Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/715959-If-Wizards-Were-On-the-Tiatanic
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Romance/Love · #715959
Very stupid combination of Harry Potter and Titanic. Set in 1912.
What would have happened if the titanic was for wizards? Make up your character, tell what class you are in, and that stuff. Characters from Harry Potter are. Oh and this is going from America to britan. These people are anywhere from 17 (playable characters) to 91 (Dumbeldore)
The relatives should be in their mid twenties.
The students are on the boat for some reason, like an international quidditch thing, or they were in some kind of competition.

Albus Dumbeldore- In first class.
Minerva Mcgonagall - First class, very different in her younger years....
I'll think of others later.

Relatives of Harry Potter characters.
Claudius Malfoy - Malfoy's 21 year old grandpa.
Jacob Potter- Harry's grandfather. In first class and constantly fighting with Claudius.
Anna Menton - Ron's grandmother. In third class.
Excalibus Weasley - Ron's grandfather. In third class.
James Mcgonagall- Professor Mcgonagall's brother.
He is going to die. Traveling with his sister Minerva and His fiance Laura.

This will be very wierd so bare with me.... And be funny. This is supposed to be stupid. Not overyly romantic please, just pick someone. You can be any of the relatives, or dumbeldore, but please make up a character.
Name: Celina Morgan
Age: 17
Class: First, Pureblood
Appearance: Long, curly brown hair. Blue eyes. Pretty. Tall and curvy. Red lips and rosy colored cheeks.
Personality: Generally acts like a proper young lady. But she isn't. She hates all rules, has a sharp tongue, and doesn't treat men she doesn't like with respect. Unwillingly engaged to Claudius Malfoy. Always wearing a fancy dress, even if she hate's them. Really dislikes her fiance and mouths him behind his back all the time. Hates his family too. Wants to be free. Her father died when she was 12, he was a werewolf without anyone but her knowing. So she's half werewolf too. But nothing really ever happens, she's never gotten mad enough. Knows a lot more than she should. She's smart, loves trouble, and is good at finding it. One of the few rich girls on the ship with a brain. Like's sneaking into steerage and talking to people.
Pet: grey and white wolf her mother doesn't approve of. Niki.
And add something other than your Bio!!!!!!

I strode unwillingly onto the ship, trying to maintain my dignity. Claudius was driving me mad. His behavior was absolutely absurd. Treating me like some kind of trophy, when I was a more powerful witch than he ever would be a wizard. If I was ever alone with him where my mother couldn't see. He was dead meat.

I stood on the gangplank. Why was I doing this so willingly? Why wasn't I at least putting up a fight? I saw a boy about my age. Claudius and my mother pushed me onto the boat, finally. Angry, I strode out onto the deck to sit by myself. The crystals on my dark blue silk dress sparkled as I sat down. I hated dresses. I couldn't walk in them. I wish I didn't have to wear the bloody things. I was in a very dark mood. What I wouldn't give to be anywhere but here. I could play my instruments and sing in peace without being critized for turining into a crazed bohemian. I, personally, thought bohemians had the right idea. I huffed angrily. My family wasn't so bad. The one of them I could stand, was a werewolf. I'd inherited that, but I planned on keeping that one to myself. My mom would throw me out. Not necassarily meaning that's a bad thing. I pulled off my hat and let my dark curls tumble past my shoulders and flutter in the wind. I walked to the railing and leaned miserably against it, watching the land ebb away from sight.

Name: Angeluss Caraway
Age: 17
Class: first, half blood.
Appearance: 6'5. long Jet black hair apart from his fringe that is pure white reaches down to the bottom of his back. Often has black cloaths on in the form of black silk shirts and black leather trousers. Blue eyes and very pale skin.
Personality: A silent brooding loner. Avoids places that have lots of people. Will do magic to make funny things happen.
Pet: Black wolf called Galzy.
Other: Angeluss Caraway is the great-granddad of the current day Angeless Caraway. Angeluss is a full werwolf and is also an animagus his prefered form is a jet black Wolf similar to his Werewolf apart from the white fringe he has when he is in his wolf form.


Angeluss was felling bored and he decided to go for a run. But not in his human form he transformed into his black wolf and went for a run around the decks of the boat. Stopping near the railings and jumping up[ on his hind legs so he could rest his front paws on the railing. A small gigle came from his right and he saw a very prity girl leaning on the edge smiling at him. Jumping back down Angeluss walked towards the girl. He was tempted to morph back to his normal form but he decided not to.

"At least one of us is pleased to be on this boat "smiled the girl scrating his ears.

Angeluss might be human but he still loved to be petted and stroked in this form. She stopped and looked down at his white fringe and moved it to look at my eyes.

*"Oh crap I forgot my eyes they are still blue "thought Angeluss*.

"Never seen a dog with hair like this...I think it's cute "smiled the girl.

I acted like a dog until some snide boy came walking up to the girl.

"Celina there you are...what are you doing out here with such a...umm dirty looking dog "smiled the boy.

I could not help my self so I barked at him. I had forgot how loud those barks could be that even I jumped at my own bark. The girl stroked my head again and I fell silent.

"Claudius it's not dirty...Plus I'm out here because I wanted some air "sighed The girl called Celina.

"Well dinner is about to be surved "hissed the boy called Claudius.

The two left and I had the odd feeling of wanting to rip out the boy's throat. They turned a corner and I was left alone. I morphed back into my human form and went into the dinning room.

Angeluss sat down in a chair and ordered only one thing. A large stake and a small whisky. He saw the girl that had stroked him and he smiled at her and she smiled back. Looking down at his watch he saw the time. Angeluss waved and got up and left. The girl saw his white fringe and got up and went after him.

"Hey wait "shouted the girl.

Angeluss stopped and looked round.

"umm have you got a dog with a white fringe "she asked in a soft voice.

"Umm yes why "smiled Angeluss.

"it's just it was running around on the deck earlier "she smiled.

"I knew I should never have taught him to open doors "smiled Angeluss.

She smiled and looked over shoulder to see if anyone was coming. When she looked back Angeluss was nowhere to be seen. But when she looked down A dog was sitting infront of her.

"Celina what are you doing with that dog now "sighed Claudius.

"umm I was tring to find out who it's owner was so it could be returned to him "smiled Ceilina.

Angeluss got up and walked past her and went round a corner. Angeluss turned back into his human form and came out behind Celina.

"Excuse me but have either of you seen a dog with a white fringe recently "asked Angeluss winking at Ceilna.

"What that dog is yours "asked Claudius?

"Which way did he go "asked Angeluss?

"It went round that corner "smiled Celina.

"Thank you...My name is Angeluss Caraway "bowed Angeluss.

"I'm Claudius Malfoy and this is Celina morgan my wife to be "smiled Claudius.

Celina rolled her eyes and looked at Angeluss.

