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Four seventeen year olds are thrust into Esylla a magic-filled world! Rekindling... JOIN! |
Esylla a world where magic (and the forces of evil) reigns supreme. Four seventeen year olds, thought to have the perfect lives, from Beverly Hills, California suddenly find themselves with magical powers, plus very deadly enemies. Will they ever find their way home? Main Characters: Casian- the "Smart One" of the group. She thinks on her feet very well. She is 5'6 and has long dirty blonde hair, dark blue eyes, fit and has a natural beauty. Her parents died in a car crash when she was three, so now she lives with her Gram. (Reserved) Leiah- She has been a Daddy's girl all her life. She always gets what she wants, but she is in reality a very sweet girl. She has meduim length dark brown hair with light blonde highlights. 5'7 with brown eyes. Usually wears blue color contacts. OPEN Ryan- He is the star athlete of his school. Football, Baseball, Basketball, and Girls are his hobbies. 6'2 black hair, light brown eyes and in very good shape. OPEN Jacob- He's the class clown, very down to earth. Plays the same sports as Ryan, is just as good, but he doesn't get the recognition he deserves. 6'0 light blonde hair, sky blue eyes, very fit. OPEN Queen Jart'ja- She is deadly dangerous and all the more beautiful and alluring. She practiced black magic and collects chosen body parts from those she has killed. (Eyes from Seers, Brains from teachers, etc etc) Bent on taking over Esylla and eventually Earth and of course killing Casian, Leiah, Jake, and Ryan. OPEN |
Casian-(Sorry this is kinda long but its nessesary to make the story understandable) The night before my three best friends had come over for a sleepover. I had been hosting these bi-monthly sleepovers since the 1st grade. Though it had gotten harder and harder for our parents, and Gram, to allow the sleepovers to continue. Their arguements always were on the lines of “Aren’t you a bit too old for sleepovers?” our answer to that was “Well it’s tradition.” That was the most parent pleasing way we could put it. I knew that wasn’t really the reason why they didn’t want us to have sleepovers anymore. The reason was that two of my three best friends were guys. All of us were different in our own respective ways, and we fit together so well. We had been through deaths, new schools, divorce, and puberty. We knew each other better than any of us even knew ourselves. No one and nothing could break that bond apart. I remember being in the sitting room chatting with Gram (whom I had lived with since the death of my parents when I was barely three.) *** Ryan sat in his BMW honking the horn for the rest of us to jump in. Each of us had been blessed with the luxury of never needing, wanting, or wishing for any one thing. Ryan was a very gifted athlete with a chiseled physique and thought to have the perfect life. Though Ryan was the epitomy of a “millionaire’s son,” he was in reality a very sad individual. Leiah was in the bathroom touching up her make-up and hair until they were perfect, knowing she could have anything, or anyone, she wants. Most people would look at her and see a superficial self-declared beauty queen. I saw a sincere, loving, generous, young girl, but she could be an extremely deceptive person. Jake was in the kitchen sampling some of Gram's mouth-watering double chocolate caramel cookies. He was the funny man of the group. He always knew how to make someone feel better. "Well I better tear Jake away from your cookies or we'll never get to the mall." "All right darling have fun." "Casian! Jacob! Ryan says he will leave if you don't get out here!" Leiah shouts from the bottom of the steps. Jake and I came out and went down the steps. Meeting Leiah on their way down, they all get into Ryan's car (Jake and Leiah in the back and yours truly sitting shotgun) "Man, what too you guys so long?" "Ryan can you be anymore impatient?" I asked buckling my seat belt. "Anyways last night was really fun, even though it couldn't be a real sleepover because of these two guys." Leiah said. "Hmm... I wonder why your Gram wouldn't let us all sleep on the living room floor together Cas." Jake joked. We all laughed, and Ryan hit the gas speeding off towards the Santa Monica westbound freeway. "Get ready malls! Cuz' my credit cards are ready for anything!" Leiah yelled out the window. Ryan was exiting the freeway to get to all of the major shopping centers in Los Angeles when suddenly things went pitch black... *** "Ryan I knew you were driving to fast.... Is everyone okay?" I said, checking myself for bruises. "What happened?" Leiah said. "I dunno, but I think Ryan crashed into a tree or something." Jake said startled at the sudden non-movement. "You guys, I don't think I crashed into one tree. More like a whole forest!" Ryan exclaimed. "Look through the windshield." Ryan was right.... Stuck in the middle of a forest "Okay there are no forests in Hollywood or Beverly Hills! So where are we?!" Leiah wailed. "Well we should all get out and check to see if we can figure out where exactly we are and what we can do about it." I said getting out of the smashed Beamer. "Sounds good Cas." Jake agreed with me as he climbed out of the backseat. Ryan and Leiah both exited the car wordlessly. The silence lasts for minutes, but it seems like hours. When Ryan pipes up and says" So are just gonna stand here or are we going to grab whatever we can carry and explore a little? Casian you usually know what to do so should be leave or go?" "Well we should probably check for signs of life. You know get a lay of the land." I said thoughtfully. We all take necessary items from Ryan's car. "Leiah, Ryan and I are ready so were going to go on ahead. Tell Jake to hurry up too okay." I said. "Sure thing Cas." Leiah answered. "C'mon Ryan lets go." Ryan and I set off at a normal pace. Talking about what exactly happened. While talking with him, I wish that he would put his egotistical jock image aside more often because when he does, he has a nice personality. Plus he's gorgeous. Ok, I thought to myself, now where did THAT come from. I turned my face so that he doesn't see that horrible shade of red my face just turned. I was still trying to figure out how that thought actually entered my head when a voice interrupts my thoughts... "Why are you guys walking