Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/562042-Adventures-in-Scotland
by Skye
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #562042
Four teens get stranded in another country in an earlier century... what happens next?
Once there were these four high school students:
Amber, Brandi, Chad, and Justin
They attended different schools in different states:
Amber and Justin attend Chetoah High in Oklahoma
Brandi and Chad attend school in Missouri
They lead 'interesting lives':
Brandi and Amber are actresses at various Renaissance Festivals throughout the country.
Chad's, well, a jock- Football, wrestling, track... Need I go on?
And Justin... What can we say about him? Oh, I've got it: Justin's an idiot.

Seems simple enough, doesn't it? Thought so. If you're interested in joining to help further the plot, bewitchingb and myself would love to have you. We need different people to contribute to this, we tend to make things very boring after a while... If you're interested in joining, send myself or my partner an email requesting an invitation.

All additions must be made within 24 hours if possible. I may randomly skip around so everyone can have a turn adding to the story. If you get skipped, PLEASE DON'T BE OFFENDED. I've even skipped my partner on rare occasions.
Also, the rating may change to R due to violence, depending on how violent this actually gets. Please, try for PG-13 if at all possible.

That being said, we begin...
         ‘God, I wish he would leave me alone.’
         This was the chant in Amber Cannon’s mind that Friday. The most obnoxious guy in Chetoah High’s senior class, Justin, seemed to be seeking her out. He loved to make fun of people, a quality she couldn’t bring herself to appreciate. She didn’t even have a friend to vent her frustrations to, as her best friend Brandi had lived in Missouri ever since her parents split. And since she had Army drill this weekend, she wouldn’t be going with her parents to the Kansas City Renaissance Festival. She’d been looking forward to seeing Brandi there. Well, as they said, “The best-laid plans…” Besides, there was no help for it now.
         She ducked into her last hour class as she saw Justin coming down the hall. She loved world history, but today she hoped it would pass quickly. She wanted to get home.

         Brandi’s day hadn’t been going well either. She’d had another run-in with her trig teacher. He managed to rile her quicker than anyone else she knew, with his uncompromising opinions. She also had looked forward to talking to Amber at the festival, but meanwhile she could vent to Chad, her best guy friend.

          “You sure you’ll be fine?”
         Mothers, Amber thought, exasperated. “Yes. I told you, I have drill first thing in the morning. I’ll stay at the base tomorrow night. I’m a big girl. I’ll be fine. Now, you two have a safe flight!” Amber hurried her parents out of the door and closed it firmly behind them. She was looking forward to the time alone.
         It was eight the next morning when she got the news.

          “Cannon, report to first aid,” shouted the loudspeaker.
         She finished tying back her elbow length red hair and stuffed it into her hat.
          “Red, what’s up?” asked one of her roommates.
          “I’m sure I don’t know, but I hope it gets me out of that run” she replied, grinning. Her roommate laughed. Amber’s disdain of running was legendary.
Amber made her way towards first aid. When she got there, the medic asked her to sit down.
          “Cannon, were your parents on flight 372 to KC?” he asked. At her nod, he continued. “It went down last night. No survivors.”
         Amber was too shocked to speak. She sat there for what seemed like forever. Anger, resentment, and unshed tears formed a knot in her chest. How could they leave her all alone? How could God take her only family away? Suddenly she was eager to run, to lose herself in the numbing tedium of throwing one foot in front of the other. She purposely lagged behind and then took another trail. She didn’t want anyone to witness her grief. If she got lost, she had sufficient provisions in her pack for until she could find herself.

         She continued to run in a red haze until it began to rain. She welcomed the drizzled that so adequately reflected her mood as it revived her from her zone-out. She heard the melancholic howl of a solitary wolf. Wolf? There were only coyotes in the area, but that was unmistakably a wolf howl. She filed that thought to ponder later.
         She didn’t see the boy until she ran into him. Her mumbled apology died when she saw his face.
          “Justin?! Does this day get any worse?”
         Before he could reply, Brandi and a guy Amber didn’t know were there as if they had materialized out of the mist.
          “Brandi! What are you doing here? I thought you were in KC,” Amber commented as she hugged her friend.
          “I was last I knew. Chad and I were touring the grounds early. I thought we’d made a wrong turn when we ran into this guy, though not quite so literally. What happened to you?”
          “Do I look that bad?”
          “Like you’ve been hit by a Mack truck.”
         Amber briefly recounted her parents’ demise, keeping her voice as even as possible.
          “My God,” Brandi said when Amber finished. “Are you okay? Never mind. Stupid question. By the way, this is Chad.” He extended his hand.
          “I’m Amber. This,” she gestured to Justin, “is Justin.”
         Chad cleared his throat. “So what are we doing here? Together? Since we were in different places this morning.”
         As they heard horses approaching, Justin glibly said, “We’re about to find out.”

