Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/670403-Summer
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Romance/Love · #670403
A story about freinds during the summer they'll never forget.
Will these freinds discover things about themselves, find the love of their life, or just have an extremly boring summer?
(Umm, I kind of made this a looooooooooong time ago and am just now starting it...hehe...stupid crouton)

Name: Jessica, she will only let people she is extremely fond of call her Jessie
Age: sixteen
Personality: Goofy and clumsy. Very sweet girl. A bit of a crazy. Likes to say things like "this is the funnest field trip the looney bin has ever been on." or "its nice to get out of that strait jacket" or "they finally let me see sharp pointy objects again" or just plain "ooooo..shiinnyyyyy" for the sheer sake of scaring people.
Appearance: Brown hair, brown eyes. Kind of plain and not very noticeable, though she could be thought of as pretty.
Hobbies: Music, and anything involving sailor moon. Writing.


Jessica sighed and finally got out of school, draggin her french horn out the door of the band room and trying to dodge the middle school kids that came down the hill to catch the bus with the older kids for some reason, maybe because it made them feel cool. She waited for the buses to leave, and finally made her way to the junior parking lot that she could finally park in since the juniors had vacated it for the senior parking lot a few weeks ago. She threw her French Horn into the back of her 93 blazer and opened the door when she felt someone cover her eyes with the palm of their hand.
Name: Alex (-Angeless-)
Age: 18
Personality: Funny, lovable, loves sports but likes girls more. Smart for a sports person.
Appearance: A old jock coat that he hardly ever has on. scruffy black hair with a white fringe and white tips. Pale blue eyes. ripped up jeans.
Hobbies: music, singing, writing, art, football, being romantic, swimming and Being a class clown.


"Guess who "he said removing his hand.
"Never would've guessed. And what are you doing here anyway?" Jessica asked, smiling at her old friend. She gave an aggravated sigh as she realized that the door she'd opened was the one that wouldn't shut unless you threw yourself at it. She slammed herself against the door, and the door shut finally. Angeless looked at her curiously and smiled at her warmly. "I'm going to miss you..." Jessica said as she trailed off, watching one of the coaches herding around a group of 13 year old wannabe cheerleaders. The group was giggling and squealing profusely and the coach looked like he would've rather been anywhere but there. She turned around to face him, realizing she wasn't going to see him for three months in all likelihood. With a quick smile, she threw her arms around him in a hug.
"I won't be gone for long. Trust me I'd rather be here than on a coach with the football team. The prospect of having a bunch of hyper active little cheerleaders doesn't thrill me "sighed Angeless.

The thought of spending the weekend with the team and the cheerleaders was something he did not look forward to. He would have felt better if he knew she'd be able to come along.

"When I get back I'm going to surpise you "smiled Angeless.
She smiled at him and let go of him reluctantly. "I'll be busy.." She trailed off, looking around. Then she saw what her happy task was going to be. Dragging the Freshman that were entering band into shape, along with the Seniro Drum major Mona. Mona was running towards her across the parking lot. When she finally got there, she nearly crashed into the side of her car.

"Please tell me you can handle freshmen...." She moaned with a miserable face looking like she was about to die.

"Yes, mona, I'll be able to help you." I said with a smile.

"You are an angel, girl!" Mona said with a laugh and ran back into the school. Angeless was standing next to her still smiling that adorable little smile of his.

"Bye," She said to him and hugged him quickly. Then the most terrifying sound on earth was heard. The herd of little cheerleaders was being led this way by the big cheerleaders. She didn't have a problem with them, it was the small ones she was worried about. That squealing of theirs could break glass. She saw Bernadette being dragged along, trying to force herself away from the grasp of one rather hyperactive twelve year old. The coach saw Angeless and gave him a 'Help Me' look.

He was dragged away by the squealing river of little cheerleaders, Bernadette's green eyes laughing at him. The coach was giving him a look that said 'I never thought I'd be so happy to see another male person in my life'.

the next monday

Jessica disentangled herself from the mass of blankets, and fell face first onto the floor. She sighed brushed her dark brown hair out of her eyes, and dragged herself downstairs. She flopped down on the couch after brushing her hair into a pony tail, not bothering to put her normal clothes on. She was comfortable enough in the cheerleading shorts she'd stolen from Bernadette and her favorite tank top that was now too short for her to wear to school. Then she heard the doorbell ring, and she screamed come in her drum major voice.
Ringing the bell again he waited a couple of seconds and saw the shape of somebody coming to the door. A few new bruises and a few grazes from the game at the weekend. Mostly from trying to get the cheerleaders under control.

"Hurry up it's raining "said Angeless holding his jock coat over his head.

Name: Jenn Tippet
Personality: Shy, understanding, a good listener,one of those "always there to give advice" type girls.
Appearance: short blonde hair cut and layered right below her ears, wears jeans (alot) and the occasional khaki. Not really into skirts. Dresses in pale colors. Likes to be fashionable but comfortable. hazle eyes, clear skin.
Hobbies:Singing, acting, piano, guitare, songwriting, writing in general, LOVES CATS
(PS. She's just moved here...trying not to feel like an outsider here.)
Family: Mom and older brother, Nate(18)

As the moving van pulled into their new house, Jen looked out the window into the rain.
"Perfect beggining to the most awful summer ever," she thought. She missed her friends and wanted like anything to move back to their old town. Nate reached over and ruffled her hair. He'd done that for ever, even though he was only a year older than her.
"Cheer up Jenn," he said, "It's not like your friends died or anything." She shot him a look but he was already turned away, staring out the window.
"Please," she prayed silently, "Please let me find at least ONE friend this summer."
"Angelesssssss...." She said with a slightly annoyed tone in her voice. "I'm not even completely dressed, now come in and wait for four milliseconds." He smiled at her, shaking his head. He looked at her for a moment before she ran upstairs and changed. Nearly before he could blink she was back. "Now, what did you want?" She asked him.
"You should know by now I don't mind what you're wearing. Plus I said I was going to surprise you. So here I am "smiled Angeless shaking some of the water out of his hair.