so fast!" Leiah said. "Listen guys," Jake says running up to us, Leiah at his side, "We can't split up, we don't even know where the hell we are! I mean how did we end up in a forest when there isn't one for miles around?" "You’re right." I said. "We stick together then." Just then I hear a strange noise, it's a deep hollow sound that sent shivers up my spine. "Okay, what was that?" Leiah says grabbing Ryan. I was surprised at the wave of jealousy that swept over me. "Nothing," I responded, "It was probably just the wind." and I turned and begin to walk, the others begin to follow when I heard it again. "That sure as hell isn't the wind." Ryan says. "I vote we just get out of here, this forest freaks me out. Let's just get in the car and go, we can't be far from the highway. I mean it's impossible to get lost in America, we don't have a wilderness." Leiah says. "I don't know" Jake begins, "Aren't you a little curious, I mean what is that sound? I say we go investigate." "What do you say?" Ryan asked me. "You're the intelligent one, what's are best option?" “Let’s try the car.” We try to head back towards the car, but when we got there the car is overgrown with vines. All of a sudden Leiah starts to cry. "What are we gonna do!!!!! I'm too gorgeous to be stuck in a creepy forest!!!" Her crying is beginning to get unbearable. "Leiah! SHUT UP!" I yelled, “If we are going to find a way back home we need to think not be pathetic.” Did I, the ever so rational girl, just have a panic attack? "Calm down Cas, its okay." Jake says trying to cool me down. I composed myself. "Well, kids, we're not in Kansas anymore." Jake said quoting a movie line. "You've got that right," I said, "I mean think about it, it simply isn't logical, none of it. There's no way we could have crashed into a forest where there isn't one, and look at the car! Have you ever seen vines that grown so fast that they can engulf a whole car in a matter of minutes. Something strange is going on here." "No shit Sherlock" Leiah says getting frustrated. I gave her a warning glare not to mess with me right now and she adds quieter, "so what are we going to do?" It suddenly bothers me that everyone automatically looks at me for answers, how am I supposed to know what's going on, I'm just as lost as they are. "Why are you asking me?!?" "Because you always know what to do." Ryan says. For the moment I was too scared and angry to even realize that what Ryan was saying is a compliment. "Fine!" I said in clipped tones, "We might as well find somewhere to rest then, it's getting dark and I for one am not staying by this car, I don't intend to wake up finding myself completely covered in vines." "Ok, sounds like a plan," Jake says, "where are we going then." I looked around a second and then picked a direction at random. "This way." I say and begin walking. "Not that way." Leiah says, "that's where the noises came from." "It was just the wind!" I yelled, "If you want me to make the decisions then I suggest you follow them, this is the way I'm going." I walked off not looking back but after a moment I heard the sounds of them following me and Jake saying quietly, "That definitely was not the wind." "I...I think, that you're right Jake...." I said shakily. " Maybe we should back away and run like hell!" Even as the words are said a pack of creatures begin to surround our small group. They are larger than wolves, and their markings are striped like a tiger. They look like they are either hungry, or angry. I quickly turned around see at least a dozen of these creatures behind me. I knew that we were surrounded. The four of us formed a rough circle, backs inward, ready to fight and probably die trying. Jake and I had been taking Judo classes together since the 3nd grade, so I entered the ready position. Jake followed suit. Ryan enters a low football stance ready to tackle the first creature to leap. Leiah, having never been the one to put self-defense high on her priority list, crouched into the same position as Jake and I had. Honestly she looked rediculous because she had no clue what she was doing, but I held back the immense urge to break down in a laughing fit. "Braveness is a rare treasure in those bred for a life of danger, yet to find young ones who abound in it is quite another thing in itself." The largest of the pack announces. Mouth agape, I relaxed myself, faced the leader full front, and spoke softy remembering one of Gram's tidbits of wisdom, always speak with respect and humility when addressing one who yields power. "Excuse me, but did I understand what you said?" I said standing tall and keeping my guard up. "Yes, human child, though you are not from our world, while residing in ours you may take advantages of things such as speaking with the more educated animals, mainly owls, wolves, deer, mice, and horses there are exception to that rule mind you." He says. His voice is not what I would have imagined an animal that looks so vicious would sound like. I found it pleasant but firm, and educating but not domineering or patronizing. I liked him more and more with each word he speaks. "My name is Neale I am patron of these my family." He paused and his ears pricked forward. I strained my ears to hear what his superior ones had heard. "We must make haste the Shri'la, Queen Jart'ja's hounds, have found you out. Hurry or you shall be at the mercy of their foul claws and hideous fangs! For they want you also, except they want you dead." He makes a low grumbling sound, and the rest of the pack bolt into the trees. "Foul claws and hideous fangs? I think not lets go" I heard Leiah shout. She takes off, running faster than I would have thought possible in 4 inch stilettos. Thank God for tennis shoes! I thought. Jake, and Ryan and I followed her and quickly were running beside her. The four of us caught up with Neale and his family. He lead us into a cave that is pitch black, and tolds us to walk into the darkness. He runs to the entrence of the cave and mutters a few word then the opening is no more! Not a shaft of light enters the void in which we were walking for what seems to be hours, but in reality is only a few minutes. Then as if the darkness never existed the world was awash in light again. Somehow Neale had entered his kingdom before we had and was awaiting our arrival. He beckons us to follow him and we did just that. He lead us into a large structure. "Here you may rest without being afraid Promised Ones. My youngest sister Firin shall bring you bedding and nourishment fit for your kind. I shall wait until you are rested to explain what exactly you were summoned here for." His parting were, "Your destiny is unlike any imaginable. On the morrow we shall speak again and all of your questions will have answers." |
