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Who truly holds the power? |
[Introduction] The Power Lies In Me <or> To The Victor Goes The Spoils A spark from the fire: FROM AN EVIL MIND: The restless dark takes hold of the earth as the powerful gather on the edges...waiting. I am waiting as well, waiting for the dark and the light...waiting for my chance to fight. I have fought myself for so long that I am only a trail among the night sky. Drifting ever so painlessly upon the cosmos. Flaires Delyte looks at me, her eyes seeing more than any mortal should. I am powerful, you see, and I am cursed. Damned forever to be me, here in the midst of all these powers. But soon I shall rise from the ashes of self defeat and crush all those I care to. And all she can do is watch.... FROM A GOOD MIND: I cry for humanity and for all that is balanced on a knife's edge. It seems so cold here now that I only desire warmth. If I am truly good, if I am truly a wizard, then I must fight for the purity that remains. But it is so cold. I notice that night comes sooner now and lasts longer. Is it my imagination or has evil surfaced and seeks redemption in my blood? I am a fighter, a survivor. My father called me such after my mother died and I lived. I called myself a curse, a blight. Give me a reason to live, I begged and Jon Winters answered. Salvation. I am not a savior...am I? This campfire is a little different than Blood Eternal in the fact that there are no vampires and I want us to try to follow each other through the stories. Basically, I am going to list characters that are available. If you want to add a character, write me and let me know. One thing that is very important is that you remain true to your character and remain true to the other members characters as well. Do not kill each other off without expressed permission from the writer of the character. Anyway, here goes. TAKEN! Riley DarkMoon ~ A female wizard with untold powers and superhuman strength. She fights for good but sides with evil, leaving everyone wondering who her next victim will be. She wears only purple, never wearing black or white, never betraying her true alliances. She is the key to the War of the Powers...but what will become of everyone if she wins? Jon Winters ~ He is powerful and old. His age is always hidden behind a mask of youth that never falters...unless he wants it to. He is thoughtful and compassionate, caring for mortals more so that the infinately powerful wizards he meets. He fights for the side of good, wears long flowing robes that hide many powerful objects he has discovered over the years. He fights the War of the Powers for the mortals...but for another desire none but Jon knows. TAKEN! Danika Shine ~ She is young and wild, just discovering her potential. She is thrown into the War of the Powers when her father is murdered because of the secret he and Danika harbored. Danika battles for evil, longing to wipe out the mere mortals of the land and desiring to possess all the powers of the wizards for herself. She will win a great many battles but in the end she must choose: good or evil, life or death. What will the child do? TAKEN! Flaires Delyte ~ She is a watcher. Her powers reach into the heavens and pull down the stars to make her clothing. She has magics not yet discovered by others. Knowing her potential for destruction, Flaires Delyte chooses to observe rather than fight for her place in the War of the Powers. Soon, she is faced with a decision. The dark evils call to her, coaxing her to join their side while her soul cries out for the deaths of the innocent. Will Flaires Delyte join the fray or will she remain a watcher? TAKEN! Rykker Stryde ~ A dark warlock lingering on the frays of battle, coaxing weaker magic weavers to fight for him...to die for nothing. He plays everyone like pawns in the War of the Powers. His intentions are blatant: wipe out the wizards and mortals and linger in the blackened world of evil and death...and he has the ability to make it happen. Deep in the folds of time lingers the greatest powers of the worlds. They join together for a battle of ultimate powers and control. As bonds are formed, strengthed and torn apart, the great wizards are tossed into the War of the Powers. Now, as sides are claimed, or not, and as lines are drawn and erased, the battle is thick and clear. Battles of wits, powers and words of such magnitude that mortals are forced to stand by and watch...and pray. For to the victor goes the spoils and sometimes the spoils are the death of us. ![]() ![]() |
I watch. It's what I do. I've been watching for centuries, watching weak wizards die, strong wizards survive and powerful wizards dominate. But the time of war has come. The War of the Powers has been a rumor for many seasons, winters and springs, summers and falls, and now it is time. Sides are taken and friendships are torn asunder. Through it all, I watch. The female wizard, Riley DarkMoon, radiates with untold powers that cause me to watch her closer than the others. She fights for good but sides with evil, I've seen it. Her friends are her foes and her foes are her friends. In the dark shadows of the Dark Wood, she lives alone and all is hidden from my eyes. The Dark Wood is full of evil, hiding intent from the eyes of all who seek to discover it. If your heart is black, you are a god among the blackened wood. If your heart is pure, evil cannot touch you, your intentions are masked by the whiteness of your soul. So, good or evil, the Dark Wood protects both. Jon Winters is powerful and old. I see the truth of his age as he watches those around him. He mixes wisdom with power, a rarity in young wizards, a value in ancient. He is thoughtful and compassionate, caring for mortals as I do. He fights for the side of good, never evil, and is virtually untouchable. I asked him why he would join the War of the Powers. He responded as I knew he would, with a smile and a twinkle in his eyes. He fights the War of the Powers for the mortals...or not. Danika Shine is young and wild as she is just discovering her potential. Danika asked me to protect her, to side with her and teach her. I told her that I will watch but I will not join. She is filled with bitterness from a past she keeps well hidden in black magic. She battles for evil, seeking her mother among the mortals. The secret her father died for, I hold close, closer, I believe, than Danika does herself. She desires possessing all the powers of the wizards for herself. Rykker Stryde, is a dark warlock lingering on the frays of battle, coaxing weaker magic weavers to fight for him...to die for nothing. He plays everyone like pawns in the War of the Powers. I watch the innocent die and I hate him. The war has only begun yet he is the most triumphant among the warriors. I watch him, fearing Riley and he joining. The only thing that brings me even the slightest peace is that Danika will never join his battle. They would be unstoppable. I am Flaires Delyte, powerful and silent, observing and remaining alone. But I know, as the War of the Powers progresses, I will have to choose: observer or savior. |
<Riley Darkmoon>The power radiates from me as the mortals cower. I wonder if it is really worth it, the power. Could I be happy as a mortal? Even as I ask myself this, I laugh out loud. Happy as a mere human? I don't believe so. I am actually protecting these miserable humans, even if they don't realize it. Rykker has marked them for death and I stand before them, sheilding them from his cruel gaze. He knows they are here, but he wouldn't dare oppose me. At least not this early in the game. To me, the War of the Powers is truly a game. And I play on both sides. Rykker smiles at me and I smile back. Let him enjoy his power...while he can. "Riley." His voice is deep and haunting, like a melody I can slightly hear in my inner ear from my childhood. "Rykker." I say, higher and softer to offset the terrible bleakness of his tone. "Let me kill them, Riley. Look at them. Weak, pathetic." He moves forward and I set up the barrier. "Rykker, you honestly don't expect me to just let them die, do you? Please don't think I am that much of a pushover." I say and the humans cower. "I shall win this war with or without you, Riley. Do not forget that." He growls with a blinding flash and a choking smog, he vanishes. "Mainly for show." I murmur as I release my hold on the humans. "Go! Before I kill you myself!" I say and they scatter. I stare at the remains of their village, at the dead and dieing and I turn on my heel and leave them alone. |
I was born in a solitary village at the base of a mountain. The mountain I speak of is Randerseth Duerl, a powerful entity of it’s own accord. It is where wizards are bred and trained. To me, the mountain was a great shadow, looming above me like a forceful guardian, taking control of my destiny and forcing my family to cower beneath it’s shadow. I once asked my mother why we never left the village, why we never ventured forth into the worlds and discover all there is to discover. She just looked at me, her luminous gray eyes full of sadness and pain. She didn’t answer. I grew normally, playing with the children my age that were forced to meet with the same fate as I, living in near isolation at the foot of a mountain. As I reached the age of enlightenment, I discovered my purpose, and the purpose of the other children. I discovered the hunger of Randerseth Duerl. The age of enlightenment arrives at different times for each child. I was the youngest. At eight, I stood with the much older children, the second youngest was fourteen. I watched them stand stoically before the mountain as the elders stood far behind us. I wasn’t afraid, I wasn’t curious, I just wanted it over. I wanted to get away from the burning heat of the mountain. A dark cloud covered the sun yet the mountain still radiated with heat hotter than fire. One of the girls next to me whimpered, a soft breath of air with a light sound that only I and the boy on the other side could have heard. A flash of light hit her and she fell to the ground. I wouldn’t discover until later that she was dead. The parents never cried out as a child broke under the pressure of the mountain and fell to the light. I dealt with the heat, thinking of my treasure of old pages I’d stolen and how I enjoy spending days reading them. We began with ten boys and eight girls, including myself. After many hours, only another girl and I remained with three boys. The heat receded and we were struck with a cold so bitter one of the boys called out. The light came and there were only four. The cold was far worse than the heat yet the remaining four of us survived. I stared at the mountain, hating it, loathing its power, it’s arrogance. In that moment I truly did not realize the importance of enduring. With the heat and cold finally gone, we were left with a lukewarm feeling of failure blended nicely with success. The man that appeared before us