         When the horses drew close enough to see, the four standing in the clearing were struck speechless. Atop magnificent horses were warriors in kilts. Amber guessed their number at about twenty, and they did not look happy.
          “Excuse me, sir,” Justin started.
          “Justin, shut up,” Amber hissed.
         One of the men in front started speaking. Amber saw a large scar marring his otherwise fair, if old, visage.
          “Do you happen to know any Gaelic?” Brandi asked Amber.
          “Not anything that’ll help,” she replied.
         At what he took as a slight, Scar-face got angry and signaled his men. They dismounted and advanced on the group. When the boys made to fight, Amber reminded them that they were outnumbered five to one. After they had surrounded the four, Amber had time to helplessly watch them knock out Brandi and Justin before everything went black.

         She awoke in a dark room, hands bound behind her back by rope. Groans told her that the others were also waking up.
          “Brandi?” she asked.
          “I’m here.”
          “What do we make of all this?”
          “Scottish hospitality leaves much to be desired,” Brandi replied flippantly.
          “Scottish? As in Braveheart?” Justin piped up.
          “Yeah. ‘Scotland. Where men are men and sheep are nervous’,” Amber replied.
          “Aw, sick,” Brandi said, laughing. “Do you know what clan that was?”
          “How would she know that?” Chad finally spoke up.
          “Each clan had it’s own plaid. Their kilts are made from the plaid,” Amber explained.
          “Kilts?” This came from Justin.
          “Those skirt things the men were wearing. These were MacDonalds.”
          “McDonalds? As in the restaurant?” Justin asked.
          “No, that’s Irish Mc. This is Scottish Mac.”
          “So, what about that dude with the scar?”
          “I think he’s the MacDonald laird.”
          “Laird?” Chad asked
          “Scottish for lord.” Brandi explained.
         Any further conversation was cut off as the door opened to admit four of the MacDonald warriors. They roughly corralled the four prisoners through the abandoned camp to a clearing where Scar-face stood, four unconscious prisoners laying at his feet. Amber studied them. Two boys. Before she could determine their clans, the warriors forced them to their knees.
          “Well, at least we’ve got a great view,” Brandi whispered to Amber.
          “What’s she talking about?” Justin asked.
         Amber ignored him and began rummaging through her pockets as Scar-face began talking in rapid-fire Gaelic. She found her pocketknife and began to work at her bonds.
         Scar-face was standing directly in front of her, glaring at her. He gestured to imply himself. “Alasdair MacDonald.” He raised Amber to her feet then looked at her expectantly.
          “I think he wants your name,” Brandi said.
          “Why me?” Amber asked. Then she realized that the boys turned to Brandi and her for answers, and, since to Mr. MacDonald she must look like a boy, he’d assumed she was in charge.
         She squared her shoulders. “Amber Cannon.”
         The color drained from MacDonald’s face, making his scar stand out. “Buchanan?” he said, his voice dangerously soft.
          “I think that was the wrong answer,” Justin said.
          “Buchanan?!” MacDonald roared, his face flushed with rage.
         Amber bonds broke just in time for her to prevent MacDonald’s fist from plowing into her face. Using a few moves she’d learned from the Army, she soon had MacDonald down for the count. She had time only to slit the others’ bonds before the other four warriors were upon them. Working together, they had them all unconscious in seconds.
         Amber confiscated a belt from one of the warriors, as well as its sword, scabbard, and dagger. Brandi did the same. Amber found her pack and discovered five horses already saddled. She brought them around to the clearing.
          “What are we going to do about them?” Brandi asked, pointing to the horses.
          “Take them with us,” Amber replied.
          “Why?” Chad asked.
          “Well, we can’t just leave them here.”
          “I just hope you know what you’re doing,” Justin muttered.
         As they started down the road, Brandi stopped suddenly.
         "Where are those guys we saved?"
         "You mean those guys in skirts?" asked Justin. "We left them there."
         "They're called kilts," said Amber, quickly losing patience. "Why don't we get them? I mean, between the four of us, we could control them and their families might even be grateful to us."
         "But how will they know we're trying to help?" said Brandi. "We don't exactly share a common language."
         "Good point. Any ideas?"
         "How about we just leave them there?" asked Justin hopefully.
         "And leave them to the wrath of that MacDonald? Why don't we just leave you here?" Amber wanted to know.
         "Settle down," said Chad. "Let's just bring them with us, but keep close watch on them. You girls can tend them, since you look less threatening, plus you can handle them if they do attack."
         As they went to pick up the bodies, Amber started singing, "Bring me my whiskey, Mother...."
A Non-Existent User
Brandi's head moved from side to side as she looked from one to another as they spoke their rapid gaelic. She wore a bright smile on her face and nodded when it seemed appropriate. She was thinking of what to ask them, and how. If they couldn't understand each other that complicated things a bit. She could try sign language, but she might translate something unappealing. Of course she could always try talking to them..
         So, finally, that was exactly what she did, and with amazing results. "Um, so... what are your names?" she asked timidly, wondering if they would even be able to understand her.
         Four heads whipped around to face her, and Brandi saw comprehension light up their eyes. "You are... of Briton?" one of the boys, this one with dirty-blond hair arranged in small braids, asked.
         Brandi frowned. "I... well." There was no point in telling them that she was American. If they were right about the century, there was a good chance that America hadn't even been discovered. "Yes," she said at last. "I'm from Great Britain."
         They looked at eachother, then back at her. "Your name?" the dark-haired man asked.
         "Brandi," she said. "You?"
         Justin kicked the ground in his frustration. "Chad! Get out here!"
         No response.
         "Shhh, I'm here!" Justin whirled around to see his friend behind him with a stone in his hand, looking back at the outline of a gruop of chattering people.
         "What the..."
         Hearing Justin's voice, the Macdonalds turned to find themselves being watched. Since Scotsmen, especially outlaws like these were, don't like being watched, they attacked.

