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Ever wanted to be a hero? Now's your chance |
This is your typical fantasy story where everyone comes together for a quest. You can be anything you want knight, archer, devil, a fish etc. When it is your first time posting something follow the basic headlines saying what your character name is etc. This story is part 2 to 'The Quest' check the link for more information: http://www.stories.com/main/campfires.php?item_id=337876 N.B. Everyone will have four days to post or they will be skipped!! Name: Joe Character: Archer Abilities: Extremely fast, good with bows and throwing objects darts, spears etc.He also knows how to use magic ( He doesn't know this is yet.) Appearance: Black hair, brown eyes, brown skin, traditional linclon green archer suit and cap. Home:Earth After leaving the royal circle of archers in Canterburry Joe looks around for some adventure. He was the top archer in the King's army and now that all of the dragons and the mage's were destroyed he looked for some form of adventure. He was properly equipped with all of his favourite arows and he was given some special bows from Jerlin(The Royal Blacksmith) , so he was not worried about being hurt by anyone or anything. Fixing his cap on his head properly, he looked around cautiously. He knew that he was in a forest, but he didn't exactly know where he was. " I knew I should have taken a right when I was at Shimasura." he muttered to himself while pulling on a few strands of his almost non-existent beard. He was lost and he had no idea what to do next. Sitting down on a nearby rock he considered what to do next. " I could just wait for someone to pass by and ask for directions..." he thought to himself. Pulling out his specially made dagger, he began to practice some of his attacks on a nearby tree while awaiting a passerby.... |
Name: Group: Hetya, Project 567801: DNA (prefers to be called Jana) Character: Was an Experiment, but ran away from the place she was made six years ago, when she was nine. Looks like a cross between a faerie and an elf Abilities: Can fly, has better than average hearing and vision, an expert with fire magics, but absolutely hopeless with weapons. Appearance: Gold hair with pink streaks that falls below her shoulders. Bright blue eyes that turn silver when upset. Lightly tanned skin, about 5'5, with plain brown shirt and pants, with slits in the back of her shirt where she can hide her wings. Home: Nowhere, she goes from place to place, staying for short periods of time, always running away from those that made her. Was an experiment from an unknown company to make the perfect fighters. There were three others from her group, the first of the projects to survive, but she was the only one to escape. She doesn't trust people very well, making it hard for her to make friends. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jana grinned down at the archer below her, enjoying her little spying game. She carefully shifted position, careful not to make any noise. however, she wasn't prepared when the man began to attack her tree. She tumbled to the ground in a jumbled mass, unable to pull out her wings in time. The shocked man backed away and quickly stood in a defensive position, "Who and what are you?" Jana smiled weakly at him from beneath an arm and a few branches as she shifted uncomfortably, "I'm uncomfortable and the name's Jana." |
Holding his dagger into a defensive position, Joe quickly looked at the girl carefully. Her golden hair made her believe that she was an elf, but he wasn't entirely sure. She was brushing off the leaves from her pants and rubbing her arm. From the girl's actions, he could tell she wasn't going to attck. Putting away his dagger, he walked over to her and said, " So, is falling out of trees your way of greeting people?" The girl looked up at him with a hint of a smile and answered, " No." " Well, how you feeling?" Joe asked trying not to laugh at her. " Fine, thank you very much." The girl said sarcastically as she shook off herself for the final time. " What's your name by the way?" " Joe." he replied. " Oh ok." the girl replied simply. " Wait a minute, aren't you going to tell me yours?" Joe asked surprised. " Ummmm....." the girl then put her fingers to her lips as if in a thinking position and finally said, "Guess not." With that, she began to walk away. |