took those feelings away in a heartbeat and filled us with fear. He wore the dark gray robes of the forest roamers. They were hunters, killing at dusk and dawn, melding with the grays. Our parents told us stories of them, filled us with dread, made us never want to leave the village at the base of Randerseth Duerl. His right hand caressed his long white beard absently while he studied us with eyes the color of crystals in the moonlight. His left hand was buried in the folds of the robe. “You have passed the tests, my children, now I must place you.” He looked at each one of us in turn, mumbling under his breath until he looked at me. “You are young.” He stated. “And you are old.” I replied. The shocked gasps of the elders was lost under his deep laughter. “Wise answer.” He said. He looked at Ryan Daalros, a fair-haired boy of fifteen. “You are a server, you are to work the lands and build up an even greater village.” The bearded man stated and Ryan nodded. He knelt to the ground, pressed his chest to the dirt and remained that way. The wizard, for that’s what he was, then looked at the Mykkielle who was seventeen. She trembled, I noticed, though I don’t know how. We were nowhere near each other. “You are a mother, lover and friend. You will be a mate to whomever requires it and you will have many children from many men.” Being so close to the mountain heightened my awareness for I felt the excitement coursing through the male elders and the hate and envy coursing through the females. That didn’t surprise me as much as the thoughts running through the female’s mind. “I understand.” I whispered and the wizard looked at me. Under his gaze I felt only loathing. “I do.” I said, louder. “You understand, child?” He asked and I opened my mouth but the words wouldn’t come. He spelled me silent! I seethed. He looked at Mykkielle, who was in the same position as Ryan. He then turned his gaze to Rykker. “You are a wizard.” It was all he said and I noticed a smug smile upon the eighteen-year-olds’ lips. Rykker a wizard? He didn’t kneel but stood strong and proud before the wizard. I watched him from the corner of my eye. “And you…” The wizard spoke to me and I met his gaze, square and hard. He chuckled. “Ah, very well.” He said and I felt the words leave my mouth in a rush. “She is not meant to be what you said she was. I do not believe you are truly who you portray yourself to be. She isn’t meant to be used.” I shouted. “Then what, child, is her calling?” He asked. “To kill you!” I shouted and a hush fell so hard and sudden that it carried a weight all it’s own. “Indeed.” The wizard replied. “And you, Flaires Delyte, are to be a watcher for you are too powerful to be anything else.” I felt Rykker’s anger as the world flashed a brilliant white. When all was black, I knew Mykkielle would kill the wizard one day…I would see to it. |
<Riley Darkmoon> I lay in the darkness and stare at nothing. My father has slipped away once more, drifting through the darkness of my dreams and waking me. He insists that all is well, tells me that I must wake and watch my mother. Why must I watch her? I flip over and stare at the pathetic wall. My place has been decided and I linger in the horrors I have yet to face. My father protects me still, despite the calling, despite the hate. I still remember Flaires Delyte and her words of anger rising above the calm. We were never friends, her and I, and yet, as she defended me, I saw the truth of loyalty. My calling was decided. She just made it worse. I lay back and stare at the blackness overhead. Where is my father? He has been gone long. I sit up and leave the bed, moving like a shadow through the house. My parents’ room lies on the opposite side of the small abode. I push aside the cloth door and look in at my mother. She sleeps still. Father insists that she is a mortal, that she cannot hear his call nor understand the dangers circling our family. I let the curtain fall into place and I sit by the hearth. No fire burns this late. I have never been left alone this long in the dark. Father always worried that one would rise up and take advantage of the call that was placed upon me. Father and I both know I am meant to be powerful, to rule the village with the magic that boils inside me. I am growing impatient and I finally step out into our yard. She stands there, waiting. “What is it?” I ask, irritated. “It is not safe for you right now.” Flaires Delyte looks at me and I hate her. What right does she have to judge me? “I decide if it is safe or not.” I said as I moved past her. She follows me and I feel powerful once more. Flaires Delyte, the great watcher, follows me. I reach the house of the witch, Elithera and cannot go any further. I face Delyte in a fury. “You are in danger and you have left your mother alone…unprotected.” She states. The moment she says that, I look toward the small house I consider my prison. “Tell me. Have you ever wanted to just run? Just leave it all behind?” I look at her but she doesn’t respond. “I have. Leave this village and become someone else, someone different.” “You don’t have to face the sentence forced upon you.” She says and I laugh bitterly. “I have no choice. The men have already come to the door, already demanded that I take my place in their beds. My father refuses to let them touch me.” “Your father is dead.” The voice is deep and foreboding, coming from behind me. Flaires Delyte crosses her arms, preparing to watch as she was called to do. “Who will protect you now?” I don’t face him. I know asking Delyte for assistance would yield nothing but laughter from the man behind me. I feel anger rising inside me, swelling and writhing, moving beneath my skin with untold force. It burns me, making me hot and angrier. How dare he? I turn and extend my hand, not fully knowing what will happen. Blue bolts of power shoot from my fingers and enter the man. He falls to the ground, churning and screaming. Maddos Farthes, the baker, that was who dared. I look back at Delyte. “What do I do?” I ask her, my power refusing to settle. “Seek your revenge on the man that forced this upon you.” She states. “I promised him you would kill him. You can make a liar out of me.” I nod and head for the mountain. I would love to make Flaires Delyte a liar but I would much rather have revenge. Revenge is always sweeter. I moved through the darkness and floated up the mountainside. I was quite perplexed by my ability to reach the top without setting foot upon the rocky terrain. I found him waiting for me under the stars near the top. “You have come to kill me.” He said and laughed. “I have.” I replied. It was then that he noticed my feet not touching the earth, light radiating from my body, magic pouring over me in waves of rage. “I have.” The bolts that came that time came with those two words. They shot from my mouth in fiery bolts of red energy and he died where he stood, turning to ash and blowing away. I floated back down to the base, finally touching the earth. “You have done it?” Flaires Delyte asks me and I look at her. “I have.” I reply, hoping that the fiery bolts will consume her as well. Nothing happens. “Your mother has fled. She fled long ago.” Delyte replies. “Long ago?” I look up. It is past midday. It took me that long to kill him? It felt like moments not hours. “You won’t find her.” Delyte moves aside as I pass. “What will you do now?” “Leave.” I say and I leave her behind at the foot of the mountain. I left before nightfall, packing only what I felt I needed. Even as I stepped from my home, my name Mykkielle did not seem appropriate. I took the name Riley Darkmoon to hide the truth. Now, as I journey forth, I realize that three powers rose from the mountain Randerseth Duerl and I wonder what purpose that has upon our futures. |
I watch Mykkielle walk away from the only home she’s ever known and I envy her. What I wouldn’t give to walk away. I would love to leave this horrid place behind, to journey out into the world and experience all there is. The world waits for me. I stand beside the now vacant house and think of all the evil that befell Mykkielle’s family. The secret they harbored remains unspoken. I watch. “Pity she’s gone. I would have very much enjoyed having her in my bed.” Rykker steps into my line of view and smiles the cold smile he has adapted for his new expression. “She never would have been in your bed.” I say. “You are so confident. You are a watcher, Flaires, that is all.” Rykker crosses his arms and I grimace. That is all. I am a watcher. “And she would have been in my bed. In fact, I can promise you that she and I will meet again.” “I have no doubts about that.” I say as he glares at me. “I’m leaving.” “You are too young. Nothing but a child.” Rykker laughs. “Foolish man!” I shouted though I knew not why. “I didn’t mean today!” He just laughs again and walks away, both of us fully aware that I did mean today. The wizard is dead, what holds us here now? Mykkielle walked away so easily, her father was killed so quickly and her mother abandoned her for a secret none realize exists. I feel the gentle push of the wind upon my hair and I close my eyes. No, not today but as soon as I am able, I will leave this prison. For eight years I lingered. No one would play with me while I was young enough to value such a thing. No girls would visit me as I reached the age of maturity. No men would court me when the time arrived for proper courtship. No men except Rykker. He stands outside, leaning against a tree on the morning of my sixteenth birthday. I see him and frown. He will not leave me alone. I base his attention on the power I possess. I have only grown stronger, using my powers at my own discretion. No one can train us…the wizard is dead. “Morning Glory, you look ravishing today.” He straightens as I attempt to pass him. “Happy birthing day, my love.” “Save it.” I say and he chuckles. “What shall we do today?” He moves into step beside me. All who watch us fear the power we possess. Together we are fearsome. “Picnic?” “I’m leaving.” I say and he takes hold of my arm, bringing both of us to a stop. “Leaving? Why?” Rykker seems genuinely puzzled. “I told you eight years ago I was leaving.” I say as I attempt to pull my arm from his grasp. “Then I leave with you.” He vows and I look into his dark eyes. “Why? What are you afraid of?” I ask coldly, hoping to make him hate me. “Dying here.” Rykker answers, then smiles softly at me, the first gentle smile he has cast since the day at the base of Randerseth Duerl. “We shall conquer the world together, Flaires, you and I.” “I am a watcher.” I reply. “Only if you choose to be.” Rykker moves closer and I long to flee. I did not want him pretending to love me, I did not want him to cause my heart to trip in it’s beat like it was doing. “See what I can do?” He asks and I realize he is placing a spell upon me. I fight it, struggling against the pull of magic as strong as my own. “We will leave together, Flaires Delyte, or we won’t