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Something lurks the sewers sucking the Mutagen out of Mutants! |
So this is a story inspired by the adventure 'Tully' Monster' in the RPG Mutants in the Next, we play a group a young Mutant Animals being trained by the now adult Ninja Turtles, to follow in their footsteps, we're given out first mission, something is lurking in the underground, attacking humans, ordinary animals but most of all Mutants! Sucking the mutagen out with their blood turning them back into ordinary animals...We're given the task to find out what this new danger is and Neutrilize it!
Name: Squeeks Age: 14 Sex: Female Species: Norway Rat (Rattus norvegicus) Likes: Cheese pizza, soda, pop music, dancing, jewerly Dislikes: Canned vegetables, bullies, being alone in the dark. Turtle Mentor: Micelangelo Weapon: Paired nunchucks Appearence: A 5 foot tall, slender Rat-Girl with gray fur, has a slight tuft between her ears which she has dyed purple, her ninja costume bares her midriff Bio: The most recent of the Turtles' pupils Squeeks was found by a wealthy family in Portland Oregon as a Mutating Baby wandering alone covered in Mutagen, they took her in and raised her among their own children while she couldn't go to school her human siblings helped teach her from their homework, it was when the likes of Bishop came sniffing around when she was 13 Squeeks knew she had to leave before her family got in trouble, thats when the Turtles found her, Mikey is her mentor and has taught her to weild the nunchucks, they are very similar both loving junk food and pop culture, the other students often call Squeeks 'Mall Rat' |
Name: Jonny White Age: 15 Sex: Male Species: American Hog-Nosed Skunk (Conepatus leuconotus) Like: Being with friends, eating food. Dislike: Negative comments about his appearance. Turtle Mentor: Leonardo Weapon: Wooden Sword Appearance: 6-foot tall white skunk. Bio: Originally from Texas. Jonny somehow ended up in New York, possibly through some underground Pet Trade, due to his white fur. Evidence for this has to deal with the fact that he lacks the ability to spray, and his species isn't normally found in New York. He's not sure how he was mutated. |
Squeeks was in her room listening to her radio was reading a fashion magazine on her bed, there was a knock on her door, Johnny peeked his head in. "There's a meeting tonight..." He said "...All the students are to attend." Squeeks yawned "Probably just another drill..." She said "Um don't think that's it..." The Skunk said "...They seem serious." |
Squeeks sighed "All right, all right." While Squeeks was the most recent recruit, she was not the youngest, the Turtles had rescued several prepubesant mutants who were the 'Beginner Classes' the Teenage Mutants were the 'Advanced Classes' |
With all the students in the Dojo Leo sighed "This is something different...We are here to assign the Advanced Class Students...Their first official mission..." |
Name: John Simmons Age: 16 Sex: Male Species: Artic Fox Likes: Computer systems, Pizza, inventing tech, pranking Dislikes:Bullies Turtle Mentor: Donatello Weapon: Bo Staff Appearance: 5ft-3inch tall fox dressed in white pants, blue t-shirt, and exercise tape wrapped around feet and hands, carries a bag full of tech and tools at all times Bio: While looking for food in Antartica, he was cought by poachers, and transported to New York. After escaping during transport, he slips into a alleyway. No clue of how was mutated. "Wait, a mission?" Walking into the room, everyone see's John. |
Leo sighed "As you know..." He said "...The Mutant Population has grown steadily since when we were teens, only a few young Mutants like you we have been able to recruit to train in the ways of the Ninja...Others because they are already grown adults balked at our attempts to help and continued to scrounge on the fringes of civilization...But recently something knew as been stalking the subways of New York City, it has attacked one of our homeless friends, but it seems to mostly prey on Mutants!" "It seems to suck mutant blood and in doing so sucks the mutagen right out of them!" Don said "Reducing them back to ordinary animals... |
Thinking, Johny began to think about what was said. "So, basically we have a mutagen vampire running around. Do we know where it was last seen?" |
Don brought out his Laptop comptuer "There was some footage being shared by 'Per Mutation' we've told you about them, that extremly underground online group of humans that want to help Mutants, and we've told you explitly not to contact them cuz in their eagerness to help they're not good at being 'discreet' and could reveal us to out enemies...But anyway this was video shot by someone showing something walking under stormwater grating, what little could be seen looked like a creature with a long neck and a long tail walking on two legs but with many little...Tentacles or something sticking out of its back. "So far..." Don said "...The locals have called it 'The Ganglygrim' "Looks almost like...What do you call it...The Pateosaurus..." Squeeks remembered from looking at Don's big book of Dinosaurs "Only with tentacles or whatever sticking out of it..." "Seems very unlikey it would be an herbivorous dinosaur..." Don said "...But we can't tell what the shell it is!" |
