Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/708395-The-CardMaster
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Fantasy · #708395
In a similar world to ours a dark anciant power is stirring
This is my second campfire and i still can't right these intro thingys but to cut it short:
In a world similar to ours there is a dark anciant power stiring. Long ago in the days of Aradai (much like Egypt) this power had been imprisoned but now 1500 years later it has been awoken, brought back to life through cards created by a strange man called Zereph.
A Prophecy long told by the Kiakain Tribe was brought to light.
(center)Straying alone,
Through winds and wild.
The protector of all,
A lonely child.
The Forbidden One,
Will be unlocked again.
Forgotten and angry,
Stripped of stone.
Astrax, Thorax, Cinna and Sanumio
Revolve in twelve.
Linked by He, Iuvelax.
So deeper to the Cinnal delve.
They who call His name,
Will hold to life in greatness.
Evil will writhe in pain,
Their cruelty come back home.

It was chanted around the campfires.
My character is the CardMaster himself but there are many others in his group. This is the tale of them, their meeting and how they evolved. Magic is definately present and if you want the rules look in the static. When you send in your character please include:
Name: (unless you want to be secretive at first)
Age: (unless unknown)
Race: (LOTR is accepted)
Familiar Type: (Must have.)
Magic: (If any)
Weapon: (If any)
Looks: (Includes clothing)
Weaknesses: (Do NOT have an unbeatable character)
Other: (Past, Race info ect)

Contan gazed blankly into space. It all seemed such along time ago that this had all started. The cards by his side seemed to call out to him. He hated them at first, he remembered that. He had tried to burn them but his hand just would not obey. He remebered so many memories of the recent years of his life. But where was he from? Where did he belong? What was he?

"Oi! You mate!" an angry yell was thrown his way, "Waddiya doin' in our ground?"

Slowly he rose turning as he did so, "I was sitting, I was thinking and I was considering what i was going to do in this pathetic little town." he cooly.

"Well ged out." said another boy.

"Sorry but see no post telling me who owns this land."

"It's ours." the first advanced on him with a fist raised, "See."

Contan smiled wryly and pushed the fist away, "No."

"Shall we ged 'im?" the Boy asked the group behind him.

"Yeah." a few of them said but one turned away.
"I'm not a part of this," she said.

"Eli!" the Boy cried. She took no heed. So he turned back to Contan.

"I see you're very busy. I think I'll call again when you've got time." Contan winked at the gang lifted a Phoenix card and cried, "Hekil Sol Toran." with a whoosh beneath his feet he felt himself being transported.

The tree's towered above him. He had called out Toran obviously. He groaned and kicked a tree. Why did these Cards never work.

"Contan..." a voice echoed through the trees, "Contan..."

He whipped around.

"No Child. I am right next to you." the voice continued, "Don't look up there. Open the ground by the base of the oak. Go on."

He stayed still. Something told him to do as the voice said but... Could he trust it?

"Trust me."

That was enough for him. With no more hesitation he whent to the huge knarled oak tree and bent down.

"Slip you fingers under the knot."

Frowning he did as he was told he slipped his fingers under and pushed it up. A hole appeared under him and he fell. Down in the blackness. With a crunch of dead leaves he landed on the bottom. The voice had gone.
Contan looked around, his eyes adjusting as he did so. On the wall infront of him was a silver knob. Climbing to his feet he went to it. His hand touched it and the door swung open to reveal a room with golden walls. He noticed a silver sword hanging on the wall. It, like the Cards, seemed to draw him.
As he touched it a new voice said,

"I am the Dragon Sword bear me well and i will fight for you. Turn to the West."

Contan turned to West, the Sword still in his hands and saw a shining set of throwing knives. Before he went to them he put the sword in it's scabbard and put it on to his belt.

"I am The Knives of the Tyr." The Knives seemed to say as he touvhed them, "Keep me well and i will serve you. Turn to the North."

This time Contan strapped them across his chest before going to the North wall. There was a strange symbol on a heavy platinum chain. With a shaking hand he took it down.

"When you wear me I protect you. When you use me I will empower you. When you need me I will do what you want of me but remember this. That which you do will come back thrice. In me is your deck. Build on it. Use it well. You are the CardMaster and I am now yours."

