Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/795229-The-Last-War
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Fantasy · #795229
The last city of the elves is being attacked. WIll it survive?
The last strongest standing city (Mandos) of the elevs is under attack by its surrounding countries. Will it stand or will it fall. And if it falls what will become of the race of the elves?


(and also dont forget to say whether you are attacking the city or are defending the city or w/e.)

** **

NAME- Rialian (usually called Estel (hope) by the people of the city)
RACE- half Elf, half human
GENDER- Female
AGE- 5,327 (looks about 21)
HAIR- wavy reddish brown hair that goes down to her hips
EYES- a light grayish blue color
PERSONALITY- very independent, very stubborn, very aggressive (most of the
time), hates being controlled, doesn’t like being told what to do, but she does have a very loving, caring part within her, she protects others and stands up for what she believes in, very intone with
nature, (ranger), excellent tracker, can move without being seen or heard.
DESCRIPTION- Wears a black riding outfit with a black cloak, the cloak is
trimmed with silver gems. On special occasions, she wears a white dress with flowing bell sleves and a white cloak. Always wears a pendant, It looks like the north star, it
is made out of pure silver, diamonds, and sapphires.
WEAPONS- sword, bow and arrows, 2 daggers kept in quiver. excelent fighter, better than most guys.
PETS – a black horse named (nuruhinne) means shadow.
OTHER- Heir of Mandos but she hasnt accepted the truth so for the time being she wanders about the city and in the wilderness. But soon she will have to accept that she is heir and take up her position in the city. But lately she has spent much time in the city. To her people (the elves) she is known as the star of hope (Gil-Estel). Fairest elf maiden (well half elf at least).
**Her father (Beren) was a ranger that fell in love with an elf maiden, heir to mandos at the time. They were married. He is now king, for her mother (Miriel) died many years ago when the city was attacked.

**Aiken4LOTR **

Name~ Calathilas
Age~ 5,167 years old (looks to be about 24)
Race~ Elf
Gender~ Male
Hair~ His hair is medium-light brown in color, and has a few strands of natural
auburn & golden-color mixed in.
Eyes~ His eyes are a very unusual looking, for they are deep amethyst in color.
They are very mesmerizing and draw a lot of attention.
Weapons~ He has mithril armor for safety, yet it is remarkably thin and light.
He also has a bow, with a beautiful quiver full of the sharpest arrows. Along
with that he has a sword, and just as a precaution, he has daggers and knives
hidden in his riding clothes.
Personality~ He is sly and cunning, and has been trained to destroy by the
attacking city, Réthen. He is a ranger and was found by scouts and taken to
Tharan, who was then the king of Réthen, (If he gave them his service, he would be allowed
to live). Tharan sent Calathilas to live in Mandos as a spy, for he is
smarter, quicker, and stronger than most elves, but Tharan's scheming may not
go exactly as he planned, for Calathilas can sometimes be unpredictable, (*He
had been living in Mandos for quite a while, and fell in love with Rialian,
heir to Mandos*). He knows how to look out for himself without blowing his
cover, plus he is at times, very decisive and determined.
Description~ He usually wears dark riding clothes, with a hint of color here
and there to compliment his gorgeous eyes. He comes across as very strong and
defensive, but he is accepting of others, as long as he has no reason to have
doubts about them. Stands at about 6'3", and weighs 165lbs, most of which is
mainly lean muscle.
Pets~ He has a shimmering, black stallion, with a silvery-colored mane and
tail, named Nimali.
Other~ He is a ranger who was found and taken into service by Réthen (the
attacking city), but is secretly an ally to Rialian and Mandos.


Name: Thalion (Thal-ee-yun)
Race: an Adron Elf
Race explanation: 2 quarters elf 1/4 Cabrel and 1/4 shape shifter
Gender: Male
Age: 6,223 (appears around 22)
Hair: Dark Red, so dark it appears black until the light hits it a certain way.
Eyes: bright Emerald green
Personality: Noble, intelligent, honest, trustworthy, Very brave, kind to those who deserve it, opinionated though he knows when to hold his tongue, a very good honorable person.
Description: He stands at 6'5" and a 185 pounds. Broad shoulders and is thin but very muscular. Tan complexion. Has a scar that runs from his right temple to his cheek bone. Does not have the appearance people believe most kings have (old and worn) but has a young vibrant look about him. Handsome. Wears the dark greens, black and silvers when hunting and tracking, as well as Dark blue with the silver dragon (a sign of royalty) on his armor when in the palace and in open battle. He has a very threatening air about him and is very respected. He has proven himself as a soldier and tracker. Because of the shape-shifter in his race he can alter appearance in a way he appears as a similar race, (elf, man etc.) he cannot change into animals or anything substantially smaller or larger then himself.
Weapons: a broad sword passed down from his father with a dragon as the hilt and flames etched down the blade as well as fire opals and rubies set into the steal. A foot long dagger, that matches the sword, is strapped to his left calf, also carries a bow and quiver.
Pets: A hunting falcon used for messages, called Arauka (Swift) and a Horse called Moru (Blackness)
Other: He was just recently (6 moths before) made king of Réthen (a warring country with Mandos, yes AGAINST Mandos) when his father (Tharan) and older brother (kundu) were killed in war. He was commander of the armies before this and still leads them in battle. Very good at tactics and planning battles. He travels when he can but is often held there with work. Has a younger brother named Kelliyon who has just reciently returned to Réthen.

Name: Akhyra (ah-kear-ah)
Race: the last of the race of Varyen
Race explanation: The Varyen are near the same height as a human yet on the thinner side. They are very graceful like an elf though smaller in build. They are very agile and amazingly strong despite their size. Also known for their abilities in battle. Small, beautiful features, slightly pointed ears, fair complexion with dark hair and large unusual colored eyes (iridescent.) They see and hear better than humans though not quite as well as elves. All have (or had) a large tattoo that resembles Celtic knots that run the length of their spine and onto the back of their neck. They live for about 600 years and age to about the look of 30.
Gender: Female
Age: 200 (looks around 21)
Hair: Jet black, belt length and kept up though a few loose strands hang in her face.
Eyes: Dark Purple/Emerald green iridescent (they will change between the two with the way the light hits and with her mood).
Personality: Despite the way she looks she is a fighter. Intelligent, honorable, very kind and honest. She is respectful to those in command. She will keep her mouth shut most of the time unless she feels very strongly about a subject or a way they are handling something. Will not back down easily, which will sometimes get her into trouble. Very friendly and sweet. An excellent fighter.
Description: She stands at about 5'6" and appears to weigh about 100 lbs though the Varyen weigh very little in truth. Curvy yet muscular. sweet smile. Wears black pants, shirt and cloak, and brown leather boots, gloves, belt and brown leather inside liner of her cloak. Most her clothes are very simple, though she does have one Emerald green dress with cloak and gold embroidery around the edges. They are the only things other than her weapons that she has from her family.
Weapons: a long bow and quiver all with leaves and Celtic knots carved down the length. A group of 6 throwing daggers strapped around her left thigh. A glaive, And a katana like sword strapped to her back. All have the same knots and have rubies and opals set into the handle and blade.
Pets: None.
Other: The Varyen were wiped out in war that hit 180 years before and Because Akhyra was living in the country of Caldea she was not killed. Often she tries to hide the fact that she is a Varyen so she can travel and fight freely. She still hails from Caldea, though she travels most of the year.

**White Tiger **

Name: Anarion
Race: Cabrel (it is Cabrel for both plural and singular)
Race explanation: A race of people (which nearly look like a mix of elves and humans) known to fight with honor and skill. They're very kind and brave. Both men and women are generally known for their long white hair and light eyes (normally light blue or grey), but variations have been known to occur. They are a peaceful race unless provoked.
Gender: Male
Age: 7, 259 (looks about 23)
Hair: Long white, which is straight and falls a few inches past his shoulders.
Eyes: Crystal blue.
Personallity: Very kind and trusting. Evenly tempered and brave. He will do whatever it takes to protect the innocent. Although at points he can be very mysterious.
Description: He is 6'2" and weighs nearly 200 pounds, though at points he doesn't look it. His skin is light. He normally wears darker colored grey tunics.
Weapons: Mainly swords. And furthermore the Sword of Amiran. Which is the sword of his people and he is often hunted for it because of the sword being rare and valuable. It is a great mighty sword, in which the blade is broad but it comes to a sharp point and its hilt is enlayed with the purest gold. Intricate designs boarder the hilt.
Pets: A white horse named Serenity
Other: Anarion is of noble blood. His country is in alliance with Mandos. Because of this he has spent much of htis life there and is friends with Rilian. He knows the king (her father) personally and has been a family friend for milleniums.
However, he is only the prince of his country, Caldea.

**Sylver is graduating! **

Name: Kelliyon
Race:an Adron Elf Race explanation:2quarters elf 1/4 cabrel and 1/4
Age:6,000(looks around 21)
Eyes:Bright terquoize* blue
Personality:honest, kind, doesn't like for people to hurt the innocent or hurt
the people that can't defend themselves, brave, like to try new stuff,
adventures, loves nature.
Description:he is 6'3, 150 pounds, thin, tan, muscular, black and brown riding
outfit with black cloak.
on his cloak he wears a brooche and it is a silver dragon.
He wears the pendant of his mother which is a silver starberst shape with a
teardropped oppal in the center.
Weapons:He carries a dragon blade which is a very cool blade that glows before
you are about to fight and it is very powerful it lets you keep the persons
soul in it,
a sword like Lanthiriels(because hey r brothers explain later).
Other:He is the brother of Thalion and prince of Réthen, Kelliyon became a
wonderer about after Thalion became a soldier, but he recently returned to the
kingdomecause of the death of hid brother and father.
He and Thalion are now fighting together, and of course he is against the city.

Personality:sweet, kind to thoughs who deserve it, likes to cause trouble for
some people, healing powers.
Description:spell binding eyes, blonde hair, thin,fair complection, wears a
black riding outfit with a black cloak and a brooche of a dragon eye, if not
wearing this outfit the a white dress with 3 foot bell sleeves, and she always
wears her pendant which is one of the stars(unknown) made out of diamonds.
Weapons:sword, dagger, bow and arrows.
Pets:hawk that looks out for her(feliam), horse(aruka)
Other:she lives in no city she lives on her own in the wild.

**Forest **

Name: Forest
Age: She looks like she’s 18.
Race: Elf
Hair: Her hair is long, straight, and blonde.
Eyes: She has green eyes,
Weapons: Bow and arrows.
Personality: She’s eager and very friendly. Forest is outgoing and has really
good senses. She’s good at archery, but can also heal. She kind and calm.
Description: She is thin and has blond hair and green eyes. Her height is
average and she usually wears a locket around her neck.
*She is defending the city.*


Age: She looks about 22, but it's unknown how old she really is.
Race: Dracon (Dracon's have a basic human form, except they have long leathery wings. Their whole existence evolves around warfare. They are incredible warriors with amazing abilities, one of which is their ability to shape shift into dragons. Dracon's are a military organization. Mahries is the only Dracon ever to master the art of sorcery.)
Hair: White hair with red streaks
Eyes: Red with flecks of white
Description: 5'6 lean and toned. She moves soundlessly and gracefully. She always wears a short flowing dress and high leather boots.
Personality: A bit rough around the edges. When Mahries says something she expects it to be carried out precisely and completely. Mahries holds the highest position is the Dracon Military- Eighth Grade Superior General. She is much like the Dracon's Queen. She can think her way out of any situation. She is quick to anger, but only when it is well deserved on the receiving end. She has a way of making friends and keeping them, only because she knows when to put on her war face and when to let the tough exterior melt away. Her other side is sweet, and quite lovely. She rarely shows this side because her people have grown to depend upon her as their leader.
Weapons: The trademark Drake sword. A poisoned blade. One side is curved soaked in poison, and on the other side is a jagged edge that can cut through
bone with a slight flick of the wrist. She also carries a mace at her side, a bow and arrow set, and a few choice throwing daggers at all times. When she leaves on long trips she looks as if she has taken every weapon known to man, and unfortunatly for those who oppose her, she has mastered each of them.
Pets: Dragonette called Spire
Other: Mahries was born a Dracon and at a young age she found that she could use magic. She was instantly put into their finest schools of war craft during the day and at night she practiced her magic by herself. Life for her is and always will be work.
Attacking or Defending?: King Beren asked Mahries and her people to defend Mandos. She accepted because the Dracon's and Rangers have always been allies.

**Misstake Says BOO! **

Name: Princess Irisel Morilien
Age: 4,645 (looks about 19 or 20)
Race: FayElf
Hair: A light shimmery white blue that hangs hovering above her slim shoulders
and frames her face.
Eyes: Are silver blue that change to white when angry or in the heat of
Description: FayElves are small and compact, Irisel stands 5'3 and weighs about
100 pounds. Long silvery white wings, look much like those of a butterfly,
sprout from her back. She wears a white shirt and a blue tunic edged in silver,
dark blue trousers and hose with calf high boots. Irisel is dangerously
beautiful, with perfect curves and slim build, but she is much stronger than
she appears and is extremly quick, due mostly to the fact that she can fly.
Personality: Is kind and out going, her people are known for their bright
spirits and happy moods. Irisel can see the bright side of any situation and is
quick to make friends and even quicker to protect them. It is legend that when
a FayElf feels terrible pain or loss that it rains. Irisel is very slow to
anger, and even slower to forgive and never forgets an offence. Has a quirky
sense of humor and loves to fight and play when she can.
Weapons: Carries the twin swords of Light, legend among elves, she aquired them
when she fled her city when it was attack by Rethen, commanded of her father
who ordered her to protect them with her life. She was told that when she found
the one worthy to weild them she would hand them the twin swords. Irisel
herself uses a beautifuly made sword given to her by her mother and a Crystal
Dagger whos blade, no matter how small the cut, will bring the wounded to
death, eventualy, needless to say she uses it sparingly and only when there is
no other choice. She also can control the wind, to an extent, mostly to call up
a sudden breeze or even to hurry on or push away a storm. When angry she seems
to carry a constant wind about her.
Pets: A white falcon named Orin whom she can understand, and who understands
her, to some extent.
Other: the capital city of the FayElves, Korminterth, was destroyed by the
Rethen a month past and Irisel was forced to flee, leaving behind her father
the King Jerin (Brother to Queen Miriel) and her older twin brother Garenthel
in the city. She now knows that only her twin brother survived and was taken
prisoner by Rethen as ransome. Irisel now seeks her Uncle (Beren) to help her
reclaim her brother and her kingdom, not knowing the threat that lays over

**Army Brat...Lost The Will (1) **

NAME: Kolya (Col-a)
AGE: 319 Years old (looks 22)
RACE: Half Human Half Elf
WEAPONS: Long (16 inch) Sword, and a small Dagger
DESCRIPTION:5’2, short jet black hair (chin-length), Heart stopping Dark Blue
eyes, a Slim but Muscular body and a Creamy colored Complexion
PERSONALITY: Acts more human than Elf, has that "if i cant see its not real"
atittude. Is ashamed of her Elfish back ground and tries to hide it where she
OTHER: Her father raised her to be ashamed of being elf and beat whatever
elfish charactoristics out of her. She now is in charge of the Army of Reagn
and will stop at nothing to get what she wants. She has a tattoo on her left
shoulder blade of an oragne ball with a red cirle around it. Around her neck
she wears a gold chain with an angel on it and engraved on the back says Follow
The Light.
***She is Fighting Against the City for a Counrty named Reagn(Ree-Ann)***

******OK sry everyone, i just copied and pasted the cc because it was being retarded and decided that it wasnt going to work anymore***********

[˜°¨†ìñÐömñî飨°˜] [˜°̈†ìñÐömñîé£̈°˜] Rialian~

I sat in the on the edge of my balcony that over looked the city as the sun
began to set. I wished to leave the city but I knew I couldn’t. I had to stay.
I sighed.

Just then Calathilas walked onto the balcony.

“I know you wish to leave”, he said putting his hand on my shoulder.
“Yes, but I know I can’t I have to stay, my father is growing old, soon I will
have to take my place… very soon”, I said.
“You talk as if that is a bad thing”, he said.
“I long to be free, to wander in the wilderness as I once did. I am trapped”, I
“It would not be safe for you to leave the borders of the country at this
present time”, he said.
“I know the danger of leaving, and if I could I would risk it, but I know you
wont allow me to leave”, I said to him looking up into his eyes.
“Indeed, for I would not allow you to leave. I would not allow you to put
yourself in that danger”, he said.
“You talk as if I can’t take care of myself, like I said I know what danger I
would be putting myself in, but I would risk it if it wasn’t for my father”, I
“Yes, your father is growing old, and his time will soon end I deem”,
Calathilas said.
“Yes, I think you are right”, I said.

Just then Forest walked onto the balcony.
“Excuse me milady”, she said.
“Yes”, I asked with a puzzled look, for Forest was the one who always notified
me on what was going on with the army and such…
“There are Adron elves a weeks march from here, they are preparing to attack
the city”, she said.
My eyes widened. “How many”, I asked.
“At least 500”, she said.
“And how many armed soldiers do we have here in the city”, I asked.
“About 300”, she said.
“Ride to Caldea, make haste and go to Anarion, he is our ally and will help
us”, I said.
“Yes, Milady”, she said waiting for me to excuse her from my presence.
“Do not wait! Make Haste”, I said.
She turned and ran down to the stables.

“Don’t worry, all will be fine”, Calathilas said trying to reassure me.
“I know I will send word for a scout to be sent out and to gather all soldiers that can be spared that guard our borders”, I said.
I did not know that Calathilas was a spy, but it seemed that something was
bothering him from the news just presented to us.
“What is wrong”, I asked.
“Nothing”, he said.
“Will you accompany me to my father’s room, he grew worse last night (he is
ill)”, I asked.
“Of course”, he said taking my hand as we began to walk down the hall.

*hey guys…. I tried to get plots started for ya’ll, so we can get this story
going… hope I did ok.*

[Mooñdu§t♪? Aiken4LOTR!] ~Calathilas~

"Of course," I replied as I took Rialian's hand in mine, and escorted
her down to where her father was.
When I heard the news of the Andron elves preparing to attack Mandos,
I knew from where they were coming. They were coming from Réthen, a city that
had been planning its attack and capture on Mandos for quite some time. I knew
this because I had been serviced from their city as a spy. But I was becoming
worried. Why had I not been informed of this attack? I was one of the king's
servants, wouldn't he notify me of such a major planning?
I did not understand, but I knew I had to ask him later. For I would
have to see him if he were to summon me. He would summon me late at night, when
the people of Mandos were sleeping. But I would not willingly go to him, nor
would I enjoy it. No, for I did not choose to become a spy for Thalion's father
and Réthen's King at the time, Tharan. Nor did I choose to fall for Rialian,
heir to Mandos.
Indeed, there are many things that I have come to, all things I did
not intend...
* ~ * Flashback * ~ *

"My, my, look what we have here!" A scout from Réthen whispered
"Ahh..." Another scout replied. "A ranger. Let us bring him to justice
for coming upon our lands...or rather, the lands of King Tharan."
"Sounds good to me," The first scout answered, as he brought an arrow
to his bow, and stretched it, preparing to shoot.
"Wait!" The second scout said as the two onlookers watched the ranger.
"He is smart, this one. Clever, cunning, and perhaps even...useful."
"What do you mean?" The first scout questioned as he lowered his bow. The second scout pulled a tiny, wooden pipe from his pocket, and
answered, "What I mean is, he has a brilliant mind."
"You read his mind?" The first scout inquired. "When a ranger is
alone, it is the time when he thinks the most...secret of thoughts. I could not
pass up the moment, for it rarely ever comes." The second scout explained.
"All right then, King Tharan may have some use for him."
"Indeed," the second scout hissed through his teeth before blowing a
dart of the small, wooden pipe. Just then, there was a thud sound, and the two
scouts revealed themselves from their hiding position, and went forward to pick
up a gift for their king. A marvolous gift it would be...an elf...a
ranger...and above all, a servant.
* ~ * ~ *

"Here we are," Rialian said nervously.
"Do not worry, your father's suffering will end eventually," I
reassured her.
"I know, I just wish it would be sooner than later," she replied. "If
this pain and illness does not soon pass, he will not last."
I placed my hand upon her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze to
show her my understanding and support. "Come, let us go see your father."
We walked into the room where King Beren (Rialian's father) had been
bedridden. Rialian sat on the bed next to him to look upon her poor, sickly
father. Tears began to stream down her face. She had come too late, her father
had already passed away.
"Rialian, I am so sorry," I began to say.
"No," she interrupted. "This is not your doing. It was just his time to
go. There is nothing more that can be said or done."
"There is one thing that must be done, sooner or later..." I replied.
"Mandos cannot go without a ruler for long, you know of what I speak."
Rialian looked away from her father and up towards me. "Indeed, I have
known for quite some time. I just have yet to accept it, to accept this," she
explained as she motioned towards her father. "What good can come of this?!"
"Do not think of this as a bad thing. All this means is that your
father no longer deserved to suffer. He deserved to rest in peace. And
you...all this means is that it is time for you to accept you fate." I
"I suppose you are right, but come, do not let us dwell on this right
now. I need fresh air, I cannot linger here and look upon my father." She said
as she got up and headed towards the door.
Before I could say anything, she reached her hand out towards me and
took my hand in hers. "Please say you'll come with me. This is a time where I
will need you nearby."
Keeping my hand in hers, I walked up to her, and grasped her other
hand with my free hand. "I would not stray away from you at a time like this, not by will. Never by will..."

