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The four kitties with every superpower known to man. |
This is a concept I came up with. It tells the adventures of four kittens with different superpowers. They have all superpowers known to man. Aided by their owner, April Winslow, they manage to protect the city of Orrville from supervillains like their #1 archnemesis, the Atomic Hornet! Anyone wishing to join is welcome! Simply message the author, and you'll get an invite. Enjoy! |
Episode 1: Where It All Began In the city of Orrville, the evil scientist, Dr. Dee Horner was experimenting on her latest potion. It contained every superpower known to man. "With this potion," she said. "I'll conquer the world and be invincible!" She called her henchmen, the Bark Bikers, who were dogs that she had increased the intelligence of and taught how to ride motorcycles. "We must take this potion, and I shall test it out," she explained. "Yes, ma'am," the Bark Bikers said. Little did the doctor know she was about to run into 4 kittens that would be her archnemeses. At that moment, 15-year-old April Winslow was walking down the street when she came across an abandoned box of kittens. "Ooh, how cute," she said, kneeling down to pet them. "I bet you don't have homes." Just then, Dr. Horner was taking her potion to field test it when she bumped into April. "Watch where you're going, kid!" She said not too kindly. She didn't notice she had dropped her potion on the street. The kittens started lapping it up, and that's when something strange happened. "That was weird," one of them said. "It tasted awful," another said. "Remind me not to drink that milk again," a third said. "Wait a minute," the last one said. "We can talk!" "My potion!" Dr. Horner cried. |
Jane didn't know who the lady was, but given how rude she'd been, Jane decided to grab the kittens, and just run. There was something about the woman that seemed very wrong. After all, as her father had said, "Sometimes the only thing we can do in a difficult situation is to trust your gut, especially if it feels worse than whenever you try too many tacos - don't confuse the two though." At the moment, Jane's gut was telling her to run. |
Without saying a word, April scooped up the kittens and made a run for it. "Bark Bikers, sic 'em!" Dr. Horner ordered. As April was about to make a clean escape, the Bark Bikers rode their motorcycles in her path, blocking her way. "Where do you think you're going?" Alpha, the blubbery bulldog leader, said. "You don't scare us," the orange kitten said. He and his fellow kittens jumped out of April's arms and arched their backs. A big battle was about to break out. The orange kitten zoomed around some of the Bark Bikers, creating a whirlwind that lifted their motorcycles into the wind. It did subside when they were 5 feet in the air. The largest kitten, who happened to be a serious eater, flipped Alpha's motorcycle into the air. He held it in his paw and tossed it at Dr. Horner. The black female kitten suddenly turned invisible and snuck up behind a Great Dane, one Omega by name. She gave him a mighty smack, knocking him out. The white female kitten stretched her torso to great lengths and used it to tie the Bark Bikers up. She then slung them into Dr. Horner, knocking her off her feet. April couldn't believe what she had just seen. Could these kittens be aliens? They were in the box when she found them. "Step aside," she heard a voice say. She looked up to see a police officer rushing past her and handcuffing Dr. Horner. "Are you alright, April?" She heard the chief of police say. He was her grandfather. Despite his old age, he was very muscular. The top buttons on his shirt were unbuttoned, showing the top of his hairy chest. "I'm alright, Grandpa," she said. "These kittens fought off those dogs. I don't know what happened, but they looked like they had superpowers." |
That was when April noticed her grandfather's shirt. "Um, did grandma get some sort of new detergent?" The old man rolled his eyes. "Yeah - shrunk everything by like half a size. I'm lucky that I could find a shirt that I could wear without ripping it, same with the pants." |
April looked over at Dr. Horner, who was being arrested. "Grandpa," she said. "Who is she?" "She's Dr. Dee Horner," he said. "She's a mad scientist. So, you say these kittens fought off the Bark Bikers?" April was puzzled. "They're bikers that are loyal to her," he continued. "They'll be sent to the kennel as well." "What about the kittens?" April asked. Her grandfather shrugged. "I'm sure your parents wouldn't mind you keeping them," he said. |