"Nice to meet you...umm hang on for a second please "smiled Angeluss.

Angeluss let out a long loud whistle. And then looked around. A howl came from behind him as a white fringed dog came running up to Angeluss.
Angeluss remembered again that his eyes were blue and his dogs brown.

"Right now that I've got him I'll have to be going...Goodnight "Angeluss winked at Celina and left.
He was very handsome. And a lot nicer than Claudius. I glanced at the dogs eyes. They were brown, before they were blue. I remembered Angeluss' eyes. They were the same blue. Reality struck. He was an Animagus. But I was going to pretend I didn't know. Time to go into evasive mode. "Oh Claudius, I'm feeling so tired...I think I'll retire..." I strode away and instantly turned a corner and went in the direction I'd seen Angeluss go. He was standing at the same place I'd been before Claudius dragged me off. "Angeluss?"

"Oh, Celina" He smiled a bit and looked at the stars. "So, that git is your fiance?"

"Yes. Unwillingly. I can't stand him or any of the Malfoy's for that fact."

"He's a Malfoy!?"

"Well, yes."

"That is the most awful family."

"I know."

"You should." He smiled.

"I love your dog. Its so cute. I have a wolf too. My mom hates it, probably tried to throw it overboard. I have a way with wolves..." I glanced to the side quickly. I whistled and Niki came running. She barked at some people, but came strait to me otherwise. She licked Angeluss' hand. "Thats odd, you're the only person she's ever not bitten. Well, apart from my father." We stood there for a while. Claudius would be looking for me soon. But I didn't care. I hated the man. I looked at the stars.

"Suprised he hasn't come looking for you." Angeless smiled mischiviously.

"I hope he doesn't. My whole family is a pain."

"You sure don't act like a proper lady."

"Thank you, I pride myself on that." I smiled.

"So, when are you marrying him."

"Never, if I've got anything to say about it." I said and looked at the stars. I smiled to myself.

He smiled and laughed a bit. I looked down and saw a red-haired man and a woman with brownish red hair. They were standing on the lower deck, looking at each other. He took her hand in his and kissed her gently. I smiled as I looked at them. It looked like they truly loved each other. Then I heard rapid footsteps behind me. I turned and saw my friends, James Mcgonagall and Laura Niggellus. They were holding hands and talking. Laura saw me and waved, James waved too. He shouted at me. "Give Claudius a little hell for me!" Before turning the corner with Laura. I smiled. No problem with that.

"Good man, James Mcgonagall." Angeluss said. We were facing each other than, talking.

"Yes, one of the only ones I can stand. His fiancee is also one of my fellow brain possesing ladies." We talked for a while, and I lost track of time. Then I heard an icy voice from behind me.

"Say goodnight to Mr. Caraway, Celina..." I turned to see Claudius, looking very angry. He forcefully grabbed my arm and pulled me away. He pulled me around the corner. "If I ever see you talk to him again, you will suffer the consequences. And for a taste of what they will be, Crucio." I stood strong throught the pain, and only a small whimper escaped my throat. It wouldn't have been the first time he'd done that. Little did I know Angeluss was standing just around the corner.

___~~*Next Day

I woke up sore. I dressed in a crimson dress with elbow length sleeves and black lace on it. I pulled a Burgundy cloak over it and pulled half of my hair into a bun with a comb. I went with my cousin Charisse and Laura Niggelus. We went to breakfast together. We enjoyed each other's intelligent company. We also ran into Albus Dumbeldore, the ships designer. He bowed to us and said good morning. I saw Angeluss across the room. I smiled at him. He smiled and winked. Laura smiled. "That's the boy you were talking to last night, isn't it?"

"Yes." She smiled and looked around for James. He saw her and his face lit up. Jacob Potter came in, and looking as ruffled as ever, went out on deck. He smiled and asked me to harass Claudius, because he was busy He came and sat down at the table. Charisse's fiance Nataniel Bones sat with us. We talked for a while, and then Angeluss walked past, he smiled at me and was gone. I boredly sipped my drink and picked at my eggs. My mother was now monopolizing the conversation. I smiled sweetly and listend to her. I finally had my chance to escape. I went and sat by the bow, alone. But I brought Niki.
Name:Hope Blackwell
Apperance:Curly strawberry blond hair with green eyes. Always dresses in dress pants no matter what her fianca and family say. She is very tall and curvy.
Personality: Stubborn and strong willed. She preety much hates all men from what her fianca does to her. She is kinda distant and loves to read. She is also a smart alic
Pet:A cat named Hera
Other: Hope is engaged to Chareles Black. She was forced into it by Mr.Black himself. He said if she didn't agree to marry him she woulds be dead before the night was out.
I walked out on to the first class deck. Looked around and spotered Ms.Morgon. I ran over to her.
"Having a nice day running away from Mr.Malfoy" I asked.
"Oh,it's just great!"she said wryly.
We laughed and talked about her fianca.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Kennedy Herper
Age: 17
class: 3rd pureblood
Apperance: Wavy dark brown hair. Wears her hair back in a ponytail with a black cabbie hat ontop.
Persoanilty: She speaks her mind is a big smart alec and could charm the pants off of anyone. Shes an orphan that smokes doesnt know anything about her family. For all she knows she could be royalt and not know it. She is strong and funny and likes to sneak about. Shes one of the best sneakers around. She can break into anything and pick anylock. She has always dreamed about finding true love the kind shes read in books and is hoping to find it.
Other: KEnnedy is from a line of great witches. Most of them were tried in Salem (I think we all know the deal with Salem). Before each witch died they each gave the person that was most going to be like them something. Therefore Kennedy got it. What she got we'll find out later.
I looked around at the third class area.

"Well this is boring." I said. I climbed up to the level where we were allowed and you could see the sea. She climbed onto the railing and pulled herself up and unto the first class deck.
Angeluss walked alone around the top deck of the boat holding his thick woolen coat tight around his body. Looking around he saw Celina at the bow looking out at the sea. Looking around quickly to see if anybody was around Angeluss morphed into his white fringed dog. Moving up slowly behind Celina He rested a paw on her shoulder and moved to sit next to her. Celina smiled and stroked him and looked at his blue eye's.

"Well I haven't seen you since yesterday "smiled Celina.

Angeluss stayed with Celina in his dog form and enjoyed being so near. In this form he would be able to keep an eye on her and make sure she was safe. Angeluss was content with the small yet cold breeze that was drifting over the boat.

"You are the strangest dog I've ever met...Most dogs would be in their cabins with their owners but here you are sitting with a complete stranger "smiled Celina scratching his right ear.

Angeless longed to turn back into his human form and talk back to her but it would be too risky.
Sniffing the air quickly Angeluss smelt Claudius's scent on the air and it was getting stronger.

