Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/542464-Yu-Gi-Oh-Fanfiction
by Naru
Rated: ASR · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Comedy · #542464
A Fanfiction for the best cartoon ever! YU-GI-OH!
Listen up! *Waits for murmuring to stop* *Bigsmile* Alright! This story takes place after Yugi wins the duel with Pegasus at the Dullest Kingdom he has returned home, and saved Grandpa (basically everything is back to normal, except that Yugi is the "King of Games" now). Here are the rules. Each person can type as much as they want. Please, no profanity. You can use whatever characters you want (including yourself-- but if you do that email me a bio). Sound good? *Waits for a distant reply of more murmuring* Alrighty then! Have fun! (Also, please to remember that I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THESE CHARACTERS OR TITLES!!! Yu-Gi-Oh belongs to some brilliant person out there. NOT ME!!! K? K.) *Exclaim* Please be patient while reading through the first few entries. This was my first story on this site and I was pretty newbie-ish. I also had one person's entries disappear because she's not a member anymore. Keep that in mind when the story lurches forward at a part. (If you want to read what is was like before, read "Yu-Gi-Oh Fanfiction!!!(More Complete)".) R/R & Enjoy! *Reading*
Yugi stared blankly out the window of the Game Shop. It was sunny and brisk fall weather. Normally, he would enjoy outside, but his grandpa had given him his daily chores. "Yugi! Stop staring out that window! You're supposed to be cleaning the display cases!" Yugi wirled about and began wipping the case's glass off. "That's what I'm doing, Grandpa." Grandpa sighed and left the room. Yugi cleaned and cleand until the phone rang. He gladly dropped his broom and raced to the receiver. "Hello? This is the Game Shop. May I help you?" ...
They had to run as fast as they could in order to keep up with Joey. He led them to the
subways and they all piled into the damp tunnels with Yugi’s grandpa gasping for breath.
“A little exited are we, Joey Boy?” Brock asked panting like a tiered animal. Joey only
looked at his friend with a great big grin and nodded causing his hair to swish and
bobble. Yugi looked around at the group of waiting people and noticed a flash of white
“Hey, Bakura!” The person stopped in their tracks and looked around as one does when
they here their name called but know not who spoke it. Yugi watched him zip up his
jacket and begin to walk away. He decided to try and yell a little louder.
“Bakur--” but he was interrupted by a childish proclamation.
“The train’s here! The train’s here! Come on, Yug! The train’s here!” Joey grabbed
Yugi’s collar and practically dragged him onto the train. Brock, Joey, and Yugi stayed
standing while Grandpa took a seat in front of them. Brock and Joey held tightly with
one of their hands to the rings on the ceiling, but Yugi was too busy thinking about if the
person he saw was really Bakura or not. Unfortunately, with his mind in deep thought he
forgot to grab hold of something to keep his balance. The train shot off with a jolt
causing Yugi to be launched backward into the person standing next to him.
“Oh! I’m sorry! I wasn’t thinking. I wa--” Yugi looked up into the eyes of the person
and saw that it was Mai Valentine. The rest of his friends turned around when they heard
the commotion
“Need a hand?” Mai asked as she stretched out her arm.
“Hi there, Mai!” Yugi grabbed her hand and she pulled him up. “Thanks.”
“No problem.” She looked up and saw the rest of gang. “Hey you guys. What’s up?”
Brock jumped forward and grabbed her hand.
“Hellllo, m’lady! My name is Brock. What’s yours, again? Mai is it? Beautiful name.”
Joey, Yugi, and Grandpa all rolled their eyes and Mai pushed the drooling teen into one
of the empty seats. He propped his head up on his hands and stared at her with
puppy-love eyes.
“Anyway, where are you all off to in such a hurry?” Joey, hearing a question he knew the
answer to, snapped into action. He told her about his sister’s eye operation and how they
needed an adult to sign. He then told her how Yugi’s grandpa said that he’s sign and that
was where they were going.
“Hey, do you mind if I tag along? I’d really love to meet your sister!” Joey smiled and
shrugged his shoulders.
“Of course you can come, Mai! The more the merrier!” Mai smiled and opened her
mouth to say something else when the train suddenly screeched to a halt and the doors