In no time at all, April's parents arrived at the scene. "April, are you alright?" Her father said. April explained everything to them and told them about the kittens. "They look so cute," said her mother. "I'm sure they'll be happy with us at home." "Then it's settled," her grandpa said. "But first, Dr. Horner is off to jail while her henchdogs, the Bark Bikers, are off to the pound!" "Now to think of names for the kittens," April said. |
"Helps if you know if they are boys or girls," said Grandfather. "At least, that's how it was back in my day." |
When the Winslow family got home, the first thing April did was bring the kittens to her room. She began to sort out which kittens were boys and which ones were girls. She could have sworn they talked before. "Come on," she said anxiously. "Say something." "Have you got anything to eat?" The chubby one said in a male voice. "Okay," April said. "I'll call you Rolly. You must really like to eat. One down, three to go." "I like it!" Rolly said as April tickled his tummy. "Me too," said the white kitten in a female voice, playing with him. She was wearing a headband and leg warmers on each leg. "If I look closely," April said. "I can see Stripes in your fur. You shall be called Stripes. Two down, two to go." The orange kitten started to style its the tuft of fur on its head like a mohawk. "Purr-fect!" It said in a male voice. "You look tough," April said. "So your name is Rocky. One more kitten to name." She turned to the black kitten who was slipping a pair of headphones around its neck. "You're my favorite!" It said in a female voice. "Since you're black," April said. "I'll call you Shadow." |
"I never understood why cute things got terrifying names, and terrifying things got cute names," said Grandfather, as he listened from outside the door. "I mean, I had this sweet Pitbull named Lulu - very friendly, unless you were the dumb fool that tried to break into the place - that fool's scream sure did wake my father up - found that fool up in the maple tree, with Lulu at the bottom, the seat of his pants in her mouth. Father gave her a nice steak the next day for that." |
"So, what now?" April asked "I bet your four are hungry." "Yeah!" Rolly said excitedly, while the others just nodded. "What do you want? I think we still have a whole jug of milk in the fridge." The kittens shook their heads. "We're too old for milk." Said Shadow "Come to think of it, I'm hungry for something, I just don't know what." The others nodded in agreement. For the next hour, April dug through the pantry and cabinets, looking for anything a cat could eat. But the four kittens rejected all of her suggestions. "I don't understand it." She said "Just what do you feed super powered cats, anyway?" |
Before anyone could say anything, they heard a loud cry outside. "Help! Somebody save me!" April and the kittens rushed to the window and saw a woman hanging out a window of a skyscraper. Quick to the punch, the kittens had gotten changed into supersuits and sprung into action. "I'd better follow them," April told herself. She made a dash out of the house after them. When April arrived at the scene, Stripes had stretched into a slingshot with Rocky, Rolly, and Shadow hopping in. ZIP! The three kittens were flung into the air as the woman fell from the window. Shadow had turned invisible with Rolly tossing her and Rocky to catch her. Shadow landed on the ground before becoming visible again. Rolly landed next to them with Rocky landing in front of them. "These cats always land on their paws," he said, turning to the woman. At first, she was scared, but upon seeing they saved her, she scooped them up and cuddled them. "Thank you," she said. "Excuse me," April said. "They're my cats." In no time at all, a crowd of citizens gathered, and the news media arrived to cover the story. "And who do we have to thank for this rescue?" Jillian Cameron, the local reporter, asked. April had to think fast. "Thank the Hypercats!" She said. "With the speed of a cheetah!" Rocky announced. "With the strength of a lion!" Rolly announced. "With the stealth of a jaguar!" Shadow announced. "With the agility of a tiger!" Stripes announced. "We roar!" The kittens all said. Meanwhile, in prison, Dr. Horner wasn't very happy. She was reading the newspaper advertising the Hypercats' first act of heroism until she flew into a rage. "Those should have been my superpowers!" She roared. "I'll have to escape prison, bust the Bark Bikers out of the pound, and get my revenge!" |