leave at all.” I nod, for it is all I can do, as his lips touch my own with a jolt of electricity. The spell is cast and sealed. The embrace is broken. “Meet me at the borders at noon.” Rykker strides away and I use every ounce of strength in my body to keep from falling to my knees. They all stare, their gazes burning my soul, branding me a traitor. I turn and flee to my house. I stand at the borders as the sun touches the middle of the sky. I take a step in the direction of the Royal Plaines. “Leaving without me?” Rykker asks. “You’re late.” I say as I continue to move forward. “Yes, I imagine I am.” He moves up beside me and takes in my robes and walking staff, my small bag of belongings and the egg. “You possess a dragon’s egg?” He asks. “It was a parting gift from my family. I don’t believe it lives.” I reply. It’s been in my family for generations, sitting upon the hearth. “Let me see it.” Rykker says, extending his hand toward it. I caress it. You are mine. I mentally lock the dragon to me, knowing that life does burn inside the shell. I hand it over. “Yes. It is dead.” Rykker lies. The spell he cast upon me calls out for me to believe him, to do as he says. I fight it. “It is?” I ask innocently as I move to take it back. It had taken all morning for me to bind his spell, to lock it inside me so that it could no longer control me. I didn’t realize it would benefit me. “Yes.” He meets my gaze, his spell slamming against the prison, crying out for me to love him, honor him, and obey him. “Do you still want it?” “Yes. It was a gift.” I say as I reach for it. He lets it go easily, his eyes growing hard. “What have you done?” He asks after a moment. I place the egg into my sack and continue moving. “Flaires.” “I have bound it.” I reply and he smiles as he easily keeps pace with me. “This is going to be an interesting journey.” Rykker says and inwardly I agree. Interesting indeed. |
<Riley Darkmoon> I lean against the solid stone of the cave I reside in. Silently, I seek out the source of the pain that has inflicted me of late. An intense burning pain at the base of my skull which my magic cannot touch. I sent a seeking spell into the void, the land of magic between the worlds of life and death. There is no response. Sighing, I close my eyes and will the pain to subside. It flares instead, causing me to gasp for breath and clutch at my head, holding in a scream of pain. What is going on? The words float through my mind leaving only greater confusion and no answers. I lay on my side, curl into a ball and sleep. The snow came while I slept. It is cold and I move my hands in a fire spell. I am not going to freeze to death. Pain shoots through my head in fiery sparks and the spell is lost. I cannot even warm myself! I look at the cave entrance and see the thick, blinding snow falling and sealing my fate. If I cannot warm this cave, I will die. I form the spell again. The pain returns but I am ready for it. I block it, using most my energy on the fire spell. Flames leap from my fingers to the hard stone floor in the center of the cave. Catch and hold. Please catch and hold. It dwindled a little and the pain slammed against the temporary barrier. The fire caught hold of the stone and bloomed bright and warm. Sighing, I fall back and succumb to the pain, slipping into unconsciousness. I feel the cold stone upon my side and the comforting heat upon my back. The pain is a constant throb, beating in perfect time with my heart. Cautiously, I sit up. “What do you want?” I ask, softly, rubbing my head. “Release me.” Comes a whispered voice, soft as a breeze. “Who are you?” I ask and the pain slams my skull and I cry out. “Release me.” “How can I when I don’t know who you are?” I shout and the most intense pain rushes against my skull and down my spine. I lay upon the cold stone once more, curling into a ball. “Release me.” The pain pulses and beats at me with fierce persistence. I clutch my head and weep. “Release me.” “You are free!” I cry out as the darkness rushes in to gather me in its arms. “When will she wake?” “I know not.” “You’re supposed to be powerful.” “And you’re supposed to be a watcher.” The voices are so familiar yet I can’t place them. The stone is no longer cold. I am surrounded by warmth, surrounded by comfort and all that remains of the pain is memory. For some reason I feel extremely angry…and cruel. I roll over and open my eyes. Flaires Delyte stands above me, Rykker kneels beside me, his dark gaze hard and cold. “She wakes.” He says and Delyte rolls her eyes. “So I see.” She says as she bends at the waist and looks at me. Age has only made her more beautiful. I feel jealousy rising up in me. “Ah, she’s jealous.” Rykker says and I glare at him. “Jealous?” Delyte looks purely confused. I attempt to sit up but Rykker gently restrains me. His touch upon me quickens my pulse. “No. Our healing spell is still working. What were you thinking?” Rykker demands and I look at Delyte in confusion. “You trapped a fairy in this cavern.” Delyte says, her voice deep and sultry. Jealousy flares again. “Fairies are cruel creatures when they are trapped.” Rykker says. “I know.” I say testily. Rykker smiles and looks at Delyte. My heart pounds. His smile was kind, almost gentle. What has happened since I left? “Rest now, Mykkielle.” Delyte states, her confidence bringing rage. “My name is Riley Darkmoon.” I say bitterly. “Riley? Hmmm.” Rykker looks at me again. “Doesn’t suit you.” “Stop it.” Delyte says. “What?” Rykker asks as he places his hand in my hair. “You place that spell on her and you’ll unlock all she has inside. A massive unleashing of untouched magic in a confined area is-“ “Deadly, I know.” Rykker removes his hand and I feel all the feelings of attraction flee. “You were putting a spell on me?” I ask, angry. “And you couldn’t tell? Are you sure she’s the one, Flaires?” Rykker asks and Delyte nods. “Yes, I’m sure.” “Well then.” Rykker moves his hand and blackness falls. I wake to the smells of cooking food. Eggs! I haven’t had eggs for months. I sit up and see Delyte cooking on my fire. I swallow my anger and stand. “Eggs. Where did you find eggs?” I ask. “I have my methods.” Delyte states and Rykker enters the cave. “The storm has passed.” He says. “The beauty awakes.” He states when he sees me. “How’s your head, sweet pea?” “Why are you talking like that?” I ask. “Oh, that’s right. I couldn’t cast the spell.” Rykker crosses his arms as he turns his attention to Delyte. “Eggs?” “Yes.” She says. “You sent it hunting again, didn’t you?” Rykker asks bitterly. Delyte says nothing. Before I can ask what they are talking about, a lizard about the size of my thigh and the length of my forearm dashes forward from the back of the cave. It runs up Delyte’s arm to perch on her shoulder. “A lizard?” I ask, a mocking smile upon my lips. Delyte stirs the eggs upon the small pan with a small smile upon her own lips. “No, sweet pea. A dragon.” Rykker says. The lizard, dark red with amethyst eyes, spread the wings I didn’t notice and takes flight. Though small, it’s wingspan is impressive. The dragon dives into a corner and comes up with a rat. “Ah, at least someone is getting meat for breakfast.” Rykker says as he crosses his arms. I watch as the dragon lands away from the group and lays the dead rat upon the stone. A spray a fire that seems too large for such a little creature, consumes the rodent. As the flames vanish, the dragon swallows the cooked rat whole. “Amazing.” I say and dig into the eggs Delyte has placed before me. As I eat I ponder my future. I am no longer alone. I have two other powerful wizards and a dragon with me. It’s been centuries since someone has had a dragon. I smile, content for the moment to appear weak and lost. Soon I would be more powerful than Rykker and Delyte combined and then I shall have the dragon. |
Rykker Sometimes, in the darkest part of the night, I let my thoughts wander. This isn't a good thing. Thoughts are weapons, and to let them drift wherever they like. It isn't good, but I do it anyway. I think of many things, most of them female, some of them male. I remember. Sometimes, I think of the time on the mountain. The raw power that was there....I have never felt anything like it. I learned that day that I have a strong lust for power. And for nothing else. I remember the boys and girls around me, the mere mortals who had thoughts of hope. The insignificant worms. It was right for them to die. They had no place in a world made for the powerful. Those who are weak have no right to live their own lives. They serve only one purpose; to help me gain power. I carefully eyes the watcher beside me. She has power, but she will not use it. She's as bad mortals, perhaps worse. But, there is a good side to being with her. My lips curve into a cold smile as I gaze at Riley. This one has power. She is possibly the closest being to my equal. And she is willing to use it. As I chew my eggs, I gently sift through her thoughts, and almost choke as I hold back a laugh. Flaires eyes me warily before returning to her dragon. She should be worried; She should have let me cast my spell then. Ah well, no worries. I gently chew my food before setting down my plate. I smile warmly at Riley, who smiles weakly back. I know what she thinks. She's very wrong though. The war has just begun, and I shall not only win it, but Riley as well. |