“Is this our stop?” Yugi questioned Grandpa.
“Domino Hospital: Stop number 46, ” Grandpa read off of a map on the wall inside of
the train. Joey pressed his face against the glass and saw on the outside there was a post
that had the number 46 on it.
“Yeah! This is it! Come on you guys!” Everyone ran off the train quickly just as the
doors closed.
Joey raced to the hospital room B264 where his sister lay. He found the door open and raced right in. He screeched to a halt when he saw Serenity laying peacefully in sleep. He gazed down at her with wide eyes that glistened with sheer excitement. The afternoon sunlight cascading from the nearby window seemed to be a blanket placed gently on her side. She had a beautifully serene expression on her face that caused Joey to sigh with pleasure. He grabbed a chair and positioned it backwards so that he could sit and rest his head on his arms and look lovingly at his sister.
The rest of the gang joined him in the room panting heavily from trying to maintain the same lightning-fast speed of Joey. They saw that Serenity was sleeping and proceeded to find chairs for themselves quietly. Yugi took a place next to his grandfather near the window, and Mai sat nearest to the door with Brock in-between her and Joey.
Mai looked around the room at the group. Yugi and his grandpa were speaking in soft whispers about various topics, all of which were uninteresting to her. She turned her head to see what was up with Joey and instead found Brock staring at her. She flinched backward and realized that he had been speaking to her the entire time that they had been there. She paid attention to what he said for about five seconds until she realized that his topics were also uninteresting. Bored with his droning, she stuck her arm out and pushed the still speaking boy back into his chair. It hardly phased him and he continued to talk to her, so she decided to tune him out.
Her eyes fell upon Joey who was still attentively perched on his chair looking at his sister. She watched him with interest as he stretched out his hand and gingerly swept away the small strands of hair that had fallen on the sleeping child’s face. ‘Joey is even more sensitive than I imagined.’ Mai thought to herself. ‘I mean, I realized during the Dullest Kingdom tournament that she was who he fought for but who knew that he was such a softy outside the dulling arena?’
Serenity stirred in her sleep and opened her eyes. Joey smiled and sat up straight.
“Hey there, Sis!” Everyone heard his remark and stood up to see for themselves.
They all gathered around her bedside with happy faces.
Yugi smiled and waved. “Hey there Serenity! How’s it going?” Seeing that more people than her just brother were there, Serenity sat up in her bed to look around.
“Hi Yugi! Hey you guys! How long have you all been here?”
“Not long,” Brock remarked looking at his watch. Serenity grinned at seeing him.
“Well, now. I didn’t expect to see you here. Isn’t there a soccer game today at school?”
“Yeah there is, but Joey needed my moral support. You know, seeing how he has no morals at all I thought I should help him out a little.” Brock said with a grin that quickly changed to a flinch when Joey lurched at him forcing him into headlock. Mai walked over and grabbed the backs of their shirts and separated the two so that she could pass between them. Once she passed, the two continued to fight. She bent forward toward Serenity and smiled.
“Hey there! We haven’t met yet. I’m Mai Valentine. I met your brother in during the Dullest Kingdom tournament.”
Serenity’s eyes widened with enlightenment. “Ahhh. So you’re Mai! My brother talks about you all the time!” Hearing this, Joey stopped fighting with Brock and stood stunned.
Mai raised an eye brow. “He does?” Serenity nodded.
“Yup. He was right, too. You are very pretty! And y--”
Joey leapt forward and placed a hand over Serenity’s mouth. “Ah-he. That’s enough on that topic for now Serenity. You need to save your energy.” He was blushing a light pink and had an embarrassed grin on his lips. Feeling his face getting hotter as Mai and the rest of the gang suppressed laughter, he quickly switched the subject.
“So Sis, you’ll never guess what Yugi’s grandpa said he’d do for us!” Serenity
peeled her big brother’s hand away from her lips.
“What?” She asked eagerly.
“He’s agreed to sign the papers for your operation!” At this statement, Serenity turned her head to Yugi’s grandpa and her eyes instantly began to water. She finally sprang from her covers and slung her arms around him weeping with joy.