"I can't beleive I am out here as beautiful as I am." I said looking at the others. They looked a little mad, and Cas gave me that look again, and so, I shut-up. "Sorry, but where are we, and can we trust these things?" I asked, as I put my fingers through my hair. Once again Cas gave me that look. "We should be fine. Stop complaining and acting pathetic." She said angerly. I stopped and looked around at the guys; they said nothing to defend me. I was totally shocked at this. How could they not defend me? “Casian? Where are we? This place is kind of creepy…” my voice trailed off as a big man came in. “Who is the one named Casian? I wish to speak to her.” He said as he walked out of the place we were at. Casian came to her feet and followed the guy. I hoped she was okay. “Jake? Do you think we’re going to be okay?” |
Leiah: It was my turn, and I must admit I was frightened of these creatures, or beasts, or whatever they were. I wanted to go home and to the mall, like where we were supposed to be! He talked with me for a while and I returned back with the group. I was scared out of my mind so I went and sat by myself in a corner off to the edge of the place we were in, I mean I was really scared…that man that I talked to doesn’t like me at all, especially after what I said… |
Casian: They did not see the weapon I had been given. Jake had his daggers, Ryan had his sword, Leiah had refused any weapon. I didn't understand her, the wolfman, he never did give me his name, had told me about our gifts. No one seemed to notice that I had a staff. Not just any ordinary staff, but one you would expect to see in with Merlin, with the crystal on top. Only mine had a hidden blade inside. The wolfman had told me that I would be the most powerful in the magic department. Something about me having a "mind" for it. I didn't know what exactly he meant by it. "I'll go first, Eldrock." "I knew you would. Follow me." He got up and led me into a little room. There were no lights. Then as if by, well, magic the crystal atop my staff began to glow. Not one perticular color, but several. Eldrock began to speak. "Blue for water. Red for fire. Green for earth. White for the mind. Black for the winds of time. Yellow for life. Silver for the body, and Gold for the Ultimate. Go now, share your girfts with your friends." I didn't understand what he was talking about at all, then a voice, came out of my mouth. I didn't know the words, but it felt right. It all just came out. I went to Ryan. "Blue for Water." Then to Leiah. "Red for Fire." And last to Jake. "Green for Earth." Then a voice came into my head. I looked around to see if any of my friends had heard it. No one seemed fazed, it was as if time had stopped. "You redily shared the three most precious of your gifts. For that I will give you all." The voice faded and time began again, except now we were back in the place Neale had first led us to. One of his pack came in. "I am Firin. I have brought thee some suitable clothing, food, bedding, and some other items that should be useful to you." She brouht in what she had said and left them in the middle of the floor. |
Casian: "Well Jake. I have practice. No one must interrupt me." I strode out of the room. The jewel had been telling me what to do. ****** It hadn't been all that hard figuring out how to use the powers bestowed upon me. Mostly because I had been given explicit instructions on how to use them, from the jewel. No one else knew how to use theirs yet. I was told to guide them, but not to tell them exactly what to do. I wasn't worried about Ryan or Jake, they could take care of themselves. Leiah, however, has always been handed whatever she wants. She has never had to fend for herself. The girl has never even gone camping for pete's sake! I was in the middle of the largest room in our house. I set my staf in my hand, crystal out. The crystal acted as a sort of magnifier. It just made the magic process a lot easier. I had told my friends to leave me. I didn't want them getting hurt. "Blue for water." I spoke softly. It wasn't nessesary to say the words, but it also made the process easier. A spyre of water formed around me. I spread my hands to the side and upward. The spyre doubled my every move. "Red for fire." A ring of fire engulfed the water, causing the room to smoke. "Green for earth." A small earthquake swallowed the fire whole. I stopped earthquake. The smoke that still hung in the air was beginning to dissepate. "White for the mind." I swirled the smoke around and in it were the faces of my Gram, my friends, and a face I did not recognize. It was a woman. She was not old, or decrepid but she was extremely powerful. She was who Ultimate was for. "Black for the winds of time." The winds came and the smoke lifted. "Yellow for life." Life from nothing, it was a precious gift. Not that of healing sick, or raising the dead, but one for helping the natural cycle of life along. So far I had managed to make a tree spring up out side the window. It was beautiful, with gold for its' bark, silver for its' leaves, and diamond flowers. "Silver for the body." Silver required a sense of oneness. Not with myself, but with everything alive. I felt my body lift into the air. It was a sensation I could never describe, but it was a nessesary preparation for Ultimate. "and Gold for the Ultimate." I felt a rush of energy, starting at the bottom of my spine and leading through my body to my toes and fingertips. At one all exploded, water rushed, fire burned, earth overcame, mind made them one, winds of time lifted it into the air, life formed a barrier around it, silver strenthened the bond, and then it engulfed me and exploded around my body. Everything in the room was destroyed, not to mention most of the four walls surrounding it. "Back to how you were." I commanded softly. The room restructured itself. I had done it at least a dozen times, and the surprising thing was that I was not even the least bit tired. My magic grew stronger every time I performed something, but especially Ultimate. I also felt this sense of completeness and peace, also love. I had set the jewel into a tiara like headpiece. It helped to center me. It spoke to me as natually as I would speak to Leiah or Jake or Ryan. <It is time for their first lesson.