Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/759561-Pawn-Of-Prophecy
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Fantasy · #759561
Long ago in the world of Alorn 1 of 7 tried 2 destroy al That Was Just A Story rite
In the first year of Life, each of the seven was given charge of a People. Seven races.
First was Wand ~ The God of the Wanders. THey would be the Wisest and Tricksters.
Second was Shiin ~ The God of the Shinz. They would be the most noble and good followers.
Third was Gaiella ~ The Goddess of the Gaians. They would be the down to Alorn types with little imagination.
Forth was Tian ~ The God of theTianites. They would be the Secretive and loyal.
Fifth was Rialxa ~ the Goddess of the Lalians. They would be the nature intuned people with dreamy eyes.
Sixth was Sheh ~ The Goddess of the Shehites. They would be the people of battles and greed.
And Seventh was Intaian ~ The God of the Intaians. The merchants of the trade and metel workers. (/bold)

They each trained one as their apprentice and that One would train one other until one of the mortal Seven found he had more power than his master and decided he wanted more than to be a mere man but an Immortal. He called an army of souless soldiers and went to war.
The other races took arms against this One and with their combined forces, namely the Alorns, defeated the army, but now it was up to the six to bring away the One. The One was of the Shehites and their weakness was the Sunstone. The magic weaved, created an orb of this Stone and by channeling their power though it they banished the One to the Land it belonged, to the furthest mountain.

After the battle each of the Six Mages swore the oath of Alorn to never try to gain Immortality. But the Stars were changed when the Battle was still known and now two of each race could be trained.

So was it prophecied that the One Shehite would be returned by its followers and would destroy all if not stopped. Since the Six who swore would live long but not forever they were granted the form of an animal for the first year of any Mage and if a mortal permitted it they could stay longer in the body of that mortal.

The Two of Wand ~ Dr Matticakes Myra

The Two of Shiin ~

The Two of Gaiella ~

The Two of Tian ~ {user:mattdevlin@writing.com}

The Two of Rialxa ~ {user:forest@writing.com}

The Two of Sheh ~
(Before you start writing make a bio of your character so we have a little knowledge of each person and their race.)

{c: violet} Name: Prince Damion Knightrider
AKA : Crat
Age: 17
Race : Wanders.
Appearence: Beneath a selection of unusually bright merchant clothes is a heavily tanned teenager with a streak of wildness in the serious nature of his race. His charcoal hair is tied back in a long ponytail. His dragon eyes differ the prince from his race again as most have grey eyes in a dead sea but his show him, not his race. They show his mood and his power. As any other Wander he is tall and muscular. However his strength is not from lifting and haulling boxes but from the long walks he takes to go every where in Alorn.
Personality: Not much is known about what he is like, but many say he is as secretive as any Tian and knows most about all things. even the Secret Language of the Tians.
Weapons: Nobody knows as those that have seen whatever he uses do not live to remember them.
Power: By using the Orb Of Wand he can tap into the power of Wand himself but those who have met him say he can read minds and use his will power to do what he wants with nature.


The night was young and Crat lay on the hill of Jiolnii. He was alone on the hill and thinking deeply; for a change. He was thinking of his title and what it might mean for his future if his father died and his freedom was cut short. He was the Lion of his kingdom the Wild One. Chosen for his difference to take on the Talent of Mages. For a long time he had been thinking on this terrible thought.
Slowly Crat slipped into the dream world and what he saw shocked him.
It was the Owfal. The symbol of the Wander Mage who defeated the Shehite. It spoke to him.
"Go to Rrodestarsharc. To find out the answers to your Question." It said. "You remember it?"
"Of course. Who am I?"

His father was not his true father. That had been apparent from the beginning of his life. That he was Mage had confirmed it. Who was he? Not many people knew it but as an adopted son he may not be allowed to inherit the throne and with no King a country could be taken by war.

"It will be answered there."

The Owfal vanished leaving him in an uneasy sleep.

Morning light and the fresh breeze told him he was in for a warm day. Crat sheithed his sword and rose for the day. He left his troubled thoughts apon that hill and started the trechorus path to Rrodstarsharc.
Name: Forest

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Fifth of Rialxa

Weapons: Sword, bow and arrows.

Personality: She is friendly, outgoing, kind, and optimistic. She is very eager to learn and enjoys archery. She likes peace and doesn’t enjoy war. She is calm and learns quickly.

Appearance: She is thin and her height is average. She has straight, long, blond hair, and green eyes. She usually wears a locket around her neck. She isn’t very thin.

Power: She can turn into a hawk

I looked around and didn’t see anything but the trees. I got back onto my horse and rode quickly through the woods. It was a bit dark, but I rode for a very long time. Finally, I stopped at my home and turned into a hawk. I started to fly and soon I was high in the air. Below me, people were walking around. It was getting darker. I could see the castle and the prince sitting on the hill. I watched him. He stood up and started to walk away. He went inside the castle and came out with a horse and some items.

I had promised to watch the prince, since the king had asked me to. I flew to the ground and turned into a human. I walked towards him.

“What are you doing?” I asked. “You aren’t supposed to leave the castle!”

“Forest, I want to leave so don’t stop me.” He replied and started galloping away. Turning into a hawk again, I flew to my home and got onto my horse, Blaze, and tried to find him. The king would be very worried.
A Non-Existent User
Intaian Name: Lord Alerian Kortha "Woodbear"

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Intaian

Weapons: The mighty war axe called Nansurat, an array of throwing knives and his trusty blow-gun.

Personality: He is quiet and often times intimidating. He has no time for love or friendship, merely his duties as an Intaian representative.

Appearance: He is tall and olive skinned. Rough, calloused hands. Long, braided black hair. A scar runs from his forehead to his chin. He wears leather armor with black leggings and a shirt made of deer skin.

Power: None, although he is an excellent climber able to scramble to the top of the tallest tree in mere seconds. The power to turn himself into a bear will soon be his, though.


At home, he was Lord Alterian Kortha. In this world of outsiders, he referred to himself as Woodbear. The night air was cool as he strode through the streets of the tiny hamlet whose name he could not remember. His eyes were fixed on the night sky, an infinite sea of stars. He came from a place where stars were often obstructed by the smoke of industrial progress. He was Intaian, a noble member of the race of merchants and metal workers. He himself had never felt the heat of the metal worker's shed nor had he ever peddled his wares as a merchant. He had born into a family that was above such things. His bloodline had condemned him to ridicule from those hard workers that surrounded him. That's why he was here on this night in a town whose name he didn't know. He wanted to leave a mark on history as an emissary to the other kingdoms of this living realm.

The slave boy was waiting for him as he approached the stable. The scrawny child held the reins of Woodbear's trusted horse, Jagget. He and the horse had been through a lot in their six months travelling outside the kingdom they had for so long called home. Woodbear handed the boy a gold coin and mussed the youngster's hair. He felt bad for the boy and knew that the gold coin he had given him would not be safe for long. He wanted so much to help the boy. The tip was the only thing he could think of. He was here to make peace, not to start wars because he knew something not to be right. There were slaves where he came from, of course, but they were treated with much more dignity than the filthy beasts he had seen on his journey.

He rode from the hamlet, munching on stale bread that the old man at the inn had given him. It was not too bad. Not quite what Woodbear was used to, but not too bad. The chunks he broke off went down hard and he was forced to follow each bite with a swig of water. Before long, the bread was gone and Woodbear was growing sleepy. He had not planned to set out so late, but the elders of the hamlet had wanted to meet with him the whole of the day. He agreed because there was one thing he knew and that was politics. He could not see snubbing the old men, for that could make them the enemies of his people. The purpose for his journey was to make peace, not war. War was bad for the world of merchants.

The hour was late when he came to the river. The ferry was on the other side, unloading passengers. Woodbear waited patiently as the decrepit old man pulled the ferry back across the river to allow him to board. The attack came from both sides. Woodbear was taken entirely off-guard. Before he could grab for his war axe, Nansurat, the bandits were upon him, shoving his face into the dirt. Woodbear did not struggle for fear that they would kill him. He just stayed face down on the ground and endured their abuse. Satisfied that he was not up for a fight, the bandits began to search his person for gold coins. They cut his purse from his belt and each man gave him a swift kick for good measure. Jagget began to whinny. Her distaste for the men was evident to Woodbear's ears. Before he could ascertain the current position of the bandits, one of them tripped over him and fell face first into the dirt. Woodbear leapt on the man and beat him into submission. He then looked back over his shoulder and saw that another of the bandits was flat on his back, head bleeding. His eyes were glazed, stupified. Woodbear had seen it before. Jagget, in her frustration and apprehension had kicked the man in the head. Woodbear rolled to his feet and withdrew two throwing knives from his belt. He was about to let loose on the remaining bandits, but they were gone. He could see then fleeing into the forest, running for their lives from the demon horse. Woodbear grabbed his purse from the man he himself had beaten. By now, the ferry was here and Woodbear climbed onboard. He couldn't help but smile as he and Jagget traversed the river. This was what he always wanted from life. To go to a place where adventure exists around every corner. He had found that place.

Crat had no time to lose. His spirits were high and he longed for the adventures his lessons had taught him of. He was not an average Prince. He was Crat. The only noble who was forced to be what he was not. Which was the upright politition. What he knew he was effective at using but he knew at heart that no matter what he was taught he was one for disguise and tricks. After all, were Wanders not fames for their wild side as well.

The night drew on. The river was drawing closer. If Crat strained his ears he could here it rushing through the Vale. He knew then what he wanted to do. Go down stream like he had before on his last journey to Rrodestarsharc, but this time he was going alone. Unless Forest followed.

Crat had never minded Forest. She was everything his father saw a Watcher to be. Even if she was a Lalian.

Two men rushed passed him, his speed and their speed, made their faces blurs but intuition told him smething had just happened here. Then there came the smell.

The Death Scent hung in the air like a shadowy drape cloaking the river. He could see two still figures, dead on the ground and a massive bulk of a man. A dark stiloette against the night sky.

"Prince Damion." Forest was standing beside him on Blaze, "Go home, a murder seen is not a sight you want to see."

MAybe he was wrong, maybe she was just as annoying as the rest.

"I won't go back until i find my answers. And they lie in Rrodestarsharc." Crat snapped, "And i'm not a Prince out here. I'm Crat."

"Who's there?" The giant bulk was coming towards where they stood.

Forest stepped forwards but Crat's tongue was faster, "We are Crat and Forest. Merchants from Wand."

Forest glared at him and her hands flickered in irritation, Stupid lier Her hands said o him.

Oh be quite. And don't shout. With those movements you're sure to let it all loose. Crat replied using his hands.

He had taught her the secret language to well it seemed. And this was the only way to Rrodestarsharc anyway.

"Who are you?" He called.

"I am Woodbear. From Intinia." Said the other, stepping close enough for them to see his face, "And if you are planning to take this ferry, I would enjoy a talk with you Mister Crat."