         Fortunately for Justin and Chad, Brandi and Amber weren't too far away.
         "Did you hear something?" Brandi asked.
         "It sounded like..." They rushed to the place where the voices came from. The Scotsmen Ian and his friend Patrick (Amber had asked) followed suit, all four drawing their weapons.
         When they reached the clearing, the boys had been separated and were about to be set upon. The four attacked immediately. In the fray, one on the MacDonalds dropped his sword. Amber made a diving leap for it, and threw it to Chad.
         Suddenly, the warriors froze at the sound of a sharp, suprisingly young and feminine voice searing the air, though they still held their weapons as though ready to strike at any given chance.
         The girl was young, and judging by her coloring of irish desent. She wore simple clothing and the only show of jewels was a jade incrested torque with two interwoven dragons around her neck. This seemed to mean something, but it was not clear what. She spoke again, softer, and the warriors pulled back slightly as she approached the captives. She was only about four foot five, though she looked about nineteen, and when she spoke her British wasn't quite clear, "You will come with us."
         As they arrived at their camp the woman stopped and spoke to them urgently, her eyes flickering between them. "We will rest here for a few hours before starting again. You will rest in silence. You will not cause trouble. Maybe, with time, these guards stationed outside won't be so necessary, but acting out will only bring trouble. If something happens, fetch the guards for me and I will deal with it accordingly, as my position requires."
         "How are we to ask for you if we don't even know your name?" Brandi was the one to ask the obvious question.
         "I am called the Lady Arianna." With that, she left them to the soldiers.
         "I never meant to hurt anyone," she spoke as she led them back to camp, her voice even now some how regal, "but there are unatural forces at play, and they cannot be defeated without your help..."
         "This torque," her hand automatically reached to touch the silver dragons, an expression of sorrow suddenly sparking through her eyes. "This torque marks me as not only the future leader of my people, but also for the things that I see in my dreams. I was kidnapped for those dreams, for they always come true, and my clan was slaughtered in their sleep.
         "What I have seen frightens me, and I called upon my goddess to offer help. She sent me you."
A Non-Existent User
         "Maybe right here," Amber said, looking at the ground.
         "What?" Justin asked, scratching his head and looking at the ground. "It's just a bunch of mushrooms. I wonder if they're edible." He bent over to pluck one of the mushrooms, but Ian quickly grabbed him and yanked him back so hard that Justin landed hard on his back.
         "You said you heard music?" Ian asked Brandi.
         "Yeah," Brandi replied. She looked at the mushrooms, and after a moment her eyes widened. "That explains the music."
         "Explains what music?" Justin demanded. "I'm hungry. Let's mix some of these in with some omelettes."
         "The mushrooms are in a circle," Amber said, her voice sounding far-off. "Arianna said that there were unnatural forces at play."
         "A fairy ring is a perfectly natural occurence," Brandi said. "It's what scared the fairies off that wasn't." She shuddered and turned away from the fairy ring.
         "What, exactly, did you see?" Amber asked Brandi.
         She found the Lady down by the stream, seemingly lost in her own world as she stared at the torque, which she had taken off and was holding in gingerly in her palms, her expression as though she hated it and loved it at once. Hearing the footsteps she hurried to put it back on, blinking her tears away wearily.
         "Why did you do this to us?" The question caught her by surprise, and a bit of fury rose to her eyes.
         "Still thy tongue, child. You know not what you say. I don't want to do this any more than you, but the life of the one I love depends on it. My freedom depends on it?" There was a knowledge deep in her eyes that worried Brandi.
         "Who are you really?"
