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Campfire in honor of WDC Birthday |
So...I'm gonna try something a little different with this campfire, kept doing roleplay campfires just because I like having a character as my 'PC' like this was an RPG, well this is going to be a more traditional campfire you actually tell around the campfire as it's not going to be we make our own characters will little bios. This is simply a meandering story let's see what we come up with and characters will be created as they are needed in the story, rather than being like the PCs in an RPG Adventure Also let's try to keep this one as kid-friendly as possible, I may have been indulging into many Classic PBS Kids Show clips but I feel like just making a fun little story about storytelling |
Once upon a time in the small town of Green Meadows, there was an eight-year-old boy named Timmy, with a scruffy mop of brown hair, soft brown eyes and freckles and he loved to play in the woods behind his house |
There was plenty of things to do in the woods, like watching the animals. He loved watching the bird parents raise their chicks, or the doe with her fawn. There was even a family of skunks - don't startle them, and they wouldn't spray. |
One day, as Timmy sat beneath a tree relaxing, he was surprised to see a small white rabbit approaching him. It hopped right up to him and sniffed his hand. "Well, hello there!" Timmy said. "I'm sorry, but I don't have any carrots on me." To his great surprise and bewilderment, the rabbit actually spoke back to him! |
"My name is David," the rabbit said. Timmy began to feel David. It dawned on him David's "fur" was yarn. "Where did you come from?" He asked. "I came from Craftland," David said. "The land where everything is made out of crafting materials." Timmy ran into his house and got David a blue vest. "Do you like it?" He asked. "Yes, I like it," said David. "Now, you will accompany me to Craftland." |
And just like that...Out of the sky came a sweet, sweet rainbow bridge that they took to take them to a colorful land full of creatures, some that looked familiar some like anything David had ever seen! David said "I must take you to see Princess Velvet, the ruler of Craftland...She specifically asked for you to be brought here..." |
David led Timmy to a city full of denizens that were basically living rag dolls. At the center of the city was an immense palace that almost seemed to glitter in the sunlight. Timmy couldn't help but gaze in awe at all the incredible sights! Following David into the throne room, there sat Princess Velvet, who resembled a Raggedy Anne doll dressed in a royal gown and tiara. "Greetings, Timothy!" The Princess welcomed "I am Princes Velvet, Ruler of Craftland. So, how do you like my kingdom?" "It's amazing!" Timmy said "I've never seen anything like it!" The Princess smiled. "I'm so happy to hear that! Because you're going to stay here with me, forever!" |
Timmy was horrified. "Just kidding," Princess Velvet said. "I sent David to get help. The Cat King has created monsters that have invaded Craftland. You're excellent at arts and crafts, which makes you perfect for the job." "The Cat King?" Timmy asked. ""He's a balloon decorated to look like a cat," said David. "He's been trying to take over Craftland since he was first blown up." "Take this map," said Princess Velvet, handing Timmy a map. "With it, you'll be able to see where you are in Craftland." Timmy enrolled the map to see what was in Craftland. There was Mermaid Bay, Clay Falls, Crochet Canyon, Pottery Jungle, Mt. Patchwork, Sock Puppet Forest, and dozens of other locations. |
Just then Timmy's stomach rumbled, he realized he would have been home for lunch by now... "Seems like you're hungry." Princess Velvet said "I better get you something to eat." Timmy then worried he would have to eat food made of yarn or clay "We have normal food here..." Velvet said "...Cooking is a kind of crafting too!" "Um..." Timmy said "...For the people here...Where does it go?" Thinking that Velvet only had stuffing inside her "Never you mind." Princess Velvet said "The less you think about it the better it is!" The first course was a bean soup "It's magic bean soup." Velvet said "If you plant the beans they grow bean stalks that can take you to the clouds." |
"Okay," said Timmy. "What else is there? I want to try a little of everything." |
Next, a large bowl of red and green apples was brought out. Taking a bite of a red one, Timmy began to feel strange as everything around him seemed to be getting larger. It was then that he realized, he was in fact getting smaller! He'd shrunk to the size of a peanut! Velvet and David giggled at his surprised look. "Um...a little help?" He asked sheepishly. Velvet placed a green apple beside him, and he took a bite, shooting back up to his normal height. Maybe a bit taller. "Well...that was...interesting...What's next?" |
Just as the next course was under way, the doors burst open and in waddled a giant yellow balloon. It wore a red robe and royal trousers. Even the balloon was decorated like a cat, but there was a huge patch on its stomach. There was no doubt this was the dreaded Cat King. "All hail the great Cat King!" His herald announced. "I shan't have you in my court!" Princess Velvet said. "I would never marry any of your sons, either!" "Wait a minute," Timmy said. "He has sons?" "Of course I have sons!" The Cat King said. "Three, in fact. Each one married to a beautiful wife who's more annoying than the other. I came for your hand in marriage." "I would never!" Princess Velvet said. David hopped in front of her to protect her. "Aah, David," the Cat King said. "Does this patch on my stomach remind you of our first encounter?" "Good times," David said. "Well, I plan to destroy you in revenge!" The Cat King roared. He reached down to grab David, but the latter hopped out of the way and pulled out a bow. He took out an arrow, tied it to a rope, and shot it over the Cat King. The arrow came to stop in the ceiling. "Hang on," David said as Timmy held him tight. The two zipped up and over the Cat King while Princess Velvet escaped the castle through a secret passage. Once outside the castle, Timmy took out the map and David put away his bow. "He must be very desperate this time," Princess Velvet said. "You two must work together to stop him. The only thing that can save Craftland is the Swords of the Elements." |