Angeluss felt a very strong sence of pain spread all over his body. Falling onto his side he managed to maintain his dog form. His body was shaking slightly and with an effort of will he was liffting his head. His eyes hardly open but he saw Claudius putting his wand away. If he could move he would have bitten his throat out.

"Come Celina It's late...Come "hissed Claudius.

Celina did not move but she looked down into the eyes of the dog form of Angeluss. There was a look of fear and pity in her eyes. It was enough to give Angeluss new strength. He stopped shaking and rolled onto his belly and pushed up. Angeluss was struggling to stand but he stood and looked at Cluadius and barked at him. Claudius pulled out his wand and muttered *Crucio*. With it came the pain again. Falling to the deck again Angeluss stood up again.

"This mut does not seem to know when to stop my dear. Crucio "hissed Claudius.

It took another five Crucio's to drop Angeluss. But He was Trying to get back again when he saw Celina shaking her head at him. So he dropped back down and stayed still.


About two minutes after Celina was pulled away by Claudius He got up and walked around the deck once before going back to his compartment. Slumping down onto the soft matress and morphing back to his human form. He may be strong but being hit by the same curse over and over again was very painful. The pain was still floating around in his mind by the next morning. He began to think about what he could do to Claudius when he next saw him. But a knock on his door made him look up and answer the door. He looked down and saw a wolf sitting with a letter in it's mouth.

*I hope that your dog is okay. It was tring to stop Claudius from taking me away. It is very strong and did not give up easly

Your's sincerly Celina morgan*

"Well At least you don't have a headaque still "smiled Angeluss looking at his real dog.

Scribling a note on the orginal note he gave it back to the wolf and sent it back to Celina.
(O.k. They are now picking up more people on their third stop. Next stop, England! or so they think...)

His brown eyed wolf walked through the door to my cabin. It had a note in its mouth.

*Celina, the dog is fine. I know it tried to help you. Dogs are a good judge of character.* I smiled and slipped the note into my bag. I scratched the wolf behind its ears and it walked away. It was mid morning and time for me to change again. I pulled on a long light green silk dress on and pulled a gold colored velvet cloak over my shawl. I put Niki on her leash and took her for a walk. I walked past one place and saw a girl pull herself up from the third class deck. Claudius or a crew man could be anywhere around here. "Miss, miss, hurry, you need something to disguise yourself. My fiance could find you and that would be bad. Here, take my cloak." She looked shocked at the fact I was talking politely to her. "And no, I'm not like some of the snobs on this ship. Come on, walk with me. I need some company. What's your name?"

"Kennedey Herper" She sounded suspicious as she pulled the cloak around her and the hood over her hair. "Won't you be cold?"

"No" I pulled out my wand and conjured white gloves, a dark green cloak, rearranged my hair to where it would keep my ears warm. "And I'm Celina Morgan. Nice to meet you. Oh, here's some of my friends. They won't mind your here."

Jacob, James, Lara, Hope, and James' sister Minerva were all walking towards us talking. There was also a tall boy I didn't regognize. Oh thats Elias Ismay. His father, Bruce named and built the ship. Hope and Laura spotted me and ran over. "Who's this?"

"I'm Kennedey, I'm er-visitng from other parts of the ship." Everyone understood and apparently approved of it because they all smiled and introduced themselves.

"Im Jacob Potter" Their eyes met and they both turned red and looked away. I smiled, Jacob had blown his cover big time. He obviously thought she was pretty. We split into smaller groups. The boys went one way, the girls another. I felt someone grab my hand. I whirled around, expecting Claudius. But It was Angeluss.

"Oh, hello." He fell into stride with us.

"Hello, Celina." He said to me. I smiled at him and got a look from Laura, Hope, and Kennedey. His dog was walking at his side, I'd let Kennedey walk Niki, cause she'd wanted to.

"How are you Angeluss?"

"Quite fine, all things considered." He looked nervously around as if Looking for Claudius.

"He's in the smoking room with his fellow freshly grauduated Slytherins." (should the characters still be in school?) He smiled. I was right.

"Well I'll be off." He kissed my hand politely and pressed a note into it. I slipped it into the sash around my waist and continued to talk to the others. Kennedey looked at me like I was crazy.

"This arranged marriage thing must be awful. Especially if you like someone else." She looked sympathetic.

"Yes, arranged marriages are awful, some times." Hope said and adjusted her hat. "Its almost time for us to go get ready for dinner, ladies." Hope said, almost reproachfully.

"I guess I need to go then." Kennedey said.

"That won't be necassary. I'll lend you some clothes and you can eat with us. I'm sure Jacob would be happy, and Claudius isn't coming tonight." I took her to my room and gave her a long navy blue dress with loose, long sleeves and crystals on it. I arranged her hair into a half up, half down style and she was definetly ready. I pulled on a purple dress with a full skirt and elbow length sleeves with a swrirling design in black glitter on the sleves, bodice, and hem. There was black lace and on the sleeves, hem, and waist that was edged with black ribbon. I used the same diamond comb to put my hair into a bun. I surveyed my reflection and we went to dinner. Angeluss was eating with us tonight. We all ate dinner, taling quietly. Albus Dumbeldore joined us, to our suprise. Angeluss caught my attention and mothed something to me. *meet me at the same place, 11* Kennedey stood up.

"I'll be going. I'll ask all of you to meet me at the clock on the grand staircase at midnight, if you'd like, dress really simply, and I'd appreciate it if any of you can play violin, to bring one"

"Alright." It was 10, so I hurried back to my room. I pulled on a navy blue wool dress with black ribbon on the square neck. I pulled my hair back into a low ponytail with a black silk ribbon. I grabbed my wool shawl and threw it over my shoulders, and made my way towards the bow of the ship.
Angeluss looked at hia watcha and saw that it read 10:50. Angeluss let out a small gasp and quickly changed and ran out of his room and bumpped into a crewman.

"Sorry. I'm running late "smiled Angeluss pulling the crewman up.

Angeluss disapeared round the corner and had another look at his watch. 10:58. jumping and morphing into his dog form Angeluss increased his speed and jumped over the railings and landed on the deck under it. Morphing back in time to stop and hide behind a door opening. Celina walked out and leant on the railings and waited for him. Moving silently still in his dog form he stopped behind her and changed back to human form.

"Sorry I was late "Angeluss smiled Kissing her hand.

"I only just got her myself "smiled Celina.

Angeluss looked around and then refocused on Celina.

"There's something I need to tell you. I'm...a Animagus. My dog has brown eyes. The one that had blue eyes was me "sighed Angeluss.

"I wondered when you would tell me "smiled Celina.

Angeluss looked at her and smiled.

"How long have you known "asked Angeluss smiling.

"Since when you made your real dog come to you. The eyes had none of you in them. The blue eyes that it had before where identical to yours. They had more of your intent in them "smiled Celina.

