Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/792044-Experiment-Fusion
by Daizy
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Teen · #792044
Teenagers with super-powers must save the world from an evil, power hungry scientist.
Experiment Fusion- A rouge genetic scientist has created the perfect weapon. Cloned children with super-human powers. He didn’t count on them actually having ethics and pure souls. And he certainly didn’t expect for the experiments to escape, and they have done just that...

BIO Blocks are here- "Invalid Item

Girls- Ruled by the spirit....

Emotion- Edenia: Daizy

Mind- Medea: hawaiisiren

Voice- Callista: Pandemonium

Weather- Atalanta: Darcy - Waiting For Sleep...

Luck- Tazania:

Boys- Ruled by the body...

Earth- Beran: hawaiisiren

Magma- Greyor: Gremlin

Frost- Iphen: raiden

Metal- Sephet: Pandemonium

Beast- Havis: Gremlin

The Phasers- All are ruled partly by substance and partly by mind.


Mind Control- Cardea: hawaiisiren

Illusions- Lonien: Daizy

Dreams- Laurien: Pandemonium

Shapeshifter- Annen: writingfreak

Oracle- Orion: Daizy


Elements- Demmeth: White Tiger

Electricity- Merck: §onny-

Reality- Lacien: White Tiger

Technology- Wesre: raiden

Touch- Reqce: (OPEN)

NPC's (Non Playable Chracters)

Dr. Richard Hybra

Dr. Jessica Bellman

Let me know which extra characters you want ASAP. I really need them to be filled.

Flashback- Two weeks previous

“Beran. Wake up.” Edenia whispered. Beran woke with a start, and Edenia motioned for silence. He sensed the urgency of this midnight visit. Even though Edenia’s voice was as monotone, languid, and serene as always, she would never disturb him like this, unless it were imperative... “Rouse the boys and meet us in the observatory.”

He nodded, rose from his bed, and watched Edenia leave the room. Beran quickly dressed and left to waken Greyor, Iphen, Sephet, and Havis. They stirred from their rest after some time and followed Beran to the observatory on the third floor of the facility. They moved with stealth, save Havis, who being somewhat clumsy, tripped over his own feet, and lurched forward. Luckily Beran caught the collar of his shirt and righted him before he fell, preventing them from being caught.

Havis mouthed his thanks, and they entered the dark observatory. The five girls were waiting for them. Tazania and Callista were giggling quietly in a plush oversized couch facing the unlit fireplace. Iphen and Greyor went to them, while Sephet joined his girlfriend Atalanta on a matching loveseat in front of a drawn picture window. Beran and Havis went to the large meeting table in the center of the room where Edenia and Medea were conversing in low and somewhat harrowing tones. Edenia pulled Beran to her and spoke softly to him, as Medea indulged Havis’ insatiable curiosity.

Join us. Medea mind-spoke to the rest of the troupe. The all ceased their separate activities and united the foursome. Medea turned to Greyor, and spoke to him. “Greyor a small amount of light is appropriate, if you could indulge us.”

He nodded, and created a small orb of pure light in his hand and placed it in the middle of the meeting table. Though the sphere was petite in size, it cast a bright glow.

Medea then turned to Tazania. “A little luck, please.”

Again there was a curt nod, and Tazania brought her small hands to her heart, pulled out a tiny speck of genuine, tangible luck, placed the luck to her mouth and blew it around the room. The rest group was placed in an invisible, imperceptible bubble of fortune. Outside the bubble was pure darkness, so the room would look as it normally would in the midst of the night. That way, improbable as it was, anyone passing by the Observatory Wing of the science facility would not detect any difference in its‘ appearance.

“Well Edenia you woke us. Disturbing my beauty sleep, and there has yet to be a good reason for it.” Callista griped loudly.

The room began to shake, and things started to fall from shelves. Medea rose her hand, using her abilities to keep the various objects suspended in midair. “Calm down Edenia, we cannot risk waking Dr Bellman. Callista is tired, as we all are, and she lost her head for a moment.”

The shaking ceased, and Medea moved the items back to their proper places.

