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Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Animal · #2336367
The rise of the feline empire.
Some years ago, I stumbled across an interactive titled "The Catgirl Empire". In it, all the women on earth have become humanoid cats and basically enslave the men, essentially taking over the world. To be honest, it wasn't very well written. But I kind of found the concept intriguing. So, here's my own take on the idea.

It began with the arrival of the first empress, Kleotropa the First. Little is known of her origins, except that she was from a planet far beyond our galaxy, and had been banished from her world. Be it by fate or mere chance, her exile led her to our planet. That was when everything changed.

Upon landing on our world, she saw how it's was ravaged by constant war, strife and greed. Perhaps in her mind, she thought that was why she ended up here, to save the inhabitants of this world from themselves.

She began to, for lack of a better word, infect as many female humans as she could with her own DNA, transforming them into humanoid felines like her. The transformation granted its subjects her alien physiology as well, extending their lifespan and enhancing their senses. Then, these cat women began to systematically take over the planet, one country at a time.

As they did, their numbers only grew, with many other women willing submitting themselves to be transformed. Within a decade, every last human female had been converted. The remaining males found themselves either unable or unwilling to put up much resistance, most of the felines being their wives, daughters and mothers.

The earth was now no longer comprised of separate nations, but as a united empire. Under Kleotropa's rule, war, crime and most other societal evils were practically non existent. Science and technology of all kinds flourished like never before in a new renaissance. In a way, she had indeed achieved her goal of saving this world, but at the expense of the male human population, who largely found themselves as little more than servants and breeding stock to their feline overlords. The world formerly known as Earth was rechristened Felainia. And for the last three hundred years, it has lived under the thumb of the Kleotropa and her descendants.
My identification is LZ-7139, but my mistress calls my Harem Boy when she needs to keep up appearances. In private, she calls me "Her Favorite Love Toy." Whatever I am called, I consider it an honor to serve my mistress, Empress Kleotropa III. I am the latest in a line of clones created from the DNA of her Grandmother's favorite servant, having been raised since my days in the vat to obey the Empress and fulfill her desires.

I know very little of life outside the palace. Sometimes, my mistress has me accompany her into the capital when she feels like going on a trip to various shops in town. Other than that, I'm mostly at her side in the throne room most of the day.

I don't know if she ever notices, but I can't help but marvel at her beauty as I kneel in front of her throne, massaging her dainty feet. Her long snow white hair, and gorgeous fur pattern unlike any I've ever seen. Black with white stripes, like a reverse white tiger, just like her mother and grandmother before her. In the back of my mind, I can't help but wonder what life would be like if I were her equal. Not just in status, but species as well. But I know this to be a pipe dream. Males can't be converted, I've been told. Not without suffering a most agonizing demise.

I'm not her only harem member, with there being upwards of thirty of us. But I'm definitely her favorite, which I suspect makes the other jealous. It is considered the greatest honor a male can have to be chosen to serve the Empress. But I was not chosen, I was literally created for it. So in a sense, I guess that makes me the best there is at the job.
Name's George. It was a common male name once. Now though - well, some males out there don't get names.

This family though, it was different. It didn't like the way the Empress had relegated males to little more than servants and breeding stock. As a result, a rebellion had been formed. Got to be smart about it though. Violence brings trouble. We're trying to win hearts and minds - that is the tricky part, but will be worth it.
To my surprise, the Empress has asked me to go out into the city on my own to run some errands while she is preoccupied with her royal duties. Of course, I can't just refuse, so here I am wandering the Capital Square, looking for a specific shop. As I do, I pass a public auction where men of all breeds are being sold to the highest bidder.

None of them even try to escape, knowing it would be pointless, and would only lead to them being punished. I receive several strange looks, as it's rare to see a man walking around by himself without his owner.

I don't dare even think of running away. Even if I wasn't loyal to the Empress, all males are required to wear a tracking collar at all times. Now where is that damned shop?
As I walked alongside of my "Owner", I watched the Royal Slave. They were clueless. Sure, the collar could track someone, but there were those who could get around it, especially the abductor sorts. As mother used to say, "Males might have a reputation of being dangerous, but it is females that are the truly dangerous ones." After all, there was a female pirate that controlled a large fleet, one that outgunned the local navy of the time, to say nothing about a noblewoman that murdered and bathed in the blood of several hundred commoner women in order to stay young. There was plenty of horrible females, and plenty still exist.