Little did Dr. Horner know, there's always a security camera watching, and a microphone listening. |
The next thing Dr. Horner knew, she was transferred to maximum security in a straight jacket, in solitary confinement. She simply sat in the center of her padded cell, cursing loudly inside her mind as she tried to think of a way to escape. |
Too bad the guards overlooked a hidden pocket in her lab coat that carried a chemical ball filled with a mixture she whipped up the day before. Upon opening it within her straight jacket, she converted herself to gaseous form, allowing her to slip out of the straight jacket and sneak out of solitary confinement without being seen. Once outside the prison, she managed to reach the dog pound where the Bark Bikers were being held. Using her chemistry skills, she took out the searchlights outside, incapacitated the guards, and broke the Bark Bikers and every dog in the pound out. Upon being them back to her secret lair, she enhanced the new recruits' intelligence and put together a plan to get her revenge on the Hypercats. "Attention, everyone!" She announced. "I'm sending the Hypercats' owner a cat house. When the clock strikes midnight, it'll transfer their powers to me. I'll be in the Fusion Chamber over there. Once their powers are drained, push the red button, and I'll take them. Then, I'll be invincible!" "How does this all work?" Omega asked. "I'd figured you'd say that," Dr. Horner said. She held up a flip book demonstrating the plan and flipped through it to give Omega a good idea on how it would work. "But, Doctor," Omega said. "We don't know where they live." "Then, get some information on that," Dr. Horner instructed. "Track down the girl, get some information on who she is and where she lives and report back to me or else!" |
The police chief picked up the phone when it rang. He listened. "So, let me get this straight - she broke out of prison, and took back her dogs, plus many more? Hopefully the other dogs won't be much trouble." |
Meanwhile, April and the cats were in the backyard, testing what other powers the kittens had. She was tossing targets into the air, and the cats took turns zapping them with their laser vision. Rolly accidentally missed one, and the laser beams flew off into space. "I hope that doesn't hit anything important." April said. Just outside the Earth's atmosphere, the two beams struck a communications satellite, causing it to explode. As a result. millions suddenly found themselves without phone service. |
April understood that these kittens had a superpower. They could make the impossible possible. So she decided to take care of them. They can bring Revolution if they are handled properly. At the same time, they can misused wrongly, if they are in the control of a meanminded person. Therefore, April decided to keep them in her secret farm house. She will use them in her next venture for the development of our lifestyle. |
Luckily, the secret farmhouse was a place in a barn that belonged to a family friend: Jack O'Hara. The most polite way April described him was that he looked like Santa Claus as a farmer. She would always come to his farm after a bad day at school. "Hey, April," he said, hitching up his overalls. "What can I do for you?" "Do you have the keys to your barn?" April asked. Jack began to search his overalls for his barn keys until he reached into one pocket and pulled them out. He tossed them to her, and she unlocked the barn door so she and the kittens could enter. Little did they know that the Bark Bikers were watching them from a distance, waiting to get information on her name and address. |
"Yep." April said, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. "Where did you get them?" "It's a long story. Let's just say there was a sort of "happy accident" shortly after I adopted them." |
April and the kittens then started setting up in an abandoned corner of the barn for their headquarters. When they were done, she thanked Jack for letting her in. While they were headed home, they didn't notice that the Bark Bikers were following them from a distance. "What's taking so long?" Dr. Horner demanded impatiently. "We're working on it!" Beta, a female Husky whispered fiercely so as not to let April and the kittens know they were being followed. "Well, hurry it up!" Dr. Horner snapped. The Bark Bikers secretly slipped a bug into April's house before she or any of her relatives could come home. Over the next few days, they were getting all the information they needed and soon, it was time to report back to Dr. Horner. |