“If the little Siren is finished with her inexorable whining, we can start.” Edenia said, glaring at Callista.

The floor rumbled softly, and Callista was quick to affirm an apology. The rumbling ceased once more, and Edenia continued speaking. “Good. Medea has had a vision, one pertinent to our future, and the future of all the nations. As you all know, Hybra left on a business trip to secure governmental funding for his various experiments, us included. He did not say how exactly he was going to receive his money or that he was not only going to the United States government, but also to many other powerful countries. He plans to sell us to whichever nations bid the highest, and then we will be used as weapons of mass destruction. We will then be forced to fight against each other, kill innocent civilians, and start World War III. When the world lays in ruins, he will literally buy the world, and rule as a totalitarian dictator.”

Edenia was cut off by a gasp from Tazania. With eyes wide she cried out. “We can’t do that! It’s wrong, in every sense of the word!”

“Shh, Tazania we must be as quiet as possible. All precautions are needed this night.” Medea said comforting the young girl.

“Edenia has an idea, be we all will have to be in accord.” Beran said, glancing around the table.

“Let’s hear it.” Iphen said beckoning for Edenia to go on.

“We must abscond, and annihilate any, and all, of Hybra’s research on us.” Greyor’s orb of light pulsed brightly as Edenia showed some signs of anticipation. “Dr Hybra will be gone at least ten days more. Callista, you will have to put Bellman into a deep sleep with your Song, so she cannot alert him.”

“But I like Dr Bellman; she’s always been so kind to all of us.” Callista said, frowning sorrowfully.

“Would you rather live as a communist’s or terrorist’s good luck charm?” Havis said quietly. It was a rare moment, and all were surprised at him. He had never been one for confrontation, and certainly not toward the girl all his affection was committed to.

Callista cocked her head, and smiled. “I’ll do my part.”

Edenia spoke. “Excellent. Greyor, you will need to melt all the locks and hinges of all the door and windows. Iphen you will then need to freeze them over. It will take Hybra ages to enter the facility, when he does he will be in for a little surprise. Beran, you can create a deep fault line in the foyer, making sure to stay clear of Bellman’s room. That way, Bellman will not be harmed, but Hybra will have to make his way through rubble to reach her. Before we leave, we will empty Hybra’s vault in the basement. With a little luck from Tazania, Sephet and Atalanta will be able to get through the security down there. Medea and I will acquire everything else needed for a safe escape. We will each act under assumed names, and pay for whatever we require with cash.”

“What can I do?” Havis said; timid, but eager.

Medea thought quickly. “You my friend will act as our lookout. Making sure that we can remain concealed from the outside world. You will need to patrol the perimeter and keep any curious onlookers away from us.”

Feeling important, Havis smiled widely.

“Are we agreed?” Beran said, checking with each teenager. Each in turn granted approval. “We begin preparations tomorrow at 11 in the morning. That way we can get the sleep we need for this insane escapade.”

Greyor doused his ball of light. Tazania pricked her luck bubble, and each exited the observatory.

Present Time-


“Hey guys, come quick! There’s a breaking news bulletin on TV, it‘s about us.” Sephet called from the living room of the leased Los Angeles apartment.

I snapped out of my daily meditation, and went into the living room.

“A freak accident near the Canadian border has petrified the well-known humanitarian and scientist, Richard Hybra. The building, his home, and research facility was leveled to dust, save one room where the sleeping Jessica Bellman, his research partner, was found. Her condition is unsure at this moment, authorities say that she is sleeping so deeply they are considering her to be fully comatose. Ten orphaned teenagers, ages ranging from 15-18, have also gone missing from the facility located in the remote Rocky Mountains of northern Montana. Mr. Hybra adopted the gifted teenagers, all considered prodigies of mathematics, science, literature, analytics, and music. For now, local police search the rubble for any clue to their whereabouts, they have little hope for the talented adolescents. And now back, to your scheduled program.”

Greyor muted the television, and looked around the room. All eyes finally rested on me. “We’ll need disguises from now on. Any volunteers?”

