been rude to earlier.
         I approached her. "Excuse me," I said quietly.
         She whirled around and eyed me suspiciously. "What do you want?" she asked, her voice noting suspicion.
         "I just wanted to apologize for my rude behavior earlier. It was uncalled for," I said.
         I glanced up at her, I had been looking at the floor before. She didn't say anything. I stood there for a moment, then said, "I can understand that."
         After that, I turned and walked away from her.

         After people watching had lost its luster, I went back up to the more important people's rooms. It only took me a moment to walk past Keira's room and I heard her speaking with Nick.
         Though Nick was not a short-tempered person by nature, he could still think of the drugging as a sort of betrayal. I walked faster, hoping to pass by so quickly that he wouldn't notice me.
         He did notice me and I set off running down the hall.
         "Come on now, Mati!" he cried as he chased after me.
         Bloody immortals, I thought to myself, they always have to be athletically superior, don't they?
         I put on some extra speed, and I was going to be out of breath shortly. This could mean that I could be caught, and I didn't want to be caught.
         I flew down a flight of stairs. Thankfully, nobody was in the halls at the moment. Otherwise, it could have been a little embarrassing for Nick, being the next head person in charge and all.
         Energy began crackling around my skin, and I saw lightning flash across my arms as I ran. This is usually what happens when I get angry, scared, or anxious.
         Suddenly, it seemed like all of the air whooshed out of my lungs and I was running on empty.
         I stopped running abruptly and fell to all fours on the hardwood floor, coughing hard. I felt a hand on my back and I quickly rolled away from it. Then I switched from crawling on my knees to a sort of crab walk.
         "Mati," Nick began, taking a step towards me.
         "No, Nick. I'm sorry I drugged you, but you can't take it as some sort of sign that I'm out to get you," I said, pausing momentarily to rest my already shaking limbs.
         "No, I wasn't thinking about that at all. I wanted something else from you," he said.
         "Nick, I already said I'm sorry. I don't know how much more you could possibly want," I said simply, climbing to my feet.
         "No, it has something to do with dating," he said sheepishly.
         I blinked. "You know, Nick, immortals go with immortals. Mortals and immortals just don't mix. Somebody always gets the short end of the stick, and I don't think it'll take a rocket scientist to figure out which one," I said, cocking my head and looking at him.
         His eyes widened. "Oh! Oh, I realize how that sounded. No, I wanted dating advice... for another immortal," he assured.
         "Oh! I get it now. So, you want to date the vamp I saw you with earlier?" I said.
         "How'd you know?" he cried.
         I rolled my eyes. "Boys are so obvious, they don't even realize how obvious they are," I said simply. "Look, if you want to date the girl, then be really nice to her and ask her out. I mean, she lives here, it can't take long to find her," I explained.
         Suddenly, a buzzing sound of an alarm going off rang through the halls. My whole body tightened as I realized what it was.
         "What is that?" Nick asked, holding his hands over his ears.
         "It's the alarm that goes off whenever humans are coming," I explained, ducking into a side room to grab a mace from the hidden closet that was in each room. "Which do you prefer? Blades or maces?" I asked.
         "Blades," he answered automatically. So I shoved a dagger into his hand before setting off down the hall towards the staircases leading down to the first floor.
         "Hold on, where do I go?" he asked, chasing after me.
         I whirled around to face him. "You stay here. You are the next in line. If you die and your sister dies, nobody will govern and all of our lives will fall apart," I snapped, walking again as soon as I was done speaking.
         "But I want to help," he said.
         I didn't stop to speak to him this time. "You can help by staying alive and protecting yourself with that dagger," I remarked.
         "But..." he began.
         I turned around and wrapped him in a hug. "Don't worry about it," I whispered in his ear before turning around and running to the front doors.
         When I got outside, I was immediately thrust into the fighting. I clobbered one person after the next until I finally caught sight of Keira and went to go fight by her side.
         I fought a little away from her so that I wouldn't get nicked by her thin, agile juttes. The swords could move so fast in the hands of a master, that all you could see was a blue-grey blur.
         My weapon just bludgeoned people to death. No skill required.
         "Bloody, effing, alarm!" I thought to myself. "What in Nosferatu's, effing, name could all this be about!!" I shouted, though I doubted anyone heard me.
         I wandered down the halls, covering my ears, looking for anyone to question. I saw Nick once I got down a few stairs and shouted over the alarm, "Hey there, stranger!" He gave me a look that was fairly odd, it was kind of a dumbfounded look. I raised an eyebrow at him that sent the message, "What's with the look?"
         We ducked into a room so that the alarms were slightly less irritating, so he could explain what was going on. "You see, Alex, the alarm goes off when humans invade and we need to defend ourselves." I must have given him a fairly happy look because he, out of the blue, said, "No," and turned away.
         "What's with the 'no' thing? If you don't mind me asking." He pointed to his teeth as he looked out the peep hole on the door.
         I touched one of my teeth and whispered, "Ohhhhh."
         He looked at me like 'you're kinda slow at things aren't you.' I smiled innocently and hid my face in my hands.
         Nick quickly turned around and put a finger up to his lips; I cracked my knuckles nervously and drew my whip.
         He cautiously opened the door and we snuck out of the room. There were multiple humans in front of us, looking around for magical beings to kill. I shoved Nick back into the room and quickly snuck up behind them, I had been an assassin before, and once an assassin always an assassin. I cracked the whip and hit one of them in the back of the head, the other four humans sharply turned. I smiled sweetly at each of them and their silver weapons. I pulled my pistol out and shot two of them in the heart; then I pulled out my poison darts, that I had obtained from the bottom drawer of the dresser in my room, and hit the other two in the neck. I smirked as they staggered towards me. I drew my whip and snapped their legs until they fell to the ground crying in horrible pain and agony. I loved watching humans suffer.
         I opened the room door that I had shoved Nick in and beckoned him out. He smiled at said, "Not to break the chain, but would you wanna go to dinner with me sometime?" I laughed at his timing and nodded my head. He looked at me and whispered, "Go get some rest, I'll be getting you at 8:00 tonight for dinner." He took my hand and kissed it. He charged down the hall dagger in hand, and I walked back to my room, hoping that there would be no more confrontations with humans on my way there.

