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Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Dark · #2329073
Ryuk has grown bored once again.
It's been fifteen years since the events of the original Death Note series. In that time, Ryuk has become something of a celebrity among the other shinigami, regaling them with the story of Light Yagami, otherwise known as Kira. But the entertainment from that particular incident could only last so long. Now, Ryuk has grown bored once more, and decided to drop his Death Note into the human world for a second time, just to see what will happen. Hey, it worked the first time, right?

This will act as a sort of unofficial fan sequel to the original series. Neither I or any contributors to this story own the rights to Death Note or its characters. This is just for fun. Anyway, let's see where this road takes us and have fun with it.
Beatrice Evans winced in pain as she hit the sidewalk, while Jessica Simmons and her gang of harpies laughed. "When I say I expect my homework to be done by tomorrow, I mean it! Got that, Goggles?" Jessica's posse laughed some more at her nickname for Beatrice, who was a scrawny fifteen year old freshman who wore large square glasses that made her eyes look too big for her head.

Jessica, on the other hand, was pretty much what you would expect from the most popular senior in school. Beautiful, head cheerleader, and from a wealthy family. Not to mention, followed everywhere by her pack of cronies. Beatrice scrambled to pick up her things as Jessica and her gang walked away, still giggling to themselves as Jessica called back "Have fun with my algebra assignment tonight, brainiac!"

Beatrice muttered to herself as she reassembled the stack of papers and books she had been carrying "I highly doubt that bimbo even knows what algebra is. Hell, I doubt she can even count!" Just then, Marvin Green, her only friend and fellow nerd, came running the street. "Bea! Are you alright? I saw what happened from my window and was going to come help but..."

Beatrice cut him off "I'm alright, Marvin. Just a scuffed knee." Marvin clenched his fists "Somebody needs to teach those girls a lesson! Them and everybody else who picks on people weaker than them!" Beatrice sighed "I agree with you, Marvin. But we both know that's not going to happen. This was outside school grounds, so they won't do anything about it. Even if I was to fight back, I'd be the one who gets in trouble, while Jessica would get off scot free. It sucks, yes, but that's how it is."

"Well somebody needs to change the way things are." Marvin said "It's not right! This world would be such a better place if bullies like her just disappeared! Anyway, do you want to come over to my house? I have a first aid kit in the bathroom." "I told you, I'm fine. Besides, I have a lot of work to do, and need to get home, ASAP."

"Alright. See you at school tomorrow."

After walking a few more blocks, Beatrice was suddenly startled by something dropping from the sky directly in front of her. Looking down, she saw a black book with the words "Death Note" inscribed on the cover. Curious, she picked it up and opened it. On the inner cover was a list of rules. "Rule # 1: The human whose name is written in this note shall die." Odd, Beatrice thought, but she was kind of in a hurry to get home at the moment. She slid the notebook into the stack of things she was carrying and continued on the way home, putting it out of her mind for now.

Meanwhile, sitting in a nearby apple tree, unseen by human eyes and munching on an apple, a tall, pale and lanky figure watched with keen interest. Chuckling to himself, Ryuk grinned. "So it begins again. This should be most interesting..."
That night, Beatrice began to write in the notebook a list of things to happen to Jessica. They were as follows:

Her house falls apart on her

She gets hit by a truck

A tree falls on her

She gets stung by bees

A skunk appears out of nowhere and sprays her

A lamppost falls on her

A cement pipe rolls over her

She gets struck by lightning

A stampede of hippos tramples her

A bumper car runs her over

Bats swarm her

An octopus attacks her

A mummy comes out of nowhere and attacks her with kung fu

Icicles fall on her

A sandbox falls from the sky on top of her

A monkey operates a machine with claws to rip her apart

A pack of dogs attacks her

Her refrigerator opens on her and green goop spills out

A bomb falls in her hands and explodes

An ice cream bike propels itself around her room until it lands on her from the ceiling

A spring comes out of her bed and launches her into the ceiling

A record player malfunctions and sends a record flying at her face which knocks her out