“I’ll go.” Iphen said. “I’m good under pressure, and I can blend in.

“Which girl should go?” Beran said.

“I will.” Medea volunteered. “I can sense any danger.”

“This is so X-Men!” Tazania said with a laugh.

“This isn’t a game, or a cartoon show. We are in real danger from Hybra.” I said, trying to get her to understand. “But it isn’t the worst idea.”

Beran and Medea looked at me, then Beran smiled and spoke. “You thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Hero costumes?” Medea said. “Masks, capes, code names, the whole 9 yards.”

“Exactly. Dr. Hybra won’t be able to confirm that it is actually us. If he notices us and makes the connection, he could never admit it. That would ruin his plan for world conquest. It would expose his actions, non-government approved research and the FBI, or even the military, would be on him before he could buy an airplane ticket to some remote island.”

“It’s perfect.” Greyor said.

“Almost,” said Medea. “He'll create more experiments, stronger ones, to kill us, so that he can continue with his plot. It will give us extra time though, and maybe enough time to develop our powers. Dr Bellman did say that our powers would grow as we used them more, and we may even gain new powers. Like Tazania’s projected new power will probably be time-travel, Havis, probably the ability to actually speak to animals, or Sephet, super human-speed. There are so many ways that our fusion abilities can grow. By the time Dr. Hybra creates new fusions to fight us, we will be nearly invincible.”

“It is a definite possibility.” Havis said agreeing. “But then again, Bellman could have been wrong.

“True enough, but let‘s not dwell on “ifs”. Let’s deal with the problem at hand. Disguises. Medea and Iphen, take as much money as you need, buy cloth, and two sewing machines, and sewing material. Atalanta, and I can make them.”

“Yea, it shouldn’t be too hard. Sephet’s learning to hand sew too.” Atalanta said with a proud smile.

“All of us need to help out, we’ll have a set schedule from now on. Cooking, cleaning, errands and anything else will be delegated weekly. Any time we step out of the house, we use our fake names. We have to be even more careful. Understood?”

A Non-Existent User

It had been an interesting two weeks. We had spent every waking second checking the morning, noon and nightly news, looking at newspapers, and all around searching for any sign that our plan had been discovered. It was a relief to know that the waiting was over. Now we had a different mission, to become as strong as possible in a short amount of time. As far as powers went, Edenia and Beran were the strongest, followed by myself. Greyor and Iphen were on the same level because their powers were exact opposites, hot vs. cold. Atalanta’s progress was neither fast, nor slow. It had a steady, unwavering consistence. Tazania was well on her way to becoming a strong force. My thinking was that she would gain a new fusion ability within a month or so. Havis, as well, was strong for his age because he listened, observed, and asked questions worth asking. Callista had trouble with her voice because she was reckless, using it frivolously, and never truly understanding the nature of it. Sephet was always struggling with his strength because he let it get the best of him, forgetting at times to stay in control.

Edenia had taken the role of leader because her opinion was emotionless and unbiased. She was the perfect leader, except when it came to Callista. Edenia was sensitive in all that concerned her.

Their powers were very similar, Edenia’s ruled by emotion, and Callista’s causing emotion. (Like when she put Dr Bellman in that deep sleep. Her power made Bellman become immersed by peace itself, drifting off to a more tranquil place- the subconscious mind). Almost four years ago, Edenia had been like a big sister to Callista, but then Callista stopped caring about her power. She began concerning more about her looks and becoming a Hollywood super-star. Edenia has never forgiven Callista for dropping her like a pair of worn-out shoes, when that happened the entire facility had been draped in her sorrows. Outside it might have been a bright sunny day, but inside it was a tomb of despair and regret.

“You alright Medea?” Iphen asked. He was driving us around Los Angeles, picking up the things we would need.

“Ohh, yes I’m fine. I was just remembering.”

“Wanna share?”

“Reminiscing about when Edenia and Callista were like sisters.”

