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Picard must face Q again... |
Captain's Log: 42798.1 Starfleet has made a device that can take a Q's power away. It has to be tested. Starfleet has ordered my crew and I to take on this daring mission. We have to find the Continuum and find Q and test the devise. This mission will be hard, and maybe deadly. Captain Picard stood before the crew of the Enterprise E. "The mission we are about to embark on it going to require all of your time and effort. We need to take a Q's power away." everyone gasped and looked at each other. "In order to do this, we must find the continuum and enter it. Then we must encounter a Q and try to take his power away. I need you all to work really hard for this one. Dismissed." Everyone scattered. Riker walked up to Picard and said, "Do you think it can be done, Sir?" "I don't know, Number One. I don't know. Let's get to the bridge." __________________________________________________ You can be any of the Star Trek TNG character or you can make up your own. Come on...Join the mission. |
Character: Captain Jan-Luc Picard __________________________________________________ Captain Jan-Luc Picard sat down in the Captain's chair on the bridge. Stars wised by on the screen. Their present seed was warp 6.5. They had a no clue on where to set a course for, so they decided to just pick a spot...Where the old Farpoint Station used to be. Picard thought that since that was the first place where Q appeared to them, maybe the Continuum was around there. Picard was thinking about the past times Q had "played games" with his and his crew. Anger started to swell up in his heart. Troi, who was sitting in her seat next to Picard, must have felt his anger and asked him what was wrong. "Q." Picard softly spoke. "I've always been looking for a way to stay away from him, but now...I'm trying to get to him." He paused for a moment. "He's done so many things to us. Nothing will give me more pleasure then to take his power away from him, and leave him out to face the world as a mortal." "Sir." An Ensign said from the navigation system. "We are enter the system." "Slow to impulse speed." The Enterprise slowed down and they saw nothing, but open space." "Mr. Worf. Run every kind of scan you can. I want to know everything about this system. Give me a report of everything you find no matter of how insignificant." "Aye Sir." Mr. Worf went to work. Picard walked into his Ready Room. |
Riker entered the captians ready room and stood at attention. Picard said "Go ahead number 1." "The planet has very strange readings captian." He continued. "There are some strange liforms on the surface of the planet and I request that we go down and take a look around." Picard finished the thought "If we make our presence known and make some waves then maybe Q will come down and look." Riker stated, "My thoughts excatly sir." "Make it so number one." ================================================= the sound and telltake tingle of a traansporter was seen as 4 humans came to rest on the surface of the planet. Riker, Worf, Deanna and a new recruit named Smith. Worf spoke "There are a few readings in this town somewhere below ground, sir." Riker looked at Deanna and gave her a look that they both knew. Did she feel anything? She said " I feel something that I have never felt before, something mindless and yet very intelligent." They entered the basement of one of the buildings and they found the tempature had dropped radicilly. After a few minutes the group came to a large room filled with hundereds of oval eggs, that looked to be made of leather. One opened and something came out of it and jumped onto Smith's face. Worf tried to take it off but was inturrupted as Q popped into the space next to him. "I would get out of here if I were you, Mr. Worf." These aliens are the only species that my magic can't control." Riker Aimed his phaser ot Q and told him to freeze. Q waved his hand and the phaser had vanished and reappeared in it's holster. "What's going on here Q? Riker demanded. "If you can get to your ship I think you may be able to help him." Q said waving his hand to the young man with a spider like alien hugging his face. He then vanished Worf walked up to the young man and tried to yank of the creature. It did not budge. He then tried cutting it, and jumped back in surprize. Acid welled up and leaked out onto Smiths neck and the ground. Riker yelled into his com link, "Enterprise beam us into sick bay this instant!!" |
As soon as they were in Sick Bay, Picard rushed through the door. "What happened, Number One?" "An alien attacked Smith, Sir. We were able to get it off him, but It left some acid on him. And there’s anything thing, Captain. Q showed up." "I know. He was here too. He told me that you were coming back to the ship with an injured man." "Since when does Q say something like that." "Deanna?" "Like always, Captain. I felt nothing from Q." "Well...We know that Q is around here somewhere. We just have to find him." In a flash of bright light, Q appeared. "You trying to find me, Jan-Luc? Be still my heart" "Q!" Picard said. For the first time since they’ve met, he was happy to see Q. "Yes. I need to get into the Continuum." "The Continuum? And what makes you think I'm going to take you there?" Q waved his hand and glassed of red wine appeared in everyone’s hands. "A toast. Too me." Q drank the wine and said. "Why do you want to go to the Q Continuum anyway, Jan-Luc?" Picard thought for a second. "I want to take a vacation. It seems to me to be a great place." "No." Q disappeared. |
