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We Moo, Therefore We Are - Another Hooves' Campfire |
That Famous Philosopher Milk-Cartes once said, "I Moo Therefore I Am." Moo about Donald Trump's hairstyle, or what you saw on TV. Moo about politics or current events. Moo about that clerk in the grocery store that disrespected you. Moo baby, Moo. And I will Moo Back. Only One No-No. Don't Moo about this website or its members. Come join me around the table and pass the banana bread while you're at it, please. ![]() Another Fun Campfire By Hoovsie |
As soon as I have a few bites of chuckster's delicious banana bread, I'm going to launch right into what is troubling me. This alert level. It was orange, like Donald Trump's makeup last night on his new show, The Apprentice. Now our alert level is lowered. Does this mean we are less alert? It makes me more alert and worried because I feel like we aren't alert enough. Don't the terrorists know we aren't as alert now? I wish they would keep the alert level secret so even we would never know how alert we are and of course then the terrorists wouldn't know. That's my political/news thought for today. I think they should make our alert level a moo level. If I moo 4 times, it means I am moderately alert. 8 times means I'm high alert and 12 times means severe. Of course, I need to work on making a code out of mooing, but I think I am on to something. |
That's an excellent point Hoovsie. Staying with the terrorists thing here a moment. How come the Energency Broadcast Network didn't work? I get a lot of tests that run across my TV screen about it and when an Emergency did arise, I didn't see one damn thing about it. I wanted to round up all those people on the Pyschic Hot Line and ask each one of them if they felt anything on or about the 10th of September. One of the should have been working flipping tarot cards or something. You know getting warning vibes from the solar system before the tragedy. Strange like not one damn pyschic all across the country didn't see that tragedy coming. You'd figure if one of them can see my little sweetheart finace cheating with Enrico down in the shipping department, they sure as hell could see some big planes crashing into the Twin Towers. |
As I'm English we work on a different system than the US, so I can't comment too much on alert levels. But we have got this thing called the ring of steel going on, which means an area of London is particularly reinforced and designed to stop people getting in and out during a crisis. Talking of putting a ring around London, we also have this terrible thing called the congestion charge here. Anyone who enters the city centre has to pay £5, which sounds at first hearing like a good idea to cut down traffic. However, this is costing the taxpayers millions a year! The money raised is nowhere near enough to cover all of the equipment and surveilance needed, so even if we use public transport all the time (like I do to get into London) we're still being charged. It's crazy. |
Ouch. 5 pounds to go downtown? We have the problem in Edmonton that the Downtown core is dying, if that went through council here, there'd probably be some lynchings. Well, it's that time of year again. Standardized tests are coming. In the US, it's the SATs. Here in Alberta, it's the Diploma exams. Both are primarily multiple choice tests which are suppsoed to give an accurate look at your accomplishments. Crying shame they don't. For the Diplomas, the government just brought in two part exams, one multiple choice and one written response. They could eliminate a lot of problems by just giving the written response part and eliminating multiple choice testing altogether. Sigh. Pass the bread, I need to stick something in my mouth before I scream. |
I have to put focus on the Democratic Primary going on right now. Is this the end of commen sense as we know it? If you were President, and Terrorists came over and kicked our butt, wouldn't you go over there and kick theirs right back? Yet, the Democratic Candidates think this is the worst thing the President has ever done. So if a mugger comes up to say, Howard Dean, and beats the crap out of him, is he going to just walk away like nothing ever happened, not wanting to offend the rest of the people in the neighborhood by retaliating to the attack? I think NOT! These people make me sick. Say anything, do anything, to get elected -- who's that remind you of? |
Wow Hoovies you make great bread... Yeah those politicians are funny but what really has me squeezing Bessie's udders is the fact that my girlfriend just wants to be friends after I devoted all of my time to her for the last three years. Was I so much in love not to see this coming or what? (That is a rhetorical question and you don't need to answer it). Why can't I find a new job that I will like instead of staying at my nowhere job? Oh well that is my beef...sorry to use this campfire to get it off my chest. |
With this bread...I'm glad I'm a ruminant who needs to chew her cud... I get to savor it twice...mol I really don't have anything to pass on to all of you so I will let the next person have a turn. |