“I remember, then everything unexpectedly changed... Those months of darkness. It was horrible that stifling feeling like I was confined to darkness itself. Like being trapped in a closet. Edenia was so depressed. I wanted so much to help her.” As Iphen spoke, I could feel his emotions. Almost as if I were feeling what he was feeling...

“You love her.” It was a statement, not a question.

“I thought that we all promised not to use our fusion gifts on each other.”

“I didn’t. It was just like I felt everything you were feeling. Maybe it‘s a new power. I‘m sorry though, I didn’t mean to pry.”

“It’s all right. So you’re an Empath now too? That‘ll be tough when Edenia uses her power, or when Callista does for that matter...”

“All the visions I’ve been having lately must have triggered it.”

“What do you think my new power will be? At first I could shoot ice bolts from my hand, then I could change fully into a being of ice, what‘s next?.”

“My guess would be blowing ice crystals from your mouth. That, or freezing the ground you walk on.”

“Ice breath? That’d be cool.” He smiled and I laughed. “Double pun. I did not do that on purpose.” He said laughing. “Do you think Edenia will get a new power? It seems like she can do just about anything as it is.”

“If she does, it will be a devastating power. Maybe being able to change other peoples emotions, that way she could make them vulnerable. Prey on their fears, insecurities, and weaknesses.”

“Is that possible?”

“This is Edenia we’re talking about.”

We went into a fabric store and bought everything Edenia put on the list. Sewing machines, yards and yards of fabric, needles, thread, and bobbins. We went back to the car, a new Lincoln Navigator bought with cash.

“Let’s get some Chinese food, that way you, Atalanta, and Tazania can have the night off.”

“That’s a nice thought Iphen.” We went to a restaurant, Panda Palace, and ordered almost $150 worth of food.

It was a good thing that Dr Hybra had set aside so much money in that vault. As a man of science and business, Richard Hybra knew how to save and use money wisely. If he didn’t receive funding from the government, he probably could have continued his expensive research for several years. Needless to say, the money in the basement amounted to a vastly enormous sum. It was enough for us to live comfortably for a very long time, perhaps even the entirety of our lives. So long as Havis and I were in complete control of the money, our survival well into adulthood was ensured. Havis knew which stocks and bonds to invest in, and I knew how to spend wisely, while still getting the best of what I paid for. Each of us would be given a monthly allowance, how it was spent was up to the individual. Speaking for myself, I would save it for a rainy day. Havis, Edenia, and Beran would probably do the same that was my guess. The others... well I couldn’t speak for them. What they do with their money isn’t my concern, unless they do something stupid to get us caught, or killed...

“Thinking again?”

“I’m sorry Iphen, I’m not very good company today am I?” I said with a small smile and a laugh. “Just trying to go over finances in my mind.”

“Are we going to have to find jobs?”

“If you spend your money foolishly, yes. But I hope that it never comes to that. Our lives should be dedicated to keeping the evil people in check. The Youngers, and Neophytes will need to dedicate time to their studies, most likely myself, Havis, Edenia and Beran will teach. I will act as the lecturer: history, math, science, english, and how to act in the “real world”. Havis on theories, Beran on practical use, and Edenia will conduct tests and evaluations.”

The term Youngers was used by Dr Bellman for Sephet, Callista, Tazania, and Atalanta, for they were the ones in the group with only a single fusion power. Havis, Iphen, and Greyor, who each had gained two, were Neophytes. Beran and I were Counselors, able to push and prompt the others in the right direction. Technically Beran should have been a Neophyte, for he had only two fusion gifts. But realistically, he could do many things with them: grow plants, create vegetation from nothing, cause earthquakes and fissures, and according to what he has said speak directly to plant-life, and the earth itself. What exactly Mother Earth said to him, I don’t think any of us will ever know.

Lastly there was Edenia, she was more powerful than any of us could ever hope to imagine. Each of her emotions held a different capability, and it seemed as if she gained a new fusion ability every time I turned around. There was no number of the powers that she had, and it would be impossible for me, or anyone else, to every try to count them all. Bellman had no term for her, but Atalanta, being excellent with words, has coined her the Fusion Connoisseur.