“Oh, Mr. Moto! I don’t know how to thank you! How will I ever repay you? Thank you! Thank you!”
“It’s nothing, really,” Solomon said softly as he patted Serenity gently on the back. “Now come on. Lay back down. Your going to get your self all worked up.” He helped her back to the head of her bed and had Joey cover her up again. She wiped the tears away from her eyes and smiled.
“Thank you.” She said again but this time quietly.
“Your quite welcome, young lady. Now, while I’m thinking of it I’m going to see what I can do about those papers.” And with that he left the room and headed to the front desk of that floor. Yugi walked to the bedside table, grabbed a tissue, and handed it to Serenity. She smiled and took it to wipe her eyes better.
Yugi sighed and suddenly became conscious of his thirst. “Hey I’m going to go downstairs for a soda. Anyone else want one?” Everyone agreed and gave him the money he needed to pay for them. “I’ll be right back!” He said with a wave. With that said, he left the room. Although, he did not get very far before his neck got a prickly feeling. The same kind of prickly feeling one gets when they are being watched. He quickly spun about but saw no one, save the normal doctors and nurses. He shrugged the feeling away and proceeded to the elevator.
When the doors to the elevator opened, he stepped in and the pressed the ground floor button. He thought that he was alone until a quiet voice came from behind him.
“I’ve been waiting for you, Yugi Moto.”
Yugi spun about in surprise. There in the corner, stood another person that seemed to have appeared out of no where. “Who are you?!”
The man laughed softly at Yugi’s obvious fear. “Me? I am Cronus. But my name is not important for you to know. All that you need to know is that I challenge you to a duel.”
Yugi stood in a state of supreme shock. Everything had happened so quickly. Did he really hear what he thought he heard? Was there really to be a second DuelistKingdom Tournament? If there really was, then why so shortly after the first? Yugi’s mind spun and throbbed in deep confusion. He closed his eyes and felt like yelling out when suddenly a soft voice rang out in his mind.
“Yugi, calm down,” Yami spoke quietly. Yugi opened his eyes and felt
somewhat relieved to hear a comforting voice.
“Yami. Oh, this whole thing doesn’t make any sense to me! Why is there going
to be a second tournament?!”
Yami sighed and bowed his head. “I don’t know what the exact reasons are but is it truly so surprising that there is another one? Why are you making such a big deal out of this? Is something wrong?”
Yugi sighed and shook his head. “No. Not wrong. I just have this strange feeling about the whole thing.”
“Yes,” Yami nodded in agreement. “that I can understand. What baffles me,
though, is who this Cronus really is and how he is connected to Kaiba. He seemed so mysterious at first but his attitude changed to a different sort not long after.”
“I know,” Yugi concisely replied.
“The only thing that we can do for now is wait and see. Tomorrow will hold
many answers to our questions.”
Yugi frowned. “But Yami, I can’t actually go to the tournament! What if I loose?
I know so little about it. I mean, Cronus said that there would be new rules and--”
“Yugi,” Yami interrupted.
“When have I ever refused to help you?”
Yugi paused and thought for a moment. “Never.”
“Exactly,” Yami replied. “I will always be there to help you no matter what. As
long as we remain together and believe in the heart of the cards, there will be no one
who can stand in our way. We can do this together!”
Yugi smiled. “Yeah!” He yelled, now reassured. What was it that had him so
riled up about this thing? It was just another tournament. Yami and Yugi’s friends had never let him down before and he knew that this time would be no exception. A new strength brewed in his heart as he thought of the next day’s events and all his anxious thoughts left him immediately. He knew that whatever the next day would bring, he would not be alone to face it. He pressed the button in the elevator to return him to Floor B where Serenity’s room was.
“Wow!” Tea exclaimed when Yugi showed up on her doorstep and gave her the official invitation to the tournament. “Thank you so much, Yugi! Hey, you want to come inside for a minute?” She stepped aside and beckoned him to enter. He smiled.