         "Once, and soon again, Lady Fate. But hush, no one need know that."
         Brandi turned at Chad's soft footsteps behind her, and when she turned back, Lady Arianna was gone.
A Non-Existent User
         "Found him," Brandi said.
         The arguers looked up, jaws slightly slack.
         "Where was he?" Amber asked.
         Brandi shrugged, and suddenly she felt very tired. "I don't know. Neither does he. Let's go back to camp, shall we?"
         All eyes were on Brandi and Chad, who were both beginning to sag against one another.
         "That's a good idea," Patrick said slowly, walking forward and grabbing Chad. He let the young man lean on him for support, and Amber did the same for Brandi.
         Half an hour later Brandi and Chad were both asleep.
         "Is it just me or did they suddenly go all weird back there?" Amber asked Ian.
         Ian nodded and glanced at their sleeping forms. After a moment he said, "They've got the sickness."
         Realization and horror bloomed in Amber's eyes at the same time.
         "Not the plague! Please, God, not the plague!"
         "The what??" asked Justin.
         "'Tis named the Black Plague, but methinks he means the sweet disease of Cupid," said Arianna.
         At this, Ian nodded, not looking pleased at the admission.
         Amber wanted to hit him for making her worry about Brandi. "If you ever," she grated out in a low voice, "pull something like that again, I will cut off you family jewels and feed them to you. Brandi is the last reminder of my family and the life I used to live. Anyone who threatens her should die."
         Amber sat down amid stunned silence. The entire trip she'd been the peace maker, never taking offense and always passive. They'd begun to think that the red hair belied her lack of passion. Instead, they now understood that her temper surfaced rarely, but was explosive nonetheless. They learned that one may hurt her person, but God help the man who endangered her friends.
Amber and Patrick woke early to start the morning meal.
         "Where's Justin?" asked Patrick. "He's should be up by now."
         "I don't know. He's usually so suspicious," Amber replied. "I didn't really like him before we came, but he's even worse these days."
         By this time, the others in the group had risen and were joining them by the campfire for the meal almost ready.
         "He's not at his pallet," said Ian, indicating at what served as Justin's bed.
         "I suppose we have to leave him behind, where ever he is. He'll have to catch up to us," said Brandi, feigning a reluctance none of them felt. In truth, all the group felt, if not downright hatred, then a mild aversion to the boy. None truly regretted a chance to leave him out of whatever destiny had in store for them.
         Half an hour into the trek, however, the group ran into what little remained of their former comrade....
         "The darkness is coming," Arianna whispered turning her head from the grisly sight. "You must prepare yourself, and no longer wander at night.. Keep a fire burning at all times. Sometimes it helps."
         "What's going on? You know, don't you? Why don't you tell us?"
         Turned away, Arianna wasn't quite who it was that spoke. "The forces are strong here," she said. "Let's move on."
A Non-Existent User
         "What Arianna forgot to tell you," Ian whispered to Amber as they continued up the path, "is to stay away from water in these parts. Pass that on to your friends." He shifted to whisper with his own comrades.
         "Creepy, the way he was all chewed up like that," Brandi said when Amber approached her. They both shivered with disgust. "I wonder what the deal with water is."
         "Kelpies," Chad said.
         "What's that?" Amber asked him.
         "Water demons that take the form of horses. If you ride one, it'll drown you and eat you," Chad said. "I guess the one that got Justin just couldn't wait."
         "How did you know that?" Amber asked.
         "Yes." Brandi, feeling vulnerable, looked into Chad's eyes, trying to judge his reaction. "Do you mind?"
         "Of course not. In fact, it's a relief." he smiled at her. "With all I've seen of the world you grew up in, I was worried you wouldn't be open-minded."
         Brandi returned his smile, an unspoken fear relieved.