"Probably not a good idea to get near it in any case," said Jonny. "Tranquilizer darts maybe." |
Stepping up to Donnie's laptop, Johny rewinded the footage to the part of the footage to get a closer look of the creature. "Could be a hybrid. If you guys want, I could make some armor up for us for added protection." |
"What we're worried about..." Leo said "...If this is a creation of Bishop to try to decrease the growing Mutant Population..." LEo pinched the space between his eyes "...We're worried we're specific targets that's why we're sending the advanced class students to investigate, Bishop doesn't know you yet...We hope..." Since they started finding and taking in orphan mutants the Turtles had moved out of Manhatten and had built a kind of 'Warren' in a hill outside of Queens large enough to contain all these Mutants |
"Still, sounds kind of risky," said Jonny. "I think that we might want to take a long range approach. Photographs, armor, tranquillizers, and so on." |
(Since there are two with similar names, just call my guy J. Less confussion this way.) Sighing, J looked to the two mentors. "Okay then, who's gonna lead the team?" Looking between themselves, Donnie and Leo chuckled a bit. |
Yeah why did you give your character the same first name? "Oh...This is gonna be good..." Squeeks said as she leaned back on an old sofa with some of the Beginner Class Mutants |
(To be fair, John, and variants thereof, is a very common name. We don't live in a One Steve Limit world, you know.) Jonny sat down. "What else do we know about this thing?" |
(I was in a rush due to a commission I'm working on. Again, sorry.) "Just what we were told. Maybe if we investigate the last attack, we can find a clue others missed." Using the laptop, find all reports of 'The Ganglygrim's' attacks in three different locations. "Squeeks? Jonny? You two up for a bit of recon?" |
Not in real life but in stories like this one ideally the characters have different names to make things easier for everyone involved "A homeless man was attacked in one of the New York City subway tunnels..." J said "...He's not dead, he was treated and he was one of the Turtles homeless friends so he should be OK with us!" |
"So long as he doesn't get freaked out by seeing a rat, a skunk, and a fox he doesn't know," said Jonny. |
Chuckling a bit, J dug into his bag's pockets and pulled out three different colored strips of clothes with eye holes. "Maybe these will help in that area. Side's, we were trained by them. Might as well try wearing them. |
Just one final thing, this might be a reason why in my original fiction I've started using really offbeat names like 'Hercule', 'Octavia' and 'Alister' as a means of avoiding the Million Johns problem Even though Squeeks' mentor was Mikey, it was clear her favorite color was purple so she got a purple mask |
Taking the red one, J placed it around his head before looking to the others. "So, you ready?" |
"I guess that's the good thing we're all different species..." Squeeks giggled "We don't need different mask colors to tell us apart!" The homeless man who had been attacked by the Ganglygrim was thankfully not Donatello's old friend the Professor, this man was known as 'Willy' a scruffy looking guy with a long beard that was now quite gray with age, but when he was younger seemed to have been blue in color. |
"He was just one of the homeless people that the Turtles were buddies with..." Squeeks said "...I think he knows the Turtles are Mutants not in costumes..." |
What they had no way of knowing was that the ER Doctor who treated Willy was Tyson Burton who had connections with Mutant Sympathizers Willy had told them about his Turtle friends, so Dr. Burton turned on the lights when the three Mutants entered through the window in Willy's room "We've been waiting for you..." Dr. Burton said "I can provide you with some answers you may be seeking..." "Such as?" Asked Squeeks "I found a strange substance in Willy's wound..." |
Jonny watched the doctor. There was something about doctors he didn't like. He wasn't sure why. Still, he watch them. |
Eying the doctor, J quickly pulled a small tablet out and began taking notes while hacking the doctor's computer. 'What are you hiding doc?' "What can you tell us of the substance you found?" |
"It acts like a steroid-polyamine similar to squalamine a potetent potential antibioic...I seek to learn more about this 'Ganglygrim' so I can find out more about its chemical compision..." Dr. Burton said |
"I'd like you to know that I know Mutant Sympathizers..." Dr. Burton said as he began typing on his computer |
"They're called Per Mutation..." Said Dr. Burton about to show them the forum on his computer "We already know about them." Squeeks said "And the Turtles told us not to contact them because in their eagerness to help they're not exactly good at being discreet, the Turtles saw that several posts from those who claimed to be Mutants suddenly went silent, so they think out enemies are watching the forum..." |
"Hence why you might want to make sure that the cameras near the room aren't working," said Jonny. |
Setting the doctor's file aside, J began looking for a way into the security camera system. "I'll try and find a route into the system, see if I run a loop and see if any footage can be usable." |