“Sure,” he said as he stepped in the doorway. She led him to the kitchen and asked if he wanted something to drink. He nodded yes so she went to the cabinet where the glasses were. The only two cups were on the top shelf and were a bit out of her reach until she elevated herself up onto her toes. It was only then that Yugi noticed she was wearing her ballet toe-shoes. “Oh,” he said. “I wasn’t interrupting anything when I came in, was I?” Tea looked where Yugi’s gaze was directed and smiled.

“Oh no,” she said. “I was just practicing some.” She then poured him a glass of water and one for herself. She joined him at the table he sat at and they began to talk. Soon the conversation led back to the recent events. “So tell me Yugi. When did you find out about this new tournament?” Yugi then proceeded to tell her everything. Starting when Joey came into the game shop that morning, to when Yugi received the invitations from Kaiba. “Sounds pretty exciting! And what about this Cronus guy? What’s with him anyway? He seems kind of mysterious, to me.” Yugi sighed.

“I wish I knew more about him to tell you. All I know is that he seems to be somehow linked to Kaiba, but at the same time to ancient history through his Millennium Hand. I guess we’ll just have to find out more tomorrow.” Just then Yugi’s digital watch beeped. He examined the time and gasped. “Oh no! I have to go, Tea!” He stood up, as did Tea.

“Why? What’s wrong?” She asked hurriedly. Yugi grabbed his jacket off the back of the chair.

“I told Grandpa that I would be home at five-thirty and it’s now six-forty-five!” Tea nodded and quickly walked him to the door.

“I’m sorry for keeping you so long, Yugi. Tell your grandpa that I’m really sorry if I
inconvenienced him.” Yugi opened the door and gave a smile that was shown just to
make her feel better..

“It’s all right, Tea. I’ll see ya!”

“Bye!” she said as Yugi shut the door behind him. She sighed and turned to go back to practice when the door opened again to revealed Yugi’s face. He spoke very quickly.

“Sorry to bother you again, but I forgot. I was supposed to give this invitation to Tristan and this one to Bakura, but I really don’t have time to do that anymore, but I really want them to come and--”

“Don’t worry Yugi!” Tea interrupted laughing. “I’ll get the invitations to them tonight at the soccer game.” Yugi smiled and sighed a very grateful sigh.

“Thank you so much! I’ll repay you somehow,” he said while he gave her the two

“That’s not necessary, Yugi. What are friends for, right?” She smiled at him and said good-bye then shut the door.

Yugi dashed up the street dogging the crowds and street vendors. He was going to be in so much trouble when he go home. He just knew it! His Grandpa hated him being out late. Once he reached home, he stopped outside to catch his breath, then slowly opened the door making sure that he stopped the little bell on top of the door from ringing. He slowly crept past the room where his grandpa was watching TV. By the look of it, he hadn’t even noticed the time yet because he was so distracted. This was good. He slithered across the hall to his room and carefully shut the door. Once in, he leaned against the wall and drew a deep breath. He then laughed to himself about his little victory and carried on the business of packing his bag for the next morning. Not much later the phone rang. Yugi dashed to it and answered.


“Hi Yugi! This is Bakura.” Yugi smiled.

“Oh hey, Bakura! Huh, where have you been lately? I haven’t seen you in class or...well...anywhere for that matter.”

“Oh--” his voice paused. “I...have had a lot of work I had to do around the house. My father asked me to stay home to help him with some repairs.”

“Really? Like what.” Yugi curiously asked.

“Just repairs. Anyway, I was calling to talk to you about this new tournament Tea told me about this evening. Pretty exciting stuff, eh Yugi?” Yugi sat on his bed with the phone.

“Yeah! I was just starting to get ready for that myself when you called. I think this time I’m gonna be more prepared and bring a backpack or something, ya know? But I’m not sure whether I’ll--”

“Are you bringing your Puzzle?” Yugi paused at this question. Bakura’s voice had sounded low and serious.

“Eeh-yeah. Of course I will. Why wouldn’t I?”

“No reason. Just wondering.” His voice was cheerful again. “Well listen Yugi, I should be going now. It was nice talking to you.”

“Same here.” Yugi responded and was about to hang up. “Oh Bakura!” he stopped and added hurriedly. There was a pause.


“Where do you want to meet tomorrow morning so we can all register together?” Another pause.

“Uh. I don’t know. In front of your house, I guess.”

“Sure, that’ll work! I’ll tell everyone and we’ll all be out there at say, seven-thirty?”


“Ok. Well, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yeah, bye.” Bakura hung up first.