"I'm sorry that I could not kill him for you. But that curse hurts alot. Remind me to just not warn him but to bite him next time "smiled Angeluss.

Celina laughed at this and looked down into the water below. Angeless looked around and saw that in tonight was cloudy and obscuring the full moon.

"For every time he hurts you I'll hurt him back. But only if you want me too. I can't stand the thought of him hurting you "growled Angeluss.

"Thank you "smiled Celina.

Angeluss gave her a hug and he could tell she was feeling cold because she was shivering slightly.
Angeluss was glad that He had looked around at that moment in time. Claudius was standing wand poised ready to curse him.

"Celina come here "smiled Claudius his voice was shaking slightly.

"Don't "whisppered Angeluss pulling out behind his back.

"Crucio "hissed Claudius.

"SHEILD "shouted Angeluss.

The two spell hit each other and sparked. Claudius was strong but Angeluss had more spells in his mind ready and waiting.

"Celina go. Take this and go to my room "whisppered Angeluss handing a small brass key to Celina.

"No I want to stay here "whisppered Celina.

"Just go. I can deal with this "smiled Angeluss.

Angeluss hugged Celina and then told her to run.
Celina ran off to his room. Claudius sent more spells at her but they all got absorbed by the sheild spell.

"This is for using a curse on an animal multiple times. My dog I felt what it felt "hissed Angeluss.

Claudius looked shocked at this but a snide grin slowly formed on his face.

"Crucio "hissed Claudius.

Angeluss was hit by the curse but it went away faster this time.

"Is that the best you got Malfoy "smiled Angeluss.

"CRUCIO "shouted Claudius.

Again Angeluss shrugged of the curse. But He raised his wand and pointed it at the clouds.

"VIVIDARIUM VIATOR "shouted Angeluss.

A beam of blue magic shot up into the clouds and made a hole.

"PART "shouted Angeluss.

The clouds parted. The moon light hit the bow of the ship and spread along the decks. Angeluss stood there and smiled.

"Now you'll regret ever pissing me off "snarled Angeluss.

Angeluss began to grow taller and his head elongated and became fuzzy. The rest of his body followed and he gained a snout and his eyes went yellow. His hands stayed kind of human but grew talons and jet black fur. Angeluss slumped back down onto the deck and reared up on his hind legs.
The werewolf jumped onto Claudius and with one claw scratched a line onto his cheek.

"I'll add a cut for every single time that you hurt Celina "hissed Angeluss half barking and half snarling.

The werwolf turned and picked up Angeluss's wand up and pointed it up a the sky.

"Close and end "snarled the werwolf.

The clouds closed and The werewolf turned back into Angeluss. Putting his wand away Angeluss walked off leaving Claudius with a long cut on his cheek.


Angeluss pushed open the door to his room and wished that he had not done what he done.

"Did you kill him "asked Celina?

"No I just gave him alot to think about "sighed Angeluss.

"Shame "smiled Celina.

Angeluss closed the door and sat down.

"You can stay the night if you want. It would probably be safer for you "smiled Angeluss.

Celina did not answer and when Angeluss looked up she had fallen asleep in the chair. Smiling Angeluss picked Celina up and layed her down on the bed. Angeluss left her on the bed and pulled the door closed and sat down on his chair. Angeluss fell into a deep sleep and was tormented by vissions of destruction.


He saw Hogwarts and a student that looked like himself but alot younger. Angeluss seem to drift down the corridors of Hogwarts. He stopped next to a group of four girls and a boy.

"Angeless come the Care-taker is coming "hissed one of the girls.

The boy called Angeless was looking at a gold statue of Angeluss. The boy went into a werewolf state and growled at them. He followed them as they ran down corridors. They stopped on the sixth floor and the girls went on while the boy cast some sort of a spell. Then running and turning into a werwolf and jumping throught the Gryffindor portraight.

Angeluss was about to follow when he woke up.

*end dream*

Galzy had his paws on Angeluss's knew and had dugg his claws into Angeluss's knee.

"What "smiled Angeluss tickling Galzy.

The dog looked over to his left towards the bedrrom door. Celina was making a odd sort of wimper. Angeluss pushed open the door and woke her up. Celina jupmed and lended in his arms as he slid along the floor to catch her.

"It's okay you're safe "whisppered Angeluss rocking her back and forth slowly.
A Non-Existent User
It was 11 oclock. Only Jacob, James, Lara, Hope, and James came.

"Wheres Celina?" I asked.

"Not sure." Lara said. I shrugged it off and climbed over the railing.

"Follow me." I said. I slid down the pole and onto the third class deck. From there we went down to the third class dining room. There were people all over dancing and having a good time.

"Oi Kennys here!" Someone shouted. Everyone turned toward the door and said Kennedy.

I got to the middle of the room and someone said "Who here thinks they can beat Kennedy?!" A man shouted.

"We can" three very gruff men said walking forward.

"And wo might you be?" someone asked.

"My names Hen." said the small one. "This big guy here it Hir." he continued.

"And what are you going to beat me in?" I asked amused.

"I can out drink you." HEn said.

"And Hir can beat u in an arm wrestle." he continued.

"Well then." I said grabbing a cigarette from a man. I put it in my mouth and lit it. "Lets see what you got."

Someone brought out a small table and two chairs.

"2 bucks says Kennedys going to lose." A guy said to Jacob.

"Not a chance " he said. Everyone gathered around the table. Of course I won that one no sweat but it was the next one that got harder.

We went through one shot, then another, then another, we had gone through 50 shots.
The tension in the room was thick. But then someone came down the stairs....
I leaned agains Angeluss while he held me. I'd just had a dream. It was awful. I let him hold me close and rock me back and forth. It was so comforting, being in his arms. "Angeluss, it was terrible...."

"What was?"

"Claudius, boat sank....pushed you water.. I think you drowned.." I cried and he held me closer.

"Shhh...I'm here now." He wrapped his arms tightly around me. I felt safe in his arms.

"Oh Angeluss..."

"Shh, I'm fine" I was so afraid for him, I cared about him so much.

I tried to speak but I was too tired. I sighed and fell asleep in his arms.

I woke up on Angeluss' bed, but he was no where to be seen. I got up and walked into the sitting room.

"Good Morning" He was sitting on an armchair, while Galzy napped on the couch.

"Good Morning. I guess I'd better be going. Need to go change, I guess I'll see you at breakfast." I left and went to my state room. I pulled out a yellow dress with elbow length sleeves, a full skirt, and long lace bells on the sleeves that came to the middle of the lower part of my arm. There was a turquise stone on the center of the square neck. I smiled as I arranged my hair into a bun, letting some loose curls frame my face. I walked out of my room and towards the dining room. I turned a corner to see Claudius. He instantly shot the Cruciatus curse at me. I had had it. I pulled out my wand. "Revarisi" The curse flew back at him. He collapse, and stood up. Flustered and angry. Strands of white blonde hair fell from his pony-tail, and his pale face was pink.