Well....this is going to sound selfish, I know. But I think this is what has been driving me nuts for quite a while yet: I want some space that's all mine. Just a teensy-tiny little room with my computer and books, that no one but me hardly ever comes to, and when they do, they knock, or say "hi" or somehow find out if I'm busy or I have a minute before invading. Somewhere where everything in the room is something that I have put in there, and I have final say where everything goes. Crazy...but I can dream, can't I? Of course, that room would probably end up looking somewhat like my port, that is, so cluttered that it's hard to find what I want when I want it... Oh well. One of my daughter's teachers told her that organized people are "passively lazy". I guess that makes me actively lazy...or is that an ox-y moo ron? OK...please pass the "complete with more nuts than I am" banana bread. And do we have some coffee here somewhere? Something tells me we could find plenty of milk here... |
I like my banana bread without the nuts if you please. And thanks for having me over! I can totally understand the need for one's own private space! I, due to unfortunate circumstances at this time, am forced to share a home with my father, again. And also space with my sister and her newborn baby. This would be great if it were a temporary solution or if our family were one of those that were happy and cheerful all the time, but it is not for either of those reasons. And so I am blessed at all hours of my time of being invaded by noisy and nosy people! I love them very much so, but my dad thinks that since it is "his", it gives him the right to walk in unannounced to my room at any time. This of course is rather embarassing for me to say the least as he has caught me in the midst of getting ready for bed more than once. Boundries are not appreciated! Just give me 24 hours of peace and quiet, a lock on my door, and enough time to collect my thoughts! Is one day a week too much to ask for myself? There now I feel better! I'll take a cup of coffee with extra cream and sugar and will pass along this plate of bread to the next person. |
I am a bit under the weather with flu so today I'll have a nice cup of hot tea and some equal. But I want to moo about the grocery store. Why do people act so rude in the grocery store right before a storm? Why do they not yield the right of way with those carts of theirs? And why do they have to get right in my face when I am shopping. No matter where I stop and look, someone is right on my hooves, breathing down my neck. Don't they know I have horns? Plus, why does everyone buy bread when a storm is coming. Milk and Ice Cream I can understand. ![]() Now to address your entries, Chuckie the Emergency Broadcast is like crying wolf. When I hear that, I just change the station. I have heard it all my life and the "emergency" part of it is lost on me. Andrea, that ring of steel sounds scary. It is related to the Axis of Evil? Can the Axis of Evil penetrate the Ring of Steel? Somehow, there is a poem in there, but I'm too achey to write it. COWlin, even I could pass multiple choice I bet. I agree, essays tell whether the person can think and write. Multiple choice tells whether they are lucky in guessing at least some of the time. WD, The Democrats are kind of funny. I think it's funny that the media doesn't know who is going to win and were WRONG WRONG WRONG in Iowa. The cows told me John Edwards, but they must have gotten their Johns mixed up or maybe they just thought he was the cutest. Moo and Bessie, You need to focus on the positive and Bessie you need to nag him. He has lots of friends who care about him if he just opens his eyes and looks around and MOOves forward. He needs to walk Jake a half hour a day so that they both get exercise and pursue his dream of getting on the road so he can have lots of things to write about and add to his port. Peachy, everyone should have their own space. And like my place in the barn everyone should respect it. My philosophy of ringing it with cowpies is probably something you don't want to try at home though. ![]() Kitten/diggy, you need your own space too. Maybe tell them it is time to MOOve on. Or don't make them feel so welcome that they won't want to leave. Start coughing and hacking like you have the flu and maybe they'll leave before they get it too. Cough Cough. Moo Moo |