“You mean, I’ll have to go to “school” and be taught by a Younger?” Iphen said interrupting my thoughts, as he drove the SUV back to our apartment.

“If you’re referring to Havis, he is not a Younger.”

“Sorry, a Neophyte.”

“Yes a Neophyte, but he has a brilliant mind. Dr Hybra made his brain work at a far higher capacity than any of us. He’ll make a good teacher, if you let him. He will learn everything the rest of you need to know, they only difference is that he will be teaching one facet of it.”

“It’s not fair.”

“You sound like a child. But perhaps, Edenia would be will to let you teach something. You could help me with the real world aspect, blending in with regular people. You are excellent at it. In fact, each of you could teach something, that would add some fun to the tedium of it all. What do you think?”

“I think that at least Greyor and I should be able to, since we are Neophytes. Same as Havis.”


“It’s a good idea Edenia.” Beran said.

“So long as they each take this seriously, and act maturely when a class is in session. One step out on line, by anyone, and there will be severe punishment. Such as complete responsibility of all household tasks, suspension of all luxuries, and anything else I can think of.” She paused, and the lights diffused. Edenia was feeling some despondency. “We have to be ready. It is essential, no, it is our obligation. Hybra mustn’t be allowed to enact the utter destruction of life as we know it. Excuse my surge of emotion, I was being melodramatic.”

“No you weren’t Eden. You’re right. We have to do something.” Sephet said, poking his head into the kitchen, where the three of us had been speaking. “Sorry I barreled in on your talk. I know I’m not the smartest, but I think each of us feels the same way as you do Eden. We have to stop him, even if it does sound corny.”

“Well put Sephet, Atalanta’s way with words is rubbing off on you.” I smiled.

He smiled and walked away. The three of us looked at each other, and went to tell the everyone else that our freedom was not truly freedom any longer. Our chain was heavier now, and the time would come when we needed to be ready for anything Hybra could throw our way. In fact, we had more hardships to face than we would have elsewhere. They would not be happy to know that this was not going to be a pleasure cruise. We were stuck on a life raft with numerous holes in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, without so much as a bucket to dump the leaking water out...

Callista hummed quietly as she watched the others. Everybody had decided to start on their costumes. They all lounged on the floor or in the armchairs, some staring at a blank paper or some busily sketching.

"Hey, Calli! What do you think of these?"

It was Tami. Callista took the offered paper. Five costumes were on the page, all in amamzing detail and color. She whistled, impressed,

"WoW, Tami! These are great!"

Tami took her paper back, frowning,

"Thanks, but now I can't decide which one I like best..."

Callista turned back to her own paper and sighed. She didn't know what her costume should look like. Sighing, she got up from the chair to get something to drink, only to resignedly plop back down as Edenia entered the room, flanked by Medea and Beran. This looked important.


The darkness was steadily closing in on her. Callista didn't know why she was so scared. She hadn't feared the dark for years. But something stirred in the air. It terrified her.

A hand emerged and wrapped itself around her throat. She tried to , but nothing came out. The hand squeezed tighter, choking her. She gasped for breath, beginning to feel lightheaded. She had to do something, she couldn't breathe.

Callista woke with a start, covered in sweat and panting. Just a nightmare. Feeling her throat, she winced as she found it tender. Now she wasn't so sure. She sat up in the dark and checked her watch. 3:37.

For a moment, she considered going to Edenia. The thought was quickly banished as Tami moved beside her, sleepily mumbling,

"Calli, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just a bad dream."

But Tami had already fallen back asleep, tempting Callista to do the same.

Greg awoke that morning and went straight to the kitchen and snacked and watched tv until the others got up

"You know I really want to have some fun lets get out I mean its Saturday lets at the very least go out for dinner. What do you say Tami... Edenia? How about the rest of you... come on guys" said Greg

" Its not safe and you know it. We need to be prepared for the worst and we aren't ready for the worst yet." said Edenia.

"WELL I JUST..... FINE I am going and anyone else who wants to go have fun or wants make sure I come home safe can come along. Until then I am gonna work on my costume" said Greg.