[Lanth/Rialian Cheer 4 Soldiers] ~Thalion~

The sound of his every step echoed in the great hall of Duredhel, the palace of
Thalion's father, Tharan and all the kings of the Réthen before him. A silver
dragon covered the tiles on the floor and set in the ceiling were the likeness
of stars. All else was of dark blue and white stone.

Thalion's mind was with the coming war. He had seen many battles before, and
led hundreds as well, though this time he did not have his father. He was
filled with a rage though it did not show. He would not let anger lead him and
his city to destruction.

Kelliyon stood silently with his back against a pillar, his hood drawn about
his face. His brother looked to him. "What troubles you so? You knew war
quickly approached yet you look unprepared." Kelliyon said.
Thalion smiled.
"I am not unprepared Kelliyon. Nor am I troubled. My thoughts turn to battle
though, and what I should attempt."
"Attempt everything." Kelliyon smiled.
"Revenge comes first. They shall be sorry they took the lives of such men as
our father and brother. But I will not risk the lives of our soldiers to do
what I only wish."
"Very well brother, you know my sword is forever with Réthen." the young elf
smiled and left the Hall toward the city.

Thalion’s Advisor, an elf nearly twice his age and a dear friend of his entered
with a bow.
"milord, what of the Elf called Calathilas who so served your father?" He

"I do not trust him as my Father did. He has the mind of one who serves himself
and no one else. I do not believe he is true to Réthen. though I could just be
thinking to hard." Thalion said as a warm smile crossed his face.

"No no, it is well to be cautious during times of battle, but you know this."
The old man replied.

"I ask your opinion of this, my old friend. I send a small army toward Mandos,
no more than 500, without informing Calathilas and see where he is loyal to. A
test. If he comes to me angered he cares more of Mandos and must be banished
from the city, if he says nothing but looks upon us with respect I will know
better of his thoughts. Either way I do not believe I will force him to serve
Réthen. He has worked under my father for to long and he deserves to do as he wishes. but with the army it also Challenges the people of Mandos." Thalion
said, still pacing in the great hall.

"I agree very much milord, but do you wish to attack so soon?"

"No, They will not attack. I will send no closer than a two days ride away. An
attack with so few would be foolish. it is a threat. Nothing more." the young
king replied.

The old elf nodded and was excused. Thalion sat on the steps leading to the
throne and leaned his elbows on his knees. Hanging his head and taking a deep
breath he mumbled a few things to himself. He Changed into the likeness of a
human and draped an unfamiliar cloak about his shoulders and tunic about his
chest. He started into the city as one no person could identify.


Akhyra walked toward the front gates of Caldea, Her hood drawn about her fair
face. The capitol city was heavily guarded, even more so than usual. War was
near and all knew it.

She entered the city with little problems, knowing the head guard, and entered
the familiar city. She took a deep breath and smiled. Never had she found a
place she enjoyed as much as Caldea.

Her thoughts were distracted by the sound of raised voices at the gates. It was
the voice of an elf, she requested to see the king and the gates opened
quickly. The rider was a young elf, clad in the garb of Mandos. Her face was
hard with determination, but there was a slight fear behind her eyes.

Akhyra closed her eyes and wrapped her fingers around the hilt of her sword.
Battle was drawing near. She opened her eyes and saw Anarion, a dear friend of
hers from years in the past, ridding out from the stables and toward the gates.

(sorry Akhyra's part is so short and done in 3rd person. I'll try to do it in
1st next time but I kinda suck at it so ya. Yikes. and sorry both additions
don't really work. I was just trying to lay out a game plan and it didn't work
to well. hope this helps you out a little Kari.)

[White Christmas Tiger] I mounted my horse as I knew what was to
come of it. I had just received word from Mandos of a threat. Enraged my father
sent me to gather the soldiers for battle. We had been allied with Mandos for a
long time, any person who was brave enough to challenge Mandos knew that to do
so they would have the armies of Caldea to mess with as well. 300 of my father's men were already hidden within the gates of Mandos. We knew
of a threat for a while and waited for them to make the first move, it seemed
to have become closer than expected. I hated the thought of war but experience
taught me that sometimes it was needed.
I was nearing the age of 7,300 years old. For many races that was very old, or
perhaps passed the age of death, but for a Cabrel I was still young. We lived
for nearly 50, 000 years if not killed before. My father was 37, 568 years of
age. Nearing his end but not quite there.
If I had one major quarrel with my father it was for the future of Mandos and
Caldea. The princess, Rialian, and I had been destined from our births to be
married, finally joining our two nations together as one. We detested this and
talked many times about our not having feelings for each other as more than
friends. Both of our affection turned elsewhere. But our fathers would not
listen and insisted on our joining together. But I knew Rialian enough to know
she wouldn't let this happen without a fight.
I looked up to see the most familiar face though it seemed odd because I hadn't
seen it in a long while. I stopped Serenity and stared at the maiden for a
second. She stood out among the crowd because of her dark hair and dark eyes
against the white locks of the Cabrel.
Mounting off of my white stallion I walked toward her. A small smile crept upon
my face and in nearing her I threw my arms around her. I held on for a few
seconds before letting go and staring into her beautiful eyes. "I'm glad that
you're home, Akhyra" I said finally.
"Its good to be home, My friend." She replied.
A small wave of disappointment came over me in hearing those words, 'my friend'.
Not that I could blame her, she knew nothing of my feelings for her. I was
brave enough to fight battles and lead men into war, but when it came to Akhyra
I was weak.
"How long are you staying?" I asked.
"I'm unsure. Whenever I pick up and leave I suppose."
I nodded. "I'm afraid you came at a bad time though. I go now to gather the
armies to leave for Mandos. A threat is coming to the Elven city and it needs
our protection."
She looked at me through her purple eyes. "I see."
"Please, go give word to my father of your return. I'm sure he will be
delighted to see you."
"I will." She then hugged me again and I felt safe within her embrace, but I
knew it'd soon be over. "Take care of yourself Anarion. Come back to us." She
then let go.
"I will certainly try." I then mounted Serenity and began to ride without
looking back, I knew if I did I'd never be able to leave.

*Umm.. if my addition is a problem with either of you, KT or Maria let me know.
I normally ask permission with plots like this but I figured it would cause more problems with my addition taking so long. I'm sorry and apologize.

[Luthien travels with Rialian] Kelliyon:
I went and sat on the steps of the throne after Thalion left.
I was thinking about war when two guards came in and asked for me to follow
them to the dungeon*.
So I did still in deep thought when they stopped at a cell and in it sat a
beautiful elven maiden.
"Why do you have a woman in the cells", I asked still looking at her.
"She was stealing food, sir, "He said looking at me.
She jumped up and said, "I was doing nothing of the sort. "
"What were you exactly doing", I asked.
"I was buying food", she said smiling.
"Well if she did nothing let her go", I said looking at the guard.
He looked at me in shock and got his key and let her out.
She walked out and said to me, "Thank you sir."
I followed her and asked, "Will you not stay with us for awhile? it is
dangerous in these parts."
She turned around and smiled.
"I love danger", she said turning back around.
I still followed her.
I told the guards to not let her out at the gate.
"Please miss, I would feel terrible if you got hurt or evan killed out there",
I said walking to our(bother)house.
"I will stay one might and see if I like it ", she said following me.
"It's a deal", I said showing her the way.
"Will you not accompany me at dinner later miss?", I asked turning around.
"I will", she said walking into her room.

When I made sure Kelliyon was gone I ran to the window and Whistled loud.
My Falcon came flying into my room and sat on my shoulder.
"Well I guess we will be living here for a while"she said sitting on the bed.
The bird squawked.
"Now go and watch over Aruka", I said lifting him up.
sry its so short I don’t know what else to add.
someone else can do dinner

[Forest] ~Forest~

I got onto Blaze, my white horse, and galloped off. We rode fast, and I could
see everything go by so quickly. Blaze knew which way to go and I felt cold since we were going so fast. The sky was getting darker and I hoped I’d get to
Anarion soon.

I was excited, and nervous too. The army was a good size, yet I knew that
Réthen had more people ready to fight. After a few hours of riding, I got to
Caldea. It was very dark, but I could still see the walls. I went up to the

“I need to see Anarion,” I muttered, panting. “There’s a war and we need

They nodded and soon, Anarion came. He left with many people. I let Blaze rest
for a while, but we had to return to the city pretty soon. After six hours, I
hurried after Anarion and his army.

I didn’t find them. I thought that they had moved quickly, but then I saw that
I was lost. Blaze was tired. I tried to find the right way, but I had no clue
where to go. I stopped and sat down. The stars were in the sky and there were
so many. Blaze ate some grass while I thought for a while. I heard people
talking so I went to see who it was. I thought it was Anarion and that he had
gotten lost too, but instead it was someone else. It was someone leading
Réthen. I listened to them talk, but then I saw one of them look at me.
Everyone stopped talking.

“Who are you?” he asked. I quickly got onto Blaze and rode away. I remembered I
had brought my bow and arrows, but I decided not to use them. I didn’t like
fighting. But before I could go very far, they stopped me.

“Who are you?” the leader asked again. I gulped.

“I’m Forest.” I replied. I saw everyone look at me and I felt afraid. Blaze was
trying to get away, but they held onto him. They knew that I was an enemy. I
sighed. They took me and told me to get back on my horse.

“You’ll stay with us for now.”

I was surrounded by many other people and they watched me. I knew that we were
in trouble. I hoped Rialian wouldn’t be angry at me.

“Where are we?” I asked. Everyone started to gallop. Blaze was running faster
than the other horses.

“We’re almost to the city.” He muttered.

After a while, I saw Mandos, but it was far away. We stopped and rested. I couldn’t sleep. I was too worried about what was going to happen. Blaze
couldn’t sleep either. Everyone else was asleep, but I knew that I couldn’t
leave. Someone would know if I tried to escape. I sighed and tried to sleep.

Then I saw someone behind a tree. The person called me and I knew that they
were from Mandos. I shook my head, but the person kept on telling me to come.

[Misstake Says BOO!] It was raining.

Drops of water poured from the skies like great tears, as if the world itself
were weeping.

Irisel had lost all track of time and place, she flew only a few feet above the
ground, her feet trailing over forest floor every so often. She was weary
beyond thought and reckoning and her left shoulder throbbed with a terrible
pain from a wound she had taken. Blood soaked her ripped sleeve and her vibrant
short hair hung limp and wet about her beautiful face. Her silver eyes were dim
and haunted, only a shell of what had been.

Cries of death and battle still echoed through her mind, the faces of her
friends, her kin, as they fell to the might of Réthen. She remembered her
fathers face, the terrible fear and loss of hope that covered his normally proud
and cheery features. Garenthel, he had been captured, he had fought so bravely,
but in vain.

Irisel was beyond tears now. For the last month she had been traveling across
the land towards her Uncle's Kingdom, until only her own unwavering will drove
her forwards.

She neared the end of the forest, and moments later she broke from the trees
and landed unstably on the uneven ground. Before her sat Mandos. She had been
there once before, when she was a child, she could dimly remember her older
cousin Rialian, she had been a strange girl for her people, strong and abnormally
willful, Irisel had instantly hero-worshiped her. But it had been many long
years since they had seen one another, an age of men had passed indeed, and
Irisel was no longer an innocent child.

The great elven city of Mandos was well lit by water proff flames and the great
Deep Wall was guarded by a throng of warriors, Irisel's Fay eyes could depict
the Mandos crest emblazed upon their breast.

Weary, and near exhaustion, Irisel shook out her wet wings and rose a few feet
above the ground, fighting to stay aloft as rain and wind continued to beat
upon her. She flew in a wavering line towards the silver and stone gates of Mandos, the great Deep Wall towering over her and blocking out much of the wind
and rain as she neared.

"Hail stranger, turn back, none are welcome in these dark hours unless they
bring an army at their backs!" cried the head of the watch from his post.

"I am Irisel Princess of the FayElves, and kin to your King, I bring news of
Réthen and the fall of my kingdom!" she called back in a voice that was
unsteady and hoarse that came from unuse and grief.

There was a shocked silence and Irisel's keen ears could depict their hurried

"Open the gate!" cried the watcher moments later, and Irsiel sighed with relief
as the creaking of well used hinges was heard.

Irsiel entered the great city on foot, folding her glittering wings behind her,
hand on the hilt of her sword.

A man approuched, he was tall with long white hair that hung lossly over his
broad shoulders. He was obviously Cabrel, and was imposingly handsome.

"Welcome, Princess, I'm afraid you find us in dire times," said the man kindly
as he bowed to her.

Irsiel cocked her head to one side as he spoke, the buzz of wearyness making
her mind slow and her temper quick.

"I must see the King, I bring news of Réthen and the fall of my kingdom," she
said as politly as her wearyness would allow.

"I'm afraid the king is extremly busy, Rethen is but a weeks march from here,"
said the Cabrel.

Irisel glared, he was treating her like a simpering maiden of no class.

"Rethen is in four days of Mandos and they carry my brother Garenthel, now King
of FayElves as they're captive. Rethen's king has a great host at his back,
both of his people and others, now take me to the king or I will find him
myself," Irsiel snapped, a slight wind rising from seemingly no where as her
temper grew.

The mans gaze hardned and he glared at her harshly.

"Harsh do you make your demands, daughter of Kings though you may be, I am Anarion, heir to the throne of Cabrel. I also demand some respect, warrior
maiden of the Fay," he said softly but sternly, his bright eyes snapping with a
well hidden frustration. Irsiel found herself more tired and weary than ever,
and her shoulder was throbbing all the more painfuly. She would have to tend to
it later, there was no time now.

"But I will lead you to the King, Princess, though you bring us ill tiddings,"
snapped Anarion, the fiery Princess had raised his calm temper so quickly it
surprised him. She was very much a fighter, as dangerous as she was beautiful.

Irsiel felt her temper leave her instantly and she was left hallow and empty,
her grief and pain pushed now to the back of her consiousness as she followed
the handsome Prince. There was no time for tears now. Maybe when this war had
ended there would be time for proper grivance and morning, but there was her
brother to save, and her revenge to claim. Tears would not save her people, nor
bring her father back to life.

The rain stopped suddenly, and the skies cleared, a half moon shown through the
parting clouds and Irsiel alowed herself a bitter smile. Rethen would not get
away with their crulety, of that, Irsiel would make sure.

[˜°̈†ìñÐömñîé£̈°˜] Rialian~

Anarion brought Irsiel to my room. "Irsiel", I said running to her in suprise.

I huged her but she pushed me away as she grabbed her shoulder.
My eyes widened. "Your wounded", I said with surprise taking her over to my
bed. She sat down as I tended to her wound. I wrapped a thin piece of fabric
around her wound. I took a rag that had been in hot water and placed it upon
the wound appliying pressure to her shoulder. She shut her eyes. Her wound was

deep, but not too deep, she had been very lucky.

"My father sent me to tell you that we are at your aid, but I didnt expect to
talk to you before I talked to your father", Irsiel said.

"He is dead" I said quietly. "What" Anarion said, he had been standing on the
other side of the room.

"He is dead, I am know or will be ruler of Mandos, he died day before
yesterday", I told them, "But I ask that you keep my rulership quiet until the

time is right, for I feat that if found out by the enemy it could prove ill".

"Indeed", Anarion said wlaking over and placing his hand on my shoulder.

I smiled. Anarion had always been a dear friend and had always been there
though hard times.

Just then Calathilas walked in the room.
"Irsiel", Calathilas said with shock, Calathilas had met Irsiel before at a

"Hello", Irsiel said yawning. She had ridden all through the night.

"You will stay in my room tonight my cousin", I said getting up, "Now if you
will excuse me, I will come and check on you later, but now rest, i am sure i
will need you later on", I said leaving the room.

Calathilas and I walked down the hall and out into the garden that was under
the balcony of my room.

I laid down on the grass my red hair intwined with flowers that flowed out on
the grass. My skin glowed with a radiance in the moon light. Calalithas sat
down next to me.

He gently ran his hand across my face. I looked up and smiled. I sat up and
looked into his Peircing amethyst eyes. I felt safe when he was around I felt
nothing could go wrong.

"Rialian", he began as he took me into his arms.......

***ok becky you can take it from here. just staring a plot for our charaters.
sry guys if its kinda mushy.... lol.***

[Mooñdu§t♪? Aiken4LOTR!]

"Rialian," I whispered as I pulled her into my arms, "Times now are
not so good, but time seems to stop when I am with you."
She smiled up at me and softly replied, "I know Calathilas, I feel the
same way."
I was so happy, but then, thoughts and troubles of the outside world
strayed into my mind. The smile of ecstasy had left my face. An expression of
worry had taken its place.
"What troubles you?" Rialian kindly asked me.
I shook my head in disappointment, "I am sorry if I am acting
strangely. It's just, I wish to stay here with you, but I have other matters
that I must attend to."
"I understand," she responded. "We all have matters in our life that
we have no choice but to attend to. Trust me, I know how you feel." I tried to
smile at her, but it was hard, my mind was worried about
the impending war, as well as my secrecy as a spy for Rethen, and also as an
ally to Rialian.
I slowly let go of her and got up. I helped her up, and she gave my a
slightly disappointed look before kissing me on the cheek, and retiring to her

chamber. I wished her a good night, and then left to go the stables.
~ * ~ * ~* ~ * ~

Once I arrived at the stables, I found Nimali and together we sped off
to meet with King Thalion of Rethen.
As soon as I entered the city and headed towards the great hall of
Duredhel, I noticed a man exiting from a secret back door of the hall.
He did not seem familiar, but I was somewhat suspicious of him,
because I knew that very few were told about the secret door.
He sparked my curiousity, so I decided to approach him. He seemed
taken aback, yet somewhat pleased that I had come up to him. I reached my hand

out towards him and he shook it. He had a firm grip, but it strangely seemed
familiar to me.
"Greetings," I said, "Are you new to Rethen?"
"No," he answered. "Are you?"
I felt as if I knew him, and I tried to figure out where I recognized
him from, but it would not come to me. "No, I work for the great King Thalion,"

I replied. "Do you work for him as well? I saw you come out from that door, but

only few know about it."
"Yes, I guess you could say that I work for him, but not exactly," the
man responded. "Are you on your way to see King Thalion?"
"Actually, I am." I stated. "I was supposed to be here sooner, but I
was delayed."
"Oh, well I am afraid the king is not availble right now. I just went
in to see him, and I was told to come back later," the man explained. "Perhaps,

you should come and see him later as well."
"I appreciate you suggestion, but I will go now and try to speak with
him," I said.
"All right, but he will not be able to see you," the man insisted.
"That is fine then, I will just go inside and wait untill he is
available." The man shook his head at my response and slightly laughed. He
began to walk away, before looking back at me once more, and then continuing on

his way.
I shrugged my shoulders and headed into the great hall of Duredhel.
~ * ~ * ~* ~ * ~

"Ah, it is good to see you, Calathilas," Thalion's advisor said as I
entered the great hall. "I'm sorry I'm late," I replied as I walked towards
him. "Is King
Thalion available? I wish to speak with him?"
Before the advisor could answer, another asnwered for him. "King
Thalion is not able to see you now. Come back later when he is available to
discuss matters with you."
I turned around and standing there was Kelliyon. He smiled at me
slightly and I replied, "I do not wish to leave just yet. Is it all right if I

wait for the king to return?"
Kelliyon had been crossing his arms and standing a few feet away.
Reluctantly, he dropped his hand to his sides, and came closer to me. "I
suppose," he huffed. "Your arrival is long overdue."
"Better later than never," I retorted.