I lean back against the cold stone wall and watch Riley sleep. The fact that Rykker insisted on taking first watch upsets me. He sits beside the entry, his eyes scanning the darkness outside. I feel the great mounting of power and I know that he is building a spell. Riley tosses in her sleep, her movements making soft sounds against the solid silence. I move my hand gently and bind the spell Rykker releases. “Hmm.” He says and I smile. Sure, I’m a watcher, it’s all I can do, but I am also powerful. I close my eyes and sleep. I wake to sunlight and noise. Riley and Rykker face each other near the entrance. Riley is angry, her hands on her hips. “You lie!” She says in a harsh whisper and a mocking smile touches Rykker lips. “Ask her yourself.” Rykker states and I stand. I know what is coming. I’ve always known I would have to face Riley and the lie that brought her to this place. Riley looks at me, her eyes blazing. “Tell me he lies.” Riley states. I shake my head. “I cannot.” “My mother…” Riley whispers as she moves toward me. “She did what she felt was right.” I say as I try to make her understand. “You lied to me.” Riley demanded. “I did what was needed to free us all. You had to kill the wizard, otherwise we would have been imprisoned forever.” I look at her, feeling nothing. “She chose.” “Death? How could she choose death over me, over life?” Riley demanded. “She killed your father.” Rykker said. “You lie!” Riley told him again but as she looked at me she knew the truth. “So what now? I remain with you and hate my mother and my father?” “You do what you feel is right.” I say. “And never forget who saved you from death in this cave.” Rykker states. “I see. I’m indebted to you.” Riley fumed. “Not quite.” I say and Rykker glares at me. “Your choice is made now, Riley. You must choose wisely. You go on or you stay.” The silence thickens as Riley ponders her next course of action. Her mother is dead, so is her father. Her quest ended so quickly, revenge losing its value. “I’ll stay…for now.” She says. I feel the spell lift and vanish and I realize I never felt it building. I look at Rykker and he smiles coldly. Of course he cast a spell. Riley would have left. I walk past them both and step out into the bright sunshine. “Why didn’t I feel the spell?” I ask myself for the hundredth time. Riley sits angrily by the entry, Rykker sleeps, or appears to sleep, and I watch. Am I always doomed to watch? Is that all I’ll ever be, a watcher? I run my finger along the dragon’s tail and ponder this. “Stop thinking so loud.” Rykker mumbles from his spot on the far side of the cave. I ignore him and stare down at my dragon. I do not know its name for it has not been revealed to me yet. Most dragons went centuries without a name. I hoped this wasn’t the case. “Flaires.” Rykker growls. “Go to sleep.” I state and he chuckles. “Why didn’t I feel the spell?” I whisper once more as sleep takes hold and I fall into a deep slumber. I am very tired as I wake. I curse and I hear Rykker laugh. I open my eyes and look at him sitting beside me. “Morning Glory, did you sleep well?” He asks. “What did you do to me?” I demand. “You’re losing your touch.” He says as he caresses my hair. I sit up quickly. “Anyway, I thought you needed it.” “Why can’t I sense your spells any longer?” I ask. “I thought it should be obvious.” He says. I search inside and feel the empty cage. “How…” I murmur as I seek out his spell of attraction. “Prepare yourself, my love, for a wonderful day.” Rykker says as I feel the touch of love upon my soul. I fight it and the spell intensifies. “Relax.” Rykker says and I look at Riley. She keeps her back to us and I know she is under his spell as well. “Rykker, stop.” I say as I battle the spell I had no reason to fear. “No, Flaires.” He says and darkness falls. We are travelling across the great plains and I avoid Riley and Rykker as much as I can. Rykker has wrapped me in his spell and I struggle to contain it. He is always there to interrupt or to make the spell more potent. I am growing furious. I watch Riley struggling on her own and I know that he has ensnared her as well. In my mind I plan our escape from his spell…and the lesson I shall teach him. |
<Riley Darkmoon> I feel it boiling inside me, rising up and moving through my veins, all the untapped power within me. It pushes and rushes it’s way through me, making me feel ill. I long to release it but I don’t know how. So I walk with my head down and fight the pain. It does hurt terribly. “Sweet Pea.” Rykker says in my ear and I shake my head. “What’s the matter?” He asks and I can tell by his tone that he knows. “It hurts.” I say and he chuckles. “It does, does it?” He asks and I look over at him. He is looking at Delyte. “She’ll eventually get out of it, you know.” I say and he looks at me, his dark eyes dull. “You think so?” He asks. I shrug and look back at the ground. I know he cast a spell on Delyte. She is too silent, too consumed with some battle inside herself. I just don’t know what spell he cast. “It definitely is tiring keeping her this way.” Rykker says, more to himself than me. “Well.” He says finally and smiles. “What can I do for you?” “Leave me alone.” I say coldly. “I can help you, Riley. All you need do is ask.” Rykker says. I ponder this. Can he truly deliver me from this pain? I ask as I watch him walk over to Delyte again, no doubt to strengthen his hold. I shake my head. Dare I make a deal with the devil? Delyte steps up to me as I watch the hills. Neither she nor Rykker will tell me why we must have watches. I do not understand. There are no enemies here. “Riley.” Delyte sits beside me and I ignore her. “All you have to do is let it go.” She says. I look at her and she smiles a friendly smile. I feel no danger from her, no worry that my life will be forfeit if I do as she says. “Let go?” I ask. “It is bottled up inside you but you keep it there. Close your eyes, unlock the chains and let it go.” Delyte says. I stare at her as she smiles and soon I’m smiling too. “It’s my turn.” She says finally even though I still have an hour left at least. I nod and stand. As I walk away from her, I wonder why I never saw the kindness in her before. I sit far from Rykker and think of letting go. She made it sound so simple. Just close my eyes and unlock the chains. I sigh. After laying back and staring at the stars for half of Delyte’s watch, I finally close my eyes. The power flares in me, thrashing wildly. I grimace as it pains me, growing more restless with every breath. “Fine.” I mutter. And I reach deep inside and touch the core of my magic. Pain racks my body and I hear screaming. I try to open my eyes but they will not part. I move through the core, fighting against the tide that threatens to destroy me. I still hear the scream. Suddenly, all is black. The screaming is gone and I am drifting through the deep seas of unconsciousness. I wake to sunshine and Delyte. She looks worried and pleased at the same time. “How are you feeling?” She asks. I move my shoulder in a half shrug and am surprised that I feel no pain. “Good.” I say. “It’s yours now, Riley. All the power. But you must use it wisely.” Delyte smiles and stands. “Wait.” I say and she kneels once more at my side. “Why did you scream?” I ask. “You were screaming, Riley.” Delyte says as she stands once more. Rykker stands over me, his face full of anger. “You shouldn’t have attempted that without me.” Rykker says and Delyte shakes her head as she moves away. I can hear her thoughts loud and clear. “You would have kept some of it for yourself.” I say, taking Delyte’s words as my own. She turns and looks at me, surprise on her face. Rykker glares and strides away. I stare up at the blue sky. I have truly never felt so free. Now they would see…and fear. They would definitely fear. |
Rykker I grow tired of this game I play. I scowl at Flaires, not even bothering to hide my temper. Riley....she had all that power, she wouldn't even have noticed if I had just clipped a few edges for my own use. But no, Flaires had to go and.... I take a deep breath, and smile charmingly at Riley, who ignores me. Oh, if she only knew what I have in store for her. My smile grows colder and toothier as I turn away from her. I glance back at Flaires, who eyes me knowingly, "Dearling, don't you have more important things to do than stare at me all day? You're not going to learn anything." Flaires chuckles and looks back at the dragon, "I am the Watcher. Whom I choose to watch is my business, not yours." I feel my face hardening as I slow down and slowly slide against her, running a hand through her hair gently, whispering into her ear softly as I pull her close to me, "Just stay out of my way." I kiss her cheek and she begins to shiver as I walk away. My web of spells is almost in place. All I need is the right place, and the right person to set them off. I just have to wait. I scowl and clench my fists, ingoring the fiery cold that erupts from me, vaguely even aware of the fact that I can see my breath. I hate waiting. |
I hum to myself, wondering if there is truly cause for me to wonder what has happened when I know the truth. I just don’t want to accept it. It has been many weeks since we began our travels and I notice the changes that Riley attempts to hide. I look down at the bloody remains of the wolf and wonder. The sky is dark and I was expected back at the camp long ago but I found this. The wolf was butchered, torn limb from limb, bloody and foul smelling. I hum to prevent the vile from escaping where it is lodged at the base of my throat. Her true anger and hate has surfaced, the wolf is proof of that, and it is time for each of us to part. I turn on my heel and strode back in the direction of the camp. Darkwing, my dragon, sits upon my shoulder, heavier and larger. They grow much quicker than any of us had realized. The dragon ownership I now claim gives me great comfort. Whomever Darkwing revealed his name to would have been his loyal counterpart and it is ultimately the dragon’s choice. He has chosen me. I am stared at with envious eyes from my travel companions. I can hardly contain the magic within me. I want to show them, to express the power that is inside me. But I am a watcher. I watch control slipping away and I shudder at the possibilities. I round the boulder and my hair stands on end. Darkwing takes to the air, spreading his wings and soaring above my head. Magic is rampant. I walk slowly into the camp. Riley glares at Rykker, who smiles coldly. She is naked, her robe at her feet, her hands held out before her, seeking to cast a spell of such magnitude, I know the backlash will kill her. Rykker sends a ball of light at Riley who must stop her spell building to reflect it. I quickly shield myself and step into the ring of firelight. Rykker glances at me, his eyes cold and hard, and I nod. He wants what Riley would not freely give. In the few seconds of our exchange, Riley unleashes her spell. Rykker catches it with his powers and sends it back to her full force…and then some. I quickly raise a barrier before her, taking the brunt of the spell upon myself, leaving Riley dazed. “Interfering watcher?” Rykker asks bitterly. “Preventing what should not happen.” I say as Riley mumbles something and her robes reappear about her body. “It is time for us to part.” I say. “Not until I have what is mine by rights.” Rykker states. “No other has had it, why should you?” Riley asks. Darkwing settles upon my shoulder once more and catches Riley’s attention. She looks at him, her eyes sparkling with greed and desire. “You were meant to experience my mortal powers.” Rykker replies and Riley lowers her hands. “Give me the dragon, Rykker, and I shall do all you ask.” Riley says and Rykker turns to me. His eyes remain hard, his lips curled in the cold smile so familiar. “It is not his to give.” I say, reinforcing my barriers. “Isn’t it?” Rykker asks as he casts a testing spell. I weaken a spot in my shield to give the appearance of inattention. He follows with a fierce spell, which does not shake me. “Damnation, Flaires!” He bellows. “Darkwing is not a gift to give to a woman you wish to bed, Rykker. I was wrong. It is past time we part. I will go first.” I move from the camp and Riley sends a death spell flying toward me. I sense it and reflect it, loathing my curse of watching, loathing my inability to retaliate. Rykker appears before me, his eyes flashing. “You have played me for a fool!” He growls. “You played yourself that way, Rykker. You chased Riley as I knew you would.” I say. “You knew the power you held. You knew the strength. And you let me believe differently.” Rykker was furious but I didn’t care. “I’m a watcher.” “Then give your power to me. Just keep enough to sustain yourself.” He says. “I obviously need my full power, Rykker, for otherwise I may find myself dead at the hands of my friends.” I counter. “We are not your friends.” Riley states as she moves to stand beside Rykker. I smile sadly and move past them, knowing they cannot stop me. I don’t look back as I leave them behind. I am powerful, I know that. I have never doubted the power given to me; I just hesitate using it. I leave the barriers up for the remainder of the night and well into the next day. Darkwing warms my shoulder, my heart, as I proceed alone into the future…into my destiny. |