         I slashed at a human, another dead one to add to the pile.
         I glanced over at Mati, who was having a lot of fun with her big mace that took all of her effort to swing. Then she lifted it above her head and it clunked a human behind her in the head.
         She glanced back and blinked, then smiled viscously and bashed another human in the head with the mace again. It took all of my effort to not start laughing.
         Instead, I just sliced another human across the midsection and blood sprayed across the area.
         "God! I just washed these pants!" I complained out loud and then sliced through another human that was running at me with a scimitar.
         "Oh, lookie, another scimitar to add to my collection!" I muttered.
         Mati started cracking up. "Scimitar," she mumbled, laughing and swinging the monstrous mace.
         I smiled myself, but didn't start laughing hysterically like she did. Then I heard wingbeats and I glanced up for a moment to see the dragon rider and her dragon beating down on a huge group of humans. There was a burst of flame, and then there was nothing in the place where they stood.
         "Well, that's sickening to think about," Alexandria said, walking up from behind me with a whip in one hand and a pistol in the other.
         I smiled, glad that she was speaking to me. "How did you manage the two? And get out here past my brother?" I asked.
         "Oh, I'm used to the pistol and whip combo. And I... uh... knocked out your brother and stashed him in my room."
         I laughed a little, and then took off a human's head with one of my juttes.
         "That was..." Alexandria began. I glanced over at her to see her blinking. "Quite interesting to observe," she finished.
         I laughed. Then, the last human remained but I did not kill him. Instead, I wounded him and stepped on his throat.
         "Who's funding this?" I asked angrily.
         He breathed heavily. "I'm not going to tell you."
         I pushed down harder with my foot. "Tell me," I said darkly. I threatened him with my jutte by pressing the blade against his face.
         "All right! All right! It was some man named Zane. He's behind it all," he squealed.
         I heard Alexandria gasp in air next to me. I glanced at her. "Who is this Zane?" I asked.
         "He's a vampire. He leads a rogue group of vampires that has been talking about exterminating lesser races for years. Everyone thought that he meant the humans. No one will believe this in the council. I have to tell them," she said, preparing to go.
         I nodded at her and she was gone.