         Back at camp, however, Amber was still hurting from what she saw as Brandi's betrayal. Ian and Patrick were out hunting, so she went walking. She needed some time alone to sort through her feelings, and she'd always felt more comfortable out in nature, away from the crush of people and the pressure to be someone else. Why hadn't Brandi told her? They'd each disclosed far more revealing things already. They'd shared their lives with each other, although they'd only known each other a few years. She'd told Brandi everything signicant about herself...or had she? There were things she hadn't divulged, like where she'd come from, or rather, what she'd come from.

         Unbeknownst to her, or any of the group, she and the rest were being watched by something not of this world...
         There were voices on the wind, roaming through the storm until they could find a vessel in which to express themselves. Finally coming upon that being, they didn't even stop to rest a moment before becoming one with her, seeping into her dreams to share their message. Some of them spoke quietly, while others screamed, but she could hear them all clearly, part of her curse. The voice that was clearest to her was the one that reminded her who she once was. It was the voice that reminded her that she came from the same timeline as those she now helped to protect, and that if she could ever find a way to return somehow, there was someone waiting for her- if he hadn't given up by now.
         Arianna woke, the voices still ringing in her ears. She sighed, dressing before rebuilding the fire. The rain had died down tremendously, but was still going steady. She pulled her cloak tightly around herself with a tiny shiver, reassuring herself with the fact that everyone was safe here for the moment. They were out there somewhere, those that were slowly poisoning the earth, and she was determined to know how far away they were. She was put in charge of protecting these people, and she'd be damned if she was going to fail. She glanced back at the fire one more time before disappearing into the storm.
         Watching from the shadows, Brandi felt a shiver race down her spine at the first real sign of emotion in Arianna's eyes reflecting in the firelight- fear.
         Morning came too soon for the six companions. As soon as everyone was up and fed, Arianna called everyone together.
         "I know I have been vague," she began, "about our mission and what it entails. I believe now is the time to divulge exactly what this quest is and how you all fit into it."
         Everyone held their breath, waiting for her to continue.
         "Amber and Patrick, due to their military experience and strong empathy skills, are here as bodyguards and mediators. While everyone else is distracted with some or other part of this mission, you both will be guarding our backs, as well as protecting us from the danger we pose to each other.
         "Ian and Chad, you are here to support Brandi in what is to be the hardest trial of her life. She needs your support-and your love-if she is to succeed. We all depend on you to counsel and guide her.
         "And, last but far from least, Brandi. You are the part that makes the whole worthwhile. Your gypsy heritage and, well, witchcraft, recommended me to enlist your help in finding the lost jewel of Ireland- the harp of Kerridwyn, stolen from us by King James I of England."
         Chad said what everyone was thinking. "But what about-"
         "Justin? That was a mistake," Arianna said lightly.
         "Not surprising," said Brandi.
         Silence reigned once more on the camp.
         "What about you?" Amber asked.
         "I," she replied anachronistically, "am your tour guide!"

© Copyright 2002 Skye, xx-xx, Andante, *Teddybear is back*, Tempest, xx-xx, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/562042-Adventures-in-Scotland