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Anthro Animals from a Fantasy World are taken to modern day Earth! |
OK first and foremost this campfire is inspired by a CYOA on Deviantart called 'New World New Memories' I'd advise you to take at least a brief look at it before starting to get an idea of what I'm going for Link to the first page https://www.deviantart.com/goodtimesroll44/art/New-World-New-Memories-The-Beginn... My concept is a little differet but not by much, in this story all the Player Characters come from an alternate dimnesnion only known to the inhabitants as 'The World' as far as they know the world is flat and as far as we know it might as well be! There are non-anthro fishes and crustatians and insects (There are also Anthro Fish Species mostly Sharks and Big Game Fish like Salmon, Sailfish and Eels and a few reports havre claimed sightings of Anthro Arachnids like Scorpions and Spiders) It also appears that some hunting of other Anthros sometimes Predators raid Herbivore lands for meat in times of great stress, there are also Animalistic Mythical Beasts like Dragons, Unicorns, Pegasai but these seem to be aloof from 'Normal' Animal society One day everything will change when human scientists from Earth testing a probe to serch for other dimensions (They are secretly trying to find a place humans can escape to in case any kind of disaster makes Earth uninhabitable) and abducts a few 'Sample Life Forms' and thus are Medievil Furries will discover Humanity for the first time Rules: You can be just about any real or mythical animal (Avoid humanoid mythical creatures like mermaids, elves, dwarves, yes I've seen New Wolrd New Memories has Furry equivilents with 'Rabbit-Elves' and 'Gopher-Dwarves' but for the sake of simplicity we'll avoid them) Unlike in New Wolrd New Memories the furries will not have amnesia they will have full memories of their lives and pasts The Furry Wold has magic but society is still very medievil (Magic may have caused technolocigal progress to stagnate) That's all I can think of for now, I decided to start this WDC birthday campfire a bit early so Players can get familar with the New World New Memories world before we get started |
(OK as per usual Character Bios First Name: Sirah Age: 18 Sex: Female Species: King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) Occupation: Guard Bio: Sirah lives in the desert area of the world, she is of the Southern Clan of Snakes who have lately been feuding with the Northern Clan and all Snakes are viewed with suspition by most of the other creatures of the desert particurally the mammals, the Snakes lives underground they have their clan symbol branded onto their necks and view scars as a badge of honor Sirah already had quite a few scars due to her occupation as a Guard, her mother is first cousin to the Southen Clan Mother Janessi, Sirah sees nothing wrong with her clan feuding against the other clans such is the way in the harsh world of the desert |
Name: Felix Mau Paws Age: 25 Sex: Male Species: Cat Occupation: Trader (Actually, he's a Thief, not that he tells folks that.) Bio: Felix lives in a city with a wide variety of species. He mostly goes about his days applying his trade - selling folks things at high prices, while carefully liberating valuables from their possession, using slight of hand, and some minor magical abilities he has. He prefers to avoid fighting when possible. |
It seemed like it was going to be a normal day at first, the Snakes awoke from their usual slumber the cold desert night put them into, Sirah slitvered through the tunnels to take her turn as guard, the only way in or out was a hole under a large rock that was easy for the Snake People to slither in and out of but most other creatures had trouble, for a moment Sirah took a moment to savor the morning sunbeams but then noticed something unusual in the sky...It looked like a small portion of the sky had turned into a spiral...Like there was a mini-cyclone in the sky...But as she stared at it, she noticed it was growing larger, and she was starting to feel the wind... |
Felix was plying his trade - selling, and stealing. The boar seemed interested in a nice knife, but they were too stingy on the price. "That blade can't be worth more than fifteen gold," the boar said. "Price is twenty-five," said Felix. "Anyplace else would be selling it for much higher." "I'll search elsewhere," the boar said. Felix wrapped the knife up, and began to put it away. "Wait," the boar said. Felix looked at him. The boar got out a pouch, and counted out the gold coins. "Here's twenty-five." Felix looked them over, tested the coins, brought them back, and pushed the knife forward. "Glad we could come to an agreement," he said. "Have a nice day." The boar picked up the wrapped knife, and walked away. A while later, Felix chuckled, as he looked at the knife, hidden in a slot, just under the counter. "At least one of those fools every day." |