Name: Orim Character: Sorcerer Abilities: Can use most forms of Magic, doesn't trust alot of people, is very serious, also has the ability to sense the spiritual as well as physical. He says very few words but always says what he means. Appearance: Race: Calder, Short white hair, black eyes, tall and built, His skin is very dark, Clothes: a white tunic and black slacks. Home: Lives no where, he goes where he feels he needs to. Find them, tell them.... Orim awoke with a start. The voices had come back. He sat up, his back propped up against the tree he had slept against. Sweat poured off his shadowy forehead and his heart pouned against his chest. He stood and brushed the leaves out of his hair and clothing. He started to walk, not sure of where he was to go, but he knew he was being called. He came upon the center of the forest and heard voices speaking. He couldn't understand their words but he sensed who they were. One was a human, but the other two--they were something different. They had too many things in them for Orim to figure out their race. But one thing was certain, they both had wings. The one off to his left was beating his softly, while the other had hers pressed tightly against her back--but they were quivering. Orim took careful steps towards the three. Then he heard them, the voices. Them... Orim closed his eyes, trying to shut out the ghostly cries. Tell them, child.... He held his hands to his ears to shut out their eerie calls. But he still heard them. Lead them... I CAN'T! he thought-yelled back. He was too young, he had only been called once before and that turned disastrous. His chest heaved harder and he noticed one of the figures ahead of him slowly comming closer--too close. But the voices....they were too strong... Tell them, lead them....the voices faded. His breathing became regular again and he opened his eyes. Only to see an arrow pointed right between his eyes, and on the other end a dark archer. |
(wow, I was surprised........we won the football game!) Jana flittered far above the archer, watching him confront the man far below. She couldn't hear him...but she wasn't sure she wanted to. She felt a strange complusion to follow these people....but her instincts screamed at her to beware...someone was going to find her if she went with this archer...and she wouldn't like what she heard....Jana shuddered and sent a small flame running over her body to warm her up. She would keep watch over the little group that was forming, and she would wait. If they needed her, she would help. If not.... Well, maybe in time she would reveal herself to them. Maybe she could actually begin to trust. |
It all happened so quickly. The person came out of nowhere AND he was looking pretty suspicious, so Joe had no other choice, but to defend himself and his supposed new found friend. " This man is looking a bit strange. I never encountered anything like him before, then again I never saw anyone like that girl before either...' Joe thought to himself, while still holding the arrow to the man's head. Watching him up and down, Joe saw something unusual about him. " His eyes are black and he has white hair. Somehow his race looks familiar, but i can't put my finger on it." "What's your name?" Joe asked the man sternly. The man raised his head slowly and watched Joe with a equally stern expression. " My name is Orim." Orim replied. |
*sorry, I forgot to take it off the itallicies (sp?) thingy....* Orim kept his eyes on the man as he reached out his hand and lowered the bow. The archer looked at him with a startled expression, but kept his bow down. "What is yours?" Orim asked. "My name is Joe." Orim closed his eyes as the archer said his name. There was something about this 'Joe' that Orim sensed, and he wasn't sure if the man even knew about this...power, that he had in him. Joe put his arrow back in his quiver, "If you don't mind me asking, what is your race?" Orim matched Joe's even looked with his own, "I am of the Calders." A wave of confusion passed over his brown eyes, "I thought that the Calderen race was lost ages ago in the time of the flood." Orim's eyes turned downcast, "Most were." "Then why are you here?" "We go where we are needed," Orim looked back up again. "And who needs you now?" "You do, and so do your friends." Joe looked at him like he was crazy, "My friends?" "The two winged creatures that were by you, one male, one female." Orim stated. Joe only remembered one 'winged' creature and he told Orim just that. Orim answered: "Then you must not have met her friend..." |
Jana shifted uneasily in the air.....she didn't have a friend. She eyed the area about her, and pounded her wings loudly as she pushed herself higher up in the air, to scan more. She whirled around, face looking up at the sky as she thought she saw something flash. She narrowed her eyes and rubbed her thumbs over her fingers, preparing a fireball just in case. She hardly believed it when she felt somebody crashing into her, sending her and whoever it was hurtling towards the clearing, the archer and the Calderen. She and the creature smashed into the branches, stinging Jana a little as she rolled over before they hit the ground, placing the creature below her. She glared into his eyes, startled by what she saw in them...... Curiosity...anger...yearning....friendship....hope...frustration....memories swirling, memories like her own...a sea of lost..... "Ahem," Joe called, his arrow trained on the sprawling pair, "Nice to see you again, Miss." Jana blinked out of the vision, and snarled at the boy as she whirled herself away from him, placing her wings closely to her back, "Hi." The Calder bowed to Jana and the Boy, "It is nice to meet you. What are your names?" Jana glared at him, "What's yours?" The Calder smiled calmly, "Orim." Joe grinned jovially, the arrow on his bow switching from Jana to the Boy, "I'm Joe, like I said before. Are you granting us a name this time?" Jana's lips quivered slightly into a small, shy smile, "Proj...." She shrugged slightly, "My name's Jana. Just Jana." She glared at the Boy, "Who are you?" The boy looked shocked, "Don't you know about me?" Jana felt her hand glow slightly as she retorted, "If I did, why would I ask?" The boy smiled, "Well, it doesn't really matter now." He stood up, his impressive stature impressing Jana, but not by much. She'd seen better. "I'm Proj...." He grinned at her secretively, "Sable. Simply Sable." His face turned serious, "I have something very serious to tell you Jana." "Well, it has to wait," Joe inserted, "What in the world are we all doing here. And why did you two crash out of the sky?" |