Well this campfire is certainly giving the TV show "The View" some stiff competition. I think we can be much more entertaining than watching Meredith Viera's phoney smile and her fidget in her chair like she forgot to apply the Preparation H before the show. Of course, we are not pre-programmed of what we can and cannot say. They have to worry about ratings. We don't. It's nice to have a place where we can vent a bit of our frustrations, give an opinion, and discuss topics that touch our lives in different ways. Now a particular subject that has been in the news for what seems like months has been this Kobe Bryant's sexual "encounter" with a woman from Colorado. He states it was mutual and he is only guilty of adultry. His accuser says it wasn't mutual. He turns around as a nice gesture of apology and buys his wife a diamond ring half the size of a Big Mac. Upon placing the ring on her finger to show everyone how much love her man has for her, she says she'll stand by her man and forgive him, after all, he's just a man and it's hard to be woman. I think she is listening to too many Tammy Wynette Records. Now I don't claim to be an authority of marital bliss and what makes a marriage work, nor do I possess any doctor degree in love, but I do know one thing. If my lady caught me even just flirting with another woman, she'd clobber me alongside my head me with the nearest thing she could lay her hands on to smarten me up, and no amount of Dunkin Donuts, or Fleetwood Mac Records would change her mind about moving out. Maybe Kobe's wife should flip over one of them country records and listen to the words of the song D.I V.O.R.C.E. I mean he did admit it to breaking his marital vows to her. I wonder if she admitted to having an affair with Gilbert Godfrey, would Kobe agree to stand by his woman? Maybe we can call Dionne Warwick on the Psychic Hotline and ask Cleo the soothsayer if she can see anything. After all, I believe a lot of Kobe's other endorsement companies have divorced him from their advertisements. But again, he didn't buy them a four million dollar ring either. |
I don't know about the rest of you, but I've been fascinated by news and pics from the Mars Rover - now Rovers - since number 2 landed earlier today and is already sending pictures back. I've been quite worried about the first Rover, called "Spirit" because it's been having some problems for the past few days and was all but broken down - though now NASA reports that they think they can get things fixed in the next week or so. I hope so!! Meanwhile, Rover #2, aka "Opportunity" just landed and is already sending back pictures. How cool is that!?! Maybe I'm in the minority, I don't know, but I am fascinated by this stuff and think the pictures are amazing ... must be all the Star Trek I watched growing up, lol. (My favorite ST, by the way, was "Generations" - gimme Jean Luc any day over Jim, lol!) <hiding from all the Kirk fans> Okay, nuff said for now, where is that banana bread you've all been raving about .... ![]() |
Just when I think we've reached the limits of human stupidity, our Illustrious Premier goes and raises the bar. He is upset because health care is expensive. (No kidding Ralph, you keep cutting the funding for it, so no prevention, and now people are getting sick.) Now he wants to opt out of the Canada Health act so he can institute private insurance, private health care and remove many procedures from the public insurance system. Then in the next sentence, he wants to study Sweden and adopt some of their practices. BIG CLUE, and this won't require a $1,000,000 fact finding mission, Sweden is a socialist state that funds it's health care system, education system and welfare systems through high taxes. If you want to have the lowest tax rate in the world (he does) then you aren;t going to be able to implement Sweden's systems! I wonder if he even knows the nature of the Swedish Economy and social system. SIGH! |
What gives our ex-vice-president the right to tell the American people that our sitting President has lied to them -- concocted this war for political gain. These liberals are like children on the playground who have dropped the ball twenty years ago and are now crying over who's running the show. They will say and do anything to keep themselves in power. They frighten me. To think they have been running our Gov. for all these years, when in reality they hate America and everything we stand for. I'm sickened by their retoric and their slimy behavior. When you can't beat your polictical opponet in the arena of ideas, you have to attack and destroy them anyway you can. Tar and feathers are too good for them. We need to bring back firing squads for treasonous acts. Okay, I'm through -- good banana bread by the way. |
Nothing at the moment puts my tail in knots. It is Springtime. I'm enjoying the birds as they build their nests. Watching the flowers bloom and the grass grow. Yep I'm in a great mood. |
My one and only complaint for the day....Spring Break is too short. You putz around for a few days, intending to catch up, or in fact, get a little ahead, on some school projects and some home projects, and before you know it, it's all gone. But it's all good. I think I've putzed around in enough of a relaxed manner to be recharged for the rest of the semester, and my tulips are blooming, and my lilies are sprouting. And for a bonus, the sun's been shining all week long. And omigosh! My daughter is cleaning up her bedroom! Well, darn. Now that's gonna make me feel guilty about the rest of the house.... But not too too much. |