The wind slowly grew stronger and stronger and the spiral grew larger and larger...Suddenly Sirah began to feel the wind tugging on her...When she began to feel herself being pulled that's when she realized she needed help... HELP!" Sirah screamed Sevir a male yellow snake slithered forth and tried to grab onto Sirah's tail to prevent her from being blown away by the wind... |
Felix looked up, as the wind started to pick up. "What in the world?" That was when something tried to pull him up, forcing him to grab onto the supports of his stall. "Not this!" he screamed, wondering what powerful mage he'd upset. |
Sevir tried as hard as he could to hold onto Sirah but then suddenly Sirah felt something different about the wind...It didn't feel like ordinary wind it felt like...Ghostly hands...Dozens of ghostly hands were grabbing onto her...Pulling her...This was no ordinary wind! this was magic! Finally the hands pulled her free from Sirah's grasp and she went sprialing into the sky towards the cyclone! |
Name: Strider Flame Species: Pheonix Gender: Male Bio: A high flying adventuring that always takes time to help others. Takes on random jobs to make ends meet while also raising money for orphanages in need. But deep inside, he hides a tragic secret he hides from the world. ~¤~ Suddenly, Sirah seemed to stopped spinning, only to see herself in the arms of a stranger she has yet to meet. Flying against the winds, as if to escape the grasp of the storm. "You okay miss? You harmed in anyway?" |
Before Sirah could grasp that she had been caught by a Phoenix, the two of them heard some strange ghostly voices "Something has intercepted this Bio-Sample" "Increase to maximum drive!" "But Sir! That might completly burn out the probe!" "We must capture this Bio-Sample!" And so Sirah and Strider felt like one giant ghostly hand grabed them and pulled them into the spriral, for a few moments they were tumbling through what seemed like a tunnel of psychdellic colors... |
It was at that moment that Felix's claws lost their grip, leaving a series of scratches along the support posts. "By the Gods!" he yelled. "Someone help me!" |
And before they knew it, Sirah and Strider tumbled out into a strange room they were surrounded by clear glass on all sides, and on the other side of that glass was strange creatures they had never seen before, they had completly bare skin except for patches of various amounts on their heads and the males had some on their faces...At best they could be said the be vaugely Ape-Like... "Well..." Said one woman "...They certainly resemble Earth Life Forms..." |
The next thing Felix knew, he was in a small, and dark, room. Luckily, his eyes adjusted, and he saw some cleaning items, like a broom, a mop and a bucket, plus some other things. "Is this a storage room for a servant's tools?" |
By the way what color is Felix? I had been imagining him as a black cat as it would help him sneak around at night Sirah already had her hood spread and seemed Strider was getting ready to do something when someone screamed "There's a giant cat coming out of the supply closet!" |
(More like a dark gray - he just looks common.) "Not so loud," said Felix, to the screamer. "Would you like bit if someone screamed 'Ah! A Hairless Monkey!' in your ears?" He then decided to scurry away, wanting to get away from the poor creature. |
Giving a flap of his wing, Strider engulfed himself into flames and chaeged the glass. "Pheonix Style: Fire Rocket!" With a grand hit, Stryder superheated the glass upon contact, shattering a hole through and blower the hairless monkeys away, and knocking them out. Turning back, he walked up to the young lady and held a hand out. "Hope I didn't frighten you. Are you okay?" |
An old man who seemed to be the leader hit a big red button to put the lab on lockdown, all possible exits were blocked by reenforced steel "You can't go out!' The Old Man yelled "You're not in your home dimension anymore! Here the only creatures that are intelligent and talk are us humans! If you were to go outside other humans would shoot you dead because they would see you as freaks of nature!" "They can't kill a Phoenix." Strider said |
Felix found himself by a steel door. He rubbed his paws together. "Well, let's see if I can get this thing's lock to open up with a little magic." He placed his hand upon the door, and energy flowed through it. "Wow! That's an interesting form of magic! Let's see - Open Calico!" |
Walking up to the doctor, Strider picked the doctor up by the collar of his shirt. Anger evident in his eyes. "Funny thing. You may of locked us in, you also locked yourself in with us." Turning his body heat up, Strider forced it onto the monkey man, causing him to sweat. "Now, I suggest you answer me, or we'll have ourselves a little feast out of you. Where are we? How did you bring us here? And can you send us back?" |