> I told them that they could come in, and they did so. Leiah seemed frightened, and in fact she was. Mind let me see that clearly. "Sit with your fronts toward the center of the room. It will help you maintain the state needed." They did as they were instructed. "Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Let go of all your inhibitions, strenths, weaknesses, wants, needs, and especially your expectaions. We are one, with eachother, with nature, with all living things." After about twenty minutes of preparing them for the substantial amount of energy that would course though their bodies, I told them they were ready. I had told them before not to say anything, unless they felt the energy. I had set a cup of water before Ryan, a bowl with a slow burning fire before Leiah, and a large clump of earth before Jake. It was easier to move the elements that were already there, than to create them out of thin air. I saw that the dirt before Jake began to move. He understood. The dirt flattened itself, and a tiny flower sprouted from it. <Very good Jake.> I looked at Ryan and Leiah, they were beginning to understand also. Leiah, more so than Ryan, was making wonderful progress. Ryan could not let go of his need to be in control, but it would come in time. Leiah's fire lept from the basin it was in and danced for a second midair. I brought it back to the basin, it was quite difficult to help her stay focused on it, and I didn't want the fire to attatch itself to any clothing. I didn't want anyone hurt. They unfortunatly never saw any of the magic they had performed. They had kept their eyes closed. When the time came, they would be able to open their eyes and begin to take control of it. For now, since they were so inexperienced, they would need to learn how to just let go. Let go, and be. Just be. They were wiped out. They kept stumbling as they walked. The magic had sucked them dry. Except Ryan, he has sucked all the energy out of himself. It would cost him his life if he didn't learn to do as he was instructed. I lifted them from the ground, and they floated to their beds. They wouldn't have made it any other way. They were asleep before the were completely layed down. They would need their rest. Tomorrow we would leave Neale's Paradise. I had to get horses, clothing, and other, nessesary, items. |
Casian: Jake told me everything, some of it was disturbing. All of it coincided with the visions I had been having sporadically. It all meant something, I did not understand it fully. It would come in time. For now we must ready ourselves to leave. Everything was in order, after speaking to Neale tomorrow, we start our quest... |
Casian Neale fitted us with horses, and we set off. Jake and I spoke softly. Ryan and Leiah said nothing. Time went by and we grew tired... so tired. "We should rest." They all agreed. We dismounted, and I conjured up a small house and a stable. Jake wanted to practice his magic. He tried to bring up vines and earth to cover the house and make it invisible to the naked eye. He did well. I had to help guide him, but he was enthralled when he saw that "he" had done that. I transported us to the inside of the house, and the horses to the stable... Jake had forgotten a door. |
Casian- I sat meditating in my room. Jake seemed to be progressing nicely. He has a small amount of control, however, I am still having to steady it with my mind. Leiah was so incredibly proud of herself when she made the fire. I let her be, even though it was I that kept the fire from burning down the entire house. At least she could conjure up her power at will. Ryan was a completely different story. His power was so reckless so unfocused, like Ryan himself. Though, I suppose that is what magic does, it copies aspects from the users character, and then manifests itself. Cannot allow your mind to wander Sorceress. A familiar voice entered my find, who was it? Or rather, what was it. The voice was right, I could not allow myself to bring unwanted thoughts to my psyche. I had to focus, think, be, and sense everything within the moment itself. It was time for the visions to come. Jake had experienced it once that was entirely my mind's eye bouncing off of his able dreams. I brought the jewel to my heart. It worked much better with the beat of the blood coursing through my veins. I whispered what I needed to see, and it was shown... A misty gray fortress shrouded in darkness and so compellingly evil entered the scope of my sight. That was where we were headed. That was where two of us would die. I did not know which two, or why, but it would happen. Unfortunatly it would happen soon. The jewel began to burn my skin. This had never happened before. It entered my chest. I gasped in the pain, the complete agony of a foreign object pulsing withing my body. I hit the groud writhing, trying to pull the jewel from in me. It felt as if my heart was being pushed aside, and all of the blood conduits were being told of the change. So many things happening on me. So much pain... But as soon as it had happened, it stopped. I felt two heartbeats. One strangely familiar, the other weak and unnessesary. The weird thing is that the heartbeat that I assumed was from the jewel was the one that was beating the hardest within my chest. I heard Jake. I knew it was him, his walk was soft and muffled rather than Ryan's hard deliberate cocky steps. I wanted to reach out to him, to tell him of my experience. I wanted for him to comfort me. Most of all I wanted him to love me. Stop kidding yourself Cas. Just forget it and continue with your meditation. |