Pikard turned to Deanna and asked "Anything Counseler?" "He was a bit aggitated and aprehensive of you Captian." Counsler Troi stated Wesley jumped up and asked a question "What if we put somekind of tracking device on Q and then we can use my new spacial trangsmogrifier to track and transport us right to his spot." Pickard thoughtfully rubbed his chin. "If we can get it on him without him knowing about it it just may work." He continued, "Make it so Wesley." "Thank you sir," Wesley said and left in the turbo lift. ============================================== As the turbo lift closed Wesley spoke aloud. "I could make a necklace, or a microscopic dot, or maybe put it inside a drink and get Q to swallow it." He slammed his fist against the wall. "I have to think of something great and then the Captian will see me as an adult and not a child." |
Back on the Bridge Picard sat in his chair. "Well at least we know we're going in the right direction." The turbo lift doors opened and Wesley walked in with what looked like a pill in his hand. "Captain! I found a way to track Q." Picard looked at the pill. "How?" "We give him this, Captain. It will devolve instantly in any liquid. It will track him. No matter where or when he goes. The next time he comes he can get some wine out and slip the pill in." Picard thought. "Well done, Wesley. We can use one of my old 19th century bottles of red wine. Q saw it one time and said he wanted to try some. I wouldn't let him. I was lucky he didn't just take it. Ok people...let's make this so." |
Picard yelled at the top of his lungs, "Q!!!" With a zap Q appeared behind Jean-Luc and bowed. "Your highness." Q said "I propose a toast Q, to the man who bested the Enterprise." Q grabbed the offered glass and sniffed it, and swished it around in the cantor. Looking at Picard he downed the whole thing. "This tastes a bit different Picard, you would not be trying to drug me, eh Picard?" The captian said "No sir, no drugs." "Look at me and say that agian as I can assetrain the truth." Picard took a deep breath and told Q the truth. "I swear to you that there is no drugs in your wine other then the said alchol." Q looked quizzickly at Picard and spoke. You speak the truth and yet I know there is something amis." He continued, "What are you planning Picard?" |
"A little trip, Q." Picard said to his face." "Oh really? Well, I like that. Where will we be going, Jan-Luc?" "The Q Continuum." "Very funny, Picard. I'm not going to take you there." "No, but we're going to follow you there." "Oh, please. Do you really this bucket of Human bolts could follow me? No, no, no. Don't be naive, Jan-Luc." "You do not this that we can follow you to the Continuum, Q?" Data clipped voice asked. "No. You can try. but you won’t get anywhere." With that, Q vanished. "Ensign. Do you have a lock on the tracking devise?" "Yes sir." "Set a course for its location. Maximum warp." "Aye, sir." The Enterprise sped off. |
Picard got a beep at his chair. He pressed the button. "Go ahead Crusher." "Captian you may have to come down here we have a situation with Mr. Smith" Doctor Crusher said. "On my way Doctor." The captain replied. ................................................ Smith was writhing around in pain as the captian entered the room. He was splashed in Smith's blood as the creature inside him burst out of his chest. The office went into histerics as everyone rushed to save Smith and contain the monster. But unfortunalty the alien had found a small air duct and slipped inside. |
"Intruder Alert!" Picard yelled. The Ship went into Red Alert. Picard looked at Crusher and said, "What was that?" "I don't know, Sir. But it killed Smith." Picard rubbed the bridge of his nose walked out of Sick Bay. As he walked he hit his com badge. "Picard to Worf." "Worf here, Sir." "We have an intruder. Some kind of alien being. He slipped into the air duct. It's dangerous. Find it." "Aye, Sir." Picard turned a corner and bumped into someone. "I'm trebly sor...Q!" Indeed it was Q. "My, my, my Jan-Luc. Moving kind of fast are we?" "I don't have the time now, Q. We have an intruder on the ship." "Do you really still call me an intruder, Captain?" "No, Q! Not you. Some alien being. Some small, green, spider looking thing." "Oh. You have a Duptin on board." "Duptin? Yes. That's what it is. Picard looked around to see is anyone was watching, then did the unthinkable. "Q, Can you get rid of it? I'm right in the middle of a very important mission. I can't be bothered by intruders." "Do my ears deceive me? I think I just heard Captain Jan-Luc Picard ask for my help." "That's because I did, Q." "Well...Just to let you know. I would happily help if I could. But I can't." Picard frowned. "What? Why not?" "I don't know. None of the Q can control the Duptins. Try as we might, our powers are useless agent them." For some odd reason, Picard believed him. "But..." Picard looked at Q. "There is something that I can do." Q waved his hand and Smith appeared in a flash of light. He looked well, and healthy. But he looked confused. Just then Dr. Crusher came storming out of Sick Bay. When she saw Q she walked right up to him and said, "What do you thing you are doing, Q." "I think I was saving the life of your crew member." Crusher saw Smith and told him to come back to Sick Bay. Then back at Q. "Don't do that with out warning next time." "As you wish." He's being nicer than usual. Picard thought. He looked at Q and said. "So...did you change your mind about taking me to the Q Continuum again, Q?" "No I didn't. Taking you there the first time was a mistake." With that Q disappeared. |