‘That was odd,’ Yami spoke out and appeared only to Yugi’s eyes leaning against the door.

“Your telling me,” Yugi sighed. “Must just be having a bad day or something.”

‘Maybe.’ Yami shrugged his shoulders. He went over to were Yugi sat and took a place beside him. ‘You’re sure you’re ready for tomorrow?’

“Spirit,” Yugi said determined. “If there is one thing that I’m sure I can do, it’s this!
Besides, you’ll be there with me along with all my friends.” Yami nodded and smiled.

‘I’m very proud of you Yugi. I know you’ll do great.’ The two smiled at each other.

“Thanks.” Just then Solomon knocked on the door.

“Yugi? Are you in there?”

“Yes Grandpa.”

“Well, you need to get ready for sleep. It’s nearly nine ‘o clock.”


“Oh and Yugi?’


“When you get back from this tournament, you are going to serve your punishment for sneaking in past your curfew of five-thirty today through back breaking Mop Duty. Goodnight.” Yugi muttered many quiet curses under his breath as he got into bed and drifted into sleep.
Yugi was leaning forward, his elbows on the table top, listening intently at what Bakura had to say.

“Yugi, it’s as if . . . I can’t control him anymore,” he murmured quietly. He acted as if he was afraid the spirit of his Item would hear what he said. “It’s strange,” he fingered the rope holding the ring then raised it up and over his head. He carefully placed it on the table in front of him and stared into it. “When my father first gave this to me, and I put it on for the very first time, I felt as if I had a certain power over,” he paused while he searched for the correct word to use. “Everything! I felt like I shared something with an invisible being. As if I had a partnership with the ring, itself.” Yugi looked at the glistening ring on the table, then looked at his own Puzzle.

“I understand what you mean, Bakura. Once I finished putting together the Millennium Puzzle, I felt somehow stronger. I felt like there was someone else with me, deep down inside.” Bakura nodded in agreement.

“Yes, that’s how I felt as well. Almost as if I wasn’t alone,” he looked at his Millennium Ring with a hint of fear. “Never alone . . .” There was a long pause in the conversation. Yugi glanced at his friend with concern. The Item seemed to have created an uneasiness in his heart. Bakura’s eyes where wide as if he was listening to something, or perhaps someone, terrible. He soon clamped them shut and turned his head away from his unblinking stare then returned his glance to Yugi. He looked in such a way that suggested he was embarrassed about all he told Yugi, and waited for him to say something. Yugi took a deep breath.

“Bakura, I don’t know what to tell you. Obviously, the spirit that resides in your Ring is diabolical and evil-minded, seeing all that he has done to you and all our friends,” he paused in his speech wondering whether or not to bring up exactly what he thought. He reluctantly decided to share his opinion. “What if,” Yugi said very slowly and cautiously. “What if you stop wearing the item for a while?” Bakura looked deep into his friend’s eyes to make sure that he was being serious. Thinking, he slowly shifted his gaze to the ring on the table.

‘What if Yugi is right?’ he pondered ‘It wouldn’t be all that hard to try it. Besides, the
tormenting spirit seemed to reside within the ring. Wouldn’t excluding the item from the picture also rid of the demon?’ “Maybe you’re right, Yugi,” Bakura finally said out loud. Yugi was surprised but relieved. He truly thought that this might help his friend. Bakura raised his hands from beneath the table and delicately picked up the ring. “I suppose it wont hurt to give it up for a while. Just to try it out, you know?” Yugi nodded his head with a small smile.

“That’s right Bakura. I can’t help but think that it will work.” The silver-haired boy
gave a faint smile and a small nod. He looked very thoughtful and seemed to be getting second thoughts. He quickly looked away from the Item and searched Yugi’s face for more help. Finally finding an answer, he reached across the table and grabbed Yugi’s and. Quickly, he shoved it into the small and confused boy’s palm and closed the small fingers over the round edges.

“You have to keep it for me, Yugi! I wont be able to resist if I took it home with me. I
wouldn’t last a second out of your door! Please, Yugi! Please help me!” His eyes were soft and shimmering on the brink of tears from the inner struggle he was facing. Yugi felt the firm pressure of his friend’s grasp over his hand. The sleek caress of the golden loop between his palm and fingers was strange. He sensed a feeling of foreboding as he scanned over the Item, but as he looked up into Bakura’s longing and pain-suffering eyes he knew for certain that he couldn’t let him down in this extreme time of need.