         I was off to the vampire realm, Jysbena Nayms. I didn't know how I was going to explain Zane's attack. Zane had always talked about getting rid of the lower race, he was an extremist, we all had just figured he was talking about humans, but how wrong we all were.
         I flung the large, dark-wood, double doors open, the secretary cowering behind me saying, "Um, they're busy you can't go in there. Um... ma'am?" I whipped around and glared at her. She quickly scurried back to her desk where there was a phone ringing.
         "You!" I pointed at the head councilman. "We have a situation on our hands, and if you don't want a big war between the vampires and the elves you have to stop it right now." I commanded through gritted teeth.
         "What seems to be the problem?" The head councilman asked. I couldn't see him because he was hidden in shadows.
         "He made an attack on the elven place that I have taken refuge in. Well... not him exactly... but... he had the humans do it. One human confessed that Zane was funding the whole operation. What are you going to do about this?" I asked, I was wondering if the elf had killed that human who had spilled out the information.
         "Hm... this is a bit of an issue." He announced cooly. He summoned his pawns around him and whispered something to them. He clapped his hands together and the pawns dispersed out of the room.
         He stepped out of the shadows and as soon as I saw his face I had my hand on my pistol. "You," I said angrily.
         He held his hands up, then a red rose appeared in his hand and he held it out towards me. I shot it out of his hand and sneered at him.
         "So rude. If you were still under my care you wouldn't be acting this way towards your elders." He said.
         I brushed some hair out of my face and replied simply, "Well, I'm not under your care. And, are you going to help or not?"
         He lit up a cigar and nodded. "Sure," is all he said.
         "Good. Well, I must be going. Thank you, Stephen. Oh, and congrats on your new position in the council." I walked out of his quarters and leaned against a wall near the secretary.
         Gosh, he used to be my care-taker... my master. He was the man who turned me into a vampire. I guess, I really had no problem with him anymore. I used to hate that man. Oh well... this would be one of the very few visitaions that I would have with him for the rest of my days... which is... well... forever.
         I appeared back in the elvish realm and saw the elf lady whom I didn't like when I got here. "Hello. I'm trying to get help, I don't know if it will work though. I lost touch with Zane years ago, and even then he had many many followers. It would be impossible to calculate how many more pawns he has obtained since then." Fear struck her features. I couldn't say anything so I just headed to my room.
*bangs head against desk a few good times* I'll try to write something but my creativity hates me.


         I quickly shoved the fear from my face as Alexandria turned to go back to her room, presumably. For leaders, there was no room for fear. My mind was racing and I tried to get my thoughts in a row so that I could address the people of the haven and not try to incite a panic.
         I took a deep breath in and then turned to my fellow Elves and other friendly races. "We need to clean up the dead. Take all of them, even the humans. Just because they don't have morals doesn't mean we shouldn't. And someone help me get the wounded out," I commanded sharply. Most of them were still in shock at their first kill and needed direction.
         A few Elves volunteered to help me with the injured and we set off to work. Some still stood with blank expressions and others wordlessly began carrying the dead to a different, clean, field where they could be sorted and burned or buried accordingly.
         We used our magic with which we had the most strength in to carry out the injured up to the infirmary. I had mild levitation powers and numbing powers, a weaker section of healing powers which I still hadn't quite developed completely. Between the small force of us, we got all of the injured up to the infirmary in a short amount of time.
         After we were done, I walked up to my bedroom and began to pace. I was debating what to say to those who had used this for a haven. What could I say? What were we going to do? Leave instead of fight?
         I had always tried to hold a little respect for humans and I knew that they were idiots sometimes but there were a few who were intelligent. Vampires, however, were a completely different story. I wasn't sure how I could say this to the Elven royalty without starting a huge war.
         A needed huge war, my brain reminded me.
         A frown crossed my face and I continued to pace around the room. Mati walked in a moment or two later. "What do you want to do?" she asked me.
         "I don't want to start a war," I said quietly.
         "Okay, well then what do you need to do?" she asked with complete seriousness.
         I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I need to start participating in this war. They started it, and they'll pay for it," I said, determination and anger making my voice hard.
         "Well then you need to go to the council. Do you need help with the speech?" Mati asked.
         I nodded grimly. "For a girl of so few years, you are incredibly intelligent," I said quietly to her as I watched her draw a sheet of paper from a hardwood desk in the corner.
         She smiled. "Thank you," she said.
         I sat down on the end of my bed and she sat next to me with a quill and the paper in her hands. "How to begin... how to begin..." I muttered to myself.