Character: Forest

“Okay,” Crat nodded. We followed the man and got onboard.

“What are you doing?” I whispered. I watched as we started moving away. “Why did you say yes? Your father will be very worried, Prince Damion”

“I know that.” He replied. “And could you just call me Crat?”

“Fine.” I sighed. “But you don’t have to leave. You can just stay here.”

“I don’t want to,” He muttered.

I looked at the water and sighed. I’d have to make sure Crat would be okay. I’d promised the king that. But I wondered if what I was doing was right. I would have to take a chance and just make sure the prince was okay.

“My father will understand, Forest.” Crat said. He knew what I was thinking. I nodded and hoped he was right.

“Crat,” The man said. The prince looked at Woodbear. “Why are you here?”

They started to talk. I decided to leave them and looked at the floor. I finally sat down. I took out my book and started to read, but then I stopped and put it down. I turned into a hawk and began to fly into the air.

It was getting brighter. The sun was rising and there was a little wind. I flew around, smiling and watching other birds around me. It was nice. I flew back to the castle, since it wasn’t too far away, and tried to find the king. But then I saw that the king already knew that Crat was gone. I quickly headed back and landed on the ferry. I turned into a human and hurried to where Woodbear and Crat were talking.

“How long have I been gone?” I asked.

“Just a few hours.” Woodbear replied. “We’ve been talking.”

I nodded and smiled. “When will we get to Rrodestarsharc?”

“In a few minutes.” Crat said. I looked in the direction we were going and saw a little girl riding a horse. I smiled.
A Non-Existent User
Woodbear and the young man stepped off the ferry, still chatting amongst themselves. They were greeted by a little girl on a fine stallion. She was a bit young to be out here alone, but Woodbear saw in her eyes that she knew how to fight. This was the kind of place where children were taught to defend themselves from a very early age. There was also the matter of the bow and arrows strapped to her back. Woodbear was positive she knew how to use them.

He wasn't quite sure about the people he had encountered on the ferry, but they seemed to be of the decent sort. Crat, he surmised, was a royal even though he couldn't quite restrict him to a certain standing. The other one, Forest, was a complete mystery to him. He had watched with awe as the young lass turned herself into a hawk and took to the sky. Besides all that, she was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen in his life. He could not think of one of his seven wives that matched her beauty. Protocol dictated that he take another wife by his twenty-second birthday. She, of course, had to be of noble Intaian blood and he was sure the young woman was one of the Rialxa. He knew very little about her people, but if the choice was his to make, he would have proposed to her on the spot though he was sure she'd refuse him flat out.

The little girl swung down from her horse. Now that she stood before him, he was amazed at how much she reminded him of his younger sister, Hocha. Hocha had died three years earlier from a strange disease. He missed her every single second of his life, but never let his sadness show. The little girl ran passed him and leaped into Crat's arms. He held her close and kissed her on the head.

"The wind told me you were coming." Her voice was soft and melodic, in stark contrast to the wary look that she gave Woodbear.

"I've missed you." Crat held her at arm's length, amazed at how much she had grown.

Forest was bringing up the rear leading their horses. Jagget went without so much as a snort of protest. It was rare for the horse to grow so fond of strangers in such a short time.

"Hello, Forest." The little girl was a bit curt with the shape-shifter.

Forest simply nodded in response to the greeting. She glanced over at Woodbear for a moment, noticing him looking at her for the first time. He turned away quickly and feigned interest in the dirt below his feet.

"This is Woodbear." Crat said, gesturing to the olive-skinned emissary. "He will be riding with us for a while."

Forest seemed surprised by the revelation. Woodbear knew almost immediatelly that she was the less impulsive of the two. Forest began to move her hands in a manner that Woodbear had never seen before. Crat did the same in response to her own gestures. Then the little girl made her own hand gestures. Woodbear didn't know this language that was spoken with the hands, but he knew he was the center of the ... discussion.
Name: Liana Immore
Age: 20
Gender: female
Race: Tianite
Weapons: unarmed
Personality: she is quiey, calm and intelligent. She is filled with wanderlust so she's seen many places and things and she follows a strict code of honor. She can't remember part of her past, but the memories that do come haunt her.
Appearance: long black hair that she usually wears braided and encircling her head. Green, almond shaped eyes and an olive complection. She's fine boned and muscular and moves with an almost foreign elegance and grace. Her hands and wrists are covered in an intricate network of small silver vine like tattoos.
Power: She can 'control' the wind. Control being used very loosely being as she's only half trained.
The stars twinkled and danced in the heavens above, casting their glowing shadows onto the dark water where they sparkled like tiny candles set in a tangible darkness. The moon bathed the ferry in a deep silvery glow and Liana tilted her fine boned chin and let the light wash over her. Let is spark in her eyes which twinkled with a thousand tales, a thousand sights, a thousand secrets. Let her skin drink it in, the comforting glow. The moonlight was always the same, be it in foreign land or familiar, it was always the same and always comforting.

The sun began to rise and the ferry docked on shore, releasing the load of people it carried. A blonde women who had disappeared at one point, was back and brushed by Liana to join her two companions. Strange, Liana thought, where did she go? We carried her giggled the winds enigmatically, yes we carried her, over wood and stream. Before Liana could question the winds any further they were off, dancing across the water.

Liana shook her head and left the deck and set her feet on hard ground once more. She followed a meandering path swiftly and silently as she always did until she saw something that made her pause. The woman and her two male companions from the ferry along with a little girl were on the path ahead. One of the men and the woman were moving their hands in flickering, graceful movements and patterns. Speaking to each other. Speaking in a language she knew quite well.

Liana approached quietly, going unnoticed by the people. She stopped a few feet away, crossed her arms and cocked her head. “Now that’s odd,” she breathed in a low voice, “neither of you are Tian, so that’s very odd indeed.”

What was that voice? He stopped talking to Forest and looked about. He had heard someone speak, in a voice like the winds.

"Did you hear that?" He asked.

"No." Forest shook her head but Woodbear nodded .

"It's that shadow just to the left."

Crat looked over to where the Tian indicated. He took in the shape. A young woman he would guess.

"Come out." He said then he repeated it with his hands.

The shape approached a little but not enough to make her face visible. Her hands were though.

How do you know our language?

It was a fair question, after all it was supposed to be a secret.

I learnt it while I was selling goods from Wand. Who are you stranger?

This is not the place to ask me questions? The girl said stepping from shadow. "Who are you?"

"I am Crat. This is Forest and..."

"Woodbear." The merchant interupted.

"Yes and the girl is my cousin Bella."

"I see." The woman had strange sybols in glittering silver all over her body, "I am Liana."

Liana walked as they rode. She seemed to glide more than step, as if she was being blown.
Crat was amazed at her strangeness, and he recognised her. From some other place and time. Forest tapped his shoulder.
Rrodestarsharc is only a mile further.

He nodded before suddenly feeling the pain of free flowing magics. He gripped the reins and gritted his teeth to supress a moan. Who was using magic now? What would be using magic now?
Character: Forest

We kept on riding. I wondered how Liana could float. It was quite amazing, really, and I sighed as we quickly rode along.

“How can you float?” I finally asked her. She smiled. She knew that all of us had been wondering about it.

“Well, I’ve got powers.” She said. “I can make the wind do whatever I want it to do, although I’m not so good at it at the moment. But I know I’ll get better at it.”

“I’m sure that you will.” I nodded, smiling. “Can you move fast when floating?”

“Not yet.” She shrugged.

We passed by a large river. I watched the water run and smiled as I passed by. I’d been here before and had met the king, the queen, and Crat there once.

We soon arrived in Rrodestarsharc, where we saw a large castle. We hurried up the neat path. I was quite excited, actually, and couldn’t wait to see all of the city. I headed inside and rode down the road.

“Look at that!” I cried, staring at a flower. It was purple and looked very nice. “So what are you trying to do here, Crat?”

He shrugged and we kept on riding.
A Non-Existent User
Woodbear was riding a few yards behind Forest when they came upon the city. It was like no place Woodbear had ever seen before. The cities in the kingdom where he came from were always dark with smoke and it was often hard to breathe. He took in a deep breath here and didn't end up buckled over, coughing like an old man in the late throws of the strange disease that had killed his sister.

He glanced over at Liana. She was an amazing creature who seemed to float with the wind. He found himself wondering the secret behind the trick. He himself had no powers that he knew about. There was always the possibility, though.

"Would you like to ride with me?" He was looking down at Liana, smiling. The smile seemed a foreign thing to him. He had spent too much time as a diplomat, maintaining his stony demeanor.

Liana looked up at him and shook her head. It seemed to him that Crat was the only one who wanted him there. He liked the young man who had the look of a royal. In there short time together, Woodbear had decided that Crat was the kind of person he wanted to stay friends with. He had no friends back him. Everything was business with his people.

He rode forward a few yards and fell in alonside Forest. He glanced over at her once, twice, three times before he built up the nerve to speak.

"What is this place?" He inquired.

Forest didn't seem to hear him. He cleared his throat and asked her again. She turned to him quickly, as if he had surprised her.

"This place?" She asked, gesturing around her. "Have you never heard of Rrodestarsharc?"

Woodbear shook his head, somewhat ashamed that he didn't know. He didn't understand why he felt that way, after all he came from a secluded kingdom. His experience with the outside world had been limited until six months ago.

Forest gasped as Crat was knocked from his horse by some unseen power. Woodbear was off of his steed in two seconds flat. Forest was quick to join him. They squatted down next to him and checked to see if he was all right. He was, but he looked terribly drained.

"What was that?!" Woodbear had his hand on Nansurat, ready to fight off whatever it was that attacked Crat.

"I ... I don't know." Crat answered, shaking his head from left to right. "But it certainly was an odd feeling."

Woodbear looked back over his shoulder. The girl, Lianna was chanting softly. Woodbear spun to his feet, Nansurat at the ready. He marched over to her and raised the weapon above his head.

"What spell is this?!" He was screaming in her face, forcing Liana to take several steps back.

She couldn't understand why he was so ready to cleave her. Forest ran forward and put herself between them.

"Back off." She said to Woodbear in a calm voice. Then she turned to Liana and continued. "Explain yourself."
“Float? I don’t float. What is Forest talking about. I walk like a normal person. My training may make it appear that I float but….I don’t get it” Liana mumbled under her breath to the winds. They did nothing but swirl around her body and dance off into the trees. She shook her head, catching for a moment the one called Crat get knocked off his horse.

“What spell is this?!” A large face, the face of Woodbear, suddenly obscured her vision and she took a step back. Years of training made her muscles immediately relax and she stepped into a good strong stance, ready for anything. She raised one eyebrow and speared him with a green eyed gaze.

“Explain yourself,” Forest said, putting herself between Liana and Woodbear.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, young mistress.” Liana growled

“You said you can control the wind.”