"You're on Planet Earth!" The Man said quickly "We were testing our probe in serch of alternate dimensions! Our probe sought to collect sample life forms to see if the Dimension was habitable for Earth life..." "Look!" Sirah exclaimed "Look's like that Cat is opening the door!" |
"They have some very interesting magic, if you're interested in knowing," said Felix. |
Setting the man down, but close so not to escape, Stryder filled in Felix in what they found out. "So, any idea of what to do? Do we explore the new world, stay, or get them to send us back?" |
"The Interdimensonal Probe has burnt out..." Said a Woman pointing to a device that looked like a giant fountain pen that was smoking |
"It's not mage it's scientist!" Said the Old Man "There is no magic here!" "What are you talking about?!" Felix asked extremly alarmed "I just used magic to open your door just now!" |
"Magic isn't possible," the old man said. "It doesn't exist." Felix held up his hand, holding a ring in his fingers. "Then, how did I get this?" The old man's eyes widened. "How did you grab my wedding ring?" "Magic," said Felix, as he placed the item on a table. "What else have you snagged?" the old man asked. Felix snapped his fingers, and a pen saying "Charles' Ladies" was laying on the palm of his hand. "A funny writing stick." "That's not mine," the old man said. He looked, and saw that the female scientist had a highly embarrassed face. |
"Anyway like I said..." Said the Old Scientist "..In this world the only creatures who talk and wear clothes are us humans. Cats and snakes and birds are much smaller and aren't intelligent you go out there other humans will freak out! They'll send the police or the National Guard after you and then you'll find yourselves at Area 51 on a dissection table!" |
"I don't think that they'd put them on a dissection table," said the female scientist. "That might lead to trouble with their home world, especially if they are important. Besides, most movies and books, and such have been trying the Diplomatic route these days, as a first option, with violence being used if the would-be invaders are actually hostile." |
Eyeing both scientist, Strider began to wonder if what they say is true of there world. |
Uh...Soodersooder...Do you have any ideas for a character? Let me remind yu this campfire is timed it will end with WDC birthday, I just said I wanted the players to be a little familar with New Wolrd New Memories you didn't have to read all of it "Still..." Said the Old Man Scientist "...I'm not sure these creatures could handle our world, look at their clothes! They look positvly medievel! What would they do if they saw a car?" |
"It's a..." The Older Man rubbed his head "...Do you have carriages where you're from?" "Yes." Feli said "What pulls them?" Asked the older man "People..." Felix said "...Normally big and strong servants." "Well a car is basically a carriage that doesn't need to be pulled." The Older Scientist said "...Car is basically short for 'Horseless Carriage' it's moves by." "Professor Conwall." Said a Young Intern who had his hand over a phone "We just got an alert...Bishop is coming!" Professor Cornwall facepalmed "I knew that asshole wouldn't leave us alone! Listen what I said about being on a Disection Table...Well it will happen to you for sure if the one called 'Bishop finds you here!" "What are we going to do?" The female Scien tist asked "I have this secret mechanism I've developed..." Said Cornwall "...To put the whole city on Lockdown...Giving these creatures time to find shelter somewhere else and to delay Bishop getting in..." "Wait..." Said the Intern "...Is that the thing you were telling me about...The think that's connected to..." "Yes..." Said Cornwall "With this Button I can unlock all of Arkham uphill from us...Thus all of Gotham City will be in a temporay lockdown giving these creatures time to escape..." |
"How does putting a whole city on lockdown give us time to escape?" Felix asked. "Wouldn't we be trapped?" |
(Sorry gang, can't add today, doing farm work.) It was then Felix had a idea. "What if they couldn't see us? What if this place has something similiar like a aquaduct for the cities back home? We cpuld probably escape if we had a map or something to navigate it." |
"The idea..." Said Coenwall "...Is the ordinary citizens would be all inside and no one could get in while the Rogues are running loose and during that confusion you could get out of the lab and find someplace to hide while no one is looking." |
"Are we talking about a bunch of dangerous criminals running around, doing who knows what?" Felix asked. "Seriously - knock the guy out with sleeping magic or something." |
OK our modem went kaput last night and the new modem won't be here till; Thursday so with a heavy heart I end this campfire early The End! |