The voice of the Symbol still rang in his head. But that did not bother Contan. What made him sweat at night was the long passage in his dreams. The one with the locked doors in the sides. The one which every so often brancked off into blackness or ran to some evils lair. And ten there was the lack of knowing. The last memory was of the day when he had found the things. Why was that the case? What had happened before then? Well he had no time now. Now he had to quit reminising and move on. He had a job to do.

Character: Forest

It was bright and sunny today. I woke and quickly got dressed. My little brother was still sleeping, but my older sister was awake. She was eating breakfast. I wasn’t very hungry so I hurried outside. It was a little cold, but it was okay.

I was riding on my horse when I heard someone coming. I stopped and listened. I decided to see who it was. I kept on riding.

“Hello,” I said. “Who are you?”

I saw a person. He stopped. “I am Contan.”

“Why are you here?” I asked.

“You don’t need to know.” He replied and rode past me. I wondered what he was doing.

“Please tell me.” I said.

“I told you that I won’t tell you why I am here.” He muttered and rode away. I was curious and really wanted to know what was going on.

“Please!” I cried. Then I saw a card on the ground. I picked it up and looked at it for a while. Maybe the person had dropped it or something.

Contan had always enjoyed riding, but not when annoying girls questioned his right to be there. At least that was what it seemed to him. Prehaps he was over estimating the skills of this village.

"Alwyn." He called out.

His dragon apperated infront of him.

"Fly ahead. Find the closest inn."

<Yes Contan.> The dragon disappeared again and Contan nudged the horse into a canter.

The Corner was obviously a ruffians dream. Women hung out of windows beconing to passers by. Contan frowned. So this was the closest inn. He knew he had a choice to go in or not. But he had not rested his horse or himself for a number of days...

"You goin' in dere?"

Contan looked down. An urchin stood at the horse's feet. The face of that street child made up his mind.

"No." He replied shortly, "Do you know where the nearest hotel is."

"I know. An' i'm glad you don' wanna go in dere. My sis works dere you see."

"Will you show me the way?"

"Yes mister. If you can pay up."

Contan smiled wryly and pulled a pouch from his pocket, "How much?"

So this was how the rich lived here. Interesting. It was so different now from when he had last visited. There was a knock on his door. With a sigh he rose from the comfy seat and answered it. The urchin was there, filthy and if possible, looking worse than before.

"There's a card player in The Corner." the urchin said holding out his dirty hand for Contan's coin.

"Wait a moment kid." Contan ashed inside for his cloak and deck.

"You ready mister."

"Here. Good work." Contan was surprised the boy had remembered his command to be told if a card match came up. But then again, gold was about the most memorable thing in anyone's mind.

The crowds parted for the strange, dark cloaked Contan. He had done this many times. His dragon flew at his side. It was the custom to show who you were before a duel. but apparently no one remembered his last trip.

"Well, Jhoan." He said, finding the opponents name almost immediately, "Are you ready?"

Character: Forest

I galloped through the woods carrying the card. I wondered where he was. Looking at the card I was holding, I stopped. I’d been riding for a while. I looked around. I saw a young boy who was holding some money.

“Hi,” I smiled. “Where is your sister?”

“Katherine is inside.” He replied.

“Have you seen someone arrive? He was on a horse.” I asked.

“Yes, I did see someone.” He grinned. He told me about Jhoan and the person who had recently came. I thanked him and hurried away.

“What is going on?” I cried, running up to the person I’d seen a while ago.

“Why did you ask about who I was a while ago?” He asked.

“I thought that I’d seen you before, and wondered if you were the person that had come here before.” I replied. I showed him the card I’d found. “Is this yours? I saw it on the ground when you left.”

“Yeah, it is.” He nodded. “Thanks. I’m Contan.”

“I’m Forest.” I said. “Good luck.”

I left to watch. I looked at the dragon that was near Contan.

They started the game.
Zen sat with his back to the tavern wall in the far corner of the room. He’d been sitting in that corner for three days and hadn’t moved. He had drawn quite a crowd as people tried to get him to move. The tavern keeper had made him an atraction and had put up a reward to the person to brake him of his trance but changed a price for a chance. All sorts of people had came to try, they threatend him, offered half the prize money, women came and promised themselves to him. But Zen just sat there.