Liana gave a low laugh and shook her head. “You are a fool. You don’t know who I am or what I can do, that is none of your business. You know nothing of wind magic and yet you, both of you,” she nodded to Woodbear, “in you all mighty ignorance have singled me out as an aggressor. To what reason or purpose would I have to knock Crat off his horse? Answer me that Lalian. If I were you, I would be watching you charge because someone or something doesn’t seem to like him.”

Forest opened her mouth to say something but Liana cut her off, speaking low, dangerous and precise. “Watch what you say, Lalian. I do not lie. If you say I lie I will fight you to the death to defend my honor. Do you have the balls to do the same?” Forest gave her a long look and turned toward Crat.

Control the wind? By the gods I don’t even know how I do it! And to use them like that on purpose… Liana shivered as horrible feelings twisted like snakes on her insides. Feelings from part of her past that she could not remember. And, as if summoned to light by her thoughts, a memory floated across Liana’s mind.

A low dark room, blood spattered on the walls… A man, gaunt face, eyeless holds the branding needle… Another man, face forgotten speaks in low hushed tones. “You are too free, you must be marked. Better control for you, better control for us.” White hot pain. My hands…oh god my hands…make it stop...flicker….a broken city…buildings lie like shattered glass across a blasted land…the dead in piles….where are they? Where are….mommy?

Liana stumbled but caught herself. The memory of how she got her tattoos was old, the city however…that was new. Forget it, said the strong, cold voice of the North Wind in her mind. We hid it for a reason, it will only bring you pain.

You try to forget it! Liana snarled back in her mind. She shook her head once more and tried to focus on the proceedings. She kept her muscles loose and moved with caution, knowing something must be lurking nearby. Forest and Woodbear had gone over to the young man to help him to his feet. Liana found Crat interesting. Any man who could learn her language from merchants was not only interesting but very impressive. He was a Wander, she had seen many in her travels, but he was different from any one she had every met which made him doubly interesting. She came over to the small group, despite the suspicious glares made by the other two. “Are you all right?” she inquired.

"Are you all right?" Liana asked him.

Crat nodded. "I'm fine. The magic's gone."

Forest looked up, suddenly worried. "Magic?

"Free flow." He was always careful with his words but now he dicided was the time to tell the truth. "Some one or something was using magic without any control or means to stop it. I tried to follow it back to the source but it attacked my mind." He shuddered. It had hurt and he did not care admitting it.

Liana looked vague, "Hmmm..." she turned away.

Crat knew, some how that he should not ask what was bothering her but he wanted to.

We think it was her. Forest told him.

I know you do. But it wasn't. And just so you know she does understand this language.

I realised. Forest's figures moved jaggedly, to show her irritation, at him no doubt.

"Must you always talk behind my back?" Woodbear asked, sounding slightly annoyed.

"No. Just we don't want to be heard." Forest replied.

Crat thought for a moment. If Woodbear learnt the language then they would all be able to communicated with out anyone noticing. "I'll teach you how to use this language if you like?"

"I'll think about it." Woodbear replied.

That was enough for Crat. This Woodbear, obvoiusly spent to much time alone, or maybe with boring people, but for what ever reason he knew that the man enjoyed being away from what ever buisness he was doing.
Character: Forest

So we taught Woodbear how to speak the language that had once confused him quite a bit. He learned quickly and soon all of us were speaking in this language along the way. He knew a few words, but we were still teaching Woodbear a few more.

“You’re a fast learner.” I smiled.

“Yeah, you really are.” Crat nodded.

We kept on riding for a while. I started to think that Liana hadn’t been the one who made Crat fall to the ground. Why would she do that anyways?

As Crat and Liana were talking, I spoke to Woodbear.

“It wasn’t her.” I muttered.

“How do you know?” He asked.

“Why would Liana want to harm him?” I replied. Woodbear thought about this and nodded.

“I can see why you are starting to trust her.” He said.

“Forest!” Crat cried.

“Yes?” I asked, hurrying to where he had stopped. Someone was coming.

“Prince Damion!” The man cried. “I need to speak to you!”

I looked at Crat. He nodded to the man.

“Your father wants you to return!” The man said. “He is very worried. He would like to know your reason for your departure.”

“Oh,” Crat sighed.
A Non-Existent User
Woodbear was shocked when he heard the rider calling Crat "Prince Damion". So, he was right about the young man being royalty. But he never imagined that his new friend was a prince. A prince! During his younger days in Pascot, the capitol of the Intaian kingdom, he had met many Dukes and Lords and Barons, he was even married to a duchess. A prince, though.

The man who rode up to them was a soldier in partial body armor. Behind him were more soldiers. Woodbear did not like the look on their faces. They looked as if they had been put out, having to come all this way to save the prince from himself.

Woodbear leaned over and whispered to Bella. The young girl had decided to join them on their journey. "Who are these men?"

"Some palace guards. The one out front is Darius. I don't like him much." She shook her head and fell in behind Woodbear. The little girl was showing signs of fear.

Darius swung down from his horse and approached the four of them. He was a lean man with hard features and many scars on his face.

"You have to come back with us." His voice was as gruff as his exterior.

Woodbear looked over his shoulder. Bella was whimpering softly for reasons Woodbear did not quite understand. If Darius was a servant of Crat's father, then there was nothing for her to be so upset about.

Woodbear climbed from his horse slowly. He nodded to Liana. The young woman was still quite angry with him, but she approached anyway.

"The girl is afraid." He said in a low voice.

"I can see that." Lianna did not like him. Did not like him at all and the chill in her words let him know how much she disliked him. In truth, he could not blame her for those feelings. He had blindly accused her of doing harm to Crat, something he know knew was impossible. Despite the fact that she was hiding something dark, she was a decent person.

"I'm sorry I accused you." Woodbear was more sincere than he had ever been in his life. He did not want Lianna to go on disliking him. "But I want you to know that I now count you among my friends."

"Oh, so now you count me as one of your friends. It was not long ago that you were going to cleave me in two." Lianna was stone faced for a moment, but then a small smile came to her lips.

"Prince Damion, do not argue with me! We were given specific orders!" Darius had his teeth bared like a dog ready to attack. He grabbed Crat by the leg and Crat kicked him away.

"Don't touch him." Forest's temper was up a bit. She wanted to go back home more than anyone, but that kind of behavior was not to be tolerated.

"Shut up, you dog-faced wench!" Darius shot her a look that could freeze fire.

Woodbear pulled out Nansurat and marched forward. He put himself between Darius and Crat.

"Who the hell are you?" Now that Woodbear was standing in front of Darius, he could smell that the young soldier had the most horrible breath.

"I am Lord Alerian Kortha, emissary of the Intaian people and son to Jeru Kortha. I was raised with the understanding that you do not talk to women like that." Woodbear struck Darius with the blunt end Nansurat, knocking out three of his teeth and tearing open his lip.

"Woodbear, no!" Crat was down off his horse now, so were the palace guards.

"You stupid fool. You've just comitted an act of war." Forest turned into an eagle and took to the sky. Was she scared? Woodbear didn't see her as the type to scare so easily.

The palace guards attacked Woodbear from all sides. The olive-skinned emissary avoided their attacks and came back at them hard. Half of them were down on the ground before they could react.

Woodbear looked back and saw that Lianna was speaking in a soft voice. A large gust of wind approached from the north and knocked the rest of the soldiers on their backs. Woodbear nodded to her. She nodded back. Things were well between them now.

Darius lept to his feet, drew his sword and came at Woodbear with bloodlust in his eyes.

"I order you to stop this!" Crat was yelling at Darius, but the soldier was beyond the point of taking orders. This was personal.

The two men went at it, their weapons clanging together steadily. Woodbear swung the axe hard and shattered the blade of Darius' sword. He moved in for the death blow, but Crat stopped him. The young prince had strength, Woodbear had to give him that.

"This stops now." Crat's face was carved from stone. Woodbear could now see how seriously out of control his temper had grown. He lowered his axe and nodded to his new friend.

Darius suddenly drew a knife from his boot and lunged at Woodbear, driving the weapon into his stomach. Woodbear screamed and started to raise his axe when from the sky swooped Forest. She turned from the eagle back into her usual self seconds before landing. She hit the ground and took out Darius with a roundhouse kick. Woodbear was thoroughly impressed.

"That was stupid of you." She was none too happy with him and he didn't pretend not to care. He had done what he did defending her honor.

"My father is going to ... no ... I don't care." Crat was standing straight as a plank as he spoke those final words.
Prince Damion. She had heard the name. She had heard it before whispered on the wind and spoken of in low voices by flickering fires in sea coast ale houses. She had heard the name, and now could put a face to it, but she still didn't know anything about the man to which it belonged. And she didn't have time to ponder.

The wind was pushing in her find, fighting against her hold. free us...free us, they hissed. "No," she mumbled aloud, "stop. I will not use you to hurt others." The winds never fought, or hardly ever, of their free will as they did just then. And they were doing so for a completely stranger. This confused Liana and she had to use all her might to hold them back. The tattoos on her palms began to ache.

She watched the fight in front of her, watching Woodbears amazing strength and skill. Don't get involved, she thought First rule of fighting: Never fight, said the voice of her old training master in her head. Second rule: if you fight win. Liana smiled. Woodbear was certainly following the second rule doing that.

"This stops now," said a voice where power flowed and bound like steel. Crat's dragon eyes grew dangerous as he turned to look at his guards. "I don't care, " said slowly challenging the guards with his eyes.

The winds backed off but Liana didn't notice. She walked slowly foreward toward the injured Woodbear, keeping a good stance and ready for any attack. All the while she watched Crat, or Prince Damion. Watching the story unfold.
He did care. He knew that. But this was more important than anything. Somehow he knew that. Deep within his mind he knew that.

"Tell him..." He struggled to find the words, "Tell him that I'll come back when I've found my answers."

"But Prince Damion. It is our duty to return you." One, obviously a Gaian said with little force.

"Return me." Crat repeated those words, "Then you'll have to find me." And with that he unleashed his Will and vanished with a pop.

Stunned, the looked around. The question, Where is he? was almost as apparent on their faces as their race.

Crat creapt up to Forest and tapped her shoulder, "If you're going to come, let's go."

she looked strangely surprised and flicked her hands. I'm coming.

Crat thought about asking Woodbear and Liana but then decisided that they had enough sense to follow Forest.

"Say something." He hissed in her ear.

"I'll have a look from above."

"Find him Forest. And bring him back."

Crat darted away. He would need his horse. He tugged at its harness and led it away towards Rrodestarsharc. He had to go there and he would not fail.
Character: Forest

I nodded and quickly turned into a hawk. As I flew off, Liana and Woodbear talked. I looked around and saw Crat galloping away. He nodded to me and rode faster. I watched as they hurried along.

