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Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Article · Other · #715924
The most bravest girls Enroll at Hogwarts. What will happen?
1.Have fun
2.The girls can't get into fights.
3.In the end all the girls have to meet up with someone.
4.Have fun!
The International Girls are:
Names Countrys Nicknames
Airianna O'Conor-Scotland-Anna
Avril Johnson-France-Avy
Megan Moore-America-megs
Ellen Strong-Astralia-Ell
Chi Chang-Japan-CC
Plese discribe your charecter!
Name:Airianna O'Conor
Apperance:Long waist langth rad hair. With bright blue eyes that sparkle when she is happy and when she is angry.
Personality:She is the leader. She is brave and responsible.
Pet:A pegues named Emily
Race:half elf half human
We jumped the brige and landed in the river. Ellen held the jewerled book inher hands. I wistled and Emily came galloping up.
"Come on everyboby climb on!"I ordered.
Everybody scrabbled on to Em's back. She took of and headed for #12.
"That was the most dangores one yet ,mate" Said Ell. I noded in agreement that one was dangouus!
Name: Avril Johnson
Appearance: Tall and skinny, but not a stick. Long stick strait hair that comes to the small of her back. Deep, dark green eyes and full lips.
Personality: Fiery personality, very passionate about everything she does. Brave. Only takes orders from Airiana, second in command. Stubborn.
Pet: A wolf named Niki.
Race: Lots of mysteries about that. Her parents are aliens from a planet far, far away. She is the race of that planet. They have pointed ears and can control certain things with music, ususally emotions of people they're close too. (Like making people fall asleep or wake up or stop fighting). Thinks they're called Temians.
Quidditch: Seeker.
Other: Her instrument is a hand carved flute like instrument.


I sat on the Emily's back and pulled out my flute. I played a slow, pretty song as we flew. It seemed to lift everyone's spirits.
Name: Chi Chang

Appearance: Long, straight black hair. She has green eyes and is thin. She has pointed ears. She always wears a locket around her neck. Out of school, she wears a T-shirt and jeans.

Personality: She is eager and enthusiastic. She is kind and friendly, really athletic, brave, loyal, VERY smart, clever, and patient. She has some humor.

Pet: Phoenix named Blaze, who is very young.

Race: 4/5 elf, 1/5 human

Quidditch: Seeker

Other: She’s “third in command” and is the smart one. She’s in Ravenclaw, although everyone else is in Gryffindor. But still, she is a friend with Avril and Airianna.


“Perfect.” I smiled. I wondered how 5 people could sit on Emily, but we did. “We’ve got it!”

“Yeah.” Avril sighed and continued to play her instrument.

“Let’s get to Hogwarts before the ceremony begins.” I said. Emily flew quickly to Hogwarts and we landed in front of the doors. We ran into the dining hall. I panted and looked around. Everyone was staring at us. I grinned. Well we got some attention.

“Well this is a great beginning.” I muttered. We hurried over to the rest of the crowd.

“Chang, Chi.”

I ran up to the chair and put on the hat.

Very smart. The hat whispered. But very brave and loyal too. And clever. This is hard.

“Everyone else will be in Gryffindor.” I thought. “And yes. I’m smart, more than I’m brave, but I know everyone else will…”

“RAVENCLAW!” the hat shouted. I smiled and walked over to the Ravenclaw table. I sat beside a boy my own age. He had brown hair and hazel eyes.

“Hi, my name’s Chi.” I said.

“I’m Mark.” He nodded.

I blushed and watched as Airianna was called.

When the hat touched her hair, it shouted, “GRYFFINDOR!”

Airianna went over to the Gryffindor table. She gave me a weird look. I didn’t understand what it meant.
I gave Chi a wierd look. I thought she would have gotten into Gryffindor with the rest of us. What was going to happen. I sat down across from a red-haired boy.
"Hi,I'm Airianna"
"Ron Weasley"
I smiled and went back to watching the ceromony. Suddenly Ron reconized me.
"Your one of the International Five" he said.
"Yes I am."i flushed.
"Oy Harry,Hermione"he said poking the boy next to him who was watching the ceromony.
"What" said the boy.
"Its one of the girls from the International Five."
"Who are they?" asked the boy.
"The help the ministy."
"She is the leader. Kinda like you Harry"
The black haired boy looked over at me.
"Hi, I'm Airianna and this is my friend Avril." i said as Avril sat down next to me.
"Harry Potter"he said smiling.
She and Ron just stared at each other. I cwaved my hand in frount of Avrils eyes she seemed to come back and blushed. I gave her a knowing look and we waited for the rest of the team to get sorted.