<Riley Darkmoon> Rykker fumes and I am bitter. She lied to me as well. I believed myself to be the most powerful of the group. They both acted as though I was a force to be reckoned with. They both lied. Rykker makes us follow her, follow the watcher. That makes me angrier. I shouldn’t have to follow anyone! “You’re thinking loudly again.” Rykker states, his voice tight. “I do not care.” I say as I follow behind him. “Why do we follow her?” “Do you really have to ask?” Rykker moves quickly, his strides taking two or three of mine to keep up. “Didn’t you feel the power radiating off her? She is the one, the center power, the one all magic users will seek and fail to dominate.” “So?” I ask as I shrug. Rykker halts and turns in one fluid movement. We stand face to face. “She saved you from the spell that would have killed you. She knew it would kill you. And I believe that despite the power used to reflect the spell, she could have used more…and still been untouchable.” Rykker is furious but I see frustration in his eyes. I frustrate him. I smile. “What?” “I don’t care.” I say. I expected anything but the slap I received. I fall to the dirt, blood welling in my mouth. I spit in the dirt. Rykker kneels beside me and takes my chin between his fingers, holding it roughly, forcing me to look into the black wells of power that are his eyes. “I know you don’t care, Riley, but we need her.” Rykker pulls me to my feet and proceeds walking. I follow, my thoughts murderous. “Don’t think like that. It doesn’t become you.” We follow Flaires Delyte in silence. I do not understand the whole importance of joining. Rykker leaves my bedroll and sits before the fire. I was sick of protecting my virtues. What did I care? I roll over and face the thick blackness of the night. Rykker mumbles something and the fire flares brighter. Why was I laying here serving him? Why was Riley Darkmoon hiding the power inside her? I lay upon my back and stare up at the stars. Rykker soon stands above me. “I don’t know what he was thinking, placing that call upon you. You would not have pleasured the men of the village.” I say nothing and he leaves me. It matters not to me. I am Riley Darkmoon and I will not be used. I will not. I am bleeding and tired yet I refuse to budge. I discovered in the nighttime the benefits of erecting a shield. Although Rykker is powerful, all his spells feel like slaps, nothing more. I wish silently that I had Delyte’s ability to protect myself entirely. I reinforce my shield. Rykker sends a deadly spell of intense force at my barrier. I feel nothing. I smile. I’ve done it! Rykker mutters a curse and lowers his hands. “Fine. I’ll follow her alone. My dear Riley, remember this day. Remember all you have given up. I will find you again and I will make you rue the day you refused me this.” Rykker sends a black spell my way, one I have never seen cast before. It bleeds through my shield easily and falls upon my body. I choke and falter, my barrier remaining solid only by the force of power in it. Rykker fades as I slip into darkness. I wake alone and cold, the last traces of my shield fading as I stir. Rykker has left me. Or I have left him. No, he left me. The spell he cast showed me that he could have killed me, could have destroyed me. He chose to let me live. I sit up and stretch. The sun has set and night has fallen. I bring to life a small fire. It does little to warm me. All I have believed in was a lie and I was alone. I belonged alone. So, I shall seek what I desire and care for no one but me. No, I cannot be that way. Delyte has had influence on me even as I did not realize it. I will not be kind but I will not be cruel. I will be Riley, I will be powerful and I will show everyone the power I’ve kept hidden all these months. |
I float on the air on top of the stream, letting the water guide my movements. It's a stupid use of power, but it works wonders on my temperament. There's something oh so relaxing about floating just about water. It infuriates me. Such peace, such order...it serves no purpose except to give mortals hold onto sanity. I smile coldly, thinking of the pieces of the unfortunate farmer who happened to cross my path upstream. It felt so good, being able to use my magic for something useful...who would ever have thought I never intended to kill anyone with my power. Of course, there was that fateful day so many years ago, when my fate changed decidedly.... I sat on my horse, one of my only true companions back then, and mused over whether I should go hunting or practice my magic. I smile softly, warmly and raise my face towards the sun. It was a beautiful day, with a warm sun and a cool breeze, and a few puffy, soft-looking clouds in the sky. The smell of new foliage drifted sweetly in the air, and the opening buds were a feast for the eyes. Perhaps that's why it happened, the stupid mortal was expecting people to be out and about on such a beautiful day. I patted the neck of Alysian, my horse, "Well, Ally, what do you want to do today?" Alysian nickered softly and tossed her head towards the woods, as if she truly understood the question. I laughed softly, "All right, hunting it is!" I spurred her to a gallop and dived into the woods. I tied Alysian's reigns to a branch and began searching through the woods. That's when I saw her. She had long, wavy, soft-looking chestnut colored hair, and large grey eyes that understood everything and did not fear. Her skin was lightly kissed by the sun, and she was humming softly to herself as she picked some herbs from the ground. If she heard me, she didn't indicate that she had. I quietly walked over to her, using magic to silence my steps, until I was right next to her, "Hello." She drew a quick intake of breath, and turned wide eyes onto me, studying me for a moment before smiling, "Why, hello." That smile was having amazing effects on me. My heart was racing, and I couldn't take my eyes away, "What's your name?" She giggled softly and turned as she began to pick more herbs, "It's a secret, and I've got to pick these herbs for Nana Schmith, so if you'll pardon me..." A quick flick of my wrist and the herbs were lying in her basket, "What's your name?" Her shoulders didn't stiffen, and when she turned around to look at me, her eyes ddn't hold any of the fear most maiden's did when they saw evidence of my magic. Her eyes only held soft amusement as she bit her lip to keep from smiling too much, "You're persistent." I bowed grandly, dipping so far my nose almost touched my knee, "No, fair lady, I'm Rykker." I looked up at her, a smile tugging at my lips, "And you're name is?" Her eyes danced with merriment, her full, soft lips curving into a smile as she held out her hand, "Lillian." I quickly took her hand and raised it to my lips, kissing it softly, "You're very lovely, Lillian." She smiled and ducked her head, "And you're very charming, Rykker." Suddenly, a horse screamed in the distance. My head snapped towards the sound, dread growing cold in my stomach, "Alysian!" I released Lillian's hand and began pounding towards where I had left my horse. The lovely Lillian stood there for a moment, and then cried, "Rykker, wait!" And began to run after me. I didn't wait, I kept running until I came to the clearing where I had left Alysian. I almost threw up with what I first saw. The lifeless eyes in the decatapated head of my best friend, my horse lieing in a slowly growing puddle of blood as a man worked at going through my saddlebag. My magic was rushing around, reacting to the flux of emotions I was going through. I choked them back and finally managed to glare at the man, "Why?" He looked up, he hadn't even noticed me approach. He studied me for a moment, and then realized I had no weapon. He grinned, showing off what few teeth he had left, "Was this your horse? It tried to run away, I stopped it for you." He laughed cruelly, and returned to sorting through my saddlebag. My magic was rising out of my, and had to strike at someone. I narrowed my eyes, jaw trembling and heart seething in rage, "You bastard...." And my magic released itself, coating everything in the clearing with it's icy rage before concentrating on the robber, freezing him completely. I calmly walked over to her, satisfied he was frozen absolutely. I looked into his frozen, shocked eyes, and smiled cruelly, "You were about to drop that, I stopped it for you." I took back my saddlebag, and the man's frozen hand broke off with it. Suddenly, I heard a woman's shrill scream behind me, and I whirled around. The lovely Lillian was there, hand over her mouth as her eyes widened in fear as she took in the clearing. Slowly, she lowered her hand and looked at me in fear, slowly backing away, "You did this." My heart froze, and I strove to plead my case to her, dropping the saddlebag, "He killed my horse." Her eyes widened in disbelief, "He killed an animal, so you killed him?" I stopped, and looked at her blandly. She didn't understand. "He deserved to die." She turned in disgust, "He killed an animal, you killed a man." She turned to me, eyes icy with a mixture of fear, disgust, and anguish, "You're a monster." That did it. I strode over to her quickly, and gripped her hair, ignoring her tries to escape. I looked her in the eyes, and smiled for the first time, my truly cold smile. I gently pressed my lips against hers, ignoring the way they trembled. I held her this way for a full minute, and then released her, still smiling coldly, my icy rage gathered around me, "Prehaps I am." She began spitting and rubbing at her lips, "You're disgusting. I never want to see you again." I laughed cruelly and grabbed my saddlebag once more, icy rage coursing through my veins, "No problem. You never will, mortal." And I walked away, not ever turning around to see the lovely Lillian. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I |