“Crat, where are we going?” I asked as I turned into a human. We’d stopped. “How are you going to find your answers?”

“I’m not sure, Forest, but I know that I must hurry. I don’t want my father to get worried.” He replied.

“I thought you were a prince.” Woodbear muttered.

“Yeah, I am.” Crat nodded. “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you early.”

“It’s okay.” Liana replied. “But Forest, you knew, right?”

“Yeah, I’m supposed to make sure Crat is fine.”

Now we all knew about each other, or at least Liana and Woodbear did.

We rode for a long time. We weren’t sure what to do because the men that the king had sent to bring Crat back were waiting for us. They’d probably get suspicious after a while.

We rested for a while after riding. I gazed at the sky and soon turned into a hawk. I tried to find the men. They were still waiting to see if we’d find Crat. I kept an on eye on them, and saw, a few minutes later, Darius look suspicious. He left. I watched as he and his men rode away. I turned back into an elf.

“Okay, I think we should leave.” I muttered.
A Non-Existent User
Woodbear swallowed a piece of the stale bread and, one again, chased it with cool water. Forest wanted to leave, but Woodbear was still worn out from the encounter. Liana was sitting next to him on the rotten log. Jagget nuzzled her and she stroked his snout. Woodbear offered her a piece of bread, but she declined.

"Come on. We're leaving." She was speaking directly to Woodbear, but the Intaian just gave her a look.

He was more than a bit upset. The revelation that Crat was a prince was surprising at first, but the more he thought about it, the more it made him angry. The two had lied to him. On top of the feeling of betrayal, was the pain of the wound Darius had given him. He had sowed it up with some gut, so he would survive the injury, but he had nothing for the pain.

"I'll get up when you start leveling with me." He was still eating the bread. "Where exactly is it where we are going? And why are we going?"

"You don't have to travel with us, if you don't want to. We may even be better off without you." Forest stood strong, staring him down.

Woodbear stood and moved in closer to her. Their breath mingled between them.

"I stood up for you, changeling. How can you dismiss me like that?" Woodbear kicked some dirt on her boots and moved to Jagget's side.

Forest's eyes stabbed his muscular back. He knew that she was looking at him, but he said nothing. He was tired of talking. Tired of so many things. He no longer wanted to be the damn emissary for his kingdom. He wanted to be free to pursue adventure. That's why he was with these travelers, why he stayed even though he did not feel one hundred percent welcome. He knew there had to be some change. He knew he had to make them trust him more than they did. He turned on his heels, marched toward Crat and dropped down on one knee.

"Where I am from, there is something called the Pataras Domias. The Pataras Domias is a pledge to follow one man into the bowels of hell, if the need be. This is my Pataras Domias. I am your servant from here to the end of days, Prince Damion. Take my hand as your brother." Woodbear extended his hand to Crat. "Declare yourself as my brother in war and peace. If you do not, I will ride from this place and never return. This is my solemn promise."

All three of his companions were looking at him. He could see the corner's of Forest's mouth turn up into a smile. Woodbear waited for Crat to take his hand.

What was he supposed to do. Take his hand or not. If he did it might lead to Woodbears death. If he did not he would lose the man to the night... forever...
There ws of course only one choice.

He took the hand of his friend. "From here we are brothers my friend." Crat said clearly, helping Woodbear to his feet.

But Crat hoped beyond anything that Woodbear would understand what he had become a part of.

Hooves. Galloping hooves were close by them. He sent out his senses. Someone was drawing near.

Forest. Do you know if they've followed us.

They didn't. But they're not following us. Just you for now.

Not likely. When you said you would follow you set youself up for danger. One of which is them. He smiled wryly, And i think they were a trap.

A trap? Woodbear interupted.

In a minute. Liana replied, The beat of hooves is coming closer. We should move.

The horses were covered in a shadow ball. The four of them were invisible to all but themselves. Crat was using his magic but it was taking to much energy.

A girl on horse back stopped in the area they had been standing in moments ago.

Crat shuddered, sending a ripple of power across the land. The stranger turned her horse and started towards them
Character: Forest

We watched as the girl came towards us. She was smiling.

“Hello, Prince Damion.” She said. “I’m Kat.”

“Hi,” He nodded. “How come you are here?”

We couldn’t stay here. “We really must leave quickly, and soon too.”

“Oh,” She muttered.

“Would you like to come with us?” Woodbear asked.

“Okay.” She shrugged.

“We have to go.” I muttered and we rode away. We were moving very fast, but I knew that the people who were chasing us were still kind of close.

“I can’t use my power anymore.” Crat said. He let his magic go.

“It’s okay.” I replied. “We should just try to leave as fast as possible.”

“What were you talking about?” Liana asked. “It was something about a trap.”

“Yeah,” Crat said. “I’ll tell you once we get somewhere where we can stop riding.”

I looked behind me.
A Non-Existent User
Woodbear spun around when he heard the noise. Forest was looking in the same direction, eyes narrowed. It was the sound of something, somewhere screeching in agony. He withdrew Nasurat and stepped up next to Forst.

"What is that?" He asked, cocking his head one side. The sound was getting louder.

Soon they were all looking in the same direction. The sound was moving through the forest and coming straight at them. Woodbear and Forest dropped to their knees, hands clasped to their ears. Liana and the new girl, Katsumi soon felt the effect and were also down on their knees. Liana screamed.

The forest was shaking with the approach of whatever it was making the noise. The creature, whatever it was, was knocking down trees as it walked, all the while screeching in that horrible way.

It came into view a moment later. It looked like a wild boar, but bigger with large tusks jutting from it's mouth. Red eyes, like the flaming soul of a tormented spirit. It screeched again, knocking Woodbear flat on his back. He and Forest seemed to be getting the worst of it, for they were writhing on the ground.

"Stop it!" Woodbear yelled, certain that there was no one among them who could.

The man emerged from the forest behind the beast. He was tall and wearing a long dark, hooded cloak, his face obstructed by shadow. All they could make out was his powerful sneer. Brilliant white teeth shining through the darkness.

Woodbear knew he had to do something. He had to stop the thing before it killed them. He rolled over, searching for something he could throw, some kind of projectile weapon. There was nothing within his reach. He then looked up at Crat, Prince Damion. The younger Wander seemed to be frozen in place.

"Prince Damion!" Woodbear was screaming at him, but the prince did not respond. "Prince Damion!"

Woodbear fought the noise and rose to his feet. He found that if he concentrated on something other than the beast, the noise would lessen. He pulled Forest to her feet. He nodded to her. She nodded back, turned into a hawk and took to the sky. She circled high above the altercation, unaffected by the noise at that altitude.

There were visible sound waves like the wavy lines of heat on hot summer days coming from the beast that distorted the world around them.

The man in the black cloak was walking towards them now and Woodbear could now see that the noise was coming from him and not the giant boar.

"Liana!" The girl was still screaming.

Woodbear walked over and kicked her hard, bringing her back to reality. He lifted her onto Jagget and gave the horse a whack. He took off like a shot, carrying her from the man and the awful noise that came from him.

Kat was on her feet and standing next to Woodbear. They were fighting the noise and the man in the dark cloak was growing angry. Kat drew one of her daggers and hurled it at him. It whooshed through the air. The man in the dark cloak side-stepped, narrowly avoiding the weapon. Kat threw her other dagger. It seemed to move in slow motion through the air. The man in the dark cloak caught it between his hands and threw it right back at her, followed by the second dagger. Woodbear raised Nansurat quickly and the weapons clanged off the axe head and dropped to the ground at Kat's feet.

Woodbear realized there was only one way out of this and that was to run. He swung up onto the horse behind Prince Damion and took the reins. He gave the horse a kick and faded into the distance, Kat galloping along behind him.

Prince Damion awoke a few miles out and looked around at the landscape. He did not understand what had just happened.

"I don't know what came over me." He muttered is disbelief.

"Don't worry, brother. We're safe now." Woodbear did not know if that was entirely true. "If you'll excuse me."

Woodbear jumped onto the back of Kat's horse as they continued down the road. Kat was a lighter rider and her horse could take both hers and Woodbear's weight better than Prince Damion's.

They arrived at the gates of Rrodestarcharc a few minutes later. Liana and Forest were waiting for them, both glad to see their friends alive. Woodbear jumped down from Kat's horse and walked over to Jagget. The horse was also glad to see him still in one piece.

The city was a much more beautiful place up close. The view from the ridge a few days ago did not do the place justice.

"We're here, Prince Damion." Forest was speaking. "What now?"

"I say we find a safe place before whatever that was returns." Woodbear was stating the obvious.
Her ears were still ringing from the sound. The wind swirled around her, comforting her. "Where were you then," she growled under her breath.

"What?" asked Forest turning toward her. Liana shook her head and scanned the tree line. She breathed a sigh of relief when shadows detached themselves and galloped into the open and they all stood safely at the gates of Rrodestarcharc.

They passed through the stone gateway, hewn from the living rock. Strange sigils and runes twisted and twined through grey and white stone, markings of a former power or ancient civilization.

"We should be safer in here," said one of the group, Liana didn't notice who.

"What was that thing?" she asked. "I've travelled many places and seen many things. I've heard strange tales and legends of beasts and horrors that haunt the woods and fields of this land. But nothing...nothing like that."

"That noise...," Crat said with a shake of his head and let the sentence hang.

"It paralyzes you almost," Woodbear commented. "Never heard anything like it."

"Aye," Liana responded. After my years of training unarmed combat and the mental discipline I went through really doesn't count for much when it comes to something like that. She smiled wryly and look at Woodbear. The man had thought fast and shaken, or rather kicked her out of her stupor. He was rapidly gaining her respect, something very hard for most people to do. She sighed and looked around her and voiced a question that had been hanging on her lips for sometime. "What is this place?" She could sense...something here. Was it a strange movement in the air? Was it the echoing silence? Whatever it was it made chills run down her spine. "Why have we come here?"

Crat let the magic wash over him. It was purea nd as anciant as the hills. Yet it made him feel cold. Not like that creature had made him freeze but like the dying sun at dusk. He shook his head and listened to his friends.

"Why have we come here?" Liana asked, her face showed her discomfort.

"I'm not sure, something about this place..." That was Kat.

"There are questions..." He began and every one turned to him, "That need to be answered."

"Prince Damion..." Woodbear started.

"Please don't call me that." Crat knew what Woodbear was about to say, "It's not who I am."

"Crat then," the man began again, "I think we deserve some straight answers for a change. If it's true we're all in this then don't we all have the right to know what you're talking about."

He looked at each of them in turn. His mind whirled. If he said anything then... he could barely think of what might happen to the kingdom.

"And why were those people back there a trap?"

He sighed. They would not be happy until he told them. At least some of it.

"Forest. When you flew off, when you saw my father. He was fine with my going off yet they come along and claim he wants me to return. Why? He could have just sent me a message. Not an armed escort."

She nodded.