“Okay,” Yugi said hesitantly. He watched, then, as Bakura retracted his hand in a snap as if warding off a blow that was sure to come from his abandoned Item. Abandoning. He was abandoning it, wasn’t he? The sun seeped slowly through the clouds creating a slim spotlight on the eflective surface of the ring. A glimmer of light danced on his shirt sleeve. Another scattered across the table, and a third whisked away swiftly on the floor. It was so beautiful, glimmering in the sun casting beams in various places. The cone-shaped, golden tassels swayed rhythmically in Yugi’s grasp. Within Yugi’s terrible thieving grasp! What a terrible thing to do to the Millennium Ring and the spirit within! To think that he was about to forever give away his item to that thief! He stepped forward with a loathing look on his face and extended his hand to snatch the ring away. Suddenly, a soft, insignificant, but caring voice echoed in his head.

‘Stop it Bakura! It’s the spirit’s powers! He’s trying to take you back! Resist! Don’t give in! . . . RUN BAKURA! JUST RUN!’ His mind struggling between its evil and its pure halves began to reel and ache. He covered his face with his hand and yelled out loud, “Leave me be, Spirit!” and ran out of the back door. Yugi had been speaking to Bakura the whole time asking him what was wrong but his friend obviously had not
heard him.

“Bakura! Where are you going?!” Yugi stuffed the Millennium Ring in his backpack, shouldered it, and raced to the door. Swinging it open he scanned the area and didn’t find anyone. “. . .Bakura. . .” he spoke sympathetically to the open area. He hoped he was all right. Looking once more and again finding nothing, he turned and opened the door to go back inside. Although, just as he made one step, he heard the familiar sound that came from around front of the shop. A constant whir and a hum he had heard before come from duel disc during Duelist Kingdom! He closed the door and listened closer. He heard an undistinguishable murmur from a person, definitely a man, and then caught the boisterous tone of his friend.

"Cronus, you're dead meat. When I get my Red-Eyes Black Dragon on the field, you're done for," Joey yelled with anger and determination.

“Oh Joey, what have you gotten yourself into this time?” Yugi muttered to himself as he broke into a run to the front of the game shop. Sure enough, there stood Joey preparing to duel with . . . “Oh no,” Yugi said quietly. “It’s Cronus.” Cronus, hearing his name, spun about and saw Yugi’s face.

“Yugi Moto! At last you arrive!” He lowered his deck of cards back into his jacket pocket and folded up his wrist-band holographic projector. Just as he did, Joey’s projector did the same and hovered back to Cronus’s hand.

“Hey!” Joey clamored. “What’s the deal, hot shot? You too scared to duel me when there’s an audience to watch you loose, or are you just plain stupid?! We were just getting started here!” Cronus tucked his compact equipment into his left-side inner pocket of his jacket and rolled his eyes.

“Amateur,” he muttered under his breath. Joey’s face swelled up and his eyes widened.

“Who you call’n an ‘amateur’?! I happened to have won second place in the Duelist

“Shut up, already! Geez you talk too much. I know that stuff already.”

“Listen, weirdo.” Joey raised his finger and pointed it at Cronus. “What you don’t seem to understand is --”

“No Wheeler, what YOU don’t seem to understand is that I didn’t really come here to duel with you.” Joey’s smug expression sunk and his finger lowered.

“Ya’ didn’t?”

“Of course not, you idiot. I figured while I was waiting for Yugi to show up, I might as well get in a warm-up duel. Now that I have seen your overconfidence and immaturity, however, I see that you were not the best choice I could’ve made. I wouldn’t have even broken a sweat!” Joey slumped over, displaying his hurt pride. Yugi stepped in, not wanting his friend to be insulted any longer. He tapped into the powers of his Millennium Puzzle and emerged as Yami.

“Well, here I am, Cronus. What was it that you had to tell me now that couldn’t have waited for the tournament?” Cronus sensed a definite change in Yugi’s mindset and attitude. He dismissed it and casually crossed his arms.