"Vengeance is served!" She said with an evil smile on her face.
"That's not how this works." Chuckles a scratchy, deep voice. Beatrice yelps, quickly spinning around in her desk chair.
"Who said that?" She questions her empty room. A tall, skinny, and very pale... almost man suddenly appears in the corner of her room. She yelps again and launches herself and her chair backward into her desk, knocking over her cup of pens and pencils, but recovers quickly. She straightens, ignoring the spilled writing utensils, and looks directly at him. She tries to keep the fear out of her face, and it shows up as a small tremor in her hands instead,
"I did." The figure says.
"Who...or what...are you, what are you doing in my bedroom, and what did you mean by 'That's not how it works'?" She demands. He chuckles.
"Name's Ryuk, I'm a shinigami or a death god. I'm following my book, and I mean you can't give that many causes of death to one person. They'd die halfway through your list, nullifying the rest." He responds, easily and lazily. She rolls her eyes, turning around to try to situate her desk again, but also to hide how freaked out she is by this being. He said he was a God. What is a God doing in her room? He said following his book...She grabs the Death Note off her desk and holds it up.
"Is this your book?" She asks, pointing the book at Ryuk. He nods.
"Do you have any apples?" He asks, unprovoked. It throws Beatrice off, and she does a double-take at the strange being. She decides to ignore the question for now.
"Why did your book almost hit me in the head?" She asks. He shrugs.
"I dropped it." He responds, but it didn't feel like the full story. She tries giving him the look her mother gives her when she's caught in a lie. It works.
"I'm bored. I let it drop to see what would happen." He responds in a way that makes her think of a child who was caught doing something they weren't supposed to. She thinks it's still not the full story, but it's better than his first one. She shrugs, taking that as good enough.
"Do you want it back?" She offers him. He considers the book in the girl's hand for a moment, especially considering the girl. He seems to see something in her and shakes his head no.
"Hold onto it. I wanna see what you'll do. I may take that offer later if you still feel like parting with it so easily." He suggests, mysteriously. There was a strange expression on his face, but before she could process it, it disappeared replaced by a neutral, easygoing expression. She shrugs, again and puts the book back on her desk, next to the homework she still has to do, and ignores the homework as well as the expression she thought she saw.
"Then tell me how to properly get rid of Jessica Simmons." She stares at him again, determination and revenge evident on her face, making her look quite like the evil villain she tried to make herself minutes ago. Beatrice will never do another person's homework again.
Ryuk chuckled. "Just read the list on the inside of the cover. It tells you everything you need to know." Beatrice did so, committing the rules to memory. "So, I have to think of Jessica's face when I write her name, and can choose how she dies? Hmmm...." A myriad of methods of death ran through Beatrice's head. She could make Jessica's death as quick or as painful as she wanted. Then she got an idea. She didn't just want to get rid of Jessica. She wanted to send a message.

A message to all those who torment and harass those they deem to be below themselves. And she would use Jessica as an example. But first, she would wait until the next morning at school. That would be the best time to make her statement, where everyone would see.

The next day at lunch, Beatrice was sitting alone at a table in the cafeteria as usual, sneakily glancing at Jessica on the other side of the room as she gossiped and giggled with her flock of skanks. Now was the time. When nobody was looking, she pulled the Death Note from her bag. Flipping it open, she pictured Jessica's face in her mind and wrote:

Jessica Simmons. Spontaneous Combustion.

Sliding the book back into her bag just as quickly, she glanced at her watch. In about thirty seconds, Jessica should burst into flames, she thought. Each passing second felt like an hour to her, as she eagerly awaited to see if the power of the Death Note was real.
Jessica was laughing with her clique when she smelled smoke coming from herself. She was starting to burn spontaneously!

"Help!" She shrieked.

Students scattered in all directions, looking for a bucket of water to use to put out the fire.

Teachers were horrified to see her burning like a toasted marshmallow.

Watching the chaos unfold in front of her, Beatrice began to smile a wicked smile like the Chuck Jones Grinch.

"Vengeance has been served!" She muttered to herself.