Spring has sprung! And my banana bread is gone! I will need more I think before going on. I do not want to think about the elections coming up it is just depressing because nothing good will come of it I am sure and not to mention it means I will have to think about fall and winter again and right now I am enjoying the daffodils and all the pretty new birds flitting about my yard. So I will not think about Bush right now and in my mind he is not worth of thinking about any way. Anway if you want something to laugh about you should consider watching this silly new reality TV show that comes on the SCI-FI channel on Thursday nights at 9 PM EST it is called Mad Mad House. They have a vampire, witch, voodoo priestess, naturist, and a modern primitive who run the house and then modern everyday people coming to live in the home. It is funny and it will make you laugh or gag depending on what it is they make the people do. |
Wow Spring has turned to Fall. I think I was asleep at the campfire and singed my horns. I am a little tired of the left wing media calling all the people that voted for Bush Evangelicals. What the heck does that mean? For the first time in my life my human voted for the winner and what happens? She gets called something scary. Come to think of it, she is pretty scary. So are Dan Rather and the left wing media now that I ruminate on it. |
Well I've had just about enough of this election business and all the TV commentator shows stating what the Democrats should have done and where they made their mistakes. It's over. I really don't care what the Olsen Twins think about the election or do I have a throbbing desire to know what Jennifer Lopez thinks how this new four year term will help out the Spanish speaking Community. What continues to plague my mind is this "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND" law...If you actually saw this up close first hand as an educator, you may have a second opinion... Picture being a teacher and having a child in an average highschool classroom that can only BLINK his eyes as a form of communication. An attending nurse BY HIS SIDE in the classroom of average students that has to assist him in everything. This is the scene in one of our high schools here...Not only are the students upset, but also the teachers.It;'s not fair to the special child that requires SPECIAL PROFESSIONAL AID/// And it's YOUR tax dollars that are paying the bill for this....There's got to a line drawn for this NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND law. |
I am in a rush so I don't have time for my usually brilliant commentary/response (LOL!) but I didn't want to skip, so I'll just wave, smile, and say hello to everyone!![]() |
I paused to contemplate the metaphor of Banana Bread, and what it means in terms of politics. I came up with no answer. Someone did reMoo that "a thousand points of life" really should have been stated as "1,000 points of walnuts in your banana bread." This has troubled me as I consider the metaphysical properties of bread in general, and banana bread in specific! |
*tries to talk through mouth full of banana bread* This one will be particularly close to Hooves' and The Milkman's hearts. I've been told not to have dairy products. Supposedly they're seriously aggravating my migraines. How am I meant to drink tea without milk? It's just not natural! Everyone seems to be something intolerant these days, but I think my headaches have a lot more to do with the amount of work I'm doing, not to mention hours of driving, than any poor bovine getting the blame ![]() |
Well, here it is coming on to the Christmas season, and I may have to move. I'm not doing very well right now, and unfortunately, I may need to take another job quickly, which means going back to Korea. I'm not very happy about it, but I've done everything I can to change the situation and nothing seems to have worked. There's still a little time left and a slight possibility things will turn around, but if not, I may be away for a bit getting set up overseas again. |
You will be sorely missed Colin, even if it is for just a short time. ![]() ~ Kids say the darnest things--yeah they do ![]() Priceless, I thought. Why didn't I think of that? ![]() |
I'm enjoying my life at the moment... I'm laid-off, fighting for unemployment benefits, looking for a new job and it is the beginning of a new year. Everything else is just peachy... |
I'm happy to say that The Milkman ![]() As you might be able to tell I'm looking forward to dispelling the rumors that the grass is indeed greener on the lower half of the United States (Georgia) I just hope I'm not to old to be a Southern Belle. Can someone give me some pointers as to how to be a debutante. Well I have to go and make sure that the mover's put my grain in a place where I can reach t, in case I get hungry along the way there. |