"Then not much later we're attacked by a summoning. Something that when attacked takes no real damage. I fought it in my mind, and Woodbear and Kat fought it phsically. But where did it go after we ran? Where did it come from? The sigil that was the mark of its creator was that of Kell. A sorceress from the Shehites. I think why might lie in this city."

"But there's more isn't there?" Forest said. Her eyes showed her curiousity.

"There is. But..." He paused and looked at the ground, "It could mean chaos amongst my fathers kingdom. I can't do that."

"It won't go any further than here." Kat promised.

"It will go no further than here." Forest repeated. "We promise."
Character: Forest

I thought about what Crat had said and kept on riding through the city. What did the sorceress want? Crat only wanted to find what he needed.

“Where should we go?” I muttered.

Crat shrugged.

“Well I’m going to find out if the sorceress is trying to ruin the world.” I sighed. “But do you know where the Sixth of Sheh is?”

“No,” Crat replied. “All that I know is that she is in the city.”

I looked around. It was a very large place with many buildings.

“I just don’t want anything to bad to happen,” I said. “I’m just going to look around, okay?”

I quickly turned into a hawk and flew above the city. There weren’t that many people. Kat, Liana, Woodbear, Crat, and Bella were talking to one another while waiting for me to tell then where to go. I flew faster and then spotted the creature that we’d seen a while ago and the man.

I flew back.

“Did you see the Sixth of Sheh?” Kat asked.

“Yes, but I’m not sure if should go there, though.” I said. “We ran away from them last time.”

“But we have to stop the her,” Woodbear replied.

“Yeah, we have to,” I nodded. “But I think that Bella should stay here.”

“I agree with Forest that someone should watch Bella.” Liana muttered.

I turned into a hawk again and looked around. The creature and the man were gone.

“They have gone somewhere else.” I said.
A Non-Existent User
Liana had been nominated to stay behind and watch Bella, for she had seconded the motion. Forest, the changeling, had come up with the notion, but was needed for her capabilities. So the task was inevitably left to Liana. There simply had to be someone with her. Bella had ridden from the encounter with the mage and his giant boar and now she was scared to death. No one wanted to expose her to further danger.

Woodbear, fresh from the encounter with the evil mage, did not feel comfortable leaving either of them behind.

"You go, Liana. I'll stay with the girl. Go and see what the city has to offer." Woodbear removed his bed-roll from the saddle and laid it out in the shadow of the walls of Rrodestsharc.

Woodbear lifted Bella from her saddle and carried her to the bed-roll. He brushed her hair from her eyes and placed a calming hand on her forehead. He sang the song that his mother had sung to him as a child and the little girl fell fast asleep.

"Go now. We'll be just fine." Woodbear gave them a confident smile and sat cross-legged next to Bellla. He took long swigs from the water bladder.

"Two are always better than one." Liana took Jagget's reins and tied them to a tree. The horse seemed to like her much. He rarely took to people like he had taken to these. "I'll wait with you."

Liana sat with Woodbear and shared the water bladder.

"If you need us, just whisper to the wind." Liana put her back to the wall and closed her eyes.

Crat, Forest and Kat rode through the gates. Kat stalled her horse for a moment and turned to Woodbear, smiling.

"You came through back there." She said no more and rode after the others.

Woodbear whiled away the hours, whittling a piece of wood and watching merchants and travelers flock into the city from land far away. There was a man selling cooked chickens from a cart. Woodbear bought one of the succulent birds from him and broke the carcass into three even pieces. He woke Liana nad handed one to her. He wrapped the piece for Bella in leather to keep the flies off. Liana and Woodbear spoke as they ate.

"I hear your people are the most secretive of all peoples. So, what are you hiding from us?" He meant the question in jest, but Liana seemed to miss the humor.

"I ... I don't like to talk about secrets. Tell me about your life back in ... where are you from, anyway?" She managed a tiny smile.

"Nazaka, the heart on the Intaian empire. It is not a nice place. Nothing like this. The sky is black with smoke. The streets are coated in an ever-present layer of soot. I hated it there."

"But don't you miss your family?"

"Ha! My family is all about appearance. I have more wives than I can count, but I have no love for any of them. We do not even share the same bed. They only knew that I was a man of high standing and they needed to marry up. My mother and father are daft and positively aloof when it comes to my happiness. There are more important things than many women to bed down with. There is simply no love with any of them. There was love with my first wife, but she and my son died in our first years together."

Liana seemed shocked to hear that Woodbear, so young and strong, was already a widow. He did not seem to wear his sadness where others could see. In fact, he had seemed like the type who had not a care in the world.

"You were a father?" She asked.

"Oh, yes. He was called Salerian, which means son of greatness. We had four wonderful years togethere. I had, for the first time, a sense of what a real family was." Woodbear paused and looked down at the ground. "I'm sorry to bend your ear with my sorrows."

"I don't mind." Liana placed a hand on his shoulder. Woodbear locked eyes with her.

"Crat has helped me to find reason once again. I don't know why, but I think my friendship with young Prince Damion is my destiny."

"Then that would us all part of your destiny. Me, Kat and ... and Forest."

"Why did you pause?"

"I think that perhaps you are infatuated with her. I do not blame you, she is beautiful."

"I'm not interested in Forest. There was a moment after our initial meeting that I imagined marrying her. It was only a moment, though."

Liana did not know why, but she was glad to hear that Woodbear had no feelings for Forest. She did not know why she suddenly had such a fondness for the warrior. Maybe it was the way he fought with such passion. Maybe it was because he had overcome the attack by the dark mage and stayed to make sure the rest of them made it out. He was loyal and kind and stood up for what he believed in. Little by little, she was growing fond of him. Little by little.
"I respect you," Liana said suddenly, "and that's not something I say very often." Woodbear looked up at her. "No, I mean it. Pledging yourself to Crat showed your honor, pure straight and simple."

"Ah, but like I said," Woodbear admonished, "I think Crat is part of my destiny."

Liana paused and looked off into the distance, remembering a night and a time a few years since. After a few minutes she spoke. "A few years ago a travelled far into the mountains, in a land far from here. It was winter. I remember the snow and ice and the bitter cold and I stayed for the night in the house of the Wolf King. He was an old man, with horn shaped scars on his palms and hair as white as bone...but his eyes were young. Oh his eyes were so young. And behind those eyes glittered a thousand stories, a thousand songs, a thousand riddles. We sat in his long hall in front of a flickering fire with cushins on the floor and played a riddle game that lasted until the sun ate up the stars. He asked me a riddle that night that later...now... I don't know if it were riddle or advice." She paused and listen to the wind cry through spaces in the stone at their backs.

"What was it?" Woodbear asked softly, afraid that if he spoke too loudly he would scare the words from her mouth.

"I"m sorry," Liana shook her head. "I can't quite remember. Something about destiny and how it either was something you made or something someone made for you. I'm sorry, it seems so long ago."

"I thought your folk were supposed to be secretive," Woodbear said with a smile.

She gave a soft smile and shook her head slowly. "Somehow your making me talk, not many people can make me do that." And as if on cue she lapsed into silence and rested her head on the wall.

He is a strong man, she thought to herself, He's dealt with so much sorrow in such a short time and yet he's still whole. And he comes from a loveless land where he can't see the stars.

The west wind came, blowing strong and warm and carrying news. Liana opened her eyes and rose gracefully to her feet.

"Our companions are back," she informed Woodbear. "I wonder what tales they have to tell."

So what in all of Wand was he supposed to do. HE had to find his answers but he had to some how waylay that Shehite. Crat almost slumped into his saddle. Almost. As they rode back up to the others his face was grim.
Woodbear rose to his feet. Liana appeared to drift upwards though she had not. Crat put on a better face for them but let it drop. His answers lay unanswered and his secret was dying to be told. All his life they had been waiting and now they were a torent of rivers trying to burst from a dam.
After sliding from his horse he darted a look at his companions shook his head and walked further away.
He had intended to stop but he continued to walk. He felt like he was being drawn along on a string. Closing his eyes he could feel the magic drawing him. Dark magic he could not ignore. Someone was attempting to capture him. Some how he knew that it was the Sixth of Sheh but all logic supassed him.

Barricade. Crat summoned the magic and tried to seperate himself from the spell.

My apologies young price but excuse me if i do not allow you to escape. Said a voice in his head. But i want your power and i want Liana's. Soon they will follow and then... I'll leave you to wonder.

FOREST!!! Crat could see the dark wave coming at him and his last desperate cry was extiguished.
Character: Forest

I looked around. Crat had left. Kat started to talk to Woodbear and Liana. After a while, Crat hadn’t come back.

“Where is he?” I muttered. Woodbear, Liana, and I headed where he had left. Kat was going to take care of Bella. Soon I spotted the prince. He was sitting on the ground. He looked both sad and weak.

“Crat, are you feeling fine?” I asked.

“I lost my powers.” He whispered, feeling sad at this. “The Sixth has taken my powers.”

“Well, don’t you have at least a little bit of magic left?” I asked.

“Maybe I have some power remaining, but not a lot.” He replied. “Liana, she is going to take your powers as well.”

“How do you know?”

“She told me what she was going to do,” He shrugged.

“This isn’t great.” I sighed. “What will we do if you cannot use your powers, Crat? And if Liana loses her powers, we may not be able to stop her.”

“We should tell Kat.” Woodbear said. I flew and found Kat and Bella. I told them to go to where Crat was. The nodded and we ran back to Woodbear, Liana, and Crat.

“We should stop the Sixth before Liana cannot control the wind.” I said. Kat nodded.
A Non-Existent User
The night came upon them in a moment. Woodbear and Crat sat in quiet discussion, trying to settle the fate of young Bella. Woodbear argued that she may yet serve her purpose, but Crat insisted that they leave he behind, for the road ahead was dangerous. They did just that. Woodbear took what money he had and boarded her with an old couple in Rrodestsharc. The remaining four rode from Rrodestsharc and sought someone, anyone who could tell them where to find the Sixth and how to destroy him. They came to the town of Wildamon the next morning and asked for help there. The people that Woodbear questioned all pointed him to a man called Ermin who lived in the deep, dark forest just beyond Wildamon. The forest was called Semarize. They had to move fast before the Sixth came for them once again. What Crat and Forest were planning was to find him where he slept and destroy him. They were hoping this Ermin would tell them where that would be.