She began to look at the list of deaths she wrote I the notebook, wondering who her next victim would be.
Chaos reigned in the cafeteria. Students ran in all directions, some screaming. A teacher reached for the fire extinguisher, but it didn't work. Jessica stayed flaming, even when one of the lunch ladies ran out with a tub of water and splashed it on her. The fire sizzled, but the water evaporated right before she exploded. Beatrice slid the Death Note back into her bag, watching the entire event before starting to try to stand up. Marvin stood behind her, shock written visibly on his face and blocking her path. He steps away, giving her room to rise from the uncomfortable bench table.
"What the heck happened to her?" He asks, concern and a touch of fear dripping from his words. Beatrice shrugs.
"I don't know, maybe the light hit the pounds of makeup on her face just right or something." Beatrice bites out, attempting to feign innocence in the situation. One of the rules is not to let anyone know about it, after all. They both stare at the goo that was Jessica Simmons only moments ago before Marvin gently bumps her with his shoulder.
"How about we get away from this terrifying, horror-themed scene and enjoy lunch break outside?" He offers. She nods, numbly. The adrenaline from the whole situation was starting to wear off, and the gravity of what she'd just done started to weigh on her shoulders. Beatrice decides to ignore the heavy weight, justifying her actions with the reasoning that Jessica was horrible to everyone and showed no signs of ever changing. There are enough horrible people in the world, what's so wrong about taking some of them away to give the good people a fighting chance?
"That was awful," Marvin says once they're outside in the courtyard. They're sat on a stone step, out of the direct path of walking. Beatrice halfheartedly makes an agreement sound, lost in her thoughts about the Death Note. Ideas swirled in her mind like leaves on a heavy wind. She's had a weird smile on her face the whole time, and Marvin notices.
"Beatrice, are you okay?" He inquires, concerned.
"I'm fine." Beatrice replies "In fact, I'm better than I've ever been." Marvin looks at his friend with concern and a hint of fear. "Bea, you're acting really weird. We just saw a classmate randomly get incinerated! How can you be so calm?"

"Come on, Marvin. It's not like she didn't deserve it. You said so yourself, the world would be better off without people like Jessica Simmons."

Marvin paused. "Yeah, I did say that. But still, how does someone just randomly catch fire? It seems rather overboard, even for her."

"Well, maybe karma was just doing its job for once, and finally caught up to her. Whatever the case, Jessica is gone, and this school will be a better place for it."

Later that day, Beatrice arrived home to see her mother watching a news report on the strange incident from that afternoon. "A local schoolgirl randomly burst into flames today. There is currently no clear indication as to how this happened, and many of the students mourn the loss of one of their own."

Beatrice snickered to herself. The only ones truly mourning Jessica's death was probably the football team members she slept with. She climbed the stairs and entered her bedroom, where Ryuk was waiting. "Hehehehe. Not bad for a beginner." He said "Never seen the notebook used like that before. So now that you've got a taste for it, what will you do with it now?"

Beatrice pulled the Death Note from her backpack and looked down at it, deep in thought. She held in her hands the power to change the world forever, by getting rid of the people who made it such a miserable place to start with. People like Jessica Simmons. But she was just the beginning. Beatrice was perfectly aware there were lots of people far worse than Jessica out there. Dictators, corrupt authority figures, drug lords, all kinds of people who were nothing more than a cancer, spreading and devouring anything innocent in their path.

Well, that was all about to change. Starting right now.

Beatrice looked up at Ryuk with grim determination. "I will use the power of this notebook to rid this world of all who prey on those weaker than them. With it, I will protect the innocent, and punish the wicked."

Ryuk chuckled. "You know, you remind me a lot of the last human that had that Death Note. It was before your time, but lets just say he made quite an impact on the world. Before he was found out, anyway. But who knows? Maybe you won't make the same mistakes."
Beatrice thought for a minute.

"There is my old 4th grade teacher, Mr. Hayman," she said. "He never smiled or told a joke. I think he's about to get what's coming to him."

She looked at the list in her notebook of possible deaths and decided to use one of them.

"I've got it!" She said.

With that, she wrote down:

Mr. Mike Hayman. Crushed to death by fallen tree.
Beatrice didn't write anything else in the book until after she heard the report on Mr. Hayman. It took a few days, and her trying to be stealthy when she'd never had to hide anything from her family, but finally, over the weekend, she heard it.
"Local man and retired elementary teacher, Mike Hayman, crushed by a tree in his backyard. Details unknown, we will keep you updated as we are."
That strange smile, the one she wore when Jessica spontaneously combusted in the cafeteria, returned. She felt it before anyone saw it, so she half ran up the stairs back to her room.
"You're oddly happy," Ryuk noted, nodding to her expression. She says nothing, just opens her laptop, types a few things on the keyboard, and pulls up the news report, tilting it so Ryuk could see clearly.
"I see your second experiment worked. What's next?" Her grin widens.
"I have no idea." She turns the laptop back to herself, types something into the search bar, and starts scrolling. She could've been doing regular school research for all the fear she had about being caught, which is to say she was entirely too calm. Even Ryuk was a little unnerved, and he was a Shinigami. A death god. He'd seen too much to count, and this little, nerdy 15-year-old girl was making his skin crawl a little.
"I found one." She whispers. Ryuk's attention snaps to her, curiosity overriding his discomfort. She's tilted the laptop again, to show the face of a criminal, some man who'd been proven with DNA evidence to be behind a mass rape/murder case involving only women. He ruined so many ladies' lives. The Death Note was in her hand faster than Ryuk could blink. Her hand, holding her favorite pen, hovered over the page. It was almost like she was starting to gain a moral compass or something, and realized how wrong the power of the book is. But she turned to Ryuk, looking as innocent as the child she might as well be.
"Since you have to focus on the person's face, would a fake name affect the Note's power at all?" She asks suddenly. Ryuk had a flashback memory of the last human to hold his Death Note, another scary teenager. That one went a little crazy, and this one seemed to be heading that way too. He shook off the memory and answered her.
"Yes. If the name given is not their real name, nothing will happen. You have to have their birth name." Beatrice thinks about that for a moment, then seems to come to a decision.
"Is there a way to guarantee you know someone's real name?" She inquires, the gears visibly spinning in her mind. Ryuk stares at her a moment before answering.
"There is one way..." He begins mysteriously. She glares at him before waving her hand in an urging motion to continue.
"It's dangerous, it takes half your life as payment."
"What exactly does it do?" Beatrice asked cautiously. "I can give you the eyes of a shinigami." Ryuk replied "You will be able to see any person's true name just by looking at them. But as I said, you will lose half of your lifespan in the process." Beatrice considered Ryuk"s offer for a long while. It was indeed tempting. And it would definitely make ridding the world of undesirables much easier. But was she willing to trade half of her life in return?
"I'll have to get back to you on that," Beatrice said.

She began to think about all the times her little sister Tara would cause trouble and pin the blame on her to get away with it. She also thought about the times her two older brothers Josh and Greg bullied and mocked her. She'd expect her parents to do something about it, but they were very busy at their jobs. Although her two brothers were closer in age, Greg, the older of the two, was chubby and Josh, the younger of the two, was thin.

Beatrice picked up the Death Note and wrote down:

Tara Evans. Mauled to death by kung fu mummy.

"Time to take out a little brat," she muttered to herself.
"Won't work." Ryuk said, seeing what Beatrice had written. "There no such thing as a "kung fu mummy". I would think someone as smart as you would know that. The death note can't just make things magically appear out of thin air."

Beatrice facepalmed herself. How could she have been so stupid? She scribbled out what she had written and instead wrote:

Tara Evans. Hit by a truck while riding her bike.

"That'll do." Ryuk chuckled.
The next day, Beatrice was walking home from school when she noticed something red on the stairs leading up to her house. She knelt down to look at it.

Suddenly, without warning, someone squirted her with ketchup.

"Gotcha!" Tara, her little sister said.

"You should've seen the look on your face, twerp," said Greg, his smile making more chins appear on his face.

Beatrice grabbed the ketchup bottle from Tara in anger.

"Mom! Dad!" Tara called out. "Beatrice beat me up!"

"No, I didn't!" Beatrice protested. "She squirted me with ketchup!"

"She's lying!" Tara fibbed.

"Beatrice, that's enough!" Her father said. "Go to your room and do not come out until you learn to be nicer to your sister."