[Lanth/Rialian Cheer 4 Soldiers] Thalion shook his head and smiled. "He
seemed to be fine with the attacks but we will see."

A messenger burst out of the stables and started toward the back entrance in a

sprint. His eyes were full of joy, yet there was a panic in his gate.
Thalion reached out and grabbed the boy by the arm.
"What news have you?" he asked.
"It is for the kings ears alone." the boy shot back.
"I am his right hand. Everything he knows I know. Now, what news have you?"
“Very well, I have seen you before. The army that was sent to aid our
faced battle with the fayelves and has destroyed their city Korminterth, they
now hold the prince of such city for ransom and have joined our troops send to

Mandos." the boy said. Thalion’s eyes filled with anger.
"The army headed to Mandos is now 3 thousand?" he asked.
"Yes, Milord. We will surly take the city and thus end the war between the
two." the boy replied.
"Who gave the order to do this? And what of the king of Korminterth?" Thalion
"I do not know who gave the order, Milord, but the king, as well as all in his

house have been killed." Thalion took a deep breath and frowned his brow. "be
gone young one, I will give the King this news." the boy nodded and started
back toward the stables.

Thalion turned and entered through the back passage, shifting into his true
form as he walked into the large hall. Kelliyon spoke with Calathilas and both

turned to face him as he entered.
"Milord, I did not expect to see you so soon." Calathilas said with a smile.

"I did not expect to return so soon. But now that you are here, pray, tell me
what matters are in Madros." he said, taking a seat on the steps leading to the

thrown. He had not yet felt he deserved the right to sit above others.

"There is a rage in your eyes Milord, what news have you heard?" Calathilas
Thalion hung his head and spoke in a voice so low it was hard to hear. There
was a sadness that none had detected out of the strong young Adron Elf before.

"There was a battle that cost so many their lives that I do not wish to dwell
on it. The army that was sent to Zaren completed their task and destroyed the
City of the fayelves. They now hold Garenthel, the prince, for ransom." he
"Ransom? Réthen is not in need of money." Kelliyon said.
"I know this."
Calathilas had a sad look in his eye. In such a way that it seemed almost that

he had heard such news before. Thalion said nothing.
"And what of the King?" Kelliyon asked.
"He as well as his family were killed without need. The cruelty that has tried

to be prevented is held by our army. They have done all that I resent Mandos
for. We are no better than them it seems." He raised his head and stood. The
look of pride returning in his posture. "This will not leave this room. I wish

to learn who ordered this and he will be punished, but neither of you speak of

what you have heard." He said.
"You have my word brother." Kelliyon said.
Calathilas look up from the ground and a thin smile crossed his face.

"And my word also, Milord."

A sad smile crossed Akhyra's face as Anarion rode out toward the gate. Battle
was dangerous as she had experienced many times. She had lost so many she was
close to in such battles. Pushing the thoughts of her dear friend and his
danger from her mind she proceeded to the palace. the clouds covered the sun
leaving all the forest around the city walls dark and eerie.

She stepped up the large stone steps as two guards stepped forward. "What
business do you have with the king Aedon?" The taller of the two cabrel asked.

"I am an old friend and I wish to speak with him." She replied with a smile.
"And your name, elf."
"Akhyra." she replied, not correcting his mistake. Anarion and one other, were

the only ones who new what she was. She planned to keep it that way.

"Very well Akhyra, I will ask him if he wishes to see you." With that he turned

and disappeared into the large wooden doors.
Aedon came a few moments later. His face held his usual kind smile and wise
eyes. "It is well that you are home. You have been missed." he said.
She smiled.
"Come now, I am sure you are weary." He turned and directed her into the dining

hall. They spoke there for a while. The king was a good man as he had proven so

many times before. It was clear to Akhyra where Anarion learned his ways.

"It is no doubt very dangerous for him there." the king began, his old fingers

wrapped around a small goblet. "I was outraged when he left and I am sorry for

it. I thought the Réthen better men that to attack such a small city as Mandos.

It seems cowardly." Aedon said.
"Indeed it does. Though I believe there are few whom are noble men, who have
just chosen poorly." Akhyra replied.
"I do not doubt it. Though if they take the life of my only son it will be
difficult for me to forget such a thing." he said, his eyes revealing the
slightest hint of worry.
"Let us not speak of such things. For now I wish I would have gone also. To
fight along side the Cabrel as I have done in the past." she said. He smiled
and patted her hand. "There will be many wars for to fight in and you are still

very young."
She smiled.

A while later when the sun had gone down and various solders demanded the
presents of their King, Akhyra took her leave.

She walked down the streets of the now dark city. She entered a small inn stood

by the door. The bartender was the only other person in the room, which was
rare in this lively place.
"Hello there young lady. Can I get you anything?" the old man asked from behind

the bar.

"A small room for the next fortnight is all I need. Thank you." She replied.

"Very well." he reached behind a large oak desk and pulled two keys from a peg.

he handed one to her and kept the other. Taking a candle from the desk he
started up the stairs.

He unlocked the door to a small room and with a smile and a nod returned to his

work at the bar.

She locked the door behind her and looked at the humble room. A single bed set

in one corner by a small window, an oak table and chair with a single candle
set on it and a brick fireplace is all it held. It was more than she had used
for the past few weeks and it was fine. She set her small pack on her Bed and
looked out the window.
sorry this sucked and took so long. I was out of town and didn't have a lot of

time to perfect it. Had time to make it really long but not good? Hum how does

that work *trails off*

[Luthien travels with Rialian] Náriël:
I Got a rope finally made out of matiriel* and through it out the window.
I climbed down and when I got to the bottom Naamarie my horse was waiting for
I got on her and rode to Madros to see my old friend Riallion.
"You have my word brother", I said to Thalion.
Then he went back and sat on the stairs again.
Why doesn't he sit in his throne?
He knows he is going to have to sit in it some day!
I thought to myself as I walked out of the room.
I grabbed my cloak and put it on with a different brooche because I didn't want

anyone to notise me then I changed into a human man and put my cloak hood down

I got on my horse Aruka and rode towards Madros.
Not planning to go all the way but we would see what would happen.
On the way I saw Calathilas, I really did like him as a friend but There was
something about him that told me not to trust him about the war.
Maybe it was just me.

[Super* says Merry Christmas!] Name ~ Solfariel
Age ~ 3,230 years old
Race ~ Elf
Hair ~ Long Black hair with two braids in the front.
Eyes ~ A silvery color
Weapons ~ A Sword, Bow and Arrows, Two Elven knives, and throwing knives
Personality ~ Quite, loyal, trust-worthy, has many qualities of a leader.
Description ~ Tall, beautiful, very skilled in battle.
Other ~ She is attacking the city of Mandos! (Yes! I get to be evil this

[˜°̈†ìñÐömñîé£̈°˜] Rialian~

I sat on the balcony as I watched the sun set. It had been 3 days since
Calathilas left. I wondered what was taking him so long to return. I closed my

eyes and sighed. I knew something was bothering him and there was something he

wanted to tell me I just couldn’t figure out what. What could be so bad
that he
would not want to tell me? He told me everything! Just then I felt and hand on
my shoulder. It was my adviser. “Rialian, he’s here”, he
said. “Who”, I asked.
“Anarion, your father has passed on, he left me to plan your marriage,
you have
been destined from birth to marry Anarion, you know this”, he explained.
cannot force me to marry someone whom I do not love”, I said. “Yes
I can, and I
will, this is what your father wished, this is what he wanted, it would be best

for you Rialian”, he said.

“I don’t care if it would benefit me to marry a man I don’t
love, I’m not going
to marry him, you wont make me, I am ruler of this country, not you, you are
not above me in any way, you know whom it is I love”, I said.
“Indeed, but that
does not matter, you will marry Anarion, he has just now entered the city with

his troops, and his father sent a messenger saying he was to arrive soon, and
that the two of you would be married, your father and Anarion’s father
discussed this before he died”, he said trying to change my mind on the
subject, “you will be married at sunset tomorrow”. “I
don’t want to talk about
it, would you just leave already! I will deal with you later”, I said.
he started. “Leave”, I shouted getting frustrated.

I buried my face in my hands. “Why me, why me”, I said. Once again
I felt a
hand on my shoulder. Yet this time it was not my adviser, I looked up to see
Anarion smiling down at me. “Anarion”, I said in surprised and
hugged him. He
and I had been good friends for a long time now and it had been too long since

I had last seen him. “It is so good to see you”, I said.
“Indeed it is, too
long has it been since I have last seen you, yet when I first looked upon you
tonight you seemed to be in distress, what is bothering you”, he asked
“Parents, My father may be dead, but there are still things that bother
me”, I
said. “I can only guess what, I know what our parents have been planning,
that is why your adviser sent me to see you I deem”, he said.

“I love you as a friend, and as a brother since you have always been here
me, you are the closest thing I have to family now, but why would my father
wish me to marry someone whom I don’t love as he wishes me too”, I
said. “Yes I
know Rialian, and I know whom it is that you love”, he said. I smiled
weakly as
I looked to the horizon. I then looked down towards the gates just seeing
Calathilas enter the city. “Would you excuse me Anarion, there is someone
who I
must go and see and then take care of my adviser, but before I go let me show
you to your chamber”, I said walking down the hall.
I then showed Anarion to his chamber and then ran down to the stables to meet

[Mooñdu§t♪? Aiken4LOTR!]

I rode into Mandros on Nimali, and headed towards the stables. The news that I
had just heard from King Thalion was troubling me. All the details
confused me at times, but it was the thoughts of all the death and killing that

got to me. As I entered the city, a look of sorrow was upon my face. I looked
at the people as I rode toward the stables. Seeing them and thinking of what
could happen to this enchanting little city made me heart ache.
When I arrived at the stables, I got off of Nimali and walked her over
to the trough. She did not need to be tethered to anything, she was very
obedient, so I left her there, and began to leave the stables. I walked out of

the stables, and just as I was about to close the door, I felt a hand rest upon

my shoulder. Before I could turn around, I was pushed back into the stables and

against the wall.
A smile crossed my face when I saw who it was. It was Rialian.
"It is good to see you," she said as she leaned in towards me. "I have
missed you so much."
"I missed you too, and thought of you very often," I replied. Then I
leaned towards her, and gently kissed her on the lips. It was like magic. The
troubling thoughts about war, secret loyalties, death, everything...it just all

"While I know there is something that troubles you," Rialian began, "I
can see it in your eyes, there is something I wish to speak with you about as
She took a step back, and reached her hands out toward me. I took her
hand and whispered, "You can tell me anything."
"Good," she responded. "Will you come with me? There is someone I
would like you to meet."
"Of course," I answered. "I would follow you to whatever end." With
that, we walked together, hand-in-hand, toward her chamber.

[Lanth/Rialian Cheer 4 Soldiers] sorry no time.

[White Christmas Tiger] I paused there at the thought. I knew our parents
were relentless, but I never thought Rialian's father would actually go this
far... or maybe at second thought I did. He was never one to give up on his
dreams, even if it meant being a pain sometimes.
The thought of Akhyra flashed through my mind. I paused. My father knew how I
felt for her... and yet?
I growled as I noticed the door being opened. There I saw Rialian walking
through with a male elf.
"Anarion, this is Calathilas. Catathilas, this is Anarion."

*Sorry, I'd write more but I'm not feeling well and I don't know how much
longer I'm allowed to stay on. Sorry.*

[Luthien travels with Rialian] Náriël: I arrived in Madros and put Naamarie in
the stables, than went looking for
I looked and looked but I couldn't find her.
Finaly I decided to ask a guard or someone.
A guard of the palace doors told me she would be in her chambers or the
chambers of Anarion.
I didn't know Where Anarion's chambers were but I did know where Rialian's
When I got there she wasn't there, Big surprize, I thought to myself.
Finaly I located the spot of Anarion' room, and there she was.
"Rialian", I said almost screaming.
She turned around saw me and said, "Náriël, I haven't seen you forever!"
"Yes, I know but I must speak with you", I said walking up to her.
I saw Anarion and another manthat looked very farmiliar.
"Sorry hope I wasn't interupting something", I said looking at the man trying
to remember.
"No, I was just introducing these two", Rialian said.
"O, sorry...", I started to say then it hit me, "I know you", I said looking at

He looked at me and widened his eyes for he reconised me.
"But never mind mind that right now I need to talk to you about something
Rialian", I stated.
I pulled her out of Anarion's room and into the halls.
"I just came from Rethen", I said looking at her.
"What? When and why were you there", She aked shocked.
"Umm, long story", I said smiling at her

[Forest] Character: Forest

It was dark as I rode on Blaze. I’d left the army that was going to
attack. I
wondered who this person was.

“Shouldn’t we do something about the army?” I muttered.

“No,” The person replied. “We should just tell the king where
they are.”

I nodded. “I’d like to know who you are, or at least your

“I won’t tell you until we arrive in Mandos.”

I kept on riding. I then saw the city after a while. There weren’t many
still awake, and I hoped that I would be able to talk to the king soon because

the army might come tomorrow.
“Now could you tell me who you are?” I asked.

[Super* says Merry Christmas!] *Oh, it was my turn?! I'm sorry I have about
five Campfires to add to. But when it's my turn next! I promise it will be a
really good addition!!!! I'm SOOOOOO SORRY

[˜°̈†ìñÐömñîé£̈°˜] *sry guys im so busy right now,
this weeekend has been so
crazy! ill add next time*

[Mooñdu§t♪? Aiken4LOTR!]


Rialian was pulled out of Anarion's room by another female, named
Nariel, who oddly looked familiar to me, though I could not place her.
I stood in alone in the room with Anarion. I had just met his moments
ago. He seemed nice enough, but I could sense that there was something he and
Rialian were keeping from me.
"I do not suppose Rialian has told you the news yet, has she?" Anarion
began. "I feel you must know that this is something neither her nor I want. It

is the actions of our fathers, and only theirs."
"What is it that you wish to tell me?" I asked.
"We are to be married, Rialian and I," Anarion stated. "But please, do
not be quick to anger, I love another, and Rialian, not to speak too frankly,
but it seems obvious that she loves you and only you."
"I..." I muttered. "I don't know what to say, or what to do. Is there
anyone this can be undone?"
"That is just it," Anarion sighed. "We don't no, but I seriously doubt
I looked down at the groud for a moment, before facing Anarion once
more. "Well, we at least have to try. Is there anything I can do?"
"For now, no," Anarion answered. "But I will try my best to fix
"I appreciate it, Anarion," I said as I turned to leave. "This is a
rather amusing predicament, you know?"
Anarion smiled slightly, "How so?"
"Because I love Rialian, and you think I would hate her fiancee with a
passion, but no, I think I would actually consider you a new friend."
"Hey, that is rather amusing, now isn't it?" Anarion replied.
"Calathilas, I will do whatever it takes to change this entire mess. You have
my word, friend."
I bowed and turned to leave. "Please tell Rialian that I had to
Madros, but I return as soon as I can."
"I'll be sure to do that," Anarion responded. With that, I left the room to
find that Rialian and Nariel were no
longer talking in the hallway. I continued down to the stables to get Nimali,
and then rode off to Réthen.
* ~ * ~ *

~Calathilas~ In Réthen~

Once I arrived in Réthen, I had Nimali taken care of and went to see
King Thalion. When I entered the great hall of Duredhel, King Thalion was not
sitting on his throne.
"Milord," I began. "Is something troubling you?"
Thalion looked up to me with a surprised expression upon his face. "I
did not expect to so you, and yes, something is troubling me a little bit."
"Is there anything I can do to help you?" I asked.
Thalion looked at me with a thoughtful air in his eyes. "Why yes,
actually there is. Tell me the truth. My brother Kellyion followed you to
Madros, and he told me that he has suspicion that yo are affiliated with
Rialian, Princess of Madros. Is this true?"
Before I could answer, Kellyion appeared from out of the shadows of
King Thalion's throne room.
"I must confess," he began, "I do not have any real evidence, for I
did not follow Calathilas all the way into the city. I only assumed, for I saw

him ride towards the stables, and it seemed that Lady Rialian headed towards
the stables as well. I thought that maybe there were meeting there..."
"Or perhaps, we both just needed to use the city stables, something
that is used by all who reside in Madros," I stated.
King Thalion shook his head before standing up and facing Kellyion.
"He is right, maybe you were mistaken, Kellyion. Nevertheless, Calathilas," he

said as he turned towards me, "your absence here and time spent in Madros
should be better supervised."
"How do you propose to do that?" I questioned.
"Solfariel!" He shouted. Just then, an elf with long black hair,
pulled into two braids, entered the great hall of Duredhel.
"Yes, milord, you called?"
"Come, I would like you to meet your project, this is Calathilas,"
King Thalion stated. "Calathilas, this is Solfariel."
"Project!" I exclaimed. "No way, she cannot just follow me everywhere
I go."
"I thought you sould say that," Solfariel whispered. "It is a pleasure
to meet you too."
"Solfariel has already been given a room. Calathilas, I know you
normally like to return to Madros at night, but I want you to stay here for a
few days. Kellyion has had your room prepared, and it hasn't been used since
that last time you were here, so it should be in mint condition." King Thalion
ordered. "Solfariel, you are dismissed. Kellyion, please escort Calathilas to
his room. We want to be sure he actually gets some rest, instead of riding to
Madros during the night."
Solfariel bowed and left the hall. Kellyion nodded towards his brother
and motioned for me to follow him. I was hesitant at first, but I reluctantly
followed him. What other choice did I have?
All I knew was that I had to regain trust in King Thalion, for that
would be the only way to lose this Solfariel. As I followed Kellyion to my
room, I wanted so dearly to pull out my sword and slash him to death, but I
knew I had to behave. More so than escaping tp Madros in the night, I felt like

finishing off Solfariel as well.
I could feel my old self returning. My anger was building up and I
knew, my only sanctuary from all of this chaos was Rialian. I had to get back
to her, but I knew it would take a lot of work, and a lot of lies to be able to

return to Madros alone. Even so, in my heart I knew I would do whatever it took

to go to Rialian, and to be able to stay by her side.