The forest was deeper and more treacherous then they had expected. Woodbear, Crat and Kat took turns slicing through the thick foliage. Forest acted as their scout, circling high above them. They set up camp by the side of a river and enjoyed some rabbit stew that Woodbear had prepared. Everyone ate heartily. As the fire burned down low, Woodbear told them all a story from his kingdom. Liana listened with rapt attention. Woodbear found her gaze so strong that he had to look away for a moment. He was falling for her, but did not want anyone else to know. The story went as follows:

"When the Intaian were young, there was no sun or moon in the sky. Their world was darkness. The elders saw the world going nowhere without the benefit of light. They met in the great palace that once stood in the heart of the capitol. It was there that a warrior was chosen and ordered to bring back the eye of a fire dragon and the eye of an ice dragon. The young warrior was called Alerian, but his prowess as a warrior was doubtful he was more of a talker, the truth be told. So he rode to lair of the fire dragon and crept in slowly. The fire dragon was still feasting on the remains of the last man who came to try and best. Alerian did not want to end up like the man, so he stripped off his weapon and approached with caution. The dragon did not kill him immediately because there was no immediate threat. 'I come to see the great fire dragon.' Alerian said to him in a very soft voice. 'I have heard it said that you are the most powerful dragon in all the world.' the dragon nodded and said 'Yes, this is true.' Alerian smiled and came even closer. The dragon did not eat him because the young warrior was not a slayer, simply an admirer. 'I hear your power is only rivaled by one.' The dragon grew angry at this remark and almost cooked Alerian on the spot. But still, the dragon was intrigued. 'Who is this rival?' The dragon asked. 'Why, it is the ice dragon, of course. In fact, he says ...' The dragon stood up on two legs and released an earth shaking roar. 'He said what?!' The dragon demanded. Alerian smiled slyly and stepped even closer to the great beast, trying to show that he had no fear. 'Well, he said that you are powerful, yes, but you are not the most powerful. The dragon was sent into a rage that nearly collapsed the cavern around them. 'Take me to this dragon!' He roared. So, Alerian rode the fire dragon to the cave of the ice dragon. Once there, the fire dragon and the ice dragon had a vicious argument that could be heard for miles around. Alerian, of course, tried to moderate. But, as we all know, dragons can not be talked out of a fight. Mountains were raised and forests leveled during the massive battle that followed. No matter what the dragons did to each other, the power of ice and the power of fire inevitably cancelled the other out. Eventually, the dragons dropped dead from exhaustion and Alerian cut one eye from each of them. He returned to the village a hero. The elders, using a gigantic slingshot that once belonged to a terrifying ogre, fired the eye of the fire dragon into the sun. Then they waited for the eye to close for rest and fired the eye of the ice dragon into the sky. Now, while the eye of the ice dragon sleeps, the eye of the fire dragon peers down on the world. And while the eye of the fire dragon sleeps, the eye of the ice dragon keeps watch over the land.'

Woodbear finished his story and bowed to his companions in jest. They all applauded him and scurried off to bed. Liana remained with him, still seated across the fire from him. Woodbear walked over and sat down next to her. She rested her head on his shoulder and together, they watched the fire burn out.
A stone hall lined with torn and rotten banners of ancient kings. A great stone pyre rises from the center of the floor, upon which the burned man lies. His hand moves, reaching out to grab, trailing ash. No, no no!...flicker...The fire spreads, carried by the wind, leaping from house to house. 'Weave it so, move it so,' says a cold, precise voice. The wind grows, houses are torn down as if made from tooth picks, a great tower with winding stairs falls to the earth. Screams ride on the air (don't listen!), they cry for help (don't listen! Don't stop!). 'Don't stop,' says the voice. 'I believe your wavering. I didn't tell you to stop.' Pain...oh god the pain. 'Compassion is not what we want you for.' Ashes and dust float away on the wind...

Liana gave a small sob and woke, breathing hard. She lifted her head from Woodbear's shoulder, the man stirred but didn't appear to wake. Her hands still shook from the dream that was a memory. A memory from a part of her past she could not remember, nor did she want to. She felt unbalanced and unsteady. When feeling uncertain...train, she thought, remembering an old piece of advice.

She rose to her feet, slipped around the now cold, dead fire and into a small clearing. She brought foot to foot and began to dance a fighting pattern. Crat says he or she wants my power too, I won't let that happen again. ...Ashes and dust float away on the wind... She turned to the side and brought a foot out, knee over toe in a good stance. Let that happen again? Did it happen once before? I don't know. It's unimportant, move on. Hand covered the body in a circular motion, ending with a twist, a good solid block. Crat said his powers were taken. What powers did he have? How will the Sixth use them. She moved foreward, compeleting another block and covering her head. How will they destroy this Sixth? Is it really so easy to just find him...or her? She moved backward, looking first, keeping her stance low and level. Did Crat get what he wanted to get accomplished in Rrodestsharc? If the Sixth is coming after me, what should I expect? Only one way to find out...ask. She finished, bringing foot to foot and bowing. Then she headed out in search of Crat.

She founded him leaning against a tree, eyes closed, head tilted back letting the moonlight bath his face in silvery shadows. He wasn't asleep. She sank down, crosslegged in front of him and he slowly opened his eyes.

"I have some questions for you lad," she said softly, green eyes flickering in the moonlight. "And, I believe you have some tales to tell."

So his dream must have been a lure. A trap. Under the stars he felt the emptiness even moren than usual. The cruelty of that emptiness made Crat, Prince Damion. He clentched and unclenched his fists. Once he would have thrown things around with his mind. But now.... What was there to live for?

When he had searched for that awsome power he had onc had he had found a bare trickle that could do little more than shake a pebble on the ground. With a sigh of defeat Damion tipped his face to the stars.

Someone was coming towards him. Liana. She sat and he opened his eyes. How had he known her presence with out his magic?

"I have some questions for you lad and i believe you have some tales to tell." She said softly.

It was true. He had almost to many tales to tell. And most of them would mean letting his secret out. His question. Yet more and more often he wanted to let it free. To let it go.... Most of all he wanted to make it so he had no secrets from hsi friends. Kat had complicated things a little. Being a Wander like himself, telling her might destroy his father's kingdom.

Liana said something but a strange roar came up in his head. It sounded so familiar. He lost focus on the world and a burst of energy came from him.

"What's going on?" He murmered in a lanuage he had never heard before. Liana seemed to reply in the same tongue.

In a colourful whirl a vision came to him and it included a person he had tried all his life to forget.
Character: Forest

When I woke up and looked around, no one was awake. They must have been tired yesterday. I ate breakfast and became a hawk. I wondered what Crat was looking for and where we were going to go.

I went in the direction where we were going to be moving. I saw the creature that we’d seen before and the man. I quickly went back.

Everyone else was not sleeping anymore. They were talking and Woodbear, Liana, and Crat looked tired.

“When I was looking around just a while ago, I saw the creature and the man.” I muttered.

“Really?” Liana asked.

“Yes. They’re in the direction that we were going to go.” I replied. “Should we move somewhere else?”

Woodbear nodded
Crat's eyes turned glassy and his breathing changed.

"Crat," Liana murmured. "Crat!" she said louder with growing alarm. The young man's head began to sway and he began to mumble. She reached out a hand to grab his shoulder and felt his muscles tense and relax, tense and relax. Just when she was getting ready to cry out for help, his eyes opened and he gave a great gasp as if just surfacing from the water.

Their eyes met, but before Liana could say anything Woodbear and Forest joined them. She knew from a look Crat gave her to hold her tongue.

"The man and the creature are headed in the direction we're going," Forest informed them. "Should we move somewhere else?"

Woodbear nodded. "They're going after that Ermin character. He's the one that can give us the information we need."

"Damn," Kat growled, crouching down and drawing moodily in the dirt with a stick. "It's one step ahead of us, it's putting us between a rock and a hard place." Crat still said nothing but closed his eyes and leaned against a tree.

Liana looked around the group and was seized by a sudden idea. "Forest, you can turn into a hawk." The young woman nodded. "Well, I mean, of course you can, but you can travel quicker than the rest of us. You can fly ahead and find the Ermin and warn him. Maybe take him somewhere where we can meet you. It's the only way to get the information we need without having to encounter those things again."

"She's right," added Crat quietly. Forest nodded and took off.
This is Wand. I am here only to guide thee. Thou hast been searching for thy answers for many years now and I do understand this quest. Child of the Wands, thee must now take up thy true task and go to the place higher than the heavens and lower than the oceans. Take with thee The Bear, The Woman of the Wild, The Huntress, the Called and those who I will reveal at the proper time. One will surely die for thy course and the others will give away thy destination for thee and they who will persue and delay thee in this thy true quest.
Thy gifts are returned and until the time I will proclaim this must not be known. No lies or secrets must be held between thee and thy companions. Tell them thy stories and hasten to the Seer who will aid thee. I leave thee now and I will return at the proper time.

Crat's vision ended and his starved lungs gasped for breath. Liana was looking at him, concern showed in her eyes. What had just happened was not to be passed on. He let her know. he would of course have to tell her sooner or later but not now.

"The man and the creature are headed in the direction we're going," Forest said from close by, "Should we move somewhere else?"

"They're going after that ermin character. He's the one that can give us the information we need." Woodbear's voice was loud in his head. Everything was echoing in a strange way.

"Damn," That was Kat. A scraping sound screeched in his ears. She was aying something but h couldn't hear exactly what it was.

He closed his eyes trying to block out the sound. He lent back against the rough tree. Liana was speaking. Something about it drew Crat away from the echoes.

"Well, i mean, of course you can, but you can travel faster than the rest of us. You can fly a head and find the Ermin and warn him. Maybe take him somewhere we can meet you. it's the only way to get the information we need without having to encounter those things again." Liana had a point.

"She's right." He said quietly. the beat of wings gave him the signal that Forest had agreed.

The day was old when Liana tried to talk to him again. He had been trying to avoid this all day and it seemed he had not suceeded. She seemed to read him like a book.

"What's this all about Crat? What's your secret?"

Inside the young man grew cold and the dark he had lived with begged him not to say anything.

"All you have to do is tell her. Come on you're better than all this." A voice whispered dryly in his head.

Without knowing why he opened his mouth and in a toneless voice he told Liana everything.

"You see it all started when my father....."

And by the end he was choking on his words. The words hidden from all except one now. The Called.
Character: Forest

I flew into the air and hurried to find Ermin. As it began to get warmer, I saw the man and the creature. They were getting closer to Ermin’s house. I flew faster and soon saw Ermin’s home. Dropping to the ground, I landed and hurried towards the door.

“Hello?” I asked.

I man appeared in front of me.

“Hi, I’m Ermin,” He smiled.

“My name’s Forest and I must tell you that you have to leave your home quickly.”

“Why?” He asked.

After telling Ermin about the problem and in a few minutes, we were leaving.

“Do you know anywhere safe we can go to?” I asked Ermin.

“Actually, I do.” He nodded.

I told him that I was going to look for the creature and the man to see where they were, in case they were too close and we had to move faster. They were not far behind us, and I worried if we’d get to where Ermin would be safe in time. Then I saw the rest of my friends. They were coming too, but were farther away.

We eventually got to the destination.

“Ermin, I’m going to tell the other people where to go,” I said. “Do you think you can stay here for a while?”

“Yeah, sure.” He replied.