Wow, Bessie, you and Moo are mooving to this neck of the peachtree grove, huh? Shouldn't have to worry too much about snow. We've got a couple of chickens roaming around our little suburban subdivision. One hen and one rooster (I think. I'm not really sure how to tell and not sure I could get close enough to see if I knew what to look for). They just roam around the neighborhood. This morning, they were pecking around our front porch, one on each end. I think the rooster was looking for the hen, he clucked quite a bit. She came around the right corner of the house, stopped on the hose reel on her way to perch on the porch rail. She took a good look around, stretching her neck this direction and that, and finally rejoined the rooster over on the left side of the front yard. He clucked up a fuss, then they strutted over to my next-door neighbors'. And that, my friends, is what's new and exciting around here. I'm definitely NOT complaining. |
Christmas and New years are over with...Valentine's day is slowly coming up...Bush has been re-elected...like that wasn't a big surprise...and soon it will be spring again.. I am not too much in the mood for talk tonight..I hear the call of the wind within my heart, and it beckons me to walk the lonely moors of darkness alone in the midst of fear and my brain longs for peace and solace... |
*sighs* i'll need something a little stronger than bananabread... Anyone have chocolate ice cream? How bout cherry vanilla? Swim team, blarg. Too much woooork. At least I've got a form of abs now. *happy dance* Anyone else get depressed around midnight? I sure friggin do. Bush. I have to GRADUATE with him as president. *sighs* I mean, sure I had a few minor problems with John Kerry (the whole gay marriage thing that he wouldn't agree to), but still...better than Bush. We're probably going to attack Iran next. Grreeeat. I'm not going to no friggin war. I HATE WAR. All it does is cause grief, strife, and more problems. And death. So much death. Only 1,200 (somewhere around there by now) Americans have died! Well, each of those guys had a family, and a life. They had friends, and dreams. Not anymore! You know why? CUZ THEY'RE DEAD. Gah, that always makes me cry. I told you I hated war. How to be a Southern Belle: Curtsy Say "how d'ya do?" Talk high and in a southern accent get fake eyelashes and bat them alot wear floofy dresses that are fun to twirl in flirt with absolutely everyone get one of those strange lacey fans that don't do crap oh oh oh! get long silky white gloves! YOU MUST!!! Hmm...and find a cute redneck to settle down with. Hee. Gah I need chapstick... I love Chapstick! Chapstick! WHEE!!! Anyone else addicted to Sims2 as much as me?! That game friggin rocks. Alright, my trail of thought sort of...dispelled. Who wants a diet coke? very good with ice cream and banana bread. |
I love Diet Coke, and even better is Diet Pepsi because it has a citrus element to it. It quenches my thirst. I am sad because Johnny Carson died. His show spanned 30 years of my human's life. He also reminded us of my human's dad. He had the same sort of humor and grace. I wish they would rerun Johnny Carson for the next 30 years every night. I know I would watch it, especially when he had animal guests and comedians. He never had a bull that I know of, but I would have been a good guest with no cowpies. Pass the banana bread and snow shovel please. It has snowed me in my barn. |
Oh I agree Johnny Carson, as an entertainer, was an icon of Late Night TV. His facial expressions, gestures, and one liners rank up there as comic genius. They say that imitation is the greatest form of flattery, and comedians alike had as a part of their portfolios, their skilled impersonation of Johnny Carson. Leno, Letterman, and O'Brien and other late night talk show hosts; all skilled and widely acclaimed in the entertainment industry, but there will never be another like Johnny. |
I'm sad about Johnny too. ![]() Let's see, also from the entertainment world, I'm concerned that my poor George Clooney has such a serious back injury. And I'm verklempt about Brad and Jen. And I'm mad that next Wednesday (2/2) all of my favorite shows will be bumped off TV for the "state of the union" address. I find them boring - they need to sprinkle them with more jokes, and make them way shorter. FYI: I don't even watch them when a president I like is in office - so I'm an equal opportunity "state of the union" ignorer, just so no one jumps on me here, lol. ![]() Tell you what, while the rest of you watch the speech, I'll make some more banana bread for the group! |
Being British I only vaguely know who Johnny Carson is, but I'm sorry for all those who do miss him ![]() It's been a manic few weeks. I've moved into my very own flat, the first I've ever owned instead of rented. And I'm typing this on my new laptop after my previous one got written off by the insurance company. Those are the good things ![]() On the bad side, I'm working all hours and aware I'm probably not doing that great a job because I'm usually exhausted. I haven't even bothered to move my tv into my new flat as a licence would be a waste of time if I'm never there to watch it. I haven't been to the cinema in a while either but I've had the day off today which was lovely. Spent most of it shopping for furniture - why is it the things you like are always the most expensive? Lol, needless to say I've been economising a lot and going for the things that are functional! Anyway, life is good if rather busy. But if I don't work the hours I don't keep the job that pays for flats / laptops etc. So it's all worth it! |