<Jon Winters> A brief inturlude as our forgotten character He kneels beside the stream and thinks. The war grows with every show of power. Jon raises his wise eyes set within a youthful face and grimaces. There was so much to do, so much to prepare. Jon stands to his feet. He thinks of the irony as he takes to the air, rising high above the lands he has lived for so many years. It is ironic that war would bring him face to face with such powers. Jon had always known war was on the horizon, bordering the minds of the wary and whispering into the hearts of the greedy. Jon sought the watcher. Flaires Delyte was growing restless, he knew, to prove that she was indeed powerful. Jon focused on her magic trail and adjusted his direction accordingly. He could feel the one who followed, feel the anger and hurt, resentment and rage, growing and rising. Indeed, Rykker Stryde was a force to be wary of. And Riley, sweet Riley, falling easily to suggestion and envy. Jon knew that all it took was a evil heart to sway the deciding Riley. He also knew that Flaires Delyte had a very stong hold on Riley, one unbreakable despite the past. Jon decided to watch the watcher, if only for now. He understood that Flaires Delyte needed time to discover her place, her potential. Life as a watcher is never easy. Jon knew. He'd been a watcher most his life. By choice he observed while his power bucked within him for release. Jon rode upon the wind, drifting lightly, wondering how long it would be before he found Flaires Delyte...and all the pawns met again. |
<Riley Darkmoon> “I weep.” “I noticed.” The woman states as she wraps the shawl about my shoulders. “Why?” “I know not.” I say and resist the urge to give in to my tears. I do not know why I weep, I do not know why I feel so much loss. “Is it because you are alone?” She asks as she sits cross legged in front of me. “I know not.” I reply truthfully as I wipe my tears aside. We sit in a small one room abode at the edge of a tiny village. I had discovered the village weeks ago but had only recently drawn near enough to speak with the inhabitants. I believe it was loneliness that drew me closer, even as loneliness pushes me away. “Are you hungry?” She asks. I shake my head. I don’t belong here. The door bursts open and the woman’s daughter, Lillian, bursts in. She is out of breath and panicked. Without her speaking, I know why. “What is the matter?” Her mother asks as she rises to her feet. “He killed a man!” She shouts. “He killed a man over a horse!” “Who?” The mother pulls her daughter into the semidarkness of the room and shuts out the sunlight. “Rykker.” She mutters. My heart plummets and freezes. “He was so handsome, so kind, then he killed him."” “There, there. Who did he kill?” Her mother asks. “Doogon.” And Lillian weeps along with me. Rykker killed Doogon, my love, the man that had caught my attention enough for me to befriend this village. Doogon, the man who showed me love, who opened up my soul in such a short period of time. I stand to my feet, wiping my tears and laying aside the shawl. “Never fear. Doogon will not go unavenged. You have my word.” I say as mother and daughter cry. I leave the abode and village far behind, seeking revenge I am not ready for. Seeking redemption for lost love and pain. |
I move to the left and then to the right, struggling to discover the cause of my unease. I feel the buildings of tensions, the risings of powers and I am watching. The wind has swept the plains clean, leaving me standing alone, staring at a rock and wondering at its importance. "Flaires Delyte, I have come." Comes the voice to the right. I smile softly to myself. I recognize the voice. "Jon Winters." I say without turning to face him. "What is this unease I feel?" "War is coming and we have people to meet." Jon says. "I've met them already." I reply. "Flaires Delyte, do you deny your call?" He asks. "No." I say as I face him. He reminds me of a young warrior though I know he is truly old and bearded, wise and strong. "I did not think so." He says as we turn and head back the way I've come. "We will find Rykker first, I think." In the silence of our journey I know what is coming. The time when sides were chosen, enemies were made and I watch. |
<Riley Darkmoon> I lay on my back upon the hard ground and allow the sun to caress me. I am waiting for the power that has called me, waiting for the one who calls herself Danika Shine. Her power has touched me and called me closer. I will make her come to me. I answer no one's call. Even as I think this, I feel the power and know that it is much greater than mine. Should I bow to this power? Should I bow at all? I am a prideful girl, but I know that there are limits to power and pride. Limits even I must answer to. I sit up and see her approaching at a distance. I lay back down and wait. I will wait...that I will do. |
I turn and stare at the figures on the horizon. Jon sits beside me, drawing shapes in the sand. I have been anxious for the day when we would all stand face to face once more. I look down at Jon who says nothing. "What shall I do?" I ask, not concerned but hating the silence. He shrugs. "Watch." "I know that. I just-" I falter, not knowing what I want to hear, not knowing what I desire. "You can't change who you are, Flaires Delyte. Your power would destroy anyone, touching souls and crushing might. If you unleash it, it could even destroy you." Jon says as the figures draw closer. "Danika and Riley." "I know who they are." I say as I sit beside him. "Just watch, Flaires Delyte, and all will be well." Jon replies. "Easy for you to say." I say as Riley and Danika come close enough to hear our words. "I will watch." "Good." Jon says as he runs his hands over the shapes he has drawn and stands. "Welcome Danika. Welcome Riley." "We meet again." Danika says to me, her eyes glittering. "I wish it were better circumstances." I say as I stand. Riley glares at me, her face a mask of fury, though I know not why. "Why does she hate me so?" I whisper to Jon as the others settle in to wait for Rykker. "Watch." Jon says and I sit in a huff and do as I am called to do. I watch. |
<Riley Darkmoon> The brightness of the stars troubles my eyes as I lay upon the solid ground, longing to be free. But free of what? I do not know what haunts me so. I roll over and stare at the old man and Flaires Delyte conversing beside the small fire. They are so powerful and so superior that they leave me breathless. The thought that Flaires Delyte was summoned to be a watcher does little to ease my fears. I shut my eyes and will sleep but it delays once more and I slip within the warm folds of my mind. If I cannot sleep, I'll drift. The Devil take them all...I am Riley Darkmoon. |
The fire has died and I stare at the embers, wondering if they represent my dying powers. I feel caged, as though I can't escape this horrible fate of watching. Jon watches me watch the embers and I can feel his questioning thoughts. Riley hates me for good reason and Danika lingers on the border of evil so intense it radiates off her. I sigh deeply and tear my gaze away from the golden glow, wondering if Rykker is nearby. I have heard rumors, have felt his power upon the wind, but I have yet to lay eyes upon him. Jon clears his throat and I turn my gaze his way. "You are releasing power, Flaires Delyte, what is troubling you?" He asks. "The question is what isn't troubling me." I say and he lifts his eyebrow. "I have been around a long time, my child." He says quietly. "Please spare me the lecture, Winters." I snap. "She hates your power, not you." Jon says and I know he is speaking of Riley. "I hate my power as well." I say and we sit in silence a few minutes. "What about her?" I ask as I nod toward Danika. "I haven't figured it out yet." Jon says. "You haven't? Or is it just not time for the watcher to know?" I ask bitterly. "One never knows." Jon says as he lays back and places his arms behind his head. "Rest now, watcher, for morning is coming soon." I nod and listen to the soft snores that rise almost immediately from Jon. I watch as the sky pinkens and I see the solid shape of Rykker outlined on the horizon. We will soon all be together and the war will begin. The war I must watch. I lay back upon the ground and shut my eyes. |
<Riley Darkmoon> He's here! My mind screams as I allow my eyelids to flutter open, filling my vision with the pale sunlight of morning. I roll over and see him, standing above Flaires Delyte. He is frowning, his eyes dark and hooded, his jaw tense. I know he is witnessing something I wouldn't dare. He is in Flaires dreams. She twitches suddenly and his frown changes to a scowl. I sit up, wondering if I should attempt to break his concentration. "Don't even think about it. He'll bat you away like an annoying insect." Danika whispers as she kneels beside me. "What is he doing?" I ask in a low whisper. Danika shrugs and we watch in silence as Ryyker and Flaires battle within her head. It continues until Flaires cries out and Rykker flies backwards, landing hard upon the ground. Jon moves between the two as Flaires Delyte stands and prepares to fight. Rykker wears a sly smile upon his lips as he stands and dusts off his clothing. "Well, Delyte, what a wonderful voyage." He says coldly. "You would dare to enter my mind, Rykker!" Flaires says as Jon glances at her. "It is over. He has sampled your powers once more and discovered, once more, that you do indeed possess great powers." Jon says. "It is over." "So we choose?" Danika asks eagerly as she moves to Rykker's side. "Good or evil, right?" "You make is sound so simple." Jon says with a knowing look in his eye. "It is." I say as I move to Flaires side. "True." Jon replies. "You have already chosen. Search your true hearts and respond. The division comes now." There is silence and I search my heart. The answer arrives, shocking me so much so that I gasp. All eyes turn to me but I lower my gaze. I will not go first. I will not... |
Rykker Jon fixed me with a cold glance before nodding curtly and turning his gaze to Riley. I smooth my face into a neutral expression, while inside I rejoice. The time of waiting has passed; the time of action has arrived. But....The corners of my lips curl up a little as I disinterestedly pick a grass seed out of Danika's hair and wink flirtatiously at her. There is something to be said to keep others waiting....I watch coldly as Danika tries to control her beating heart. I know what Flaires believes will happen. That I will not choose. She believes with all her being that Danika and I will never join together, never upset her precious balance... I turn my gaze back to the watcher, my magic burning victoriously inside of me as I announce, "There is only one side I can choose." Myself, I swear secretly in my soul, as I announce to the gathering, "I side with evil." I raise a flirtatious brow towards Danika, "The perks are just too great to miss." I cross my arms and lean against the air as I settle my gaze on the shattered expression of Flaires. She truly thought Danika and I would never join forces, the poor thing. But people choose their own fate, their own destiny. |