I looked at my "Owner". I will say this about her - she respected me, and my ideas. She was a member of the Rebellion too. She knew that what the Empress had done was wrong.

There had to be a way to make it right.
There was a ray of hope about to come our way. It was two anthropomorphic cats at a stall at the marketplace. One was really tall and really skinny, had orange fur with a white-tipped tail and a goatee. He wore a white short-sleeve button-up shirt that was too short to cover his midriff, a necktie, and baggy pants. The other was short and portly, had black fur with a white-tipped tail and a goatee. He wore a tank top that was too small to cover his stomach, pants with a belt, and boots.

"Step right up!" The tall one announced. "For all those seeking to be rid of Kleotopra the 11th's rule! For we have the tool for her undoing!"

My "Owner" and I approached their stand for a closer look.

"Welcome, I'm Slim," the tall one said.

"And I'm Bob," his partner said.
(Um, ThunderX? I thought I made it clear there are no male anthro cats in this world. Only females. I can forgive minor oversights like this, but try to pay a bit more attention to previous additions.)

Naturally, it didn't take long for the two males to be approached by a pair of enforcers, who instantly saw them as con artists. Merely human males disguised as cats, and not very good ones at that.

"I know men aren't very bright to begin with." One enforcer said as she put the two imposters in handcuffs "But you two must be a special kind of stupid. Dressing up as felines when you're clearly male, and loudly announcing you plan to overthrow the Empress in the middle of a public square."

As they were hauled off to who knows what fate, I couldn't help but shake my head at their brazen lack of sense. Even if we're not very high on the social ladder, those idiots give men a bad name. Regardless, I went about my business, finally spotting the shop I was looking for.
(Likewise, Foxx and my characters are different people.)

"Well, those two were idiots," my "Owner" said, quietly, as we resumed walking. "They'll be lucky if they don't become eunuchs, or dead."

"Should of kept their mouths shut," I said quietly. "Lousy choice of clothes too. Barely covered them - even someone with just a bad eye to see with would of have seen something was up."

"I have to agree," my "Owner" said. "Now, let's go meet our contact, if they weren't spooked by those two fools getting arrested."
Though it was true those two were con artists, but I couldn't help feeling bad for them. Maybe they were members of the Rebellion as well.

"What a scam," my "Owner" said.

I shook my head, agreeing with her.

As long as anyone could remember, there never were any anthropomorphic male cats on the planet. So, two con men dressing up as anthropomorphic cats had to be the worst scam ever.
After retrieving the items on my Mistress's list, I made my way back to the palace. She greets me in her chamber with a warm smile. Away from anyone that could possibly overhear, she says "I trust you had a pleasant trip into town?" I nod "Yes, mistress. Although, I did witness two fools being arrested, trying to pass themselves as felines and spouting nonsense about overthrowing you."

She chuckled "Ah, yes. Those two that were brought before me a couple hours ago. I was merciful to them this time. But made sure they never attempt such a ploy again. Sometimes I wish all men were like you, My Toy. Loyal, obedient, and knowing of their place. Those fools in the rebellion think me a tyrant, and that they can overthrow me without bloodshed."

I nodded again "Fools indeed, your highness. I've heard how this world was before your bloodline. Constant war and strife, terrible diseases spreading across the globe, not to mention widespread crime and turmoil. Why would anyone want to go back to all that?"

"Exactly. Under the rule of my line, the world has become a practical paradise, free of all those problems and more. I can't really say I blame the rebellion too much, though. They weren't around then. They don't know what the world was like before my kind. Poor ignorant beasts that they are, they don't realize what they're fighting for will lead to."

"So what will you do about them, if I may ask?"

"For now, nothing. They think they can defeat me without actually fighting. But sooner or later, they'll make a fatal mistake. Maybe one of them will defect and betray them. Or perhaps they'll be dumb enough to expose themselves like those two dunderheads did this morning. Whatever the case, their cause is hopeless. But enough of such matters. I'm feeling up for a nap. Care to join me?"

I eagerly agree, joining her on her velvet bed. The smooth fabric plus her soothing touch is enough to quickly lull me to sleep.
War - there had been plenty of that. Pit two people that didn't like each other in the same room, sooner or later, the pretense of politeness wears thin. This will lead to some kind of argument, or altercation. Still plenty of that sort of thing, if one knew where to look Likewise, there was still diseases, and still crime - not that wealthy ones saw them.

Besides, someone still has to do the more difficult jobs - folks like their crab, tuna, and cod, but someone has to go out onto the rough seas for those, someone has to do the heavy lifting in labor intensive jobs, and someone has to do the various dirty jobs - jobs that felines hate doing.