"We're bored." Stripes said, the other kittens nodding in agreement. "Well, what do you want to do?" April asked. "How about we take a trip somewhere?" Said Rocky. "Like, the park, maybe?" |
April shook her head. "Fair enough," she said. "But you must remember, you can only talk to other people as the Hypercats. It's okay if you talk to me as your secret identities." The kittens shrugged. There wasn't any arguing with that logic. Their secret identities could be exposed. Meanwhile, Dr. Horner's lab, the Bark Bikers relayed the intel they gathered about the Hypercats' owner. "Her name is April Winslowe," Alpha reported. "She's 15 years old, she lives with her parents on 2950 Sycamore Avenue. Her grandfather's the chief of police." "Chief of police, you say," Dr. Horner said. "I knew that last name Winslowe sounded familiar. What are we waiting for? We must deliver the cathouse to her house at once!" At the park, April and the kittens had some playtime after she introduced them to her friends from school who were there as well. On the way home afterward, her mother called her on her phone, saying that the new cathouse was delivered at their house. "Strange," April said. "I don't remember entering a contest for a new cathouse. This sound suspicious. Oh, well." That night, she tucked them into bed in the cathouse. Dr. Horner could've gotten their powers if a hornet hadn't flown into the cathouse, scaring the kittens out, beaming it into the Fusion Chamber of her machine. |
Good news was, Dr. Horner survived. Bad news was, Dr. Horner became Dr. Hornet! |
Dr. Horner's eyes were now bulbous and compound. Translucent wings sprouted from her back, an abdomen with a wicked stinger on the end had grown from the base of her spine, and her mouth had become that of a hornet's! "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" She screams upon seeing her reflection. "I'm hideous! Those Hypercats did this to me! They'll pay for this! If it's the last thing I do!" |
"Now that you're a bee," Omega said. "Could you make some honey?" "I'm not a bee!" Dr. Horner snapped. "I'm a-" "Bees make honey," Omega interrupted. "Can I have some, please?" "Bees and hornets are not the same animal!" Dr. Horner bellowed. "I guess they both fly, seeing I've gained wings." "Don't feel bad," Omega said. "I've just gained 4 pounds." "Oh, shut up!" Dr. Horner barked. "I guess we have to fight fire with fire now." "You mean we're going to burn the Hypercats?" Omega asked. "No!" Dr. Horner snarled. "We need a cat of our own to fight them, and I'm building one right now." She got right to work. The next day, she had finished the Mechat, a robot cat that could transform into any big cat. She turned him on and he took the form of a robot tiger. "I'm hungry!" He said. He rushed up to the Fusion Chamber and started eating at the metal. When he was finished, he was about to move on to another metal invention when Dr. Horner flew into his path. "Hold it right there!" She commanded. "These inventions are my creations and you're not allowed to eat any more metal. Do you understand?" "What? I'm a robot cat," the Mechat said. "What did you expect me to eat? Pizza?" Dr. Horner rolled her compound eyes in annoyance. "Fine," she said. "But you'll only eat metal in this lab with my permission. However, I know where there's an all-you-can-eat metal buffet out there." "I'm listening," the Mechat said. |
Al Simmons ran the local junkyard. Any time someone brought in a car, truck, boat, motorcycle, ATV, and, on one occasion, a plane, he'd go through it, seeing if the owner wanted anything that was left behind - there was once an antique clock left in the trunk of one car - worth was ten thousand dollars - lady didn't want it, as it reminded her too much of her ex. Once he'd gone through the inventory, he'd have the items disassembled, sorted out by functional, make, model, and so on. Folks in need of parts would come to him, locate what they want, pay him, and leave. At the moment, Al was looking at an old Chevy truck. A beauty in its heyday, and once lovingly cared for, the owner had died while in a wreck with it. Heirs didn't want it, so Al got it - he gave the heirs a good, and fair, price, and it seemed that there might be more to come from them - prior owner liked to collect car parts. He was about to start the check-list when he heard a rather concerning sound - metal being crushed by something. |