I cross my arms and quell the fury within me. If Jon wasn't holding me with his power, I would have fled, running far from these weak willed wizards. Or I would have killed them. Either option was locked out of my reach by Jon Winters. So I stand stoically still and wait for the final decision. Riley Darkmoon. She has a small smile on her lips and her eyes lock with mine. Deep inside them I see her thoughts as she sends them forth to me. Even before she states her choice, I realize her intentions. |
<Riley Darkmoon> Yes, Flaires Delyte, yes. I shall choose good but I shall dance with evil. I shall live the life you hindered and I shall be filled with joy. In the end, when the battle toughens and you watch bitterly, I shall be victorious. One way or the other, Flaires Delyte, I shall win. I smile broadly. "I side with good." I say and Flaires lowers her gaze. I feel the power within in her, the force being held tightly by a subtle spell. Jon Winters. Even as I look at Danika and Rykker, I feel their anger rise and mount. "So be it." Jon says and he and Flaires fade. "Cowards." I say and Danika looks at me. "And what of you?" She asks coldly. I tilt my head. "You had your chance to turn me from my path, Danika Shine, and you passed it up. So, I'll fight for good." And evil, if it suits me. I add silently as I turn and stride away. I place a sheild upon myself, knowing that Danika and Rykker would attack my retreating form. In my mind I listen for Flaires Delyte. She is not present and I am alone. Fully alone. |
(jeez......no pressure.......) RYKKER I smile coldly towards the back of Riley Darkmoon. She thinks that evil's (my!) grasp is that easy to evade? I mockingly stroke Danika's hair as I taunt towards Riley's back, "Are you sure, young one? For, you know, I am going to win this war." Riley doesn't even flinch, she continues walking, not even sparing me a glance. I feel Danika coiling inside herself for a spiteful spell, but I squeeze her arm a little too tight, warning her, as I slowly coax out a spell of my own. "Riley, I have knowledge of a power that would make your mouth water," I offer in a gentile way, smiling in a not-so-cold manner. Riley stops, and laughs as she tosses her hair, "Why would I want more power?" She turns to face me, her face hardened into a sneering mask, "I am already a major power." A true smile, a partially warm wry smile, forms on my lips as I finish the last remnants of my spell, the spell she doesn't even know has been cast on her, "Ah, I see. Well then, farewell, fair Riley, may we meet again." I grasp Danika's shoulder with one hand and use a spell to transport us far into the . Danika tears herself from my hand, eyes hurt and frustrated as she barks, "What's going on? Why didn't you kill that ungrateful and pathetic Bitch?!" I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms as I slowly shake my head, a cool smile laying on my lips, "My, my, my, Danika, that's a rather strong sentiment." Danika scowls at me and crosses her own arms, eyes flaring, "We could have killed her and be done with it!" She calms down slightly, a smile playing on her lips as she tilts her head to the side and gloats, "Ah well, the spell I cast on her should still be in effect. She will be here soon enough, and I will kill her then." The woman is an idiot. But, I can handle idiots. I slowly slither over to her side, and wrap my arms around her, petting and playing with her hair as I coo to her, "Ah, yes, you would have been able to...if I hadn't canceled your spell." Danika stiffened in my embrace, but she didn't pull away as she cried out indignantly, "You what?!" I smiled and planted a kiss softly on top of her head, "I canceled your spell and placed one of my own. One that will serve us much better in the future." "What is it," She asks curiously, with a slight bit of malice as she turns her head up towards mine. "Shh," I whisper softly to her, winking as I continue, "There is always someone watching. Besides," I detach myself from her and cast her a disapproving glance, "You should be more interested in that power source I mentioned." Danika furrowed her eyebrows and looked at me carefully as she replied, "That wasn't just a trick to try to get Riley on our side?" "No, my dear Danika, it wasn't," A gloriously frigidly evil smile comes over my lips as I study her carefully, "It's quite real.... and we're going to get it." |
I can see them through a mist of power and hate but they cannot see me. All three of them lingering on the frayed edges of fury and anticipation. I linger on the torn balance of watching and envying. My power sits as a lead weight within me, weighing me down and making me ill. I am alone, Jon having left me to my own devices while he discovers secrets he will not reveal. I lay back against the hard stone floor and shut my eyes. They remain visable, even though I have stopped seeking them. I growl, knowing my curse has come full circle. I would always see them. I am the watcher. |
<Riley Darkmoon> "I am not your friend." I say, but no one answers. "I am not your friend!" I shout and the sun ducks behind a cloud. "Coward." I mumble and it appears again. Solitude wrecks havoc upon my soul. I cringe as I battle the silence and the fear. Fear of what, I know not. I cannot even believe that feeling is within me. I am Riley Darkmoon. I laugh to feel the joy it brings but the laugh is humorless. Bored, I toss a spell into the air and watch as the sky darkens. Even as it turns black as pitch, my soul rejoices. "Yes." I murmur. "Yes. That's it!" I smile as I teleport myself to my old village, to my former home, to deal with the demons that taunt me still. |
RYKKER I smile coldly and nibble slightly on her ear, feeling her shudder slightly in my arms before replying nonchalantly, "Oh, I'll tell you when we get there..." She stiffens slightly, sensing that I'm not telling her something, "Get where?" I rub my hand up and down her arm, sending a cold reassurance, trying to hide back my anger at her stubborn nature. Those who have less intelligence make up for it with attitude...but, I still have my uses for her. I lean forward and whisper in her ear, "When we get to the Bone Temple of the Valley of Brimstone." |
I watch my people die and I attempt to quell the mad rage within me. She has killed them all, burning and torturing everyone. I watch. I am truly damned. My villaged is burned and the mountain has crumbled. I wonder if Rykker will appear to mourn his past or if he has fully said farewell. Was I the only one grieving? Riley sees me, her eyes meeting mine, full of mirth and pleasure. So she is evil. No, Flaires Delyte, I am not evil. She speaks to my mind before she fades and is gone. I watch. I cannot interfere despite the pain and anger, despite the hate and evil. I cannot do anything but watch. And now, I fear, I cannot even do that... |
<Riley Darkmoon> So it burns and I do not feel a twinge of guilt. Even as Flaires Delyte watches, even as I send my silent message, I do not feel guilt. Maybe I am evil. I know not why I feel empty and unsatisfied as I leave my childhood home destroyed. I am suffering with the indecisiveness of the others, the ones who longed to destroy the mountain but never dared to try. So, the war has begun yet a battle has not been fought. I feel a burning need to kill one as powerful as I...if I dare. What has anyone taught me? Nothing. I burn with power that I cannot control nor unleash. I burn with hate and joy, bitterness and laughter. I blame them all. So, do I fight for good or for evil? I fight for me. As I have stated so often...I fight for me for I am all that truly matters. |
(wow.....it's my turn.....and I had no idea......) Rykker I smile as I let Danika's magic carry us to our destination. I sense Danika's agitation, but ignore it in favor of going over my own thoughts. I have often thought of going to the Bone Temple, but have always considered it too risky for myself. But, with a tool like Danika....I turned my cold gaze appraisingly on the stunning woman beside me for the briefest moment before returning my gaze to our surroundings. Danika can retrieve the Orb of Undalis. Just as I can retrieve it from Danika. |
THE OTHER WIZARDS: There are just a couple of rules to follow with these new wizards. Please don’t kill the wizards off in your first addition. These wizards are supposed to be as strong, if not stronger, than your primary wizard. Therefore, the battle should last a long time but not become overly drawn out and boring. Stronger wizards do not always beat weaker. Most battles are a matter of wits, speed and creativity. Judging from the past entries, I believe you will all do fine. If you are fighting for good, do not fight good wizards. If you're fighting for evil, fight whoever tickles your fancy. It is up to you to create the character a little bit since I am just giving the bare basics, just enough to begin with. They don’t need to have as much depth as your wizard but make the character believable. Finally, have fun. I don’t want to hinder creativity here so go nuts. Do whatever feels right...just keep the rating in mind. THE JUST WIZARDS: Ermine Beltar ~ She is mainly a hand wizard but knows one powerful spell that can turn the tide of battle to her favor at any given moment. D. R. Syntri ~ He doesn’t have to speak his spells, he merely has to think them, making him extremely dangerous and very powerful. Bella Frity ~ Her father was a wizard, her mother a witch, therefore she has the best of both worlds: spells and potions. THE EVIL WIZARDS: Devon Arente ~ He thrives on death and vengeance and is only truly joyous when he kills a fellow wizard, which is all wizards, good and bad. Crimson Bloode ~ She is truly a force to be reckoned with, although she is a hand wizard, her spells are rapid and deadly. Oh, yeah, and very, very painful. Erik 'DEATH' Varle ~He has a secret weapon that no one can ever tell anyone about, because whoever he unleashes it upon, dies instantly. That’s it...for now. Have fun with this. I realized this campfire was dwindling because we couldn’t kill each other. Kind of takes the point out of battle if everyone lives, right? So here are the ones that can die...for now. One of the wizards can have a run in with your wizard and let you live just so he/she can battle another primary down the road. If you have any questions, email me. I’ll do my best to answer quickly. Now, the war has truly begun. |