         It took us around half an hour to write the speech. This was a record time for us. Usually, it took us a full hour to fill it in, but her grim determination to do something was unrivaled.
         After it was done, she read it through to me again. I nodded, liking the way that she said it. She felt the speech which made the words even more powerful.
         "First, though, you must address your people," I reminded her.
         She nodded, as though she had been expecting this information. "Yes, I've been debating what to say to them," she said quietly. She looked through the speech as if looking for the right words to say.
         "I know you've never written a war speech, Keira, but today I don't think a well written speech will do. I think you just need to say what we need to do and lay it out clearly to them," I said.
         She nodded for what may have been the umpteenh time this evening. "Where is my brother? He should be there for this."
         "Would you like me to go retrieve him?" I asked.
         She closed her eyes and thought deeply. I could sense her magic searching through all of the rooms in the palace. "He's in room F6 on the sixth floor," she said quietly.
         "Would you like help with what you want to say or do you just want me to go get him?" I asked.
         She took another deep breath and let it out quickly. She frowned a little and said, "Just go get him. I think I need to do this on my own."
         I nodded, though my heart beat a little faster than it usually did. She had never before written a speech as important as this by herself. "Yes, ma'am," I said, not voicing any of these concerns.
         I walked to the door, glanced back for a second, and then walked out the door. She barely glanced up as I left.
         I easily sprinted through the castle up to the room in which Keira had said he was in. For a moment I paused to catch my breath. When it was calm enough that I could hear over it, I thought I heard a giggle. My eyebrows furrowed, and I knocked on the door.
         Nick opened the door, a smile on his face as though he had just been laughing. He wasn't wearing shoes or socks, and only had a shirt and pants on. Alexandria's face appeared over his shoulder, but her smile weakened at the sight of me.
         I hesitated before speaking. I couldn't understand how he could be so nonchalant when we were about to go to war. "I hate to break up the party but..."
         He cocked his head to the side, the smile gone as he pulled on a jacket that he had been wearing. "What's going on, Mati?" he asked.
         "Well, your sister is going to make a speech. She and I thought that you should be down there when she makes it. It's going to be very important," I said, trying to keep my voice level though it carried a brusque tone to it. I turned to walk away.
         "What's going on? Why are you being so serious?" he asked. "We won, didn't we?"
         I hesitated and turned back to him. "It's not that we won the battle. It's the beginning of the war that bothers me. Before it was human raiders, now it's vampires with a horde of human mercenaries and I'm not confident that you'll take to being in charge."
         His eyes widened. "What are you talking about? Isn't Keira okay?" he asked.
         "We're going to war, Nick. You're sisters not going to sit at home while our troops fight. She's going to join the Elven Army, which leaves you in charge. Now, if you could get ready in a prompt fashion, we can be on our way," I said.


         I took a few deep breaths to try to steady my heart as I walked up the stairs on to the platform and up to the stand. I stood up straight and lightly rested my sweating palms against it.
         The crowd that was gathered before me slowly quieted down. "We've been through a lot of good times here, and only recently, a few bad. But there is now a threat mounted against us that we can no longer ignore. We are at war, ladies and gentlemen. It was one that was not our choice, but it is ours just the same. And as such, I feel that it is our duty to join the fight against both this rogue group of vampires and their hired mercenary humans. I, myself, will be going to join this fight, and I'm leaving my brother Nick." The crowd was now whispering quietly to themselves and I knew that there was no way to soften the blow. "So, as I stand here, this is the last speech that I will give to you. I'm going to the council soon, and they will go ahead with this war, and I shall become one of the troops. It has been a pleasure to know you all and I pray that we all can get through this in the best way possible. Goodnight, all." And with that, I transported myself to the council.

The End!

© Copyright 2004 Ksena, teronism, Emma, xx-xx, (known as GROUP).
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