What nobody present knew was that Beatrice had slipped the Death Note in Tara's pocket. So when she got on her bike with Greg and Josh supervising, she began to pedal along the sidewalk. Unfortunately, what she hadn't counted on was a truck moving as fast as a bullet train headed straight toward her.
Greg and Josh saw the truck way up the road and started trying to sprint to Tara. Josh, being the thinner and fitter of the two, was faster and grabbed the moving back tire of her bicycle, yoinking bike and sister towards him, trying to get her out of harm's way. Greg showed up just a few seconds later and was able to grab Tara off the bike and throw himself and her even further away from the intersection, landing himself on the ground with her safely tucked in his embrace. As soon as everyone was somewhat safe, the trio sat, almost huddled together, in the middle of the street.
"Jesus Christ, Tara! You've GOT to look where you're going, dummy! We could've gotten in so much trouble if something happened to you!" Greg half shouts. Josh, able to see both siblings face as he sits next to them, looks at Greg, incredulously, and recognizes the raw panic written all over Greg's face. It matches his own panic. Tara's eyes start to water, as she begins to understand the situation. Josh notices this as well. He scoots closer to them, so he can reach her and rubs her arm in a comforting motion.
"Are you okay? Did you get hurt when we pulled you or when you and Greg fell?" He asks gently. Usually, he's such a bully, but this situation is different than what they usually experience. Deep down, all the siblings love each other a little. Unbeknownst to the brothers, Beatrice may regret her actions when she hears of this. Tara shakes her head no, she's not hurt. The building tears finally fall, trailing down her cheeks slowly.
"Why are you crying?" Still, gently, Josh stays confused. Greg has released Tara at this point, and she sits curled up against him. He stays lying down. He took a hard tumble when he jumped away from the truck. Tara looks down at her hands and, due to their proximity, glimpses Josh's palms.
"Big Brother! Your hands!" She exclaims, grabbing them. Her little hands were so gentle and small in his bigger, preteen hands. She drops his hands and immediately jumps up, going to Greg who'd been her back support for the last 5 minutes or so.
"Bigger Brother, get up! We have to check you!" She worriedly announces. The boys grin a little because it's almost cute how concerned she is. The kids usually bully each other so badly that most of them can barely be in the same room together. And yet here they are, taking care of each other.
"What the hell!?" Beatrice growled, watching from her bedroom window. "Why didn't she get splattered?" Ryuk chuckled. "Well, isn't this interesting? It looks like someone whose name is written in the Death Note can be saved if the event leading to their death is intervened."

Beatrice quickly skimmed along the rules of the Death Note. "There's nothing like that in the rules!" Ryuk chuckled again, finding amusement in her growing frustration. "Well, as far as I know, it's never happened before. Looks like you'll just have to try harder."

"No, forget about Tara. I have more important targets to eliminate."

"Such as?"

"All this time, I've been focusing on the small fish in a big pond. But there are far worse people that the world would be a better place without. The ones who exploit and abuse good, honest people for their own gain, while leaving only pain and misery in their wake. Well, that ends now!"

Beatrice spent the next few hours writing the names of every tyrant and corrupt authority figure in the world she could think of. As she did, all across the globe, despots and crooked politicians began dropping like flies. Everything from accidents to plain outlandish circumstances resulted in the systematic purging of the ones she deemed evil.

Naturally, it didn't take very long for the public to notice these strange series of deaths. It brought back memories of events fifteen years prior, of a very similar spree of the sudden deaths of notorious criminals. It could only mean one thing...Kira had returned.
"Now that I've taken care of all the evil people," Beatrice said. "Time to take out my brothers so they don't interfere with Tara's death again."

She paced her room, thinking about how she was going to remove them from the picture.

"I've got it!" She exclaimed.

She picked up the pen and started jotting down her next victim.

Josh Evans. Mauled to death by velociraptor skeleton at museum.

"Oh, I get it," Ryuk said. "When Josh is at the museum, a velociraptor skeleton will come to life and maul him to death! Luckily, I have the ability to bring skeletons to life."

"I figured since his class has that field trip tomorrow," Beatrice said. "It would be a perfect place to destroy him!"
Beatrice wakes up the next morning with a slight spring in her step—a spring broken when she hears a familiar coughing sound a few doors down the hall. Her attitude changes from happy to worried as she stiffly walks out of her room to check which of her brothers is sick. She sees her mother come out of Josh's room, holding a thermometer.

"Sorry, honey, looks like you can't go on that field trip today after all." She hears Josh groaning weakly.

"My friends..." He mutters as Beatrice passes his room on her way to the kitchen.

"Are you sure he's like...actually sick and not faking it or something?" She asks her Mom, who's preparing a hot drink for Josh while Beatrice doctors a cup of coffee.

"Josh seemed really excited about this trip for some reason. I don't think he'd fake illness over something he was excited about, do you?" She asks, condescendingly. Beatrice scowled at her mother's turned back, before following her out of the kitchen back into her room.