“And if the man and the creature come by, just try to hide.”

He smiled and I headed off into the sky.
A Non-Existent User
Woodbear watched in renewed awe as Forest turned from an eagle into a human once again. The feat never ceased to amaze him. She had proved to be a powerful ally in the journeys of he and his newfound friends.

"The man and the creature are close behind." She spoke hastily and gestured for them to follow her into the forest.

"Behind us now?" Woodbear inquired, raising a single eyebrow.

"Yes. Come quickly." Forest was growing more and more frantic with each passing moment.

"You go ahead without me, friends. I will keep the mage and his creature off your backs." Woodbear said as he swung Nansurat from his back and gripped the wooden handle.

"He'll kill you!" Crat yelled at him. "As my brother, you must listen to me!"

"As your brother, I must insure your safety." Woodbear planted himself where he stood.

"Woodbear, it's too dangerous!" Crat was being insistent now, but remained unaffected.

"If this is what he wants, we can not stop him." Forest seemed to be the single voice of reason.

"I will see you all again." Woodbear smiled at his friends and turned his back to them.

Crat and the others moved into the woods one by one. No one wanted to say goodbye because goodbye was too final. They would see Woodbear again. They had to. Liana hung back from the main group and moved close to Woodbear. She placed a single hand on his chest and gazed into his eyes. He kissed her on the forehead and walked into the forest, perhaps never to be seen again. There was no telling what the future would bring for Woodbear, for any of them.

She stood silent, arms folded and green eyes staring blankly at the trees. He can't go alone. He is a friend, a companion...a...he can't go alone. Honor binds me to follow.

It's his choice, said the wise voice of the West Wind in her mind. He's doing what he feels he needs to do to safe guard the company. He's attending to his honor. Your duty is foreward, not back.

But honor binds me not to let harm...

Is it really honor that binds you?

Liana clenched her jaw and spun on her heel, abruptly ending her conversation with the wind. She quickly caught up with her companions who were following Forest at a quick pace through the towering trunks.

Crat seemed tired and brooding. On what? The possibilites were endless. Especially for Crat. All of them seemed unusally quiet as they moved with a renewed sense of urgency.

Liana watched the sun break through the trees in bars of light. With danger so near, her training was taking over. Her muscles were relaxed ready for anything and she watched every detail of the forest with a sharp eye and open ear. She watched Forest dogde here and there between trees, and brushwood until finally they broke through the many horizontal slats of light between a line of trees and stood in a strange, small clearing.

The clearing was strange and a sixth sense told Crat that in the past it had been used for more then just camping. An old man with snow white hair and a crinkled brown face was sitting in the shade of a tree.

"Ermin." Forest called out to the man.

The man smiled and rose from the ground. He looked so small yet his eyes had a deepness that showed more wisdom than he could ever imagine. Everything, light and dark seemed to swirl in their clear green depths.

<Hello Damion.> came a voice. Somehow he knew it was Ermin.

<Hello.> He tried.

<Very good, for a beginner. Try to make it stronger when you speak.> Replied the voice with a chuckle.


<Ouch. I'm not trying to deafen you!>

<Was that too loud?>

<Just a bit.>

Crat glanced at Woodbear. He was soaking up what ever Ermin was saying out loud. Looking at the others he realised they were all doing the same.

<I'm telling them something you must not hear until the proper time. Do not try to listen there is no way for you to get passed my barrier.>

<Why mustn't I hear it?>

<Have you ever heard of The Seers of Karmen?>

<Yes. They live on the other side of the Intian mountains, in The Blue Mountain.>

<For one so young you know alot don't you. i suppose I shouldn't be surprised you are Chosen after all.> The Ermin murmered, < well they were a strange bunch.
Character: Forest

Ermin spoke to Crat. We talked for a while until they stopped talking. We looked at them and Crat smiled.

“Ermin says we should go to The Blue Mountain.” He muttered.

“Okay,” I shrugged. “Is that where The Sixth is?”

He nodded. “Yes,”

“Thanks Ermin,” I grinned. He smiled. We left. I wondered if Woodbear was fine as we walked towards The Blue Mountain.

As we moved, Crat told us about The Sixth.

After a long time I saw the mountain. It was dark blue and it wasn’t very tall. We hurried towards the mountain.

“I’m going to see if Woodbear is fine,” I said. I turned into a hawk and flew towards the place where Woodbear had been. I saw that he wasn’t really hurt. The creature and the man were not hurt either. I flew back.

“Woodbear’s fine.” I muttered. “The creature and the man are fine too.”
A Non-Existent User
Woodbear and the mysterious mage watched each other through the small clearing in the trees. The giant boar was snorting and stomping, wanting so much to attack him, to tear him limb from limb and devour his parts.

"This ends here." The warrior spoke, lifting Nansurat from his back and holding it out in front. "Two men. No magic."

The mage pulled a sword from the sheath at his side and bowed slightly. "Very well."

The two men flew at each other. Their weapons clanged together in a medley of clashing metal. Woodbear spun behind the man and brought his weapon down hard. The man was fast, however, and deflected the blow. Woodbear pulled around in front of him and charged once again. The man spun out of the way with ease and slashed him across his right thigh. Woodbear screamed in pain, falling to one knee. The man put the sword to Woodbear's neck, smiling wickedly.

"I love you." Woodbear said under his breath, knowing that Liana could not hear him, but he had to get the words out.

The mage pulled his sword back, swinging hard and fast. Woodbear closed his eyes. He felt the sting of the metal against his neck and then the world went black and Woodbear went to a place where there was no pain. A place where he could look over Liana, Crat and Forest, keeping them safe with a new and divine power that only came with death.

Crat looked up,alarmed. No sooner had Forest returned than he felt a sharp pang in his very being. He reared his horse round.
"Woodbear!" He cried. Liana turned immeadiatly. She seemed to know something was wrong.
"What's wrong?" She asked urgently. He looked into her pretty face. She looked scared.
"Did you..... Feel it...." she asked quitely now.
"He's hurt. We have to turn back."
"But what about...." Forest began.
"That no longer has priority! Woodbear could be in seroius trouble!" He half shouted at her. Kicking his horse into a gallop he headed in the direction that Forest had returned from.
He had to be all right.They needed him. Liana needed the strength that Alerian had given them. They all did.
At his side ran Liana, the wind seemed to be behind them. Forest was not far behind but he was still furious that she had believed the 'mission' was more important than what could be a life. Nothing could be more important than the life of a friend.
"Come on." he urged the horse, "Come on."
Pain came again. This time though it stayed. Somewhere a head he could feel magic swelling up into a spell.

"That is less person to worry about then." A voice, hard and cold snarled before a loud snapping sound transported The Sixth of the Shehites.
"Woodbear!" Screamed Liana. Had she heard the magic too.
No. His friend,the one who had so recently become his brother was lying, sprawled on the ground and he was dead.
A Non-Existent User
The world was losing substance now. Woodbear floated slowly towards the light, feeling like no more than a feather in the wind. The light was calling to him, asking him to finally come home. He turned end over end in the void, the urge to fight gone from him.

"Clever warrior," a voice spoke from the darkness that surrounded him.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"An admirer," The voice replied. "You are a hard fighter. Not the best, granted, but a worthy adversary, nonetheless."

"Am I dead?" he inquired, his voice echoing through the void, trailing off into infinity.

"Death is an impermanent thing in this realm," the voice said after a moment. "I have seen soldiers torn limb from limb restored to life. It all depends on the choice you make."

"what choice do I have?"

"Come with me to Savath, the land of knowledge and power or go to the light and accept your death."

"There must be more. Some kind of catch."

"Ahh, I see you have spent time with many deal makers, Woodbear. There is but one clause in this agreement. You must give your undying soul to me now or be gone from your home forever."

"I would give that and more to return. The young ones need me. I can not bear to have anything happen to them."

"Welcome to Savath, my son," the voice said after a deafening silence. "Welcome to the life of a wandering immortal."

Woodbear closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he found himself in the center of a vast labrynth.

"There is also the test," the voice added. "Find your way to the pool outside the maze. There you will find the true representation of your spirit. When this is accomplished, your reacclimation till begin."

Woodbear swallowed hard and started forward. His keen sense of direction would finally come in handy.
Cold, hard, white rage boiled through her grief stricken body. Unthinkingly she reached out for silver threads of wind and air and wove ancient patterns that came from the depth of her memory. Find him...it...whatever it was...wherever it is she commanded silently and the wind whistled and howled through tree and grass.

The wind scoured the country side, uprooting oaks and tearing grass, leaving a path of destruction. It combed the sea sides and the tiny towns and villages and sent people running indoors in terror, but the wind found nothing.

Stop...stop this instant, haven't you learned already? There is nothing here...nothing.

Liana refused at first and held onto the wind a few seconds longer before she shuddered and let it go. She opened her eyes as an intense hollow feeling prevaded the depths of her soul. She looked up at Crat from her kneeling position beside the Woodbear's body.

"We...we have to bury him. Damn it we have to do something, w-we can't just leave him here to rot!"

Crat nodded, his own grief reflected in his dragon eyes. He opened his mouth as if to speak but the words clung to his lips refusing to be spoken. Finally he whispered into the wind, "let us honor our dead."

As the sun set the remaining companions prepared to leave. Liana knelt once more beside the mound of dirt and said a final good bye. As a lone tear slowly made its way down her dust streaked face she caught it and it glistened like a tiny jewel in her palm. She looked at it in wonder

"No one has ever made me cry before," she said in a shaking voice, "no one." She kissed her palm and tear with it and placed her hand down upon the dirt of the grave. "Keep it, as a memento...love you." she whispered into the wind.
Crat felt empty. Woodbear.... was gone, even when he stretched out his subconcious he could not feel his presence. Yet at the same time he knew he could not be dead. Surely if he was truely dead he would be somewhere in the bitterness of death but he could not feel him there either.

"Liana," He said softly, "I beleive we should stay here, tonight. Or nearby if that is too much."

She did not look at him, "Only tonight."

Kat was standing next to Forest, her eyes filled with unshed tears and the shape shifter was staring at the ground where they had recently buried their friend. She looked upset, something he had never really seen of her before. None of them had anything to say to each other. He did not know about the others but he blamed himself. Woodbear had gne out there to protect them and he had done nothing but watch as he had rode to this doom.

"I'll see you all again," Woodbear had said.

He had said that to them and they had not even siad farewell. Harsh screams tore through his mind, a distant memory, one that had no shape or form just fire, an ever burning fire emblazened in his mind. The deathscent overpowering him. He remebered being thrust into the hands of a stranger and running as the rest were slaughtered because of him. Now he had Woodbear to add to his list. He glanced at the teary eyed Liana and grim faced Forest then at Kat, now crying silently and he knew that if anything happened to them.... That would be his fault too. He had to leave, if he was to protect them from the cruel murder that lingered about him.