[˜°̈†ìñÐömñîé£̈°˜] Rialian~

After talking with Nariel I went down to the garden. Today had been very over
whelming. With Anarion and Nariel’s arrival, and also the coming home of

Calathilas. “Rialian”, I heard a dreaded voice come from behind. I
sighed, it
was my advisor. “I’m not getting married tomorrow”, I said
getting frustrated
again. “Don’t fight me Rialian”, he said. “Oh and what
are you going to do if I
do fight you, remember who is ruler of this country”, I said. “Yes,
I know, but
you will not mess up what your father has done for you”, he said drawing
sword and putting it to my neck. I gulped.

“Now, milady, if you would so kindly accompany me to your chamber”,
he said as
a guard stepped out of the shadows and picked me up. There was no use fighting.

I was restricted to my room, my door was guarded. “And when you do kill
me or
marry me off, which ever comes first, how do you intend to rule a country on
your own when you have not the skills to do so, and when the people of my
country find out, that either you have exiled or killed their queen, and they
mutiny what then”, I said mocking him. “We shall see”, he
said. “You know you
won’t succeed, Calathilas will look for me”, I said.

He then walked up to me and pulled out his knife. “Do not push me
Rialian”, he
said pressing the knife to my cheek and piercing my skin, the cut forever left

a scar. I didn’t move. “I won’t marry him”, I said once
again. “You will,
whether you want to or not”, he said.
The next morning came all too soon. Anarion was permitted to come to me and
speak with me before the ceremony. I hoped with all my heart that Calathilas
would return before sun down. Deep down I knew he would.

[Mooñdu§t♪? Aiken4LOTR!]
Hey Maria, great addy! LOL. *Cough* ahem!* Anyways...



The next morning came all too quickly. I had barely gotten any sleep,
as my mind was focused intently focused on Rialian. She was my inspiration, my

motivation, my hope, my life, my all.
Just then there was a knock on the door. I got up from my bed and
opened it. It was Solfariel.
"I am surprised that you are still here," she huffed.
"Good morning to you too," I retorted.
"Anyway, I came to speak with you," she said as she paused for a
moment. "Listen, can I come in, we should speak in privacy."
Reluctanly, I opened the door just enough so she could squeeze into
the room.
"All right, all right!" She stated. "I can tell that you do not want
me here. In fact, you have made it rather obvious that you do not want me
around at all."
"Really? When did you figure that out?" I mocked.
"Look! I do not have time for this!" She exclaimed in a stern voice.
"I do not care for you either, so I definitely do not want to spend my time
following you around, nonetheless, even go to Madros. But, it is my duty to go

with you there. Even so, that does not mean that I actually have to follow
"What exactly are you proposing for us to do?" I inquired.
"We shall travel to Madros together, and then I shall leave you in
peace. We will need to meet at night and return together, though. We'll just
tell Kellyion and King Thalion that we spent the day together," Solfariel
"You mean, you actually don't mind lying to King Thalion?" I
questioned. "Are you sure about this? I mean, there isn't a catch or anything?

Is there?"
"The sole purpose of this is that we won't have to spend our time
together and...you will be able to do whatever without anyone knowing, and more

importantly, if King Thalion trusts me to watch his best spy, and if I do well,
then perhaps I will someday reach a higher rank in his royal court, or army.
You see where I'm heading with this?" Solfariel grinned.
"All right," I replied finally. "But you swear, no catches, no
"None, whatsoever." She answered. "Get ready, we will leave in ten
minutes. I will have our horses prepared. Meet me at the city gate."
With that, Solfariel fled out of the room towards the stables, and I
hurried to gather my things. I would be returning to Rialian after all. What a

great feeling.

Sorry so short! I g2g!
~Moondust is Shakin Aiken

[Lanth/Rialian ROTK ROCKS!] [Lanth/Rialian Cheer 4 Soldiers] Thalion smiled
as Calathilas and Solfariel
left the room. He could sense neither of them were happy about his request, but

it was for the best they agreed. For this time he was going to remain in
Réthen, waiting for when his army, now two days ride north, would arrive. he
had a general to speak with. Thalion grew sick of getting news days after it
happened and sitting in comfort as his men suffered. In these two days he would

prepare and go to war himself. Fight for honor, his father and his older
brother. His advisor entered as he sat on the steps. He stood and walked
quickly toward the old Elf. "My old friend I have a request to ask of you." he

"Call off the ranks that approach Mandos and have them return here as fast as
possible. There is a plan that needs tending to as soon as it is possible." he

"But Milord,"
"I know what I am doing. Have faith."

Akhyra sat in her room, resting on a small chair in front of a dying fire and
silently praying. A knock at the hard wood door brought her to her feet. A
messenger stood there and with a low bow he handed her a small letter. She
thanked him with a kind smile and he remained there waiting for her reply. The

kings script. It makes me wonder she thought.

Opening it slowly though her eyes moved quickly across the letters she held it

tightly. A message inviting her to ride with the King and very few others to
Mandos. she looked to the messenger. "Tell his highness, that I will accompany

him." she said.
"Yes, Milady." he said with another long bow, he took his leave and Akhyra read

the rest on the small parchment.

If you are able to come, then meet me and few of the guards near the stables as
soon as you may. I will have a steed waiting for you. Do not trouble over my
son. For he lives and is in good health as far as I have been told. He simply
requested to see me on urgent matters and I trusted that you would not forgive

me if I did not give you the option to accompany me. I trust to see you soon

Little less than 2 days later they reached the borders of Mandos

~Yikes. hope you can work with this Kari. I though I would shake things up a
bit. have Anarion have to work things out with Aedon and all that fun stuff.
Plus I was running out of ideas. ~

[Luthien travels with Rialian] Kelliyon:
After discovering the girl was no longer in her chambers I figured she wouldn't

have stayed anyway.
I shook my head and walked into the throne room where Thalion was.
"Good day Thalion", I said as I had a seat next to him.
He nodded, and seemd like he was in deep thought.

"So I hear we are going to war", I said breaking the silence.
He looked at me and said, "No, but I shall go to war."
"Ah yes, but I will be there right by your side", I said smiling at him.
"I would not ask my only brother to go and fight", he said looking at the
"But you don't ask, because I would follow my king to the end", I said standing

He just looked at me.
"Father would be proud of you", I said walking out of the room.

As I walked out of the palace I got on my horse and started to ride.
Rialian told me about the marriage and that she did like anarion as a friend
but she loved another.
I told her I would support her all the way and evan help her escape if she had

She should be able to marry the one whom she loved, and I believed that she
would fight to get out of the marriage.

The next morning came and also the wedding.
I got up and went to look for Rialian.
(sry its so short but I dunno what else to write)

[Forest] Character: Forest
I went to tell the king where the army was after the person told me who she
was. I headed inside.

“Hello,” I smiled. I told him where the army was. He nodded and I

I wondered if they were going to attack soon as I got onto my horse. I rode
quickly back to my house and walked inside. I hurried to bed and fell asleep.

The next day, I woke up and wondered if they’d come yet. I took my bow
arrows, then got onto Blaze and rode outside.

After a while of riding on my horse, I saw the king was speaking to Ahkyra.
There were also guards there. I kept on riding and continued wondering if the
army was arriving.

[˜°̈†ìñÐömñîé£̈°˜] Rialian~

There came a nock at my chamber door, it was sunrise, the day of the wedding.

"Rialian, come with me it is time to get you ready", my advisor said.
"I will tell you this now you will not susceed with this", I said to him
"We shall see", he said and led me to where I was to be made ready for the

The clothed me in a dress of white, it was ordained with tiny white stones and

silver gems.

That evening came to soon.

It was almost time for the ceremony to begin and I was panicing, I didn't know

what to do. Just then I heard a harsh whisper and someone grabbed my arm. Once

again it was my advisor, "Don't do anything stupid", he said and pushed me to
geton my way to where the ceremony was.

Anarion and I stood before the preist, as he completed the ritual. "May health

and good riches go..." but he was interrupted. "Stop", Calathilas shouted as he

came running through the crowd.

**sry fergot it was my turn... becky you can go on with our plot and Kari you
can add what you will to this i had no idea what to write**

[Mooñdu§t♪? Aiken4LOTR!]
"Stop!" I shouted as I came running through the crowd of spectators.
"Calathilas, I knew you would come," Rialian cried.
"What is the meaning of this?" Rialian's advisor inquired.
"You," I said sternly. "This is all your doing!"
I ran up to him and in a flash, I was holding a dagger to his throat.
"This is not wise boy," the advisor stated. "What is your your business here?"

"Call off the wedding," I replied. "I shall tell you nothing untill
you rid of everyone, the crowd, the guards, and especially the priest."
"As you wish..." the advisor said slyly. Then he abruptly shouted,
"Guards! Kill him!"
The crowd frantically began to bustle about when the guards rushed
through and gathered in a cirle surrounding myself and Rialian's advisor. They

were quick, but not quick enough.
I pushed the advisor away from me, he fell on the floor, and the
guards grabbed for me, but I slipped out of their busy little circle without
them noticing. I then hurried over to Rialian, a look of excitement was in her

eyes as I extended my hand towards her. She took it and together we escaped
from the ceremony as fast as we could, dodging people in the crowd, as we
quickly made our way out into the street.
"You idiots!" The advisor shouted. "He's run off! He's taken the
princess. Go get him!"
The guards ran in our direction, leaving Anarion alone with Rialian's
"Fool," the advisor spat. "Rialian will be rescued, and he will die
for his rash act."
"Do you even know who he is?" Anarion asked.
"What do you mean?" The advisor questioned. "He's just some crazy elf
who is going to end up with the death sentence."
"Calathilas does seem a bit crazy," Anarion replied, "but not in the
way you're thinking. I think he is just crazy for Rialian, and if I'm not
mistaken, she feels the same for him."
"What does that have to do with anything?" The advisor huffed before
answering his own question. "Nothing! Love is not enough for marriage when you

are the heir to such an important city."
"Perhaps," Anarion began. "since she is an heir, it really is better
for her to be with someone she loves."
"Why do you say that?" the advisor asked with a look of interest.
"Because he is what she wants, and he is the only thing that will make
her happy," Anarion answered. "No ruler can do any good unless that have
something good in their own life as well." With that, Anarion began to walk out

of the chapel, which was now completely empty, save for the advisor.
"Love, what a waste," the advisor muttered to himself in anger. "How
dare that Calathilas make a fool out of me in front of so many people. Now it
is his turn to be humiliated, and I will make sure that it is the most painful
humiliation ever."

Ok guys, that's it! sorry! Anyway, I have one other comment, I noticed that I
put madros or something for the name of the city in one of my other additions,

well I really meant MANDOS. Anyways, I'm sorry for the mix-up. Hope I didn't
confuse anyone! LOL. ~Becky

[Lanth/Rialian Cheer 4 Soldiers] Thalion's advisor's name is Aithil. Just
for info. oh and sorry the addition is kinda suckie. I didn't really know how
to follow Becky and Marsies additions. You know, can't improve on perfection.

"The army has arrived Milord. The general Edian wishes to speak to you." Aithil

"Excellent. I will meet with him now." Thalion replied.
"He is waiting just outside milord."
Thalion nodded and started to the large hall doors. "Wait, Aithil, where is my

brother? I requested he be back before dawn and I have not yet seen him." the
young king questioned, turning back to his advisor.
"I have not seen him."
"Very well. I will return soon. When you see him inform him that he will take
my place while I am gone."

Thalion met his general, whom had fought next to him many times in the past.
With a bow and a smile, Edian welcomed him. "Thalion, I trust you are well." he

said. Thalion did not greet his friend with a smile but with harsh words.
Finding that Garenthel, who was now king of the fayelves was held in the
dungeons; he left Edian with Aithil and proceeded to the dark stone cells that

were built under the city.

It was old and the paintings that lined the walls were now hard to translate
with the years of decay. 2 guards stood by one cell, showing Thalion where
Garenthel was held.
"Go to your families and spend what time you may with them. We leave at first
light 7 days from now. " Thalion said to the guards, though looking to the man

who now sat with no emotion in his face but a pure rage behind his eyes.
"Yes, King Thalion." they said in unison as they left him with the keys and the

"Also send Aithil as soon as you may."
"Yes milord."

Thalion shook his head in disgust as Garenthel stared blankly at the ground. He

was bleeding from his shoulder and his forehead and appeared to have avoided
food nor rest.
"How have they treated you milord?" Thalion asked. He did not look nor answer.

"Pray, will you speak? That I may punish those responsible for this cruelty."
he said.
The adron elf unlocked the door and swung it open as far as it would go. The
old hinges scraped producing a horrid sound.
"As of this time you are free to roam my country as you will. Tomorrow at dawn

3 guards and myself go to Mandos. You are welcome to come and there you will be

treated as you should have from the beginning."
For the first time the prisoner spoke. In a low, angry voice he hissed, "And
why would things be different with you than with Edian?"
"Because I, unlike Edian, still believe in honor. We did not threaten, we
attacked and because of that I apologize. I have no problems with the Fayelves

and Mandos is the only reason we are not allied. I ask your forgiveness, milord

Garenthel. If you wish to accept or no I ask you to take a good meal before we

proceed." Thalion said. Garenthel pulled himself to his feet, trying to mask
his pain.
Just then Aithil entered. "you called milord?"
"Yes, See that this man has something to eat and a place to rest. He has
traveled long and must be weary."


Akhyra stood in the back of the small church, her hood drawn about her face.
She had arrived with the king not an hour before and Anarion did not yet know
of her presence. Aedon assured her that it was his choice and he loved this
Rialian. Despite herself she accepted this.
Stepping out of the chaos of the preparation she went to the chamber she was
Setting her small pack on the bed she stepped onto the large balcony. There was

a sweet smell in the air and though the sun shine a slight wind allowed the
cold. She leaned her elbows on the high railing and closed her eyes. Whispering

a slight prayer she smiled.

Akhyra slept through the night, a rare occasion with her, and woke the next
morning before the sun rose. She dressed in what they had given her, a long
dark emerald dress and cloak. It was beautiful, though she appreciated it more

for the warmth in the morning than the appearance. Waiting until the sun rose
she planned to speak with Anarion and Rialian, the one whom she had not yet

Note: Hey, just wanted to ask if THalion would not get to Mandos till my next
addition. I have something evil planned if you feel so inclined to have him
travel there or whatever go ahead. as long as he doesn't get there yet. Thanks

a bunch ~Katie

[˜°¨†ìñÐömñî飨°˜] UH! sry i havent added. wayy too busy!

[Mooñdu§t♪ Aiken4 ROTK!!!]

After we had dashed out of the church and through the crowd, Rialian
and I hid out in the stables.
"We are like children, hiding in here!" Rialian laughed.
"I know," I replied with a smile. "But hey, it works for now."
"You are too right," she said as she leaned in and kissed me. Then she
pulled away and looked into my eyes. "Calathilas, I would be lost without
"I think it is the other way around," I responded.
"No, I mean it," she stated. "I don't know what I would've done if I
had gone through with marrying Anarion. He is a good man, but he is not the one
for me."
"I don't know what I would've done either," I sighed. "All I know is
that I hope I am the one for you, and you the one for me."
"I tell you now that your hopes have come true," Rialian replied.
"That is good news," I whispered as I held Rialian in my embrace.
"Very good news," she replied softly as she leaned in and kissed me.

Sorry so short! I don't wanna mess up anyone's plans. LOL.

***ok everyone my story has been kinda stupid lately so i had to copy and paste everything into a new item body so just start back up from where we left off.***
A Non-Existent User
no time. ahhhhhhhhhh!
**~**Hey sry my characters are just kinda out of teh picture right now, I will add next time Maria. Sry**~**
*sorry it took so long...*

Anarion walked out of the chapel in a hurry. He knew he had to find Rialian, if not they both might be in danger. But at that instant he saw his father outside of the building wearing a white tunic. A female was next to him in cloak. Anarion's heart began to race as he walked forward.
"Father!" He rushed forward.
"What is going on Boy?"
"Rialian left before the ceremony was finished I'm afraid." Anarion replied.
"Father, I agree with her. We aren't meant to be, and you have known this since I was a boy. Please don't stick up for yours and her father's rediculious plan! Either way I have to find her before its too late."
A hand reached out from behind the cloak and Anarion saw Akhyra's familiar face staring out at him. He gently smiled at her and gave her arm a squeeze. "Anarion-I-"
"I'm sorry Akhyra, but I have to go. We will talk later." He then gave her and his father a hug and ran off.

*Sorry its so short. *Frown**

We sat out in the stables for sometimes. Calathilas and I sat in the stables and talked. I then heard running foot steps comming towards the stables. "Get down", I told Calathilas. I peek around the wall to see Anarion standing at the doors, out of breath. I got up and walked towards him. "There you are", he said. "Yes, here I am", I said as Calathilas got up as well. "So, is everyone on the search now", I asked. "I don't know, I left right after you did, well almost", he said with a faint smile.

"What do we do now", Calathilas asked....

**sry so short. Im in pain and its affecting my brain**


         "What do we do now?" I asked.
         "I'm not sure," Anarion replied. "But for our safety, I suggest that Rialian come with me. Calathilas, I think you should keep yourself hidden right now. I fear what might be done to you for your act in the church."
         "Where is he to go?" Rialian questioned. "I hate for him to leave."
         I looked over to my beloved Rialian. An expression of deep concern was upon her face. I tried to smile at her, but this attepmt was useless. In the back of my mind crept the dark secret that I had been hiding from her.
         I knew for sure of our love for each other, but what was I to expect when I finally revealed to her that I am a spy. No, my intentions were never to help King Thalion or Rethen, I just kept myself alive and tried to remain neutral as often as possible.
         Thalion will be expecting my arrival soon... I thought to myself. I should probably meet with Solfariel. We must return to Rethen together.
         "Calathilas..." Rialian said as she took my hand.
         "Please go with Anarion if it is the only way to ensure your safety," I responded.
         "And what of you?" She inquired.
         "I can take care of myself," I replied playfully, trying to lighten the mood. "Do not worry, I will return to you."
         "Then it is settled," Anarion said as he opened the stable doors.
         "Be careful," Rialian whispered as I got upon Nimali. "Don't keep me waiting for too long."
         I kissed her hand gently, let it go and rode out of the stables. I left for the city gates where I would wait for Solfariel before returning to Rethen. My heart ached, my mind hung heavy, too much was weighing me down. I knew within myself that I would soon have to shed some of this guilt that kept me utterly unhappy.
A Non-Existent User
.Thalion, Garenthel and a group of 3 guards, now all dressed as wanderers made their way toward the city with no trouble from the guards. Thalion rode by Garenthel who had somewhat recovered but had not yet reached his full strength.
"From here you are free to go." Thalion said.
"Thank you." Garenthel said with a bow and a grateful smile. He lightly kicked the sides of his horse and started into the interior of the city. Thalion looked to the crowd, turning the others he began for the large gate that led into Mandos just as Garenthel had done. His eyes caught a familiar face, standing alone and looking deeply troubled. he smiled to himself and pulled his hood about his face. He dismounted and turn to one of his guards.
"Go to the stables, I will meet you there." he said. "Yes milord." they started away. Thalion walked toward the young elf.
He bow, keeping his face from being seen until there was no where for Calathilas to go.
"Hello, my friend." he said. Calathilas jumped.
"What are you doing here Milord?" he asked quickly.
"It will be explained later." He raise an eyebrow "I could not help but notice that Solfariel is not with you." he continued.
"I am here, Milord." she replied, coming from a few steps behind Calathilas.
"Ah, forgive me. I suspected you were not loyal to Rethen." Thalion said, now knowing very well the motives of both.
"Solfariel." Thalion said turning to her.
"yes highness?"
"Go. Now. Return to Rethen and I will speak with you of this when I return."
"What have I done?" she asked, seemingly distraught. Thalion smiled.
"It was an order, Solfariel." he said. she bow with a glance to Calathilas and mounted her horse. Thalion directed her to go and she proceeded, obviously desiring to stay with the elf.
"Are you loyal to Mandos?" The king asked.
"Why would you ask such a thing?" he replied.
"Be honest with me, it is all I ask."
"It is the Lady Rialian I am loyal to." he said, for the first time looking Thalion in the eye.
"I banish you now from Rethen, Calathilas. You will be arrested if I ever see you there again." he said, mounting his horse again and riding to meet with his guards. He knew he did not do as he should, he should question the elf of what had been said, but for some reason he did not. It was The King of Mandos whom he wanted dead and not Calathilas. He left his horse in the stables and left with the 3 guards.
"I never thought I would see you here." he heard. Turning to the voice of an old friend.