<Riley Darkmoon> I AM DYING! I AM DYING! BURNING! PAIN! I AM DYING! I shake my head furiously to remove the pained voices from my head. Voices from my past, voices from my future. The spirit world writhes beneath the surface of my skin in an attempt to bring me to my knees. YOU DO NOT CARE! I HURT, MOMMY! I HURT! DO NOT BOTHER SPEAKING TO THAT ONE! SHE DOES NOT CARE! And on and on. I attempt to focus my attention on my goal, the cave looming in the distance, the very same cave where the watcher and I met once more. If I can make it to the cave and allow the spirits their night of agony, I would be fine in the morning. YOU SHALL NEVER BE FINE! WE ARE DYING BECAUSE OF YOU! WE ARE DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU! WE ARE BURNINGING BECAUSE OF YOU! "No." I say aloud as I break into a run. "It is not because of me." The voices scream in agony and I run faster, pushing myself to the limit. YOU ARE TO BLAME! DIE, RILEY, AND JOIN YOUR KIN! YOU HAVE KILLED US ALL, DAUGHTER, YOU HAVE! I reach the cave and collapse inside the large opening. Why do they haunt me this night? Are there no others they can bring pain and horror to? NO OTHERS! NO OTHERS! I whimper and curl into a ball. "Fine. Have your night of mourning for you are dead and I am alive. I am alive!" Even as I scream this, their assualt grows fiercer and I cringe as though they beat me with fists, not words. "Cast them away from you, or they will kill you." The voice is thick and heavy with power. "They cannot kill me." In insist as the pain grows stronger. "Ah, but they can, child." I ponder this, shutting my eyes. "Begone, woeful spirits. I have no time for thee." I say and they moan loudly as they fade, blaming me for their sin, their life, their death. I open my eyes as I straighten and sit up, looking about the cave. In the darkness I make out the shape of a man, leaning against the wall. "You shouldn't have allowed them to take hold of you in the first place." He says. "Who are you?" I ask as I stand, fighting the pain that still washes over me. "Who am I? I am an answer to your prayers. A means to an end. I am D. R. Syntri and I am here to help you." He says as I move closer. "Help me?" "Teach you all that you wish to know. For you see, Riley, you are powerful. I will help you." He insists. I can make out his blond hair and chisled features. "Help me? For good or evil?" I ask. I see him shrug. "Whichever path you choose, you choose. But, I must warn you. Evil will lead to death." "Ah, so you are a good wizard then?" I say, bitterly, though I know not why. "You say that like it's a bad thing." I can hear the smile in his voice even as I feel the cool touch of his power. The pain fades and refreshment comes. "What is the cost?" I ask as he straightens off the wall and moves toward me. "We can always use another wizard fighting on the side of good." He says and I nod. Another choice I must make. "Rest now, Riley, for there will be ample time for discussion in the morning, when your training begins." As I lay upon my cloak and drift, I can't help but feel joy. I shall finally learn all that I should know. I shall finally be taught. I turn upon my side, away from him. He says I must choose good or evil, evil leading to death. The two sides of war. But there is a side to the war he didn't mention. Mine. |
FROM AN EVIL MIND: The restless dark takes hold of the earth as the powerful gather on the edges...waiting. I am waiting as well, waiting for the dark and the light...waiting for my chance to fight. I have fought myself for so long that I am only a trail among the night sky. Drifting ever so painlessly upon the cosmos. Flaires Delyte looks at me, her eyes seeing more than any mortal should. I am powerful, you see, and I am cursed. Damned forever to be me, here in the midst of all these powers. But soon I shall rise from the ashes of self defeat and crush all those I care to. And all she can do is watch.... FROM A GOOD MIND: I cry for humanity and for all that is balanced on a knife's edge. It seems so cold here now that I only desire warmth. If I am truly good, if I am truly a wizard, then I must fight for the purity that remains. But it is so cold. I notice that night comes sooner now and lasts longer. Is it my imagination or has evil surfaced and seeks redemption in my blood? I am a fighter, a survivor. My father called me such after my mother died and I lived. I called myself a curse, a blight. Give me a reason to live, I begged and Jon Winters answered. Salvation. I am not a savior...am I? |
<Riley Darkmoon> The cave is light with the morning sun and I roll over and watch D. R. Syntri sit against the far wall with his eyes closed. Dare I remain with yet another "good" wizard? The last wizards I trusted left me empty and unfulfilled. And alone. Always alone. Mayhaps I belong alone. "Or mayhaps you don't wish to be taught. Do you fear your power so much?" He speaks gently, his eyes remaining closed. I sit up slowly, gathering my thoughts around me like protective wings. Yes, I say in my mind. "No." I say aloud. "There is much you can, nay, will learn. If you trust me..." "Trust is for the weak." I mumble as I stand. "Then," He says as he opens his eyes and stands as well. "Become that which you fear the most." I look at him in confusion. "What's that?" "Weak." He says and his power touches upon me, bringing me to my knees. I fight against it. "Do not fight, Riley, become weak, humble, give in to the power, for I shall not hurt you." So many others have, I argue in my head as I build walls just to have them painfully torn down. "Stop!" "I say the same to you." He says as he forces more of his power upon me. "Trust me." He insists. "I can't." I say but the pain rises and finally, within myself, I agree to trust him, to allow him full access to my powers. "Very good...very good." He says as the darkness comes and his power speaks to mine. "I shall teach you. You are worthy." |
I open my hand, palm up, and watch as the power sparks then flares to life. I could kill someone with that flare, or heal them, strengthen or weaken, build or destroy. I crush the power and watch a good wizard teach a stubborn wizard. I watch two evil wizards writhe upon the barren ground in the heat of passion. I watch a wizard die as another mourns and a wizard suffer as one laughs. I watch. I close my eyes and block the images. For a brief moment I am reprieved, like a criminal from a death sentence. But it only lasts a moment. I see them once more and I open my eyes again. Jon sits beside me, drawing in the dirt once more, his eyes thoughtful. In the still air I think of Riley and wonder if I have truly failed her. "You haven't failed her," Jon murmurs. "Do I care if I have or not?" I ask. "It would appear by your thoughts that you do care," Jon replies. "It's just such a hopeless thing." I frown. "If the wizard was wrong about Riley's calling why couldn't he be wrong about mine?" Jon doesn't answer and I feel a coldness touch my soul. "Is it possible Jon?" "Anything is possible," Jon says as he erases the symbols he had spent half the day creating. "What does it matter now?" "What do you mean, now?" I demand. "If all had known your freedom of choice, your power on top of all that, you would be the most hunted wizard in the land and you would never have rest." "I have no rest as it is!" Jon looks at me, thoughtful. "You are only a watcher until the time changes." "Meaning?" "Good is always supposed to win, Flaires." Jon shrugs. "If you fight for good it will triumph but if you fight for evil it may very well fail." "I have no intention of fighting for evil," I say. "Yes, but you care for Riley too much, worry over Danika's every move, secretly love Ryyker more than your own life. When all the pawns are in place, the answer will come to you." "So, you're saying..." "The war has been a long time coming and the warriors have been waiting." "What is your purpose here then?" I ask finally. Jon smiles. "Why, to teach you, of course." I look at the sky and see only Ryyker and Danika's passionate joining, Riley's careful training. "First, I shall teach you to block. You needn't watch every second." Jon says. "Why didn't you teach me that long ago?" I ask, still pained by all I've seen. "You wouldn't have understood the importance of blocking had you learned it first." Jon answers. "Then I shall teach you what you've always longed to learn." "What's that?" "Spells, Flaires. Spells." |
Rykker "My dear Danika, this is the Bone Temple," I murmur softly into her hair, pressing against her back. She looked over it, her heart beating at a pitifully fast rate as she leaned back against me, "It doesn't look so bad." My lips quirk up in a microscopic smile as my insides roared with laughter. Not so bad? Perhaps from the outside, dear Danika. "Of course it is not that bad for one of your abilities, Sweetling," I rumble quietly to her, disgusted with her lustful response. Her want for me is a useful tool, but a disgusting one at that. The sooner I dispose of this simpering idiot, the better. Danika turned, her eyes flooded with desire as she gazed into mine, "So, what are we waiting for?" An eyebrow raises, one corner of my lip rising with it, "Why, for the rising moon, my lovely Shine. My lovely moon's Shine..." Her mouth curves around a question, and then her face is stricken as I assault her with the full web of spells I have been preparing for her since we first met. She falls to the ashy ground, unconcious, unaware of the fate I have in store for her. I step over her unmoving body, reaching for the center of her power and adding it to my own as I expand the outward spiral of power, calling forth all my minions that I have set my mark upon, using Danika's power to break the seals upon my spells and call them to my side. I feel the sparks of power spanning all over the nations, loyal followers that are now responding to my call, and coming to form an army here at the Bone Temple. My Army. Satisfied with the results of my spell, I quickly remove Danika's clothing and my own, spreading her body out beside mine on a sleeping blanket. I held her closely, and wiped her mind of the spell I cast, replacing it with vague memories of passionate romance. My lips sneered as I formed visions of myself begging her for release, pleading with her for her body. Let the woman believe she has some hold over me. It shall be all the easier to use mine over her. |
I cringe as I feel the drawing of intense power. Jon stands quickly and glances down at me. His training has definately left me better off for I didn't need to see everything any longer. For once, though, I feel that I should have been watching. "He's done it then," Jon murmurs as he looks toward the horizon. "I knew he would, it was only a matter of time before he put his plan into action." "Ryyker..." "Yes," Jon helps me to my feet and he smiles. "You are only a watcher. The time has not come for you to be a warrior. But beware the snare of old friends." "What has he done?" "He has stolen half of Danika's powers, taken them upon himself." Jon shakes his head and I feel cold suddenly. "Is she alive?" "Yes, and she shall remain so," Jon wipes out the symbol he had be showing me with his foot. "For now." "Where is he?" I shut my eyes and look. My eyes fly open and I gasp loudly. "No! Surely he isnt-" "Aye, he is indeed." Jon smiles a sad smile. "He is at the Bone Temple." "We must go there!" I say. "Only to watch, Flaires, for the time is not right-" Jon places a hindering hand upon my arm. "I know, I know." I say. "But I must try to save her at least." "You may try," Jon says as we fade with his spell of travel. "Sometimes that is all we can do." |