Casian Jake comforted me. It was strange recieving sucj love from him. I slept in his arms, content to just dream of pleasant things, content to feel him close. The last thought on my mind was of him. Jake understood now, parts of this not so storybook land we had been thrust into. He understood me... The night came and went and soon the bright sun peeked its' face from behind ominous looking mountains. "Those are the mountains we are headed for." I said softly. We harnessed the horses and mounted. We rode in nearly complete silence. I entered my meditation state, thinking, looking, wondering, asking questions on the forces outside my mind... "I swear why is everyone so quiet?" Leiah shouted unceremoniously. "Must you break the calm serenity that is silence?" Jake said. He was beginning to speak in riddles and strange sayings. He knew how it was to be. He understood. "This is dangerous country, we must be silent and vigilant." I once again spoke softly. "What the hell are you talking about? How the hell would you know where the hell we're freakin going!? Huh Casian? How the hell? Perfect princess Casian had declared zipped lips, well not me sister!" Leiah erupted. "Your mother would say how detestful speech such as that is. Am I now having to replace here?" I retorted. She seethed hatred. Keep her tongue in her cheek. A simple magical command. It worked quite nicely. She said nothing, and I was able to move once more into a meditation like state. Night came again. We reached the base of the jagged peaks. "Same plan as last night." I conjured the exact same cottage and stables. Ryan put the horses away. Leiah stormed into her room. Jake and I stayed in the the living room, speaking softly. It was not time for him to know all, but it was coming.... Soon... So soon.... |
Casian I tried my hardest to compose myself. I suppose that I had been made the unofficial leader. It was nice, but it was hard. I was, magically, the most powerful. Here magic ruled. Fear, of any kind, would kill you. I understood the way this world worked. It was as if I belonged here more than I did on earth. I believe it was the same with Jake, at least to so extent. I wiped the last of the salty tears from my cheeks. I took a deep breath. "Perhaps everyone should sleep now. We have an... eventful few days ahead of us." "Whatever." Ryan huffed. He turned around and walked to his room. "Couldn't have said it better Ry!" Leiah said as she spun around on her heel. I watched them leave, as did Jake. "And you know all of it, don't you Casi?" Jake said quietly as soon as they had left. I gave him a puzzled look. "You know what the next few days hold for us. You probably know what will happen. That's why you were crying." He was hitting too close to home. I would begin to cry anew if he said anymore. "Goodnight Jake." "Casian. Won't you share with me? Won't you let me carry a little of burden." He walked towards me. It was the way he looked at me, and could see straight through my soul. He had been able to do that ever since we were children. Just by looking in my eyes... "Casian. Please?" "Evil. In it's most hideous form. A shadow sent to extinuish two stars. Stars in the sky shining brightly, watching over us." I chose my words carefully. The future had to pan out the way I had seen, or all was doomed. Jake would figure it out. Hopefully he would not try to change it. "Us. You and I, Jake. Neither of us can change it. We must stay on the path we have been set on. It is imperative." "Casian... you're talking in riddles." "I have to. If I told you clearly what I mean. Life would cease to exist. Sacrifices must be made. Even if I would wish it other wise." I began to cry again. I knew... |
Ryan: Back into the other room I went with Leiah following me. "Those two are just getting weirder and weirder as we stay in this world. It's almost like they are keeping a secret from us, Leiah." "Yes, it does seem that way," she replied. "I wonder why they would keep any secret from us, since we've been such close friends for, like, ever." "They makes me so mad!" I exclaimed as I swung my sword. A gush of water flowed from it and extinguished the fire in the middle of the house. "God dammit!" "I've got that taken care of," Leiah yelled into the other room because she heard some movement within it. She concentrated a bit and then the fire blew into life just as fast as it went out. "When on earth will I ever get this stupid water thing down?" I asked her. "First off, we aren't on Earth, in case you haven't noticed. Secondly, you haven't been paying any attention to Casian. She might be annoying since she knows so much but won't tell us anything except riddles, but she's doing it because she needs our help." I stuck my sword in the ground so that it wouldn't spout any more water. "How does she need our help if she's the most powerful being in this world!? If she has the most magic out of any of us, shouldn't she be able to complete the task that was meant for us alone?" "She needs our help as friends to keep her sane and safe. She can't see everything that's going on around her. She needs your strength and wit and Jake's care to protect her from minor dangers that she might not know of," she explained. "What does she need of you? No offense, but you can't show the same care that Jake shows her; nor can you match my strength. You are quite the scaredy cat, you know." "I know I am... or am I?" She said questioningly. "I've just realized that I'm not nearly as scared as I used to be back at the Bakinit's place. Maybe I have changed, too." I gave her a questioning look, and when she noticed it she answered my question, "Oh, that's right, you asked me something. I guess she needs me so that you and Jake aren't on her like dogs. She might also need me... as... someone that she can talk to. You know, girl to girl talk?" "Maybe... I'm still mad that she won't let us understand what she has to deal with, nor what is up ahead of us that she sees, but I shouldn't let that get in the way of all four of our lifetime friendships. We need to stick together," I said realizingly. "Maybe we should go apologize to them for storming out on them like we did." "Okay, let's go, Ry," Leiah said. "Okay." We left the room to find Jake, who had a confused look on his face and was looking into space, trying to comfort Casian, who had stains on her cheeks because she had been crying again. |