<This is really starting to bore me> he though. <it was your idea to came here> came an answer. <We had to come, I senced that great destanys will begin here> he though back. <but did you have to just sit here>came the voice again. <yes>. Suddenly he felt a great surge of power and stood up. The boy how was begging him to move lept back in shock. "Yyyooouu moved" he gasped. Zen then strode briskly out the door and into the street and then saw what hed caused the surge. A game was about to begin, <This is what we’ve been waiting for> he thought.
A Non-Existent User

I sat in a tall tree just outside the inn. Eclipse, my companion, blended in with his surroundings at the base of the tree. His black body was completely invisible, and his rainbor horn was safely hidden by my magic. He was a unicorn, many would say that he is mine. But unicorns are not owned by anyone, they simply allow one to travel with them. Eclipse and I had been traveling together since he was a foal. He had been abandoned by his herd because of his odd appearence. The only black unicorn, the others saw him as an abomination, a fearful omen. Eclipse had been ostrasized, and I found him in a clearing. He was dying. Unicorns feed off of love and good feelings. Eclipse had none. So our friendship was wonderful for him. I gave him what he needed to become strong, and he, in turn, protected me and let me ride him on rare occasions. Lhi. Do you sense it?

Yes, dear Eclipse... I went through the travelers minds as they entered. Only one seemed to be able to block my attempts.

I hope you did not try to get past his walls. You know that kills mortals!

Of course I did not. I wanted to... There is something within that mind, something important. But not so important as to kill him. Shall we investigate a bit further?

Lhi, you already know the answer to that.

I laughed. That was our way. Eclipse and I spoke to each other with our mind's. It was difficult for him to speak my language, but his mind was extraordinarily sensitive to mine. Therefore we were able to bridge the gap between species much more easily. I leapt down from the tree. I raised my hood so that hardly any of my face showed. I recast an invisibility spell on Eclipse's horn. I raised my locket to my mouth and whispered into it. "Show me. Amirenin sei setiet"

They were the words to unlock my locket's power. It glowed lightly. I walked into the inn, and Eclipse positioned himself by an open window just out of sight. It was time to find him, the one who so forcibly kept me from his mind.

What was this? As a crowd gathered he knew even more certainly that this was going to be short. He looked at his hand. The queen of Phoenix, Ace of Dragon, Magic Nine, Ten of Rats, Two of Machines. This was to easy.

"I play this card face..."

"It's the Three of Rats." Contan said icely, "Play that and i will destroy you in one move."

And he could. His dragon could wipe it all out at once. His opponent lay the down any way.

The end was so short and with no triumph and yet he knew something was about to happen.

"You there!" Came a voice as the quivering cardplayer ran off, "I canlenge you to a duel!"

I watched as someone walked to Contan. Contan shrugged.

I smiled. It wasn’t too late and the sun was going to set in a few hours. It was warm outside.

“Sure.” He nodded, even though he was feeling a little sad. Some people were coming back. I had stayed. Everyone talked. I hoped Contan wasn’t nervous.

They started.

I am so sorry I didn't realize it was my turn.
and I forget to put my character biography last time sorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorry

?Name : Zen

Age: unknown

Race: shadow mystic

Familiar Type: shadow beast. A creature made of shadow that lives in his shadow. It can come
out and assume any shape it desires

Magic: ability to pass from one shadow to another, form objects out of shadow. Doesn’t require
sleep or sustenance and has super senses with the exception of his eyes because he’s blind.

Weapon: black oak staff, and twin saber

Personality: a loaner by nature prefers his own company but can work in a society.

Looks: wears a black cloak that covers his body completely his skin is black and his eyes and
hair is also black.

Strengths: as I said can pass from one shadow to another so can break in to any building easily
and can travel very fast by "shadow hoping"

Weaknesses: no light means no shadow and he loses most of his power with out shadows. His
super senses make him vulnerable to very load noise

Other: has been alive so long he can’t remember how old he is. Has been searching for others
like him for centuries. Has gathered immense knowledge and is well
learned in the old arcane magic and has a phenomenal understanding of the human mind.