Akhyra smiled as Anarion greeted her and watched him walk quickly away. Turning to the king she smiled once again, and kissed his cheek. "I thank you, highness. Tell Anarion I am sorry for this sudden departure and that I will come on a later day to meet his bride." she said.
"You are leaving then?"
She nodded and return to her room, packing up her few belongings she left and started away. She was not meant to be there and would not remain. As she left she saw him, a friend who in her mind had abandoned her. The only other who knew what she was. "I never thought I would see you here." she said to him. Thalion turned to her and smiled. Approaching her he smiled. "Akhyra my old friend."
"I trust you are well." she replied with a slight smile though it was not genuine. She did not trust him.

Bleh that sucked.

For several days I awaited Calathilas's return. I wondered why he was always having to leave. But no answer could I find, and he did not tell me. Since my father had died I had been taking on the role as ruler of the country, well sort of, for the exception of my little fued with my father's advisor. But I had him arresested and never to be let out until death.

It was evening now, the sun was setting, little stars twinkled in the sky above as I sat on the balcony over looking the city. I now knew, that it was my duty, to defend and represent my country. In the days past I had been taking on many of my duties, which were very teidous. I long for Calthalias to be by my side, helping me through this over whelming process.

My hair blew in the wind as I played with the pendant that was around my neck. It was my mother's, my father had given it to me before he died. I did not know much of my past, my herritage, my father would never talk about it. But it was obvious I was not like the other people of my country.

I left the balcony to go down to the garden below. I sat down under the oak tree, its leaves swaying in the wind. I was draped in a black dress studded with tiny diamonds and wore a black cloak clasped around my neck. My hair was down falling about my shoulders. The pendant clasped around my neck.

By this time it was almost dark the past rays of pink glowed int he sky, as the moon shown above. I stood up and gazed into the dark pool, lost in thought, not noticing anything around me. Memories flashed through my mind.

Suddenly there was a voice, and I turned to see Calathilas standing alone in the darkness under the tree. He walked towards me and wraped his arms around my waist. "You finally return", I said with a smile. "Yes, and there is something I need to tell you", Calathilas said looking into my eyes....

**Ok guys sry its so short and kinda boring... Right now I'm at school down in the library during my D block (art ick) so yeah. Beacky you can go on with what we planned out for our plot. have fun! **Marsie**


         "It is the Lady Rialian I am loyal to," I stated firmly as I looked Thalion in the eyes for the first time.
         "I banish you now from Rethen, Calathilas. You will be arrested if I ever see you there again," Thalion replied while mounting his horse again and riding to meet with his guards.
         As I watched him ride away, a new sensation overcame me. Some of the guilt was lifted, but not all of it yet. I turned to look towards the city gates, where I then saw Solfariel exit and head towards Rethen.
         I looked down in sorrow for I feared for her future. I had doubts that King Thalion would remain kind to her, though I prayed that I was wrong. My shoulders were still heavy, but I did start to feel renewal. There was one thing that I had left to do.
         I headed back towards the stables in search of Rialian. When I saw she was not there, I began to search around the city. Then it hit me. How foolish was I? I laughed inside and headed towards the garden where I had a feeling my beloved would reside.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

         Rialian was draped in a black dress studded with tiny diamonds, her lovely hair was hanging down as she stood beneath an oak tree. I stood in the shadows of the garden under a tree. Then I walked up towards Rialian and wrapped my arms around her waist.
         "You finally return," Rialian said with a smile.
         "Yes, and there is something I need to tell you," I replied softly. "Please sit down," I continued as I led her to a stone bench.
         She sat down and I next to her. She took my hands in hers as she looked at me with an expression of deep concern. "Is everything alright?" She asked gently.
         "That is not what I need to discuss with you," I answered as I glanced away for a moment. "Do you want to know why I am gone so often? Have you ever wondered what could take me away from your side?"
         "Well," Rialian began. "It has crossed my mind before. I have questioned your departure many times, especially since these are the times that I need you the most."
         "I am sorry that I have not been there for you like I should've been..."
         "It's fine," she whispered. "You're here now. That's all that matters."
         "But there is something else that matters," I stated.
         "What's that?" Rialian questioned.
         "The truth," I stated solemnly. "I have been keeping something from you, something that has been tearing me up inside. Something that I have dealt with, but now I need to tell you..."
         "Go ahead, you have my attention," Rialian said.
         "I was a spy for Rethen this entire time. King Thalion banned me from city earlier today. I told him of my loyalties to you, and only you," I explained.
         Rialian let go of my hands, got up, and walked a few steps away. I then followed her slowly so as not to upset her. She took a deep breath before replying, "I knew it was something. But I did not realize it was this."
         "I'm sorry. I know I should've told you sooner," I began. "I can only hope that I have not angered you."
         "How can I be angry?" She inquired as she turned to face me. "How can I punish you for telling me something that has been eating you alive all this time? It means much to me that you would tell me. And it means even more that you would tell the enemy of your loyalty to me. It means more than you can imagine to know of your loyality to me."
         "Is that how you really feel?" I asked somewhat nervously.
         "Yes," she answered. "Calathilas, I could never be mad at you. Well, at least I could never stay mad at you."
         "Well, that's good to know," I sighed.
         "Come," she replied. "I have much to do, but I cannot do it alone. I need you by my side."
         "There is no other place I would rather be," I whispered as I took her hand and we headed back to the palace.
A Non-Existent User
Just added...
my character isn't anywhere to be found so could someone add him in there addy somehow?
I sat on the edge of the balcony walls, the sun was setting in the sky and painted many colors of red, pink and orange. I sighed. Even though it was peaceful much was on my mind. This war was costing much more than I thought.
My father had told me Akhyra had left. I wondered why or if I had offended her in some way, I never meant as much. My feelings for her were strong, but I knew she could never feel the same for a man such as me. I was too much like my father... never able to be there for her when she really needed me, and I knew that, I hated that. I hated myself for that.
I stared below me at the site of two guards talking to eachother. I wondered what was being said but I said nothing. I instead circled around the room. I then heard a sound as my door to my chambers opened up.
My heart leaped for I expected Akhyra to come forth from the door. But as I saw a blonde elven female come forward my heart sank deeper.
"My Lord, I know you do not know me very well. I am Nariel, a friend of Rialian's. I have a message from the Queen to give you." She reached out and handed me a note with a candle wax seal. I opened it and began to read.

I know this is sudden. I send 200 men to scout the Emierl Ruins tomorrow morning, I got word of a threat there. I am unable to talk to you personally because of another ugency I must attend to. I ask that you should lead my men there, I trust you to do this for me. Thank you, My old friend.


I looked up to see Nariel looking at me. "Tell Rialian I shall do as she asks."
Nariel nodded. "Only one more thing, Sire. I ask that I may go with you."
I stopped to look into the female's eyes. "Are you sure of this?"
"Yes Sire."
"Then you shall. Saddle up we leave tomorrow first thing."

*Sorry its so short... I'm trying to think up a plot of some sort but I'm not really sure what to do... if anyone has any ideas let me know. Oh, and Luthien, I couldn't add your guy character but thought adding Nariel would help. I hope so.*

I returned to the palace hand in hand with Calathilas. Just then Nariel came running up to me. "M'lady, sir", she said bowing. "I gave Anarion your message, he leaves tomorrow at sun rise, I go with him also", She said. "Thank you Nariel, and be careful, you have my blessing", I said. "Thank you", she said and then turned and left.

For the remainder of the evening I talked with Rumil......

**ok I had no idea what to add, my character isnt really doin anything. lol. So plz beck start something up with my character my brain isnt functioning. lol. thanks. ~Mars **
A Non-Existent User

Thalion and Akhyra walk together for a while, speaking of old times. Akhyra wanted to escape, to never have seen the young Adron Elf again. He, on the other hand, welcomed the sight of her very much. She had left him abruptly though with a very clear explanation. She despised his father and Rethen. Thalion, as well as Kelliyon, were the only ones who ever held any honor in her eyes. When the first join his fathers army she would have nothing more to do with him and thus, rarely spoke with Kelliyon.
"What are you doing here, Thalion?" She asked, after he had told her of his fathers death and his claiming of the thrown.
"I am here to bargain. to end the war." he replied, untruthfully. He wanted to kill the captain of Mandos, the one responsible for his grief and to avenge his families death. He would have to be a fool to admit to it. She look him in the eye and shook her head.
"Then let it remain unknown to me." she said.
He smiled slightly. His eye caught a guard becoming him with a glance and a nod of the head. Thalion took both Akhyra's hands in his and kissed them. "Forgive me one day, though I know it is doubtful." he said. She did not reply. With a bow he departed.

Thalion approached his guard who stepped quickly out of earshot of any other. "Milord, vengeance is a thing to be done quickly, and a window is open now for such actions." the guard said. Thalion nodded knowingly, pulling his hood over his head.
"And where is the honorable captain that I may speak with him?" Thalion asked in reply.
The guard nodded to a small tavern just east of him. "Very well." he began away before he stopped to face the guard once again. "Duruden?" he said.
"Yes milord?"
"You are my witness now, if I do not return, I leave my thrown to Kelliyon. Give these to my brother and tell him I care for him very much and that I have faith in his actions. If I am defeated I ask you retireve my sword for him to wield." he said, handing a small piece of parchment and a silver band in the likeness of a dragon to Duruden.
"You will succeed to return to us, milord." Duruden said with a slight smile, though he took the two things.
"I pray you are right, though if I am captured I will welcome death. Bury me by my father my and brother if my body is retreved." Thalion said, extending a hand to his guard, who took it in both of his. "You have surved Rethen well, my friend." Thalion said with a smile.
Duruden bow his head as Thalion left him and started toward the taven.

He enter the dark tavern, though it was day still no light seemed to enter but that of the large fire burning in teh harth. The smoke of pipes filled the air and the loud laughing of many made it almost immpossible for thalion to hear himself think. With his hood still pulled about his face he lean against an old wooden arch and searched for the face of the captain.

His enemy was spotted sitting alone at a small table by the fire. He leaned one elbow on it as he seached a map, one leg was stretched out before him as the other set proped aginst a chair next to his own. Thalion waited for a moment, gathering his thoughts before he appraoched the seated man. He pull the chair out from under the captain's foot and sat, drawing a dagger from his belt he stab it quickly into the map.
"Can I help you?" the captain asked disdainfully.
Thalion threw back his hood and with an arrogant smile sat back.
"You can indeed." he replied.
"What is you name, traveler, and who do you think you are to speak to me like you do." the captain asked.
"I am Thalion, son of Tharan, king of Rethen and now I challenge you. You have done things that cannot be forgiven and I am here to see you are punished for your actions." he said, his voice low so no other but the captain could hear. The captain smiled. "Draw you weapon, then, sire." he replied, standing and drawing his own sword from it's sheath.

Thalion did so and with no hesitation drew the weapon up and bring down a strong blow to the shoulder of his opponent. The others in the tavern had stopped by this time, gathering to watch and see how their captain fared. The man fall back a few steps and smirked. Pulling back his cloak he reveal a strong mail shirt that covered his chest and arms.
"Do not think that I missed such a disadvantage," Thalion began, taking an offensive stance again. "It was a warning blow."
"I am sure it was, highness." the human sneered as he step forward quickly, thrusting the weapon upward, to be avoided my thalion with an equally quick parry. The captain began again, not letting up his attacks and attempting to push thalion back into a wall. Unfortunately for the captain, thalion knew his motives and avoided them with as much strength as he could gather. Simply returning an attack with another attack and stepping closer to the captain as the bout continued.
"You are a coward!" the captain yelled, as thalion drew closer.
"Perhaps, but I am not the one who will find his death today, even if I will see it tomorrow." Thalion replied, all the time gaining more and more in his duel. The captain attack in a way thalion did not expect. Running his blade though Thalion’s shoulder with a victorious laugh. A slight cry of pain escaped the kings lips but he remain holding his ground.

the fight continued for what seemed an hour to both, though in truth were few minutes. They were evenly matched no doubt, attacking when they found the slightest error in the other. Finding his error Thalion drove his sword into his opponent, who cursed the name of Réthen as he fell. Soon a number of guards rushed forward and wiping the blade clean, thalion sheathed it and put his hands up in surrender.
"You will die for this wanderer." the fist guard said, taking his arm and pulling it harshly around the kings back as the others rushed to assist the captain.
"So be it, I have done what I came for." Thalion replied. It was over.

As 3 guards led the adron elf out he caught Akhyra's gaze. She knew instantly what had happened. The guards faces as well as his own gave away what had taken place if the blood coming quickly from Thalion's shoulder did not.
Akhyra approached her old friend, stopping the guards.
"You will not be killed here. You have my word." she said. His lips curl into a sad smile before shaking his head. "No, for once, Akhyra, I believe you are wrong." He replied, before he was led away once again.

Akhyra bit her lip and watch him for a moment, gathering her thoughts. She moves toward Anarion's chamber. He knew Thalion well, almost as well as she had, and though the two men had despised each other from the beginning, both held enough honor to respect the other. Akhyra knew Anarion would help if he could, even if he only did it because of his friendship with her. As she finally had sight of Anarion's chambers she was taken by the shoulders and pulled out of sight.
Drawing a weapon she prepared to fight. The man put his hands up, "Akhyra, you have not changed a bit." he said with a smile. His voice and actions were strangely familiar though she had never seen the face before. Before her eyes he changed quickly, the smile remaining the same even though the features did not.
He smiled and bow.
"It is a day for old acquaintances, my friend."
“You have seen Thalion then?"
"I have, though I fear neither of us will see him again if you do not let me precede." she said. Kelliyon’s face turn serious, his eyes seeming to search his mind for something.
"What do you speak of, my friend? I had just arrived when I saw you. Has my brother done something..." his face changed once again, this time a grave worry overtook his handsome features.
"He has killed the captain." Kelliyon answered his own question.
"He has." Akhyra confirmed.
Kelliyon mumbled curses, placing his hand over his eyes for a moment before taking the Varyen by the shoulders.
"Has his punishment been confirmed?" he asked.
"It has not been 5 minutes since the deed, nothing has been said. Return to your false appearance and find out what you can. I will go and speak with Anarion." They agreed and went their separate ways.

wow that was long. Just had a little to much fun there. *Bigsmile* hope ya’ll liked it and if you can Thalion live I would be very happy. LOL.
I watched simply as Rialian walked into her chambers to see me waiting there.
I put up my hand to stop her from speaking. "I am going to the Emierl Ruins for you because you are my friend. But I get a bad feeling about it." I sighed heavily at the thought. "I ask that you please tell Akhyra that I'm leaving since I'm unable to speak to her myself."
Rialian shook her head. "I'm sorry, Anarion, I can't do that."
At this I looked at her with a very odd expression. "Why?"
Rialian walked closer to me. "Because, Akhyra is in the garden, she's there waiting for you now."
I looked at my feet as Akhyra's face went through my mind. "I see..."
The Female put her hand on my shoulder. "Go, she's waiting."

I made my way down stairs to the garden to see the Varyen standing there in a long silk blue dress. Her eyes watched as I looked at her. It was then that I realized I was staring and I shifted my eyes.
"Anarion-" She reached out and hugged me.
"I-" I shook my head as I looked into her dark purple eyes. "I'm leaving, Akhyra. I'm going to the Emierl Ruins to lead a small army."
Her eyes widened. "But the Emierl Ruins they- They're known for the ork and bytora that live their. You may-"
"I know the risk, Akhyra. But I have to. I have an alliance and duty to Mandos, and it this is what is needed this shall be where I go. No matter what happens."
"I-" She sighed. "I don't know what to say. Goodbye seems to harsh, but given the circumstances-" She looked up at me with concern in her eyes.
"Never goodbye, Akhyra. As long as we keep out faith in Christ we will see each other again in Heaven." I replied, though I was still upset at seeing the hurt in her eyes. "I'm not afraid to die. Please don't worry about me."
She looked down at the ground and I looked deep in her eyes fighting with myself. I shook my head and decided it was now or never. I glanced at her and gently kissed her lips. "Akhyra, I've been hiding this for so long, but I love you."
A Non-Existent User
hair:Blonde long flowing mane
weapons:Cross Bow
personality:Conquering, rough, seasoned fighter. The leader in anything, never gives in.
description:This will be kind of a third party so to speak. The Centaurs of Highlands Estia are free roaming and well coping- sometimes savage- people. They strongly believe in freedom and taking what they want. So they are pretty much on their own side, and love love love to fight.
A Non-Existent User
Thalion stood in the small haunting cell, his hands folded before him. The cell was small and dark. the only light coming from a crack between the large bricks in the outer wall and the tiny window in the door. He had killed a man and yet the only remorse he felt was that he did not care. He pray silently though he did not expect to be heard. In his mind the almighty would not listen to one had just succeeded in a planned revenge. The large steal gate at the end of the hall slammed and 2 guards appeared. They opened the door and Thalion followed without objection.
"Who calls for me?" he asked, looking to guard who gripped his left bicep with a armored hand.
He did not answer but dug his fingers into Thalion’s arm.
"Anarion wishes to speak with you before he departs at dawn tomorrow." the guard on his right replied.


Akhyra looked to Anarion for a moment before sitting on a small bench next to her. She did not reply.
"Akhyra?" Anarion asked, with the expression of one whom regrets what has just been said.
"Good luck my friend, you will be in my prayers." She drew her cloak that sat next to her and draped it about her shoulders. Standing she kissed his cheek.
"I will speak with you again before you go, But Thalion demands my attention now."
Anarion nodded, his face the same as when he had arrived.

Akhyra approached the guards and was held back.
"No one is allowed to enter unless they are in uniform. I am sorry." The guard replied.
"Then let me speak with the king."
"He is with Anarion at this time. You may wait if you wish."
"Then I will wait."

Thalion was taken to a small room, his hands chained behind his back. The guards left him alone, much to his surprise. The room was made of cold stone, and the remains of old carvings covered the walls. There were no windows and no fresh air save when it's small door was opened for a brief second. A few moments later Anarion entered. He unchained Thalion and extended his hand. Thalion shook it.
"I suppose you're here to advise me what my fate will be?" he asked.
"Yes, you will return to Réthen on the orders of the King." Anarion said. Thalion frowned his brow. "I do not understand. The punishment for murder is death by the sword. I expect nothing more."
"You have murdered no one, though you have given the Captain his punishment. Because you entered the city under false name you are to be sent back to Réthen and not allowed to return unless you advise his highness in advance." Anarion replied.
Thalion smiled.
"I am in your debt, Anarion, I will not forget it."

Akhyra was informed moments later of Thalion’s release and the actions of Anarion. She immediately went to King Aedon, who remained in prayer at the cathedral.
Akhyra push her hood back and bow her head as she entered.
The old king sat on his knees, his hands folded before him and his face cast downward.
"If you are here to speak with me I ask for a moment." Aedon replied.
"Very well." Akhyra replied and sat.