With that they all found themselves on the ground fo the planet below. "Q what have you done!" The captian shouted. Q calmly stated "Just a little test, Picard, to see if you can get out." Picard used his com badge and spoke a word "Continuum!" The air shimmered as the devise tht would take away Q's power came into view. It glowed a bright blue and a huge flash lit up the sky. As soon as it was finished Worf shot it with his phasers and destroyed it. Q tried to vanish but could not. "My God man what have you done?" Picard spoke with a bit of confidence "We have taken away your power Q>" "Energize...Energize. "Sir we have no contact with the ship, sir." Worf said. Q yelled at Picard "You have stranded us on a planet with an alien species that I have no control over, not to mention you have made me powerless." Q continiued "You have just killed us." ========================================= Deep with in the hive a dozen or so eggs opened up and the spider like creatures made there way to the humans..... |
Picard was confused. "Why are they leaving?" Data held out his tricorder and said. "The device seems to be emitting a sonic pules." "So the pulse is keeping them away?" Riker asked. "I believe so, Commander." "I can't believe this!" Q said. "I'm now trapped on a planet that I can't get off of because you stupid Humans took my powers away. The Q aren't going to like this one bit." "Mr. La Forge. You need to find away to get us back to the Enterprise. We need to get Q to Starfleet for judgement." Picard said. Q jumped up. "Judgement! What for?" "For all the things you've done to us, Q! You judged humanity, so now we are going to judge the Q." "I don't think so, Picard. You see The Q Continuum will be here shortly to rescue me." "Then I'll get another device." "You’re bluffing." Picard was now standing nose to nose with Q. "Am I, Q?" "You’re an imbecile, Jean-Luc." Picard looked at Q then did something he always wanted to do. Punch him dead in the face. Q went down. Picard looked at his crew. "That felt good." Q got up and and walked to a rock and sat on it. "Captain." Troi said. "I can feel Q's emotions. He's sad, distressed, angry, and disappointed." With that Q started to cry. He cried hard and long. He cried for the first time in his long, long life. |
The group could not believe what they were seeing. Here was a GOD in some respect and he was on the ground weeping. Just then there was a sound as if something just ran down and stopped. Warf looked at his tri-corder and the color left his Klingon visage as he spoke. "Sir, it seems that the pulse that had kept the creatures at bay...has failed. Riker noticed a small cave of into the distance and commented as such. "If we find some shelter then we can keep them at bay for a while." ---------------------------------------------- In the contiuum all the elders sat in a circle and looked into a large pool of water to watch the precedings on the nearby planet. Q3 spoke "DO WE NEED TO RESTORE HIS POWERS OR FIND A NEW REPLACENT? |
"THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO!" Came a booming voice. It was Q. Not just any Q like Q3 or Q7. But this was Q! Q himself. The Q! "OUR POWER CAN NOT STOP THE DUPTINS, AND PICARD HAS MORE DIVISES THAT CAN TAKE OUR POWER AWAY! THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO FOR Q. WE ARE POWERLESS AGAINST THE HUMANS NOW. ALL WE CAN DO IS WAIT AND SEE WHAT KIND OF A JUDGEMENT THEY WILL GIVE HIM!" Q10 appeared. "I have an idea Q." "AND WHAT IS THAT Q10?" "Why don't we talk to the humans and see if we can make a deal." Q10 disappeared. "THAT MIGHT WORK...BUT PICARD MIGHT TRY TO WORTHLESS HIDE THEN I WILL DO IT." "You mean...your going to let Q stay?" Q6 asked. "YES. NOW, Q6 GO AND TALK TO THE HUMANS." "But...but what about the device?" "IT ONLY TOOK AWAY Q'S POWERS. IT WILL BE SAFE...AS LONG AS YOU DON'T MESS WITH PICARD. HE HAS MORE. "And the Duptins?" "BRING THEM BACK TO THEIR SHIP. NOW GO!" Q6 left for the planet. |
On the ship the small alien had some time to grow and hunt. It had already killed and eaten 2 crewman. Tasha Yar ran the head of security while WORF was not aboard. "James, are you sure that the lifeform shows no readouts on the computer?" "Yes, luitenant, it can not be found and it has already taken two of the red shirted crewman." "We need to find it and nutralize it before it kills again." Tasha said sharply. The ensign on the bridge was trying unsucsessfully to hail the away team as per orders. =============================================== On the surface of the planet; inside the cave the away team stood and tried to get their bearings. Worf spoke up, "Captian I have a lifeform in the back of this cave." Phasers drawn the group walked into the rear of the dark cave to find a humanoid figure huddled in fear. Data spoke in sevaral local dialects just to try and find out the persons language. After a few minutes he was able to assertain why the man was here in the cave. "He is trying to hide away from the Duptins and their spawn, but was unsuccesful and only has a few hours to live." Just then Q6 apeared an a flash of light and started to speak, but was interupted as a spiderlike creature jumped onto his face and layed it's egg. |