(must keep this short. feeling very lazy.) "An answer would be nice about now." Joe said while waiting for someone to talk. |
Orim sat back and watched the three sputter among themselves. He leaned against a tree as Joe was still waiting for his answer, but Orim knew. They both were Projects. But his major concern was the new presence he felt. A stronger presence then the human and the projects. If he was correct, the person was kind of like him--but different in a way. Orim moved towards where he felt the strong throb of a somewhat pulling force. Orim creeped towards the motion, and the orange light that he now saw through the trees. A fire, Orim mused. He saw an older man with long brown hair sitting at the fire... moving things-somewhat. Orim leaned against the tree facinated by the way the things flew across the clearing without anything touching them. Then he remember the three he left behind and went back to them to see how much further Joe got with the two winged-projects. |
" I guess since no one is going to answer, I'm going to start." Joe said in a sarcastic tone. He was pretty annoyed that everyone was being so stubborn. Jana and Sable were staring intently at each other and Orim was deep in thought. With a sigh, Joe began to speak, " Well I'm just an archer from Tristan and I wanted to better my skills, so i decided to come into the forest and get some experience. I guess by meeting up with all of you, I may most likely get some." Joe paused to see if anyone would say anything. " At least some of what I said is true. Even though i'm one of the best archers, I need a little adventure......." he thought to himself. Seeing as no one had answered, he asked a simple question, " Is anyone else willing to explain what they're doing here?" |
Orim's attention jolted to the human, "I would explain, but alas, I cannot." "Why is that?" "I was called here, to lead you, but I don't know where." Before the human talked again, Orim turned and vanished into the shadows to be alone to think. |
Jana shrugged, "Well.....I didn't like my family so I ran away." It's mostly true, she mused. If you consider those people my family! Also, it would show her how much this Sable knew of who she was. She eyed him warily, her instincts were screaming at her that this was a worthy adversary....but for some reason she wanted to trust him. She looked at Joe, who raised an eyebrow at her, "Aren't you a little young for that?" She smiled back at him, "I'm more dangerous than I look." She wanted to trust this archer as well, but she sensed he was hiding something. Of course, so was she... She stifled a giggle as she turned challengingly towards Sable, "I've fessed up, what about you?" |
A scream came from behind Joe. Whipping out his bow, he aimed a wooden arrow at where he heard the sound. Walking with his arrow aimed, Joe came found a short cute looking girl and a very odd person. His clothes made him look like wizards Joe had fought before, but the look on the person's face was too relaxed for him to be evil. Putting away his bow and arrow, he heard Orim's voice from behind him, " Are they friends of yours?" " No. I just found them here." he replied while still studying the two. The man, who was leaning on a tree, got up and said with a hint of sarasm, " Sorry for interrupting your gathering." With that he turned and started to walk away. Without thinking twice, Joe shouted behind him, " Don't you want to come and join us?" The man stopped in his tracks when he heard Joe's question. " I don't know why i did that." Joe thought to himself, " It's just that I feel that everyone here needs to stay together......" |
Jana quickly hid her wings inside of her shirt and brushed her hair over her ears. Hopefully she could pass for a pixie-faced child....She hoped. She gazed at the girl who blushed as she tried to help the man she had run into. Jana recognized the insignia embroidered on her sleeve. MageTech. Everything inside of Jana told her to run....but a small voice inside her confirmed that staying here was the right thing to do. Unconsciously she reached for Sable's hand and squeezed it for reassurance. She was relieved when he squeezed her hand back, but hastily returned it to her side. She glanced icily at Orim, "Why is it you always talk to Joe? I AM a sentient being you know." Orim looked slightly taken aback, and then inclined his head towards her, "I am sorry if I have been rude, Jana." Jana "hmmphed" softly