Mark was a nice person. As the rest were sorted into Gryffindor, I felt bad. I wasn’t with the rest of the group.

The other 4 were talking with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Mark told me about them. He was in the same year as me. While we were discussing, a girl interrupted.

“Hi,” she said. “My name is Sarah.”

“I’m Forest.” I grinned. She was in the same year as me. Mark didn’t know her that well, but soon we were in a conversation. Soon the feast was over, and we headed to the common room. It was a nice place. I shared a room with Sarah and a girl named Amy.

I unpacked. They saw my broom. It was the new one that hadn’t come out yet. It was called the Firebolt 7000. I smiled. It was shiny and the wood was really smooth. My parents were the bosses of a broom-making company.

“Are you planning to audition for the Quidditch team?” they asked. I nodded. I’d been playing Quidditch for a long time.

“That’s great!” Sara cried. She showed me her broom. It was the Firebolt. They were pretty good.

Sara and Mark were also going to audition for the Quidditch team. Mark had the latest broom, the Firebolt 2000. Only the Ravenclaws were auditioning today. Professor Katen was looking for a new team captain. I was the next one in line.

“What’s your name?” she asked.

“Chi Chang.” I said.

“Which position are you trying out for? Keeper, Seeker, Chaser, or Beater…”

“Seeker.” I replied.

“All you need to do is to get the snitch. Ready, set, go!”

I hurried onto the field and flew around looking for the snitch. Then I saw gold and dashed towards it. I reached out my hand, grabbed it, and flew back to Professor Katen.

“Wow.” She looked impressed. “You’re probably going to be on the team. You might even be the captain.”

I rushed over to Sara and Mark. I was so glad.

“Great job, Chi.” Mark said.

“Yeah, that was amazing.”

“Thanks, good luck!”

I watched from the side. Sara tried out for a chaser. She was excellent and scored many times. Mark tried out for the keeper. He blocked most of the quaffles that Professor Katen threw. We went to the team after the auditions.

All three of were on the team and I was the team captain!!!

I saw my friends and ran over to them.

“Anna, Avy, Megs, Ell!” I shouted. “I made it on the team and I’m captain too!”

"thats great Chi!"I shouted back. I was dissipointed. I didn't want to play agenist Chi. I had made the Gryffindor Qudditch team with Ell,Megs,and Avy. I was Keeper. The Qudditch captian this year was Harry. Chi had seen me frown. I usally never frowned so natrully she was worried.
"whats the matter?"she asked with conncern in her eyes.
"it's just...I don't want to play agenist one of my bewst friends." I said.
The others were heading up to the school. we lagged behind them. They didn't seem proturbed that one of the team was in a differnt house. I guess it conncernrd me the most because I was the leader.
"Why are you afraid we'll beat you?"she said then laughed.
To tell the truth I had no idea why I was so conncerned. It wasn't like we were out in the wilderness. I just felt that something was there and I didn't have the whole group together so I couldn't protect everyone. I felt responisble for everything that happened to the girls and this one wasn't with me to have any control over.
"I guess I'm just being mother hen again."I said then smiled brightly.
"do you want to go see Emily?" I asked so we could get of the subject. It was nearing dinner time and new she would be hungry.
" Sure!" she said and we headed for the Forrbidden Forest.
I smiled, and went back to my food. Guys made me so nervous. I could stare down some thing five times as big as I am, jump across gaps that look impossible, and run through collapsing castles, all without breakin a sweat. But, stick me anywhere near an even slightly cute boy, and bang. I turn into over cooked noodles. I glared in frustration and flopped onto my bead in Gryffindor tower.

I was pretty sure Anna didn’t want to play against me. She seemed to be nervous and changed the subject. But I did feel bad. Everyone else was in another house. I was the one who was left out.

We hurried to the Forbidden Forest. I usually didn’t go against rules. I held my wand and looked behind me. No one else was outside except for Hagrid. He was petting Fang and looked up.