I'd like to see the Empress try to do some of the tasks male humans do. She wouldn't last a week on the sea, maybe not even a day. Doubt she'd want to dig in a coal shaft. She'd run away from cleaning out a septic system.

I would know. My family is one of those that works in the fishing industry. A very deadly job.
Yep, fishing is a deadly job. Try spending 10 weeks on a fishing boat.

"All hail the Empress!" A cat soldier announced.

The Empress came strolling by. Her processions are a big deal around these parts. Anyone who doesn't bow or remove their hat would be arrested and sentenced to death by drinking poisoned milk.

"All bow to the Empress!" The soldier announced.

My mind couldn't stop thinking about those con artists who pretended to be cats, but who cares? They were to be punished, anyway.
I was accompanying the Empress on a trip, when the procession suddenly came to a halt. My mistress peeked out the window to see some of her guards accosting a human male, all of them aiming their weapons at him.

To my surprise, The Empress actually got out of and approached them. "What's this about?" She asked. One of the guards explained that this single male had not bowed as the royal procession passed,. "How would you have him punished?" The guard asked. "The usual?"

"Oh please, captain. That policy is so outdated. I honestly don't even know why my mother made it law. Still, something should be done." She seemed deep in thought for a moment, before addressing the male herself. "Where is your owner?"

His owner stepped forward. "Does this man have a name?" The Empress asked "George." The owner said. "Very well. It just so happens I have a staff opening at the palace. I think George will be a good candidate to fill that spot. I'll even let you visit him whenever you wish."

George and his owner looked at each other, but said nothing. They knew better than to argue with the Empress. George was loaded into the carriage across from me and my Mistress before it began moving again. "Let it never be said Empress Kleotropa was a cruel ruler." She said as the procession passed more citizens in the street.

"You may speak now." She said to George. He seemed to hesitate before saying "What position will I be filling in your court?" Quickly adding "Your highness" To the end of his question. "It just so happens I'm in need of a new jester. Death is rather harsh a punishment for simply not bowing to your ruler, so servitude will be much more fitting. Wouldn't you say?" George said nothing. He didn't even show any emotion upon being informed of his fate. I couldn't tell what it was, but there was something about him that made me greatly distrust him. I held my tongue, but would let my mistress know of my feelings towards the new jester later.

The procession arrived at its destination, and the Empress and I exited the carriage while George stayed where he was. I followed as she was greeted by the head of the facility and the world's top scientist, Dr. Neela. "Your highness! It is such an honor for you to grace our facility with your presence." The doctor said, bowing. "You may dispense with the pleasantries, doctor." The empress said "I'm here to make sure your facility is operating at full capacity."

"Of course, your highness. This way." We were lead to an elevator below ground, leading to a laboratory with various experiments. In the three hundred years since the time of my mistress's grandmother, science, medicine and technology have rapidly advanced beyond anything the old world had ever dreamed of.

"How's that colony on Mars going?" The Empress asked "Very well." Dr. Neela replied "We're already beginning work on another city. Of course, the dust storms are still an issue, but once we get the shields up and running they'll no longer be of concern."
(Thunder - could you do me a favor, and make your own character? I get nervous when folks just control those I make, especially if they do something I wouldn't want them to do, especially without chatting about it with me. Foxx knows a thing or two on how I feel about it.)

A jester? Well, that's better than what one might expect. After all, a jester has the right to talk and mock freely, lest the one that silences them wishes to receive divine punishment. This feline probably only knows of jesters for entertainment, but I know better.

Soon, the feline and her pet came back onto the carriage. She decided to speak to me.

"Tell me about your upbringing," she said.

"You wouldn't understand it, unless you lived it," I said, looking at my nails, seemingly barely paying any attention to her.

"You could find yourself in a dungeon for that," the cat said.

I looked out the window. "Good news is, no storm, yet."

"What do you mean by that?" the cat asked.

"You just gave me a position of tremendous power," I said, looking her in the eyes. "I am free to say as I wish, and mock whomever I want, including you, and none can do a thing about it, unless they wish to be struck by lightning."

The feline blinked in surprise. "How do you know this?"

I chuckled at her. "Let's just say that those who have owned my line have valued us for our honestly, even when said honesty wasn't liked by others."

© Copyright 2025 Johnny Foxx, BIG BAD WOLF is Merry, ThunderX, (known as GROUP).
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