"Never, do that again, girl." He was breathing heavily.

"Why?" He pulled a knife an me and made a long cut close to my throat.

"Do it again... and he pulled the knife slightly away from my throat and swiped it throgh the air." He shoved me and breezed away. I stood there, breathing heavily, my neck bleeding slightly. I shook my head and glared after him. I whirled around to see Angeluss, looking angrier than I'd ever seen him.

Kennedy had won(of course)But it was nearly dawn and we all went to are rooms.
"Hope!"I turned around amd saw my fianca,Charels Black standing there as drunk as can be. His bloodshot eyes swiviling around to James,Laura,Jacob.
"He grabed my arm and started dragging me away. I"d had anough of his drunk bargaids to no what was going to happen next. He was going to lock me in a closet and use the Cruciatus Curse on me until he sleeped of his beer. He dragged me up to the top deck to see Celina bleeding from her neck and a tall guy standing behinde her looking angry. I had to help her! What had that man done to her? I broke free of Charels grip and raced over to her.
"What did you do to her!?"I demanded. I was about to ponce on him when Charels grabed me agian and started pulling me to the closet.
"Crucio"he said. Pain couresed trough my body. Over and over. I started to cry. I herd footsteps. Then two vocies talking. A loud thump. Then the closet door opened. Elias stood there in the opened doorway. I could have jumped for joy but insted just wepped. he pulled me up and held me until I stopped crying. Then he escorted me to my room ordering me to sleep.
Name: Forest
Age: 18
Class: Second, Pureblood
Appearance: Long, straight blond hair that is always down. She has green eyes, slightly pointed ears, is thin, and usually wears a blue dress. She always wears a locket around her neck.
Personality: Kind, outgoing, she is creative and eager. She can get really angry, but overall is patient and calm. Forest if VERY smart and likes to read.
Pet: A phoenix named Blaze.
Other: Her father and mother were powerful, but her family is average.


I looked out into the sea. Waves were splashing against the ship. The sky was light blue. Blaze sat beside me. He was gazing at the ocean like me, but I could see that he wasn’t so interested in the water.

After a while, I said, “Wait here.”

Blaze nodded and continued to stare. I shrugged and headed up to talk to the captain.

I wore a long, blue dress and around my neck hung my locket. I stopped for a moment to rest. I heard noises. I saw a man run on the ship, holding something. He reminded me of someone…of course. He was a Malfoy. The man looked angry. I backed away. He was coming in my direction.

He was grumbling as he passed. I bit my lip. His hair was blond and it didn’t seem like he was too happy. After a while, I headed back up to see the captain.

“Hello.” I smiled.

“Hello, Forest.” He replied. “Do you think you need me to look around and see it anything is coming?”

“Well, not at the moment.” He said. I sighed. Oh well.

“Okay. Just tell me when I can fly Blaze over the ocean.” I nodded.

“Anytime.” The captain said. “But sometimes I need you to look for things.”

I left and decided to fly on Blaze. She was glad once we were over the boat. Finally, she could soar and I could look around. There was water and I decided to make it a daily routine to fly.
Angeluss headed over to the gym and began to punch the boxing bag. It swung violantly as Angeluss punched it. Celina came in and watched Angeluss. Angeluss stopped and turned round, a look of anger and sorrow filled his eyes.

"Why do you put up with him. You have power, why don't you use it on him "asked Angeluss?

Celina looked shocked at Angeluss.

"I can't "sighed Celina.

"He's weak, if you stand up to him then he'll stop "hissed Angeluss.

Celina did not meet his eyes and looked at the ground.

"If he ever touches you again I'll kill him. I not going to sit back and let you or anyone else get hurt. Even if it's the last thing that I do "hisses Angeluss.

"I've tried to stand up to him it didn't work "sighed Celina.

Angeless was breething very slowly. His eyes had begun to change to a dim yellow. In a quick shake of his head they had returned to pale blue. Smashing his left hand against the bag Angeluss turned and walked off. In one solid motion Angeluss spun around placing his left hand on the floor and kicked the punch bag with his right leg. The bag flew off it's hinges and hit into the opposit wall.

"I'm done playing games "shouted Angeluss Pulling on his shirt and coat.


Celina headed down to Third class with Hope.

"I've never seen him like it he was really pissed off "whisppered Celina to Hope.

"Why what do you think he'll do "asked Hope.

"Get killed "sighed Celina.

Hope was staring over Celina's shoulder and looking at something. Celina looked round and Saw Angeluss holding two large crates. Putting them down Angeluss pulled the tops off the reveal two whole boxes of whisky, Brandy, Wine and beer.

"I thought that We could do with some drinks and fun "shouted Angeluss.

Angeluss came over to Celina and gave her a hug.

"I'm Sorry about earlier. I've just had alot of things on my mind. Forgive me "smiled Angeluss making a cute little puppy dog expression.

Celina laughed at Angeluss and they all started to drink the drinks from the two large crates.

Angeluss Suggested that they need music.

"INSTRUMENTARUS "smiled Angeluss.

A piano and six Violins appeared.

Angeluss got onto the piano and began to play.

"Thats realy good. You've played before "smiled Celina.

"Nope this is the first time I've ever played a Piano "smiled Angeluss.

As the night progressed Angeluss and Celina played on the piano at the same time.

"I haven't had this much fun for a long time "smiled Angeluss giving Celina another hug.

"I can tell "laughed Celina.
A Non-Existent User
I climbed onto the third class deck and made sure no one was watching. I swung up and onto the pole and pulled myself onto the first class deck. I saw Celina and she ran over to me.

"We have a small problem on our hands." She said,

I got a worried look and said "What is it?".

"Well after dinner and everyting all JAcob could talk about was you, and his mother overheard and thinks its wonderful hes finnaly found somene and...she wants to meet you." Celina said.

"What!? " I hissed.

"Yeah." She said. She then ran back to Angeless and I ran off to break into the captains offices.
"I'm back, Angeluss"

"I can see that" He smiled.

"You're impossible."

"I know" He smiled.

I Rolled my eyes and smiled at him. I got a pouty expression on my face that made him laugh. I fluttered my eyelashes at him and continued playing the piano. "By the way, thanks for caring about me. Its nice to know someone cares about something other than my money." I smiled, blushing slightly.

"Its alright. Malfoy's a jerk. And I don't want him hurting you. I can't stand thinking about you getting hurt" His eyes held pain.

"Angeluss, I'm fine." I looked into his eyes.

"Yes, you are now. But what happens when the boat gets to England? What then?"