“Hello,” he smiled and stood up.

“Hi Hagrid,” I replied. “Where’s Emily?”

“In the forest. She’s fine. You can go and see her if you want.”

“Thanks.” Anna said. We left.

It was getting dark. I was feeling a little hungry. Anna was quiet and I whispered “lumos.” Now there was light.

“Emily!” Anna called. “Emily!”

I didn’t hear anything. Emily usually came when Anna called for her.

“Emily!” Anna yelled again. “Where are you?”

I heard something behind me. I turned around, but there was nothing. I shrugged.

“Where is she?” Anna muttered. “Let’s keep on going. Maybe she isn’t around here.”

“Anna.” I stopped her. “We’re going to get into trouble.”

“Dumbledore said we could make sure Emily was okay.” She replied and kept on walking. I heard something move again and gulped.
I was very nevous. I could tell Chi was too. There was something behind us. I could feel it. I just couldn't see it. I began to walk faster. Where in the world was Emily? Chi broke into a dead run and I ran after her. Chi ran into somethimg hard and bounced back. I ran to her pulling out my own wand. When I reached were Chi was I looked to se what it was that she had bumped into. It was Emily she was tied around the feet. I untied her and went to see Chi. She was out cold. What was I going to do?
I could tell there was trouble. I kind of sensed where Anna was and found Chi out cold, and Emily being untied. "Ooo, what appened ere? I gasped.

"I don't know" Anna replied.

I was running. I’d heard Emily. I didn’t know where she was and I’d hit her. I felt my head fall to the ground and I didn’t know what happened after that.

I had a dream. I was running again. Something was after me. I didn’t know what it was. Then it grabbed me and I woke up.

“Avy, what are you doing here?” I asked. “What did I hit?”

“I felt something was wrong.” Avy shrugged.

“And you hit Emily.” Anna replied. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” I nodded, rubbing my head. “Who tied up her?”

They shrugged.

“I’m not sure if we should stay ‘ere.” Avy whispered. “I hear something.”

“Me too.” I said. I looked around and gulped.
"The thing..it's back agian!" said Chi.
"We got to get out of 'ere"Said Avy.
"Which way is out?"I asked. Suddenly a clocked figure stepped out from behind a tree.
"You would do well not to wonder in these woods less there be only two of the five left." Said the strange in a low hiss.
"Emily!" I called and she came running toward me. We all jumped on her back and she flew up. We burst out of the tops of the trees. I was sure that someone was watching us but I didn't care. Emily landded outside Hagrids hut.
"Thanks Emily,"I said.
"who wa that?" asked Chi climing down off Emily and pating her on the nose.
'It sound like girl" said Avy sliding off Emily's back also.
"Perhaps it was one of the teachers. Proffeser Kadenz is a girl."
"Yeah but why would she cover her face?" asked Chi.
"I don't know,why would she be in the woods?"
Avy and Chi both shrugged.
"C'mon,its almost dinner time!"
We all headed up to the castle. Staving for food.
This was getting wierder and wierder by the minute. It was really starting to freak me out, and I didn't like it, not one bit. It was bad, I didn't like it. I was trying to think, but I'd gotten a seriously bad vibe from whoever it was.

I hoped Emily would be okay. It was terrible that she was tied up.

“I’m not sure if it was one of the teachers.” I muttered as we walked to Hogwarts. “The person was a little short and none of the teachers are short.”

“Well, except for Professor Kadenz.” Anna said.

“Yes, she is short.” Avy nodded.

I thought for a while. “If it was her, what was she trying to do?”

They shrugged and we entered the Dining Hall. I sighed and hurried to the Ravenclaw table. I was supposed to be the smart one of the group. I had to figure out what was going on.

“What’s wrong?” Sara asked.

“Professor Kadenz.” I quietly muttered.

“What?” Mark asked.

“Nothing.” I shook my head and left to go to the library. It was quiet there and I could think.

“Maybe it was a student.” I told myself and sat down.
"Have you guys seen anything funny latly?" I asked ,hours later in the common room.
"Nope" said a girl with curly blonde hair.
I siged and sat down by the fire, mulling over everything. The libary seemed like the place to go. I stood up and was out of the the common room before anybody could stop me. I walked down the long dark corridors to the libary. I herd footsteps. Suddenly a black gloved hand coved my mouth.
"Stop stuggling it will be better for you."said the stranger. I tried every trick I could think of. Finally the stranger hit me over the head and I was out.
I was sitting in the common room, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. "Megs, Ell, have you seen Anna?"