Zen stood with his back against the wall of a building and watched as the loser of the duel that
had just taken place ran off and someone ?challenge the winner to an other one. "Hey you!" came
a voice. Zen didn't need to turn to know what the person wanted. A group of men strode towards
Zen and surrounded him. "You owe me some money. I paid to get you to move and you didn't but
you let some punk kid take all the prize money." Zen didn't answer. "so I’m going to get whats
due," the man drew a sword,"one way of another." He swung his sword high intending to take
Zens head off. THUD. the sword implanted itself into the wall Zen was standing by but Zen
wasn't there. from the roof of a near by house, shadowed by a tower, Zen watched the men
looking for him. when Zen was satisfied that they wouldn't find him he turned his gaze to the
duel. <perhaps you should keep an eye on young Contan>.His shadow quivered and a portion on
his shadow detached itself from the main shadow and slid down the wall and bonded to Contan’s
shadow. <now we can keep track of him>.
A Non-Existent User


I watched this duel from the shadows. I heard the name Contan uttered, he was the one. I felt it immediately upon seeing him. Eclipse!

Have you found him? The one who blocked you?

I have indeed. He is exactly as you say. The One.

Eclipse had realized. The word Erieale is an Elvin word, and we both knew what it meant...

In all my years... He has finally come. The test will come soon enough for him. This game is the first step toward greatness. It is my duty to offer assistance should he need it.

But for not Inahli you must let events play out.

True enough. When he is finished, his true journey begins.
I stepped further into the shadows. I started to cast a spell, one to mask the locket about my neck, for Contan must not know that I have it. Not yet... Before the spell was fully cast, the vision came. I jerked backwards and then crept from the inn as quickly as I could without drawing attention to myself. Eclipse! Where are you?

He galloped to me. He must not see me. My vision has spoken the truth of what I feared. I must not interfere, soon enough things shall fall into place. For now I must remain hidden. We must make haste my friend, back to the trees. I will be able to sense what is happening even if I cannot see it. Perhaps I may also be able to lend a helping hand, sometimes fate needs a push in the right direction...

Angeless was covered by a heavy pile of rubble that had fallen on him. His left arm was sticking out of the side and his hand twitched as he came to. The rubble should have kept him trapped but since he face face down he pushed up and emerged from the rubble. Yanking his cape/robe free of the rubble he picked up his lance and slid it into his robe and felt it disappear into the material. Sniffing the air he smelt the smell of fresh meat. shaking his head he clenched his fists and looked at the golden gloves on his hands.

"May the light give me strength "sighed Angeless as he ran nearer to the smell of flesh and blood.

For his height he was very speedy and he was moving with such speed that his feet barely even touched to ground. He jumped and landed crouching on a small boulder. His cape was billowing in a unfelt wind. He was looking even darker in the seting sun. A halow of Golden light surrounding him as he crouched ontop of the boulder.

"What do we have here. Food or company "asked Angeless opening his in-human mouth and showing off a blue tounge and pearly white teeth.

He'd forgoten how different his Necroform's face was to his human face. He was more of a inhuman monster when he was in his Necroform.

Contan was quite calm on the outside but throughout his head sirens were going off. Carefully he shuffeled his cards. The top five were to be his hand and often defined the out come of the match. For some reason he knew that if he lost to this stranger he would be worse off than many of the dead.

-name- he sent out a mind reach for the item of knowlege he wanted.
-Yan- came back the answer.

"Well Yan. Shall we begin?"

Yan merely smiled, "I've been watching you for a long time and now it is time to test you."

The words puzzeled him but then shook them off, there was no point in dwelling on the meanings of idle points of psycology. He was not going to quail infront of this man. A man, he realised, who was neither of the dark of the light.

Contan's hand contained Illusion cards : the eight of magic, the queen of magic and the king of song. Then he had two fighting cards : The Queen Phoenix and The Four of Wolvern Army. It was good. Not the most powerful but a phoenix and song and magic was strong as was wolvern army with magic. He laid his stratagy in his head.

"I lay down the King of Rats combined with the Nine of Darkness." Yan said coolly, "Think you can match that Contan."

Contan said nothing. Instead he set his Phoenix card down combined with the Queen of Magic.