“Why Yugi, don’t tell me you’ve forgotten.” He stood and watched Yugi’s face to see if he would remember. When there was no change in the confident facial expression, Cronus sighed and continued. “A duel, Yugi. You pledged that your first duel in the tournament would be mine. I came to protect that right.” Yugi remembered. In fact he remembered the conversation exactly. They were in the elevator at the hospital. Cronus had said, “I get first dibs to duel you, Yugi. I look forward to our next meeting.” That, Yugi thought, was much different than him having “pledged” first duel honors to the near-stranger, but it didn’t matter. Cronus would not be swayed.

“If it’s a duel you want, then that’s what you’ll get, but not here. The tournament hasn’t officially begun.” He glanced over to Joey with an expression that read ‘let’s go inside.’ Joey nodded and walked with Yugi. As he passed Cronus, he deliberately bumped into the man’s shoulder causing him to sway and move out of the way.

“Pity,” Cronus said rubbing his shoulder. “I thought that you of all people would be the least afraid to duel me on the spot, Yugi.” Yugi stopped walking, looked over his
shoulder, then returned his gaze forward.

“Forcing people into duels with insults and threats is far more cowardly than having the intelligence to know when to walk away from a situation.” Cronus straightened up and returned his hand to his side. Yugi walked up to the shop’s door and let Joey go in first. Just as he was about to enter, he paused and turned around to face the man. “If all you want is a insignificant duel, you’ll get it during the tournament. But be warned, the next time you trouble any of my friends, it will be your undoing.” With that, he walked inside and let the door swing closed. Cronus stood outside the shop for a moment. Slowly, he turned and walked his way to the subway station that would take him to the tournament registration center, Kaiba Corporation.
“Yug,” Joey slumped over the kitchen table, his eyes peeping over his folded arms that muffled his voice. “I could’a handled that Cronus guy on my own, ya know.”

Yugi walked over to the cabinets and stood on tip-toe to reach the cups. “I know you could have Joey! Trust me, I wasn’t even thinking about stopping your duel. I was even more surprised than you when he pulled out.” He had been tapping the cups with the edge of his finger until they were close enough to grab and finally retrieved two. He slinked his back pack off his arm and onto the floor while he traveled to the refrigerator.

“It doesn’t make any sense,” Joey arched his back over the chair, his arms over his head. “Why would some random guy, just walk up and say ‘Hey you! Let’s duel! Oh but I forgot…I’m too much of a chicken!’ It makes no, freak’n sense!”

“I don’t know. There’s something about him that doesn’t fit right.”

“‘Something?’ More like something-zuh! He’s got issues, Yug! Seriously.” He leaned forward again as Yugi sat down with him and gratefully received the glass of milk brought. Yugi watched his friend take a quick swig emptying half the glass.

“It’s been a long day.” Yugi commented in the silence after taking a sip from his own glass.

“Why?” Joey asked just before he took a drink, polishing off the rest of the milk.

“Just a lot of stuff’s happened.”

“Stuff? Like…” He rotated his wrist in the air searching for an example.

“Well…” He was hesitant. Joey had been his best friend for a long time now, but was it right to talk about Bakura’s struggle with the Millennium Ring? Something in his mind twitched. The Millennium Ring was still in his backpack. His eyes swished over to the limp sack propped up against counter.

“‘Well’ what, Yug?” Joey picked his head up off the table in interest.

“Nothing. Never mind.” It was the first time he deliberately lied to his friend, but somehow it seemed…dangerous to mention the mysterious item to anyone. Even the person Yugi would have been the first to trust his life with. Joey sat back and shrugged his shoulders.

"Ah well. The day can't get much worse, huh?" Yugi continued eyeing the backpack as if he could see the polished gold through the stiff, blue fabric.

"Don't speak so soon." Joey took a moment to stare at his small friend. There was definatly something wrong. He was no idiot. The problem was that there was obviouly no more conversation to be had at the time so he dismissed it all with a deep breath.

Pushing himself away from the table, Joey stood up and pat once on Yugi's back as he made his way out.

"Eeh, call me later, 'k?" He received an absent minded nod from the back of Yugi's head and shook his head in return. "See ya." Flipping his collar up on his jacket, he headed out on his way home.

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