Hey Hooves, have you tried Diet Pepsi Twist yet? I've been practically living off that stuff since it came out. Well, after Christmas things took a turn for the much better. We're still not stable, but getting closer. Haven't been evicted yet anyway. Got some long term plans going, but still need to get the short term cash flow in shape. Still things are looking far better now than thye were then. And in other news, I may be hosting a Korean Home stay student for a year. Stay tuned for further developments. |
Aliens are creeping 'round my backyard. I saw 'em land late last night and then they had their way with my dog, but I ain't letting 'em in no matter how hard they knock. "Just keep on knocking, ya lil' shits, but you can't come in." My wife went out to the garage and I know they got her, man. She's different somehow. Definitely not the woman I married. All she wants now is sex-sex-sex. What's up with that? I tried to tell the cops, but they think I'm nuts. They must all be aliens too. The whole damn world has turned into aliens. I've had enough--I'm out of here. *grabs his loaf of banana bread and slips into his spaceship* See ya! |
Georgian Sweet Tea is to die for. I love the Southern Hospitality and food, and everyone has an accent, which I love. Yes I'm enjoying myself and even behaving. |
I guess I made all of you graze long enough on the others posts so I will now pass on the Banana bread in my life. The Milkman ![]() I'm presently entered into a four level competition where I might be asked to write only my second poem in the history of this cow. The first poem I wrote was in a campfire(still don't know why i agreed to join because I'm not a poet...I'm a writing ruminant, the writing is for stories, lectures, and editorials... not prose. Oh well I can't learn if I don't try and before you know it this Bovine will be entering poetry contests all the time. Here is the oven fresh bread and some freshly churned butter...enjoy. |
Hopefully, I'll be able to enjoy any banana bread and freshly churned butter I get to taste a lot more in the days to come. Today is my second day as a non-smoker. Thanks to nicotine patches and the occasional breath of secondhand smoke, I think I'm gonna make it. Success or lack thereof TBA next time the banana bread passes my way. My finals are done, my grades are in, my spring semester is over, and I'm taking the summer off. Wheeeeeeeeee, I get to spend more time here for a while. I mean I'm not taking any summer courses. Finding a temporary job here and there would probably be a good thing, though. So, when I'm home I get to spend more time here, with aliens and typing quadrupeds & aquatic life forms. |
I am sad and happy at the same time today... I just got home from a trip to Canada, to see my boyfriend for the first time ever. So while it was the best time I ever had it was also the saddest time....because I had to drive home all the way, 12 hours, and missing him the whole way. I cried the whole trip back. So I'm more in the mood for some wine maybe... |
Well my weekend was fun. By that I mean my daughter and son and law and husband went to mom and dad's and his mom and dad's. Today we went to church and then celebrate my husband's birthday by going to eat pizza with my kids and grandkids. Noe that was fun. Gee I am tired but always love to see them. My daughter is going to her own baby around October. Gee, we are going to be grandparents again. Who else is going to be grandparents soon. Gee I love warm banana bread. Can we have milk with that! |
My human has had too much contact with the medical profession lately with regard to her mother. I wish so much that she would feel better. Drs see she has good insurance and order this test and that test, but nothing seems to help. Please pass the banana bread and some nice sparkling cider. Waiting and worrying are taking their toll on all of us. I do not know which way to turn some days. I think living in a major city there are way too many people and the Doctors treat their patients like cattle. As a bull, I think that everyone should get individual and kind care. But that is the stuff my dreams are made of not reality. |
You know what I am finding rather "scary" today? That you have to think twice about physically displaying emotional feeling toward someone you love or care about. I think it's rather sad when grandparents can't pickup and cradle their granddaughter into their arms and provide a warm reassuring hug without some eyebrows being raised to see where their hands are. Kids need to be shown they are loved in other ways... not solely with buying them the latest toy in some department store. Instead of Government testing for Performance Enhancing Drugs, just maybe this world would be a better place for everyone with some Performance Enhancing HUGS! |
Thanks to all my beloved campers! Love, Hoovsie The End! |