"Nope, haven't seen her mate." Ell said.

"She's in trouble. I'll go see whats wrong." I ran downstairs. "lumos" There had been a struggle. A bad one. I picked up Anna's bandana and gasped. Someone had her. I turned a corner and walked strait into someone. I started to fight as they tried to grab me around the neck, I grabbed their arm, flipped them over me, and made I pulled a harmonica out of my pocket and made them fall asleep instantly. I froze them and waited for them to wake up.

I heard a crash outside the library. I thought it was just another kid tripping and tried to concentrate.

That person was short, thin, and had a quiet voice…


It was Mark and Sara.

“Hi,” I muttered and looked up.

“What are you doing?” Mark asked.

“Nothing.” I replied. Sara was looking at the notebook. It had all my ideas on it. I tried to take it away, but she held onto it.

“Hmm.” Sara muttered. Mark ran over to look.

“No!” I groaned.

“You were in the Forbidden Forest?” Sara cried.

“Yeah.” I nodded.

“What did you do?” Mark asked. His eyes were big.

“Can you leave me alone?” I shouted.

“Okay.” Sara sighed and gave me my notebook. They left. I started to think again when I heard something outside. It was really loud. I ran out of the library to see Avy. She was near some person.

“What’s going on?” I cried.

“Anna’s gone.” She replied. She explained what happened, but then the person on the ground moved.
My head hurt horrible. I looked around,my eye-sight blurry. I was in a dungon it looked like. There was a door on the fartheest part of the chamber. I got up feeling dizy. I went over to the door and pushed. To my surprize it was unlocked. The door moved slowly. I slipped into the outer room. It was furnished in black and white lace. Suddenly I heard footsteps. I looked fanticly around for a hiding place. I spoted draps and headed over to them.I sliped behind the draps just as the door opened. I heard vocies.
"You have failed me,Mr.Malfoy." said a vocie like ice.
"So Draco is on this." I thought to myself.
I peaked around the draps to see Draco bowing his head. I short figure stood in frount of him their back to me.
"Do you know what the punishment is?" the stranger promted.
"No,master." said Draco.
"This!" said the vocie. The stranger pulled out it'sa wand and said"Criccio"
Draco fell to the floor.
"Let this be a lesson to you" said the stranger and walked out the door. After a few moments Draco got up and walked out the door also. I came out of hiding and slipped out the door. I was on the seventh floor corridor. Who could have been the stranger? Several teachers had been replaced. There was Proffeser Kadenz who took over Deffence Agenist the Dark Arts. There was Proffeser Grimming who took over Postions since Snapes death during the war. There was Proffeser Titoby you took over History of Magic and there was Proffeser Bolynn who took over Charms. Boylynn seemed like the person to me. She after all was ansester to Anne Bolynn, King Henry Vlll seconed wife.
(Hey, don't diss Anne Boelyn! Or are you? I'm confused)

I was pacing around, my wand at the person on the floor. "Stupefy" I said as they tried to get up.

"We've got to contain this rat" Chi said.

"I know" I said and picked the guy up, with some help from chi. We dragged him to a room, put him in the chair, and locked the door. We then tied him up and gagged him. The ropes were uncuttable.
(I think we should just change the name or something. I don’t think there should be an argument about Anne Boleyn.)


“We have to find Anna.” I muttered. Avy nodded.

“Where is she?” Avy asked. I shrugged.

“Over here!”

It was Anna. She told us about what had happened. We gasped. I didn’t know what to say.

“We found someone.” Avy said. “He’s here…”

She unlocked the door. No one was inside.

“But…” I started.

“What?” Avy cried. “The ropes…and he was here…”

“What’s going on?” Anne asked.

“We found some stranger walking around.” I replied. “He probably has to do with this.”

“A stranger, another person, and Draco.” Avy sighed.