Casian "These puzzles and riddles and lives before us, perplex me. I've changed. I know I have, Casian has changed, she knows that. Must life like this be full of winds of change? Will our party continue changing the way the leaves of summer change to the leaves of autumn? Even my speech has begun its own metamorphosis. Something so trivial, it must be pondered." He didn't know that I stood behind him. Jake continued on. I listened intently, curious to know his innermost thoughts. "And a mere mortal, past thought, me and Casian. Of course I have thought about a relationship for the ages, but it would never work. We'd jeopardize everything we've put together in the past, a foundation built so firmly, yet destroyed over a kiss. Why?" "Perhaps because you cannot control the demand of the heart." I said quietly. Jake whipped around. "I'm sorry to have listened when you most obviously wanted to be alone." "I-I.." He couldn't find the words. "It's all right, but you should know that you aren't the only one who is afraid to jeopardize our close relationship." I paused. "You should rest Jake. Tomorrow's journey will be a trying one for all of us." That said, I turned and went quickly to my room, leaving Jake alone with his thoughts. |
Ryan Leiah and I just stood there, gaping at what happened in front of our eyes. "M-m-maybe we sh-should leave th-them alone..." suggested Leiah. "At l-least until m-morning." "Uh, yeah. Maybe you're right," I answered. "Let's get some rest, okay?" "Ok-kay," she stammered. She went back into the house Jake had procured, but I stayed outside. I can't believe that they have a romance going on that they aren't telling us about! I thought. Don't they know that that would completely ruin our group's friendship? I mean, sure, Casian is very kind, sweet, and loving, but that doesn't allow them to do anything that could split us all up! By starting that kind of a relationship, all of us will have to cope! I hadn't realized I had picked my sword back up from the ground, for at that moment water spurted out of it, spraying the ground nearby the house. Luckily, it wasn't as powerful as it had been in the past few hours since I noticed the power flowing into the sword. As such, neither Jake nor Casian noticed any out of the ordinary sounds. Maybe I'm actually starting to get a bit more control over my power... I've got to talk to Casian about all of this: the relationship, the quest, our powers, everything... I paused, looking at the stains from the tears that Casian had obviously been shedding before Leiah and I came outside. Maybe tomorrow morning, I decided. Now is not the time to get even more emotions flared up. At that decision, I head back into the house and made my way over to my bed and lay down. I heard Casian go through to her room with Leiah a few minutes later, and then Jake come in an hour after. After he settled down to keep watch in case of intruders, it wasn't long before I fell into a deep sleep. |
Casian Leiah came, seeking answers that evening. "Not now Leiah please." I begged her. "I just can't right now." "You're seriously starting to get on my nerves Cas. All this cryptic crap. It sucks okay? It just sucks." She stamped out of the room. I sat on her bed and cried. You think I like it Leiah? You think I want all this. You are angry with me because of my power, and I am helpless to change it.... ********* "Casi? Wake up." Ryan said gently shaking me. "What's wrong?" "Look, we need to talk. Leiah and I saw you and Jake." "You saw nothing." I said sitting up. "Yea we did." "No you misunderstand me. There is nothing between us. Maybe back on Earth there could have been, but not now, not here." "Ohh-" "Gather Leiah and Jake. We need another practice session like before. This time you three will conjure your magicks without the element there and then manipulate it." "Casian-" "Ryan, please just do as I ask." He looked at me and frowned. Ryan spoke with all seriousness. "Fine, but tonight you and me are going to get some things straight. I need to know more than what you are tellng me." "All right Ryan. We will all speak tonight, candidly and as friends should." |
Ryan I decided to just do as Casian said, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get anything out of her tonight. I went to Leiah, shook her gently as I did Casian, and told her that we were practicing again today. I then got my sword, pointed it at Jake sleeping on the ground, and tried with all my might to spray water from it to wake him as a joke. Unfortunately, only a drop of water came out. Thus, I decided to just shake him as I had the girls. "Rise and shine, Sleepy! The other dwarves are already awake and are ready to prepare the coffin for the princess!" I said. "What are you talking about, Ry?" he said, sleepily. "We have another practice session today. Casi told me to get everyone up." "What does that have to do with Snow White? And why do you have your sword planted in the ground next to me?" "Nothing, you dolt! And I tried to spray you with water, but I only got a drop." Jake rolled his eyes and got up. "From the looks of it, you really need this practice session." "Yeah, yeah, of course I do," I said irritably. ------------- After everybody was awake and refreshed, we gathered outside and waited for Casian to start our practice session. |
Casian I went outside and conjured a large slab of pure concentrated light above the grassy area. I stepped onto the platform, and my friends followed. "Put away your weapons." I looked at Ryan who had his sword at ready. "Sit down, close your eyes." After the preparation. I spoke softly. "Now you will each conjure up your element. Leiah first." I felt her mind become stressed but a tiny flickering flame danced in the middle of the light platform. "Jake." His mind went through the same routine. A rosebud formed. "Ryan." There was nothing. I went over to him and placed one hand on his cheek and the other hand in his palm. I connected mentally with him. I know that you can do this Ryan. I've been your friend forever and your power is directly connected to your strengths. Please Ryan. We need you to do this... I need you to do this. Please. I felt it this time, a surge of potent mental energy. A waterfall fell from the middle of the air. "Open your eyes." I whispered softly into his ear. He opened his eyes and looked up. "I did that?" "Yes you did." "Are you sure that you didn't do it?" "Positive. I just pushed your mind the right way. Now make the water do something." His eyebrows furrowed. The waterfall gathered into a floating pool and traveled to where Jake was still sitting with his eyes closed. Ryan relaxed and the water flooded over Jake. I smiled. "That's enough practice for today. Let's get moving." |