Ethan and Seth look at Edenia and she looks frustrated but not emotional. "hey Greg I will go with you." said Seth " Me too" said Ethan he looked at Edenia "To make sure they are safe of course." he continued.

"we will be safer if we are all together cause if something happens and there is only a couple of us there then we have no chance but if we are all there we have hope." said Greg to Edenia.

"He's right you know" said Havis

"It would be fun Edenia" said Tami at this Greg smiled

"Oh fine one night of fun can't hurt." Edenia said.

The day went on as normal and that night they all got out and made there ways to a local sit down restraunt called Maria's and they all ordered something different. Dinner went as any normal dinner would. Then they all went to The Buzz to hang out after dinner Edenia didn’t like this idea. Everyone was dancing when they got there

“Hey Tami would you go dance with me” said Greg in a hopeful tone.

“sounds like fun” replied Tami. Greg walked Tami out to the dance floor and the song changed to a slow song.

“So Tami are you having fun tonight?” Greg asked

“ Of course I am Greg this is the best time we have had in a long time.” Tami replied

they danced a while longer then Greg satisfied that is was a Saturday well spent went home with everyone.


I opened my eyes for the first time to hear the annoying cock of a man spouting orders at us to bring back some sort of experiments. Not that I really cared. Who did he think he was anyway? God? Certainly not God to me, not in any stretch of the imagination.
I noticed a girl with red hair look at me. In my mind I knew her name was Cardea. She was pretty and diffinitely attractive. She seemed to like this cock about as much as I did.
I watched as an older woman who looked much like Cardea led us down the hall to some doors.
"This is your rooms." She told us. "I know you all know who I am but I figured a proper introduction is deserved anyway. I am Doctor Jessica Bellman." She then ushered us into the rooms and looked at us. "You are our Phasers. You were created to bring our first experiments back to us. Just like they, each of you have a special ability. Each ability grows in strength with time and you learn new abilities as time and practice goes on. I will spend time with each of you to practice your abilities and teach you of them. Any questions?"
I grinned and looked at her. "Yeah, can I blow things up?"
She just looked at me. "No, you most certainly can not! You are to bring the other experiments back as peaceful as you can."
"Darn! Thought I would at least try." I grinned again and looked over to see Cardea smiling herself.
Something told me that even if I didn't like this cock and being told what to do that I might still have a little bit of fun.


I shook my head. Go figure, I'm suppose to bring back some dude's experiments cause he doesn't know how to keep a track of them. Was it just me or were people just stupid?
As far as I was concerned I would use my powers to get rid of the man and take over things myself. He was sure an idiot. But I also knew that at this point my own powers were not enough. He may have been stupid but I didn't seriously believe him to be stupid enough to not protect himself against his own experiments.
I growled and looked over at the other teens in the room. Two of the girls were my sisters, Lonien and Laurien. But as for the others I didn’t really care who they were. Especially this punk kid Demmeth. He thought he owned the place. I wanted to punch him in the eye and show him what I was made of but I restrained myself. Still he was smug prancing around like a unchained monkey. The sight of him made me sick.
I sat down on the nearest bed watching the others around me, they all made merry it seemed as soon as Dr. Bellman left the room. I just sat there and shook my head.

Iphen liked the idea of becoming famous like the X-men to fight for injustice while protecting the good citizens against evil.

He looked at the others as he smiled, this would be a formidable team to go against even if you had a lot of power.

He placed his hands together as he made an ice sculpture in his hands, he placed it on the table as Medea sat down beside him.

"So are you excited?" Iphen nodded as he smiled "Yes I sure am and I realized I have a new power last night".

He got up and closed his eyes as he re-opened them ice spikes flew out of his eyes and slammed into the wall.

Medea smiled a little as she replied "Not bad Iphen..not bad at all".

© Copyright 2003 Daizy, An-ti-es-tab-lish-ment!, Pandemonium, Gremlin, White Tiger, raiden, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
GROUP has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/792044-Experiment-Fusion