“I’m not sure what’s happening.” I frowned.
(we settled it)
This mystery was getting wierder and wierder. I was sure the stranger was the one who had caught me.
"C'mon,we sould get to bed before someone finds us." I said. The others nodded. We walked up the stairs. Chi went left why we went right.
"Do you think Chi will be alright?" I asked Avy.
"Probly,if the person dosent grab her from behind..."Just then we heard a blood-curtling shrik from the direction Chi went. Avy and I looked at each other and turned around and started to run to help.
"Someone must have grabbed her from behind" I said.

"Sounds like it."

"What are we gonna do?"


"I know, but how?" I asked.

"The way we do best"

I waved to my friends as I hurried back to the common room. It was dark. I was too tired to even whisper a spell. Then I felt someone grab me and I screamed. I tried to find who it was, but it was too dark and I didn’t see him.

“Let go of me!” I shouted. The person dragged me around. I didn’t know where we were going.

“Who are you?” I asked. I stopped trying to escape. I was too tired.

“Don’t you know who I am?” the person muttered. The voice was really familiar.

“Where are you taking me?”

“You’ll see.”

I was dragged to a tower. I didn’t like going up the steps. I yelled and tried to get away. The person didn’t say anything.

Finally, we were at the top of the tower. He let me go and closed the door. He locked it. I tried to open it with a spell, but it didn’t work.

“You are you??” I cried and sat down.

I saw light. The person smiled. I gasped. What was Draco doing?
"We've fround the tower room,but its locked!" I said i a exsasperated vocie.
"Do you have a hair pin?" asked Avy.
"Thats a stupid question. Don't I always were hair pins when I were my bandanna!"I said as I removed a hair pin from the yellow bandannna I was wereing.
"Yes,thank you." she said and but the pin in the door. There was a soft"click"and the door swang open. Ell,Avy,Megs and I rushed inside to find a knocked-out Draco and a trobled Chi.
"Wow"we all said together.
"Well" I said. Thats all I could say. I heard a noise and spun around. 30 death eaters were coming in. Well. "Remonachordus" A prerecorded lullaby like song swirled around the death eaters, knocking several out cold. That was definetly a useful spell.

“AHHHHH!” I screamed. “What are they?”

“They’re death eaters, Chi!” Avy cried. My friends were trying to stop the cloaked people. I looked for my wand and took it out.

“Death eaters?” I asked.

“Didn’t you learn about them?” Anna shouted. I shook my head and shrugged. The spells weren’t working on them. Twenty of the death eaters were still walking toward us. We tried to open the door, but it was locked again.

“What happened?” Ell muttered. “This is really weird.”

“Yeah.” Megs nodded.

“We can’t stop all of them!” I yelled. Then the door opened and we hurried down the stairs.

“What?” I shrieked. “The stairs lead to another door? Where’s the hall?”

“Just open it and let’s get away from the death eaters!” Anna replied. We shut the door and looked around. We were in a classroom. We quickly shoved all the desks in front of the door.

“Do you think the death eaters will be able to get in?” Avy asked.

“Where’s Draco?” I said. Anna gasped.

“He was in the tower!”

“You’re right.” A strange voice said.
We all spun around. There standing behind us was the death Eaters again with Draco by the side of one. I slapped my forehead.
"Girls,guess what we've been running from," I said.
"What?" they all said together.
"Well,what are all of us most afraid of?" I asked.
"Death Eaters!" they said together again looking at me like I was crazy.
"They are a boggarts!" I said. A wave of relief swepped over the room.
"Redduluis"I said.The boggarts dissapered.
'How?" said Ell.
"Well nothing can get down here that fast except for Boggarts and Draco could have not got down here because he was knocked out by Chi." There came a clapping from the showdows.
"Very good girls,but you have just walked into my trap." The stranger steped into a beam of moonlight. Everybody gasped.
"You," I said. The stranger was...
"Voldemort" I hissed. Soon we were, back to back, and surrounded by death eaters. "Any brilleeant ideas, Chi? Ann?"

"No..." They both gulped.

"Well then. I'm not going down without a fight" I said, drawing my wand.

“This is totally weird.” I muttered and Anna and I took out our wands. I didn’t really enjoy fighting. “Are these real Death Eaters?”

“Yeah.” Avy nodded. “Ready?”

We started yelling spells into the air, but there were too many Death Eaters. I began to get scared. I had to figure out some plan, but I couldn’t think. I couldn’t stand it. I was getting really tired. I started to put down my wand.