"I'll figure something out" I said quitetly as he looked at me.
Celina had told me about Angeluss. By the way she talked about him I could tell that she really liked him. The way he looked at her I could tell he liked her. When I tried to point that out to Celina she just laughed. Why couldn't she read what was so clear to all the people around her? It was in this state of thinking that I found Forest. I had woundered down to the secound deck not even knowing where my feet were caring me. I accedintly bumped into the girl. She had been looking at the sea with I trobled expression much like mine.
"I'm Hope Blackwell."
"Whats the matter with you?"we asked together.
"My pheniox spotted something but can't tell me what it is.
"My frieds can't see something that everyone else can and I can't figure out how to fix it. Pluse I running away from my fiance who practilly touchers...people"
We both heaved a big sigh.
"What are we going to do?"I asked.
"I don't know,we'll figure out something."
I smiled at her.
"How would you like to come have dinner with me?"
"that sounds lovly but I'm in the Secoung class."
"You and I look about the same size you could were some of my dresses."
She smiled so big I thought her eyes were going to dissiper.
"Come with me we'll get you looking fancy in no time." i said and we started of to the first floor deck.

I followed Hope to the first floor deck. It was different up here. Hope found me a nice dress. It was light blue, my favorite color, and it was a little bit big, but fit me okay. It was a little longer because I wasn’t as tall. The dress dragged behind me a little.

I held onto my locket, and put my hair into a bun. Hope told me about Celina and Angeluss. I nodded and we headed to dinner.

“First your problem.” I said. I drank some water. We sat at a fancy table. Almost everything was glass. I grinned. First class was great. “Celina doesn’t know that she likes Angeluss?”

“Yeah.” Hope replied. I put down my glass cup. “When she talks about him, it’s obvious that she likes him and he definitely likes her. But Celina doesn’t believe it. Everyone else knows it, but she doesn’t. Or else she’s keeping it a secret.”

I nodded. “I understand. But isn’t she married to-”

“Claudius Malfoy.”

“I saw him run past a while ago. He seemed angry.”

“He knows that the two like each other.”

I sighed. “How are you going to show her that she does like Angeluss?”

“I’m not sure. That’s why I asked you.”

I bit my lip. I didn’t know what to do. “You can’t tell her. You can’t show her herself. Oh look! There’s Celia, and…”
"You a really good dog "giggled Celina.

"Hey. Well I do like to be petted. Feels nice "smiled Angeluss.

"See I told you you make a good dog "smiled Celina.

"Hope, Forest "still smiling.

"I'm going to go and get Galzy. Haven't walked him today. See you soon "smiled Angeluss giving Celina a hug.

"Don't go too fast "shouted Celina as Angeluss turned and ran off.

Angeluss waved as he went round a corner. He accidently ran past his room and had to turn and go back to his room to get Galzy. Running back with Galzy close by his side. Angeluss was fast but Galzy was running just in front of him. Slipping over on a patch of water on the deck and sliding along and bumping into Celina and knocking her over ontop of him. Pushing Celina up and then moving Galzy away from his face to stop it licking his face.

"Hey Celina, Hope, Forest. whats up "smiled Angeluss getting up of the deck.

"See told you not too go to fast didn't I "smiled Celina in a I told ya so kind of way.

"What the floor was wet "smiled Angeluss.

They all laughed at Angeluss as he wiped the water of his back.
A Non-Existent User
I looked through the files. This wasnt goning to help me.

I ran and found Celina.

"Cel." I said almost knocking into her.

"Yeah?" she asked.

"I need your help with tongiht" I said.
I smiled and agreed to help Kennedey. I probably fairly dragged her to my state room. I smiled as I pulled out a green beaded dress and handed it to Kennedey. She put it on and I helped her fix her hair. I pulled on a turqoise colored silk dress and a white beaded shawl. I arranged my hair and looked at my reflection. Finally satisfied, I walked out onto the deck. I walked strait into Angeless. He smiled at me and I smiled back at him. I always got a bit nervous when I was close to him. I looked into his eyes, and then Kennedey came out of my room. Forest and Hope also rounded a corner.
"See what diid I tell you?" I said to Forest.
"Your right they do like each other!" she said.
"Hey,I have an idea! We could make them kiss!"
"How and when?"
"right now and like this!" I hiked up my skirts and ran toward Angeless back. Then I bumped into him making him fall foward a little. His and Celina,s lips touched. Hopefully they would finally see how much they both liked each other. I ran back around the conner to Forest who had been watching open mouthed at what I'd done.
"Now" I said for your problem" I said and smiled.

I nodded, leaving Celia and Angeluss together.

“Sorry, I’m not helping too much.” I said. Hope shrugged. “We’ll have to wait to see if your idea works. I hope so.”

“It’s okay. So you were saying that Blaze saw something but doesn’t know what it is?” she asked.

“Yeah.” I replied. “I can’t really explain what it’s like. It’s big and white.”

I called for my phoenix. He came to me. We sat on Blaze and flew off to see it.

“Wow. It’s big.” Hope gasped. “It looks like an iceberg.”

“Here?” I said. “I really hope that it isn’t. The ship has to move. It’s going to hit it!”

Blaze flew back to the ship and I hurried to the captain.

“Captain!” I shouted. “It’s an iceberg!”

“What?” he cried.

“An iceberg!” Hope yelled. “We’re going to hit it!”
(Sorry its so short my new job is taking up more time than I thaught it would. The next one should be longer than this.)

Angeluss was shocked that he didn't want to pull away but just carried on kissing Celina. They both pulled away at the same time and blushed.

"Well that was nice "smiled Angeluss.

Angeluss smiled and took of his coat and put it around Celina to keep her warm.

"It's getting cold out here. We should go somewhere warm "smiled Angeluss looking around.
"Well that was slightly terryfing." I said as Jacob and I strolled the first class deck hand in hand.

"And think I have to live with her."Jacob said giving a smile.

A man all dressed up in a uniform came over to us.

"Excuse me Miss, but you dont belong here." he said.
I smiled at Angeless. That definetly hadn't been expected. But, all the same. I definetly didn't mind. I walked with Angeluss to the gymnasium. It was completely deserted. I smiled and hugged him. He looked a little shocked but hugged me back. Thats when I kissed him. I didn't realize Claudius was walking by.
"What are we going to do?" asked the captin.
"Put her backwards"said the ships builder. Suddenly I had a backflash to a dream I had had a few nights ago.
********Flashback Dream*****************
"Put her backwards." said the ships builder.
"Fine,run down and put her backwards." said the captin.
Then I saw the ship sinking and dozens of peole dying. Tons of wemon crying for there husbuns.
I came back to realality. But I was to late the captin and the ship builder.
"Were in troble"I said to Forest. She nodded her head.
"I know"

“Oh great.” I shook my head. “What are we supposed to do now?”