After getting ready for the day, she makes sure she has the Death Note in her bag with her. Josh being home means there's no way it can stay here. He's nosy enough, even when he's sick, to find something like that. She also ensures headphones and a charger for her phone, so she can listen to news reports throughout the day.

Maybe she'll find another way to use her new "gifts".
As Beatrice sat on the bus with her headphones on, she overheard a breaking news report. "This just in! Several world leaders, including the rulers of North Korea, China and many middle eastern countries have just been reported found dead, with the causes of death ranging from poisoning to sudden heart attacks. Could this possibly be a sign that Kira, the infamous mass murderer that terrorized the globe fifteen years ago has returned? More on this story as it develops. " Beatrice couldn't help but smirk to herself. She had heard the stories of Kira before. Perhaps she would continue where they left off. Ryuk, sitting beside her unseen to the other humans on the bus, began to laugh to himself. He knew dropping his Death Note into the human world again would produce some interesting results. But would Beatrice be able to give more entertainment than Light had all those years ago? Only time would tell...
When Beatrice took off her headphones, she started hearing a voice out of nowhere.

"Please, do not make the same mistake I did, Beatrice," it said.

It was a female voice talking to her.

"Wait, how did you know my name?" Beatrice asked.

No answer. Everyone else looked at her, then went back to what they were doing.
No one bothered her about her outburst the other day. The news didn't have much more on the "possible Kira" situation, either, according to what Beatrice could find. Partially, that could be blamed on her being distracted by the strange voice she heard on the bus a few days ago, but she's hopefully the only human to know that. She's been ruminating about that, wondering why the voice feels familiar and yet, not at the same time. She's been trying to not ask Ryuk about it, even though he's the only one who might understand even a little bit. Not even Marvin would probably understand. He's very science-based and doesn't believe in what he can't see. It's becoming increasingly clearer that she doesn't have a choice without looking more like she belongs in a straight-jacket.

"Ryuk?" She starts.


"Do you remember a few days ago?"

"Be a little more specific. I remember a lot of things throughout a lot of days." He's being stubborn on purpose, she thinks.

"On the bus, I heard a voice. It knew my name." Her concern is almost evident in her voice.

"Vaguely." He grins sarcastically. He is officially messing with her, and she sees it.

"Did you hear it too? Do you know anything about it?" She finally asks. He looks thoughtful for a moment.

"Do you have any apples?" He asks suddenly. Bea is taken aback by this, and it takes her a fat second to recover.

"No...not...not on me?" She stutters out, "But I can find you some if you'll give me a straight answer and help me." He grins and nods, so she goes to see if her mom's bought any lately. The kitchen seems rather void of apples, so she calls out,

"Mom!? Are you home??"

"Yes honey, in the crafts room!" Bea goes to the other side of the house and finds her mom working on a half-done project while covered in clay, as usual.

"I want some apples, so I'm gonna go get some. Do you need me to grab anything else while I'm out?" Bea hopes her mom says no, but expects something added.

"Actually, can you get me an energy drink while you're out?" Bea nods, and gingerly hugs her mom, avoiding getting clay on her as much as possible.

She runs her errand, hitting the small food mart a few blocks away for her items. Once she's back home, she sets the bag of caffeine on the counter, shouts to let her mom know she's home with the requested items, and heads back up to her room with the apples.

"Okay, you have your apples, can I have my answers now?" She sighs impatiently, sitting down in her desk chair.

"What was the question again?" He floats next to her bed, nonchalantly munching on his apple.

"Do you know anything about the strange voice I heard on the bus the other day?!" She snaps at him. Taking deep breaths, she tries to calm herself a little before someone hears her and wonders who the heck she's talking to.

"I might." She groans out loud in frustration, banging her head on the desk a little.

"You useless shinigami! What is the point in being called a god if you can't even give a straight answer??" She rhetorically asks the desk, as her face is still pressed onto it. She lifts her head and glares at the scampy shinigami in the corner.
Ryuk said nothing. He just stood there with that same grin he always seemed to have on his face. He was enjoying this, wasn't he? That's when she heard the voice again. "Beatrice, if you can hear me, get rid of the Death Note as soon as possible."

"Who's there?" Beatrice said, looking around. "Who are you?"