The Rat and the darkness was lifted from the board.

The next card played was the Ace of Quezalba. The phoenix destroyed it instantly.
Something was oddly familiar about this and he could not remember why. Something moved at his right and a dark form melted into view.
Character: Forest

I watched the game and it looked like Contan was winning so far.

For a while I watched the game go on. It looked like Contan was doing well. I smiled while I watched.

I saw someone behind Contan and wondered who it was. Contan saw him and looked at him.

“My name is Zen,” He muttered.

Contan grinned. “I’m Contan,”

Zen nodded. Everyone was looking at him, and so was Yan. I didn’t know why Zen was here.
A Non-Existent User
Lord Edmond stretched his arms. It had been awhile since he had doen battle with the king's army, and now that he had gone into retirement only to be dragged back out for another mission, he wasn't used to the hard work now. His family had needed him, and he left them at their country estate again.

Edmond sighed.

Three bandits had just tried to rob him of his gold crowns, which he had few of already, and he had taken them out with his halberd. At least he still had skills.

Edmond rode on, troubled by the thought of what the world was coming to. It was a paladin's job to stop evil and be an example of chivalry, and people were supposed to learn for them. But it seemed the world was going to hell, figuratively of course. Bandits rode around the woods like they owned it, robbing passer-bys and merchants.

Edmond came upon a village. The mission this time was simple from the king. He recalled it.

"It is good to see you again, Lord Edmond. I did not think you would readily agree with coming back for another mission, but it involves the Oracle," said the king, taking a seat at a round table.

"How can I serve you again, m'lord?" bowed Edmond.

"The oracle has seen someone she has been keeping a close eye on. I do not know him by name, but she calls him the Cardmaster. The reason I pulled you out of your estate, was that his future seems to be closely tied to you... and the future of the world."

"What do you mean?"

"You are to meet this Cardmaster, and see what is going on from there. She can't see it herself, but I believe that it is urgent that you go. It is fate."

"If this is the fate of the world, I shall go," said Edmond. He turned to leave and was stopped at the door by the king's question.

"How is your family taking this?" asked the king.

Edmond hesitated. He turned and lied,"Wonderful."

Edmond was out the door. The king shook his head in grief, knowing that Edmond's fate in his ties with the Cardmaster would end somehow.

Edmond stopped at a local inn, the Blue Goblet. It looked cheap enough, and night was showing in the sky.
It had not been part of the plan to reveal himself so soon but Yan changed everything. If Yan was hear then the others can’t be far behind. As soon as the duel ends they will have to leave. Zen reached out into the crowd with his mind and found the girl. She will be easier to convince. “Stay away Zen,” Yan called, “you cannot interfere with this.” “True, I cannot interfere but I can block out the .... unwanted effects of your presence. You’ll have to play fair now.” Yan looked furious. “What are you talking about?” Contan asked. “I’ll explain later. Now beat him fast so we can get
out of this town.”
A Non-Existent User


I saw Contan win the duel against Yan. Not with my physical eyes, but with my Seer's eye. The game ended quickly after a Shadow Mystic found him.

What was a Shadow Mystic doing here? I thought to myself. Eclipse do you have enough Unicorn magic to sustain yourself as a human?

For a time yes. Do you wish to meet the Erieale?

Yes. My vision is not panning out as I hoped. I believe that some magical intervening is in order.
With that, Eclipse changed from his Unicorn self into a small child. The small he was, the longer his magic could sustain him.

We walked back into the inn, I looked to Contan, who was receiving congratulations on his win. Zen!?

My mind raced, Zen was the Shadow Mystic I had seen with my Mind's eye. His magic was a strong one, and his goal was to get Contan to leave. But why? Why would Zen want Contan to leave the inn. I cast a quick spell and masked my locket. When he figured out that my locket needed to be kept secret, he would hopefully have enough sense to keep his mouth shut until the proper time. I cast another spell. This spell was a strong one, it made the inn shake. People fell to the ground and dove under tables. Zen on the other hand pulled Contan out of the room.

I waited for them outside the still shaking inn. "I suggest that you find horses as soon as possible."