He stood a few moments later and sat beside her.
"You have not left us?" He asked.
"No, I had business to attend to that kept me from it. But I have come to ask your permission." Akhyra asked.
"Permission? of course. What is it you desire?"
"I desire to go to the Emierl Ruins." Akhyra asked.
"Why do you ask me? This is Anarion's journey and you would be under his command. I have no authority in the matter." Aedon replied with a slightly confused smiled.
"You have authority over Anarion, milord."
Aedon stood and took Akhyra's hands. "I will not inform him of this. You may do as you wish. you are not a Cabrel and not under my charge." he smiled, "You will be in my prayers as well, Akhyra." he said, releasing her hands and pulling a hood over his head. Akhyra smiled and left.

Not an hour later she lifted the saddle onto her horse and swung her pack over her shoulders. She had left the dress for her weathered black pants, shirt and cloak.

She tapped the animal lightly in the sides and it started at a trot toward the outer gates. Akhyra tie her hair up as she rode and stopped as she reach the walls. A guard approached.
"Give this to Anarion in the morning, if you will." she asked.
He bow and took the parchment. The untruthful way in which the letter was written would allow Anarion to think she had returned to Caldea and would wait to speak with him until he next came into the city.

"Thank you." she smiled slightly to the guard as she rode out. She would wait for Anarion's men to leave the following morning and fall in behind them unnoticed, or so she hoped.

~Sorry it took so long peoples. Oh and I had to Get Akhyra back in the fighting aspect of it. we all get sick of just sitting around looking cute don't we? *Bigsmile*
sry i really have no clue whats happening with my character so could someone add him in their addy thanks
My heart sunk as I heard Akhyra’s words, “Good luck my friend, you will be in my prayers." What was I suppose to say to that? I knew I was an idiot for telling her how I felt any way, and now I felt even worse!
I sighed and turned away after she had left. I walked back up to my room and began to prepare myself for the next day when we would ride to the Emierl Ruins. I didn’t know what to expect now. My only reason for wanting to come back alive was Akhyra, and now that was something false. So whatever happened happened. This was something I couldn’t fake any longer.
After I packed I entered Rialian’s chambers. I saw her sitting there in deep thought so I walked over and sat on her bed. “Have you ever thought you made a huge mistake in your plans?” I asked.
She looked at me confused. “What do you speak of?”
“With us. I don’t exactly mean us getting married. We know that our feelings aren’t there, but what if they had been? What if this whole time our chasing after other people was false and we were in front of each other all along?”
Rialian looked at me. I could tell she saw the regret in my eyes. “What is this about, Anarion? I have never known you to speak like this unless you had a lot on your mind. What is the problem?”
I hung my head and sighed. “I told Akhyra how I felt.”
“And that’s bad, how?” She questioned.
“She said nothing, Rialian. I put my heart out on the line and she rejected me!” I growled at myself. “I should have kept my mouth shut.”
“Anarion, I’m sorry.” She told me.
“I feel so stupid. I suppose I imagined that things would be like they were for you and Calathilas. But I suppose that the feelings just weren’t there between the two of us.”
“You aren’t stupid, please don’t speak like that!” She rebuked me. “You are my best friend, Anarion, and I know your heart. You would do anything to help those who needs you, and if Akhyra can’t see what a wonderful person you are then that’s her stupidity, not yours. “ She shook her head. “And besides, if being in love makes you stupid then we’re all guilty I’m afraid.”
I half laughed. “I suppose. But it still makes no difference to me. I didn’t come to talk about Akhyra, but to tell you goodbye.”
“Why is that?” Rialian looked at me quite oddly.
“I do not expect to live after the Emierl Ruins, but even if I normally would have I do not expect to now. Akhyra was my refuge and I normally tried all I could to make it out just to see her face again. I’m afraid I shall have no motivation now.” I explained.
“I’m still afraid I don’t get you, Anarion! You have a whole kingdom to look forward to! Your father cannot rule for the rest of Caldea’s life. If you give up now what will they do? They need you!” She shrieked at me.
I sighed. I knew she was right. I was only merely feeling sorry for myself. But still what was I to do?
I nodded slowly. “Yes, I am sorry. Either way I must go, I need to get rest for the morning.”
“I suggest you do that.” She said to me and then gave me a hug.
As I was leaving the door opened and I saw Calathilas standing there. I bowed my head. “Its good to see you again.”
“The same to you.” He told me. “You are heading to the Emeril Ruins in the morning, are you not?”
“I am.”
“Well then, I suggest you take this.” He reached out and pulled a sword from its sheath. The sword was long and broad, and its blade was very sharp. Right away I recognized it by the gold on hilt and the designs inscribed on it in my native tongue. “I met up with King Aedon just a few hours ago. He told me to give this to you.”
“Amiran!” I said in awe. I took the sword from Calathilas’ grip. “Is he sure about this?”
“I’m not exactly sure what the significance of the sword is.” He admitted. “But he also said that ‘it was time’ and that you would know what I meant.”
I slightly smiled. “Amiran is given only to the mightiest Cabrel warriors. The Cabrel who is awarded is given one last chance to prove he is worthy. In this challenge he is given the Sword. If he passes the test he is promoted to the before mentioned position that the King has appointed him. In this case, for myself, if I survive the Emierl Ruins I shall be King.”
Rialian grinned. “See, I told you there is a reason to go on! This is great, Anarion.”
“That is if I survive.” I replied. I stared at the sword and felt a sense of pride well up in me. “Thank you, Calathilas, for delivering such an important message with dignity and honor.”

He nodded. “It was my pleasure.”

The morning came quickly and I motioned my men to ready themselves with the last preparations before we headed off. Nariel was right at my side. I had appointed her to second-in-command for the army. And I had to admit that she was doing a rather good job.
It was then that one of the young soldiers rode toward me on his steed. “My lord,” He called. “I was suppose to give this to you. I’m sorry for not doing it sooner.”
I looked at him oddly and took the parchment from his outreached hand. I then began to read it.


I’m writing this because I regret that I am unable to speak with you again before you leave. I have some urgent business to take care of in Caldea. I shall wait there for you until you return from your mission. We will speak then. Again I am sorry.


P.S. You WILL make it out of this. I have complete confidence in you. So don’t worry about it. You will be in my prayers.

I nodded and folded back up the letter and placed it in my pocket. I then looked to the army and saw that every one of my men were upon their horses. “All right men!” I yelled with my full voice. “We are going to the Emierl Ruins. This is a dangerous mission but I don’t want to see one man being left behind, do you hear me?!”
“Sir, yes Sir!” They called back.
“Our mission is to scout, not to fight! But in case we do get into some trouble I want every one of you to be ready! Make sure your weapons are at full preparation, and if you see one of our men in need help him! I am leaving with 200 men and I expect to come back with 200 men! Do I make myself clear?”
“Sir, yes Sir!”
“Then lets move out!” I pulled on Serenity’s reins and lead her north in the direction of the Ruins. The whole army was following behind me and Nariel was beside me.
“Don’t you think that is a little impossible?” She asked me.
“I did not say what I said to expect them to all come out alive.” I explained. “The more excellence I proclaim the more they will try their hardest to do it. We may all die, but at least we gave our all.”
“Yes, but still. Some of the men might give up easier or think you a horrible person. Don’t you care at all?” She looked at me.
“Yes I care. But there is a lot about war that you don’t understand, Nariel. I am not their friend as a captain, I am their leading officer. And I do what is best for the army, not myself or individual people.” I replied.
“I see.” She sighed.
“Nariel, if you want to leave you shall. I do not want you here if you do not think you can handle this or you are not able. I have given all the men the same ability and I shouldn’t keep it from you either.”


*Again, Steph I can’t put Kelliyon in my addy but I tried my best to make up a plot for Nariel… I hope it helps at least a little. Oh! And I have no clue what in the world is going on with Akhyra and Thalion… so if you could help me out a little Katie I’d really appreciate it!*
A Non-Existent User

         I was quite enjoying the brawl that had broken out on the field before me as two young chaps fought over one drinking place out of an entire river. Idiots. At least they could fight well. The smaller one had quite some vigor in him and was quick to dodge most of the blows from the larger fellow. Ah, well, now he's leapt onto his back, he might very well crush in his skull. "Cease fighting!" I commanded. "Bloody hell, go clean yourselves up before I kill you both."
         They cowered before me and scampred away into the river, washing the wounds they gave one another. They turned to water flowing downstream quite a fascinating color, I did't realize one could bleed so much.
         "My Lady, my Lady!" a young scout cried as his spotted body raced up the slopping valley the herd was resting on.
         I turned and steadily watched him climb the hill, "I bring news from the distance," he said, quite breathlssly. "The City Mandos of the Elves has been at war for quite some time now. It has died down, but will soon fire up again. It would be ideal to burn the attacking cities, for many are left defensless while the men go to war. We could split our defenses and attack in waves from all sides. They wouldn't see it coming."

After Anarion left I walked over to the balcony and peered over the city and the feilds rolling behind it.
"What bothers you," Calathilas asked as he shut the door behind him.
"It has been quiet, too quiet... it would seem to the simple minded that our foes have given up, but this is but the beginning. This is but the peace before the storm. I can feel it, there is a change in the wind. Our enemy will not waste much more time before striking us again, with all its might. Wishing only to crush us. But they will not prevail. As long as my past still haunts me, I shall not let this city fall," I exaplained to him.

"It is not you fate to die defending your city. Nor will I let it be your fate. Let go of your past, it is not who you are," he began as he walked towards me and wraped his hand around my waist.
"It is not your place to decide my fate. My fate has already been decided for me. My past is who I am," I said pulling away from him, tears welling up in my eyes. Memories began to flood my memory.


*Age 12*

"I shall not have this child," I heard my father yell.
"Yout cannot deny that which is of your own flesh and blood," my mother screached at him as I sat in the corner hidden by the shadows.
"She is not normal," he said, "She is not child of mine you witch," he yelled at my mother.
"I resent that comment, you knew before you married me, that I was not of common blood. She cannot help that she has been given those gifts of my people, which have long been thought lost," my mother yelled at him.


*Years later*

"Rialian, your father wishes to see you", the guard said. I nodded and made my way to the hall where he was present.
"You wished to see me," I said bowing.
"Yes... but for the last time," he said turning around and looking at me.
"What do you mean," I said quite confused.
"I cannnot bear to look at you anymore," he said tears welling up in his eyes, "Take her away."
They then escorted me to a large room and placed me in it, I was no longer permitted to see my father. I was contained only to this room and garden. "I am sorry Rialian," one of the guards said. "Kirton! What are his reasonings for this. What have I done," I asked. Kirton lowered his head, "He is struggling with deep greif over the death of your mother, and you being in such likeness of her, he cannot bear to see you," he explained, "You will not be confined to solitude Mi'lady, I shall visit you daily, for I have been given orders to be the one who brings your meals and other necesities," he said as he shut the door.

I was not allowed to see my father till he was very ill and bedridden.


"Rialian," Calathilas said running over to me for I had collapsed onto the floor.
"I am fine," I said as he helped me up.
I stood for a moment and looked off into the distance at the border of the forest. I sighed deeply, gathering about my wits and ran for the stables.
"Rialian," Calathilas yelled after me but my mind was fixed on something else. All my life I had blocked out who I really was after hearing the arguement between my mother and father when I was very young. But neither of them where here anymore, and I knew what I had to do. I had to become the person I was meant to be.
Swiftly I rode to the edge of the forest arriving just before dawn.
There was something Calathilas didn't know about me. No one knew about me, well, for the exception of Anarion, though he never breathed a word.
I walked into the middle of a open area deep in the forest, but in the center was a small golden tree.
I closed my eyes and whispered a few words in elvish.
I opened my eyes to see the dragonet crooning at me, its large opalescent eyes gleaming up at me.
Indeed I was not normal, when my mother had said "gifts which had been thought lost" she was not joking. I had been known my fate at birth, I had known what I should aquire. Because my father disowned me for this I had blocked it out of my mind. But no more. I had been given the greatest gift of all.
I smiled as I looked down at the dragonet who had laid down in the grass. Indeed she was a baby though she was much larger than I was. She would grow at a tremendous rate at grow to about 40meter long (shes already 20). Her golden hide glistened in the morning sunlight as the sun began to rise.

Two weeks I spent deep in the forest allowing Ramoth to grow to her full size. "Are you ready," Ramoth asked me, i was able to communicate with her telepathically, there was a special bond between Ramoth and I, we knew each other thoughts, feelings, we practically shared a mind. "I... I think so," I said... I had not sent word to Calathilas the two weeks I had been gone, but I am sure that he was worried, and when i returned he would probably be angry.
I scratched the eyeridge of Ramoth's and then seated myself on her back holding on the the riding straps.

Late that night we arrived back in the city. I took Ranoth to one of the outer gardens which was large enough for her to comfotably rest. I started to walk out when I heard footsteps ahead of me. I stopped and straighted up, standing ta my full height.
"Where have you been," Calathilas yelled at me, "You leave your people on the eve of battle, you run out of here with out a word. What has gotten into you," he said grabbing my arms and looking into my eyes.
"I became the person I was meant to be," I said. "What are you talking about," he asked me looking quite confused.
"Do you remember the stories, about the maiden and the dragon," I asked him. "Yes, but those are only myths, and what does that have to do with anything anyways," he said. I took his hand, "Close your eyes, and promise me whatever your reaction is, don't do anything stupid," I said and started walking backwards until I was linned up directly besides Ramoth's huge head her eyes glittering in the moonlight.
I let go of his hands as he stood there blind in the dark. I stood beside Ramoth scratching her eye ridge as she began to croon, which startled Calathilas causing him to open his eyes. Seeing Ramoth he pulled out his sword lunging for her. But I block him with my sword.
"Put it away Calathilas," I said softly.
He sheathed his sword as he stood there astonished at teh great beast.
"Is he just going to stand there and look at me," Ramoth said. "Well I hope not," I replied.
"Her name is Ramoth," I said trying to break the silence.
"You, the stories are about you," he said baffled.
"Did you ever wonder why, my father refused to see me," I asked him, "He did not want to accept the truth, nor did I..... Dragons are some what common in our present time, though they are rarely heard of or seen."
"I see," he said.
"This is not going to change the way I feel for you Calathilas," I said.
"I know that. I am just hurt that you never told me before," He said.
"I never told anyone! The only person who has ever known is Anarion, and I told him when we were still children," I explained.
Calathilas made no comment.
Slowly I walked up to Calathilas, grabbing his shirt I pulled his body towards mine. I wrapped my hand around his neck as I felt his arms tighten around my waist, "I love you... and only you," I said and then leaned in and kissed him. He smiled
"So... What are we going to do wit her," he asked.
"Well, for tonight I am goign to stay out here with her... We'll figure out something tomorrow," I said.
He sighed.
"I knew he wasn't going too thrilled about me bringing you here", I said to Ramoth.
"Well, He's going to have to deal with it," she said.
"You know Calathilas, Ramoth is the one advantage we have against them in this war right," I asked him.
"Yes, I realize that. I just don't know what we are goign to do with her," he said.
"We don't have to do anything with her, she can take care of herself," I said with a laugh.
"You don't have to worry about where we will keep her, leave that to me," I said reassuringly.
"Okay... Goodnight," he said kissing me lightly.
"Goodnight," I said softly as he walked away and I curled up in the crook of Ramoth's forleg which made a cradle like shape perfect for my slender body.

**Okay don't ask where I'm going with this... Beck... plz do soemthing with our characters I don't know what else to do... and yeah... you will all see what I do with Ramoth. Anything that is in Italics in my additions is Ramoth talking.. Just thought I might let ya know. But my character is the only one who can hear her cuz they speak thru each others minds.**


         As I walked away from Rialian and her dragonet, Ramoth. It did not trouble me to know that her past involved unusual creatures and secrets, but it did hurt to know that she had waited so long to tell me.
         As I was returning to castle, I suddely stopped. I realized that without Rialian, I had no place in Mandos. I may not even be welcome. Most did not expect Rialian's weddding with Anarion to go through, but some were outraged by my interruption.
         I looked up to the darkening sky and sighed. A light rain began to fall and as my gaze lowered, it fell upon Rethen. Even though I had not enjoyed my stay there, I knew I had been welcome there for many years. I had been welcome because I was on their side, or so they thought.
         A dark look came over my face. I wondered what King Thalion was up to. Though I never agreed with the ways of his people, I did not fully dislike Thalion. I had oddly enough grown to have respect for him.
         I shook my head, remembering my past. I had kept a secret from Rialian for quite a while too. I looked back to the garden and knew what I had to do.
         I made my way back to the garden, only to find Rialian asleep, her head resting on Ramoth. I knelt down beside, desperately wanting to apologize for my harsh reaction to her secret. I should have been happy that she was opening up to me.
         Instead of waking her, I quietly laid down beside and cautiously rested my head on Ramoth as well. I would wait until morning to apologize, for Rialian looked to beautiful to wake. As my eyes began to close, I head something within my head. This was not an unwelcome voice, to my surprise.
         I knew you would come back, Calathilas, the voice stated.
         I turned my head and slowly sat up. "Ramoth?" I whispered in question.
         Who else? Now go back to sleep, she replied. I smiled and did as she insisted, laying down once again, next to my beloved Rialian.

A Non-Existent User
Thalion reached Réthen as the sun set. He quickly drew his advisors and the captains together. "We will pull back from the city of Mandos. We are not their allies but there is a respect now between Réthen and their city." he began before a messenger entered, out of breath with a fear behind his eyes.
Thalion stood.
"What is it boy?" he asked.
The boy bow half heartedly and took a moment to catch his breath before speaking.
"The Centaurs of Highlands Estia, they appear to be planning an attack against Mandos." he said.
"Who gives you this word?"
"The scouts. They have reported the centaurs groups becoming larger and they are arming themselves. It is not certain milord that they will attack Mandos, but the city's weakness was mentioned several times, as well as it's borders."
"Send the scouts to were they first gathered this news. You go now to Mandos and inform them of this. Bring back what news you can from the king."

Akhyra watched Anarion's men ride out as she waited.
"I thought I would find you here." Kelliyon said riding up to her. She smiled slightly beginning after the group, Kelliyon followed.

As night fell they stopped, there were 3 leagues now from the ruins and would reach it mid afternoon the next day. Anarion wished to rest the men before they reached their destination. Akhyra and Kelliyon fell behind as the sun went down, placing them far enough from the camp not to be noticed.

Akhyra knelt down by the small fire they kept hidden. Pulling her hood about her face she pray in silence. She remain there until the sun began to rise. Kelliyon place a hand on her shoulder.
"Have faith." He whispered, "Anarion will live, as will you."
"I do not know if I wish to, Kelliyon." she said, looking up to him with a slight smile.
"I would rather die a martyr then to see Mandos and Caldea fall."
"Mandos is strong, as is Caldea. They will remain so."
"I do not believe you are right. They are strong, yes, but they are also old. All things with the exception of one will come to an end."
Kelliyon took Akhyra's arm and pull her gently to her feet. "Anarion's army moves. We would be wise to follow." He said, putting out the small fire and gathering what few belongings they had.

They began to ride and quickly caught up, falling in and joining the ranks. None commented on their presence though she saw a number look over with concern. She simply bowed her head respectfully and continued.

Soon the towering Emierl Ruins covered the horizon. They were dark and evil looking, unidentifiable as the once beautiful city. She had never seen it in it's glory, but Kelliyon had. It show in his face as they grew closer.
"Will you make yourself known before we reach the city?" Kelliyon asked. Akhyra shook her head.
"I would not wish to distract him. He will not know I fought with him until we return to Mandos or he finds me dead." she reply. Kelliyon did not respond, but it was obvious he did not agree with her thoughts.