“I had this dream that if we were going to go backwards…”

I nodded. “Blaze told me something like that. I’m worried. I really don’t want the ship to sink.”

“Yeah, but we can’t stop…”

“Maybe we can.”


“Well, two people can’t use their magic to stop a ship. But maybe if more helped, we could save everyone.” I said.

“The ship is going to sink.” Hope cried. “What is going to happen? Everyone will be swimming in the ocean. We will be far away from land.”

I bit my lip and sighed.
Angeluss and Celina kissed each other for about five minutes until James and the others came in. James clapped and whistled at them making them stop and look to see who was there. Angeluss smiled and rubbed the back of his head all the time he was blushing. Celina bit her lip and blushed almost as much as Angeluss was blushing.

"What’s up "asked Angeluss?

"We got trouble, big trouble "sighed Hope.

"What is it "asked Angeluss and Celina at the same time?

"Iceberg "sighed James and the others.

"Oh man why do my trips to other places end with a disaster of some sort. This is the tenth time this year that this has happened "smiled Angeluss.

They all smiled at Angeluss’s lighthearted attempt of cheering them all up.

"If we’re gonna do something it should be very soon "sighed Angeluss.

"Why "they all asked?

"Well that’s why "smiled Angeluss pointing out of the windows.

A huge white shape was gently drifting towards them at a constant pace. The iceberg was only about two miles away from the ship and was getting closer with every second they stood there.

"We could blow it up "smiled Jacob.

"Too risky "sighed James.

"Might be fun to do "smiled Angeluss.

"How are we meant to blow that thing up "asked Hope?

"Shattering spell’s "smiled Angeluss.

"We’d have to do a lot of them "sighed Forest.

"Yes but we could then make snow cones "smiled Angeluss.

They snorted with laughter at this.

"Angeluss we need to be serious "sighed Forest.

"Yes you’re absolutely right. We should be serious, but can anyone teach me to be serious "giggled Angeluss.

Angeluss’s giggle was infectious and soon he had everyone laughing at the strangest things.

"Okay *giggle* we should start the shattering spells very soon. Otherwise *giggle* we go splat on a big lump of ice "smiled Angeluss.

Most of them had ended up sitting on the floor holding their sides but Celina was still standing and gave Angeluss a look.

"Right then, we should get everyone that can do magic up onto the top two decks. Top group will fire their spells first then the second deck will fire their spells. If that works the iceberg should crack apart into lots of little lumps that will just bounce of the hull and not cause any damage "smiled Angeluss.
I was being pushed rather rhougly down the cramped hallway on the very bottom.

"Were are we going!" I yelled. We were at the very bottom at the ship that passengers were allowed in. Only one level up from stoarage.

The man thrust me into a big room.

"This will teach you your place in society." he said locking the door behind him.

I sat on the ground and put my head against the wall. The ship suddednly make a horrible lurch and everything stopped.

I heard a loud noise and stood up. A fast current of water began to come under the door.

"Oh god." I said.

I opened up a door in the room but it opened to a closet. A quickly threw off my dress and put on pants a shirt and a long black trench coat. The current of water began to come in faster. Listening closely to the ship I could tell no one knew yet of what was happening.
I got up to the top, and prepared to fire a spell. But we were too close. A long sickening shudder went through the ship. The ship lurched and I fell forwards, towards the lower deck. Angeless grabbed for me and missed. "Wingadium Leviosa!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and stopped. I kicked through the air and got back to the ground. That was close. I looked down and saw water rushing into the ship.
"Not all the wemon can produse a heat charm." I said to Forest.
"And some of the men can't eiether"said Forest.
"Can Blaze carry some people across the ocean to the shore?" I asked.
"Yeah but only ten people at a time." said Forest.
"I can carry six and if people are felling barav enough I can carry ten"I said thinking fast.
"What do you mean?" asked Forest exsasperateed.
"I did this illegle so don't tell anyone," I said.
"What..." satrted Forest but then I transformed into something I'd been hiding for years. I was some sort of flying animal. I looked like a horse with wings. No one new what hey where called but I'd seen them in a book once.
I rushed onto the deck Forest on Blaze. She started telling people to get on Blaze's tail and on my back. Little children held ont oto my feet. Soon I had people on my back every five minets and I took them to a muggle shore in Englend. How meny people was I going to be able to save?

“We can’t carry everyone over!” I shouted to Hope.

“Yes we can!” she yelled, but she didn’t look so happy. “Maybe…I know there’s too many people but…”

We looked behind us. The iceberg was crashing into the ship. I tried not to feel terrible, but I did.

“The ship is going to sink!” I cried. We flew faster and came back to bring more people to England, but there were so many people. Now Blaze had twenty people on his back. He was flying slowly.

The ship started to lean to one side. People were screaming. I closed my eyes and tried to be calm, but I was so worried. Blaze was too tired and was starting to fall.

“You can do I, Blaze!” I whispered. I held onto a little girl. When Blaze turned, my wand fell into the water and I knew Blaze felt that he couldn’t carry everyone.
A shower's of ice chunks rained down onto the deck hitting into people as they bounced off the deck. One hit Angeluss in the back and knocked him over the edge of the deck. He fell down but grabbed onto a railing on the deck below him. The iceberg was bouncing along the hull and it was on the side Angeluss was hanging onto.

"Bugger this "sighed Angeluss as he saw the iceberg.

Angeluss began to pull himself up but he kept on slipping. He saw claudius looking at him with that snide grin on his face. A low growl came from Angeluss as he pulled himself up and over the railing with enough force to send him flying into the air. The iceberg hit into the place he had just been moments before. He landed next to Celina and hugged her and gave her a small gold ring with a wolf cut into it.

"If anything happens to me, I want you to take this and find my brother, his name is James Caraway. I love you "whisppered Angeluss.

Angeluss pulled a long rope with little flags on it down and tied it to the side railings. He climbed over and lowered himself down and set about trying to fix the damage in the hull.

"For once I just wanted to go on a trip and not have to do any dangeres things. But no I pick the only boat that can be hit by an iceberg. Oh man these are huge "sighed Angeluss as he saw the first hole.

He held onto the rope and tried to fix the damage but his magic just bounced off it.

"Oh this is just great, he made the bloody boat magic resistant. If I ever get out of this I'm so not getting on another boat ever again "sighed Angeluss.

He climbed back up the rope andpulled himself back over onto the deck. No sooner had he set foot on the deck he was hit hard in the chest by a stunning spell. He fell backwards and went over the side, his leg was caught in the rope and he hung there upside down two meters above the cold dark water motionless. He turned into his werwolf form and pulled itself into one of the holes in the hull. He was trapped in the lower decks unable to get out. He ran around and smashed open doors and even broke through a iron gate that stopped people coming down to the lower decks.