Zen nodded, recognizing me. It had been some time since we had last met, but he still knew me. And he knew that he could trust me. He whistled and a shadow creature with the shape of a horse emerged from the darkness of night. Eclipse changed back to his Unicorn self, and I jumped on his back. Zen and Contan mounted the shadow horse and we galloped far away from the inn.

I did not look back to see if anyone followed, but I had the feeling that soon we would meet up with someone of importance.


"Inalhi, you look well."

"As do you. I assume that you are here for the same reason I am." I was a vague as possible.


"Shall we spend the night here? It is safe, Eclipse offered to take watch. I know you have no need of sleep, but some deserved rest might do you some good."

"Some time off my feet would be a nice change." He paused. "We can explain this to Contan in the morning."

"Some of it at least. There are truths he must learn on his own to be the Erieale."

He sighed and looked at Contan, who was sitting under a tree deep in thought. I glaced at them both. So much will change in a very short amount of time. No of us are ready for this...

Angeless was following the scent of somebody with power and alot of it. He found two people sleeping and one under a tree. He shuddered as he felt a familier power. The black skin over his face split and ran back and revield a handsom human face. Every fiber of his body was telling him to kill the people. But he was resisting them with all his strength.

"So you're what has been following us "said a voice near him.

In a flash of green light and smoke Angeless had his lance pointing at the throat of the person who had spoken to him. Something was wrong very wrong. Falling to his knee's he still had the lance pointing at the throat of the person.

<Kill them. They will kill you if you don't kill them first>

"No. I will not kill "shouted Angeless dropping the lance and falling backwards and passing out.

The lance turned to a smokey substance and disappeared.
Name:Rudrimess Therean (Dream-Flyer-Elvin Sky-Rider)

Age: looks 20 (unknown)

Race: apears Elvin

Familiar Type: Wolf -Lyhar (wise wolf)

Magic: Bardic, Druid and magical tattoos on her back that look like wings she can push
them out to have leathery wings. There is also a tatoo of a vine around her arm that moves and apears to grow occasionaly (mysterious)
Weapon: Long bow

Personality: sweet girl prefers animals and woods over humans anyday. will sit and talk to anyone loves to sing and tell stories.

Looks: Long blonde hair that hangs to her waist her hair is so fair its allmost
a silvery blonde. her eyes change colors to Green when she is casting or in the
woods to Blue if she is happy and out of the woods and Stone grey allmost
silver when she is angry. she wheres black blue or green pants and poet shirts
in the woods and poet shirts with skirts in town. allways wheres a black cloak
with a beautifull cloak pin of a vine and a silver chain that holds a pandant with a fairy and flowers on one side and a muse on the other the muse faces outwards and usally this is hidden under her shirt and is rairly seen it was in a box with her that the Elves gave her in hopes that it would help her on her quest.

Strengths: she can comunicate with animals shoot a bow her druid magic she is
very stealthy and quick

Weaknesses: she has a strong fear of undead a hatred for Drow and a dislike for
rude heavy drinking I am better then elves aditude dwarves. not fond of cities

Other:no one
knows how she came about with the tattoos she doesn't know either of her
parents but she has the looks and the magic of the elves and so she was raised
by a comunity of sylvan in the woods to the west. She can speak with animals
and animals are attracted to her. She also has a voice that is uniquely
enchanting and catches the ears and thoughts of all who hear it. is on a quest to discover her past has left the elven lands in hopes to stumble across something.

Rudrimess and Lyhar wandering down the path just leaving the Elven lands but yet still with in the company of the forest as Dawn aproached they reached the end of the forest seeing strange company she slowed as she aproached one looked as she was just waking the other sound asleep and two whom looked wide awake I got an eary feeling as I aproached this group with caustion. Lyhar curious yet senced slight danger quietly started to say something and thought it better not too as we got closer his hairs began to rise on the back of his neck I tried to calm him by running a hand down his back. When they noticed I aproached.

Something was going on. Something he had a vague memory of but still did not understand. Alwyn was nervous for a reason neither of them were quite sure of. All they knew was that the stranger that had met them outside and was a part of it. With out knowing why he realised they had left a peice of whatever this puzzel was behind them. Forest. She was involved in this something no one could make sense of. As he lent back against the tree he thought of the game he had just played.