His stallion looked at him sadly as he mounted. The large brown eyes forlorn.

“I’ll let you come back once I’m away from them. Then you’ll be safe too, if you want.” He whispered, making them both invisible.The beast turned away from him as it’s head disappeared. “To Gaia Falls, where I can end this trail of suffering........” On silent hooves, with out a mark, Crat galloped softly away from the only real friends he had ever known. His heart crying out, aching like a bleeding wound.

She turned and he was gone in a breath of air. She blinked and turned to the remainding few.

"Where did he go," she demanded, voice hard and bordering on desperate. "Damnit, where?!" Kat shook her head and Forest shrugged. "I will not lose you too!" She shouted at the empty air and the still wood. "We've come to far together, we all have, and to disappear like this will break us and we will never be strong. We will never suceed. Would Woodbear want this? Would he have!" She began to walk, turning this way and that trying to catch a glimpse of the young man who had suddenly disappeared.

You will not make us scatter to the four corners of the world. I will not let you. I will no let you widen the crack in our friendship that was placed there when Woodbear died. You need us now as much as we need you and I will hunt you down whether you like it or not. With these last thoughts thrust into the wind, she siezed the the current of air around her and unconciously wove them into ancient, forgotten patterns lodged deep within her mind. You may be invisible to us, but not to the wind. Find him , she commanded the wind. She felt the power flowing through her fingers and felt it in the depths of her bones. And so she went and followed the trail the wind revealed to her made by Crat on the way to Gaia falls.
Name: Maya
Race: Wander, mostly anyway (second of wand)
Appearence: Maya has flowing black hair and ghostly white skin, her lips are blood red and her eyes are emerald green.
Personality: Maya is quite and composed, she fears nothing at all. It is very hard to win her trst, but once it is one, you have an eternal friendship.
Weapons: Just a tall blackened wooden staff with a pulsing white stone clutched at the tip.
History: Maya's mother was a mortal wander, but her father was death, who had taken pity on her mother, and spared the child still inside her womb. As soon as Maya was born death took her mother to his realm, leaving Maya alone, but with some of his powers, because of this she knows the balance between life and death, she does not tell anyone of her gift because all though she is capable of healing or bringing back to life anyone, she does not like to do it as it flows against the rules of life.
Powers: She has all the powers of life and death and can pass in and out of the shadow world.
name: toralastre, but family and friends call her tor, idiots call her toralastre and normally people just call her "The great lady"

age: millenias old

race: she is not really of a particular race, as in the beggining all of the gods selected her and her father to be the first mages. Ancesstress of all mages.

Appearence: She is very beautiful, and has raven black hair, with one white lock at the front of her hair, She wears many disguises through her time, but at the meeting of her and the others she is wearing plain peasents clothes.

History: In the beginning the goed decided that her and her father would be the original mages, and they each took them in for a while to teach them the ways and give them knowledge. in this way she knew the gods closely and was a much respected woman. since she is so old many don't believe in her, and she has taken it upon herself to keep a watchful eye on crat, one of her descendents.

Powers: She can do almost anything except unmake things, which goes against the laws of nature. she doesn't do all these things as everything can have concequences which could be dire. her favourite form is an owl or a wolf.

Tor stood just outside the clearing, she hjad seen the whole thing. she wanted to comfort the boy crat, tell him what really happened but she couldn't. Not yet anyway. As she swept forward liana jumped back in shock, stuttering, "N n n n no, it can't be. Is it really you lady Tor?"

" yes my child, and i know we have many things to talk about, but i must see the boy, to talk to him. He doubts himself heavily at this moment in time." She replied gently, " And I would tell forest to send a message back to the king that he is perfectly safe with me, and that i told him to leave."

"um, Great lady... I don't think the king of wanders really believes in you anymore, not after what happened." she muttered quickly, looking down in shame.

"He does liana, that he does..."

liana thought for a second, dreading to tell Tor the real thing that was bothering her, " Crat has left our party, Aunt Tor, to gaia falls of all places, selfish little so & so."

"I seem to remember a certain little girl who would not listen to her teachers, and damaged quite a lot of things with her power, Liana, and she doubted herself for a long time, went on a few 'wanderings'." Tor said darkly to her, and as Liana looked into those steely eyes she felt guilt wash over her.

" I will notify Forest," Liana grumbled quietly, "On the condition that you at least let me introduce you to the others."

Crat could see the white mists rising off the falls, Gaia Falls. He stood invisible, his horse seemingly alone as it wandered away, riderless. As he came closer to the edge he showed himself, dragon eyes wondering, his midnight hair came loose, blowing about his tanned face in th wind and then the wind died. In his head he knew that it had been Liana following him. He smiled, they would not catch up with him, he was a day ahead at least but...


Something in the trees behind him had snapped. Someone emerged from the trees, for a moment he thought it was the Shehite... Then he saw the greeen eyes, recognised the pale face...

"Maya..." He murmered. She smiled slightly.

"You remember me then."

He nodded, his eyes were dead compared to when she had last seen them, all their old spark gone. They had seen so much, lost so much...

"How could I forget you. We used to put a pretty good fight you and I..." He said, so softly she could barely hear him.

"You gonna jump Crat?"

Her question took him by surprise, it was so blunt and... How the hell did she know??? He looked at the rainbows in the mists, watched the waters cascading down like a crystalline tower. HE thought of Woodbear and he thought of the people he had killed just by being alive. The few memories he had from his past, th screams, the fires, the blood. HE staggered backwards slightly, eyes filling with grief. He was so angry, so afraid. He might kill Liana and Forest next. Owfal! It was not fair, it just was not fair.

"Crat!" It was Liana's voice, she sounded scared, angry too, but scared none the less.

"Crat! Don't you dare jump off there!" Forest shouted at him.

"Why not?!" He shouted back, a tear traced down his cheek, "Why not?!"

"Because you'll split us all up! We're meant to be together for a purpose Crat!" Liana had set up a wind, it howled about them, the only one uneffected was the Lady.

"Damian." She called, her voice, though quiet, carried loudly over the pounding of the falls, "The Shehite has come, if you do not stand and fight, the world could be destroyed. You are one of a select few, we need you just like we need Kat, Forest and Liana."

"You don't need me! If I stay you'll all die anyway!"

"Crat?" Maya was right beside him she stretched out her hand, one long pale finger touching his cheek, with a cry he went rigid, her gift of shadow pouring into him, overpowering him, sending him into the unconscious, "I'm sorry..." She whispered as he slid to the ground, unaware of everything around them...
For the first time in her life, her fingers itched for something to drink, and her mind longed for something to fling her into oblivian. The wind came then, angry and cold out of the north.

Is that all?" she asked it silently, the nightmare's that invade my dreams and cause me to wake up in a pool in my own sweat are caused by nothing but foolishness? This gap in my memory that causes me to tremble whenever I think of it means nothing? She stopped walking, sank back on her heels and rubbed her temples with her fingers, trying to curb the growing feelings of despair welling up inside her.

Don't listen to her, the voice of the wind said, hard and cold. Of all people...we thought she would know...No, she knows nothing of your past. Nothing beyond some obvious facts. And bringing it up, no that was a low blow. Liana, she felt her chin being forced up. forget what she said, forget it. It is not the truth. Your past is more complex...you yourself didn't find it even in all your travels. Now, stand, your friend needs your help.

She felt anger, white hot, burn within her as she stood. How dare that Lady address her past...in ignorance...She looked around and saw an owl looking at her from a tree.

"Toralastre," she said, voice razor edged. "I know, only idiots call you that. So, as an idiot addressing an idiot," she bowed, "I simply say I am not your lackey. Address Forest yourself. After much discussion I have realized that I don't care to speak with you."

He will be alright. the wind whispered in her ear, but still, go.

She turned back to the Lady and bowed. "I suppose I will see you again. But I will not enjoy that meeting."

She once more, turned and followed the wind to Crat.
Maya had taken Crat's soul qith her as she visited her father in the spirit realm. To any outsider it would look as if Crat and she had died but the waking dream, if they knew how to find it would prove that they were not so. Gently tugged on Crat, it was the first time she had ever attempted to bring another to the other realm with her. If she could only find woodbear, had he taken the test yet? Or had he passed into the light?

"Oh God," Maya murmered, if he is in there it will take a miracle to find him, but if he is somewhere in the maze that could prove even more dificult. "Dar'vit she muttered then headed towards the one person who could help her. Her father, Death.
Tor sighed gently, as she watched liana storm off into the distance. She had taught that girl a lot of things, but her father and lord Tian had asked her to erase the memory of tor from her mind.

Tor had not wanted to do it, liana had been the closest thing to a child for her, and she had known that the girl would always feel as though part of her had been stolen from her. She knew who Tor was, but not why, or how much she had.

Tor clutched the pearl shaped bead on the end of her talisman that linked her to her father, her dead mother, and the gods, its shimmering sides ethereal in its presence, for it was not a pearl, but the missing parl of liana's memory. All of the people in the group were close in her heart, although some hardly knew, or believed in her.

She wandered over to where the 'corpse' of maya and crat were, and cast a ward of protection around them, lest any 'Magicians' (insulting word for dark mages descended of the ONE's followers)attempted to harm them.

She remembered him, his arrogance, she had put up with him, as one of the seven, but when he had turned...she shivered, remembering it. He had become crazy, and in the great battle he had made a promise...to take her as his wife, and the worst part was, he had so much power that it had been hard to resist. She had been about to give up.
(seeing as Zero has left I will take up his part when he returns to the living but anyone else can use him as they wish when they want to. ^.^ )

Damian awoke in shadows. He could see a familiar stilloette infront of him. Face turned away but he knew it was Maya. Who else had the power to take him into death and yet keep his soul alive? He grinned as he rose. This was just like old times, when they had trained together.

"Why were going to kill yourself Crat?" Her voice was soft and sad and he knew that she wouold not let him move until he had replied to her satisfaction.

"We've been on a journey... I mean I started it all and... I realised something... I destroy everything that matters to me. A whole village was burnt to the ground because of my existance and Woodbear, the one I guess we're here for, he's dead because I let him die. I KNEW this would happen... But I was to blind to listen to the truth..." He let no emotion into his voice, aware of her sharp gaze on him, "I'm a killer, something that should be dead. I have no purpose but to bring death to the people that matter. I mean look at Liana, she had found something with Woodbear and now he's gone... I destroyed a peice pf happiness with my own life!"

"So that's waht you believe then... Well come on... My father will be playing games with him by now. On his second chance at life."

The never ending darkness streched in all directions but as her hand slipped into his. her power of sight lifted the dark enough for them to pass swiftly through the gates of the Dead. The Ar'granon...

© Copyright 2003 Dr Matticakes Myra, Forest, Zєro is Leaving Oct. 15, WithyWindle, Staryl free as a Sparrow, Flex 5th birthday just gone., (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
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