"First you must go to the Pottery Jungle to get Terra-Cotta the great Clay Dragon to fly you to where you need to go because the sword's location can't be reached on foot..." |
"Well, then," said David, pointing to a cottage nearby. "Maybe whoever lives in that cottage can guide us to Pottery Jungle." The group headed for the cottage and knocked on the door. No answer. "I guess there's no one home," Timmy said. Just as they were about to leave, they heard noises from inside the cottage. They opened the door and inside were all kinds of knick-knacks cluttering the tables and counters. "Looks like someone lives here," Velvet said. After they looked around, they saw the owner of the cottage: a big, fat ogre with three faces on the front of his head and three more on the back. The face that was in the front was awake while the other faces were asleep. He wore a laced vest that only covered his chest, a pair of tattered trousers, and a pair of shoes on his feet. His flabby arms and belly were covered in hideous boils. As soon as he noticed the group, he began to panic. "Hello," he said. "I was just looking for- distraction!" He tossed a plastic fork across the room and tried to escape, but he bumped into a chair. "We came to ask for directions to Pottery Jungle," David explained. "My name's David and this is Timmy." "And I am the ruler of Craftland," Velvet said. "My name is Princess Velvet." "Princess Velvet?" The ogre gasped. "The Princess Velvet? It's an honor to meet you." He knelt down and kissed her hand. "My name's Jeremy," he said. "Well, Jeremy," said David. "We're searching for the Swords of the Elements and we need to get to the Sword of the Wind on the island in the sky. That's why we're going to Pottery Jungle: to get Terra-Cotta the clay dragon." |
"You're going to have to take the river to the Sunny South..." Said Jeremy "...Fortunately I know who runs the Barge that goes up and down the river...I'll talk to him to make sure you get no fees because the Princess is the one traveling..." The Captain of the Barge was a Rubber Ducky named Captain Squeeks and of course, he would lend his boat to save the Princess and the Kingdom While traveling at night as they entered the tropical area, they were served a meal of water lily salad and magic bean pie. "Are there many wild animals in the Pottery Jungle?" Timmy asked |
"Depends on how one defines wild," said Jeremy. That was when the music started. "Always a party being thrown," the ogre muttered. |
They passed through one such party, with various creatures dancing, drinking and generally getting rowdy. "Looks like fun." David said "Too bad we don't have time to join them." As they made their way down the river, it seemed like the party was going on throughout the whole jungle! "Gives a whole new meaning to the term party animals." Timmy said, with the princess giggling at his remark. Just then, they spotted the one they were looking for among the party goers. Terra-Cotta the clay dragon was currently chugging a large bowl of some strange blue wine, and showing no signs of stopping. Bringing the barge to a stop, they approached her and tried to get her attention. "Excuse me?" David said, tapping the dragon on the foot. But Terra-Cotta didn't seem to notice, still guzzling drink after drink. "Hello?" Timmy called out, which seemed to work. The dragon looked down at the group, drunkenly smiling. "Oh, your highnessh! Welcome to the parthy! Want a drinkth?" "No time for that." Velvet said sternly "We need your help. Can you fly us to the sword of winds? It's very important that we get there." Terra-Cotta hiccuped "Of coursh your highnessh! Climb on my backth and we'll go now!" Timmy hesitated "Are you sure this is a good idea? She seems pretty wasted. I doubt she can even fly straight!" "We don't have a choice." Velvet said "There's no other dragons nearby, and they're the only way to reach the island." |
Timmy looked around and noticed Jeremy at the catering table, filling his plate with one of everything. "If you eat all that," he told the ogre. "You might get a tummyache." "Not really," Jeremy said. "There's a stomach for each of my six faces. Nothing to worry about." Princess Velvet then looked at his plate. "You didn't by chance pick up a temperance tart?" She asked. "Yeah, why?" Jeremy asked. "Oh, we can use it on Terra-Cotta." He tossed his tart to the clay dragon who then grabbed it and shoved it into her mouth. "Amazing!" She exclaimed. "My drunkenness is gone!" "All right," David said. "We're ready to fly!" "Everyone, hang on tight!" Terra-Cotta said. "We'll have clear skies and no chance we might run into Madame LaGlea." "Who's Madame LaGlea?" Timmy asked. "The squirrel witch," David said. "The Cat King hired her to create his monsters." |
As they full off into the starry sky Princess Velvet showed him some of the Constellations "That one is Gigantor...The First of the Dragons..." |
Well the balloons and party hats are now gone so as per the rules of this tradition this is as far as this campfire goes The End! |