Going to investigate, he found the strangest thing he'd ever seen. A huge, cat-shaped robot chowing down on a pile of scrap. "Hey!" He said "Cut that out! You're eating my merchandise!" The robot turned to look at him and let out a low, menacing growl. "I've never had flesh before." It threatened "Leave me be, and I won't be tempted to try it."Al slowly backed away, as the metallic feline resumed its feast. "I better call someone." He thought. |
Meanwhile, April was walking home from school with her friend Sid Simmons (and yes, he's Al Simmons's nephew, don't ask). He was the chunkiest student in the 9th grade and the entire school where April attended. He could eat anything. "You want to come over to my house for dinner?" April asked. "Well, I'll have to ask my uncle Al," Sid responded. He pulled out his phone and dialed Al's number. After a few rings, he received a message to leave a message. "That's strange," he said. "Uncle Al would never not answer his phone." "We'd better talk to him," April said. The two headed for Al's junkyard and sure enough, the Mechat had him suspended in a blue ray shot from his mouth. "Put my uncle Al down!" Sid commanded. The Mechat turned off the ray and stared at the two. "Why don't you make me?" He said. "I only obey Dr. Horner." April reached into her pocket and pulled out her Meowphone (something she invented to summon the Hypercats when there was danger) and explained what happened. In no time at all, the Hypercats arrived and faced the Mechat. "You can't stop me!" The Mechat said. "Metal makes me strong! I'm going to eat all the metal!" "Not if we can help it," Stripes said, leaping at him to attack. Rocky used his super speed to make him chase him. After a while, the Mechat's energy was running low and a cave made in a nearby junk pile was dug by Shadow. "I need to eat," the Mechat said. "But that looks comfy. Comfy wins!" With that, he ran into the cave and curled up for a nap. Rolly then pushed a wrecked car over the opening to keep him from getting out. "Excellent work, Hypercats!" Al said. "You saved the junkyard!" "Not for long!" A familiar voice said. Everyone looked up and saw Dr. Horner flying in the air on hornet wings. With her hornet features, she was really ugly. "Mechat, excellent work!" She said. "Dr. Horner?!?" Rocky said. "What happened to you?!?" Rolly asked. Before Dr. Horner could answer, the Mechat ate his way through the metal and fired the ray at the Hypercats, freezing them in the ray. "You should know," Dr. Horner said. "If you had kept them in the cathouse, that hornet wouldn't have interfered!" "Wait a minute," April said. "You sent my family the cathouse?!?" "Precisely," Dr. Horner said. Then she turned to the Hypercats who were frozen in the ray, their eyes being the only body part they could move. "You took away my chances at having superpowers," she said. "I'm just simply returning the favor!" "Maybe you don't deserve superpowers!" April said. She was going to regret saying that because at that moment, the Mechat placed her and Sid on his back and ran off, carrying the Hypercats in the ray with Dr. Horner coming with him. "Fine!" She said. "If I don't deserve superpowers, then neither do they!" The Mechat then came to a nuclear plant as Dr. Horner hovered overhead. "Once I throw them in nuclear radiation," she said. "You kitties will die." "What are we going to do?" Sid asked April. "Maybe the beam doesn't work if he's talking," April said. "If I can make him talk for a long time, I might reprogram him to be on our side." "How are you going to do that?" Sid asked. "I've got an idea," April said. She climbed off the Mechat and stepped toward him. "Mechat, say hello in every language," she instructed. The Mechat turned off the ray, releasing the Hypercats onto the ground. "Hello," he said. "Hola. Bonjour. Guten tag. Ni Hao. Ciao. Aloha. Konichiwa. Privet." He continued to say hello in every language as April got to work reprogramming him. |
After about a minute, the Mechat was successfully reprogrammed. "Now, Mechat, attack Dr. Hornet!" April commanded. |