and turned to Joe, "And who died and made you the leader of this group?" Joe grinned at her, "You guys did." Her eyes widened softly, and she looked to the side as her cheeks burned, "Oh....so we did." She straightened her clothing and glanced at the two newcomers before returning her attention to Joe, "I think we'd better get a move on. Night will be coming soon." "I don't fear the night," The man with the fish boasted. Jana tilted her head to the side and answered solemnly, "Around here, you should be." Kos'Ahn narrowed his eyes and gazed at her suspiciously, "Why?" Jana bared her teeth in a small smile bitterly, "Ask the one who ran into you. She should know." All eyes turned to Madarine. She raised a hand to her neck and blinked rapidly, backing up a little, "I-I don't know what you mean." Sable raised forward, an imposing figure next to the slight frame of Jana, "I think you do." |
Joe watched as Madarine dropped her coat into the weeds and walked away. Walking over to the coat, he bent down and looked at it. At the left sleeve, he saw a symbol. Watching at it closely he saw the words Mage Tech. " What the hell is this Mage Tech thing..." Joe thought to himself. As far as he knew it involved Jana, Sable and the cute Madarine. Throwing the coat back unto the weeds, Joe positioned himself against a tree and looked at all of his companions. Mandarin was watching at Jana and Sable who were talking to each other. Putting down his bow, Joe could hear someone gasping for air. Turning a little, so as not to draw attention to himself, Joe saw Kos'ahn looking as if he was to fall over. After a few seconds of repeated breathing, he was back to normal. " I wonder if i can find back my fish...." he heard Kos'han muttering to himself. Joe smiled to himself, " This is the advantage of being an archer. My hearing and stealth skills are beyond that of normal people, but then again it would have to be if you were the King's top archer." Joe thought to himself with his silly grin still in contact. Turning back to Mandarin, he realised something about her. She wasn't watching Sable and Jana, she was studying them. " I wish i knew more about this Mage Tech thing.' Joe thought with an exasparated sigh. "Why is Mandarin studying them.... I'm pretty sure she was studying them when we first found her also. Guess i'll just have to keep my eye on her then." With that, Joe fixed the cap on his head and he picked back up his bow. |
Jana gritted her teeth, "So, do you think we can trust Madarine?" Sable's eyes glanced over at the woman, who quickly averted her eyes, "well, considering how she hasn't taken her eyes off us......I'd say no." Jana clenched her fists, "But if we want to stay with the group....." "We'll just have to deal with it." Sable replied with little thought. Then he turned those strange, haunted eyes on Jana, "But Jana.....there is something I must tell you." Jana grinned at him, "You said that earlier, but you haven't said what it is." "Well," Sable studied her face, as if trying to memorize everything about it. Jana squirmed slightly as she stood, not liking being scrutinized. She ruffled her wings and picked at her nails. "Jana, you must know what you meant to MageTech." Jana's eyes widened as she backed away from Sable, as she sputtered out, "W-What yoh h-have t-t-to tell me has to do with MageTech?!?!?!" Sable nodded, his face drawn, "Yes, you have to know." Jana shook her head furiously, still backing away, "I don't want to know!" "What?" Sable looked dumbfounded, and a little hurt. "If it has to do with MageTech, I don't want to know," Jana repeated, still carefully backing away from him, her wings spread out in case she had to fly. "But you must know!" Sable urged her, reaching for her. "NO!" Jana screamed and flittered into the air, diving towards the man with the fish and using him as a shield, "I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!" |
Walking away from the group, Joe felt a strong gust of wind. Looking up at the sky, Joe saw it the sky was now pitch black. Running back to the group, Joe could see everyone was panicking. " What is going on!" Jana screamed at Orim. Orim shrugged and looked at Kos'han. " Hell, i don't know!" Kos'han replied. Sable looked at Joe and asked, " Do you know what's going on archer?" " Don't panic everyone. When this happens this can only mean one thing..." After a moment of silence, Jana asked impatiently, " Well, what!?" " Happy New Year." Joe replied ( I had to post something for the New Year!) |