“Chi!” Anna shouted. “We have to stop them! Don’t stop!”

“I can’t.” I whispered and fell to the ground. My wand dropped onto the floor. Voldemort took it and grinned. I sighed. Everyone stopped. Suddenly, I had an idea.

I stood up and ran to the door. I began to pull the desks away.

“What are you doing?” Avy cried.

“I’m getting out!” I replied. I tried to open the door. It was locked.

“What?” I shrieked. I felt so angry. I had another idea.

“Voldemort.” I said. “Do you need Death Eaters?”

“No,” he replied. He made them disappear.
Suddenly the door handle began to jiggle.
"What the..."said Chi
The door burst open with so much forse in knocked the door of the hings. There sanding molded in the door way was Hagried,Harry,Ron,and a boy I'd never seen before. They all hurried into room the room to stand next to me and Avy. Chi came over and stood next to me.
"So...reinforesments eh? No matter,I have a back up also" hissed Voldemort. He clapped his hands twice and the Death Eaters was back again. I found it amazing that the whole school hadn't woke up by now. Then I remembered who we were dealing with.
"Now you will feel the wrath of Lord Voldemort,"
The Death Eaters started attacking. Everyone pulled out their wands except for Hagraid who pulled out a battered pick unbrella. Voldemort laughed. It was a high cold sound that sent a shiver up my spine. Suddenly the room seemed to get bigger. More people filled it. At least I thought it was people till the room started to get cold.
"Dementors.." i screamed.
"EXPECTRO PATRONUM!" shouted eight vocies.
Silver shout from everyons wand. Hagrieds was a dragon,MArks(I later found his name to be)took the form of a chimeria. Chi's took the form of basalisk. Avy's was a chreature I had never seen before. Harry's was a stag,Ron's was a lage serpent and mine was a unicorn that was the head of the pack. They swarmed around making the Dementors go back. All of the sudden there was nothing. No Death Eaters,no Volemort,no Dementors. Nothing at all.
I glared, my wand raised. "Revelius!" A blue white flash shot through the room, a strong wind came from no where. Nothing appeared except a black shadow trying to escape. "Stupefy" Everyone shouted at once. The figure fell to the floor.

“Draco.” I muttered.

“How did he come in?” Anna asked.

“Well, Harry, Ron, and Hagrid came in.” I replied. “The door was open. He probably woke up and came to see what was going on.”

We walked over to Draco. He was trying to get out of the door, but we stopped him. Avy asked what he had to do with all of this. He just whispered something, but before we could say anything else, Dumbledore and all the other teachers came into the room. I gulped. Professor McGonagall was looking a little tired.

“Uh, hi.” I smiled.
"What do you think you were doing out of bed?" asked Proffeser McGonagall. "This brakes your old school record,Potter. Six students out of bed in one night and a teacher with them no less,I am ashamed..." Said Mrs.MoGonagall but Dumbledor cut her of.
"Why were you out of bed?" asked Dumbledor to Hagried as thpugh he was a student.
"well her horse here sent me a message that she was in troble." said Hagried.
"You?'Dumbledor asked Harry.
"Same theing happened to me," said Harry blushing though no one could really see it.
"And you Mr.Weasly?" asked McGonagoll.
"I saw Avil being attacked by Death Eaters in my head." said Ron looking at his feet.
"MArk?"Asked Dumbledor. He noded in agreement adout the picture.
"What about you Mr.Malfoy?" said McGonagall to Malfoy.
"I,um... was going to er.. the library and saw that this rooms door was open so I slipped inside.
"Detention,Mr.Malfoy and fifty points from slytherin for you telling such lies. Know of to bed Mr.Malfoy," said McGonagull. Draco left the room muttering about favorites.
Mcgonagall looked back at us tierd as ever.
"You girls have been here two months and already have gotten yourseves into troble, Potter,Weasly you have been going here for five years going on six and this is the fastest you two have gotten in troble. All of you do try and be careful. Know I want eveybody back to their commen rooms." We walked out of the room in pairs. Me with harry,Avirl with Ron and Mark with Chi. The teachers bringing up th rear.
I walked with Ron back to the common room. "Thank you" I said. He blushed. "Good night" I hugged him and turned to go up the stairs to the girls dorms.

I sat down and hummed. laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalalalalalalallalalalalalala.
(Is that long enough?"