The Mechat swatted at Dr. Hornet, knocking her off balance as she hovered on the air. "How dare you!" She shrieked. The Hupercats, now free, ganged up on her. They were ready to bring her to justice when her flight started to falter. "You haven't seen the last of me!" She barked. "I'll be back!" Just then, she fell into one of the nuclear plants smokestacks. With that done, April, Sid, and the Hypercats went back to April's house riding the Mechat. "I've got a lot of modifications to make to this," April said. After a few minutes of tinkering, April gave the Mechat new features: flying, climbing up cliffs, riding on water, and speed. He could turn into a motorcycle with different forms: lion, tiger, cheetah, and jaguar, depending which Hypercat was resting on the Mechat's head. "I even gave him a battery for power," she said. "So he doesn't have to eat metal all the time." "Doesn't he need to recharge?" Sid asked. "Taken care of," April said, pointing at a recharge station in the corner of the garage. Meanwhile, Dr. Horner rose from the nuclear plant, now with atomic powers. The Bark Bikers were happy to see her back. "Dr. Dee Horner is no more," she announced. "From this day on, I shall be referred to as the Atomic Hornet!" Episode 2: The Circus from Outer Space One night, a spaceship that resembled a circus train zoomed over Orrville before landing in the forest. Inside the spaceship were the most evil aliens to ever set foot in the forest in Orrville. Their names were Larry, Iggy, Morton, Lemmy, Ludwig, Roy, and Wendy. Their mission? Steal all of Earth's resources and bring them to their planet. |
April, having been asleep, woke up. "What a nightmare. I dreamed that doctor was back." |
Meanwhile, in the woods, Larry and his goons began plotting to steal all of Earth's natural resources. "A circus!" He exclaimed. "We shall disguise our resource extractors as a circus tent so the people will be distracted." The next day at school, April and Sid had just gotten out of their 3rd period gym class (which, of course, wasn't Sid's cup of tea, seeing as he was rather chubby) when they headed for their lockers. "Hey, guys," a female voice said. It was Taylor's other friend Taylor. She was wearing a sleeveless turtleneck and a long skirt. "My parents and I are headed out of town for 5 days," she told them. "So I need April to look after my new dog until we return on Sunday." "What's the little dog's name?" April asked. "His name's Frankie," Taylor said. "We just got him yesterday. He's so adorable." "So that means you won't be going to the circus that just opened?" Sid asked. "We can go to the circus if it's still there on Sunday," Taylor said. |
"It's the strangest thing." Taylor said "A big circus just appeared on the edge of town, practically overnight. I didn't see anything announcing its arrival, but it's there." |
"I'll look after Frankie," April said. "When you return on Sunday, we can all go to the circus." So, the three continued their day of school. After the walk home, April had some time with the kittens until there was a knock on the door. "I'm coming!" She said. Her mother opened the door before she could make it. It was Taylor, her arms full of dog supplies. "Oh, hi," she said. "Could you help me carry in Frankie's supplies?" April held out her arms and carried everything to the living room. Taylor followed, carrying a tiny dachshund in her arms. "This must be Frankie!" April exclaimed. "That's right!" Taylor said, setting him down on the floor gently. Frankie began to run around until he came up to the kittens. He sniffed them and started to yap excitedly. "Looks like Frankie's made some new friends," Taylor said with a smile. |
The kittens, however, were more hesitant to approach Frankie. "It's okay." Taylor said "He's friendly." This didn't seem to do much to comfort the Hypercats. Being felines, they had a natural distrust of strange dogs. |
"I think he needs a drink of water," April said. Taylor got out Frankie's water dish and walked up to the sink. She turned the faucet, but nothing happened. She tried again. Still, nothing happened. "I'm sure we can call the plumber about this," Mrs. Winslowe said. "It's been doing that a lot lately." Taylor handed April Frankie's schedule and all of his favorite toys. "I'll be back Sunday, Frankie," Taylor said, kneeling down to Frankie. "No worries, Taylor," April said. "Frankie's in good hands." A few hours later, April began to take Frankie for a walk. That's when she noticed that some of the neighbors' trees and plants were starting to die. "That's odd," she said. "Those plants were all fine earlier. I wonder what's going on with them?" Little did she know that what happened was that Larry, Iggy, Lemmy, Wendy, Roy, Morton, and Ludwig (who were planning on taking the human race hostage in their circus if they wanted Earth's natural resources back) had drained every drop of water from Orrville and all the best soil the city had for planting gardens and trees. |
"Has there been a sudden drought?" she asked, as she looked at where there was usually a muddy section in the park, even weeks after it had rained. |