There was something wrong with what had happened.
<Alwyn? Did you notice anything unusual about the way Yan was playing or is it just me?>
<I had an odd feeling about it i admit but nothing of any importance, i'm afraid.>
<I know it sounds wierd but it felt familiar. Like something i'd done before. Deja Vu-ish.>
Alwyn was silent for a moment, <We've left all our stuff behind. I could go and.....>
<We haven't left anything of any importance. I've all those things we were given with me and you're hear so let's keep it that way alright.>
Alwyn sighed and slid into her physical form. She flew gracefully from side to side. "I don't like it." she said after a moment, "I really don't. It doesn't seem right."

A voice. A familiar voice but one he had never heard. A bell. A distant bell but one that sounded close by. Then a roar. A roar that grew closer and closer with every second. The roar scratched at his mind and made him want to run away but he found that he could not move.
A darkness began to form on the horizen. A white horse appeared next to him with a shadowy character as a rider. On the other side of the horse and rider appeard more Shades. All with a white mark somewhere on them.
As the roar grew louder still the dark became more apparent.
If he looked left he saw red faces glaring down on the scene and if he looked right he saw red faces also. The eyes of the left red faces showed blood lust, anger, hatred and each of their mouths were grinning insanely.
The red faces on his right had eyes showing, a different anger, looks of deepest sadness and in one or two nothing.
The rao grew to a crescendo of noise and black riders and dark walkers ran forward towards the shadowy forms, swords raised on both sides now they met and the roar became back ground noise under the crash of metal and the first dying scream -

Name: Aidan

Age: 18

Race: Human

Familiar Type: Siberian Tiger

Magic: Telekinetic and Seer

Weapon: Sword of unknown origin

Personality: Mysterious and “tough”. She’ll let nothing stand in the way of
what she wants.

Looks: Raven hair mid-way down her back and ice blue eyes. Tight black pants
and black vest tied up in the front. She is often mistaken for a magic caster due
to her ivory skin tone and unbreakable gaze. She is 5’5” with a good figure and
a beautiful face.

Strengths: Clever

Weaknesses: Doesn’t trust anyone

Other: Rumored that she comes from a royal bloodline.


The full moon filtered through the trees illuminating Aidan’s figure as she trekked through the rolling dark forest of Ammon. Her body moved to the beat of its own drum as she closed her eyes and relished the smell of the beautiful cornflower that lingered in the air like a dainty perfume. Lumière, her tiger let out a low growl. Aidan stopped in her tracks and instantly dropped to the ground. Up ahead was what looked like a campsite along with a motley sort of crew. A man with eyes of steel caught her attention and sent shivers down her spine. This was the one who had summoned her. He was the man with the cards…

Aidan turned silently towards Lumière. “Go back to the mainland and wait for me there. If there is any trouble here, you will know.”

The tiger gazed into Aidan’s eyes for a second before silently disappearing into the caliginous woods. Aidan stealthily crawled into the shadows and approached the campsite. Suddenly cold hands grabbed her around the waist. She tried to scream, but a dark hand clasped over her mouth.

“What do we have here, a spy?” The voice said while dragging her towards the campsite. Aidan gave him a sharp blow to his ribs with her elbow. His grip let go and she stumbled into the middle of the camp. Her sword was drawn and she stood in a fighting stance. Her ice blue eyes dared them to make a move.

“There’ll be none of that, Zen.” A strong voice said from behind her as Zen was raising his staff to meet her challenge. She turned around to meet the cardmaster face to face…

It was getting dark and Zen had been waiting for a chance to get Inalhi out of ear shot of Contan. “It’s been awhile Inalhi, the last Bouron Dynasty I believe.”

Inalhi smiled, “Just after King Terial VI declared war on the current rebel movement, what was that one called?”

Zen shrugged, “Their have been so many I can’t remember all of them, that’s what’s wrong with humans, they can never accept changed they always fight against it.”

Inalhi chuckled a bit then her looker at Zen seriously, “Do you think he’s ready now?”

Zen shook his head, “They never are in the beginning. We need to groom and train this one just like the last, but we don’t have as much time and they know we are getting ready. Yen was just the first; Zereph has a nearly inexhaustible supply of underlings to choose from. This isn’t going to be easy.”

