Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2205241-Hogwarts-Fanfic
Hogwarts Fanfic
Name: CJ Riverwolf
Nickname: Ce-Ce (does not like being called that her brother calls her that to annoy her) Kit-Kat ( by close freinds)
Age: 13
Birthday: May 12th
Description: Short messy bob hair cut half white and half black hair, Minty blue eyes ,Height 5’4 weight 105llbs, Normal build, (normaly wear’s aside from ravenclaw uniform) An black crock-top with black ripped up jeans with dragon-skin boots, and an golden bird locket.
Personality: firey temper at times, Smart,slightly mysterious
Background: Her and her twin brother AJ are run aways from there family they where death eaters CJ has the word Halfblood on her ankle that hurts and bleeds everytime she say’s halfblood.
Hobbies: Fighting, climbing trees, reading
Pet: An snowy owl named Frost
House: 2nd Year Ravenclaw
parnets/Family: Twin brother/ AJ Riverwolf
Wand: Ash wood with an dragoheart stringcore 12 ½ inches

Name: AJ Riverwolf
Nickname: Rain( By his freind and sometimes by his sister) Ali( called this by his sister to annoy him)
Age: 13
Birthday: May 12th
Description: Short messy hair Half black half white, Minty green eyes, Height 5’6 Weight 120, Kinda muscaler build,(Normaly wear aside Ravenclaw uniform) An white tee-shirt with an black bluejean jacket with blue-jean ripped up jeans with Black nikes also wears an silver bird locket
Personality: firey temper at times, Smart,slightly mysterious
Background: him and his twin sister CJ are run aways from there family they where death eaters. He has an scar on his upper arm from when his father cast an spell at CJ he jumped infornt of her.
Hobbies: fighting, Reading, Rockclimbing,Smarish
Pet: An barny owl named Red
House: Ravenclaw 2nd year
Parnets/Family: Twin Sister/ CJ Riverwolf
Wand: Cherry wood Uincorn hair 11 inches

Name: Lily Storm
Nickname: Stormy
Age: 12
Birthday: June 4th
Description: Blonde hair to mid-back, lily-pad green eyes, Height 5’2,weight 98llbs (wears aside ravenclaw uniform) an Lily-pad green dress with an frog print on the top part with leather boots and an frog necklace
Personality: Smart, Very shy,Bookworm
Background: Her mother left her when she was 4 she know only live wth her father
Hobbies: Naurte walks,catching frog,long walks
Pets: An frog named curp and an owlet named Flower
House: Ravenclaw first year
Parnets/Family: Father/ Tom Storm
Wand: Dark Oak wood Thunderbird talon core 10 inches

Name: Faro Chatex
Nickname: Fa-Fa (by his little sister who is four)
Age: 13
Birthday: March 13th
Description: Bright red hair with pale grey eyes, height 5’11. Weight 132llbs (wears aside from his Slytherin uniform) An durmstang jacket with an black tee-shirt and ripped up jeans with white nikes and an Flame hair pin his little sister gave him he wears in the orange streak he dyed
Personality: Fighter, Mean to Bullies, Smart, sweet
Background: His Real fater is decreased and his mother remarried an muggle that makes his step sister an muggle and him a pureblood wizard he is also an tranfer from Durmstang.
Hobbies: Writing letters to his sister, Fighting, Working out in the hogwarts gym
Pets: An Black mamba snake named scaley and an hawk owl named Hoot
House: Slytherin 2nd year
Parnets/family: Birth Mom/ Alexia Chatex, Step Father/ Will Norix, Step little sister/ Harmony Norix
Wand: Birch wood with an troll whisker core 14 and ½ inches

Name: Ecipse Celestrial
Nickname: Celest, Star (From her dad)
Age: 12
Birthday: Oct. 31
Description: Dark Black hair mid-back, Grey eyes that can turn red (Depends if she is mad or not. If so, her hair turns white and her two tailed fox form appears), wears Stolen Jacket, Black skull shirt, ripped black jean, Two forms (Wolf form and Two tailed fox form)
Personality: Sharp tempor, Not talkitive, Slight rudeness torwards others
Background: N/A (She doesn’t say)
Hobbies: Anything fighting related, Hiking, Drawing sometimes (Not in public)
Pet: Snowy owl named Jolt Scar, Black cat named shadow
House: Slytherin
Parnets/Family: Shu Celestrial (Missing)
Wand: Phionex tail feather core Cherry 12 inch wand

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2205241-Hogwarts-Fanfic