"Can also give you a few more clues about the Ganglygrim..." Said Dr. Burton "...Willy told me the thing has a kind of...Suckhole mouth...So maybe it's a kind of leech." |
While going through the security system, J found a file with a familiar symbol on it. Placing a jumpdrive in, he copies the file and finds the footage and copies it as well. "Okay, were set. Lets go, now." Giving both Squeeks and Jonny a look of seriousness, he walks off. |
"Well..." Said Squeeks "...We got a few more clues about the Ganglygrim, maybe we should head back to base and tell the Turtles it might be a Mutant Leech so maybe they can make us some defenses?" |
"Right. Plus, I found something in his computer I think they may wanna see. Trust me, it's ain't good." Using his bo-staff, J opened a man-hole cover. "Ladies first?" |
Um...Just a reminder they don't live in the sewers any more they live in a hill outside the city limits I'll just say they use the sewers to get back home unnoticed "Thank you." Squeeks said as she jumped in. Once they got back to their home in the 'Warren' (Some felt the nickname was because of the friendship between Leonardo and Usagi) They gave they're report to the Turtles. "So..." Don said as he rubbed his chin "This seems to confirm the creature is a leech or something similar...That explains the blood sucking..." Raph gave a little shudder |
Placing the jump drive it, J pulled up a file he got off the Dr.'s computer. "Yeah. Turns out our good friend Dr. Burton was working for somebody." Open's the file showing a familiar government badge and a photo of who runs it. |
"EPF..." Leo hissed as he saw the logo "However..." Don said "...With what you Cubs told me what the Doctor said, I don't think Bishop created the Ganglygrim, as this hints he wants to capture it and doesn't know what it is..." "OK..." Mikey said "...So who else could have possibily made that monstrosity?" |
"How about some other old enemy?" Jonny suggested. "Perhaps one that's been forgotten about?" |
OK I hate to skip someone's turn but since this story is based on an RPG Adventure and thus I'm kind of acting like the DM I'm interveing to point the story in the right direction Just then a voice came in saying "You're so concerned with your old ememies you never stop and think it might be new..." Into the warren came one of the strangest Mutants but one the Turtles had become familar with, he was Gargle a Mutant Octopus who had rebuffed the Turtles earlier attempts to recruit the adult mutants, but here he was crawling in, and they noticed he had one tentacle missing... "I know who made the Ganglygrim..." Gargle panted "...Because it was the same scientist who mutated me...His name is Tully Samsa...He works...I should say he worked for conglomerate Proteus Inc, shortly after he mutated me, there was an acccident and he mutated into a giant cockroach!" "So..." Don said "..Did he create this mutagen sucker to get mutagen to find a way to reverse his transformation?" "He no longer cares about that..." Gargle sighed "...He knows his new abilities helped him escape when he got demoted from employee to test subject after his change...Fortunatly my ability to break off tentacles allowed me to escape with only a little of my mutagen drained..." |
"Hmmm..." Typing on the computer, J marked all the locations the Ganglygrim has been sited, and created. Seeing this, Don raised a brow. "You got something J?" |
"Yeah..." Said J "...Folowing the Ganglygrim's pattern they all seem to be around an abandoned mannequin factory..." "Huh..." Don said as he checked the info on the place "Yeah that place was condemed by a fire 20 years ago...Then after scavengers picked whatever parts they could find it became a popular place to host secret raves..." |
Thinking, J brought up the underground schematics and found a small hidden chamber under the building itself with passages leading through a sewer system and a abandoned subway tunnel. "Guys, I think I figured out where he is, and how he has been getting around." |
"Hang on..." Raph said and he turned to Gargle "...You got full on attacked by the thing and lived to tell the tale...You got an up close look at the thing...So you know what it is? Is it actually a leech?" Gargle sighed "The Ganglygrim is a sea lamprey...That's the base anyway, it's been crossed with raccoon and centipede and various other vermin because of the filthy conditions Tully was keeping it in when it mutated..." |
Taking not of what Gargle had told them, J smirked a foxy grin. "Easy Jonny. We hunt it down. We trap it in there." Pointing to the underground building, J's mind began as armor idea's formulated, along with a plan. |
"Then all we'll need is the bate..." It was right then everyone started to smirk and look towards Raph who began to look worried. "Ah no. No no no no no. I am not gonna be the bait! Find somebody else!" |