Q!" Q said out loud. "Why did you come here?" "Why have you invaded our planet?" Q6/Duptin said. Picard said, "We did not mean to invade your planet. We are explorers. We are also on a mission. Q brought us here." "Q? Q! Q has no power over us." "I know that. But he has power over us. My people have made something that takes a Q's powers away. Q was on our ship and he brought us here. And here, is were we tried it out. We took his power away. And now we have no way to get back to our ship." "We don't want you on our planet. If you do not leave within one day we will kill you." Just then Q6 collapsed onto the ground. A tiny Duptin crawled out of his nose, and scurried out of the cave. Worf looked at Picard and asked, "Shood we take this Q's powers away as well, Captain?" "No. He might be the only way off this planet." Q rushed to Picard. "Jean-Luc! Why are you doing this to us? To me?" "For years you have played your games with me, Q. Starfleet have come up with a way to stop you from performing your pranks. But now that your powerless we will take you back to Starfleet where you will be judged, like you've judged us." Q looked at his friend, Q6 laying there unable to move. Then sighed. "I guess I deserve it." |
Being beamed abourd the Enterprise made captain Picard feel much better. As soon as he was whole he breathed a huge sigh of relief. Calling the bridge he stated, "Wesley, Set a course for Federation Headquaters, warp factor 8." Worf said " I am taking this THING to the brig." Q snorted in disgust, " I am not a thing, Klingon, on some worlds I am a GOD!" --------------------------------------------------- Days later the captian had checked in on their passenger but the guards had nothting new to report. "He has been like this for the last 3 days." One crewmember stated. Picard looked at Q. He seemed to be sleeping but he was in some self induced trance. Nothing that was done could wake him from his slumber. Picard told the brig," Just keep an eye on him and tell me if there is any change in his condition." -------------------------------------------------------- Q was in something like a dream state. He walked around and tryed to find the source of his powers deep inside himself. After many trails and tribulations he found a large glowing object. He touched it and concentrated deep within himself and made a wish. One last burst of power.... |
Picard, Riker, Troy, Data, Laforge, Worf, and Crusher all sat around the black table. "So...what are we going to do?" Riker asked. "I don't know, Number One. Deanna?" Troy sighed. "The Last thing I senced from Q was a last hope." "Last hope?" Worf asked. "I see..." Picard stood up. "It was one last burst of power. One last chance to get away from us. He's stranded somewhere without any power left." "Yes but he could be anywhere in the universe." "Yes he can, but he still has the probe inside of him. We can track him." Picard hit his com badge. "Picard to Crusher." Wes' voice replyed. "Crusher here, sir." "Is the probe inside of Q still transmitting?" "Yes, sir." "Good. Lock in on the location, and Set a corurse for that location. Maxmum warp." "Aye, sir." The NCC 1701 "E" sped off towards Q. |
Q popped into reality with a loud zap. He looked around at his surroundings to get an estimate of where or when he was. He seemed to be on Earth circa 12 century. "That is impossible he thought" Everything around him spoke other wise. Cars were wizzing on bye without a care. CEO's and dotcommers rushed by; not caring to give him even a passing glance. ==================================================== Onboard the Enterprise ensign Crusher spoke up. "Captian, I seem to have found the planet that Q is on." "Where is it Crusher?" " A class M planet, and from the scans it seems to be a lot like Earth." "Stay in orbit and get an away team down there as soon as you can." |
Another transporter beam appeared. Picard stood there. "Captain..." Riker said before Picard cut him off. "Will, I know the way Q works, I also know that this isn't 12th century Earth. It's another planet that looks almost exactly like Earth. You will see the differences. Now remember, Q used up whatever was left of his power to escape. Taking him in, would be like apprehending a human being." "But how do we go about finding him?" Troi asked. "Well we know that he's in this part of the planet. We'll just have to keep our eyes open. Q's not hard to miss. Let's go." Data, Troi, Worf, Riker, and Picard all started to walk around. The people around them gave them funny looks. But that didn't stop them...they were on a quest. A quest to find Q. __________________________________________________ Q realized that now all his powers were gone. He could not wish for them, he would not call for them, he could do nothing to get his power back. |