Ryan: I sat there laughing as Jake opened his eyes very fast and gave a loud yell, "Ryan!!!!" "I finally can say that we're even after the chair incident, Jake!" I said through tears of joy. Leiah opened her eyes after hearing Jake and, upon seeing him drenched, started giggling like mad. It's too bad Casian is way too serious as of late, otherwise she'd be giggling just about as much as Leiah. Maybe I can bring some life back into her after our quest here is complete. Casian dispelled the house after we gathered our things, and then we were on our way, following our talented leader, as she made herself to be. Even though I don't normally like the prospect of a girl leading me, I've finally gotten over it given the situation and the world we currently inhabit. We mounted our horses and set off at a brisk trot. We stayed in single file so that we could get through the trees and to try to lessen our tracks like the Sandpeople from Star Wars. Even though it was mid-day, the sky began to darken. We were still in the middle of a huge forest, with only Casian as our knowing guide. She never stopped, and as such neither did any of the rest of us. So we continued through the forest, a few drops of rain being felt through the trees, when Jake said "Stop!" in a cautious and quiet tone. Leiah and I looked around, trying to figure out why we would have to stop. Casi looked back, then looked around like Leiah and me. |
Casian "I feel something." Jake said jumping off of his horse and placing a hand on the ground. "Tap into the earth Jake! Feel it's thoughts and know its' emotions." Without hesitation, Ryan leapt off of his horse, sword out and pinned a small creature to the ground. "It's a goblin. Out of story books." I said, a little awed at seeing a real live fantasy creature. The goblin jumps up. Leiah approaches the goblin carefully as if making contact with an alien, but out of the bushes, about twenty more brandishing knives appear. The goblins rush forward. Ryan takes a defensive stand with his sword raised above his head, pointed at the oncoming attackers. A flash of pale light, followed by a line of water erupts from the tip of the sword, which is now glowing bright blue. I quickly call up a thick layer of tar, which leaves the goblins hopelessly stuck. Jake creates a fissure around them, and Leiah brings up a fire. The blast knocks the goblins loose, sending their fiery bodies scurrying back into the forest. "They may come back. We need to high tail it outta here." Ryan hurridly suggests. "Everyone come in close. Ryan hold fast to the horses." I muttered a few soft words, and we are all transported to the edge of the forest. I tried to catch my breath. The translocation spell that I cast had drained nearly all of my energy. "You can just transport us Casian?" Leiah said huffily. "Why didn't you just do it in the first place! I mean seriously-" But I couldn't hear anything else because the world went black around me. |
Ryan: "I don't think that she wanted to do that unless in an emergency like we were in," Jake said. We all watched as Casian fainted on the spot right after she teleported us to the forest edge. It doesn't look like we were transported very far, since as I whirled around there was still no sight of anything huge that we might need to be looking for, like a dark castle or black gate. For some reason, I felt like rummaging through my pack as Leiah and Jake tended to Casi. Then, I found something that I had almost nearly forgotten about: my sandals of speed. Then, I all of a sudden remembered that we were also given other general things, such as Leiah's gift. "Leiah, go through your pack and find your stone basin and let me fill it up," I commanded. "What basin?" she asked, but due to her curiosity she rummaged anyway. "Oh yeah, that basin." She pulled it out of her pack. I wasted no time in conjuring some water to fill the basin. "Now, have Casian sip some of the water," Jake said. He finally got what I was getting to, and he started rummaging through his pack for his cloth and black stone. As Leiah had Casi drink the now healing water, Jake unfurled his cloth and revealed a meal for four. It smelled so good. As Jake and I had figured, the water helped revive Casi from her exhaustion a bit. I would've expected a full recovery, but then those wolfmen said that it would heal wounds in a heartbeat, not all ailments. Maybe it was just the water refreshing her? |
Leiah: I place the opening of the basin to her mouth once more. I honestly, don't have the energy to plead Casi to go home. I smile faintly at my weak friend. I don't understand why she is risking her life, or energy, for people we barely know, but now is not the time to ask. I empty my bag, and place it under Casi's head, allowing her to rest. I quietly join the feast. "So, Jake" Ryan states in between bites, "What are we gonna do?" Jake ponders for a bit, and begins to talk, "how is she?" I didn't realize he is talking to me. My mind keeps wandering over to Casi, about this world, and our strengths. "Earth to Leiah, come in Leiah, over" Ryan imitates an astronaut "Huh?" I quizzically ask "Dag, Jake is talking to you" Ryan laughs "How is she?" he smiles "She should be fine" I guess "Well, Ryan, that answers our question. We're going to continue in the morning. Casi's strength should be fully restored in the mornning" he pauses, "Leiah make us a fire" I do as I am told, and sit in my own little world as I eat. |
Casian I felt so dizzy and disoriented. "Where are we?" "None of us know." Jake answered. "You just transported us here.." "I did?" "What, now you don't remember?" Leiah huffed. "Would you just shut up Leiah!" Ryan snaps. "Can't you see that Casian could have died?" "But she didn't so stop making a big fuss about her and let's get moving already!" Leiah snapped right back. "It's the middle of the night Leiah, and we have no idea where we are going. Would you just think for a change?" Ryan kept the barrage coming "Excuse me?" She smacked him full in the face. "Please guys. stop this. We're supposed to be working with each other." I said softly. "Plus, I just can't handle this right now. Can we go one night without drama? Please?" Ryan nodded and rubbed his cheek where Leiah had hit him. Leiah stalked off on her own and Jake sat down next to me. ~*~*~*~*~*~ I woke up suddenly in the early morning and everyone else was sleeping. I shouldn't have fainted like that... I'm not strong enough yet. I have to be able to lead this group or we'll all die.. Sitting in a clearing not too far from the others, I started practicing my magic. Only by casting stronger spells would I be able to handle them properly and without loosing life energy. |