A guard was walking around the lower decks searching for people trapped down there. All the gates to the lower decks that the guard came across seemed to have been ripped apart and smashed open. There were three bodies on the the floor and they had all been ripped apart by something.

"What the hell "whisppered the guard.

A snarling noise came from behind the guard and as the guard turned around he saw a tall wolf like beast staring back at him. The guard ran away as fast as he could but as he made it up the first stair case he was pulled back by a massive clawed hand. Blood splattered onto the wall and steps as the guard was ripped apart. The werewolf began to make it's way up to the top decks so it could kill even more people.

(Angeluss has lost control of the werewolf inside of him and it's just a bit pissed off. Take him down after a few entries. Oh and Crouton if you want claudius dead then let him get killed by the werewolf).
"Oh my god! " Isaid the water was up to my waist and it was frezzeing! I still couldnt get the door opened. I backed up as far as I could against the wall opposite the door.

I counted and rammed into the door. It finally gave and I fell to the floor. The water was deeper out here. I waded to the stairs and began to climb upward. When I reached the top I looked down. The water was halfway up those stairs.

I banged hard on the first door.

"Get up Get up now the skips sinking!" I screamed running up and down the hallways.
I was running around. I jumped down a flight of stairs and ran to my state room, shoving my mother outside. I pulled on Angeluss' coat and went up to the top deck. That was it.... I wouldn't be able to hold this in much longer. Then Claudius turned a corner. He saw me and slammed me against the wall. I pulled out my wand. "Expelliamus" He went flying backwards.

"Imperio" He hit me with another illegal curse. I felt happy. He was telling me to kill the werewolf on the deck. "Kill him" it said. No...why should I{i/}.

"Kill him NOW" It screamed in my head.

No I don't think so

Then the werewolf leapt at claudius.
"No don't!" I screamed and charged in frount of Angeless,knocking him out of the way. He fell over bored but I didn't care if Angeless didn't stop soon he would be imprisoned. I had to do this for Celina.
"What do you think your doing?" i asked him
"Moved aside silly pony,"growled Angeless.
"Angeless look around you, look at Celina!"I demanded.
He didn't turn his head. I shifted back to human form. I grabed Angeless and turned him towared
Celina. This was going to cost me. The werewolf thrashed and cut me across the stomach but I held on. Finally he was facing Celina. He stopped thrashing. He slowly stopped everything and changed back to human form but as soon as I let go he jumped over the edge. I fell to the floor. Defeted for the last time. I was loosing blood quickly,I was feeling tierd. I closed my eyes,for the last time?

I gasped.

“Blaze!” I shouted. “Go back to the ship!”

We turned around and landed. Hope was lying on the floor.

“What happened? What’s going on?” I yelled. The ship was sinking and people were in the water. I told Blaze to go help while I stayed here. “Does anyone know how to stop a cut?”

I looked around. Everyone looked worried and angry. Where was Angeluss? I sighed. Celina and Claudius were looking at each other. I began to turn furious. I started to cry. I felt embarrassed.

Hope was groaning. I heard someone screaming. I opened the door. Kennedy came out. She looked tired. I sat down on the ground and looked at the water.
(Sorry I was called into work two days in a row. Just got back from work and I'm tired as hell and I've got work again tmoro. Love Angeless)

Angeluss held onto a port hole as he tried to think what was going on. As he held on he remembered the people he had killed in cold blood.

"My god what have I done "whisppered Angeluss tears forming in his eye's.

Angeluss held onto the port hole for a while until he felt his feet getting wet.

"Great I'm going to drown and I'm never even going to get to say sorry to Celina. I'm not going to give up until I say sorry to her "snarled Angeluss.

He swung to the left and then jumped across to a lower part of the ship that was going under. Running up it as fast as he could he finaly made it up onto the top deck.

"CELINA "shouted Angeluss looking around for her.

Angeluss was holding onto a side railing watching the people running back and forth.

"Wingardium leviosa "shouted Angeluss.

Angeluss was using all his skill and power to cast one huge spell onto the entire boat. The magic bounced of the hull and sparked.

"Despell "shouted Angeluss.

The spells that protected the ship from magic broke with a loud crack.

"Wingardium leviosa "shouted Angeluss.

The ship stopped sinking but was held imobile in the waves of the sea. Angeluss was shaking with the effort of keeping the boat where it was and safe. Celina was near the bow of the ship and had heard Angeluss's shouts from where she was.

"ANGELUSS "shouted Celina trying to see where he was.

"He's over here "shouted Forest.

"What the hell are you trying to do "shouted Celina.

"I need you to get off the boat. I can't hold this much longer "panted Angeluss.

"Come with us "sighed Celina.

"I can't, I'm not safe anymore. Please I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt by me "panted Angeluss shaking slightly.

The ship began to shake as Angeluss began to lose the spell on the ship. Angeluss was on his knee's now and he looked up at them and passed out again.
"We gotta down there." I said gasping for breathe and hanging onto Jacobs coat.

"What the ships sinking." he said in shock.

"There are innocent people down there that they arent letting up because they dont have money is that justice is that fair?" I asked regaining my voice and standing up straight.

He looked at me and we trampled down the stairs.
"Angeless...." I said sadly. "Ennervate"

He woke up. "I told you to go!" I kissed him quickly, and turned sadly away, going to help some other people.
That night was the most horrible one I would ever be able to remember. I can still hear the screaming..and feel the cold.

I woke up sleeping on the deck of some other boat, crying and screaming all around me. Was I the only one that survived?

No..I saw a crying Minerva Mcgonagall, mourning the loss of her brother James. Jacob Potter held on to Kennedy, both of them looking bewildered and afraid.

I shuddered as Claudius yanked me up. "He's dead. And now you will be taught a lesson."

Tears streamed down my face as I realized he probably would be dead...as Hope and Forest looked on.

Then I heard a low growl as a dog pounced on Claudius and knocked him out. I collapsed and it supported me as I cried. It was just his dog..not him. It nudged my side and I looked in its eyes.

They were blue..

I smiled as he changed back into himself and helped me up. He hugged me tightly and then got a weird look on his face. I pulled away from him and pulled my engagement ring off my finger and flung it into the ocean. He smiled and looked at me with those beautiful eyes of his. "Will..you.." He blushed and looked around.

"Yes??" I asked.

"Will you marry me?" He said finally.

"Of course."


Faith and Jacob were married as well. Hope got away from her evil fiance, and Minerva and Forest found their happiness.


Three teenagers stood around a statue. "That was my great-grandfather's story..as well as my great-granmother's.." smiled a boy with black hair as they turned and walked into Hogwarts.

The End!

© Copyright 2003 BROCC-ZILLA, AngelinTwilight, Socttish_Dancer4, TombRaider, Forest, Pravda vítězí, (known as GROUP).
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