"My name was Misa. I used the Death Note along with the one called Kira years ago. It led to our demise, as well as countless others. Please, for your own sake, get rid of it! Burn it if you must!"
Without saying a word, Beatrice rushed back to the kitchen, opened a cupboard, and pulled out a lighter. She started it up, but when the fire touched the Death Note, it went out.

"I suspected someone would try to destroy it," Ryuk chuckled. "So I made the Death Note indestructible."

"You what?!?" Beatrice shrieked.

"The Death Note can never be destroyed," Ryuk explained.

"Oh, man," said Beatrice, defeated.

With that, she walked to the backyard where Greg and Josh were playing basketball without their shirts on.

"Hey, Beatrice," Josh called to her. "Want to play with us?"

"No," Beatrice said, firmly.

"Pleeeeeeease?" Josh begged.

Beatrice turned her back on them and crossed her arms.

"No," she repeated.


"I've seen Along Came Polly," said Beatrice. "With you guys not wearing shirts, I know what's going to happen."
The boys chuckle at the reference.

"At least we're not fat!" Greg states, oblivious to his own chubby belly. Josh side-eyes him and quickly turns his attention back to his task.

"If we put shirts on will you play just one game with us?" He practically begs. Beatrice thinks about her own task but considers joining her brothers for a solid minute before shaking her head no.

"Maybe later, Joshie, I'm busy right now." She continues towards the shed in the back corner. Opening the door, she mutters to herself, "Indestructible, my ass. He's never dealt with Beatrice Evans before," as she gets an ax, a flamethrower (why her parents have this is beyond her), and a few more destructive tools. Setting the book down in the middle of the concrete floor, she starts with the flamethrower. It barely singed the edges. But some progress seemed to be made. A lightbulb went off in her head and she rushes to grab the book. Gripping the first few pages, the ones holding her crimes, she pulls, trying to tear the pages out.

"Damn. This is one tough piece of work." She mumbles to no one in particular. Ryuk laughs, causing her to jump slightly but she ignores it, too focused on her task. She tries the other tools. The ax seemed to have scratched the cover a bit. She tries the flamethrower a few more times, successfully singing a page corner, so she holds the fire against the book until the gas runs out. Only one corner was damaged. It was enough paper that it could've been a piece of notes. Beatrice looks up in mild triumph.

"I told you, indestructible my ass. I destroyed a piece of it!" She announces, holding the book open to the charred page corner. Ryuk glares at it for a moment, before making his face return to its usual, almost unreadable expression. Gears started quickly spinning in her head as she tried to figure out how to make the rest of it look like that.
She decided that for now, she would just have to make sure nobody finds the Death Note until she can figure out what to do with it. Luckily for her, she knew the perfect hiding place where nobody would ever think to look.
It was in q secret compartment in her dresser that Beatrice hid the Death Note. After all, no one but her would go through her drawers for something she needed.

"In your face!" She shouted at Ryuk.

Then she paused for a second. She opened her dresser drawer, took out the Death Note, and scribbled:

Greg Evans, expanding until he explodes

Then, she tucked it away, hidden from the eyes of others.

"Greg, you poor, stupid fat boy," she whispered. "You're about to get bigger."
Unfortunately for Beatrice, she has a Tara. As nosy little sisters tend to do, she snooped when Bea wasn't there. She was looking for some clothes to wear to some dumb middle school event thing when she accidentally pushed too hard on the false bottom, causing it to pop up slightly. Tara looked around her, seeing if anyone was in or near the room, before scooting enough clothes towards the back of the drawer to open the false bottom, completely unaware of Ryuk standing behind her. She expected to find something incriminating, like lacy underwear or drugs. She might be in middle school, but she was starting to understand some things about the older kids. Stuff she'd learn one day anyways.
She thought she'd hit the jackpot and found her sister's diary when she pulled the singed Death Note out of the drawer and read the cover. Fear visibly ran through her body just reading that title, and she dropped the book back into the drawer, half-trying to cover the bottom again before slamming the false bottom and the drawer shut and running out of the room.
"Too bad she didn't turn around." Ryuk thought to himself, laughing at the look on her face just reading the cover. His thoughts wander, and he mutters to himself, "I wonder what her reaction would've been if she'd read anything inside..."

© Copyright 2024 Johnny Foxx, ThunderX, Jaycin Alexis, (known as GROUP).
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