Inalhi sighed, “When is it ever easy?”

The two stood there for sometime thinking about what was to come when Zen heard something. It wasn’t much but it was enough to put him on edge. He stared hard at Inalhi to get his attention then told him in a long dead sigh language someone was coming and they had to get back to the camp. Inalhi vanished in an instant and Zen stepped into the shadow of a tree and disappeared. Inalhi reappeared just outside the camp and walked into the fire light. Contan looked up and asked, “Where is Zen?”

Inalhi walk up to Contan, leaned in close and whispered, “Someone’s coming.” Then he sat down by the fire and looked as if nothing was wrong. Inalhi heard the intruder creep in close, then he felt a faint tingle where his invisible locket hung as Zen stepped out of the shadows behind the intruder. Their was a little shaking in the bush’s and a woman stumbled into the camp, sword drawn, staring hard at Zen. He raised his staff preparing to bring the her down when Contan said, “There’ll be none of that, Zen.”
He mumbled a little as he got to his feet. He rolloed his head and his neck cracked a few times.

"For such a small thing you really know how to hurt people "Smiled Angeless striding into camp.

As he had expected they all drew their weapons at the sight of him. He was in full necroform again and he paused.

"You have nothing to fear from me...Besides I'm already dead so killing me won't work "bowed Angeless as his human face was reveild by his necro armour.

"Why are you here then? "asked a man with a staff?

"I am searching for the one called The Cardmaster. I wish to be of servis to him "Sighed Angeless kneeling down as he looked at Contan before lowering his head and looking at the ground.

"-Stay still. Wait for them to make their disission. After that wait for them to tell you that you can move- "he said to himself in his head.

"Please get up. You do not have to bow to me "said a calm voice.

Standing up he raised his hand and a card apeared in it. holding it out. There was a picture of himself on it but with a pair of black feather wings.

"The wings of redemption. This will free all cursed cards in your posession...and it is yours Cardmaster "he said giving it to Contan.

"You knew it was me "asked Contan with a small smile?

"My kind have a sense for thing's of the old world. I was simply being curtius "smiled Angeless.

"What are you then? "asked a girl?

"Not a man amung us knows. Neither living nor dead. But one thing is for certain I am called Angeless "bowing his head again.

"I've heard that name before somewhere "said the man with the staff.

"It is no surprise. I am old very old. All I know is Zeraph stole my memory. Which means I am in the dark about many things. But Zeraph is my enamy "he smiled.
Rudrimess stayed at a distance of the group asking Lyhar to keep a close watch of them listening to them talk of Contan the Card Master she had heard the legends and with this she finally aproached there camp asking Lyhar to follow at a short distance. I Checked myself making sure my tattoos were out of sight and walked into the group. They being very nervous of another intruder drew there weapons causing Lyhar to growl and close the distance between me and him. I quickly removed my bow and quiver and placed them on the ground.

"I have been watching you from a distance for a while now and I have heard that you are to be the Card Master I have heard of the legends and would like to aid you in your Journey... Lyhar enough!" Rudrimess said and Lyhar whimpered and stood beside her.

"This is my companion Lyhar or Wise wolf in your tongue. Please exept our service I know these woods I have lived here for many years amongst the elves." Rudrimess then reached down and picked up her bow and quiver and placed each back across her back.

Rudrimess looked over the one named Angeless and quickly remembered her lack of manners.

"Do you have a name?" Asked Contan

Rudrimess rather embarassed "Yes I am Rudrimess Therean which translates to your tongue as The Elven Dream flyer and Sky Rider. Angeless your legend has reached the woods aswell its a ..... Pleasure to meet you." Lyhar senced the lack of sincerity in her last statement and shot a glance at him and moved between him and Rudrimess. Lyhar could sence the magic flowing through Rudrimess as she tried to styfel her emotions and keep from revealing her magics. Rudrimess layed a hand on Lyhar and looked to the group to see if they were going to invite her to stay or move her on her way.

The End!

© Copyright 2003 Dr Matticakes Myra, Forest, foureyes in Katimavik, Angel loves Christmas!, AngelinTwilight, xx-xx, Gremlin, Britte, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
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