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A classic D&D style adventure, inspired by Big Bad Wolf. |
This was originally a contest entry for a competition my friend, Big Bad Wolf, was holding. I decided I wouldn't be able to finish it in time, but still really wanted to do the story, so I made it a campfire instead. Anyone who wishes to join in is welcome. Basically, five adventurers are hired by a mysterious client to delve deep into a labyrinth in search of riches. But who is this client? Is he more than he seems? Read on to find out! |
In a small town close to the heartland of the kingdom, lies the Golden Fox Inn. With a bar area downstairs and rooms for rent above, it makes a perfect place for weary travelers and adventurers alike to kick back for a spell after a long day. Aside from the local patrons, dozens of adventurers stop by every week along the way to their next quest objective, to rest for the night or relax with a nice big mug of beer, or even to share stories of their most recent questing antics. In the corner of the bar area, sitting at a table alone, sat a mysterious figure in a green cloak, their hood obscuring their face. The figure said nothing, staring intently at the tavern entrance from beneath their hood. They had been that way for quite a while, just sitting silently in the dark corner, waiting for something. Finally, their waiting was over when another hooded figure, this one in black, entered the tavern and approached the stranger’s corner. “Have a seat.” The green cloaked figure said, motioning to an adjacent chair. The one in black did so before reaching into their pocket and pulling out a piece of parchment taken from a notice board. The notice read – Adventurers Wanted! Fancy yourself an adventurer? Looking to line your pockets with enough gold to be set for life? Maybe it’s mighty relics of power that you seek? Whatever the case, this may be just what you’re looking for! Adventurers of all classes wanted for an expedition into the ruins of Gardavan, to retrieve a certain object of interest for the client. Any and all spoils the party finds along the way will be theirs to keep. Meet the client at the Golden Fox Inn in the town of Gondavel by midnight. You’ll know me by my green cloak. Warning: Extreme danger! Not for the faint of heart, professionals only! Client will not be responsible for any injuries or conditions party members may incur while questing, including but not limited to: poisoning, incineration, dismemberment or death. “Saw my notice, eh?” the green hooded one said. The black cloaked figure nodded. “Indeed. You want the best of the best? You’re looking at them.” Lifting the edge of their hood just enough to reveal their face, the dark cloaked one revealed themselves to be a member of the Kath, a race of humanoid felines, and a female one at that. Her fur was as black as the cloak she wore, while her eyes were two glistening yellow orbs with slits for pupils. The client had actually seen her face several times before, on wanted posters. “So, the infamous Teera Shadowpaw answers my notice.” The Kath quickly shushed him before looking around to make sure nobody was eavesdropping. “Don’t say my name so loud, I am a wanted criminal after all.” “So what reason do you have for wanting to partake in this quest, may I ask?” the client inquired. “Your notice said you were paying enough to set me up for life. Music to my ears.” The catwoman said, and the client chuckled “So in other words, greed?” Teera let out a low growl “No, not greed, necessity. Few know this, but the only reason I became the world’s most infamous thief is because I was born into a poor family with several siblings. After our parents died of plague, as the oldest, it was up to me to look after them. I only turned to thievery out of desperation. Turns out, I’m very good at it.” The client nodded. “I understand, of course. Before we get to business, let’s wait and see if anyone else comes. Order whatever you like, my treat.” The two of them sat in silence for a while as Teera enjoyed a rare cut of meat and a bottle of ale. Then, a second adventurer entered the tavern, this one a muscular and bearded dwarf. The top of his head was bald as an egg, but his thick, fiery beard obscured most of his torso. Strapped to his back were a pair of axes, the handles just short enough for them to fit in each of his large, strong hands. He approached the table where Teera and the client sat, placing an identical notice on the tabletop. “You the one that posted this?” Asked the dwarf in a gruff voice. The client nodded. “Avar the Red, at your service.” Said the dwarf with a curt nod. As Avar pulled up a seat at the table and ordered a drink from a nearby barmaid, the client asked “So what’s your story?” “Not much to tell, really.” Said Avar as he downed a mug of mead. “Just a dwarf from the mountain kingdoms, looking to make some coin.” Beneath their hood, the client smirked. “If you say so. So what do you think qualifies you for this job?” “In my homeland, they call me Avar the Bloody. Need some bandits taken care of? Some monsters slaughtered? Maybe a princess rescued? I’m your dwarf.” “Fair enough.” Said the client “I suppose you’ll do. We have about an hour until time is up, let’s see if anyone else shows, then we’ll discuss the details of the quest I have on offer.” At about five minutes to midnight, three more adventurers entered the tavern and approached the table. They were a female centaur, a human knight, and an elven sorceress. The centaur had the body of a chestnut mare below her waist, while a green tunic covered her torso. She had Golden hair in a ponytail, and a quiver of arrows strapped across her back. The knight looked like something straight out of a children’s tale, dressed in plate armor with a sword at his side and shield across his back bearing the insignia of his order. He wore no helmet, exposing his dark thick locks of hair and handsome features. The elf wore a green and gold trimmed robe and carried a staff of oakwood, her hair also golden