They entered the city in complete silence other than the sound of hoofs on the old, stone streets. Where the guard towers once stood were piles of rubble and old rusted armor. The sun shown but there was no heat, all the city was covered in a freezing loneliness that seemed to sink down to the bone. The horses grew restless, as did the troops. Quiet mummers of fear and regret were heard among them. Anarion held up a hand and the men stopped. Before Serenity's hooves there was a canyon, a place where the city once covered the steep hill, there now was sand. A haunting white sand that allowed nothing but it's depth to be seen. Anarion directed them to move along it's rim until the reach the bridge, that stood now as the only structure in the city that remain fully intact.

Akhyra slowed and allow Kelliyon to ride before her. Without his knowledge she fell back. She could not explain what drove her to leave the company, but she did. Her horse no longer responded to her command, but walk slowly into an old hall. It seemed almost entranced, it's eyes remaining on a single point and it's step continuing at it's same slow pace. The area grew dark, the only light falling from cracks in it's ceiling.

"I shall fear no evil, for you are with me." she whispered. Her head remained cast down though her eyes darted to all of her threats. The horse started quickly up a staircase that looked as if it would crumble with every step. The stairs ended in the light once again, the roof that lay broken in many places. Akhyra dismounted and leave her horse, knowing it would not support the animals weight.

Stepping silently toward the edge she look on. The entire city was laid out before her. Akhyra watched Anarion’s troop make it's way along the rim toward the bridge and then she realized why she had been led there. A thousand or more bytora began encircling his men. An ambush that could not be avoided lay ahead of the soldiers.
"You are surrounded! Take your positions!" She yelled. Her own voice fell flat and weak in the large area.

"Lord, Father, Protect them." She turned and ran to her horse. Mounting she began down the stairs. She entered the street once again and began at a gallop toward them.
"Anarion!" she called after them. He turned, unable to find where the voice came from.
"Into positions!" she called again. The bytora charged and the battle began.

Kellyion had not realized that Akhyra had fallen behind and left the company.
Only did he realize she was gone when he heard a almost whispering sounding voice say, "You are surrounded! Take your positions!"
He searched for the owner of the voice, but found nothing.
Finally he saw Akhyra riding her horse in a quickened trot telling Anarion Into positions.
At that moment he realized they were under attack.
Grabbing his bow and a arrow he intently shot at the oncomming enemy.
Then he reached fror his sword as his he ran into a rather small Bytora.
Nariel has ridden by the side of Anarion,they fell silent as they entered the torn down city.
Only the sound of hooves was herd in the air.
However something did not seem right.
She ignored the feeling when she herd a farmiliar voice , "Anarion, Into positions!"
Nariel looked at the fighting that had already began and ran towards the battle that was starting.
She would fight until their end or if it came to it hers.
Anarion led the men into the Emeril Ruins. The city was destroyed what was thought of was hundred of years ago. Many legends now beheld the city. It was thought to be haunted and many of the men believed those ghost stories, however, Anarion was not one of them. But this did not stop the fear that the Cabrel saw in this fellow men’s eyes.
The city was fallen and many of the structures were in utter chaos. It was hard to believe in one’s mind that this was once the most beautiful city in all of the land. Now there was nothing but darkness and destruction upon it. However, despite all of this Anarion knew he had to move the men on.
After they passed the canyon a chill went through Anarion. Something wasn’t right and he knew it. However, there was nothing that could be done at this point but to keep going. He stopped and commanded half of his men to stay back and keep guard just in case something happened, the rest he told to carry on.
Nariel rode next to him and shook her head. “Something isn’t sitting right.”
“I know.” He answered. “Command the archers to ready their bows, something tells me that there will be a battle soon.”
She nodded and did as she was told. Anarion continued past the buildings and into a steep ravine. Automatically a feeling in the pit of his stomach told him to turn away. So he called out to his men to turn back.
As this happened Nariel found her way back to him. “The archers are ready, Sire.”
“Good.” He then reached to his hilt and pulled out his father’s sword. When everyone saw that their commanding officer did this they too followed in his example.
It was then that what sounded like a pebble falling off the cliff sounded throughout the area. A voice that Anarion thought was too familiar came from its holder, “You are surrounded! Take your positions!“ And then within moments an army of barbarian men came rushing at them and began to kill everyone in sight.
“The Bytora!” Anarion hissed. “Everyone! Do as I had you trained to do!” He yelled.
Just then all the archers began to string their bows, hitting most of the Bytora in the heart. However, a huge mass of them still fought their way toward them, and it wasn’t long until the orc found their way there as well.
Anarion took up his sword and fought as bravely as he could. One of the Bytora began to challenge the Cabrel and took up his ax. He swung his ax and nearly cut off Anarion’s head, but he ducked and swung his own sword, cutting off the man’s legs. He then took the sword and pierced it into his heart and the blood began to run down onto the ground.
More arrows fell from the air hitting numerous targets. Anarion looked up as one of the arrows hit a bytora that was headed right toward him. But as he looked up he saw what he had not expected, Akhyra Right away he looked back to his job at hand and thrusted his sword into a charging orc. The orc fell right before him.
He cleared his mind of any thoughts that were forming about Akhyra. He knew now was not the time to think about such things. He then saw Nariel in the distance and rushed over to help her but he was taken by surprise by two orc that blocked his path. He quickly swung his sword and cut into their flesh causing them to the ground. He ran again as fast as he could but by that time he was too late, Nariel was being taken captive by the bytora. He cried out and tried to follow them, but before he could he saw a darkness incase him.

Anarion opened his eyes to feel a sharp throbbing in his head. Everything was a blur to him and he couldn’t even think. But as he gained his stature he tried to sit up but everything whirled around his head.
“Take it easy.” A voice told him. “You’ll only make it worse.”
Anarion sat back down and looked up to see Kelliyon sitting next to his bed. “Where is Nariel?”
“She-” He shook his head. “We do not know. She was taken by the bytora and we have had no luck in finding her. We‘re sending a small town to the Dioyu Valley to search for her there. There has been reports that people have saw a female elf there.”
“And Akhyra?” Anarion said with a sadness in his voice.
Kelliyon hung his head. “She’s fine.”
“But?” Anarion looked at him. He noticed by the tone of his voice and the way he averted his gaze that there was more to the story.
“She is leading the party to go and rescue Nariel.” He answered.
“No.” Anarion shook his head.
“I’m afraid its already too late. She left this morning, about an hour ago.” Kelliyon reported. “I wanted to go with her but she made me stay here with you.”
Anarion sat up again and felt himself becoming dizzy but he shook it off and got out of bed.
“Where are you going?” Kelliyon said with confusion in his voice.
“I’m going to Dioyu to find her.”
“No you’re not. You are in no condition to do anything! You have to stay here Anarion. Besides, Rialian and your father would like to know how you are doing.”
Anarion shook his head. “I’m afraid you can’t stop me. I made it out alive didn’t I?” He looked down at the sword. “That means I’m king, and I shall do as I like.”
“You’re not king yet! Not until the ceremony.” He stated boldly.
“I care not for a ceremony. This is my decision and I will not let anything stop me! You can either come with me or watch me leave, it is your choice.”
Kelliyon shook his head. “Fine. But we leave after sunset. That way we can sneak out quietly and you can get a little more rest.”
Name: Lori'en Lor'enstar.
Age: 2,375 (Looks about 23)
Race: Dragonarien. Dragonarian's are people that have dragon wings and some of them are usually raised by dragons. They are powerful Warriors thought they precious few. They have always been allies with Mandos. It is said that Lori'en Lor'enstar maybe the last the last Dragonarien's.
Appearance: Wears Dragon Armor which is almost impenetrable, and can be put on and off at will, which is covered by a black cloak, and without the armor he usually wears black leather shirt, pants and cloak with silver armor emplacements. Brown hair, blue eyes, 6'3.
Weapons: Two magical Dragon Swords, six throwing knives, a trademark Dragon Bow and Arrows, sometimes a spear, he also has claws that come out of between his knuckles as all Dragonarien's do have, but he usually uses his swords. When going on long trips, he takes almost a whole armory, and also carries a bag of weapons sometimes when he rides on horses. (He seldom does because he can fly usually, and rides his dragon friend Fireereon)
Pets: He has a Dragon friend called Fireereon, he is not his pet, who is also the son of the Emperor of Dragons. And he has a black horse that has red and that is called Demon, and he lives up to the name, but Lori'en does not ride him a whole bunch.
Personality: Courteous, honorable, does not like to be commanded to do anything. He is always ready for an adventure. Sometimes he is a bit hard headed, He is sometimes a bit of a daredevil, for his race have always been incredibly powerful Warriors, and he is probably the most powerful yet. A military type sorta. He loves to fight, when in battle shows no mercy to enemies. He shows hardly anything that will make you think he is in pain because of his life with Dragons. He is usually somewhat friendly. He can be very aggressive. He has always wanted to do dangerous things. He has learned respect from living with the Dragons, he has courage that none can match except the Dragons.
History: He was taken away from his parent by the great wizard Merlin when he was 1 and a half years old and was taken to the Dragons to raise him and teach him the ways of Dragonarien's. Merlin always visited him while he was living with the Dragons and taught him the ways of magic and wizardry. Lori'en was trained in fighting, magic, flying, hunting, and many other things such as lore and fighting arts. And when he was 100 years old he had mastered all the fighting arts known to man and Elves. His friendship grew greatly with Dragons and soon he was the most highly favored of the Emperor besides his own sons. They taught him honor, respect, and many things that he should know. He lived with them for a thousand years when he heard of the strife between Mandos and the other attacking city.
Other: He is an ally with Mandos.

The mist in the northern part of the country was swathed in mist at this early hour, and all was silent at 5:30 in the morning, except a slight thundering noise. Then suddenly a person walked out of the mist into the forest and a giant Dragon head burst from the mist above him. But the man was not afraid, he was a Dragonarien, which means he was raised by them. Then the thundering noise increased greatly in sound. It was almost deafening, and an army of Dragons, at least 500 smashed and crashed through the forest but then the Dragonarien whose name was Lori'en Lor'enstar, held up his hand.

"I hear and smell Elves coming this way, hide yourselves and do not make any noise." He commanded. All of the Dragons disappeared in the forest while the Dragonarien hid himself in a large bush. " The blasted general sent all the way out here to the edge of the forest for nothing!" A man seemingly the leader of a group of 350 Elves.

Lori'en could tell by their garb that they were from Re'len his sworn enemies, the enemies of Mandos. He lifted his hand and brought it down slowly. Fireerion quietly beside the sitting Elves though none of them saw or heard him. "I smell something like a Dragon sir." One of the soldiers said to the commander.

"I smell it too.... Aaaaagggggghhhhhh!" The commander screamed as he was lifted up and was slew with a bite from Fireerion, that was a signal for the rest of the Dragons to attack. They charged in and slew any in their path, whilst Lori'en leaped from his perch and landed in the middle of them both of his magic Swords gleaming in the almost darkness of the forest. Lori'en was like a whirlwind going at a pack of men maybe ten or fifteen at a time.

Soon all the Elves were slain and lying on the ground. "That was an army from Re'len we must speed to Mandos quickly, my friend. Fly! We must fly now!" Lori'en leaped up into the air and his wings came out and he flew through the air like a knife straight for Mandos with his Dragon army, in the cities hour of need.

Sorry it wasnt that good but its my first time adding on to this one.
A Non-Existent User
~Skipping Thalions Part~


Akhyra stood alone in the long grass surrounding the Dioyu Valley and look deep into the ravine that mark it's boarders. The 50 troops considered the search party camped a short distance off, leaving her to her thoughts. She wrap her fingers around the hilt of her sword and drove it blade first into the ground. She remove her cloak lay it across the guard.

"Milady?" asked her second in command, an elf called Nuruhin. He was tall and thin, a somewhat threatening figure despite his soft features and quiet disposition. Though she did not fully trust him, the troops rely on him with everything. That settled Akhyra's suspicions.

"Yes, Nuruhin?" she asked.
"If I may," he began.
"You may. What is your question?"
"Do you feel this is wise, Akhyra?" Nuruhin asked.
"What, may I ask?"
"That we follow rumor of Nariel? We are outnumbered three times if she is in the same company that took her those six days ago."
Akhyra shook her head. For a moment she made no sound and gave no reply.
"No it is not wise," she began finally, Nuruhin's features did not hold their confidence, "I leave you now in command, Nuruhin. Take the men back to Anarion's camp and set out again in search of Nariel when you have word of her. I shall follow the rumor alone, as has been my desire since we first set out. I am no leader, as you have seen."
"And what do I say of you?"
"Say nothing. If asked, you know not where I have gone." She kicked the animal's sides lightly and began into the valley.

She enter Dioyu soon after. There she hoped to find Nariel unharmed, though the odds were increasingly against her.

~Sorry I couldn't add more, I don't really have the time. forgive me!
Anarion watched in anticipation as the sun began to set. He was still dizzy but he knew he could not let Akhyra do this. She was practically committing suicide. And he knew that she knew that. He was just surprised that she was still going through with it.
          After the sun had completely set and the darkness was about the city, Anarion quickly but quietly snuck out of the window and into the garden. Kelliyon was waiting there for him. But as he exited he heard a noise and quickly hid behind the stables and watched. And there before him was Calathilas. The Elf just stood there with a long expression upon his face and for some reason Anarion felt the need to confront him though he knew it would throw away his plan.
          So instead he shook his head and convinced himself to move on slowly toward Serenity. But as he walked he accidentally stepped on a twig that echoed through the area. And before he knew it he saw a sword right up to his neck. And he looked up into the eyes of Calathilas.
          For a second the Elf just stood there confused before he decided to finally speak his mind to the Cabrel’s dismay. “What are you doing here? The last I heard you were still confined to your bed.”
          “I-” Anarion shook his head and stood up straighter. He knew that he could not lie to the Elf. Anything that he would make up Calathilas would surly know the truth. Cabrel were not good liars, and Anarion especially. So he took a deep breath. “I am going after Akhyra.” He said in haste and looked upon the Elf’s eyes to see his disproval.
          “You cannot do that! You are in no condition for such a battle.” He cried. “You can barely walk.”
          “Maybe not. But neither is Akhyra. She does not know what she is going up against and I cannot let her die out there alone.” Anarion rebuked the Elf.
          With this said Calathilas’ mouth dropped open and he looked at the ground for a few seconds.           “I see.” The words left his mouth in a slow and calm manner in contrary to his previous words. He then looked up at the Cabrel and just sighed. “You love this woman, do you not? I see the same look upon your eyes that I see in my own with Rialian.”
          Anarion softly nodded. “With all my heart. But I fear that she does not feel the same.”
          “I cannot say yay or nay to this, My friend. But perhaps she is still discovering this out for herself. I see the way she looks at you, the way you both look at each other. Be patient and have faith.” After this left his mouth a soldier walked up to Calathilas and stood there.
          “Sir! The army is ready to leave on your word.”
          Calathilas looked somewhat embarrassed at this but he straightened himself. “All is well. Tell the army that I will join them shortly.”
          “Yes Sir.” The soldier then walked away leaving the Cabrel and Elf to themselves.
          “The Army?” Anarion questioned. He wondered what Calathilas had in mind with an army. It seemed quite peculiar to him.
          To this the Elf gave a forced smile. “You are not the only one who was planning on giving Akhyra assistance I am afraid. My army and I ride to Dioyu as soon as our conversation is finished.”
          Anarion eyed him but for some reason he got a feeling that Calathilas was not telling the Cabrel everything. There was more to this story and even unknown to himself why he asked. “Not to be rude, but that is not all, is it?”
          “I-” He sighed and hung his head. “No. Rialian did not agree with me. She did not want me to go for fear that I will not make it back alive. She keeps getting these dreams that she says I die in. And she fears that this will be my doom. We had a rather large argument right before I began talking with you.” He then looked up. “I must go, Anarion. I do not fear my own death, but I do fear Akhyra’s and Nariel’s. And now yours. Rialian would not forgive herself if you died.”
          “Perhaps not.” Anarion shook his head. “But I have known her much longer than you. Rialian knows that I make my own decisions and it is my choice to go or stay. But for you, she loves you Calathilas. And if you died it would be a piece of her dying. I know for I cannot bare the feeling that I hold for Akhyra at the moment. If she dies I fear it would be the end of me as well. Which is why I must go.”
“I grasp what you mean, Anarion, I really do. But I must go as well. As much as it pains me to leave Rialian I feel I have no other choice.” He slightly closed his eyes and Anarion saw a tear shed down his cheek. “I only pray she understands.”
          “As do I.” Anarion replied. He wished he could help Calathilas but he knew he could not. It pained him to see his friend go through this but he knew that he could not change his mind either. So instead he simply prayed that God would take that place for him.
          “Nevertheless,” Calathilas’ words broke in. “We must go. If we do not leave soon I fear it would be too late.”
          Anarion looked up to see that the sun was already cast down upon the sky. He then nodded. “I agree. But first we must find Kelliyon.”


It was the next day and as the night set in it became increasingly cold with every step. Calathilas’ army was becoming restless as they drew nearer and nearer to the danger that awaited them. It seemed almost close enough to touch and the fear became enough to taste upon every soldiers’ lips.
          Anarion admitted that if he were not doing this for Akhyra and Nariel there would be no chance that he would walk into the enemy’s camp the way he was. So he knew no reason why Calathilas’ army was still being loyal enough to do such a thing. They were greatly out numbered 3 to 1, and the bytora were much more aggressive. He could not imagine what was going through each of their minds. But as for him he was blinded by his love for the woman he longed to see once more.
          As the army trotted closer to Dioyu the cold seemed to become increasing. And in his delirium Anarion almost swore that he saw he saw an army approaching theirs, but nothing was certain. But as their horses continued on he thought once again that he heard a distant noise. So he turned his horse around and made his way to Kelliyon who was bringing up the rear.
          “Something is coming this way, I can feel it.” Anarion said as Serenity fell in sync with Kelliyon’s horse.
          “Do you believe it is close?”
          “I do. I keep hearing horses, ones that do not match the tone of our own. I believe we are being watched.” Anarion answered.
          “I see.” Kelliyon put his hand to his chin as he thought a second. “Have you told Calathilas?”
          “I have not. I did not want to worry him quite yet, but as I listen I become more assured of what I fear.” Anarion whispered so that the rest of the army would not hear him.
          Kelliyon nodded. “A wise decision. But I believe it has been outlived for now I even faintly hear what you speak of. Go give warning to him.”
          “I shall.” He then ushered Serenity off toward the Elf though he made sure she did not run. He did not want to draw attention to himself.
          He then neared Calathilas and looked intently at him. “Calathilas, I believe we are being followed. By whom or what I do not know.” Anarion said in a low voice.
          To this the Elf listened for a few moments. When he caught wind of what the Cabrel spoke of he slowly looked at Anarion. “You are right. Be on your guard. Ready the men for anything but tell them to do it secretly as to not draw attention to themselves. Report this to Kelliyon, and I will do the same with my men up here.”
          Anarion bowed his head and rode toward Kelliyon telling him all that the Elf had commanded. He then went back to his station to the middle of the crowd of soldiers and did as he was told. The army continued their stride to Dioyu and yet was on the lookout for anything suspicious.
          And then as if to answer everything Anarion heard a voice call from behind the army. “My, my, what do we have here?!” Anarion then turned around to see a caped figure grab Kelliyon from behind and place a sword to his throat. Immediately the army strung their bows and as they were about to shoot Calathilas held up his hand to stop them.
          “Lower your weapons, or this one dies!” The Captor commanded. Calathilas paused for a few seconds, and Anarion knew not what to do so he knew that the Elf did not either. And it did not help any to hear Kelliyon beckoning them to shoot. Nevertheless, Calathilas told his men to lower their weapons.
          And after they did this the Captor gave the order to bound all the men. He then laughed. “Take them all to Dioyu! We will deal with them later there.”