"Is that all you wanted to say? "asked Jassica?

"Kind of. Oh and we won. Yay for me "smiled Angeless?
"You have got to be kidding me," said Jenn to her mother as they stood in the kitchen that afternoon.
"Oh come on Jennifer," she hated it when her mother called her by her full name, "How are we going to meet people unless we go and find them for ourselves?"
"If you expect me to come you are out of your mind," she mumbeld under her breath.
"I heard that," her mother said. She went upstairs and slammed the door to her new room. The floor was piled with boxes and bags and there was only a bare mattress for her to throw herself down on. Why oh why did they have to move? There was absolutely NO WAY her mother was going to make her go over to see the neighbors. NOTHING could make her go.

.....one hour later.....
Jenn stood with her mother on the front porch of the neighbor's house.
"Why didn't Nate have to come," she grumbled to her mother.
"Because, Nate is unpacking for us. Now stop slouching."
"Mother I am SEVENTEEN. You don't need to treat me like a baby." Her mother reached out to ring the doorbell.
"Well, Angeless, my mother doesn't take to me running around the north forty in my pajamas." She said with a smile. She walked out of the house with him, the rain dripping over her slightly ruffled hair. He smiled at her as they kept walking. Jessica noticed that some more people were moving into the next neighboorhood over, but mostly old people lived there so she didn't pay any attention to it. "Now where are we going?" She questioned Angeless.
"You forgot didn't you "smiled Angeless trying not to laugh.

"Forgot? What did I forget? "she asked?

"It's monday. You know we arranged to go swimming today. Oh well we can do something else if you want to "smiled Angeless giving her a hug with one arm.
Name: David.
Age: 17
Personality: If he weren't just plain scary, you'd think he was crazy. He say's lines he got off video games, and likes to itimadate people. One line he says is: "It's been a while since they let me out to play." And truth is, he was held in an asylum for a week and a half. He's sick, twisted and demonic (or that's how he acts around people.) but really he's kinda nerd. No one know, of course.
Appearance: Spiked brown hair, and brown eyes. HIs skin is naturaly a midway tan (not light, not dark.) He wears blue-gray tank tops and black jeans. He has a chain around his forearm that he swings at people. He looks straight crazed.
Hobbies: Karate, Judo, rapping, insulting people, readin, writing, making offensive lyrics, and anything related to zoology.
The woman that answered the door looked normal enough. That was a good sign. Jenn stepped timidly into the house behind her mother at the woman's invitation. She eyed the house with wary eyes, as if at any moment some crazed beast would leap out and slit her throat, killing her on the spot. And then, as if confirming her fears, she saw a person...if that's what it was, who looked like he would do just that.
"My god," she thought, "you could kill someone with that hair." She unintentionally moved farther behind her mother.
Jessica sighed and smiled. "You should know by now I'm practically a fish." It was summer after all, so she had her bathing suit on at all times. Now it was just a matter of going to the pool, or the creek. The creek was closer and it didn't cost anything, so at the last minute she veered off into the woods on the left side of the woods. She smiled, it was about a two mile walk. Angeless was shaking his head at her, he'd known she would do this. All she could do was laugh and swat at his arm playfully.

About a half an hour later, she got to the edge of the creek. There was a waterfall and a fifteen foot drop to the water below. The water was about fifteen feet deep there. The start of the huge cave system was here, this water out of the caves. She pulled her shirt off and dived into the water, shuddering a bit at the coolness of the water. "What're you waiting for silly?" She yelled up at Angeless.
Pulling off his top he unbuttoned his trousers and kicked them to the side.

"Coming "shouted Angeless stepping to the edge of the drop.

He dived off the edge and went under the water and swam around under the water for a couple of seconds.

"What took you so long "she asked raising an eyebrow?

"Remember I'm a guy. Very slow on the uptake of things "smiled Angeless jokingly.

"Ha ha ha." She laughed and dove under the water.

He laughed at her and looked around, knowing she would come back up in a minute or two. She popped up behind him when he wasn't looking and knocked him under water. He glared at her under the water and grabbed her before she could get away. He brought her a little closer than he meant too though.
And their heads collided...resulting in a underwater kiss. They both floated up to the surface and drifted into the shallows. They got out of the water after a few seconds the rain resumed. So the took shelter under a old oak tree. They went to oposite sides and began to get changed. He glanced at the surface of the water and he could just about make her out. Taking a deep breath he disgarded his shorts and dived into the water.

"Angeless! What are you doing? Get some cloaths on "she laughed as he swam about.

"Come on in the waters great!!! "he shouted back.

© Copyright 2003 BROCC-ZILLA, AngelinTwilight, Inky, teronism, (known as GROUP).
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/670403-Summer