like the centaur’s, with her pointy ears protruding from the sides. The trio approached the table and placed three more notices in front of the client. “Just in time.” Said the client “I was about to go into more details on the job with these two. Care to introduce yourselves?” The centaur stepped forward “Cecilia the Swift, of the Ironhoof tribe.” The knight gave a small bow before saying “Sir Kane of Wolvurdale, at your service.” The elf simply stated “Percelia Melona, sorceress extraordinaire.” At this, the client seemed to pique their interest. “Melona? As in the family whose very blood flows with magic?” Percelia nodded. “The very same.” “Well then, that explains your qualifications for this job.” The client looked to the on knight and the centaur. “What of you two?” “I can say without ego, that there is no finer archer among the centaur tribes than I.” Cecilia declared, while Sir Kane said “I am the bravest and fiercest knight in my order, so says my Lord. I have slain monsters of all types from imps to dragons.” They sat around the table, and the client got down to business. “All you need know of me is that I seek an item of great value that I cannot retrieve myself. This item I have recently discovered to be located deep within a dungeon, which of course, is filled to the brim with dangerous traps, monsters, and other various perils. Otherwise, I wouldn’t need to hire professionals such as yourselves.” The five adventurers simply nodded, and the client continued. “As the notice says, this object I seek lies deep beneath the ruined city of Gardavan. Few know this, but below the ruins of the city is a vast labyrinth, called the Maze of Malice. At the center of this maze is an immense chamber filled to the brim with riches and magical artifacts. I am hiring the lot of you to reach this chamber and bring back the item in question; a large black jewel, about the size of your fist. The rest of the treasure you may divide amongst yourselves however you see fit, but the gem is mine. Agreed?” The five all agreed to the job, and the client pulled out a map from inside his cloak. “Tomorrow morning, head west until you reach the ruined city. Should take a week or so. This map should help you find the maze entrance. Now, I have taken the liberty of renting you rooms here for the night. I shall wait for your return here. Sleep well, and good luck to you all.” The next morning… |
(I think I understand my one friend's commit about introducing a lot of characters by one person in a campfire....) "Best be careful about this job," said Kane, as the group ate breakfast. "There's always a catch with these kinds of clients. Might end up having to kill him." "Thought you to be a knight," said Cecilia. "True, but foolish knights end up dead," said Kane. "I intend to stay alive." |
After breakfast, the party set out on their adventure, heading west as the client had instructed. About an hour into the journey, A few of the group members asked Cecelia if she would let them ride her while they rested their feet for a while. "Sorry, but no." She replied "To a centaur, letting someone ride you is a show of trust and respect. I barely know any of you, so it just wouldn't be right. I'm afraid you'll all have to walk." Around noon, the group stopped to rest for a bit beneath the shade of a large tree. " Has anyone ever been to this ruined city before?" Asked Teera, and most of the group shook their heads, except Percelia. "I haven't actually been there, but I've studied legends of it in my research before. Supposedly, long ago the city was dominated by a cult who worshipped one of the Fallen Gods, who promised his followers that when the time came, they would assault the heavens themselves and overthrow the old pantheon, with the cult members living forever alongside their new Lord. Of course, that's just a legend." "But legends often have some truth to them." Interjected Kane "I should know, I've battled several creatures from myth and superstition. Sometimes, the stories of how to deal with them are true. For example, I once tried to destroy a vampire matriarch by luring her into sunlight. Turns out, that only works on weaker vampires. However, beheading them always does the trick." "But wouldn't that kill pretty much anyone?" Said Avar, and Kane chuckled "True, but I didn't have any garlic on me at the time, so I had to make due with my sword. Still don't know if garlic actually works on vampires." Just then, Cecilia, who was on lookout duty called out "Looks like there's a group approaching from the south!" Everyone readied their weapons, in case it was a bandit attack. "How many of them?" Asked Kane "Hard to say." Cecilia replied "They're moving in single file, but I'd bet there's at least three." |
"In that case, set up a precautionary ambush," said Kane. He pointed at Teera. "Hide yourself nearby, along with Percelia. The two of you might be less noticeable than myself or Avar, or Cecilia when it comes to hiding. If they prove to be hostile, attack from a distance, and then carefully move to another spot." "I'm pretty good at hiding," the centaur said. "I want you to have room for your bow, and to be able to run," said Kane. "In fact, you're going to be a hundred feet in that direction. Far enough that the average bandit can't just charge you with a sword without collecting a few arrows the hard way, yet close enough that you yourself could charge in and help if things are going wrong." "What about you and I?" Avar asked. "We're the bait," said Kane. "If these folks seem to be okay, Cecilia can reveal herself, yet stay at a distance. If they prove to be hostile, that's when you and I use our sword and axes." "Sounds as if you've done this before," said Avar. "When I was a squire, my Lord and I did a job with a group," said Kane. "It was my Lord who came up with the plan." |
Name: Rayne Daie Age: 17 Appearance: Blue skin and green hair Class: Rogue Rayne saunters into the place where the adventurers were, "Hiya, did anyone call for help by any chance?" He said with a charming smile. |