I walked back to the common room and waved to Megs, Ell, Avy, Ron, Anna, and Harry. It was still dark. I looked for my wand. It was gone.

“Oh great.” I muttered and sighed.

“What?” Mark asked.

“I lost my wand.” I replied. He held out his wand. “I can’t use your wand, Mark.”

“It’s yours.”

I took it and smiled. “How did you get it?”

“Voldemort dropped it.”


We entered the Ravenclaw common room. Sara was sitting on a chair. She looked worried. When we came in, she jumped up.

“Where were you two?”

“With Harry, Ron, and the rest of my group.” I replied.

“What happened?” she asked.

“Do you want us to tell the whole thing?” Mark said.

I ran up the stairs in the common room. I hgad to send a message to my family. I sat on my bed and thought of my mother.
:you guys have to be careful. Voldemort is going to want revenge:
:Ok,we'll be caeful dear:
I opened my eyes to see someone sitting in frount of me. I yelped but it was only Megs.
"Megs what are you doing?"
"You were talking to yourself"she informed me.

I sighed and slapped my hand against my forehead. I needed some major sleep. Realizing that I went up to the dorm, and I was asleep before I hit my bed. As I fell more deeply asleep, I hoped my night would be free on its usual plague of nightmares.
Character: Forest

We told Sara about what had happened. She seemed so interested while we spoke.

“That must’ve been so scary,” She smiled.

“A little,” I shrugged. Mark nodded.

We went to sleep and the next day at breakfast, saw the rest of my friends. Anna, Avy, and I told them all about yesterday. Megs had already heard about it.
Megan Moore
Apperance: Sandy colored hair. Light skin and penetrating blue eyes. Seems to have a very innocent look about her.
Personality:She is talkative. I mean this girl can talk she jabber jabber jabbers all day. Shes also really sneaky and knows everything about everything. She has excellent hearing and is quiet(like when she walks hence the sneaky)
Pet:A white cat with yellow wings around its paws.
Oudditch: chaser
It had been a very long night a tanked God that it was Saturday the next day. Unforentally I was woken early.
"Get up!" yelled Megs."Today is the first Qudditch Match!"
I popped out of bed at that stament. I was really nevouse! This would be the first Qudditch Match of the year. It was very early and the morning and when I finally rambled my way downstairs I found the whole Griffendor team sitting at the table.
I sat next to Harry who blushed a little and looked away.
"Boy, does everybody get up early on Qudditch day?" I asked Harry. He nodded but said nothing eles.
The day past swiftly and soon we where in the meeting room with Harry standing awardly in front of everybody. He looked very uncomfetalbe so I hopped up and stood next to him.
"If you don't want to make the speech go sit down," I murmmered out of the conner of my mouth. He gave me a graetful look and sat down.
"Know team this is the first match,"I started.
"We've trained hard and we have our plays down to an art. Are you ready to win?"
There was a loud chores of "yea's"
"Then lets gfo get em!" I yelled. They whole team got up and moved out.
"The First Matcch of the year," shouted the commentater Lee Jorden."Griffendor verses Slytherin..."
I flew around the pitch beating things away from people left and right. (I changed to beater cuz harry's seeker and I just now noticed in my bio...oops) I knocked a bludger directly away from Megs's head and she sighed greatfully catching the quaffle again.
Character: Chi {/}

I watched as the Quidditch game began. Everything was amazing, but I hoped that Gryffindor would win.

I couldn’t wait to start a Quidditch game. After this one would be Slytherin against Ravenclaw.

I smiled as I saw Harry see the snitch. Megs was holding the quaffle and Avy flew towards a bludger. Anna was watching and getting ready if one of the Slytherin chasers was going to come in her direction.

I wished everything was going to be good. I hoped that my friends would win the game today.

Megs scored. I watched as Harry got closer to the snitch.
Harry zoomed closer and closer to the snitch. It seemed that everyone was standing on edge waiting to see if he made it. A bludger suddendly whizzed by my ear and was zooming ever faster towards Harry. THe bludger hit Harry right when he was about to grab the snitch. The bludger mst have been hexed because it slammed him straight into the stands supports and a huge thick slam echoed through the silence. The entire Gryffindor team rushed over. Airianna and I were the first ones over to Harry.