"Look before you get to that..." Gargle said "...There something else you should know." "We're all ears..." Squeeks said "Tully Samsa was there when the Ganglygrim caught me while I was swimming in the sewers..." Gargle sighed "Basically Tully didn't need to 'control' the creature per se he just needed it to suck the mutagen out of Mutants and lay these sticky mutagen sacks the size of a softball which Tully collects, he just happned to be nearby collecting some previously laid sacks when the Ganglygrim caught me and he took the time to boast as we knew each other back when I was an experiment and he was still human, thinking I was doomed he let it slip that where HE is hiding out The Wolf Theater. "That abandoned arthouse theater?" Don asked "Yes..." Gargle said "...So if you do take down the Ganglygrim you'll have to deal with Tully also cuz he's got other experiments waiting in the wings..." |
"Um...Are you being sarcastic?" Squeeks asked "You've been such a downer thus far I genuinly can't tell." "OK! OK!" Don said "Let's just get to work making that armour so you can be protected from blood sucking!" |
(To be honest, I've been dealing with a few things in my neck of the woods, in real life, and online. As a result, my enthusiasm for writing hasn't been around much.) Jonny looked at Squeeks. "Let's get to helping him. Do you want to get the stuff he needs, or the tools he needs?" |
As Squeeks and Jonny talk, J follows Donnie to the science area and begin working on a special coating for the armor. |
"Do you have a tank of water?" Gargle panted "I manged to crawl all the way over here because today has been misty so it was nice and wet all over..." |
"Don't know if it's big enough, but there is a bathtub," said Jonny. "Next best bet might be a metal cattle water tub-thing I saw in the barn." |
"Hang on, I'll get it." As J went to the barn, he fox ears twitched at a noise he heard. As the fur on the back of his neck flared, he grabbed his bo-staff and clicked a warning signaler to Donnie's computer. It was then something leaped at him, and all went dark. |
After a few moments of waiting Squeeks said "J has been away for a while, maybe we should check on him..." They went to the Barn and gasped to find J desperatly fighting off thr Ganglygrim keeping it at bay with his Bo staff! |
Jonny got out his wooden sword. "We need to get J out of there. Is there a couple of loose boards that we might be able to pull so that he can slip out from that section?" |
Jonny looked through a crack. "J! Get your tail over this way! We'll try to get you out!" |
Hearing Jonny, J saw the back of a tentacle aiming at him. 'This is gonna hurt in the morning.' As the tentacl hits him, he feels intense pain as mutagen begins to flow out of him. "Oh no, I ain't going out like this!" Taking a knife from his bag, he sliced the tentacle off, leaving a piece on the floor in front of him. Stabbing the free piece, he made a beeling to the opening and jumped through it, allowing Squeeks and Mikey to place the board back. |
"Oh man!" Squeeks exclaimed "J! You OK?" "He looks like he shrank a few inches..." Jonny observed |
"Might want to get him checked out, and maybe torch the barn, or something," said Jonny. |
Dropping the knife with the cut off piece from the Ganglygrim's tentacle. J began heavily breathe as he felt like he ran a marathon. "No worries.... guys. I'm good... Donnie... analyze the... piece I cut off. Might hold a... weakness..." With that, he felt all his energy leave, making him fall forward. Only to be caught by Raph as he was hefted over his shoulder. |
However trying to shut the Ganglygrim in the barn didn't work because the thing was strong enough to break through the wall and run back to the city. "OK..." Leo sighed "...Seems Tully is onto us, he probably wasn't anticipating Gargle escaping so he sent the Ganglygrim to follow the Octopus." |
"Well, maybe we should torch the place it likes to hide at, once we make sure it's sealed inside," said Jonny. |
So with the water tub no longer a concern seeing J might no longer be fit to go out for the mission they placed Gargle in the bathtub and Don began running some tests on J "He indeed has lost some mutagen..." Don sighed sorrowfully "...He's shrunk at least two inches..." |
Blinking his eyes, and leting out a yawn, J woke a hour later. Getting up, he took notice of himself being shorter. "He took some height off me, didn't he?" |
Getting up, J took a few practice jumps, jabs, and a few kicks. "Welp, other then the height, I feel fine." Yet, as he tried to take a step forward, he tripped and fell face first to the floor. "Darvit." |
Don rushed over to his pupil "I think the loss of mutagen has affected your mental abilities as well..." Don said "...Maybe not as severly as could have been but enough that you've lost some of your human skills..." |
"Might want to have him do an obstacle course thing," Jonny suggested. "Also, let's make sure to locate this thing, and destroy it." |
After Donnie helped J back onto the table, a small thought came to mind. "Hey Donnie, what did you find in that piece I cut off? Any weakness we can use against it?" |
So I came up with this campfire to keep me company while my parents were away, with my parents coming home today time to end And the tentalce was just what Don needed to trak down the Ganglygrim with that the Turtles and their pupils trancked down the Granglygrom and destroyed it...They used one of the 'Mutagen Sacks' to restore lost Mutagen to J and Gargle But that left Tully Samsa still to be dealt with... The End! |