Anarion’s eyes opened suddenly to the sight of a dim cage that held him. He felt throbbing coming from his head and he reached up to touch it, but as he pulled it away he saw blood sit upon his hand. He knew that he must have been knocked out but he wondered why he had not been killed. Not that hitting his head two times within the last two days felt any better.
          He sat there for a few seconds until he finally got his bearings. And as he did he noticed that he was not the only person in his cage but that there were two others. One was a young soldier within Calathilas’ army. The other was a man that was slightly familiar though he could not pinpoint where he knew the man from. But as he watched he noticed the soldier was awake. So he asked him.
          “Soldier, do you know who the man is that is sleeping in the corner there?”
          “Sir?” The soldier shook his head. “He is Commander Nuruhin. He was in charge of the army originally sent for the female elf’s return.”
          To this Anarion felt fear well up inside him. Akhyra’s army had also been captured? Then what had become of her? He was afraid of the answer to that question but his mind would not let stop thinking about it.
          “Sir? Are you alright?” The soldier asked.
          “Yes.” Anarion said as he snapped out of his thoughts. He then shook his head. “Is there any way to get out of here?”
          Anarion, however, was surprised to whom answered this question. For it was not the soldier but Nuruhin. He sat up straight and took a long sigh. “There is no way to get out. Believe me I have tried.”
          But as the Cabrel was about to open his mouth he heard footsteps come closer to the cage. And as he looked up he saw the same hooded figure stand there. “I suppose you want out of here?” To this Anarion just glared at him but said nothing. The figure, however, continued. “Then you shall have it.” He said softly and took off his cloak. Anarion was surprised to see Thalion before him. “I have secured all exits with my men. But I will not have it for long until someone gets suspicious.”
          “But how-” Anarion was speechless. How did Thalion get here? And if he was the man who captured them why?
          Thalion then opened the jail cell and motioned for them to disperse. “I have been working undercover for some time as Wertyn of Eunisi. They believe I am on their side. But I have been planning for a time such as this. We not only have your men, Anarion, but also Nuruhin’s and my own. They will not be expecting a fight from within. I suggest that we carry on and destroy them!”
          Anarion slightly smiled at this. “I agree. But please, watch my back. I must find Nariel and Akhyra.”
          “Agreed.” Thalion replied. “Nariel is in the cell down the left corridor. Take these, you’ll need them.” Thalion handed him the keys. “However, I fear that Akhyra will not be as easy to get to. She was taken hostage by someone more powerful then Wertyn. So I do not have access to her. But I do know where you can find her.” He smiled slightly. “And, My dear Anarion, do not forget these as well.” He said as he handed Anarion his father’s sword and a bow. “Akhyra is in the Durmar El Lae Sacan. That is the large white building with the towers.” He laughed. “She is in the tallest tower on the second floor.”
          He then motioned and three of his men came closer. “This is Eamir, Zashon and Hallein. They will help protect you.” He then shook his head. “Take care. We must go free the others. We do not have much time left.” With that he then scurried off but Anarion noticed that Calathilas’ soldier stayed there.
          “I am Rethal.” He replied and bowed. “I am at your service, My lord.”
Anarion smiled. “I am pleased to meet all of you.”

The corridor was long and dark but Anarion finally noticed the dark cell where Nariel laid. She was tired and stressed as the Cabrel could tell. So much so that she did not even notice their arrival until Anarion opened the cell door.
          “Nariel, its Anarion.” He said as he neared her. She was just sitting there with her head in her knees and he softly touched her to let her know that it was safe. She slowly looked up with tears in her eyes but said nothing. “Lets go home.” He told her. He then turned to Rethal. “Please, take her back to Mandos.”
          “No.” Nariel replied. “I am not blind and deaf. I hear and see that there is a war going on. I want to fight.”
          “Nariel, are you sure?” Anarion asked looking her in the eyes.
“Yes I am.” She said. Anarion then nodded and Eamin handed her twin blades and a bow.
          “We need to get out of here as soon as we can.” Zashon stated. “It seems that the Bytora have found our deception. Soon this place will be swarming.”
          “Good idea.” Anarion said as he stood up. He then walked out of the cell and led the others in the same direction. “Do any of you know where the Durmar El Lae Sacan is?”
          “Yes.” Hallein answered. “I can take you there.” She then let her dark blue eyes shimmer for just a second which made Anarion wonder what race the female truly was. For it was obvious she was not an elf.
          Zashon was the first to lead the way back through the corridor. His dark hair shimmered in what little light snuck through the hall. It was almost as if his hair was a dark blue much like Hallein’s eyes. This intrigued Anarion but he said nothing.
          It was not long until the six of them made it out of the corridor and into a secret exit that Eamir knew of. But as Anarion looked out he saw a sight that he had not anticipated. There in front of them was a massive battle going on. But the most bizarre of it all was seeing the enemy on rather large horse-like creatures that were much taller with the horns of a ram, snout of a bird and tail of a lion. And then he saw winged creatures. These were much like the first but they were bigger if that could even be managed. Their manes were longer but they were not as hairy, their feet were claws instead of hooves and their tails were barbed.
          And then as if to answer his question of what they were Zashon muttered under his breath, “Carabas.”
          “Carabas?” Anarion questioned even further.
          “Yes.” Hallein went on. “The ones on the ground are Wingless Carabas and the ones in the air are Winged Carabas.”
          Zashon shook his head. “We should have warned you to begin with. Hallein is my sister. We are of a race called Noireda. And this is our fault I am afraid.”
          “Your fault?” Nariel looked at them just as confused as Anarion was.
          “Our race were the first to tame the Carabas. A rather secluded race if it were not for our kind.” Hallein explained. “We took them and sold them to the highest bidder, thus making them the ruthless race they are today.”
          “But that is not your fault.” Rethal rebuked them.
          “Is it not?” Zashon asked. “Hallein and I were no different. We tamed them for the same reasons! Only just now have our eyes been opened. Thalion taught us that.” He sighed. “Nevertheless if we wish to save Akhyra we had better move on. But please, keep ware of them. They are a formative foe to behold. As well as are the Noireda.”
          After this Anarion sighed and continued on with Hallein leading the way to the Durmar El Lae Sacan. He did not know how but they had made it there with no one seeing them, for the most part anyway. The Elf, Eamir had killed a few soldiers on the way, but they had given them little trouble.
          “It will be better if only a few go in.” Zashon informed them. “I will lead the Cabrel inside. Hallein you and the Human follow at a distance.” He motioned to Rethal. He then looked at the two elves. “I am afraid there is no place safe here. What you decide is up to you. But please be careful.” He then snuck inside the large white building that was now falling apart due to the massive hits it had taken.
          Anarion followed closely behind making sure that he did not lose the Noireda. He then looked out as he saw arrows pierce a few men in the heart. He looked over to see Hallein not far behind them and Rethal following her.
          It continued this way for more then a few minutes until Zashon led Anarion up the stairs and through the hall until he found the tallest tower on that floor which quite surprised the Cabrel due to the fact that there were two more stories to the building. They then continued up the stairs that led to a chamber in the tower. And as Anarion looked out his heart leapt for there was Akhyra with her hands chained. She was walking around the room waiting on a rather large man.
          Anarion was ready to jump forth and pierce the man in the heart but Zashon stopped him. “Just wait.” Was all he said. He then looked on for a while until he nodded. “I will take care of Dirthyn, you free the maiden.” He then motioned for his sister and Rethal to come closer. “You two watch Anarion’s back, he is not out of danger just yet.”
          “What about you, Zashon?” Hallein looked at him with concern in her midnight blue eyes.
          “I will be fine. Just look out for the Cabrel.” He said. He then walked out into the open and began to address the man he called ‘Dirthyn’.
          After a slight battle began between the Noireda and the man, Anarion slipped out from his hiding place to see Akhyra. He smiled and hugged her. “Where are the keys?”
          “There, on the table.” She motioned and for the first time he realized that her feet were also bound. He ran as fast as he could and tried to grab the keys but Dirthyn grabbed a hold of him and pulled a sword closer to the Cabrel’s chest. “So this is what you chose, Zashon? To socialize with these beasts instead of your own kind?” His dark eyes gestured to Anarion.
          Zashon shook his head. “We were once great, Dirthyn, not because we tamed the Carabas but because we still held truth and honor in our midst. But now look at us, we bow to the evil ruler himself when we once bowed to no one!”
          The large man laughed at this. “You are pathetic, Zashon!” It was then in that moment that an arrow flew down and pierced Dirthyn in the shoulder and he released Anarion. The Cabrel then scrambled for the keys and another arrow flew down as the man reached for him. He finally found them and rushed to Akhyra as Zashon’s sword found its place next to Dirthyn’s.
          “No one is pathetic but you and your followers.” Zashon gritted his teeth and thrusted his sword at the man.
          Anarion then pushed the key into the locks and freed Akhyra from her chains. “Are you alright?”
          “I am fine.” She said. And Anarion fought with himself to kiss her. But he knew it was more important to get her out of tower.
          “Hallein, take care of her!” He yelled and he saw more arrows fly and then the dark haired female make her way to the Cabrel. “I will help your brother.” He said to her.
          “God bless you, Anarion. I shall do as you have asked.” She then took the female and made her way out of the tower with Rethal following her.
          The Cabrel then took up his father’s sword and made his way over to Zashon. He was prepared to do whatever it took to end this, even if it meant his death. All he cared was that Akhyra would be safe, and he knew that Hallein would do that for him.

Lori'en and his army had been making good time going towards Mandos, but he had a met a Mandos messenger and he had said a Cabrel and a small army had gone to rescue a woman called Akhyra, in the great forest. He decided that it would be better to help rescue them than to do nothing at the city of Mandos.
He consorted with Fireereon on the way towards the forest. How will we do this? Lori'en asked mentally brushing the Dragons consciousness. I do not know, but we will accomplish it It was late that night when they reached their destination. The Dragons had camofloged themselves while, Lori'en went to scout ahead leaping from tree to tree.
He finally got to where he could see over the walls of the castle, he saw several people standing on the wall, one, a Cabrel he thought, was helping another woman out of a cell, while a soldier fought another soldier, obviously a supereor. Suddenly an arrow in bedded itself in the mans shoulder and the other one, he heard the name Zashon because of his keen hearing, killed him. Suddenly several Carabras and soldiers ran up the wall and cornered them. Lori'en sent a mental message to the Dragons and attacked. The first two men did not know what hit them, their heads falling to the ground only a few moments afte Lori'en beheaded them. The Carabras leaped at him and he jumped away, sheathing his sword and pulled out his bow, saying a steady stream of curses. "By the Lost Kings, move yourselves!" He shouted to the people he was trying to help. They took the chance and rushed through that gap of the soldiers, as they turned their attention to him.
Lori'en killed the first Carabras with two well placed arrows but was over taken bya flying one.
He leaped to the wall and started running after the Cabrel and his friends. Muttering a few choice curses and throwing beams of energy at the enemies he asked the Cabrel a question. "Do you know how to get out of here?" "... No." "Well I do follow me." He beckoned them to follow into a small dark place in the wall and watched the soldiers and the Carabras rush by.
"Now can any of you leap to one of those trees?" The Cabrel and Akhyra both nodded, the other two didn't. "Well I guess I can carry to people." He had Zashon and Hallien both grab onto his neck while he watched Anarion and Akhyra jump to the trees. Then he jumped himself. He felt Hallien stiffen in terror but then relax after he had grabbed onto the trees. Fireereon, it is alright I found them stay where you are I will find you He flet a rumble of contenment.
A Non-Existent User
Akhyra retrieved her weapons from Zashon, who gladly surrendered the extra weight. "I will not leave The others, Anarion." She said, turning to him as they waited. He said nothing.
"There is a way to Dioyu that is unused. It runs under the south wall starting there," Akhyra directed their eyes toward a break in the stone wall. "We will reach there alive. You have my word."
"Then let us go."

Thalion stood quietly in the large stone hall where he was to meet Kief, the commander of the bytora.

Kief was the hollow shell of whom used to be a man, amazingly tall and as thin as one could achieve before growing weak. His face was deathly pale, the only color in his empty black eyes. He was dressed in a deep blood red robe that fell to the floor and he held an old sword in his hand. He entered with a malice behind his eyes and an unsettling smile on his evil face.

"Wertyn?" he asked, pushing his grey hair from his eyes.
"Yes, Milord?" Thalion replied.
"Where is the elf your men were to watch?"
"The female? Nariel I believe she is called."
"Yes, that is the one," he stopped and met Thalion's eyes. "Where is she?"
"In her cell milord." Thalion replied.
"No she is not."
"I did not order to have her moved, Milord. I have not spoken to those who guard her yet today. My focus has been on the Cabrel and the Adron elf we captured last night."
"Ah, your brother and his leader?"
"My brother, milord? I do not understand your meaning."
"The Adron elf. His name is Kelliyon is it not, Milord Thalion?"
Thalion still watched the eyes of Kief before him. He knew of only one way he could be betrayed and his fears were confirmed. Eidan, the commander of Thalion's army, appear from another room with a sickening smile on his face.
"Your highness," He bow low, "it is well that I could see your before you are killed."
Thalion frown his brow and lay a hand on his sword.
"I would not." Eidan replied, motioning to the shadows. Kelliyon was brought forward by 3 guards, all whom still fought to keep him still as he yell curses at them. Blood ran from his hairline and down his forehead.

Thalion look to his brother, his eyes quickly changing from their once defensive expression to that of a deep, intense hatred.
"If he dies you will pay." Thalion said.
"I am sure." Eidan replied drawing a dagger from his belt and driving it into Kelliyon's abdomen. The latter cried out and dropped to his knees.
Thalion drew his sword and the room quickly filled with guards.

"I will remember you Eidan." Thalion said as he look to his brother.
"I am sure you will."
Thalion stepped forward, driving his blade into Kief. The bytora fell cursing Thalion's name.

The guards cry out all around him but Eidan motioned for them to remain where they stood.
Thalion wipe the blood from his sword and sheath it as he approach Eidan. He took the commander by the throat and drew him close.
"You will be sorry you ever took breath, Eidan." Thalion said, pushing his back into the stone wall. He went to Kelliyon, who still refuse to surrender. He sat, his back resting on a stone pillar his fist pressed to his wound. Thalion drew him to his feet.

~Sorry it took so long. Hope you can work with this.~
Nariel and Eamir fought side by side, pressed against a cold stone wall as the enemy came at them from every direction. A soldier drew up his sword and moments before driving the blade into Eamir's shoulder he fell, an arrow stuck into the back of his neck. Akhyra swung her bow over her shoulder and drew her sword. The small group fought threw the enemy until they reach Nariel and Eamir.
"Where is Thalion?" Anarion asked.
"Down the left hall." Eamir replied.
Nariel took Akhyra's arm and directed her toward the hall, Zashon and herself following shortly behind.
The reach the large wooden doors. Zashon kicked them open and they swung back on old hinges.
Anarion’s eyes followed Akhyra’s, “I will not leave the others, Anarion.” She told him.
          Anarion said nothing but kept his eyes on the battle ahead of him. There he saw Calathilas’ sword dancing in what light hit it. He then noticed Akhyra say something more about getting into Dioyu, but he was too focused on feeling the need to help Calathilas then anything. He then heard Zashon answer her back with, “Then lets go.” But Anarion stayed quiet.
          “Anarion,” Akhyra looked at him oddly. “what is wrong?”
          The Cabrel shook his head. “I cannot go with you.” He answered. “I must help Calathilas.”
          Akhyra felt speechless. It was then as if a thought entered her mind. “But what if I never see you again?”
          Anarion closed his eyes and then opened them before looking deeply at her. “Then just know that no matter what you have my love.” He leaned down and gently kissed her. “I must go now.”
          Akhyra stood there just watching Anarion leave before Nariel grabbed her by the arm and led her off toward the hall with Zashon not following far behind.


Anarion pulled up his sword and ran to Calathilas’ side. He took a long swing at a bytora who was coming behind the elf. The Bytora’s head fell off into the ground but Anarion continued his discourse. Both the Elf and the Cabrel fought continuously, each showing their bravery in the battle.
          Soon the dragons came and wiped out most anyone else who ailed them. Then Anarion sighed and let his sword fall to the ground, he was wounded. Lori’en was the first to notice this and pointed it out to Calathilas. The Elf nodded. “Anarion has had a trying day I am afraid. He needs to get back to Mandos.”
          Anarion shook his head and picked back up his sword despite the aching he felt. “I cannot go back. I must fight until I know for sure that Akhyra is safe.”
          Calathilas eyed him. “Remember what you told me, Anarion? If you died it would be a piece of her dying. It goes the same for Akhyra. If you stay here you will surely die. And then where would she be? Please, do this for Akhyra, go back to Mandos.”
          Anarion straightened. He could not argue with Calathilas’ reasoning, even if he did not want to go back. But nevertheless he listened for once in his life. “Fine, I shall go then. But you must promise me that neither Akhyra nor you will come back injured or dead, for Rialian’s sake.”
          Calathilas half smiled. “I promise. Now go.”
          Anarion nodded but winced at the pain in his side. Lori’en then called his dragon to them and laid Anarion upon him. “I shall be back shortly.” He told Calathilas.
A Non-Existent User
I thought for a moment, then made my decision, "Let us go then, and claim this city for our own. Go to the East and find our cousins, the Centaurs of Nazerath. Hurry, we may need their aid. Bring them a message of great things to come." I said as he took off, galloping across the plains, followed by a pinto and a bay scout.
         "Nicroi! Come here!" I bellowed. The herd now knew that something was astrew. Heads turned in curiosity as Nicroi, my counsellor, approached, "Yes, my Lady?"
         "How strong is our defense?"
         "7,500 strong and growing by the day, m' Lady."
         I smiled wickedly, it would be too easy. "The Elven City of Mandos is under siege, and withering. Send spies to find any details of the situation and see who we can make allies with for this war. There's a reason everybody wants this city, we need not know it yet, ignorance and surprise may be our friends for now. Go to Rethen and offer Lord Thalion an allience, they may not need it, and if this is the truth, then it will be Caldea we side with. You understand?"
         "Yes, M'Lady,"
         "Go to Thalion now!"

(I have a question, are the Centaurs going to attack Mados?)

Lori'en flew Anarion back to Mandos, and then flew back to Calathilas. It only took him about an hour to get there and back.

My dear Dragon host! Go to Mandos and help them defend themselves, I sense a new danger appearing, go now! Lori'en silently commanded his Dragon army, except Fireereon.

"Calathilas! Where are you?" Lori'en whispered loudly. No answer came from the forest.
"God help us." He said quietly.
Fireereon, find him, we must find him. We must get back to Mandos soon.

Don't worry Lori'en, I will find him.
The reply came back as Fireereon walked through the forest.
Lori'en, I have found them.

Where? Lori'en asked. Listen, you have very sensitive ears, listen for the Bytora.
Fireereon reply came back with a sense of humor.

Lori'en followed the noise until he found Ahkyra, Calathilas, Zashon, and Hallein were all tied and unconscious in the middle of a small clearing in the forest. While a group of Bytora were sitting by a fire, enjoying themselves, drinking wine, and stuffing themselves with meat.

Lori'en's was furious when he looked at how they were bound, the cord was so tight it bit into their wrists and ankles, causing them to bleed.
Fireereon. Kill them all.
Lori'en's' command was carried out in only a matter of seconds.
Lori'en revived them all, and cut their bonds, and then they got on Fireereon, and Lori'en flew them to Mandos. As soon as were in the city, they were sent to the infirmary. Anarion walked to Lori'en. "My deepest gratitude to my friend. Now there is something I want to discuss with you."

But before Anarion could speak, a scout ran up them and said: "Sirs, I have saw Centaurs spying on the city, and they are girded for war."

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