Harry seemed to be passed out by clutched tightly in his hand was the snitch. Carefully I peeled it out of his hands and zoomed out and spun around showing that Harry had caught it as the noise "Gryffindor Wins!" radiated off of every face.
I was pretty woried, as I always was, but this was a knew sort of worry. I had never even felt sorry for a boy! This was knew to me and I really didn't know what to do. I had to ask someone about it. I knew the girls would make fun of me and tell me I was in love and make bird nosies... was I?
It was a guestion I could not answer. I helped the people be putting Harry under a Floting Charm and took him to the hospitle wing. The woman who ran the wing ran over as soon as Harry was in the door.
"It's him again?" said the hearty woman.
"Yes,ma'am," I said.
"You'll have to stay with him till he wakes up, dear and then call me when he does," she said and showed me where to sit. I sat heavily and waited. What would the Girls say know? I had told them at the very begging of the first adventure that I waited for no one, and here I was waiting.
"All right you bloody little git!" I screamed and tried to catch the bludger. I lost sight of it and then it hit me in the head and knocked me off my broom 5 feet above the ground (I somehow managed to blow it up, go figure) I just remember blacking out. I woke up in the hospital wing to voices.

"Ai , this reminds me of my first game. Ai, took a bludger to the head and woke up in the hospital two days later...wait..I think she's coming around"

"She's awake!" Megs yelled. I sat up.

"Of course I am! Did you think I'd get knocked out for over a few minutes. 'Ow long as it been"

"Long enough that your accent is overexaggerated."

"Greaaaaaaaat" I sighed and sat up.
Character: Chi

I wondered if Harry and Avy were awake as I approached the hospital wing. Strolling inside, I saw that both of them were talking to each other and that Anna and Megs were there too.

“Hi Harry, hi Avy,” I grinned. They looked like they were fine.


“I’m glad Gryffindor won.”

Avy nodded. Mark and Sara came into the hospital wing.

“Hi,” I smiled. “You were watching Harry?”

Anna nodded and replied, “Yes,”

Ell soon came into the room too.
We where all in the hospitle wing when Draco Malfoy came in.
"I came in to laugh at your injures," he said in an icey vocie.
"Thanks MAlfoy," said harry sitting up in his bed.
"Gryffindor may have won this one, but wjhen Gryffindor plays Ravenclaw!" said Malfoy and walked out of the room with a wierd smile on his face. I looked down at HArry who looked away. What was wrong with him? I looked at Avy who just shrugged. This was getting very odd, but it wasn't as odd as what I heard when I was walking by myself in the Entrace Hall.
Madem Pomfrey had made everyone leave as it started to get dark. Harry was to leave in two hours if he could tell her what the Hogis Charm was.
I was walking around the Entrace Hall when I heard a vocie coming from the broom closet. I walked quietly over and put my ear to the door. It was HArry's vocie. He was with...Avy! What where they talking about. I tried to listen closer, but all I got was there vocies mumbling together.
(oops..been my turn for a while eh?)

"You like her, do you not?" I asked, with a rather large grin on my face.

"Yes.." Harry said kind of quietly.

I started giggling. "I'll help you out..but maybe you could help me with something else, no?"
(Yes this campfire is finally going again!)
I walked away from the broom closet and up the stair case. We had a weekend the next day and it had been a long day...I was tired, maybe things would be better in the morning.
I got into bed and closed my eyes. Soon I was asleep and I habd the strangest dream.
It was the day of the Ravenclaw match. We were all ready for the worst. We were just starting to go out on the field when Ms. McGonagall came to us and said, "There is no Quiddtch MAtch today. Harry, Avi, Arianna...you had better come with me. The rest of you go back to the common room."
We followed McGonagal onto the field, there in the middle was Chi face down.
"It seems as if she has been pertrified...or something of the sort." Said Ms. McGonagal with a pale face.
We turn Chi over and to our horror her face was twisted and her skin was a grayish color. I let out a scream and woke up.
END OF DREAM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I sat up in bed with cold sweats. Outside it was just starting to dawn. I couldn't go back to sleep after that dream. SO I changfed into my everyday close and went downstairs.

© Copyright 2003 Socttish_Dancer4, BROCC-ZILLA, Forest, Pravda vítězí, (known as GROUP).
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