Jana warily eyed this Laverna, "What are you doing out here?" Laverna tore her gaze away from Sable and winked at Jana, "Just minding my own business, and heard some voices. Just had to make sure I hadn't cracked." Wink. Giggle. Smile. Joe looked her over, "And you conveniently happen to have a couple of extra tents?" Laverna turned towards him coyly, "I believe in being prepared." Kos'han smiled, "Do you also have dinner?" Laverna giggled, "Of course! What type of self-respecting person doesn't?" Kos'han walked next to her, "These self-respecting persons. Which way to your camp?" "If you'll all just follow me, we can get there in maybe....fifteen minutes?" Laverna estimated wiggling over towards a hole in the trees. Sable gazed longingly at her, before shaking his head, and turning his gaze back to Jana, who was glowering at Laverna. "Jana, we still have to talk." Jana turned her attention back to him, and nodded, "Right. Joe, Orim?" Joe turned away from Laverna's little troupe, "Yeah?" "I need to tell you something..." She turned a hard gaze on Laverna before returning her attention to Joe and Orim as they closed in next to her. "Well," Orim asked grumpily, "What's going on? I want to eat." "I don't trust her," Jana whispered harshly, "i just wanted to warn you to be careful." Joe studied her carefully, "All right. Where will you be?" Sable stepped into their little huddle, "She'll be with me. We'll find you once we're done talking." |
Joe was sensing tension in the group. Their most recent addition Laverna was the centre of the tension. Something wasn't right about her, but he wasn't sure what it was. Sitting on a log, Joe began to think of what he was going to do next, " I asked for an adventure and now i have one.' he thought to himself.'I want to leave everyone, but i can't. I feel as if i HAVE to stay with them for their sake and also mines. And it has something to do with J...." Joe's thought was interrupted by a rustling in the bushes. Whirling around quickly, he saw nothing. Rising slowly, he walked cautiously over to where he heard the noise. Joe noticed that Ko'shan, Laverna and Madarine were not disturbed by the noise. Laverna was busy amazing Ko'shan with her wide variety of food. Madarine was playing with her baos. " I'm probaly imagining things..." Joe thought sadly. As he was now turning around to go back to camp, Joe realized footsteps in the dirt. They stopped by where he was standing. Without warning, he pulled out a silver tipped arrow and fired it into the tree. As he fired the arrow a figure jumped from the tree into the camp. Ko'shan, Laverna and Madarine turned around in shock to see the stranger. Joe looked at the man in surprise. He was half human- half robot. The man had a scanner on one his eyes, one of his hands was fused into a blaster and circuits ran on his hands and feet. Speaking in a machine like voice he said, " I am here to terminate the function of Project 567801." |
Jana frustratedly kicked at a tree as she fluttered up into the air, "Argh!" She turned angry eyes on Sable, "Okay, here's the deal." She flittered over to him, making sure she could stare straight into his eyes as she punched at his shoulder, "You don't have to tell me anything. In fact, you aren't going to tell me anything until I'm good and ready to listen." She glared at him, eyes blazing, "Got it, Sable?" He frowned and looked very very confused and torn, "But...I've spent all this time looking for you to tell you-" He was cut off as he turned his head to the distance, eyes narrowing as he listened harshly. "Wha-" Jana began before she, too, cocked her head to listen closely. Her eyes widened briefly, and her jaw fell open before rage overtook her. Her eyes flared and she clenched her fists as she kicked at the tree again, "Why do they always have to try to kill me?!?!?" |
( I am very sorry everyone. Been very busy.) Joe still could not understand what had happened. One minute, the robot wanted to kill Jana and the next minute it just walked away. He was confused. Walking over to Madarine , he asked, " What the hell just happened there?" " It looks like our new friend over there just saved us." she said simply while adjusting her glasses. " But what kind of spell could she have cast to do something like that?" Joe continued " You're asking the wrong person. You should talk Orim about this." Madarine replied. " By the way, where is he?" " That's a good question..." Joe thought to himself. Putting on a warm smile he said to her. " I think he's walking up ahead with Sable and Jana." With that, he saw her walking ahead eagerly to meet up with those up ahead. Turning around, Joe realised that Orim was nowhere to be seen, but Laverna was trailing along behind the group. Slowing down his pace, he let her walk in time with him. " What did you do back there and where is Orim?" Joe asked firmly. He could see Laverna's face drop. " He's not here?" she asked genuinely surprised. " No." " The fool..." she muttured underneath her breath. With that, she turned around and began to run. " What the..." Joe thought to himself. Taking off behind her, he pulled out his bow just in case of anything. Something was wrong and it concerned Orim. A few seconds later, Joe realized they were going back to the spot where the robot was. " AAaarrrggghhhh" Joe could hear someone shouting out. It was Orim. Jumping up into a tree, Joe could see into the clearing. The robot was holding Orim by his throat choking him. He could see Laverna concentrating on a spell. Not wasting any time, Joe sent a silver tipped arrow towards the robot. It hit the robot in the hand which he was choking Orim with. Releasing his grip on him, the robot now turned its attention to Joe. " You will die now protector of Project 567801." It boomed in its machine like voice |