Ryan: You have to control your anger, or else a tidal wave will break your relationships to your friends. Follow the fountains to a safe haven. Follow the fountains... said an echoing female's voice. I woke up with a start. Off to my right, Leiah lay next to the dead fire. To my left, Jake slept with a snore so unnatural coming from him. On the opposite side of the fire, where Casian had slept for the night, it was vacant. I looked around for where she might be and saw her coming from the edge of the forest. I got up, rubbing my eyes sleepily, and walked up to her, careful not to step on anyone. "What were you doing in there?" I asked her. "You need not worry about that," she said whimsically . "Why do you have to keep sounding like those sages from old fantasy novels?" She shook her head as if a fly was buzzing in her ear. "I.. I don't know. I bet it's all because of our powers." We paused. "Um... did you speak to me while I was sleeping?" Casian laughed. "Why on earth would I speak to you while you are asleep?" "I dunno, must've been from my dream, I guess... I figured that with the fighting that happened last night that... never mind." "You thought that I sent you a magical message?" she asked, totally serious. "Well, the echoing voice was definitely female..." "Hmmmm, it might be the spirit of the element I gave to you, just like spirits talk with me." "And me." We both jumped as we heard Jake behind us. "Good morning to you two, too," he said in a sarcasticly annoyed tone. Then he smiled. "Leiah, time to get up!" I yelled over to where she was sleeping. She turned over and mumbled, "Just five more minutes, daddy..." We snickered a bit, then insisted that she get up so that we could pack up and continue heading towards our destination, wherever that is. |
Casian "Where are we!" Leiah wailed. "I'm so tired!" "We all are. So shut your trap!" Jake snapped. We had been traveling all day. The fortress was ever present in my mind. two of us would die there. My vision had told me so... But which two? Or was I taking my vision to literally. Maybe two wouldn't die.. Maybe just hurt or... Or what? I didn't know. "We aren't stopping tonight." I said a little unexpectedly. "What? Why not?" Ryan asked. "We are reaching our destination. We will practice though, to take up the time. Jake, I need you to create a sapling tree, Leiah you will destroy it and Ryan you must douse the fire. We will continue this cycle for a time. By morning Jake, when you create the tree it will be at least as tall as you are. Leiah your fire must be able to overcme that tree and Ryan your waterfalls must be made perfect." "What about you?" Leiah asked. "What will you be doing while we're practicing?" "I will be preparing." "For what?" "For a fight that we will never forget..." |
Jacob harkened. An incandescent glow tormented the cerulean sky. Jacob still wove magic in his mind; yet no longer thought about it. The others held their eyes tight as flows of magic captivated their mind; and as a needle twines amongst thread, forming a work of art; the captured essence of magic warped and waved into awesome spells. Leiah and Ryan’s spells became torrents of sweltering flame and frigid ice water. The luminescent sky remained noticed only by Jacob. “They’ve never cast a spell like that” breathed Jacob, in a stray thought separate from the sky. Finally he became completely mesmerized, stunned and surrounded from intense light. Heaven and earth, along with the elements of old were torn asunder, nothing existed and all turned new. Light fell away. Leiah and Ryan sat, still. The spell wrapped and folded together. Swiveling in motion, as one motion. One force. Electrum spiraled in a great wad roundabout them; a swarthy swaddle, intrinsic in power and repelling forces of negative and positive energies. Jacob though could not be seen; for in the light he had been torn away. * * * * * Nothing, A mere existence yet not knowing why. “Where am I” echoed Jacobs thoughts. After forever or after no time, he felt nothing however he knew. Memories filled him mind, memory not yet beheld. Possible events ran their course. In a brief moment a thousand, thousands of years went in passing. The knowledge filled his mind. “That’s what she meant…” whispered Jacob, in wonder and dread. He spoke with the crystal, power fluxed in mind and heart yet the power of a burning star turned to be dust on scales in comparison to the crystal. “Go Back,” etched the crystal, “Tell the others, they must know.” Then there was light. * * * * * Leiah and Ryan opened their eyes in simultaneous movement. Shock from their own power weakened it’s integrity. Sitting opposite from each other, their faced could not be seen from the tumult of Fire and ice. The mixed antipode ruptured; like electrum it glowed. In their mind they faintly realized they had just killed them selves. Shear cliff appeared between them. The flaming antipode has become a mountain. The pillar of mountain melted and froze. Color of Red, yellow and blue shattered everything as it became a beam of elemental attack. Jacob collapsed, shrouded in light he coughed a final breath; the power of the spell had wounded his spirit. In the wake of a tempest elemental beam stood a crystal. From the crystal shot a beam, that lifted Jacob from the earth and pulled him into the air. Jacobs skin radiated, his eyes were like torches. In a deep reedy voice Jacobs lips moved and he spoke, “Ryan… Leiah… I have seen many things. To defeat the enemy that encroaches on both our world and this, two of us must die.” Ryan’s face went grim, “I’m willing to sacrifice my life to…” Jacob continued, “Not as a death like on earth, but to die as in to stop breathing, and to fade away. Ryan, Leiah, you must both become elementals. As elementals I don’t know how much influence your muscular force would have on things; but your power will continue, like the antipode and elemental attack that was just performed.” Ryan and Leiah’s eyes didn’t look at anything, as their brows curled in concentration. “There can be no turning back, but it is your choice. I have just been told by some force, that with out you two, everything may fail. SO what will you do?” Jacobs words echoed in Leiah and Ryan’s minds. |